2013, 10-15 Permit App: APR-2013-0055 Approach000",„ Community Development Department Permit Center 11703 East Sprague Avenue, Suite B -3 Spokane Valley, WA 99206 Tel: (509) 688 -0036 Fax: (509) 688 -0037 permItcenter asookanevaliev.orq (Staff Use Only) PERMIT NUMBER: - PERMIT FEE: aSS- • APPROACH PERMIT APPLICATION PROJECT ADDRESS: 3 ./tf r/ ..0/0 e r �/]- 4( '2)44 . a f i p START DATE: /O // 7,x/3 f 1-1601./L±_-; // ANTICIPATED COMPLETI N DATE: BUILDING OWNER NAME: L I / l r. MAILING ADDRESS: 210 Iv IAN]) JL S1]/ a CIyiseduDy!i-VL STATE: f ZIP: AL' CONTACT PERSON NAME: 2E✓u Al/ al, PHONE: Q i? � / 2 » 1E/ (t b) FAX:,J//Cf CONTRACTOR NAME: MAILING ADDRESS: 2.0 di Ui /Ig/if /C :0j1 //N /C r / STATE: /Ifr/ZIP : L e PHONE g �27 (2-7/ FAX: 2'2 '2J /i Jr CELL: _S 9 .31f 779 CONTRACTOR LICENSE No.: L/vLi . Lti�/ Jj EXPIRES: 7 /// PROJECT Residential Driveway [Existing Curb & Gutter J Culvert Installation E3 Other Conditions: CITY BUSINESS LICENSE NO.:�� DESCRIPTION (Please Provide Site Sketch) M Commercial /Industrial Driveway [E1 Rural Road Section fiSidewaik Repair /Construction Bond /Insurance certification must be on file with the City. .DISCLAIMER The permitted verifies, acknowledges and agrees by their signature that: 1) If this permit Is for construction or on a dwelling, the dwelling Is /wIll be served by potable water. 2) Ownership of this City of Spokane Valle owner or has permission to represent the roe transaction. permit . 4) Inure construction the property be owner. de In The compliance Is the property Ci City of Spokane Valley Development code. Referrenced codes are available for review at the City of Spokane Valley Permit Center. )t The City oof Spokane Valley permit Is not a permit or approv •r any violation of federal, state or local Taws, codes or ordinances. 6) Plans or additional Information may be required to e submitted d s .sequentiy approved before this application can be processed. Signature Date: 40..3 /2 /3 11-e (3- ooss- Updated 1 -11 -11 Page 1 of 1 http:// www .spokanevalley.org /fiiestorage /124/ 938 /210 /948 /1496 /Approach_ Permit 1- 11- 11.doc APPROACH PERMIT APPLICATION REQUIRED SKETCH INFORMATION (Revised 1/25/10) Provide required measurements (in sketch boxes), and Include street name. Check all existing conditions that apply; K Sidewalk 5 ft wide - i0 ft from back of curb Streetslde Swale D Drainage Ditch • Drywell (show location on sketch) O Other (please describe below) 0 a. w 0 cc a EDGE 07 ASPHALT DISTANCE FROM NEAREST PROPERTY LINE MAY BE LEFT OR RIGHT SIDE) FT (SEE TABLE) CONCRETE APPROACH Z2 S N. Avalon Ct. Lc'+ i cv Z1 -CURB RETURN THR OAT WIDTH FT (SEE TABLE) STREET NAME IAN/(0,1 Ct STREET WITH CURB DISTANCE FROM NEAREST PROPERTY LINE AY BE LEFT OR RIGHT SIDE) FT (SEE TABLE) ASPHALT APPROACH 1—THROAT WIDTH f FT-- -- (SEE TABLE) STREET NAM E IF CORNER LOT, DISTANCE FROM CURB RETURN n FT (SEE TABLE) NiF CORNER LOT, DISTANCE FROM RADIUS RETURN Li FT (BEE TABLE) STREET WITH ASPHALT EDGE • Maximum 2 approaches per property frontage; one con arterials. • Total width of approaches not to exceed 50% of frontage width. Distance from Curb /Radlus Return Residential Approaches Commercial Approaches Separation between Approaches (measured from centerline to centerline of each approach) Throat Width (flat portion) Wing Width (at curb line) Minimum Distance from Side Property Line (© r /w) Minimum Distance from Crosswalk 15' minimum None specified 16' min., 30' max. 30' min., 40' max. 75' minimum See Page 7 -27 In City Street Standards 4 feet typical 5.0' 5' 4 feat typical 5.0' 5' 6impson Engineers, Inc. Founded 1046 Civil Engineering, Land Surveying & Land Planning October 14, 2013 John Johnson Development Inspector 11707 E. Sprague Ave., Suite 106 Spokane Valley, WA. 99206 Re: Roth Addition Phase 3 (SUB- 01 -10) Driveway Revisions Dear John: The builder has requested that 8 driveways be either widened or revised location from the as- built locations. Please see below and attached documents for additional information. The approved civil plans and drainage report where completed with 28.5' wide driveways for all lots. The swale area was adequate at that time, but with very little extra treatment area. Since the builder has requested that some driveways be shifted, which breaks up the swales in a different manor then was originally calculated I have revised all rational spreadsheets and provided an exhibit with treatment volume provided vs. treatment volume required for each basin. A similar exhibit was provided in the originally approved drainage report. Per the revised rational spreadsheets and exhibit, it is my professional opinion that the revised driveways are acceptable. Sincerely, Aaron Simpson, P'v Consulting Engineer 909 N. Argonne Rd., Spokane Valley, WA Phone: (509) 926 -1322 Fax: (509) 926 -1323 Email: aaron @simpsonengineers.com RATIONAL FORMULA HYDROLOGY CALCULATIONS DRAINAGE BASIN ANALYSIS & DESIGN for 10 YEAR STORM EVENT Simpson Engineers, Inc. North 909 Argonne Road, Spokane Valley WA 99212 Date: October 14, 2013 Project Name: Roth Addition Phase 3 Design: ACS Project Number: 15602 Disk File: 15602- rallonal- PH3 -DWY REVISIONS,xls Site Location: Spokane Valley Basin Name: BASIN -A Basin Description: West side Avalon Ct. Point of Concentration: Ex Curb Inlet -11 & Driveway of L1B1 Phase 2 SUBAREAS: Description Acres C A'C TIME OF CONCENTRATION (minutes): Tc (overland flow) Tc (gutter flow) Ex. Asphalt Pavement 0.000 0.90 0.000 Asphalt Pavement 0.038 0.90 0.034 Ct = 0.15 L2 = 24 Residential Roofs 0.001 0.90 0.001 Z1 = 12.35 Concrete Driveways 0.011 0.90 0.010 L1(A) = 65 Z2 = 0.167 Concrete Curb & Gutter 0.003 0.90 0.003 N(A) = 0.4 B = 0 Seperated Conc. Sidewalk 0.008 0.90 0.007 S(A) = 0.02 n = 0.016 Lawn /Landscaping 0.085 0.15 0.013 s = 0.0115 Tc (A) = 3.43 d = 0.14 Total Basin Area, acres = 0.146 Composite Runoff Coefficient = 0.463 L1(8). 0 Tc (gut.) 0.25 Combined (Area * Runoff Coefficient) = 0.068 N(B) = 0 Tc(A +B) 3.43 Assumptions: S(B) = 0 Tc total 5.00 1) Residential Roof = 1200 SF /Lot Intensity 2.62 Tc (B) = 0.0 Holding 0.86 2) Concrete Driveway = 480 SF /Lot or 840 SF /Lot STORM INTENSITY /DURATION CALCULATIONS Time of Co Ti (e o f Conc @ di = ncentration = #1 #2 #3 Time Time 480 Incrmnt. Incrmnt. 197 (min.) (sec.) (in. /hr) 01'60) 5.00 300.00 2.62 5 300 2.62 10 600 1.72 15 900 1.34 20 1200 1.13 25 1500 0.98 30 1800 0.88 35 2100 0.80 40 2400 0.74 45 2700 0.69 50 3000 0.64 55 3300 0.61 60 3600 0.58 65 3900 0.55 70 4200 0.53 75 4500 0.50 80 4800 0.48 85 5100 0.47 90 5400 0.45 95 5700 0.44 100 6000 0.42 Basin BASIN -A 0.18 c.f.s. 5.00 minutes PEAK DISCHARGE, 10 YEAR STORM: Q= C "1 "A= Depth of Flow in Gutter: d= I 0.18 C.F.S. 1 1 0.14 Feet "208" DRAINAGE PARAMETERS: Impervious "208" Area = "208" Volume Generated = NOTE: Basin drains to Ex Curb Inlet -11 and Driveway of L1 B1 Phase 2 2,265 sq. ft. 59 cu. ft. RATIONAL FORMULA HYDROLOGY CALCULATIONS DRAINAGE BASIN ANALYSIS & DESIGN for 10 YEAR STORM EVENT Simpson Engineers, Inc. North 909 Argonne Road, Spokane Valley WA 99212 Date: October 14, 2013 Project Name: Design: ACS Project Number: Disk File: 15602 - rational- PH3 -DWY REVISIONS.xls Site Location: Roth Addition Phase 3 15602 Spokane Valley Basin Name: BASIN -B Basin Description: West side Avalon Ct. Point of Concentration: Driveway of L1 B1 Phase 3 & Curb Inlet -20 SUBAREAS: Description Acres C A•0 Ex. Asphalt Pavement 0.000 0.90 0.000 Asphalt Pavement 0.033 0.90 0.030 Residential Roofs 0.041 0.90 0.037 Concrete Driveways 0.011 0.90 0.010 Concrete Curb & Gutter 0.005 0.90 0.005 Seperated Conc. Sidewalk 0.009 0.90 0.008 Lawn /Landscaping 0.218 0.15 0.033 Total Basin Area, acres = 0.317 Composite Runoff Coefficient = 0.384 Combined (Area Runoff Coefficient) = Assumptions: 1) Residential Roof = 1200 SF /Lot 2) Concrete Driveway = 480 SF /Lot or 840 SF /Lot TIME OF CONCENTRATION (minutes): Tc (overland flow) Tc (gutter flow) Ct = 0.15 L2 = 52.5 Z1 = 12.35 L1(A) = 130 Z2 = 0.167 N(A) = 0.4 B = 0 S(A) = 0.02 n = 0.016 s = 0.01 Tc (A) = 5.19 d = 0.17 L1(B) = 0 Tc (gut.) 0.52 0.122 N(B) = 0 Tc(A +B) 5.19 S(B) = 0 Tc total 5.71 Intensity : 2.49 Tc (B) = 0.0 Holding 1.87 O (estimated @ d) = STORM INTENSITY /DURATION CALCULATIONS Time of Concentration = #1 #2 #3 Time Time 480 Incrmnt. Incrmnt. 197 (min.) (sec.) (in. /hr) (#1'60) 5.71 342.55 2.49 5 300 2.62 10 600 1.72 15 900 1.34 20 1200 1.13 25 1500 0.98 30 1800 0.88 35 2100 0.80 40 2400 0.74 45 2700 0.69 50 3000 0.64 55 3300 0.61 60 3600 0.58 65 3900 0.55 70 4200 0.53 75 4500 0.50 80 4800 0.48 85 5100 0.47 90 5400 0.45 95 5700 0.44 100 6000 0.42 Basin BASIN -B 0.30 c.f.s. 5.71 minutes PEAK DISCHARGE, 10 YEAR STORM: Q= C•I•A= Depth of Flow in Gutter: d= I 0.30 C.F.S.I I 0.17 Feet I "208" DRAINAGE PARAMETERS: impervious "208" Area = "208" Volume Generated = 2,134 sq. ft. 56 cu. ft. NOTE: Basin drains to Driveway of L1B1 Phase 3 and Curb Inlet -20 RATIONAL FORMULA HYDROLOGY CALCULATIONS DRAINAGE BASIN ANALYSIS & DESIGN for 10 YEAR STORM EVENT Simpson Engineers, Inc. North 909 Argonne Road, Spokane Valley WA 99212 Date: October 14, 2013 Project Name: Roth Addition Phase 3 Design: ACS Project Number: 15602 Disk File: 15602- rallonal- PH3 -DWY REVISIONS xis Site Location: Spokane Valley Basin Name: BASIN -C Basin Description: West side Avalon Ct. Point of Concentration: Driveway of L2B1 Phase 3 SUBAREAS: Description Acres C A'C Ex. Asphalt Pavement 0.000 0.90 0.000 Asphalt Pavement 0.009 0.90 0.008 Ct = 0.15 L2 = 28.5 Residential Roofs 0.014 0.90 0.013 Z1 = 12.35 Concrete Driveways 0.011 0.90 0.010 L1(A) = 130 Z2 = 0.167 Concrete Curb & Gutter 0.001 0.90 0.001 N(A) = 0.4 B = 0 Seperated Conc. Sidewalk 0.004 0.90 0.004 S(A) = 0.02 n = 0.016 Lawn /Landscaping 0.121 0.15 0.018 s = 0.005 To (A) = 5.19 d = 0.14 Total Basin Area acres = 0.160 Composite Runoff Coefficient = 0.333 L1(B) = 0 Tc (gut.) 0.44 Combined (Area' Runoff Coefficient) = 0.053 N(B) = 0 Tc(A +B) 5.19 S(B) = 0 Tc total 5.63 Assumptions: Intensity : 2.51 1) Residential Roof = 1200 SF /Lot Tc (B) = 0.0 Holding 1.02 2) Concrete Driveway = 480 SF /Lot or 840 SF /Lot TIME OF CONCENTRATION (minutes): Tc (overland flow) Tc (gutter flow) Q (estimated @ d) = STORM INTENSITY /DURATION CALCULATIONS Time of Concentration = #1 #2 #3 Time Time 480 Incrmnt. Incrmnt. 197 (min.) (sec.) (in. /hr) ( #1'60) 5.63 337.83 2.51 5 300 2.62 10 600 1.72 15 900 1.34 20 1200 1.13 25 1500 0.98 30 1800 0.88 35 2100 0.80 40 2400 0.74 45 2700 0.69 50 3000 0.64 55 3300 0.61 60 3600 0.58 65 3900 0.55 70 4200 0.53 75 4500 0.50 80 4800 0.48 85 5100 0.47 90 5400 0.45 95 5700 0.44 100 6000 0.42 Basin BASIN -c 0.14 c.f.s. 5.63 minutes PEAK DISCHARGE, 10 YEAR STORM: Q=C*I*A= Depth of Flow in Gutter: d= 0.13 C.F.S. 0.14 Feet "208" DRAINAGE PARAMETERS: Impervious "208" Area = "208" Volume Generated = 915 sq. ft. 24 cu. ft. NOTE: Basin drains to Driveway of L2B1 Phase 3 RATIONAL FORMULA HYDROLOGY CALCULATIONS DRAINAGE BASIN ANALYSIS & DESIGN for 10 YEAR STORM EVENT Simpson Engineers, Inc. North 909 Argonne Road, Spokane Valley WA 99212 Date: October 14, 2013 Project Name: Design: ACS Project Number: Disk File: 15602 - rational- PH3 -DWV P,EVISIONS.xls Site Location: Roth Addition Phase 3 15602 Spokane Valley Basin Name: BASIN -D Basin Description: West side Avalon Ct. Point of Concentration: Driveways of L3B1, L4B1 Phase 3 & Curb Inlet -19 SUBAREAS: Description Acres C A•C Ex. Asphalt Pavement 0.000 0.90 0.000 Asphalt Pavement 0.052 0.90 0.047 Residential Roofs 0.055 0.90 0.050 Concrete Driveways 0.022 0.90 0.020 Concrete Curb & Gutter 0.007 0.90 0.006 Seperated Conc. Sidewalk 0.008 0.90 0.007 Lawn /Landscaping 0.222 0.15 0.033 Total Basin Area, acres = 0.366 Composite Runoff Coefficient = 0.445 L1(B) = 0 Tc (gut.) 1.05 Combined (Area' Runoff Coefficient) = 0.163 N(B) = 0 Tc(A +B) 5.19 TIME OF CONCENTRATION (minutes): Tc (overland flow) Tc (gutter flow) Ct = 0.15 L2 = Z1 = L1(A) = 130 Z2 = N(A) = 0.4 B = S(A) = 0.02 n = s = Tc (A) = 5.19 d = 87.5 12.35 0.167 0 0.016 0.005 0.21 Assumptions: 1) Residential Roof = 1200 SF /Lot 2) Concrete Driveway = 480 SF /Lot or 840 SF /Lot S(B) = 0 Tc total 6.24 Intensity : 2.40 Tc (B) = 0.0 Holding 3.12 O (estimated @ d) = STORM INTENSITY /DURATION CALCULATIONS Time of Concentration = #1 #2 #3 Time Time 480 Incrmnt. Incrmnt. 197 (min.) (sec.) (in. /hr) ( #1-60) 6.24 374.26 2.40 5 300 2.62 10 600 1.72 15 900 1.34 20 1200 1.13 25 1500 0.98 30 1800 0.88 35 2100 0.80 40 2400 0.74 45 2700 0.69 50 3000 0.64 55 3300 0.61 60 3600 0.58 65 3900 0.55 70 4200 0.53 75 4500 0.50 80 4800 0.48 85 5100 0.47 90 5400 0.45 95 5700 0.44 100 6000 0.42 Basin BASIN -D 0.39 c.f.s. 6.24 minutes PEAK DISCHARGE, 10 YEAR STORM: Q=C*I*A= Depth of Flow in Gutter: d= 0.39 C.F.S. 0.21 Feet "208" DRAINAGE PARAMETERS: Impervious "208" Area = "208" Volume Generated = 3,528 sq. ft. 92 cu. ft. NOTE: Basin drains to Driveway of L3B1, L3B1, & Curb Inlet -19 0.16 C.F.S.I RATIONAL FORMULA HYDROLOGY CALCULATIONS DRAINAGE BASIN ANALYSIS & DESIGN for 10 YEAR STORM EVENT Simpson Engineers, Inc. North 909 Argonne Road, Spokane Valley WA 99212 Date: October 14, 2013 Project Name: Design: ACS Project Number: Disk File: 15602- rallonal- PH3 -DWY P,EVISIONS.xds Site Location: Basin Name: BASIN -E Basin Description: West side Avalon Ct. Point of Concentration: Driveway of L5B1 Phase 3 SUBAREAS: Description Acres C A'C Roth Addition Phase 3 15602 Spokane Valley TIME OF CONCENTRATION (minutes): Tc (overland flow) Tc (gutter flow) Ex. Asphalt Pavement 0.000 0.90 0.000 Asphalt Pavement 0.029 0.90 0.026 Ct = 0.15 L2 = 28.5 Residential Roofs 0.014 0.90 0.013 Z1 = 12.35 Concrete Driveways 0.011 0.90 0.010 L1(A) = 130 Z2 = 0.167 Concrete Curb & Gutter 0.004 0.90 0.004 N(A) = 0.4 B = 0 Seperated Conc. Sidewalk 0.002 0.90 0.002 S(A) = 0.02 n = 0.016 Lawn /Landscaping 0.060 0.15 0.009 s = 0.005 Total Basin Area, acres = 0.120 Composite Runoff Coefficient = 0.525 L1(B) = 0 Tc (gut.) 0.43 Combined (Area * Runoff Coefficient) = 0.063 N(B) = 0 Tc(A +B) 5.19 Tc (A) = 5.19 d = 0.15 Assumptions: 1) Residential Roof = 1200 SF /Lot 2) Concrete Driveway = 480 SF /Lot or 840 SF /Lot S(B) = 0 Tc total 5.62 Intensity 2.51 Tc (B) = 0.0 Holding 1.02 Q (estimated @ d) = STORM INTENSITY /DURATION CALCULATIONS Time of Concentration = #1 #2 #3 Time Time 480 Incrmnt. Incrmnt. 197 (min.) (sec.) (in. /hr) (#1.60) 5.62 337.12 2.51 5 300 2.62 10 600 1.72 15 900 1.34 20 1200 1.13 25 1500 0.98 30 1800 0.88 35 2100 0.80 40 2400 0.74 45 2700 0.69 50 3000 0.64 55 3300 0.61 60 3600 0.58 65 3900 0.55 70 4200 0.53 75 4500 0.50 80 4800 0.48 85 5100 0.47 90 5400 0.45 95 5700 0.44 100 6000 0.42 Basin BASIN -E 0.16 c.f.s. 5.62 minutes PEAK DISCHARGE, 10 YEAR STORM: Q= C'I *A= Depth of Flow in Gutter: d= 0.15 Feet "208" DRAINAGE PARAMETERS: Impervious "208" Area = 1,917 sq. ft. "208" Volume Generated = 50 cu. ft. NOTE: Basin drains to Driveway of L5B1 Phase 3 0.21 Feet I RATIONAL FORMULA HYDROLOGY CALCULATIONS DRAINAGE BASIN ANALYSIS & DESIGN for 10 YEAR STORM EVENT Simpson Engineers, Inc. North 909 Argonne Road, Spokane Valley WA 99212 Date: October 14, 2013 Design: ACS Disk File: 15602•rallonal- PH3 -DWY REVISIONS.xIs Project Name: Roth Addition Phase 3 Project Number: 15602 Site Location: Spokane Valley Basin Name: BASIN -F Basin Description: West side Avalon Ct. Point of Concentration: Curb Inlet -22 SUBAREAS: Description Acres C A'C Ex. Asphalt Pavement 0.000 0.90 0.000 Asphalt Pavement 0.067 0.90 0.060 Residential Roofs 0.069 0.90 0.062 Concrete Driveways 0.022 0.90 0.020 Concrete Curb & Gutter 0.006 0.90 0.005 Separated Conc. Sidewalk 0.009 0.90 0.008 Adjacent Sidewalk 0.019 0.90 0.017 Lawn /Landscaping 0.388 0.15 0.058 Total Basin Area, acres = 0.580 Composite Runoff Coefficient = 0.398 Combined (Area Runoff Coefficient) = Assumptions: 1) Residential Roof = 1200 SF /Lot 2) Concrete Driveway = 480 SF /Lot or 840 SF /Lot TIME OF CONCENTRATION (minutes): Tc (overland flow) Tc (gutter flow) Ct = 0.15 L2 = Z1 = L1(A) = 130 Z2 = N(A) = 0.4 B = S(A) = 0.02 n = S = Tc (A) = 5.19 d = 130 12.35 0.167 0 0.016 0.0101 0.21 L1(B) = 0 Tc (gut.) 1.09 N(B) = 0 Tc(A +B) 5.19 0.231 S(B) = 0 Tc total 6.29 Intensity : 2.39 Tc (B) = 0.0 Holding 4.63 STORM INTENSITY /DURATION CALCULATIONS #1 #2 #3 Time Time 480 Incrmnt. Incrmnt. 197 (min.) (sec.) (in. /hr) (i11.6O) 6.29 377.11 2.39 5 300 2.62 10 600 1.72 15 900 1.34 20 1200 1.13 25 1500 0.98 30 1800 0.88 35 2100 0.80 40 2400 0.74 45 2700 0.69 50 3000 0.64 55 3300 0.61 60 3600 0.58 65 3900 0.55 70 4200 0.53 75 4500 0.50 80 4800 0.48 85 5100 0.47 90 5400 0.45 95 5700 0.44 100 6000 0.42 Basin BASIN -F Q (estimated @ d) = Time of Concentration = 0.55 c.f.s. 6.29 minutes PEAK DISCHARGE, 10 YEAR STORM: Q= C•I'A= Depth of Flow in Gutter: d= 0.55 C.F.S. "208" DRAINAGE PARAMETERS: Impervious "208" Area = "208" Volume Generated = NOTE: Basin drains to Curb Inlet -22 4,966 sq. ft. 129 cu. ft. 0.48 C.F.S. 1 RATIONAL FORMULA HYDROLOGY CALCULATIONS DRAINAGE BASIN ANALYSIS & DESIGN for 10 YEAR STORM EVENT Simpson Engineers, Inc. North 909 Argonne Road, Spokane Valley WA 99212 Date: October 14, 2013 Design: ACS Disk File: 15602- rational- PN3 -DWY REVISIONS.xls Project Name: Project Number: Site Location: Basin Name: BASIN -G -1 Basin Description: West side Avalon Ct. Point of Concentration: Curb Inlet -23 Roth Addition Phase 3 15602 Spokane Valley SUBAREAS: TIME OF CONCENTRATION (minutes): Description Acres C A'C Tc (overland flow) Tc (gutter flow) Ex. Asphalt Pavement 0.000 0.90 0.000 Asphalt Pavement 0.106 0.90 0.095 Ct = 0.15 L2 = 143 Residential Roofs 0.041 0.90 0.037 Z1 = 12.35 Concrete Driveways 0.017 0.90 0.015 L1(A) = 148 Z2 = 0.167 Concrete Curb & Gutter 0.007 0.90 0.006 N(A) = 0.4 B = 0 Separated Conc. Sidewalk 0.002 0.90 0.002 S(A) = 0.02 n = 0.016 Adjacent Sidewalk 0.020 0.90 0.018 s = 0.01 Lawn /Landscaping 0.226 0.15 0.034 Tc (A) = 5.61 d = 0.22 Total Basin Area, acres = 0.419 L1(B) = 0 Tc (gut.) 1.16 Composite Runoff Coefficient = 0.495 N(B) = 0 Tc(A +B) 5.61 Combined (Area' Runoff Coefficient) = 0.208 S(B) = 0 Tc total 6.77 Intensity = 2.30 Assumptions: Tc (B) = 0.0 Holding 5.09 1) Residential Roof = 1200 SF /Lot g 2) Concrete Driveway = 480 SF /Lot or 840 SF /Lot STORM INTENSITY /DURATION CALCULATIONS #1 #2 #3 Time Time 480 Incrmnt. Incrmnt. 197 (min.) (sec.) (in. /hr) (#1'60) 6.77 406.39 2.30 5 300 2.62 10 600 1.72 15 900 1.34 20 1200 1.13 25 1500 0.98 30 1800 0.88 35 2100 0.80 40 2400 0.74 45 2700 0.69 50 3000 0.64 55 3300 0.61 60 3600 0.58 65 3900 0.55 70 4200 0.53 75 4500 0.50 80 4800 0.48 85 5100 0.47 90 5400 0.45 95 5700 0.44 100 6000 0.42 Basin BASIN -G -1 Q (estimated @ d) = Time of Concentration = 0.64 c.f.s. 6.77 minutes PEAK DISCHARGE, 10 YEAR STORM: Q= C "I•A= Depth of Flow in Gutter: d= 0.22 Feet "208" DRAINAGE PARAMETERS: Impervious "208" Area = "208" Volume Generated = NOTE: Basin drains to Curb Inlet -23 6,534 sq. ft. 170 cu. ft. RATIONAL FORMULA HYDROLOGY CALCULATIONS DRAINAGE BASIN ANALYSIS & DESIGN for 10 YEAR STORM EVENT Simpson Engineers, Inc. North 909 Argonne Road, Spokane Valley WA 99212 Date: October 14, 2013 Design: ACS Disk File: 15602 - rational- PH3 -DWY REVISIONS.xls Project Name: Project Number: Site Location: Basin Name: BASIN -G -2 Basin Description: West side Avalon Ct. Point of Concentration: Driveway L9B1 Phase 3 SUBAREAS: Description Acres C A'C Roth Addition Phase 3 15602 Spokane Valley TIME OF CONCENTRATION (minutes): Tc (overland flow) Tc (gutter flow) Ex. Asphalt Pavement 0.000 0.90 0.000 Asphalt Pavement 0.008 0.90 0.007 Ct = 0.15 L2 = 16 Residential Roofs 0.014 0.90 0.013 Z1 = 12.35 Concrete Driveways 0.011 0.90 0.010 L1(A) = 133 Z2 = 0.167 Concrete Curb & Gutter 0.002 0.90 0.002 N(A) = 0.4 B = 0 Seperated Conc. Sidewalk 0.003 0.90 0.003 S(A) = 0.02 n = 0.016 Adjacent Sidewalk 0.000 0.90 0.000 s = 0.01 Lawn /Landscaping 0.092 0.15 0.014 Tc (A) = 5.26 d = 0.12 Total Basin Area, acres = 0.130 L1(B) = 0 Tc (gut.) 0.20 Composite Runoff Coefficient = 0.369 N(B) = 0 Tc(A +B) 5.26 Combined (Area * Runoff Coefficient) = 0.048 S(B) = 0 Tc total 5.46 Intensity 2.54 Assumptions: Tc (B) = 0.0 Holding 0.57 1) Residential Roof = 1200 SF /Lot 2) Concrete Driveway = 480 SF /Lot or 840 SF /Lot O (estimated @ d) _ STORM INTENSITY /DURATION CALCULATIONS Time of Concentration = #1 #2 #3 Time Time 480 Incrmnt. Incrmnt. 197 (min.) (sec.) (in. /hr) ( #1.60) 5.46 327.63 2.54 5 300 2.62 10 600 1.72 15 900 1.34 20 1200 1.13 25 1500 0.98 30 1800 0.88 35 2100 0.80 40 2400 0.74 45 2700 0.69 50 3000 0.64 55 3300 0.61 60 3600 0.58 65 3900 0.55 70 4200 0.53 75 4500 0.50 80 4800 0.48 85 5100 0.47 90 5400 0.45 95 5700 0.44 100 6000 0.42 Basin BASIN -G -2 0.12 c.f.s. 5.46 minutes PEAK DISCHARGE, 10 YEAR STORM: Q= C *I *A= Depth of Flow in Gutter: d= 0.12 C.F.S. 0.12 Feet "208" DRAINAGE PARAMETERS: Impervious "208" Area = "208" Volume Generated = NOTE: Basin drains to Driveway L9 -B1 915 sq. ft. 24 cu. ft. RATIONAL FORMULA HYDROLOGY CALCULATIONS DRAINAGE BASIN ANALYSIS & DESIGN for 10 YEAR STORM EVENT Simpson Engineers, Inc. North 909 Argonne Road, Spokane Valley WA 99212 Date: October 14, 2013 Design: ACS Disk File: 15602 - rational- PH3 -DWY REVISIONS.xIs Project Name: Project Number: Site Location: Basin Name: BASIN -H Basin Description: East side Avalon Ct. Point of Concentration: Driveway L10B1 Phase 3 SUBAREAS: Description Acres C A'C Roth Addition Phase 3 15602 Spokane Valley TIME OF CONCENTRATION (minutes): Tc (overland flow) Tc (gutter flow) Ex. Asphalt Pavement 0.000 0.90 0.000 Asphalt Pavement 0.018 0.90 0.016 Ct = 0.15 L2 = 28.5 Residential Roofs 0.028 0.90 0.025 Z1 = 12.35 Concrete Driveways 0.020 0.90 0.018 L1(A) = 130 Z2 = 0.167 Concrete Curb & Gutter 0.002 0.90 0.002 N(A) = 0.4 B = 0 Separated Conc. Sidewalk 0.005 0.90 0.005 S(A) = 0.02 n = 0.016 Lawn /Landscaping 0,170 0.15 0.026 s = 0.005 Tc (A) = 5.19 d = 0.17 Total Basin Area, acres = 0.243 Composite Runoff Coefficient = 0.375 L1(B) = 0 Tc (gut.) 0.39 Combined (Area * Runoff Coefficient) = 0.091 N(B) = 0 Tc(A +B) 5.19 S(B) = 0 Tc total 5.58 Assumptions: Intensity 2.52 1) Residential Roof = 1200 SF /Lot Tc (B) = 0.0 Holding 1.02 2) Concrete Driveway = 480 SF /Lot or 840 SF /Lot Q (estimated @ d) = STORM INTENSITY /DURATION CALCULATIONS Time of Concentration = #1 #2 #3 Time Time 480 Incrmnt. Incrmnt. 197 (min.) (sec.) (in. /hr) ( #1'60) 5.58 334.71 2.52 5 300 2.62 10 600 1.72 15 900 1.34 20 1200 1.13 25 1500 0,98 30 1800 0.88 35 2100 0.80 40 2400 0.74 45 2700 0.69 50 3000 0.64 55 3300 0.61 60 3600 0.58 65 3900 0.55 70 4200 0.53 75 4500 0.50 80 4800 0.48 85 5100 0.47 90 5400 0.45 95 5700 0.44 100 6000 0.42 Basin BASIN -H 0.23 c.f.s. 5.58 minutes PEAK DISCHARGE, 10 YEAR STORM: Q=C*I*A= Depth of Flow in Gutter: d= 0.23 C.F.S. 0.17 Feet "208" DRAINAGE PARAMETERS: Impervious "208" Area = "208" Volume Generated = NOTE: Basin drains to Driveway L10B1 1,742 sq. ft. 45 cu. ft. 0.42 C.F.S.I 0.22 Feet I RATIONAL FORMULA HYDROLOGY CALCULATIONS DRAINAGE BASIN ANALYSIS & DESIGN for 10 YEAR STORM EVENT Simpson Engineers, Inc. North 909 Argonne Road, Spokane Valley WA 99212 Date: October 14, 2013 Project Name: Roth Addition Phase 3 Design: ACS Project Number: 15602 Disk File: 15602- rallonal•PH3 -DWY REVISIONS.xls Site Location: Spokane Valley Basin Name: BASIN -I Basin Description: East side Avalon Ct. Point of Concentration: Driveways of L11B1, L12B1 Phase 3 & Curb Inlet -18 SUBAREAS: Description Acres C A *C TIME OF CONCENTRATION (minutes): Tc (overland flow) Tc (gutter flow) Ex. Asphalt Pavement 0.000 0.90 0.000 Asphalt Pavement 0.059 0.90 0.053 Ct = 0.15 L2 = 55 Residential Roofs 0.055 0.90 0.050 Z1 = 12.35 Concrete Driveways 0.022 0.90 0.020 L1(A) = 125 Z2 = 0.167 Concrete Curb & Gutter 0.008 0.90 0.007 N(A) = 0.4 B = 0 Seperated Conc. Sidewalk 0.008 0.90 0.007 S(A) = 0.02 n = 0.016 Lawn /Landscaping 0.221 0.15 0.033 s = 0.005 Total Basin Area, acres = 0.373 Composite Runoff Coefficient = 0.456 Combined (Area' Runoff Coefficient) = Assumptions: 1) Residential Roof = 1200 SF /Lot 2) Concrete Driveway = 480 SF /Lot or 840 SF /Lot Tc (A) = 5.07 d = 0.22 L1(B) = 0 Tc (gut.) 0.64 0.170 N(B) = 0 Tc(A +B) 5.07 S(B) = 0 Tc total 5.71 Intensity : 2.49 Tc (B) = 0.0 Holding 1.96 Q (estimated @ d) = STORM INTENSITY /DURATION CALCULATIONS Time of Concentration = #1 #2 #3 Time Time 480 I ncrmnt. Incrmnt. 197 (min.) (sec.) (in. /hr) ( #1.60) 5.71 342.87 2.49 5 300 2.62 10 600 1.72 15 900 1.34 20 1200 1.13 25 1500 0.98 30 1800 0.88 35 2100 0.80 40 2400 0.74 45 2700 0.69 50 3000 0.64 55 3300 0.61 60 3600 0,58 65 3900 0.55 70 4200 0.53 75 4500 0.50 80 4800 0.48 85 5100 0.47 90 5400 0.45 95 5700 0.44 100 6000 0.42 Basin BASIN -I 0.42 c.f.s. 5.71 minutes PEAK DISCHARGE, 10 YEAR STORM: Q= C *I *A= Depth of Flow in Gutter: d= "208" DRAINAGE PARAMETERS: Impervious "208" Area = "208" Volume Generated = 3,877 sq. ft. 101 cu. ft. NOTE: Basin drains to Driveways of L11B1, L12B1 and Curb Inlet -18 RATIONAL FORMULA HYDROLOGY CALCULATIONS DRAINAGE BASIN ANALYSIS & DESIGN for 10 YEAR STORM EVENT Simpson Engineers, Inc. North 909 Argonne Road, Spokane Valley WA 99212 Date: October 14, 2013 Project Name: Roth Addition Phase 3 Design: ACS Project Number: 15602 Disk File: 15602 - rational- PH3 -DWY REVISIONS.xls Site Location: Spokane Valley Basin Name: BASIN -J Basin Description: East side Avalon Ct. Point of Concentration: Driveway of L13B1 Phase 3 SUBAREAS: Description Acres C A *C Ex. Asphalt Pavement 0.000 0.90 0.000 Asphalt Pavement 0.015 0.90 0.014 Residential Roofs 0.014 0.90 0.013 Concrete Driveways 0.019 0.90 0.017 Concrete Curb & Gutter 0.002 0.90 0.002 Seperated Conc. Sidewalk 0.003 0.90 0.003 Lawn /Landscaping 0.127 0.15 0.019 Total Basin Area, acres = 0.180 Composite Runoff Coefficient = 0.371 Combined (Area * Runoff Coefficient) = 0.067 Assumptions: 1) Residential Roof = 1200 SF /Lot 2) Concrete Driveway = 480 SF /Lot or 840 SF /Lot TIME OF CONCENTRATION (minutes): Tc (overland flow) Tc (gutter flow) Ct = 0.15 L2 = 33 Z1 = 12.35 L1(A) = 125 Z2 = 0.167 N(A) = 0.4 B = 0 S(A) = 0.02 n = 0.016 s = 0.0055 Tc (A) = 5.07 d = 0.15 L1(B) = 0 Tc (gut.) 0.46 N(B) = 0 Tc(A +B) 5.07 S(B) = 0 Tc total 5.54 Intensity 2.52 Tc (B) = 0.0 Holding 1.18 Q (estimated @ d) _ STORM INTENSITY /DURATION CALCULATIONS Time of Concentration = #1 #2 #3 Time Time 480 Incrmnt. Incrmnt. 197 (min.) (sec.) (in. /hr) (#1'60) 5.54 332,16 2.52 5 300 2.62 10 600 1.72 15 900 1.34 20 1200 1.13 25 1500 0.98 30 1800 0.88 35 2100 0.80 40 2400 0.74 45 2700 0.69 50 3000 0.64 55 3300 0.61 60 3600 0.58 65 3900 0.55 70 4200 0.53 75 4500 0.50 80 4800 0.48 85 5100 0.47 90 5400 0.45 95 5700 0.44 100 6000 0.42 Basin BASIN -J 0.17 c.f.s. 5.54 minutes PEAK DISCHARGE, 10 YEAR STORM: Q= C *I *A= Depth of Flow in Gutter: d= 0.17 C.F.S. 0.15 Feet "208" DRAINAGE PARAMETERS: Impervious "208" Area = "208" Volume Generated = 1,568 sq. ft. 41 cu. ft. NOTE: Basin drains to Driveway of L13B1 Phase 3 0.26 C.F.S.I RATIONAL FORMULA HYDROLOGY CALCULATIONS DRAINAGE BASIN ANALYSIS & DESIGN for 10 YEAR STORM EVENT Simpson Engineers, Inc. North 909 Argonne Road, Spokane Valley WA 99212 Date: October 14, 2013 Design: ACS Disk File: 15602 - rational- PH3 -0WY P,EVISIONS.xls Project Name: Roth Addition Phase 3 Project Number: 15602 Site Location: Spokane Valley Basin Name: BASIN -K Basin Description: East side Avalon Ct. Point of Concentration: Driveway of L14B1 Phase 3 & Curb Inlet -21 SUBAREAS: Description Acres C A`C Ex. Asphalt Pavement 0.000 0.90 0.000 Asphalt Pavement 0.038 0.90 0.034 Residential Roofs 0.028 0.90 0,025 Concrete Driveways 0.011 0.90 0.010 Concrete Curb & Gutter 0.005 0.90 0.005 Seperated Conc. Sidewalk 0.010 0.90 0.009 Lawn /Landscaping 0.117 0.15 0.018 Total Basin Area, acres = 0.209 Composite Runoff Coefficient = 0.480 Combined (Area' Runoff Coefficient) = 0.100 Assumptions: 1) Residential Roof = 1200 SF /Lot 2) Concrete Driveway = 480 SF /Lot or 840 SF /Lot STORM INTENSITY /DURATION CALCULATIONS #1 #2 #3 Time Time 480 [nor-amt. Incrmnt. 197 (min.) (sec.) (in. /hr) (#1'60) 5.40 323.75 2.55 5 300 2.62 10 600 1.72 15 900 1.34 20 1200 1.13 25 1500 0.98 30 1800 0.88 35 2100 0.80 40 2400 0.74 45 2700 0.69 50 3000 0.64 55 3300 0.61 60 3600 0.58 65 3900 0.55 70 4200 0.53 75 4500 0.50 80 4800 0.48 85 5100 0.47 90 5400 0,45 95 5700 0.44 100 6000 0.42 Basin BASIN -1( TIME OF CONCENTRATION (minutes): Tc (overland flow) Tc (gutter Bow) Ct = 0.15 L2 = 32 Z1 = 12.35 L 1(A) = 125 Z2 = 0.167 N(A) = 0.4 B = 0 S(A) = 0.02 n = 0.016 s = 0.01 Tc (A) = 5.07 d = 0.16 L1(B) = 0 Tc (gut.) 0.32 N(B) = 0 Tc(A +B) 5.07 S(B) = 0 Tc total 5.40 Intensity : 2.55 Tc (B) = 0.0 Holding 1.14 Q (estimated @ d) _ Time of Concentration = 0.26 c.f.s. 5.40 minutes PEAK DISCHARGE, 10 YEAR STORM: Q= C'I`A= Depth of Flow in Gutter: d= 0.16 Feet "208" DRAINAGE PARAMETERS: Impervious "208" Area = "208" Volume Generated = 2,352 sq. ft. 61 cu. ft. NOTE: Basin drains to Driveway of L14B1 Phase 3 and Curb Inlet -21 RATIONAL FORMULA HYDROLOGY CALCULATIONS DRAINAGE BASIN ANALYSIS & DESIGN for 10 YEAR STORM EVENT Simpson Engineers, Inc. North 909 Argonne Road, Spokane Valley WA 99212 Date: October 14, 2013 Design: ACS Disk File: 15602 - rational- PH3 -DwY REVISIONS.xIs Project Name: Project Number: Site Location: Basin Name: BASIN -L Basin Description: East side Avalon Ct. Point of Concentration: Swale fronting L14 -B1 SUBAREAS: Description Acres C A *C Ex. Asphalt Pavement 0.000 0.90 0.000 Asphalt Pavement 0.000 0.90 0.000 Residential Roofs 0.014 0.90 0.013 Concrete Driveways 0.000 0.90 0.000 Concrete Curb & Gutter 0.000 0.90 0.000 Separated Conc. Sidewalk 0.005 0.90 0.005 Lawn /Landscaping 0.121 0.15 0.018 Total Basin Area, acres = 0.140 Composite Runoff Coefficient = 0.252 L1(B) = 0 Tc (gut.) 0.00 Combined (Area * Runoff Coefficient) = 0.035 N(B) = 0 Tc(A +B) 5.07 Roth Addition Phase 3 15602 Spokane Valley TIME OF CONCENTRATION (minutes): Tc (overland flow) Tc (gutter flow) Ct= 0.15 L2= Z1 = L1(A) = 125 Z2 = N(A) = 0.4 8= S(A) = 0.02 n = S = Tc(A)= 5.07 d = 0 12.35 0.167 0 0.016 0.01 0.00 Assumptions: 1) Residential Roof = 1200 SF /Lot 2) Concrete Driveway = 480 SF /Lot or 840 SF /Lot S(B) = 0 Tc total 5.07 Intensity 2.61 Tc (B) = 0.0 Holding 0.00 Q (estimated @ d) = STORM INTENSITY /DURATION CALCULATIONS Time of Concentration = #1 #2 #3 Time Time 480 Incrmnt. Incrmnt. 197 (min.) (sec.) (in. /hr) (#1.60) 5.07 304.31 2.61 5 300 2.62 10 600 1.72 15 900 1.34 20 1200 1.13 25 1500 0.98 30 1800 0.88 35 2100 0.80 40 2400 0.74 45 2700 0.69 50 3000 0.64 55 3300 0.61 60 3600 0.58 65 3900 0.55 70 4200 0.53 75 4500 0.50 80 4800 0.48 85 5100 0.47 90 5400 0.45 95 5700 0.44 100 6000 0.42 Basin BASIN -L 0.00 c.f.s. 5.07 minutes PEAK DISCHARGE, 10 YEAR STORM: Q= C "I *A= Depth of Flow in Gutter: d= 0.09 C.F.S. I 0.00 Feet "208" DRAINAGE PARAMETERS: Impervious "208" Area = "208" Volume Generated = 0 sq. ft. 0 cu. ft. NOTE: Basin drains to Swale fronting L14 -B1