2003, 06-10 Regular Meeting MinutesMINUTES City of Spokane Valley City Council Regular Meeting June 10, 2003 Deputy Mayor Wilhite called the City of Spokane Valley Regular Meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Attendance: Councilmembers: Diana Wilhite, Deputy Mayor Dick Denenny, Councilmember Mike Flanigan, Councilmember Gary Schimmels, Councilmember Steve Taylor, Councilmember Staff Present: David Mercier, City Manager Dick Warren, Interim Public Works Director Stan Schwartz, Interim City Attorney Dick Thiel, City Engineer Bill Hutsinpiller, Interim Parks & Recreation Director Sue Pearson, Deputy City Clerk Chris Bainbridge, City Clerk Absent: Mayor Michael DeVleming, excused Councilmember Richard Munson, Excused Pledge of Allegiance: Deputy Mayor Wilhite led the Pledge of Allegiance. Invocation: Pastor David Thorin, Chaplain, Good Samaritan Village gave the invocation. Roll Call: City Clerk Bainbridge called roll. It was moved by Councilmember Denenny and seconded by Councilmember Taylor to formally excuse Mayor Mike DeVleming and Councilmember Rich Munson. Vote by acclamation: Ayes: Unanimous. Nays: None. Abstentions: None. Motion carried. Approval of Agenda: City Manager Mercier stated that Consent Agenda Item #3 should read $349,269.29; and suggested that under New Business, Agenda Item #13B3 be removed to be brought back at a later date. It was moved by Councilmember Taylor and seconded by Councilmember Flanigan to approve the agenda as amended. Vote by acclamation: Ayes: Unanimous. Nays: None. Abstentions: None. Motion carried. Introduction of Special Guests and Presentations: Deputy Mayor Wilhite recognized the Camp Fire Girls in the audience who recently won a $1,000 first prize national award for the Colgate Youth for America. Deputy Mayor Wilhite recognized Camp Fire Leader Vicki Moore. Leader Moore and the Camp Fire Girls stood and were recognized. Vicki Moore, 4215 S. Meadow Drive, Spokane Valley, Wa. explained that the Camp Fire Girls' project for which they won the aforementioned award, was putting together care bags of personal care products for children taken from their homes due to methadone. Committee, Board, Liaison Summary Reports: Councilmember Schimmels reported that he attended the Solid Waste Meeting last week even though Spokane Valley does not yet have a vote on that Board. Councilmember Denenny reported that the STA Special Task Force community meeting was held last week and that a report was received from Robinson Research on a phone survey completed; they are going through letters and e -mails to the Task Force regarding comments to start to formulate some direction that hopefully the STA will be able to take to garner public support and to provide the type of transportation system the community desires. Deputy Mayor Wilhite reported she attended a board Council Minutes 06 -10 -03 Page 1 of 5 Date Approved by Council: 06 -24 -03 meeting for the Economic Development Council, where the Council's location was discussed and it appears they will re- negotiate their lease for the building where they are presently. Mayor's Report: Deputy Mayor Wilhite read a proclamation for R. Wallace Stanley Day; and mentioned she and Councilmember Taylor will present a proclamation later this week for a graduating class of the Leadership Spokane Group. Public Comments: None. Consent Agenda: After City Clerk Bainbridge read the items of the Consent Agenda, it was moved by Councilmember Flanigan and seconded by Councilmember Taylor to approve the consent agenda. Vote by acclamation: Ayes: Unanimous. Nays: None. Abstentions: None. Motion carried. Public Hearing: Interim Public Works Director Warren explained that according to State law, every year at the end of June cities are required to submit to the State through local agency SRTC, a six -year plan of improvements to the road system, but that this plan includes major capital projects only. Warren said this six -year plan is preliminarily aimed at those grant agencies from which we hope to acquire funds. Warren displayed a map which indicates the project by year which are in the budget, and will ultimately be in our capital and financial budget; that there is an adjustment of the plan in that the Barker Bridge improvements have been moved forward. Warren said the bridge is in poor condition. He said some of the connections between Appleway and the bridge have been moved forward in the process as we would like to use the BRAC grant funds to help match and increase the chances of getting funds for Barker Road. Warren said staff seeks public comment on the priority as presented, and /or alternative projects' priority. Warren further explained that the Barker Bridge was accelerated to take advantage of what appears to be a 402 grant on the bridge replacement, but that this is also important in linking as once Barker is built where it can handle traffic and the bridge is completed, then we can return to the Sullivan Bridge. Deputy Mayor Wilhite opened the public hearing at 6:25 p.m. and asked for testimony from Duane Schofield. Duane Schofield, 16317 E. Main, Spokane Valley, Wa.: spoke of the six -year traffic plan that was drafted by the County, and in particular spoke of the couplet and of his desire that the traffic flow to the city and not through the city; suggested council carefully examine the sewer repaving provisions of the plan on page 9; that he objected to topics on pages 8, 9, 19 and 20 in that the Comprehensive Plan's mandated policy regarding transportation is to make sure that the transportation projects accommodate and not interfere with adjoining property land uses; he feels the first phase of the couplet has interfered with land use and that at least one -third of the value of properties have been lost; that historically East Sprague has been a two -way street; that reverting East Sprague to two -way would mitigate the need and offset the cost of building additional replacement facilities and this would promote sales and services. Jack Riley, PO Box 13474 Spokane: distributed information from the Campbell Company, along with a petition signed by citizens who met with Ross Kelly of the Spokane County Engineers Office; said that there would be an increase in emergency services response times which could be avoided by restoring and maintaining two -way usage; that with the one -way traffic many businesses have been adversely affected; many businesses have closed and that if the one -way continues, more businesses will leave; that Ross Kelly indicated to Riley that a petition could help accomplish the road being changed back to two -way. Mark Pinch, S. 903 Liberty Drive, Liberty Lake: as President of Tomlinson Black Commercial, Inc., which does large amounts of retail business; that he feels there are three reasons for the vacancies along Sprague: (1) the national recession; (2) a shift in community of services to the east; and (3) the change in the arterial; that he feels the major reason for the large amount of vacancies is due to the change in the arterial; that retailers cannot exist on simply morning traffic, and that things will only get worse if things Council Minutes 06 -10 -03 Page 2 of 5 Date Approved by Council: 06 -24 -03 are not changed. He encouraged council to do economic studies of changing Sprague into the "going home" street and make the valley arterial the going to work street and still have traffic for one -way traffic, which moves traffic; or to study the economics of creating two lanes on Sprague for the going home traffic. Carlos Landa, 2910 E. 13 Avenue: that he is a former right -of -way agent for the City of Spokane, is a certified appraiser specializing in eminent domain issues; he also manages the Opportunity Center at Sprague and Pines; that he uses the freeway rather than the couplet; the corridor as it is does not work and that he feels the State also feels the couplet will not work either; having only the morning traffic does not work and that his business has been affected by at least 25 %. Martin Burnette, representing Spokane Valley Business Association: distributed copies of his June 10 letter; emphasized that it takes cash flow to pay for streets and lights, and with businesses leaving, that has a negative influence; has concerns about the apparent lack of consideration of the economic impact on businesses; that there is no evidence of gathering data regarding the circulation of vehicles as it pertains to businesses. Dick Bean, 9405 East Sprague: feels the six -year plan is a good plan but that Spokane County developed the road plans on how to move people in and out of Spokane, and now there is an opportunity to address traffic needs of Spokane Valley; that perhaps the planning commission needs to work with the professionals in the field and come up with a solution that works best; that there is a need to reassess the six -year plan to get the best traffic plan for the City of Spokane Valley. Marshall Clark, Clark Pacific Real Estate, 2320 N Atlantic Street, Suite 100, Spokane: said he handles leases in the Valley and parts of Spokane and that about nine out of ten new tenants want to be around Sullivan corridor or Spokane Mall, but the uncertainty of the couplet is a detriment and makes for uncertain growth; said the council making decisions will help the businesses. Bill Gothman, 10010 East 48 said he lives in the south part of the valley and the couplet has saved him travel time, likes going west on Sprague; that he and the Committee wrote the Roads Transition Report recommending extending the couplet east; as Chair of the Planning Commission and after study of the issue, he believes we need to carefully define where we want the City center 20 years from now and that should drive the issue of whether a couplet is needed, and whether Sprague should be one or two -way; that the process will take time and he looks forward to finding out the answers and solving the problem. In response to comments from Councilmember Denenny, Warren responded that we were aware of the controversy of the couplet and the one -way system at the onset, that this is not only a transportation issue but is a land use and economic issue; he recommends Council in preparation of the Comprehensive plan, examine the corridor and decide how the area should look in the future; he added that new connections to I -90 have made major effects on Sprague Ave; but there is still opportunity along Sprague and Appleway to examine all options and ideas and to involve those in the real estate market. Warren said decisions on the couplet were held off as long as possible with the state funding available; those funds are still available, and the six -year plan can be adjusted later. Deputy Mayor Wilhite stated council realizes how important it is to do an economic impact study, and that we do need to move forward so that businesses will know what to expect and at the same time, attract some new businesses. Deputy Mayor Wilhite closed the public hearing at 6:55 p.m. OLD BUSINESS: None Council Minutes 06 -10 -03 Page 3 of 5 Date Approved by Council: 06 -24 -03 NEW BUSINESS: A. Ordinances: Public Safety Ordinance: After the City Clerk read Ordinance 69 by title, it was moved by Councilmember Flanigan and seconded by Councilmember Taylor to suspend the rules and move Ordinance #69 to second reading for passage. Vote by acclamation: Ayes: Unanimous. Nays: None. Abstentions: None. Motion carried. Ordinance #69 approved. City Manager Mercier commented that the purpose of this ordinance is to provide added and appropriate command and control authority and that the statutes provide for city councils and staff to manage emergency management and other public safety within the community; and that this ordinance provides that opportunity. B. Resolutions: 1. Resolution 03 -037: Adopting the six -year Street Program. It was moved by Councilmember Taylor and seconded by Councilmember Flanigan, to adopt Resolution 03 -037. Deputy Mayor Wilhite asked for public comment. Tony Lazanis, 10626 East Empire: said further testimony should be taken before this Plan is adopted as there are many issues which need to be taken care of but have not been addressed. Dick Warren said there is some urgency as this must be submitted to the State by the end of the month; that engineers have reviewed this plan, and for the immediate period, he feels we are on track; and likely there will be additional discussion next year as the plan progresses. Councilmember Denenny stated that he will do everything possible to gain significant input from the public on this issue and that he will recommend that anything we do will have an extensive economic impact study. Denenny then re- stated the six projects mentioned in the plan. Vote by acclamation: Ayes: Unanimous. Nays: None. Abstentions: None. Motion carried. 2. Resolution 03 -038 Accepting Conveyance of an Easement. It was moved by Councilmember Taylor and seconded by Councilmember Denenny, to adopt Resolution 03 -038. City Attorney Schwartz indicated that Mr. Fournier has a request of the city: Spokane County has extended sewer line near his property, and in order to a build public sewer, the City must obtain public property; this resolution accepts property from Mr. Fournier in the form of an easement, and within that easement there will be pipe for sewer services, the easement will large enough and dedicated so that it can be turned into a future public street (this is an extension of Sinto Avenue within the City). Schwartz explained that we need the two documents because the conveyance of the easement has a lien on it and the City does not want a conveyance with a lien, that lien being the mortgage existing on Mr. Fournier's property. Schwartz said Fournier is in the process of removing that mortgage interest from the dedicated property, and this procedure should be simple as it is a lien only on a portion of the entire property. The resolution accepts the conveyance of the easement and authorizes the City Manager to accept a deed when the liens are removed from the conveyed property. Schwartz said staff recommends acceptance of the conveyance. Ted Fournier, 11814 East Maxwell, Spokane: said conveying the easement will open the property to the east for development, and that he supports the approval of the easement. Vote by Acclamation: Ayes: Unanimous. Nays: None. Abstentions: None. Motion carried. PUBLIC COMMENTS: None PENDING LEGISLATION: None. Council Minutes 06 -10 -03 Page 4 of 5 Date Approved by Council: 06 -24 -03 ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS City Manager Mercier reported that Stan McNutt is offering laptop training to all members of the City Council, and is available Thursday evening As no councilmembers were available Thursday evening, other dates will be explored Mercier also mentioned the need for a future finance committee meeting to examine the Mirabeau project, and once information has been gathered concerning revenues and expenditures, Mercier will notify Finance Committee members of the meeting date and time INFORMATION Deputy Mayor Wilhite asked for a motion to appoint three voting delegates to the Washington Association It was moved by Councilmember Denenny and seconded by Councilmember Taylor to appoint Mayor Mike DeVleming, Deputy Mayor Diana Wilhite, and Councilmember Dick Denenny as those three voting delegates Vote by Acclamation Ayes Unanimous Nays None Abstentions None Motion carried There being no further business, it was moved, seconded, and unanimously agreed upon to adjourn The meeting adjourned at 7 20 p m AITES')y, APPROVED l pristine Bainbridge, City Clerk g ty Michael DeVleming, Mj5 or Council Minutes 06 10 03 Page 5 of 5 Date Approved by Council 06 24 -03 NAME PRESENT /ABSENT *COMMENTS Mayor Michael DeVleming- Position No. 3 � � Deputy Mayor Diana Wilhite - Position No. 1 , Council.member Dick Denenny - Position No. 7 i. Councilmember Mike Flanigan - Position No. 6 Councilmember Rich Munson - Position No. 5 . .•l��C Councilmentber Gary Schimmels- Position No. 4 • Councilmember Steve - Taylor- Position No. 2 • CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY COUNCIL MEETING DATE COUNCIL ROM.. CALL NAME PLEASE PRINT ADDRESS TELEPHONE , takA r_ S e,v‘ ac; Q A c( 1 b l E.. IPAL.k 5 V , t1 Tfi C ., R /? i L e- Y 13 .d . &-, s i i v Sc'P. r ,l It36 E ty &&Nel( 2 - � 421 - °iO(a 0,,1,..., 4-0,kw-IN ick.srvte.5 Ik-{-j roe t( 0 S '03 6 f AP-- 566S" PUBLIC HEARING SIGN -IN SHEET SPOKANE VALLEY CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: June 10, 2003 SUBJECT: Six -Year Transportation Improvement Program ALL PERSONS WISHING TO SPEAK AT THE PUBLIC HEARING MUST SIGN IN WITH NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD. THERE MAY BE A TIME LIMIT FOR YOUR COMMENTS. A COPY OF ANY WRITTEN COMMENTS RELATING TO THE PUBLIC HEARING SUBJECT MUST BE PROVIDED TO THE CITY CLERK PUBLIC HEARING SIGN -IN SHEET SPOKANE VALLEY CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: June 10, 2003 SUBJECT: Six -Year Transportation Improvement Program ALL PERSONS WISHING TO SPEAK AT THE PUBLIC HEARING MUST SIGN IN WITH NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD. THERE MAY BE A TIME LIMIT FOR YOUR COMMENTS. A COPY OF ANY WRITTEN COMMENTS RELATING TO THE PUBLIC HEARING SUBJECT MUST BE PROVIDED TO THE CITY CLERK los 0A ,21( E 1311- q--C-— a 2 S9 NAME PLEASE PRINT ADDRESS TELEPHONE DUANE SCHOFIELD r ' N 16317E MAIN SPOKAKIE VALLEY, WA 99037 Phone (509) 926 -7537 1 t Email attyschofield c@Dsurfl ws 6/10/03 f SPOKANE VALLEY CITY COUNCIL 10814E SPRAGUE AVE , 4 SPOKANE VALLEY, 1(1/A 99206 Cc editor jspokesman com, vnh@onemain com, Ietters@thelocaiplanetcom lettersc,mlander com, demersdavid(a gwest net, posts(surfl ws, Chnsty(a,1000fnends org, Re 10 PUBLIC HEARING OBJECTIONS TO REMOVING ISLANDS AND STRIPES ON SPRAGUE AVE , EXTENDING THE VALLEY COUPLET, PER COUNTY 6-YR ROAD PLAN I would like to see our new City's historical primary business culture along 2 -way, East Sprague preserved, and re- established between Tschirley Umversity Road with the savings in road funds the County planned forstudy and construction removing islands and striping on Sprague Avenue Project 2 of the Valley Couplet from University Road to Evergreen Road and beyond This would allow emergency services responses to meet or exceed the minimum response times calculated -when the ambulance, fire and police facilities along East Sprague were ongmally designed Reverting East Sprague to 2 -way would mitigate the need and offset the cost of building additional, replacement facilities (estimated by the County engineering department earlier this year to be less than $1,500,000) This would promote sales and services by drivers traveling from Spokane to Spokane Valley as an alternate to traveling directly home along Appleway or 2nd Ave , rather than through Spokane Valley the County mandate prior to our new City's incorporation earlier this year Our City's residents need these sales and services jobs Our City's government needs the preserved tax revenues from these jobs, sales and services in our local community Faithfully, Aatal Duane Schofield ti CAMPBELL EAST 9300 SPRAGUE AVE Ste 201 SPOKANE WA 99206 Dear Property Owner Commercial and Industrial Real Estate www campbelispokane com CO The enclosed properties are offered to you for your consideration If you have an interest, please call me or visit our web -site at WWW CAMPBELLSPOKANE COM for a tour of other properties With the recent opening of the Sprague - Appleway comdor and the resulting one way traffice on each arterial, many businesses having signage and storefronts on Sprague Avenue have been adversly affected Other property owners along Appleway now have viable commercial property to develop, sell, or lease If you have an interest in discussing possibilities for your property, I have your property profile in our database and can easily assist you I will be pleased to help you establish the value of your commercial properties along Appleway, Sprague Avenue, or other business locations in the valley Respectfully, Evan Armstrong, Sales Associate The Campbell Company (509) 924-9547 FAX (509) 9249563 THE INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN WAS FURNISHED BY SOURCES WE DEEM RELIABLE WE HAVE NO REASON TO DOUBT ITS ACCURACY, BUT CANNOT GUARANTEE IT THE TO BOARD OF SPOKANE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AND THE SPOKANE COUNTY ENGLNEER'S OFFICE In Spokane County, Washington, the following concerned citizens met with Mr Ross Ke.lev, of the Spokane County Engineers Office and it was suggested by these property and business owners in Spokane County, Washington_ that the aetrirnent incarred by property and ousiness owners values and the increased degree of emergency services response times sue to the lack of adequate cross - streets immediately adjacent thereto, of cnanging two -way usage of Sprague Avenue, East from Fancher Road, could be avoiaed by restoring ana maintaining two - way usage Mr Ross Kelley then indicatea that this could be accomplished by petition, leaving Aopleway Boulevard as an alternate route East The unaersigned attendees request adeauate time to circulate a petition for signatures to request restoration and maintenance of East Sprague Avenue for two -way usage SIGN ATu R.E N tiiE ADDRES S - rL¢ t r4 rATra) assTPrt Roi)T" //o1 Jack Rileyi 1/2 CPR ,G--/�,E S " 41‘ Ca $C rt't ► ORN�`i ArT LP►`''j LL __ ..'' "" W -3SZr / / < Schofield u� 1 Q 2i 3v berg �� `fir t i 'L I F PL(J ARB C.1i , � �., -� // / Li 4 / f / /t"--e/-� 7 -Louie Falco 7 - 1( ( - ' ' L L ' D'5 A-'&ro A �� �� �Q _ B _ _ —Lloyd Sauberan O /? !i .477 tyPr cCe 4 ` . ' i I FN CSR RE.N'TA L _ < ' Barry Curry TO_ - - - __) / - DATE PHONE Please sign below of your agreement DATE SIGNATURE NAME ADDRESS PHONE sAP6+0. .440x0 s6 SA44( AJ - 90Z ?0 - 0 1 eh/ 04 • _ c))44 Ke41146) vU,k �rl 1 7 , 1 0 ( �l et/211,6 zy&" / lr a 7? .14/ /14 C9/3 SP/24c v e- c c,t �►, clot L /tua.e - L Al1 £ 5 tq g/ A : _ r R t E 16)1 evc)---/ i gcn neitn 3 01 a 17(AA At 5 ILCALL/ gal/ wx N -Teoia4,44o-rvey 635 -4-1 .V4 9 > ; -/ 7'c- 9A4 - 33 z 2_ 7l223 2 - 65 IS E Sper4qff 703c.%) of'. E a 8 122 Vre,�fX/i ag`'f -3 ‘ 2 Z )) F g/OVZ' SPA1 e F.v PETITION: TO BOARD OF SPOKANE COUNTY CONLVIISSIONERS SPOKANE COUNTY ENGINEERS MR ROSS KELLEY It has been suggested by a number of property and business owners in Spokane County, Washington, that the detriment incurred by property and business owner's values, and the increased degree of emergency services response times due to the lack of adequate cross- streets immediately adjacent thereto, of changing two -way usage of Sprague Avenue, East from Fancher Road, could be avoided by restoring and maintaining two -way usage The engineer's office has indicated that if this feeling truly represents the wishes of ALL or MOST of the property and business owners, two -way usage could be accomplished, leaving Appleway Boulevard as an alternate route East This petition is to request restoration and maintainance of E Sprague Avenue for two -way usage 4' IIA AlAr A , v - — �- .i.t•�.c • c io►a6 to /l ibb• /o /00/ Please sign below of your agreement DATE SIGNATURE NAME d Zor1 t d/;-3/4/ _._. 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J_ `t 'a-S7f' s, Wil A 14jigle=b 4 cieg 2 9,27- 907x Z 67e g- / 77 PETITION: TO BOARD OF SPOKANE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SPOKANE COUNTY ENGINEERS MR ROSS KELLEY It has been suggested by a number of property and business owners in Spokane County, Washington, that the detnment incurred by property and business owner's values, and the increased degree of emergency services response times due to the lack of adequate cross - streets immediately adjacent thereto, of changing two -way usage of Sprague Avenue, East from Fancher Road, could be avoided by restonng and maintaining two -way usage The engineer's office has indicated that if this feeling truly represents the wishes of ALL or MOST of the property and business owners, two -way usage could be accomplished, leaving Appleway Boulevard as an alternate route East This petition is to request restoration and maintainance of E Sprague Avenue for two -way usage to- /? 0/ 0 )god ((4 1-271e/ 12.14 � ,111y4 Please sign below of your agreement ,. P (a r , ice c` ®r, te - a c, Kr &J 4 X92 12 S 4-ci•o(e_ e Fp e, hi% r Lili odt_i l .. 6€P- -eQ- 7 9,.'- AO .Pie V al R � l : CO l I ' • U f oIc ) L -Q £J ►(mot 2- /0-21—DI - A C cxco, ll L7'1 rZ tA , 3 t- ,..p' \.k (14 --------- fvffr( 4 6 / ___ 4c - ;) 1 AI wv e ,140(, 976 / L= Se rc9 u1L S� 0k Z / Se's' -R. 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A 7/ 2 3 e)/ to 210'O( /2_-24/-u 1 k/v A as4 , 9/c j S r - cat) R-0 Sib N N C, l DWZI 0x SAO 27-392-S /1/ r I 6779 9.27--iaod e(4►r„ aY-7D.3 3 PETITION: TO BOARD OF SPOKANE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SPOKANE COUNTY ENGINEERS MR ROSS KELLEY It has been suggested by a number of property and business owners in Spokane County, Washington, that the detnment incurred by property and business owner's values, and the increased degree of emergency services response times due to the lack of adequate cross - streets immediately adjacent thereto, of changing two -way usage of Sprague Avenue, East from Fancher Road, could be avoided by restoring and maintaining two -way usage The engineer's office has indicated that if this feeling truly represents the wishes of ALL or MOST of the property and business owners, two -way usage could be accomplished, leaving Appleway Boulevard as an alternate route East This petition is to request restoration and maintainance of E Sprague Avenue for two -way usage SPOKANNALLEYBUSINESS ASSOCIATION BOARD MEMBI R PRESIDENT VICE PRESIDENT TREASURI R BOARD MEMBER BOARD MEMBER BOARD MEMBER PUB( IC RELATIONS Terry Lynch Ray Perry Dick Behm Jr Clark Hager Sr Annette Remshard Milt Neaumann Martin A Barnette Jr 535 1626 926 0921 924 7800 928 -3151 893 -0607 926 3810 464 2458 Past Presidents Cecil Cleveland Mark Hollenback Tom Hamilton June 10th , 2003 Mayor Mike DeVleming City Of Spokane Valley 11.707E Sprague Ave # 106 Spokane Valley, WA 99206 Honorable Mayor Mike DeVleming, Spokane Valley City Council Representatives On behalf of the Spokane Valley Busmess Association and our membership, I would like to state our position regarding the current status of the Sprague Ave section of the South Valley Couplet I have attached copies of previous articles and documents which support our written testamony The South Valley Couplet project was the oldest and largest proposed project in the history of Spokane County, spanning over 30 years and ultimately cost more than 60 million dollars/ The complexities and broad variety of challenges woven within the fabric of the project made it un- wieldy and mtimidating for many elected officials and public service groups We are appreciative for the problem solving skills Spokane County Commissioner Phil Harris brought to the table in helping this project become more constructive In the first article by the Spokesman Review ( first attachment) following the SVBA filed suit against the proposed project, I was quoted as saying "Plaintiffs claim the environmental impact statement done for the project did not adequately address traffic problems or the impact on busi- ness in the area and the people who would lose land" It is not possible to have 20 20 foresight, however it is clear the SVBA had consistently and persistently stated our concern regarding the design of the project In the second attachment are the issues we (SVBA) felt had not been ade- quately considered I will address these concerns later in this written testimony No project in the history of this community has drawn such strange bed fellows as environmental agencies and business enterprises banding together toward a common goal This is dramatized by the participation of environmental groups like the Sierra Club, Audubon Society, Citizens for Clean Air and Washington Environmental Council partnering with prommate business enter- prises to total the 19 plaintiffs opposing the original plan Page 1 Refrizedeattof Spleawe We, 9ftetweized4 aktd ecoa4 7 f ee Sow 199/ P 0 BOX 14485 SPOKANE VALLEY WASHINCON 99214 Together We IIM Are Strong The original concerns of the SVBA are stated in the second attachment of the Notice Of Public Hearing These are not the full scope of our concerns today We (SVBA) realize the critical planning needs of Spokane Valley cannot focus entirely on the impact the change may bnng to local businesses and pnvate property nghts We understand the planning process is cumbersome During the entire EIS (environmental impact statement) process there was little concern given to the financial realities of the business people and land owners along Sprague Ave The Washington State environmental impact statement guidelines do not place priority on the economic basis of a project However today you aware of the end result of using this short sighted approach to land use planning You now know what is good about the project and you know what didn't work No quick study done by a consulting firm which has nothing to lose if they are wrong, will be able to give you more answers and information than you already have today Pro - longing dealing with the obvious is damaging to the business community, public safety and to the air quality of our beautiful new city Spokane Valley does need the substantial revenues businesses provide in support and expand community infrastructure Their property taxes and sales taxes are only a small part of the economic value businesses bring to the table for the entire community Businesses create jobs enabling families to purchase homes, automobiles, put their kids in college and food on the dinner table Businesses are the backbone of every community Spokane County Engineers did attempt to gather infornation from the business community as noted in the third attachment I provided I provided you with the actual questionnaire used in gather information as my forth attachment The fifth attachment was an announcement from Spokane County regarding a public meeting scheduled In the "purpose" area of this announcement it states "The supplemental environmental impact statement will focus on traffic and circulation, air quality, noise, land use, and economic impacts In our original lawsuit we identified our concern of response times for fire and law enforcement emergencies The in efficiencies of the one way road forcing vehicle traffic to circle block after block many times weaving through residential areas, attempting to find a way to a specific location This planning error is putting citizens at life risk, maybe your loved one, according to the fire department and law enforcement officials This added vehicular chaos is adding to the onginal problem - air quality There is so much we know today we could not have know as citizens and business people in the early planning process The couplet project has been a big success in moving traffic east bound on Appleway Blvd lowenng emissions and reducing bottle necking We also know Appleway Blvd does a good fob of providing an alternative to the freeway, for vehicles traveling east bound Page 2 of 3 In the last attachment titled "State boosts Valley Couplet ", the article cites Spokane County receiving $2 4 million as a result of the project being under way "Following the couplet's approval by the state, The Spokane Valley Business Association on Monday dropped the lawsuit it filed against the county to stop the South Valley Artenal, a traffic - improvement proposal that preceded the valley Couplet plan The business group filed the suit in 1994 on behalf of nearly 20 plaintiffs" This document does a good job of identifying the motivation be hide the project, air quality The SVBA in our commitment to individuals and business people in the Spokane Valley had no choice but to oppose the onginal project due to the wreak less nature of the course of the Artenal The deal is in the details is a saying I use all the time as a financial planner If the attention to details is not there then there is a weak link which can be the undoing! fhe SVBA has a long history of serving the people of Spokane Valley We have a long history of being part of the solution concerning the broad needs of our community We look forward to continuing to partner with other agencies and with elected officials to work toward the vision we all had in our pursuit of our own city We (SVBA) believe the facts clearly indicate the need to return Sprague to a two way street, leaving Appleway Blvd as a one way heading east bound until further studies justified change It is unlikely any short range study done by more consultants will tell us more than we already know today about the horrific error making Sprague Avenue a one way street Respectfully, - 717, „ 1, -- Martin A Burnette, J Public Relations Officer SVBA Board Member Attachments Vanous Page 3 of 3 The Spot 9 nevlow Lawsuit seeks to drive arterial down dead -end Efl'U110111)/C11tQl, business 1711ClCS1S r rn opponrrar to load in (yea 13y Alison Boggs Staff writer S t'vetal environmental groups ind Valley businesses have filed n l iwsuit to stop constriction of the South Valley Arterial The arterial is planned to be a four Tine road from Thierman to University par Mel to and sout of Sprague Construction of the project is due to begin in 1998 ' We re not doing this because we have nothing else to do, M-irtin Mirnette Jr, spokesman for the Spok-ine Valley Business Association slid in reference to the lawsuit "This is not a trivial emotional response' Burnelle slid he doesn t think the county understands the strength of opposition to the project Plaintiffs claim the environmental impact statement done for the project did not adequately address traffic problems or the impact on business in the area and people who would lose land On Sept 9 county commissioners soled 2 1 in favor of the irtenril Commissioner P it Mummcy said the need outweighs opposition to the project freew Is are meint to be interstate roads not commuting rands she said ' The county is responsible to have roads thit transport their people It s a necessity thing to move people if we don (win 10 end up in gridlock like Scathe Commissioner Steve I Ihsson cast the dissenting vote 1 le is idiminlly opposed to spending millions of dollars on a project he slid will he outd,ted in 11 years We need In get away from this quick fix mentality F said I just don 1 think it s been thought through very carefully Business association members agree s lying the arterial will kill their businesses if somebody chopped off one of your arms, you wouldn I he is efficient, said Mirk I lollenback president of the business Dissociation He s iid the artenal will wipe out 'bruit 40 percent of his body shop business at Dishmin Dodge L7700 Sprague Environmentalists said the arterial will cut an acre awry from the Dishman Hilts Natural Area mere-ice noise pollution and harm wildlife ' Exhiusl is known to &uri ge ponderosi pines said T cam Rogers a member of the Dishman Hills Nitta ►I Are, Association and of the business association II s just not 1 good thing to hive there it ill A G% Both I I isson and Munimey said Nos ember s election could turn things iround tithe new commies'() ,er who replaces Mummey opposes the project Phtntiffs listed in the lawsuit are Spokane V-illcy Business Association George (,ce Pantile, Kin GMC. i ruck Unicume Investments doing business as Rose 111% en Mobile Park, Arrotti Chrysler, Plymouth, McCollum Ford Ranch Inc , Hollanren Inc M ind G Investments doing business is Dishniin Dodge Dishman Auto Credit Inc , Dishman Hills Natural Area Association, the 1-lobnitlers, Spokane Audubon Society, Sierra Club Northeast Chapter Washington Stile Native Plant Society Washington Environmental Council Citizens for Clean Air Sun Rcntit Center Inc Richard R Mayer, and Mirk and Toni Fanning No 9 4 (14,(>,0 fEF'Of1E TIIE BOARD OF ('()UN rY COMMISSIONERS IN TI IE MA1 i Eli Of" AN AN EAl OF TIIE 1 INAL E AL IMPAC1 STA1 F MENr (F'C[31it:ARY 1, 1994) ron TILE SOIJTi I VAIL CY AFITEFIIAI , E,F OKANE COUNTY i10AD 1'110JE( r NO 2396 rage 1 OF SPOKANE COUNTY WASIIING1ON A I ack of coordlnition with state highway projects 9 I ack of Spec Ific attention to n11f1 -rt on pul lir hods 10 NJOTiCE OF PUBLIC IIEARING NOTICE IS I IEREBY CIVFfJ by tho Board of County Commissioners of Spokane County, ilursuant to Spokeno County Environmental Ordinance cordon 11 10 1/0 that n SFF A'ppo ►I vw,s flied on F 6bruary 11 1994 by 1 Ioll-tnren, Inc and :,poi nrlo Volley rtustnrss Association !he appeal chalionved tho adequacy of the Final fnvlronrncntal Impact Slot( ment (February 1 1 994) prepared for tho South Volley Arterial Shokano ( ounty Hoed Project No 2 '390 The board of ( ounty Commissioners will hold a public I►e ct 4 00 o clock r m or as goon es poesiblo thernaft)r, on March 9 1094, In t i• Public WorI- LJulldrng Lowpr I evel (ommissionor s Miserably Floom 1026 West Broadway Spokane Washington 99260 The purpose of the public hearing will be for the Hoard of County Commissioners to consider public testimony on the deficiencies in the i inal rnvlronmcntal impact St ttement (f ebruary 1 1994) prepared for the South Valley Arterial Spokane ( ounty Road Project ilo 7396 Included within the above referenced appeal 1 ho cfoficloncies includo the following 1 1 ack of sufficient study of economic impact on businesses 2 I auk of sufficient study of North South traffic congestion 3 tar 1 of study of intersection congestion created lay proposal !, I ecl of suit able , Iiidy of niters 'le forms of 11r.nsport3ttcn 6 lark of sntlsflrtnay noise reduction 7 1 ack of n1tention to losers of land end right of way arga risition 8 l net' of real! )tic © of future growth issues and neon for tfan prrrtacas-11 11n��t1 - 1 ctoly tteiti c.n( of lion( rail corridor pedestrlln nvmpa`'s and r emergency vehlClo nrcess and 11 1 ack of attention to general I,n r 'ic1 on lmu^iraesst.s r 0 1 1111 11 1111 1y and environment Nit It Irani! tar tiw,onhtel memo A,11 i# r g , ) _ 0 �.�.. c s 3 i t Ili' 36 -63'(t , i — - ) 2 1 ' 11_!_ _ _- t r t.11 t, 1 5 MAR 0 2 1994 URR JPQ.Id;t3AW Ili1C TIC (%=.11ME OALPRI SPOKANE Thursday March 13, 1997- Perkins Restaurant BUSINESS ASSOCIATION PO Bo ti 13583 o Spokane Washington 99213 MINUETS OF REGULAR MEETING OF SPOKANE VALLEY BUSINESS ASSOCIATION OFFICERS PRESENT President- Mark Hollenback Vice- President -Milt Neumann (Excused) Secretary- Ed Mertens Treasurer- Dick Behm Jr Public Relations - Martin Burnette Board Member- Cecil Cleveland GUESTS Kate McCaslin, County Commissioner, Dennis Scott, PE -Ross Kelley,PE -James Haines,PE, County Engineers The meeting was called to order by President, Mark Hollenback Cecil Cleveland reported on E I S meeting at Red Lion, March 12, of propose new "VALLEY COUPLET" those who testified were, Ray Allen, on Fire stations on Sprague, Ray Murphy, Valley Chamber, on impact on business,Terry Little,Robert Henry, Tom Rogers and Dick Maier, Helen Linner, All with miscellaneous concerns Jim Haines reported a questionnaire had went out to the Sprague corridor involved,with a 40% return, 60% of these were good, 40% with concerns Ed Mertens asked what the time table appeared as and they said to possibly start year 2000, completion 2001 -2002 Mark Hollenback asked when the Sewer project would be completed on South side of Sprague and it was stated when arterial was completed Martin Brunette asked if any real opposition existed and Jim Haines stated nothing real serious Also if a bus lane be used similar to Northtown and the answer was a transit lane is included Dick Behm made comments on the fact that the E 1 report was too vague If SRTC studies were coordinated with the study and Jim Haines reported that he and Ross Kelley meet monthly with SRTC items such as sewer, billboards and maintenance of green area were discussed Traffic flow at intersections, etc, also cutoff at University Martin Brunette brought up traffic problems and Jim Haines briefly explained a lot judgement goes into each area, including air control, noise etc He gave an example of determining actual traffic needs I E SRTC computer model gave off untrue examples The manual method is more accurate Kate McCaslin asked about two -way on both streets They advised us that Quality Control on Air, Etc would be more problematic PRESIDENT VICE PRESIDENT TREASURF R SECRETARY BOARD MFMBER Mai+ HollLnback Milt Neumann Dick Behm, Jr Ed Mertens Cecil Cleveland 921 3250 924 -2000 924 7800 926 9930 924 1250 DIVISION OF ENGINEERING AND ROADS William A Johns P E County Engineer • A DIVISION OF THE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Dennis M Scott P E Director Sprague Avenue Business Owners Questionnaire for the South Valley Couplet Project 1 How long have you been at your location' 2 What route do your customers, employees, and /or vendors use to travel to your business? 3 Do you consider access to your business to be easy or difficult? Why? 4 Do you understand the proposed project? 5 How will this alternative directly affect your business? Why? 1026 W Broadway Ave Spokane WA 99260 0170 (509) 456 3600 FAX (509) 324 3478 TDD (509) 324 3166 6 In your opinion, will this alternative improve traffic flow or create a problem? Why? 7 In your opinion, will this alternative improve or limit access to your business? Why? 8 What properties or areas are likely to become more valuable because of the proposed options? Why? 9 What type of businesses are most likely to benefit from this alternative? 10 What concerns do you have related to project construction? How might the county nutigate these problems? 11 Are there any other general observations or comments about the traffic patterns or access to businesses, either how they exist now or how they might be after this alternative, that you would like to make Spokane /S valley Arterial 07 /OS /96u DIVISION OF ENGINEERING AND ROADS William A Johns P E County Engineer Valley Chamber of Commerce Wednesday, July 17, 1996 - 12 00 noon Dewey's East Restaurant 12909 Sprague Avenue, Spokane O u N - Jr y • A DIVISION OF THE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Dennis M Scott P E Director South Valley Couplet Meetings Spokane Valley Business Association Wednesday, July 17, 1996 - 7.00 p.m. Location To Be Determined Contact County Public Works Pubhc Scopmg Meeting Thursday, July 18, 1996 - 700 p.m. (Open House 6.00 -7 00 p m.) Umverstty High School Cafetena, 10212 East 9th Avenue, Spokane Distribution This invitation has been extended to Sprague Avenue business owners Project. The South Valley Couplet project proposes to (1) convert Sprague Avenue to one way westbound within existing right of -way and with no major street changes, and (2) construct a roadway one -way eastbound south of Sprague Avenue and generally following the 1st Avenue, 2nd Avenue, and county-owned Old Milwaukee Railroad right -of -way The couplet would extend from Thierman Road on the west to University Road on the east The purpose of the project is to improve east -west commuting in the Spokane Valley The South Valley Couplet project represents Alternative 6 of the South Valley Arterial Road Project No 2396 Five other alternatives were considered and analyzed in previous environmental documents and presented in previous public review meetings The supplemental environmental impact statement being prepared for the South Valley Couplet project will supplement the previously prepared environmental documents July 17 Valley Chamber of Commerce and Spokane Valley Business Association Meetings Spokane County Pubhc Works staff will describe the proposed project m detail and provide background information on the other alternatives considered and how Alternative 6 developed Although most of the meetuig will be devoted to presentation of the project, there will be an opportunity to ask questions and provide comments July 18 Public Scoping Meeting- The 600 p m open house will provide an informal opportunity to review the project description and design plans with county staff and ask questions The 700 p m scopmg meeting will provide an opportunity to offer comments on the issues to be addressed m the supplemental environmental impact statement Purpose The purpose of the July 17 and 18 meetings is to obtain comments and concerns regarding the environmental and economic impacts of the project to be considered in the supplemental environmental impact statement Representatives from Jones & Stokes Associates, who will assist the county in preparing the environmental documentation, will be present at all three meetings to take comments The supplemental environmental impact statement will focus on traffic and circulation, air quahty, noise, land use, and economic impacts Written Comments Attached is a questionnaire to be used by Jones & Stokes Associates to help assess impacts to your business This questionnaire can be submitted at the meetings or mailed to the Spokane County Public Works Department (Attn Jim Haines) no later than July 26, 1996 1026 W Broadway Ave Spokane WA 99260 0170 (509) 456 3600 FAX (509) 324 3478 TDD (509) 324 3166 Spokane Wash W State bo By Angie Gaddy Staff Writer T he state is helping pave the way for the new Spokane Valley Couplet On Friday the state Transportation Improvement Board formally approved the Valley Couplet plan, and gave Spokane County $2 4 million to help pay for the $18 7 million project - The 21 mile couplet will run between Interstate 90's Sprague Avenue interchange and University Road Eventually, it will extend all the way to Liberty Lake County engineers hope to begin construction in the year 2000 Following the couplet's approval by the state, the Spokane Valley Business Association on Monday dropped the lawsuit it filed against the county to stop the South Valley Arterial, a traffic improvement proposal that preceded the Valley Couplet plan The business group filed the suit in 1994 on behalf of nearly 20 plaintiffs The South Valley Artenal was to have been a four lane, limited access road from Thierman to University that generally would have followed the old Milwaukee Railroad right of way "We feel very strongly that this current project does meet the goals and the objectives of the citizens and community," said Martin Burnctte spokesman for the Spokane Valley Business Association, a group formed specifically to oppose the South Valley Arterial "The (earlier) concept was good tor planning, but the devil was in the details, and that's what He needed to stop," Burnette said Other plaintiffs in the lawsuit ranged from Valley auto dealers to environmental groups Business owners were worried about limited access to the Sprague Avenue strip Environmental groups worried about traffic noise and pollution The DiOman Hills Natural Area Association was concerned that the sts galley Couplet Take video tour Spokane County, along with the Spokane Transit Authority and Washington state r Department o(Traripportation,M, has produced a videotthat will take c mmuters onV ? computer animated drive along the Valley Couple n ' The eight minute vi�eo,. offers a three duneiisional view of the 2Y- miletcouplit, planned for construction ins 2000 The video shows traf flow exiting from Interstate 90 at a newly rebuilt Sprague Avenue interchange, thee} heading h �r eastbound along the 'irst' i 4 t Avenue, logging onto Second Avenue and turning back to travel west on Sprague The video was produced by Promo Prose, a Spokane company It cost $4,500, with fundin* split three ways by the county, the state and the STA. County engineers'said they think the new video helped '� secure those funds "I think it helped them - understand what we werd ' doing,' said Ross Kelley, assistant county engineer The county Public Works Department plans to show the video to citizen and community groups upon request For more information or to arrange a showing of the video, call 324 3268 Angie Gaddy South Valley Arteri it would have cut an acre out of the nature preserve Now the couplet plan, which county commissioners approved in M iy is on its way with full support from tiff, business association Phis is not a limited access Thursday October, p 199I Page (11 i s i i arterial like the original plan " Burnette said The new plan will change Sprague to a one way westbound road It will have five lanes, including a car pool lane, plus a bicycle lane Eastbound traffic will flow along First Avenue then dog south to Second Avenue at Park Road The couplet's eastbound leg will have four lanes, plus a bicycle lane It won t have a car pool lane, but there will be room for expansion Michael Hamilton, president of the Dishman Hills Natural Area Association said although this plan does not cut into the nature area the association will still consider purchasing land along First Avenue to provide a buffer for the 530 acre natural area The association opposes any change to commercial or light industrial zoning that might be proposed along the couplet route after it is completed "We re long term thinking people," Hamilton said of the 805 member association Right of way acquisition of property along the eastbound r6ute of the couplet has already begun, but with state approval and funding the county can begin purchasing land in full earnest," said Ross Kelley, assistant county engineer Right of way acquisitions will account for $10 million of the project s cost Some of that money will be used to help displaced families get into new homes, county officials said The county will first begin purchases in areas with high population density, including Rose Haven, Woodland Park and Vista mobile home parks between Park and Lewis Roads The Washington State Department of Transportation is rebuilding the Sprague Avenue interchange The new interchange, wh ich H ill cost a total of $45 million %%ill connect the Valley Couplet with the tieeway A D LCY 4