2003, 05-13 Regular Meeting MinutesCity of Spokane Valley City Council Minutes Regular Meeting May 13, 2003 Mayor Michael DeVleming called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Councilmembers present: Mayor Michael DeVleming, Deputy Mayor Diana Wilhite, Councilmembers Dick Denenny, Mike Flanigan, Richard Munson, Gary Schimmels, and Steve Taylor. Staff present: City Manager David Mercier, Interim Attorney Stanley Schwartz, Interim Deputy Manager Stan McNutt, Interim Public Works Director Richard Warren, Interim Engineer Dick Thiel, Interim Parks and Recreation Consultant Bill Hutsinpiller, Interim Building Official Bob Ely, Interim Long Range Planning Manager Greg McCormick, Interim Human Resource Manager Don Morrison, and Interim City Clerk Ruth Muller. Pledge of Allegiance: Mayor DeVleming led the pledge of allegiance. Invocation: Pastor Bill Dropko, Greenacres Christian Fellowship, gave the invocation. Roll Call: Interim City Clerk called roll. Introduction of Special Guests and Presentations: Mayor DeVleming proclaimed May 10 -18, 2003 as "Tourism Week in Spokane Valley ". Approval of Agenda: Interim Attorney Schwartz requested that Item No. 12. E. 3. be deferred to a later meeting as negotiations are still not completed on the stormwater agreement with Spokane County. Councilmember Munson moved and Councilmember Taylor seconded that the agenda be approved as modified. The motion carried unanimously. Committee, Board, Liaison Summary Reports: Councilmember Flanigan reported that the County animal licensing campaign will be marketed by a Committee including representatives from Spokane Valley, Spokane and the County. Councilmember Denenny reported that the Spokane Transit Authority Task Force is in the process of developing a number of surveys to gauge current public perception of the STA and to garner support. Mayor Report: Mayor DeVleming reported that the Council has scheduled a special study session meeting on May 15, 2003 for discussion of two issues — junk vehicles /nuisance abatement and policy on cost recovery for services provided to the public. Council Minutes, May 13, 2003 Approved by Council 06 -10 -03 1 The Mayor announced that the first community conversation with Council is scheduled for June 26, 2003 at 2:00 p.m. at the Spokane Valley Senior Center. These forums will be scheduled three to four times per year to give the Council and Staff an opportunity to hear from the community on issues. Consent Agenda: Deputy Mayor Wilhite moved and Councilmember Flanigan seconded that the consent agenda be approved including (a) Special Meeting Minutes of March 27, 2003; (b) Regular Meeting Minutes of April 1, 2003; (c) Claims obligations in amount of $289,781.60; (d) Payroll obligations in amount of $14,098.81; (e) Resolution No. 03 -027, Establishing a General Policy Resolution Emanating from the Core Beliefs of the City Council and Community and Setting Forth Duties of Both Elected and Appointed Officials of the City to Help Guide Legislative and Executive Decisions Toward Effective, Responsive, and Open Government; (f) Resolution No. 03 -028 Setting Rules of Procedure for City Council Meetings, Public Hearings, Legislative Process and Public Comments or Complaints, including approval of telephone tree memo, Exhibit A- 1, telephone tree chart, Exhibit A -2, parliamentary procedure, Exhibit A -3, legislative process, Exhibit A -4, committee structure and rules, Exhibit A -5, task force /town hall model, Exhibit A6(1), multi - agency coordinating task force model, Exhibit A6(2), citizens' task force model, Exhibit A -7; and (g) approval of Engineering Technician position. The motion carried unanimously. Agenda Bill No. 2003 -118, Ratification of County changes to Street Maintenance Services agreement: Deputy Mayor Wilhite moved and Councilmember Denenny seconded that the Council ratify County language changes to Street Maintenance Services Agreement No. CO3 -33. City Manager Mercier introduced Interim Public Works Director Warren who reported that this agreement will not go into effect until the end of May, since the County has not yet transferred all of the road tax money to Spokane Valley. Interim Attorney Schwartz summarized the language changes made by the County in Section 3 to the paragraph amendment made by Spokane Valley during its approval of this agreement on April 22, 2003. Staff responded to Council questions regarding this section of the agreement and the City's ability to assure that all work is performed to City standards, and options if work performed under this agreement is not satisfactory. There was Council discussion of the need to require satisfactory work, the difference between this maintenance agreement and formal construction contracts, the need for Spokane Valley to protect the citizens of this community, that the City's rights should be properly expressed in an agreement, the ability of Spokane Valley to use outside forces for the discretionary items in the agreement, and the need to continue further negotiations with Spokane County on the language in this agreement. Councilmember Munson moved and Councilmember Flanigan seconded to table the motion to ratify new language in Agreement No. CO3 -33. The motion carried by majority vote with four aye votes — Deputy Mayor Wilhite, Councilmembers Denenny, Council Minutes, May 13, 2003 Approved by Council 06 -10 -03 2 Flanigan, and Munson; and three nay votes — Mayor DeVleming, Councilmembers Schimmels and Taylor. Agenda Bill No. 2003 -108, Parks Facilities Regulations: Interim City Clerk read the title of Ordinance No. 65 for second reading. Councilmember Mujnson moved and Councilmember Flanigan seconded to adopt Ordinance No. 65 Adopting Rules for the Use of Park Facilities. City Manager Mercier introduced Interim Parks and Recreation Consultant Hutsinpiller who reviewed changes made to this ordinance as directed by Council during first reading of the ordinance. The motion carried unanimously to adopt Ordinance No. 65. Agenda Bill No. 2003 -119, Reauthorizing the "SCOPE" Program: Councilmember Flanigan moved and Councilmember Munson seconded that Council authorize the continuation of the current SCOPE program within the City of Spokane Valley as an extension of the City's contract with the Spokane County Sheriff. City Manager Mercier said that imbedded in this motion is that cost for the program needs to be addressed by budget amendment at a future study session. The motion carried unanimously. Agenda Bill No. 2003 -120, Community Development Block Grant Consortium: Councilmember Munson moved and Councilmember Denenny seconded that staff be authorized to send a letter to Spokane County and the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) stating the City's intent to participate in the County's Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) consortium. City Manager Mercier said that the Council reviewed the three options available to the City for these funds at a study session. The motion carried unanimously. Agenda Bill No. 2003 -121, Fireworks Regulations: Interim City Clerk introduced Ordinance No. 66 by reading the title. Councilmember Munson moved and Councilmember Flanigan seconded that the rules be suspended for two readings of this ordinance, advance to second reading and adopt Ordinance No. 66 Regulating the Use and Possession of Fireworks Within the City in a Manner Consistent with Title 3 of the Spokane County Code and the Revised Code of Washington, Chapter 70.77 to Prohibit the Sale or Discharge of Consumer Fireworks Within the City of Spokane Valley. City Manager Mercier introduced Interim Building Official Ely who said that this ordinance was developed at the direction of the Council and prohibits the use, storage, and manufacture of fireworks within Spokane Valley. The motion carried unanimously to adopt Ordinance No. 66. Agenda Bill No. 2003 -122, Employee Salary Schedule Amendment: Interim City Clerk introduced Ordinance No. 62 A -1 by reading the title. Councilmember Munson moved and Deputy Mayor Wilhite seconded that the rules be suspended for two readings of this ordinance, advance to second reading and adopt Ordinance No. 62 A -1 Replacing the Adopted Employee Position Classification and 2003 Monthly Salary Schedule of the City. City Manager Mercier introduced Interim Human Resources Manager Morrison who said that this is a proposal to broaden the salary range allowing the City Manager Council Minutes, May 13, 2003 Approved by Council 06 -10 -03 3 more options in the hiring process. The motion carried unanimously to adopt Ordinance No. 62 A -1. Agenda Bill No. 2003 -123, Bond Reimbursement: Councilmember Munson moved and Councilmember Denenny seconded to adopt Resolution No. 03 -029 Setting Forth the City's Official Intention to Make Certain Improvements and Betterments to the City's Regional Entertainment Facilities and the Issuance of Limited Tax General Obligation Bonds to Pay Part of the Cost of Such Improvements; Authorizing the Designation of a City Official to Determine Expenditures to be reimbursed with Project Financing; and Providing for Other Matters Properly Relating Thereto. City Manager Mercier introduced bond counsel Michael Ormsby who said this document provides for reimbursement from bonds for staff expense of planning and other activities associated with the Mirabeau CenterPlace project. The motion carried unanimously to adopt Resolution No. 03 -029. Agenda Bill No. 2003 -125, Job Descriptions: Councilmember Denenny moved and Deputy Mayor Wilhite seconded to adopt Resolution No. 03 -031 Adopting Job Descriptions for all City Positions. City Manager Mercier introduced Interim Human Resource Manager Morrison who said that amendments to these job descriptions have been made at the direction of Council to make sure standards are consistent in all positions. The motion carried unanimously to adopt Resolution No. 03 -031. Agenda Bill No. 2003 -126, Employee Pay Plan: Councilmember Denenny moved and Deputy Mayor Wilhite seconded to adopt Resolution No. 03 -032 Adopting a Pay Plan for the City. City Manager Mercier introduced Interim Human Resource Manager Morrison who said that the budget authorizes positions and salaries, and this pay plan is a mechanism to walk employees through a salary range from entry -level to top- level. The motion carried unanimously to adopt Resolution No. 03 -032. Agenda Bill No. 2003 -129, Housing Authority: Councilmember Flanigan moved and Councilmember Munson seconded to adopt Resolution No. 03 -033 Declaring the Need and Authorizing the Spokane Housing Authority to Exercise Authority Within the City of Spokane Valley. City Manager Mercier introduced Dianne Quast, Executive Director of the Housing Authority, who said that following briefing to the Council at a study session, the Board has indicated that there will be a review as to how to take action for providing a voting seat on the Board for Spokane Valley. The motion carried unanimously to adopt Resolution No. 03 -033. Agenda Bill No. 2003 -127, Bond Underwriter: City Manager Mercier said that three firms have offered their services to the City as bond underwriter, with two of the firms present at this meeting. Sean Keats, Lehman Brothers summarized his involvement in regional projects in the Spokane County area and specifically working with the Public Facilities District on the Mirabeau project. Keats responded to questions of the Council. Jack McLaughlin, D. A. Davidson & Company reviewed his experience as a local bond underwriter in the Spokane area, clarified his proposal relating to bond insurance and Council Minutes, May 13, 2003 Approved by Council 06 -10 -03 4 rating, and summarized his firm's ability to develop essential data on Spokane Valley for bond issuance. Interim City Manager Walton said that the Mirabeau project has the support of the voters, there have been many months of meetings with the four agencies involved in the projects to be funded, both of these firms are exceptionally qualified to perform this work, but it is his recommendation that Lehman Brothers be selected as Mr. Keats has been involved during agency discussions over the past months and is expected to serve as the County underwriter, so service for Spokane Valley could be simplified using this firm. Councilmember Taylor moved and Councilmember Munson seconded that the City Manager be authorized to execute an agreement with Lehman Brothers to serve as Bond Underwriter with regard to the proposed issuance of $7,000,000 in Limited General Obligation bonds for the construction of the CenterPlace project located in Mirabeau Park. There was discussion as to the excellent qualifications of both firms, value in dealing locally, securing of rating for the City, complexity of this project and need to recognize expertise for best representation on behalf of Spokane Valley. The motion carried by majority vote to authorize agreement with Lehman Brothers with five aye votes — Deputy Mayor Wilhite, Councilmembers Flanigan, Munson, Schimmels and Taylor; and two nay votes — Mayor DeVleming and Councilmember Denenny. Agenda Bill No. 2003 -128, Storm Water Services: Interim Attorney Schwartz said that he asked for delay of this agreement since some of the language contained in the agreement is troubling and not what Spokane Valley would expect, so staff will continue to negotiate with Spokane County. City Manager Mercier said that this item will be added to the May 20, 2003 study session agenda to collect all concerns relating to the agreement. Administrative Reports: City Manager Mercier reported that Spokane County has accepted ownership of Dishman Hills. Interim Deputy Manager McNutt reported that staff will analyze revenue and billings recently received from Spokane County and report to the Finance Committee. Interim City Clerk reported that registrations should be made soon for the Association of Washington Cities Annual Conference in Spokane June 18 -20. City Manager Mercier advised that the April 2003 Building Department Report is included in the agenda packet. Each department will be submitting monthly reports to be included in Council packets for the second regular meeting of the month. Executive Session: Mayor DeVleming announced that the Council will go into executive session for approximately 15 minutes to discuss potential litigation, and no action is planned following the executive session. The meeting recessed to executive session at 7:58 p.m. Council Minutes, May 13, 2003 Approved by Council 06 -10 -03 5 The meeting reconvened from executive session at 8 33 p m Adjournment Councilmember Flanigan moved and Councilmember Munson seconded that the meeting adjourn The motion carried unanimously There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 8 35 p m ATTEST Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk Council Minutes May 13 2003 Approved by Council 06 10-03 APPROVED Michael DeVlemmg, M. or 6