5537714 BLA-26-06: Unaddressed ' 5537714 Far;e: t C t , 6ii!1EF'NP1EW: i:ITY OF :F'iif;H ELR l::=;.i:i; RETU1tN r1DDRES5: Ci fnj 11707~. r ~ 4fP IOb I3ounclary Li►:e f1 djustment Cover Sheet Document Title: ,'BOIJ\`DA12Y LITIE ADJIJS`I'A4EI~'T d/Ar I.,Or Fi.,1M1NATION (circle one or both) Numbcr(s) of Related Dacuments: BLA- 07(-U6 C.: rantor: 1. -C- 'r u .5E1) /D-" A9U SiK6 L p 2 J C:rantee(s): 1. 'rln, n,4-U ~ ~ - 2. I.,ceal DesCript'ion: Quarler_A/ (A) Section ~ Q "fownship ~ S Ranbe 4/ S (See attached new legal(5) descripticm) All Assessor's Tax Yarcel ID Number(s): IFa. 0 3(o s .5-.s ~4;,r2. o~ R. E. E,xcise 7'~ i:~cempi ~ S1b/o ao Spokase Counry Trr.as ~I 5537714 F1:1a: 2, M f ' 05r1.-J200? 1f!; k`A Gi ii!EFJuiEVNT, l' IT°i' liF PUR T,:: . i'~'j i:n, !N Staff Approval C17 1 t}F' pokane ,,;OOValley CITY Or SPOhANE VA L[,FY Curnmunity Development Departmcat ' Planning Divisinn UaTH : , PK()PERTI' QVI'Yk:lt(S): .~;/76 , LP A n1 SrTE AlilluEss: • EXISTI\C I.:EGAL llESCRIPTIOn'(S) FOR LOT L(\F F1,1,111NA"1'ION/AD,IUS"1'A7EN7': See attacheci page for existing, lebal descriptinn(s). Parcel No(s). J~S/ S~? , o~ 3~~ ~~L+!'r~ccL~ v QGZ/G[sfir~N~F .5 u r~I~ Quarl.er /,)W Section_/ Towmship 12anje YftONUSED C,F.C.:AI, I:>I:SCltl191Qr(S) FQFZ LU'I' LINF. r.I,IM1NA'1'I0YIAI).IUSTA7Y:V'f': See attac}ied psgc for prc osed legxl dc.scription(s). Quartcr A-) G!J Secfion Township o?s Itange y-~ APPROIVEU 13Y: atureJTi lanning Divisiun Si~, Hc Date 5537714 Fati~?: ~ ~,ft E(1: 1`F~ ~ap1ERMPiEi',T. CIT'~' UF ':E'i?f;H BLR 1 SCFi1:RLL•`• Y Il SENIIOR HOUSTNG, L. P. is the owner of propeety legally described as follows: A certain parcel of land being those partions af Lots 3 and 4 in 131ock 25 of CO.RBIN ADDITION TO GkEENACRLS as per plat thereof recorded in Volunie "S" of plats, pages 30 ancl 31 and those portions of Lots 3, 5, 6, 7, ancl 8 in Block 2 of M:An11FOLD HOiV1ES A-DDlllOV TO GREENACRLS as per plat chereof recorded in Volume 2, of plats, page 19, described as follows: Commencing at the Northwest corner of the South 185.00 feet of said Lot 4 of CORBN AlllliTION TO GREENACRCS; thence along the vorth line af s3ici South 185.00 feet, rTortll 89 degrees ST 40" East a ciistance of 320.54 feet to the West line of said Lot 3 of CORBLN ADDTTION TO GPFFVACRES; thence continuing vorch 89 degrces ST 40" East along the Nort:h line of the South 185.00 feet of said Lot 3 of CORBN ADDITION TO GREENACRFS a dist3nce of.171.95 feet; t:hence parallel witli the West line of said Lot 3 oC CORBIN ADDITION TO GREENACRES, South QO degrees 25' 20" hast, a distance of 185.00 feet to the South line of said L.ot 3 of CORBTN' ADDTTTON TO GTZ.EENACRLS; tllence along said South line North $9 degrees 57' 40" East, a distance of 40.74 feet; tllence North 00 degrees 25' 20" West, a distance of 6.00 feet ta the Southwest corner of Lot 8 of said MANIFdLD HOMES ADDIT10N TO GREENTACR:ES; thence along said South line vocrth 89 dcgrces 57' 40" East, a distance of 108.30 feet to the East line of the Wc_st 10S.30 feet of Lots 5, 6, 7, and 8 of said MANTFOLD HOMES ADDiTION TO GR:EENACTZES; thence along said East line and alonD the West line of i..ot 4 of said MANT]:hOLll HOUES A]7I71TION TO GREENACRES, North 00 degrees 25' 20" Wesl, a distance of 444.57 feet to the Northwcst corner of said Lot 4 of MANTTFQLD HOIviES ADDI'fTON TO GREENACRES; ttieuce along the North line of the South 100.00 feet of Lot 3 of said MA1YCFOLD 1=i0MES ADDITION TO GREENACRES and along the South Line of the Vorth 200.00 feet of Lot 3 of CORBIN ADDITION TO GREENACRES, vorth 90 degrees 00' 00" West, a distmice of 242.21 feei; thence South 00 degrees 25' 20" East, a distance of 106.99 feet to a point 242.20 1`eet West and 307.00 feel Soulh of the vartheast corner of said Lot 3 of CORB[iN ADDITION TO GREENACRES; thence South 89 debrees 57' 40" West, a distance of 399.24 feet to the West line of said Lot 4 of CORBIN ADDITION TO GREENACR.ES; thence along said West linc South 00 degree_s 23' 12" E•ast, a distance nf 158.74 feet to the point of commencement. Situafe in the County of Spokane, Statc o.f Washington. 5537714 t , , • ~+`Ji~:r'~r~r:a7 i+?~ 15R AiiIJEFfdltENL lIT`i C(F .`:F'Oh:H Ed.;t x};1~j, 11F1 SLNGLET0N is the owner of the property legally ciescribcd as follows: Part of Lats 3 and 4 in Block 25 of CORE31N ADDITTONI TO GREENACRES, as per plat thereof recorded in Volume "S" of Plats, Page 30, described as follows: Beginning at a point on the North line of said Lot 3, 242.2 feet West of the Northeast eorner of said Lot; thence South parallcl with the East line of said Lot, 307 feet; khencc West to the Wcst line of Lot 4; thence North aloiig the wcst line nf said Lot 4, 177.9 feet more nr less to the Northwest corner of said Lat 4; thenec Northeasterly along the Nlorth linc oC said Lots 3 and 4 ta the point of beginning; EXCEPT the East 67 feet thcreof; situate in the County of Spokane; State of Washington. 5537714 F'ag? : ` C-i 7 Singleton - AfZer Quit-Claim i;i O0'iIMENT, f I T'i lIF BLR s,:~v i:o, lIR Pirt of T,,ots 3 and 4 in Block 25 of CORBIN A.DDITIONT TO GREE.NACR.CS, as per plat thereof recordcd in Volume "S" of Plats, Page 30, described as follows: Begiluiing at a point on the North line of said L,ot 3, 242.2 feet West of ttie Noriheast corncr of said Lot; thence Souih parallel with the East line af said Lot, 307 feet; thence West to the Wesl line of Lot 4; thence North alang the West line of said Lot 4; 177.9 feet more or Icss to the NOrthwcst corner of said I..ql 4; thence Nloriheasterly along the rTOrth line of said Lots 3 ancl 4 to the point of beginning; EXCEPT the East 67 feet thereof; situate in the County of Spokane, State of Washington. AND parts of L.ots Three (3) and Four (4) in Block Twenty-five (25) nf CORBIN' t\DDITION TO GR.CENACRES, in the County of Spokane, and State oC WaShingtoci, as per map thereof recorded in Book "S" of Flats, :E'agc Thirty (30), in the office of the County Auditor of said County, described as follows: 13eginning at a point on the north line of said Lot Three (3), 242.2 feet west of the northeast corucr of said T.ot; thence soulh Parallel with the easl line of said Lot, 307 feet; thEnce west to t11e wesi line of said Lot Four (4); thence north alnng the west line of said Lot Four(4), 177.9 feet, more or less to the northwest corncr of saia Lot rour (4); thence northeasterly along thc north line of said Lots Four(4) and Thrce(3) to the point of bcginning; LXCEPT the east 67 feet thereof; Describeci as follows: Beginning aI the southeast corner of said parcel; lhence South QO degrees OS' 22" East, along the cYtended east line of said parcel, 1.35 feet; thence South 89 degrees 59' 39" West, 177.17 feet to the center of an existing (6" x S" post); [hence South 88 degrees 19' 11" West, 44.46 feet, thence NOrth 00 degrees 14' 16" East, 3.59 feet to a point an the south line of said parcel, said point lyinb South 89 degrees 45' 44" East, 110.50 feet fram the southwest corner of said parcel; thence South 89 degrees 45' 44" East, 221.59 feet io the Point of IIeginning. 5537714 , p.a,F: r: ,,f , fa`16Vcfi@? qoi:l`R Tschirley - A fterQuit-Claim 601!ERhJIIEt'T, CITi' ff ':.POKM EL1i i':c;_f2~i ;;}:*V.~n? GC, !IA A certain parcel oF land bcing those portions af l:,ots 3 and 4 in .Qlock 25 Of CORBIN ADDITION TO GREENTACRLS as per plat thereof recorded in Voluilie "S" of plats, pages 30 and 31 and those portions of Lots 3, 51 6, 7, anci 8 in Block 2 of MANfFOLD HOMGS ADDIT10NT TO GREE.Nt1GRES as per plal tliereof rccorded in Volume 2 of plats, page 19, described as follows: Commencing at the Northtivest corner of the South 185.00 fect of said Lot 4 of CORBIN ADDITiON' TO GREENACRFS; thencc along ehe Nortll linc of saicl South 185.00 feet, Nor[h 89 clegrees 57' 40" East a distance of 320.54 feet to the West line of said I'lot 3 of CORBIN ADDITION TO GREENACRES; thence continuing North 89 degrccs 57' 40" East along the Nlorih line of the South 185.00 feet of said Lot 3 oF COIZBIN ADDITION TO GTtEENACRES a , distance of 171.95 feet; theilce parallel with the VVe,st line of said Lot 3 of CORl31v ADDITION TO GRELVACRES, South 00 degrecs 25' 20" East, a distance of 185.00 feet to tlle South line of said Lot 3 af COR]3IN ADDITION TO GRFENACRES; thence along said Soutli linc North 89 degrees 57' 40" East, a distance of 40.74 feet; thence NorCh 00 deerees 25' 20" West, a distance of 6.00 feet to the Southwest corncr of Lot 8 of said iANIFOLD HOMES t1D17T110N TO GREENACRFS; theiice along said South line North 89 ciegrees 57' 40" East, a distance of 108.30 feet to the East line of the West 108.30 feet of Lots 5, 6, 7, and 8 of said 'MAIN IFOLD HOMES A:L7171T1ON T4 GREENIACRES; thence along saia East line and along the West line of Lot 4 of said Mr1N1FQLD HOMES ADDITION TO GREEvACUS, North 00 degrees 25' 20" `Vest, a distance of 444.57 feet to the Northwest corner of saici Lot 4 of MANTFOLD HOMES ADDITION "C'O GREENACRES; thence alonb thc North line of the Sout}i 100.00 Feet af I..ot 3 of said MANTll^"OLD HOMES ADDITION TO GREENACRES and alone the South line of the NTOrth 200.00 feet of Lnt 3 of C0R131N ADDITION TO G17EENACRES, Narth 90 degrees 00' 00" VJest, a distance of 242,21 fcct; thence Snuth 00 degrees 25' 20" East, a distance of 106.99 fect to a point 242.20 feet Wcst anci 307.00 feet South of the iNorthe3st corner of said Lot 3 of CORBTiN ADDITION TO GREENACRFS; thence South 89 degrees 57' 40" West, a distance of 399.24 feet to the West line of saici Tdot 4 of CORBIN' ADDITION TO GREENACRES; thence along said 4Vest linc South OQ degi-ees 23' 12" East, a clistance of 155.74 feet to the point of c4mmenceitient. FXCLPT Part of LQts Three (3) and Four(4) in Block Twenty-fivc (25) of CORBN A:17D1'1"lUN TO GR.EENACRES, in lhe County of Spokaaie ancf State of Washington, as per map thcreoC recorded in Book "S" nf Plats, Page Thirty (30), in the Officc of [he Caunty Auditor of s3id County, described as follows: Beginning at a point on the north linc of said T ot Three (3), 242.2 feet west of the northeast cocner of said i..•ot; tllence south parallel with the east line of said Lot, 307 feet; thence west to the wesi line of said Lot Four (4); thence north along the wesi line of said i..ot Four (4), 177.9 t'eet, more or less to the northwest corner of said Lot Four (4); thence nnrtheasterly along the north line of said Lots Four (4) and Three (3) to the point ofbeginning; FtCEPT the east 67 feet thereof; 5537714 F' .>>L 7 iA 7 • E~`r!$rc~+0' !i!~ t`li i;CIIiEF.:NPiEIEi, CIT'r (T ':F'ilKli BLt"i i',~ti}:wk:,r-,e Co, llhi Describcd as fellows: Beginning at the southeast corner of said parcel; thence Souih 00 degrees OS' 22" Easc, along the extended east line of said parcel, 1.35 fcet; thence South 89 degrees 59' 39" VVcst, 177.17 feet to the center of an existing (6" rS") post; thence South 88 degrees 19' 11" West, 44.46 feet; thence North 00 degrees 14' 16" East, 3.59 feet to a point on the south liile of said parcel, said point lying South 89 degrecs 45' 44" East, 110.50 fect from the southwest corner of saici parcel; thence South 89 degrees 45' 44" Easl 221.59 fect to the Painl of Begituiing.