5567655 Deed, Warranty: Unaddressed Bacon's Addn to Greenacres ~ 5567655_ After recorcfing return to: F'yt~?" t ~ City of Spokane Valley r_. C~-~'=4`F' 1~.707 EdstSprague, 5uite 403 T~'Af~~~"fIUN. T3TLE ItJt. ~xi !!D :zt.r70 Snokane Valley, WA 99206 Reference: 20317583- -501- -SB1-2 STATUTORY WARRANTY DEED THE GRAN70R(S) Karla J. Ruddach and ]oseph J. Ruddach, Wife and Husband, for and in consideration of 7en ($10.00) Dollars and other good and valuable consideration in hand paid, conveys and warrants to City of Spokane Valley, a municipal corporation, for park purposes the following described real estate, situated in the County of Spokane, State of Washington: See Exhibit A attached hereto and made a part hereof. Subject to: Those items specifically set forth on Exhibit "A" attached hereto. Abbreviated Legal: (Required if full legal not inserted above.) Ptn Block 15 Bacon's Add to Greenacres Tax Parcel Number(s): a portion of 55182.1518, Dated: Julv 19, 2007 SELLER: ~ N Karl~J. Ruddac ti /104h uddac~y! ~ ~ ~ ~ ru 0 State of Washinaton O SS: ~ County of4°~~32" n On 'sp~~ o 77, .b,J~•,f,~r;~ 7J ~ pe{sonally appeared 4 424 4 /l ~%~C-~ ' to me knotivn ~ to be the ir dividual(s) described in and who elecur~llCn&ilhin'and Foregoing instrument, and acknoaYledg2d *.hat '7'l,~ ' s'fgred the same as /l / free ancJ vuturiCary aci anci deed for the uses and purppes therein mentioned. ~iven under my hand and official,~Pal the day and year last abovc written. N Notary Publ' and for the State f rr ~ Residin ~ P~9y Appointm nt expires: SHAWN L. BURDE'T'TE O S7ATE OF WASNINGTON o NOTARY - ~ - PUBLIC ~ MY COMMISBION EXPIRES 001" µ Statutory LVarranty Deed oru+ TRANSNATION TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY w w ~ . . 5567655 ,•,ci~~ ~ ~ TiTLE fll:ti C0 41D Exhibit A TRACT 15 OF BACON'S ADDITION TO GREENACRES, AS PER PLAT THEREOF R[CORDED 1N VOLUME "J" OF i'LATS, PAGE 15; EXCEPTING TWEREFROM THE SOUTH 135 FEET OF THE WEST 144 FEET; SIi'UA7E IN THE CI7Y OF SPOKAfVE VALLEY, COUN7Y OF SPOPCAfVE, STATE OF WASMINGTON. SUBJECT TO: LIABILITY FOR FUTURE CHARGES AND ASSESSMEN7S LEVIED BY SPOKANE COUNTY TREASURER FOR REAL PROPERTY TAXES; UABILITY 70 FUTURE ASSE55MENTS BY CONSOLIDATED IRRIGATION DISTRICT NO. 19. RESEFiVATIONS CONTAINED IPV DEED, CONSOLIf7ATED IRRIGATION DISTRICT NO. 19, A PUSLIC CORPORATION, GRANTOIt, RECORDED ON )UNE 18, 1974 UNDER RECOFtDING NO. 7406180045, AS FOLLOWS: THE GRAN7012 RESERVES FROM THIS CONVEYANCE ALL EASEMENTS AiVD 121GHT5 OF WAY HERETOFORE GRANTED THE DISTRICT OR PRESEfVTLY IN USE SY THE DISTRICT, FOR l"HE CONS7itUCTION, REPAIR, OPERA'fION AND MAINTENANCE ACROSS THE DESCRIBED PREiWISES OF FACILITIES OF THE DISTRICT. EASENIENT AND TNE 'I'ERM5 AiVD CONDITIONS THEREOF: GRAN7EE: UNITED STATES OF AMERICA PUftPOSE: CONSTRUCT, OPERATE AND MAINTAIN AN IRRIGA'I'ION TUttNOUT AND APPURTENANCES AREA AFFECTED: A P0127ION OF SAID PREMISES RECORDED: JANUAitY 31, 1966 RECORDING NO.: 174970C ~ .t • . LEASE AGREEi1'iE1T BETWEL\' C.1.`I'X 41+, S1'OKANE VAi..L.I;Y AsYt) KARI,A RUDDACH R.EGAltllll\`G =1. 1?O.It'l'iON SPOKANE C()UN"I'X l'ARCEL NURIBER 55182.1518, Sl'f)KANTF V:ILLEY, WA.S.Hl.nTCTQN This Lease Agi-eement is entered into by the City o1' Spokacie Valley (referred to as "City" or "Owner"), anci K.arla Ruddach (rcferred to as "Ruddach" or °Tenanl"), and j4intly referred to hereinafter as the "Parlies". WFTEREAS, the City is the owner oF certain preiiuses lncatecl at 17721 EiasC Boonc, Spokane Valley, Washington, 99016, which was reeently piu•chased by the City froni Ruddach. 1V EREAS, as a condilian of the sale to the City, Ruddach required that she bc able to lcase a portion of the subject propErty until June l, 2009. The Paities delerrnined that a suitable portion for Rudciach's usc would be the souch 135 feet of the subject prop crty. WHEREAS, no later than the tcrmuiation of the lease agreeil-ient on Junc 1, 2009, Ruddach would bc obligateci to have all improvements remnved Fi-om the real property. NO«', THEREFU:E7.N:, i.n consideration of the mutual prornises set forill hereui, ttie Parties do hereby agree as follo«rs: 1. T'IJRPOSE. The purpose of illis leasc ageeement is ta set fortli the Parties' understanding regarcling the tenns and conditions under which Rucldaeh inay occupy a poriion of the Premises, agrced by the pariies as the south 135 feet of parcel number 551S2.15.1s. The legal description ofthePr.einises is as follotivs: Bacons Addition to Greenacres N1V '/4, 18-25-45, Block 15, EYCept the South 135 feet of the 4Vest 144 Feet Thereof, City of Spokane Valley, Spolcane CQunty, Washiugfon 9901.6. Assessor's parcel niunber 551$2.1.515. 2. USE OF THE PRIa.M:1:SlaS. Tl1e City agrees to allow k7udclaeh to use a portion of the Premiscs uiitil June 1, 2009. Ruddach ctirrently uses the south 135 feet of the 1?remises for residential purposes for a relativc, Ed "Leli.man. The Parties aaiticipate that Ruddach «rill conti»ue fo use the soutli 135 feet of the Premiscs for ttiese idenlifed purposes until Jtule 1, 2009. TZudclach is the owler of the improvements locateci on the south 135 feet of the Prcmiscs, aud is obligaled to have all improvemenls removcd from the premiscs by the espiration of this leasc agreeinent. Tn the event Ruddach does not have all iniprovemenis and personal properly removEd by J'uiie l, 2009, the City uiay rcinove it and charge 3U costs to Ruddach for such r.emoval and disposal. 0 COP, 3. • TER1Vi O.E' Li+-ASla AGl7EEMENT. The tenn of this lease agreement shall be in effect upon siTiing, mid shall expire on June l., 2049. 4. PAYMENT. Ruddach shall pay the City a"use fee" for its use of a portiou of the I'rem.ises by paying $100 pcr year. :Payments shall bc to ttle City Financc Departinent, 11707 East Sprague, Suite 106, Spokane Valley, WA 99206, and shall bc due and payable by August 30 for the followulg year. 5. MAiNTE\TANCE COSTS. Ruddach shall be responsible for atly tuaintenance or repairs io any improvcments on the Preinises. 6. NIODIFICATION. The Paraties may modify any terni conlained in this lease agreeinent, but only by muFual writtcn agreement. 7. ALTL.l.2.A'I':CQNS, ADDITIONS, OR 01-F'RQN'En'IENTS. R.uddach shall not, without first obtaining the written consent of the Ciiy, make any alteraiions, additions, or improvements iil, to, or about the Prcmises. The City shall tunely respond to any rcquests to make a.lternations, adclitions or improvements in, to, or abnut the Prcmiscs. 8. INSURANCE. Ruddach shall procure and maintain for the duraiion of the lease agreeiilent, insurance against claiuis for injuries to pcrsons or clamage to Premises which inay aiise from or in connection with the :E2.uddach's usc of tlie :Premises. Rucidach is required to m.aintain property liability insurance policy in the amount of $1 rnillion per occitrrence and S2 million aggrcgatc mi.nunum coverage fi-om an insurer acceptable to the City. Rtidciach sh311 fiirnish the City with a cnpy of the rcquireci insurance certificates anrl/ar a.meudatory endorseiliencs within 30 days of execution of this lease 3greeinent. 9. TNUFNT~ITFICATI0N Al\P HOL[) :HARn'ILESS. A. City shall inclcmnify and hold liarmless Ruddach froin all clainis, actior,s; suiis, liability, loss, costs, expenses, and danagES oi aiiy nature, by any reason of or arising out of any negligent act or qmission of the City, its nfficers agEnts, and emplayees relating to or arising out of its abligaiions u.nder the ternis of this lease agreernent. In the event that any suit b3se.d upon such claiun, action, loss, or daiuages is brought against :Ituddach, City shall dcfend the same at ies solc cost a11d exPense; proNqded that Ruddach rescrvcs the riglit to participate in said siut; aiid if final judgment in said suit be rendercd agauist Ruddach, or joincly against Ruddach and City ancllar their respeciive olficers, agents and employees; City shall satisfy the saiiie to the extent oI' City's apportioned liability. B. Ruddach shall uideuuufy and hold hannless City and its officers, agents, and employees from all claims, actians, suits, liability, loss, costs, expenses, and damage_s of any natLire, by any reason of or arising out of any negligent act or oiiussion of 1 the Ruddach relaeing [o or arising out of its obligations under the teinis of rhis leasc agreei-nent. In the event that any stut baseci upon such claim, actiou, loss, or danabcs is brought aDainst Cil'y, Ruddach shall de.f.etid the s~ne at her sole cosc and e:apense; prdvided that City reserves the right to part:icipate in said suit; and if final judgrnent in saicl suit be rendered against City, and its offices, agents; and employees or jointly agaulst Rucldaeh and City and/or theu respecrive of.fcErs, agents arid employees, Ruddach shall satisfy the samE to the eYtent of Ruddach's 3pportionetl liability. 10. NOTICES. All notices or ottier communications given lierewlder shall be deemed given on: (1) the clay such notices or otlier communications are received when scnt by personal delive.ry; or (ii) the third day followulg the day on which the same llave been mailei by first class delivery, postage prepaid addressed to Ruddach or the City at the address set forth below for such :l'arty, or at Such other address as eit]Ier Party shall from time-to-time desigmate by noticc iu ~Nqituig to the ather Party: Rucidacti: Karla Ruddach 17705 East Boone Avenue Spokane Valley, VVashington 99016 Cl'rY': Mike Jackson City of Spokane Valley Parks a.nd Recreation Department 11707 East Sprague Avenue, Suite 146 Spokanc Valley, Wa.shington 99206 11. COUV'IERPARTS. This lease agreement may be executed in any nutnber of couuterparls, each of which, wheu so ex.ecuYed and dclivered, shall be an original, hut such counlerparls shall togcther constitute but one ancl the same. 12. ASSIGNMENT. Ncither Paity may assign in whole or part it,5 interest in this Lease Agreement withaut the written approval o.f tlie other Party. 13. W.RI.T.INC:5 CQNTt1i1VED HEREIiv/.l;lNQWG EFFECT. The Parties agree thac there are no ottier understzuidings, er'al or othemvise, regarding the subject matter Qf this lease agreement. 'I`nis lease aDreement shall be binding upon thc .Parties hereto, iheir successors imd assigns. 14, iNp WATVER. NO officer, einployee, or agent of the City or Rudclach llas the power, right; or auihority to waive a.uy of the conditions or provisions of this lease agreement. \To waiver of any breach of this lease aa eement shall be held to be a waivEr of any other or subsequeut breach. All remedies affordecl in this lease agreement at law shall be taken and construcd as ctunulative, that is, in addition to every other remetly provided herein or by law. The failure of either Party to enforce, al any timE, any of the provisions of,' thi:s lease agrcement or to require, at any ti.me, performance by the other Party of any provisions sh311 nol, i.n any way, affect the validity of this lea.se ag7eement or any part hereof, or the right of either Party to hereafter enforce cach and every such prpviSiOn. ]7AT'ED: Z,Z,-; ~'SI~ 7 DATED: -74,2,-=~M7 l ~ CT'C.l' OF SPOKANIIE VaI.-LEY ~C-~~ ~ K~-la Ruddach s, stinc Bauibridge, bty Clerk APPROVED AS TO r012A2 UN-1:,1':Zl~. OfCce of e City STAT'E OF 1VAS~HT_~TGTON ) ) ss. County of Spakane ) On ttus a day <N/rW",s&9/-t0-n,. 2007, before me, the undersigied, a I~jotary Public in and for the Sla f dul commissioned ~Zd s~voi~r~ ersonall ~ Y ~P Y a.ppeared Karla R.uddach, who exccuted the Nvithin and rorEgoing uistrument, and acl:tiowledaed the said ilistrument to bc the fi•ee and voluntary act and deed of said political subdivision, for the uses anci purposcs therein mentioned. IN W1TVESS NY1~J'-,12F0F, T have hereunto set my hand and airxed my seal the day and year first ~«1t[en ~tiove. ~/11~/.~'~ , Sain" NO .A.RY . Wa ' ron, residing at r-Sog/C614; NIy conimission cxpires: SHAWN L. SURDETTE sraTE oF wasHiNGroN NorARY ~ pUBUC MY COA4DdISSION EXPIRES 09/03/09 ,