2003, 09-23 Regular Meeting MinutesROLL CALL: City Clerk Bainbridge called roll. MINUTES City of Spokane Valley City Council Regular Meeting September 23, 2003 Mayor DeVleming called the City of Spokane Valley Regular Meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Attendance: Councilmembers: Michael DeVleming, Mayor Diana Wilhite, Deputy Mayor Dick Denenny, Councilmember Mike Flanigan, Councilmember Richard Munson, Councilmember Gary Schimmels, Councilmember Steve Taylor, Councilmember Staff Present: Nina Regor, Deputy City Manager Stanley Schwartz, Interim City Attorney Cary Driskell, Deputy City Attorney Ken Thompson, Finance Director Mike Jackson, Parks & Recreation Director Marina Sukup, Community Development Director Neil Kersten, Public Works Director Greg McCormick, Long Range Planning Manager Kevin Snyder, Current Planning Manager Tom Scholtens, Building Official Sue Pearson, Deputy City Clerk Chris Bainbridge, City Clerk PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayor DeVleming led the Pledge of Allegiance. INVOCATION: Pastor Craig Lotze of Victory Faith Fellowship gave the invocation. APPROVAL OF AGENDA: It was moved by Deputy Mayor Wilhite and seconded by Councilmember Munson to approve the agenda as presented. Vote by Acclamation: In Favor: Unanimous. Opposed: None. Abstentions: None. Motion carried. COMMITTEE, BOARD, LIAISON SUMMARY REPORTS: Councilmember Munson reported that he attended and participated in, Valleyfest; that it was a fun event, was well attended, and that he hopes the event will continue to grow in the future. MAYOR'S REPORT: Mayor DeVleming said the "Community Conversation" last week in the Edgeclift neighborhood was well attended; that tomorrow afternoon the major properties owners in the University City area will be discussing vision and possibilities for that area. Mayor DeVleming announced that it appears proper to mark our first holiday season with a special celebration of the lighting of Spokane Valley's community Christmas tree on December 4 in the U -City parking lot. Mayor DeVleming said one of the tasks is the purchase of a 30 -foot Christmas tree; that typically a large artificial tree can be in excess of $100,000, but that a company was located which recently had a tree order cancelled and they are willing to sell the tree to us at the dramatically reduced price of $18,000. Mayor DeVleming said those funds must be raised by the end of this month so that the tree can be shipped and set up by December 3. Mayor DeVleming said a number of community leaders and business Council Minutes 09 -23 -03 Page 1 of 7 Date Approved by Council: 10 -14 -03 owners have already stepped forward to aid in the fundraising efforts, and Mayor DeVleming invited Dick Beam to come to the podium. Dick Beam, Treasurer of Spokane Valley Business Association: said he has been authorized to present a check in the amount of $500.00 to start the "Spokane Valley Presents a Celebration of Light;" that the Central Valley School District has promised a 1,000 -voice choir for the lighting of the tree; and that other details are being planned for the event. Mayor DeVleming thanked Mr. Beam and the Spokane Valley Business Association for their support. Councilmember Flanigan added that funds for the tree purchase are being collected through the Spokane Valley Booster Fund and donations can be left with any branch of American West Bank in the Valley. Mayor DeVleming emphasized that this will be a community - wide project and no tax dollars will be used in this event. Councilmember Schimmels challenged each Councilmember to donate $100, and submitted his "promise to pay." PUBLIC COMMENTS: Mayor DeVleming asked for public comment on matters not on the agenda. Steve McNulty, 4106 S. Hollow Court: stated that he and several residents (approximately 12 in attendance) expressed concern that apparently the new owner of 4110 S. Hollow Court is proposing to open and conduct a business from a shop on the property; that Mr. McNulty spoke to Mr. Ferrell, the owner, about a permit in the rear of the yard to conduct the business in the shop; that Mr. McNulty's wife filed a complaint about the proposed commercial use in a residential neighborhood; that Mr. Ferrell has put in additional power and informed Mr. McNulty the use will not be commercial, although Mr. Ferrell's business "Moose Automotive" lists 4110 S. Hollow Court (a copy of the business card and telephone book listing was distributed to the City Clerk); Mr. McNulty requests council and the planning department look into this further. Craig Keaton, 4019 S. Hollow Court: stated his concerns about the proposed activity at 4110 S. Hollow Court; that the street now has heavy equipment use and the street's condition is becoming worn. Mark Broader, 4105 S. Hollow Court: owns the house next to Mr. McNulty and lives directly across the street from the property in question; lends his support to that of Mr. McNulty and Keaton. Deputy City Attorney Driskell said staff will immediately investigate the situation and will report to council at the next council meeting. John Boyd, 4024 S. Forrest Meadows Drive: said when sewer was put in, an effort was made to come to the individual homeowners asking them if they needed anything else before new paving started; that Mr. Boyd believes there is a five year moratorium on tearing up streets after the new paving, but asked that might be looked into. Diane Cortez, representing Comcast, the Edgeclift Community, and Prat Elementary School: those entities are working on a project entitled "Weeds to Seeds," a community service project to help the Edgeclift community to clean up the community and neighborhood in removal of garbage, etc., that they are asking for permit fees to be donated as mentioned in a letter she previously sent; and that she will be in touch with council or staff to follow up her request. John Howard, 11616 East Jackson: stated his concern with Eaglepoint Apartments and the apparent lack of parking; also the hill which joins Jackson & Wilbur where kids sled during winter, sledding into busy traffic. CONSENT AGENDA: After City Clerk Bainbridge read the Consent Agenda, it was moved by Councilmember Taylor and seconded by Deputy Mayor Wilhite to approve the Consent Agenda. Vote by acclamation: In Favor: Unanimous. Opposed: None. Abstentions: None. Motion carried. Council Minutes 09 -23 -03 Page 2 of 7 Date Approved by Council: 10 -14 -03 NEW BUSINESS: 2. Ordinance No. 03 -067 Junk Vehicle Second Reading. After City Clerk Bainbridge read the ordinance title, it was moved by Mayor DeVleming and seconded by Councilmember Taylor to approve ordinance No. 03 -067. Attorney Driskell explained that tonight's draft is an accommodation among the various citizens' views expressed to staff; that a concern was brought to staff regarding Department of Licensing and how that entity would consider the transfer of title at the direction of the City under this ordinance, in that if someone owned more than four vehicles and they were forced to transfer under this ordinance in any calendar year, that the DOL would require them to register as a dealer. Attorney Driskell said he spoke with the DOL who assured Driskell that someone compelled to transfer title under those circumstances would not be considered a dealer. Attorney Driskell then summarized the process up to this point, including input from the citizen committee, calls from members of the community, various meetings, numerous drafts, input from the planning commission and a public hearing on the matter. Attorney Driskell said he feels the community is satisfied this ordinance accomplishes the goals set out and is not unduly restrictive. Mayor DeVleming invited public comment. Robert Deluge, S. 708 Naylor Road: said his copy of the ordinance has had no changes; that at the public hearing 20 (not two) people gave public testimony against the ordinance, and one person voted in favor; that Inland Empire Car Club Council was to have been contacted and there has been no communication with those car enthusiasts who want this ordinance completely re- vamped. Dave Gilbert, 6` & Progress: said he spoke with DOL and the Department of Revenue, that he would like to speak to Attorney Driskell to find out who he spoke with; that Mr. Gilbert was told people cannot sell more than four cars in twelve months unless they are a car dealer. Edgar Lincoln, 8503 E. Boone: said this will substantially bite into the projects he's working on; that he has not been able to work until now due to the economy; that he can't afford to fence off or put those cars in storage; and that he has old inoperable vehicles but they are not junk. Attorney Driskell said the copy the gentlemen was referring to was from May and that draft has been substantially changed; the changes since that time are to allow up to two junk vehicles provided they are completely site - screened year- around in certain zones; that that change was made as a direct consequence with the car hobbyists they met with; that several hobbyists at the meeting gave their input and they proposed that this ordinance allow up to three vehicles in certain zones; that State Law allows for two exceptions in the law and this ordinance includes two additional exceptions: up to two vehicles in the zone, and that anyone working on their cars would have up to 60 days to complete the work, and the Community Development Director could grant another 60 day extension. Councilmember Munson added that the comment about twenty people voicing objection to this ordinance was at the May meeting at which time the matter was tabled; that the ordinance was revised and at the next meeting where the ordinance was considered, only two people voiced their opposition to the ordinance. Bill Gothmann, Chair, Planning Commission: said that the Planning Commission recommended vote was unanimously in favor of the ordinance; and at that meeting opportunity for public comment was allotted and several people were in favor of the ordinance and very few were opposed; that the major misunderstanding of the ordinance might be the definition of "junk vehicle," that classic hobbyists are excluded from the definition of "junk vehicle." Vote by Acclamation: In Favor: Unanimous. Opposed: None. Abstentions: None. Motion carried. Council Minutes 09 -23 -03 Page 3 of 7 Date Approved by Council: 10 -14 -03 3. Ordinance 03 -081, Second Reading of Ordinance Amending Hearing Examiner Ordinance. After City Clerk Bainbridge read the ordinance title, it was moved by Councilmember Taylor and seconded by Councilmember Schimmels to adopt ordinance 03 -081. Attorney Schwartz added that this ordinance is to modify appellate jurisdiction and changes the procedure regarding review of preliminary plats, and that this ordinance expedites the procedure with respect to review of preliminary plats. Mayor DeVleming invited public comment; none was offered. Vote by Acclamation: In Favor: Unanimous. Opposed: None. Abstentions: None. Motion Carried. 4. Ordinance 03 -082 Approving and Adopting a Corporate Seal — First Reading. After City Clerk Bainbridge read the ordinance by title, it was moved by Deputy Mayor Wilhite and seconded by Councilmember Munson to suspend the rules, move this to a second reading, and adopt Ordinance 03 -082. Deputy City Manager Regor explained that RCW 35A states that each city governed under this optional municipal code may use a corporate seal approved by its legislative body; and this ordinance describes, approves, and adopts the seal design as the corporate seal of the City of Spokane Valley, Washington. Mayor DeVleming invited public comment, none was offered. Vote by Acclamation: In Favor: Unanimous. Opposed: None. Abstentions: None. Motion carried. 5. Proposed Nuisance Abatement Ordinance No. 03 -083 — First Reading. After City Clerk Bainbridge read the ordinance title, it was moved by Mayor DeVleming and seconded by Councilmember Munson to give the ordinance a first reading, and advance it to a second reading on October 14, 2003. Attorney Driskell explained that this is the third of three similar matters before Council (junk vehicles and zoning code compliance were the other two issues); that at the last study session a suggestion was made concerning agricultural activities being exempt from the dust requirements, and that change has been incorporated into the document; Attorney Driskell briefed council over the changes. Mayor DeVleming invited public comment. Tom Gregory, E. 1090 23 Avenue: said he is in favor of this ordinance; that previously he was a fire district commissioner and received numerous complaints about not keeping fire hydrants clear; suggests changing the title and submitting that to the Fire District if we are going to annex to them so they can have input; that he is a strong proponent of property rights and wants to make sure this will not infringe upon rights of property owners. Diane Quast, Executive Director Spokane Housing Authority: suggested reviewing City of Tacoma's ordinance for this as she feels it is a model ordinance. Chet Glover, 2423 E. Mansfield: spoke in favor of the ordinance; many have site obstructions like Mansfield and Pines; applauds council. Tony Lazanis: also spoke in support of the ordinance. Richard Beam, 3626 S. Ridgeview: said he favors the ordinance; also mentioned the City inherited a lot of right -of -way and we should make sure our City rights -of -way are taken care of. Brief discussion then ensued concerning safety issues connected with the right -of -way, including possible involvement with the police and fire departments. Vote by acclamation: In Favor: Unanimous. Opposed: None. Abstentions: None. Motion carried. 6. Proposed Resolution No. 03 -046 Delegating Hearing Examiner re Dangerous Dog. After City Clerk Bainbridge read the title of the resolution, it was moved by Councilmember Taylor and seconded by Councilmember Munson to adopt Resolution 03 -046. Attorney Driskell explained that this Council Minutes 09 -23 -03 Page 4 of 7 Date Approved by Council: 10 -14 -03 resolution delegates the authority to the hearing examiner, or alternatively to the Board of County Commissioners on dangerous animal matters. It was also mentioned Section 2 should be omitted as the resolution takes effect immediately upon adoption. It was moved by Deputy Mayor Wilhite and seconded by Councilmember Flanigan to amend the motion to include deleting Section 2. Mayor DeVleming invited public comment; none was offered. Vote to amend the motion: In Favor: Unanimous. Opposed: None. Abstentions: None. Motion carried. Vote on the amended motion: In Favor: Unanimous. Opposed: None. Abstentions: None. Motion carried. 7. Proposed Resolution No. 03 -047 Providing for Appointment, Members of the Board of Commissioners and Operational Rules for the Spokane Housing Authority; and Providing for Other Matters Properly Relating Thereto. After City Clerk Bainbridge read the title of the resolution, it was moved by Mayor DeVleming and seconded by Councilmember Flanigan to approve Resolution 03 -047. Attorney Schwartz referred the overview to Spokane Housing Association Executive Director Diane Quast, who then explained that a previous resolution was passed recognizing the need and authorizing the Spokane Housing Authority to act on the City's behalf, that the SHA Board of Commissioners recommended staying with a five member Board; the SHA approached the County and asked them to relinquish one of their seats and have that seat as a seat of appointment for Spokane Valley and the County was willing to do so and passed their resolution. Attorney Schwartz also explained that in section 3, a change was made where the Mayor of Spokane Valley will participate in the joint appointment to one of the board members. In reference to Janet Bastine's appointment, it was mentioned by Diane Quast that Ms. Bastine is beginning her third five -year appointment and that she is a Spokane Valley resident, but that should that seat become vacant, the Mayor of Spokane Valley will appoint and the Council will confirm, a new board member. Mayor DeVleming invited public comment; none was offered. Vote by Acclamation: In Favor: Unanimous. Opposed: None. Abstentions: None. Motion carried. 8. Proposed Resolution No. 03 -048 Accepting 25' Easement from Ted Fournier. It was moved by Councilmember Munson and seconded by Councilmember Denenny to approve Resolution 03 -048. Attorney Driskell explained that the Fourniers are in the process of buying property adjoining their residential property for in -fill residential development; that this property is one of their acquisitions; they anticipate developing eight residential lots when all property is finally acquired and this easement will allow for construction of an extension of Sinto and allow utilities. Mayor DeVleming invited public comment, and Mr. Fournier said he desires to grant the public street and utilities easement to the City of Spokane Valley. Vote by Acclamation: In favor: Unanimous. Opposed: None. Abstentions: None. Motion carried. 9. Bond Financing Update. Attorney Mike Ormsby briefed Council on the bond issues and financing as outlined in his September 19, 2003 letter; and said that he will meet with Dr. Livingston of the Community Colleges of Spokane September 30 to discuss the relationship between the Colleges and the City on leasing space in the facility; also that Ormsby is working with Mike Jackson and Nine Regor on other space use and allocation issues, and that he hopes to speak with the Department of Revenue and State Auditor within the next few weeks. Mayor DeVleming called for a recess at 7:50 p.m. and reconvened the meeting at 8:00 p.m. 10. Budget Proposals from Outside Agencies. Mayor DeVleming explained that this is an opportunity to present to Council as a means for council consideration in next year's budget. The following are the organizations which gave presentations and the amount of funding assistance they requested: (1) International Trade Alliance $35,000; (2) EDC Council Minutes 09 -23 -03 Page 5 of 7 Date Approved by Council: 10 -14 -03 $100,000; (3) Valley Community Center $4,000; (4) Chase Youth Commission $60,000; and (5) Project Access $102,000. 11. Motion Consideration: Adoption of Citizen Participation Plan. It was moved by Councilmember Flanigan and seconded by Councilmember Denenny to approve the Plan. Director Marina Sukup gave an overview and explained that this is the first step in initiating the City's Comp Plan. Director Sukup also explained that part of the City's role is to determine a vision along with the Planning Commission and the community, establish levels of service, participate in community workshops and dialogue, identify key resources, hold public hearings, and finally approve the Comprehensive Plan. Director Sukup added that the Planning Commission reviewed the Plan and recommends approval. Mayor DeVleming invited public comment; none was offered. Discussion ensued regarding hearing from the community concerning their vision. Vote by Acclamation: In Favor: Unanimous. Opposed: None. Abstentions: None. Motion carried. 12. Motion Consideration: Initiative Measure No. 841. It was moved by Mayor DeVleming and seconded by Councilmember Munson that the Council collectively support Initiative 841. Mayor DeVleming invited public comment and none was offered. Mayor DeVleming also asked if any member of the public would like to speak against the initiative or comment on the proposed council action. Ted Fournier: said he supports repealing the existing regulations and supports the initiative measure. Vote by Acclamation: In Favor: Unanimous. Opposed: None. Abstentions: None. Motion carried. It was moved by Mayor DeVleming and seconded by Councilmember Munson to extend the meeting for an additional thirty minutes. Vote by Acclamation: In Favor: Unanimous. Opposed: None. Abstentions: None. Motion carried. PUBLIC COMMENTS: Mayor DeVleming invited public comment on issues not covered in the agenda. Dave Gilbert, 6 and Progress: said he saw the County road crew cleaning the dead vegetation in response to a phone call from a member of the community and wanted to commend the crews for their work; he also mentioned that he made two phone calls recently to City Hall and has not yet had his calls returned. Ted Fournier, 11814 Maxwell: commented on the new, much needed signs on the police department building, and mentioned other signs that are inconsequential and not in good public view; e.g., "Get Hammered Get Nailed." 13. Discussion of Fire Service Options and Proposed Resolution to Extend for One Year, Annexation to Fire Districts Nos. 1, 8 and 9. Deputy City Manager Regor explained that the proposed resolution gives options for City fire services; that state law allows a newly formed city to annex into an existing fire district for the year of incorporation, and that temporary annexation may be extended for one additional year to give cities additional time to analyze the various fire service options. Deputy City Manager Regor explained the four options, and said that the draft resolution extends that temporary annexation through 2004. Chief Grover discussed some of the financing issued previously faced by City of Spokane. Attorney Schwartz added that the City of Spokane Valley can fund a fire department out of the general fund through general taxes, although there is a statutory limit on the amount of taxes the city can impose. It was moved by Mayor DeVleming and seconded by Councilmember Munson to place this resolution on the October 14`" council agenda. Councilmember Munson requested that staff bring to the October 14 meeting, staffs recommendation of which option is best and why. In response to an invitation for public comment, Council Minutes 09 -23 -03 Page 6 of 7 Date Approved by Council: 10 -14 -03 Bill Gothmann, speaking on behalf of those few residents in the Valley, said he feels that Fire District 8 residents are content with District 8 and would like their fire district to stay as is, and that he would encourage the City in the long term to stay with District 8. Vote by Acclamation: In Favor: Unanimous. Opposed: None. Abstentions: None. Motion carried. It was moved by Mayor DeVleming and seconded by Councilmember Munson to extend the meeting another 15 minutes. Vote by Acclamation: In Favor: Mayor DeVleming; Deputy Mayor Wilhite, Councilmembers Denenny, Flanigan, Munson, and Schimmels. Opposed: Councilmember Taylor. Abstentions: None. Motion carried. 14. Street Lighting. Public Works Director Neil Kersten gave an overview of street lighting, said staff is working with the electric companies to understand their policies; discussed monthly charges for street lights, and explained the map showing the location of current lights. Director Kersten also mentioned there are no specific requirements for street lights in the County standards; that the County typically tried to minimize installation of lights from a budgetary standpoint; that the power cost for one light is approximately $180 per year, and varies from provider to provider. Discussion also ensued regarding lighting of arterials and important intersections, light pollution, and lighting bridges and other areas of foot traffic not currently illuminated. 15. CDBG Application Staff Report. Long Range Planning Manager Greg McCormick asked Council if they had any questions regarding his material, and brought council attention to the timeline of events. Councilmember Munson reported that at the last HUD meeting, the county staff that supports this committee had asked the County Commissioners to reduce the number of at -large positions from seven to two and that those two would not be from the Spokane Valley thereby loosing our representation; that he later met with County Commissioner McCaslin and asked her to consider not changing the makeup of the committee until 2005 when our council would then have an opportunity to determine how we intended to participate. 16. 2004 Budget Status Report. Finance and Administrative Services Director Ken Thompson mentioned that revenues continue to be down from what was projected especially in sales tax, planning and building fees, and fines and forfeitures; he briefly mentioned projections for next year, and reminded Council of the public hearing set for October 14 and that a balanced budget will be brought forward. Director Thompson added that the Finance Commission meeting is scheduled for Thursday at 5 p.m.. As the remainder of the agenda items were for information only, it was moved by Councilmember Flanigan, seconded, and unanimously agreed upon to adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 9:45 p.m. Council Minutes 09 -23 -03 Date Approved by Council: 10 -14 -03 ristine Bainbridge, City Clerk Michael DeVleming, yor Page 7 of 7 NAME PRESENT /ABSENT COMMENTS Mayor Michael DeVleming- Position No. 3 Deputy Mayor Diana Wilhite- Position No. 1 I Councilmember Dick Dencnny- Position No. 7 V Councilmember Mike Flanigan - Position No. 6 / Councilmember Rich Munson - Position No. 5 / t/ Councilmember Gary Schimmels- Position No. 4 / Councilmember Steve Taylor- Position No. 2 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY COUNCIi. MEETING DATE LI ?__T COUNCIL ROLL CALL NAME PLEASE PRINT ADDRESS TELEPHONE 1 t GR C Gc ce C Lowy 23 4 119Zc 6 /4 /6 {?y -iL 5 5 ZY -- 9 , 5 S --- 9a7077i 7Dltn/ p6 c,I. / L t r 24v_ c///v/ ,c.......--t;-.0,- 4 4y s x //11 C7 57-7z37 --_,________-___) _ i A, a 6. 9 IA:L.- g3? e !k ,irk mxiw _______4 c, (// Yf iA/ 4,41v41 1 9�..z - d ci cif PUBLIC COMMENT SIGN -IN SHEET SPOKANE VALLEY CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE d� CITIZEN COMMENTS ON ITEMSOMCLUDEP ON THIS AGENDA. PLEASE STATE YOUR NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD. YOUR TIME WILL BE LIMITED TO THREE MINUTES NAME PLEASE PRINT ADDRESS TELEPHONE w _. oM vR - rgt raT A C.CATs.1 " 5 ". Z oaa $40) ( tri E i VlAers,o �q2 5 •) 07 4 q-- 4.7 ) I r St wyk, i1/1 t k L ( PUBLIC COMMENT SIGN -IN SHEET SPOKANE VALLEY CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE 9 CITIZEN COMMENTS ON ITEMS INCLUDED ON THIS AGENDA. PLEASE STATE YOUR NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD. YOUR TIME WILL BE LIMITED TO THREE MINUTES 6 t feet &le NAME PLEASE PRINT TOPIC OF CONCERN ADDRESS TELEPHONE f r o ' c5' 1 ' X 4 . it( , v L a r 1.x r c. g',4 f .23,4 F-2 8 Cc's s b 0 0.014 - ,S}4.4.,_ 15- 1 ? e- 4cht,, qa 1 - o & 31 • r 1 (th ft f-r »14 W7' � c . — ■, .€ 4' v// ' s . 4444. et vy--3y , 4/i A StrAt t ' ovid 4 y "]d / ►fir m G 50t '2adrK Ace,(‘‘ ARM i z 2 t Acid/4e* Sz i''So/ 0 V PUBLIC COMMENT SIGN -IN SHEET SPOKANE VALLEY CITY COIRICIL MEETING DATE Z 3- Citizen comments on items NOT included on this agenda. Please state your name and address for the record. Your time will be limited to THREE MINUTES. Professional, Quality Service of A/C Equipment, Lifts, Compressors and most other Automotitle Equipment Jim Ferrell Managing Member UTOMOTWVE 4110 S. Hollow Court (509) 928 -2444 Spokane, WA'99206 Fax: (509) 891 -8190 lehome Resale World 1 E Broadway __ 99206 lehome Resale World Inc 1 E Broadway Suit 1 „,, ,,_. 99206 922-1635 lity Concepts _..._.__.. 838 -6616 Irrigation Dist 18 15065 Pierce Rd 99206 926.5759 5 Answer 456 -1398 3 Answer __. 880-1398 926-7554 irn Dry Wall Inc 9516E 1st Av __ __._ 99206 DERN ELECTRIC WATER VIPANY— ICE 904 N Pines 2d _._____.___.___ -_ 99206 928 -4540 HT CALLS 904 to Pines Rn ___._ ... 99206 926 -9800 irn Glass Of Spokane N Freya Way _- _-- _ -__.. ..... 99202 536 -5022 •m Kenpo Karate 1 Sullivan Rd ___ _....._....— VRDL 99037 891 -1454 Kenpo Karate V Sullivan Rd _____________ VROL 99037 928 -2840 DERN MACHINERY E Trent Ave _____________ 99212 535 -1654 DERN OFFICE EQUIPMENT N Market ______ 99207 328 -9872 l m Salon Nails 6 Hair N Argonne Rd 99212 __.. _____ 99212 In Staple Inc 409 4 Thlennan Rd __. 99212 irn Storage Systems 928 -1949 921 -0430 11 Stegner.,d _______________ 99206 891-2602 im ken po Karate 641711 Division St _ 99208 466 -2840 ne Aftermarket Holdings Inc E Sprague In . _— ____ —__ 99202 536-4223 noire 11120W Sunset h'tvy ARMJ'Y HTS 99001 244 -0346 Ilar Communications L LC N University Rd _________. — .._..._.- 99206 892 -7618 (line Manufactured Homes Of Canada V Felts Rd ___ 99206 866 450-3033 D'S haughnessv & Associates PS Pi North River Suite 305 Dr ._ 99201 325 -4900 Robert E CPA 201 Worth Ri'rer0r _.._ 99201 325 -4900 Sales Inc 114E Ermina Ai 99207 326-2902 shel Dave 1.10 14402: Sprague AV 99216 922 y Inn 2723 Monroe St _______ 99205 326-7380 it Taxidermy 8921 E Euclid Av _____ 99212 928-2464 FFITT CHILDRENS DENTISTRY " Vie Make Children's ro Dentistry Fun" vw.moffrttdental.com Cowley St 99202 838 -1445 tt Jason R 055 520 5 Cowley St ___... 99202 838 -1445 tt John M 605 MS PS 520 S Cowley St .. 99202 838 -1445 iwk Industries 3805 Sullivan Rd .... 99216 926 -2581 Construction 3121 ESpramleAV __ 99212 928 -4878 Vivian .M0 PC 801''V Sth Ste 104 __ 99204 747 -5242 nd Associates Cpa's __ See Moland Vernon M Cpa nd Greeting Card Co Inc E Providence Av _-_--___- -__— 99207 483 -4221 nd Kenneth P 5 E Elder Rd . _.__._._._, VLLYFRO 99036 443 -1020 nd Kenneth V CPA 1045 Freya 5t . -_- 99002 534 -3535 7305E EiderRn ...____ VLLYFRD 990.6 448-0321 id Management Co 9504 E 1stAv ,.. 99206 922 -3667 1d Veryl cpa 104 5 Freva 5t .___. :_.. 99202 534 -3535 way Frelighttines 1220 t1 Havana St 99202 534 -8540 a Healthcare OfWa— N Sixth Ave Suit 900 .._____.__...— ____ ... 99204 459 -6690 lcntlaling 622-1427 . INE STEPHANIE R MD NSth Ave Suite 102 ______.__.__....... 99204 473 -1600 han's Appraisals _____________ 891-9192 's Family Restaurant l Uncoin St ____ _ _- —_— 99201 624 -4413 ley Dave Insurance Services D E Sprague Av _-_-_.-.....-- .........__ 99216 921-5293 . ONEY JOHN P JRlns N Lincoln Ste 200 _ ._ _ ..... 99201 325 -3024 oney O`Neill Corkery 6 Jones Inc onev John Jr & Lori 34 5 EIR Rdg Lrt ,........__._—_________. 99223 448 -3830 nev Michael 1 ins IJ Lincoln Ste 200 ... 99201 325 -3024 onev O'Neill Co rice ry 6 Jones Inc ,0111EY O'NEILL CORKERY & LIES INC — onev O'Neill Corkery 6 Jones Inc 1611 Untoin Ste 200 99201 325 -3024 ter/ 6 Jones Benefits Inc 16 1 Uncoln Ste 200 99201 325-3024 onev 6 O'Neill Financial Services 16 A Unroln Ste 200 99201 455-4305 onev 6 O'Neill Life Inc 16 it Lincoln Ste 200 .... - 99201 325 -3024 Mobilehome -Moran gwestdex.com 926.2699 MOLSBERRY BILL H DDS 4407 tP 6,uislon _ _________ 99207 487 -2116 Moltke Mary E 1 hV 151 Av __ 99201 456-8839 Mom Gil Construction 21511 Vista Rd ._ 99212 927-9708 Momike Demolition _ _ _ 325 -4291 Momike Demolition 1318.i Faacher 99212 535 -1718 Mommv And Me Inc 507 1st DINT 99004 235-5556 MONACO ENTERPRISES INC 14820 E Sorague Av ___ 99216 926 -6277 Mon aghan Coleen IntertorDeslgner 3194 fith Ave . . 99204 838 -6904 Monarch Estate _ ...__._ Sales 2510 N Cincinnati St 99207 484-7253 Monark Construction Inc 711 E71185R902 ____ PAUL LK 99022 299 -7522 Monark M lnl Warehouse 711 E 5R 902 .__.---- MOD. ._..._ LK 99022 299-7522 Monark Properties 711 .____ E SR 902 PAUL LK 99022 299 -7522 Monark Realty 711 E5R902 ....._ MOCL 99022 299 -7522 Money Corp 316 4V Boone Av ______ 99201 324 -2000 Money Tree Inc 61511 Sullivan ?,d ___ VROL 99037 228 -9100 Money Tree Inc 2926 S Regal St _________ 99223 535 -2700 Money Tree Inc 4803 E Sprague Ay _____ 99212 533-6669 Money Tree Inc 12924 4V Sunset Hwy _____ ARM :ITS 99001 244 -6200 MONEYTREE- 4516 N Division St ___ — ..._..... 99207 489 -5000 12510E Sprague Av 99216 926 -2000 14201N 3rd Av ._ 223 IR Angewav 41308 E Sprague Av 213 ADDIet 3527E Sorague Av .. 9222 R NV /non HwY y__.�..... -_.. 99218 467 -6669 MoneVtree Check Cashing — 4516 11 Oh4sion 51 _ _. 99207 489 -5000 3527 E Sprague Av 99202 534 -1746 12510 E Sprague ____ 99216 926 -2000 213 APOleway A9plePJay Plaza ....... .... .. 806 769 -7500 Moneytree Inc 223 West Appleway _.. COEURVALEHE 83814 208 769 -7500 Mongolian 8ba 15412E 5ora9ue Av __ VROL 99037 891-7237 Monkey Bar The 10605E Sprague Av _____. 99206 893-2309 Monkman George R :,40 400E 5th Ave ._ 99202 838-2531 Rockwood Clinic PS Monogram Homes _____________ 533 -6279 Monogram Homes 5813E 4th Suite 102 Ave _. , 99212 444 -3000 Monogram Homes 7503NAta9noliaSt 99217 465 -2558 Monogram Homes 6019 W'Goaland Park Or _ - -__ 99212 344-0532 Monroe Park Gospel Chapel 4123 N Monroe St __- 99205 327 -4035 Monroe Philip L MD 1414 N Verner Rd ....... 99216 Res 3623 S Rldgevievr Or ___-_-_.-_._._._ 99206 928 -7133 Oav Or Night _ 928 -6434 Monroe St Car Sales 3121 �V Monroe 5 1 __ 99205 327 -9641 Monroe St Bridge Antique Market 6048 Monroe St _______.__._— __ —__.. 99201 327 -6398 Monroe Street PowerWash 3121 14 Monroe St . ________. 99205 327 -9641 Monroe Street Wash 6 Dry 2407 N Monroe 5t — 99205 327-1769 Monrovia Apartments 5085 Monroe St ... 99204 456-8969 Monsanto Ag Co 23711 8 Wagon Rd CLBRT 99005 238 -4464 Monson Ann Marie dmd — 534 -1800 Monson Ann -Marie DM0 3009 5 Alt Vernon 5t _ _ _ __ 99223 534 -2666 Monson Douglass OPM 526 N 0Sullan Rd _ . 99206 924 -2600 Montague Garry Auctioneers 3410£ Trout AV ____—___ .............. . ..._-_ 99202 536 -7533 Montague L G 1609 Vt' Ganand Av __ _ _ . 99205 327-3393 MONT LAMM BELGIANS 7501 W Enoch Rd — ____ - -_ . arm 99110 276 -7636 Montecucco Max P 5420 E29th Av __.._. 99223 534 -0222 MONTEGO BAY TANNING COMPANY 2718E57thAy — 99223 448 -9556 Montessori Certified Pre- Schools— Liberty Lake Montessori 23621E 2nd Av LBRTY LK 99019 Montessori Central School 57205 Pere' St 99223 Spokane Montessori School 9009 N Wall St _______ ..... _ 99218 Spokane Montessori School West MIA Certified 1040W Wright Drive 99224 Valley PA ontessorl School E 13900 Mission ___._ 99216 Woodland Montessori School 4340W Fort George Wright Or 99224 Montessori Children's Center ______ Montessori Day School 412 W Crawford AV __ OR PRX 99006 Montessori Early Learning Center 5503 N Alberta 5t 99205 If No Answer Montessori On Evergreen _________ ...�. Montessori On 29th Inc _ Montessori Teacher Preparation Of Spokane _ _ _ _ Montgomery Court Apartments 2301 N Wtlbur Rd 99206 Montgomery Henry PHD 90514 Rh'erSide Ave Suite 408 - _. 99201 Montgomery John arty 2206 N Pines Rd 99206 Montgomery KONE ...... --_ 255 -9512 101 BUILDING MATERIALS YEAH LUMBER, PLYWOOD, SIDING, ROOFING. DECKING. FENCING, LANDSCAPE, DOORS, WINDOWS, PAIN BOOR COVERING, CABINETS, PLUMBING S ELECTRICAL *POLE BUILDINGS 4223 N. VJRKET S7. SPOKANE WA 1509) 789 -9510 620 E. HOLE 8 RO. SPOKAE&'WA (509) 457-4958 170321 S. eRAgi. AYE S7 I5ACE. WA (509) 922.1300 'ioW. 'AYIneNG AVE. HA1OEN LAKE. ID (208) T72 -9511 2121 1. MIDWAY 41 POST (22 FAAL 8 L }} S•A 7 77.19155 OPEN 7 DAYS Montgomery Marilyn 1 Mouton N-1014 E 16thAv 59223 Montoya Fred 0 atty 2829 5 Grand 3Pvd Ste 302 _ 99203 Montoya Fred 6 Suzette Montoya Home Caretaking Service Inc .... 6522E 1St Av ____________ 99212 17.10NY Life Insurance Co 9 S Washin 4 ton Ste 704 __.. _..___________ 99201 Moody Bible Institute Northwest Center For External Studies _--- -�-.-.-.- __--.._.. Moodydesign Inc ___ ______._......_...._.........._ Moody's Drywall 1361 State Route 21 t NEWPORT 99156 292-0412 Moody's Drywall 154 E. }Wilton Av 99217 483 -1672 Moody's Inc 1744 Camden Rd ___. NEVIPORT 99156 292-9066 Moon Rock Company 79095Gro'Je Rd ._.. 99224 456-4883 MOON SECURITY SERVICES _____ 456 -6833 Moon Security Services .__ 891 -6520 MOONEY & PUGH CONTRACTORS INC 5387ECatatdoAv _____.___-__-_- 99212 535 -8874 Moonlight Falls Landscape LLC 238 -9565 Moonllte Spa 1211 University Id 99206 922-4321 Moonllte Too 7413 E Trent AY • 99212 922 -9656 Moon's Mongolian Grill 430W Main Av _- 99201 455 -6884 Moon's Mongolian Grill 6425 N Division St 99208 467-1043 Moonshadow 2 N Howard St __ _ 99201 624 -7573 Moore Connie 1.15 142314GarlandSteC._ 99205 462-1700 Moore Document Solutions 2510 it Pines Rd ______ ..__ ___ 99206 892-0021 Moore Excavation __....._. PLUMMER 33551 686.1628 MOORE H EARL NM - 1609WGarland __ �_ �_ 99205 327 -3393 MOORE J A arty .._ �____________ 928 - 1362 Moore James PT OCS 388 F8ADl.1PT 1005 N Evergreen Rd Suite 010. . 99216 926 -5367 Moore Landscape Materials 6 Fuel — N Market 5 E Hawthorne Rd 0 Moore Michael R MD 104145th _ — 6 -78 992 , 04 0 Day Or Night Call 7 -5141 443.0184 534 -2955 444 -6391 443-1424 99204 747 -6669 535 -3499 (DA 83814 769-7500 SPOKANE WA 533-6669 838 -2036 COEU9 O'ALENE 208 769.7500 I 487 -1769 292-0860 MOORE MINI STORAGE • 16823 E Waage Ave _______ VROL 99037 927 -8339 Moore Richard 0 Ins 4407 Division 5t ___ 99207 487-7420 Res 12027 N Whitehouse St _______ 99218 467 -2101 Moore Ronald J DC 206W 1st St .... RPM 99006 276-2844 MOORE STAN & ASSOCIATES MOBILE SERVICE _ __ 981-2541 Moore Sue CPA 601 'AI Suite 1800 99201 747-2600 Moss Adams LLP Moore Terry rescdential appraiser 134018 N Stephanie (t .______.___. MEAD 99021 467 -4869 Moore Vincent M Jr 1311 S Washington 5t 99201 326 -4440 Auto -Rain Sprinkler Supply Stove 6 Fireplace Moore 's Boarding Home Mo 1803W Pacific Av ___ —__�_ _ .._ 99204 458 -0806 448.9856 Moorestanlev 0 6 Associates W 844(UBGriv'e ______ 99204 466 6959 Mobile Service — 981-2541 Moorhead Insurance & Investment Co 328.646 412807 E 26th Av .._-- _...- ._- -_ —.__ —. 99206 927 -0832 oose Automotive 41105 Hallow Ct _ 99206 928 -2444 Moose Creek Inc 838-5091 924-6629 Moose Crossing Ltd 25519E Moffat Rd ...___ ___ NWAMN LK 99025 226 -2589 328 -3156 Moose Lake Co The 707 Yf Wain Av ___ 99201 624 -4661 466-0495 Moose Lodge 6 Club Room 262 9770 6363 N Lidgenvd 54 _ �__.__ _ 99208 484 -1000 Mootsy's 406 W Sorague Av _-__._.. -.—_. 99201 838 -1570 328 -7600 Mootsy's North 9 Pizza -326 -3816 406W __._.__ __— _._.._._ 99201 838 -0260 922 -2202 MOR Furniture For Less 535 7888 1201,1 Division St ._ _ _ — __- _....-- --- 99202 326 -2100' Mor Furniture for Less Wse 325 0939 16311 E Euclid Ave Suit 5 __.- _ --- -- --.. 99216 326 -7516 MOR Manufacturing Corp 924-5659 E 5676 S eft! te WV _ _ — _. PST ELLS 83854 208 667-8799 MORAN FENCE 70711 Freya St 99202 534 -1413 744-0778 924 -3686 See KONE Continued Next Page Father God, We have come to ask your favor and your blessing on this meeting tonight. Your word says, 1 Tim 2:1 -2 2:1 Therefore I exhort first of all that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men, 2 for kings and all who are in authority, that we may Lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence. NKJV Lord, we thank you for these leaders. We ask for your protection over them and their families. We ask that tonight you would give these leaders your wisdom. Wisdom to accomplish your plans and purposes for Spokane Valley. Lord we ask you to bless our city. All this we pray in Jesus name, amen. August 2003 August 20 September 2 September 29 October 14 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY BUDGET CALENDAR 2004 BUDGET Council Retreat Request to departments for detailed revenue and expense estimates Departments submit estimates to Finance September 15 Preliminary Budget to City Manager City Manager submits estimates on 2003 revenues and Preliminary 2004 revenues and expenditures to Council October 14 Council holds public bearing on revenues for 2004 City Manager files preliminary budget and message with City Clerk and Council Week of Oct. 20 City Clerk publishes notice of budget filing Week of Oct. 20 City Clerk publishes notice of hearing on final budget Week of Oct. 27 City Clerk publishes second notice of hearing October 28 Council sets property tax levy November 1 -14 Council sets hearing on budget or parts thereof November 18 Copies of preliminary budget available November 25 Final Budget Hearing November 25 Council adopts 2004 budget December 1 Copies of budget sent to state and MRSC X7e ap Spokane Valley Community Center P.O. Box 141360 • Spokane, WA 99214 -1360 • (509) 927 -1153 • Fax (509) 928 -8463 September 18, 2003 City of Spokane Valley Ms. Chris Bainbridge, City Clerk 11707 E. Sprague Ave. City of Spokane Valley, WA 99206 Dear Ms. Bainbridge, RECEIVED SEP 2 2 2003 CITY OF CITY vnuEr CLERK I am writing to seek support of the City of Spokane Valley toward our emergency assistance fund for City of Spokane Valley citizens. I believe this project serves the interests of the City of Spokane Valley council in supporting programs that strengthen the quality of life in our community and providing programs that seek to remove barriers to success. This program will assist our low- income citizens by providing access to basic life necessities prescriptions, energy assistance, rent, transportation, work related needs, flu shots. To date we have assisted over 2,800individuals through our emergency assistance program. With the weakening economy, we anticipate the number of people we assist to increase in 2004. We are requesting that the City of Spokane Valley consider a $4000 grant (.05 cents per citizen). The total budget for this program is $97,552. We work closely with the other 10 agencies co- located within our building to provide collaborative and comprehensive services. Often times splitting the cost of client services between agencies, thus stretching resources and removing duplication. By providing emergency assistance for rent and utilities we prevent homelessness, school and work absenteeism, incomplete homework and missed after school social skills. It is a simple fact that children who have to sleep in a different bed every night are at risk. We also assist with transportation so that clients who are working, or who are in search of work, have access to public transportation or a gas voucher. Filling prescriptions or assisting with a co -pay for a flu shot supports our families in being proactive with their health thus preventing or lessening missed work. We now require families obtaining emergency assistance to attend an energy conservation/money management workshop where they learn ways to budget their financial resources. Families accessing the Valley Food Bank, a separate nonprofit, are required to complete a series of cooking classes. 10814 E. Broadway • www. spokanevalleycommunitycenter .org The Spokane Valley Community Center was established in 1987 to assist families living in poverty in the Spokane Valley. We are a multi - program organization serving over 62,000 people annually. The Spokane Valley Community Center serves families in the eastern most part of Spokane County (over 150 square miles), which involves 15 zip codes. We assist families living east of Havana to the Idaho /Washington state line; south to the county line; and north to Bigelow Gulch. This grant request will be restricted to City of Spokane Valley residents. Our Center offers the following programs: • Clothing Bank • Emergency Assistance Program • Protective Payee Program • Valentine Card distribution • School Supply distribution • Coats 4 Kids • Christmas gift distribution The Center also serves as an umbrella organization, housing these other agencies and programs where families in the Valley can secure assistance. The agencies are: • Valley Food Bank • Family Service Spokane • Lutheran Community Services • Community Colleges/Institute of Extended Learning • Spokane Neighborhood Action Program (SNAP) • ValleyFest • Spokane Regional Health District • HEART (for children who become homeless) • SAFESTART (for children who witness violence) • Theater Arts for Children Ms. Bainbridge, I appreciate the opportunity to submit this letter of inquiry for funding towards our emergency assistance program. I trust you and the city council will have interest in our Center that has so much significance to Valley families now and in the future. Mollie Dalpae, MSW Executive Director Valley Center Programs ✓ Clothing Bank —New and used clothes, and layettes for new mother's babies, are provided. ✓ Have a Heart —A Valentine card distribution program. ✓ Emergency Assistance Program - provides funding for prescriptions, utilities, rent, medical/dental issues, work related needs and transportation. ✓ Protective Payee ✓ Voice mail —Phone service for phoneless people who need it for employment, health or safety reasons. ✓ School Supplies ✓ Coats 4 Kids ✓ Christmas Sharing .[TO ' D The Spokane Valley Community Center is an umbrella organization and houses numerous agencies and ro es s in additio n to offering its own. The support of the community and people like you is essential to the success of these agencies programs. s and Community Agencies ✓ Valley Food Bank— Provides food assistance and Cooking & Nutrition classes to Valley families. ✓ HEART —For children who attend any Valley school and become homeless. ✓ Theater Arts for Children ✓ Spokane Neighborhood Action Program -- Provides services to homeless families, federal energy assistance, and case management to welfare recipients. ✓ ValleyFest A free community event where children and families come together to celebrate the Valley community. ✓ Spokane Regional Health DistrIct— Including WIC, youth education health field work, food service classes, immunizations, and flu shots. ✓ Institute for Extended Learning — Assists with G.E.D., E.S.L., and provides the Families That Work program (a G.E.D. program especially for parents of young children and for pregnant women that also teaches parenting and job skills). ✓ SAFESTART —A crisis response team that helps children who have witnessed violence where police are involved. ✓ Family Service Spokane— Provides mental health counseling to adults. ✓ Lutheran Community Services — Provides mental health counseling to children. ✓ Nicotine Anonymous Invest in our community with the Spokane Valley Community Center! Here's how: • Designate your donations to the United Way Drive and the CFC Drive to the Spokane Valley Community Center • Volunteer at the Center's agencies, programs, or Annual Campaign • Send donations of clothing, food, or household items to address below • Sponsor a hole, volunteer or bring a foursome to the Annual Gold Tournament that raises funds for children who witness domestic violence • Send a financial gift with this form to the address below I want to know more about: Volunteer Opportunities Annual Golf Tournament Having someone speak to my organization, church, etc Having a tour My name: Address: Phone Number: Please mail this to the address listed or fax it to 509- 928 -8463. Call us at (509) 927- 1153 to get more information. 4- 4 43 •ra E cid 64 ger 44 1-1 c's M Ccl W o O " • t=r 00 o The Spokane Valley Community Center "Providing basic life necessities, teaching life skills that promote self - reliance, and addressing emotional and psychological needs." www. spokanevalleycommunitycenter. org TO: RE: CHASE COMMISSION Empowering communities to value youth and youth to value community Spokane Valley Mayor and Members of the City Council Dave Mercier, City Manager Chris Bainbridge, City Clerk FROM: Joanne Benham, Director Spokane City /County Youth Department Funding for Chase Youth Commission The Chase Youth Commission respectfully proposes to City of Spokane Valley officials that a more formal and focused partnership be established with your newly incorporated area. Since 1998, the Chase Youth Commission has worked on behalf of your residents through an inter - local agreement with Spokane County. Through this agreement, the Youth Commission has extended board representation to small cities and unincorporated areas of Spokane County and intensified efforts to engage youth with local governments. We have worked to expand the collaborative efforts of schools and youth organizations to reach young people who need greater support and services to reach their full potential. This expansion would not have been possible without the accompanying financial support provided by Spokane County and the involvement of its elected officials. The Chase Youth Commission was started in 1985 and has a legacy of serving young people with passion, honor and commitment. Kidsllay, Our Generation (The Spokesman- Review), the Spokane Service Team (ESD 101), and other Youth Commission inspired or directed projects still live on through the commitment of partnering organizations. For almost two decades, the Chase Youth Awards have recognized all youth as community resources, including those living in the Spokane Valley. Even in the beginning, when the Commission was only supported by City of Spokane taxpayers, this organization reached out to give valley students a voice in local affairs through membership on the Teen Advisory Council. Although adults are more recently talking about the Spokane area in regional terms, young people have operated under the umbrella of regional services for many years. For them, school boundaries, municipal jurisdictions, and library districts are of little consequence. The youth perception blurs these lines and forges linkages based on common vision and need. As the City of Spokane Valley has emerged this past year and the Chase Youth Commission has evolved to the point of receiving national and state recognition for its efforts to engage young people in building healthier communities, we are both presented with a unique opportunity to form an alliance that can accomplish even more for and with youth of our region. As a demonstration site for America's Promise, we are actively strengthening the local Spokane's Promise countywide initiative to develop the character and competence of young people by fulfilling the Five Promises: caring adults, safe places and structured activities during non - school hours, a healthy start and future, marketable skills, and opportunities to serve. Using a grant from Washington State Department of Social and Health Services, Office of Juvenile Justice, the Spokane City /County Youth Department and Chase Youth Commission have targeted two geographical areas for intensive research and community organization that will prevent delinquency by strengthening relationships between youth and the institutions that serve them. We have seen amazing transformations in the attitudes and behaviors of young people who previously felt ignored, trapped, and powerless, with little hope for their futures. This is our third and final year of the Youth Empowerment Project, but the success brought about by this work in Northeast Spokane and Spokane Valley inspires us to find ways to continue on this path. The stated mission of the Chase Youth Commission is: To create and maintain a positive environment for all Spokane County youth through partnerships that foster community resources for youth involvement, leadership, recognition, and empowerment. The three main goals for this coming year are: 1. Youth Empowerment — support for youth driven data collection, youth needs assessments, youth -led projects, youth councils, youth in decision - making, and youth fundraising. 2. Strengthening Spokane's Promise — establishing "sites of promise" (identified locations where the Five Promises are being delivered), launching a Spokane's Promise Station (websitc), a media communications campaign, and recruitment of "promise partners." 3. Be a Resource for Developing Assets -Based Youth Policies — providing training and technical assistance to individuals and small groups about the 40 key developmental assets all kids need to grow up healthy, caring, and productive. Youth policies can be developed for institutions and jurisdictions that incorporate the asset model. An example is the City of Spokane's Growth Management Plan. The Chase Youth Commission and Spokane City/County Youth Department are requesting financial support in the amount of $60,000 for 2004. This will allow us to continue our work in the City of Spokane Valley and to facilitate enhanced relationships and collaboration between schools, students, municipal government, and organizations to better meet the needs of young people. There are many ways that the Chase Youth Commission can assist the Spokane Valley City Council in reaching out to its younger citizens, and we are anxious to explore those opportunities with you. We look forward to future discussions with your or your designees. Thank you for the chance to forge a stronger partnership on behalf of youth. TEEN ADVISORY COUNCIL PROJECTS & COMMITTEES 2003 -2004 Please read this information before the TAC meeting on September 9th. You will be asked to commit to working on one of these projects. As a TAC member, you will be invited to help with all of the events as they occur. Chase Youth Awards Time Commitment TAC Meetings — Sept thru March 12 Hours Small Meetings — Planning, Pre - screen Pick up donations, Data Entry etc 36 Hours Event Day March 24`" — Up to 8 Hours TAC Highlights: Presentations to school staff meetings, principal and School Boards, businesses and corporations about the importance of the Youth Awards. Participate in TV and radio spots and interviews. Plan ceremony and entertainment. Put it all together and celebrate as thousands come to one of the largest celebrations Spokane ever holds just for youth! Need(s) Met Recognition of Youth and their positive impact/contribution to the community. Not academic or athletic based. Description Youth are nominated by friends, family or teachers. All nominees are honored at a formal ceremony at the Opera House. Key Partners Premera Blue Cross Short Term Goals Fill the Opera House Increase community awareness of the importance of Recognizing youth doing positive things. Long Term Goals Increase nominations Move ceremony to the Arena Permanent Memorial on Youth Honor Wall Community ownership /production of awards Battle of the Bands Time Commitment TAC Meetings — Jan through March 6 hours Small Meetings — Pre - Screen, preparation 35 hours Event Day June 13`" — Up to 12 hours TAC Highlights Network Spokane County to get audition tapes. Secure donations for activity supplies and prizes. Select the bands that will play during the event. Get ready to enjoy as a thousand teens join you for a fantastic day of fun and music under the sun in Riverfront Park. Need(s) Met Provide a juried venue for teen musicians. Description Teen garage bands audition for the opportunity to play at BOBfest in Riverfront Park. Key Partners Hoffman's /College Road Recording Short Term Goals Increase the performance opportunities for bands Increase the variety and types of prizes Long Term Goals Track success of BOBfest bands Community production of BOBfest Live! Youth Issues Forum /Youth Council Time Commitment TAC Meetings 12 Hours Small Meetings 24 Hours Forum 4 Hours TAC Highlights Host Youth Issues Candidates Forum on October 14'". Work with local gouts to establish Youth Councils. Need(s) Met Provide a method for elected officials to be kept current on youth issues and needs. Description Put together and host the Youth Issues Candidates Forum. Work with existing govt. entitities to identify those which desire a youth council. Design, implement and manage process to create youth councils. Short Term Goals Successful Youth Issues Forum Long Term Goals Youth Council(s) up and running in at least one location Elected officials expect youth input and advice. Communications Committee Time Commitment TAC Meetings — Oct through March 12 Hours Small Meetings — Writing /training 14 Hours Spokane's Promise /Assets 20 Hours ComcastTraining 6 Hours TAC Highlights Convene a Media Conference to educate local media on the need for positive news about youth. Hosted by Spokesman - Review. Work with Spokesman to create format to publicize assets and Spokane's Promise on a weekly basis. Working with Chase Youth Commission and Foundation members to publicize their events, and all the TAC events. Write articles and news releases. Create posters and programs. Create Thin Air Radio Show to promote Youth Issues and Spokane's Promise Need(s) Met Provide a cohesive media presence for TAC /CYC /CYF Description Members will: Create PSA's in print, radio, and video Write for local publications & school papers Including weekly column in Spokesman- Review Become Comcast video producers, cameramen, editors Create flyers, brochures, and programs Create a marketing strategy for all events Key Partners CYC /CYF Short Term Goals Mentoring /Job Experience Marketing Plans Comcast Training Increase Name Recognition Long Term Goals Networking established to promote CYC Video Library created Public aware of YOUTH and CYC Finance Committee — "Show Me the Money!" Time Commitment TAC /CYF Meetings 16 Hours Memorizing Material 4 Hours Presentations 4 Hours Fundraisers 16 Hours TAC Highlights Work with the Chase Youth Foundation to ask local business leaders to financially support the Chase Youth Commission and the Teen Advisory Council projects. Present our cause to service groups, educators and the business community. Work with Foundation on Fundraising activities. Need(s) Met Provides a method for professional presentations that will increase name recognition and financial support for the Youth Commission, while creating partnerships. Description This committee will put together and rehearse presentations relating to the goals and vision of the Chase Youth Commission — from a teen point of view, and assist with fundraising events. Key Partners CYC /CYF Short Term Goals Create presentation with Foundation members Long Term Goals Regular fundraising activities staffed by TAC members Youth Empowerment Team Time Commitment TAC Meetings 12 Hours School Meetings 2 Hours/wk Projects 4 Hours each TAC Highlights Work with Youth Empowerment Project Coordinator and Promise Fellow to start Youth Action Teams in 5 area Middle Schools — North Pines, Horizon, Shaw, Glover and Garry. Help the YAT groups identify neighborhood needs, brainstorm ideas and implement solutions. Need(s) Met Provide a method for middle school students to be actively engaged in improving their neighborhood. Description This committee and the YAT will network resources to create 4 new Promise Sites located in these 4 middle schools. Key Partners YEP Coordinator Short Term Goals Initiate YAT groups in 4 schools. Complete 2 -3 projects. Long Term Goals Create sustainability for YAT in these schools. All Middle Schools adopt YAT format. Diversity Team Time Commitment TAC Meetings 9 Hours Research, Planning & Networking 8 Hours Training /Presentations 6 Hours TAC Highlights This committee has at least two main functions: Increase the diversity awareness within TAC Network promise partners to work together to eliminate hate in Spokane. Need(s) Met Supports the never ending task of increasing awareness and decreasing fears and biases. Description Work with America's Promise staff to start implementing the 10 Steps to Eliminate Hate. Monthly educate all of TAC on ways to be pro- active about racism and bias. Set goals, create an action plan and make it happen. Short Term Goals Network 2 major business partners. Long Term Goals Develop grassroots community support. Network business community. Network school community. 4 2003 YOUth CC°. sy,t jams E. Chase Mayor of Spokane 1982 - 1985 a 9tonokt 4 'antes, R. 'Nam, If ever there Wa S a champion of youth in the Spokane conununity, it was Jams Chase- Mayor Chase's greatest legacT is that of the ChaSC Youth Commission, established in 1985 MASE YC O I COMMISSION Z he Chase Youth Commission is dedicated to celebrating youth and to maintaining a positive environment for all youth in the City and County of Spokane_ The Chase Youtb Commission ensures that. jirn Chase's youthfid spirit continues to shine through the Chase Youth .wards. Chase You Foundation would like to thank our sponsors =1! PREMERA 4PV BLUE CROSS Pnriang provided by TUE SPOKES/SAN-REVIEW c 6eert , Sbitision ntderds Bob (:olc - Kinstina Jiihnson - Spokern-Revica. Keith Jones - Spokane Schools Ilennis Mitchell - Empowerment Trainer 1)tnist- Vagrant - Premera Blue Cross num Rodgers - Spokane Cary Council lohn lkelley - Spokane County t'..trnarrusstorter Rieb Tucker - Chase Youth +Commission IL Scott Stephens Spokane Police 13iTit, Betsy Wilkerson - ( Morres Boarding Hiirrie 7 iteiges Keeley Dairen - Group I leak+) 'Cooperative Susanna Nylon KX1,V Steve t:orker - Spokane Cirr Council Cynthia U21mILon - Chase ‘i'uudi f:ornmitse.ion II, Steve limes - Spokane I:mium/v Kayla I talc-Legg - CYA Alumni Nikki Russell - Sterling Savings Nancy Voerrrians - County cornrnissioners Off udy tiurt.pm.1 : scam I itilexan '1 1 c lohn 1:YA Alum Sarah Shivc TAC Rtley Steiner - TAC c eiltaso ( Yoga -Tonunion. NIsuryAnn 24intemia - Univerity . frvar ilc - Mifdtral Lake Nowell Bomberger - Lwi & Clark Kevin Botch Michael Cannon Robert Chase Soul (illeran - Am.& Park Cynthia ILumiton JA1 , k KA) Si. COC.rge Sally Pritchard Rich Tucker Celeste Wagner - coural Mapialeria Wells - Lewis & Clark iUn Wylie Reception Flown. Provided by Went Coaii Hooitahlo Corporation Pirotognriry Provided by Richard I leircesr, Plootosr4her Double Tree City Center Group 1 lealth Cooperative WcstCoast Hospitality Corporation ( (Via, °WA 4wauL , c :Peanning, Tuirnaltitee: Actosra Daniel Causey Val Darling Scan Csilleran Kende] lloff Andrea Jensen Hama Koeskc Brienne Miller Ashley Paul Kimberly Quinn Antonio Rushing Sarah Shires Riley Steiner Elizabeth Willianison Media Sponsor fan STERLINGIWIN SAVINGS BANK - ) W The Bali rdiqi Ere, Ared Thaw faradc- garitidaUoo Bill Burks: Ucti Petir Rhlietta Rhodes NO Slay 1 i112 Spawn. Elizabeth Tinder' Kin Voisva Colleen Warner Nmeil Bomberger - CVC Rob Chase - CYC Jill Bud TAC Shay= Rodman TAC ?win TAC Wendy Walker - T r- Ctikirsiss , to- tire 200 3 ( Wmattizilt9, , Tionintilieep; '1 year ha been an exciting one for the !Ouse Youth Awards as tonight we are recogniving a record breaking MX) nominees: New this year is. the non udged category cIkd VERB. VERB is deign to recognize those Who arc living health yr and j C rive lites Ivies. This .new category enables as to =cognize over 500 youth who would .citherwise not receive recognition for their positive lifestyles. We would not he here tonight without the hard work of the Chase Youth Aveanis C011-1111311.te TEIC planning for this event started in September and has continued ix-nth increasing fervor. Dedicated committee members spent many :iifternootis and st7veral weekends thlem-solving and planning. We would not be here rnnight without their efforts, would Aso like to thiinklitl Burgard Whose commitment, dedica non and bfight smile were much appreciated. Thank you Spo.karie for believing in the power of youth! Sean Gillerao Chase Yofeth Awardt Committee 714 Chase Youth Comma:trios A.:ember Ihrt ham Alibi n Crux Abner Anna Acosta Anthony Amin Cameron Atom Alexander Marro Ashleigh Athrirs Cc len _1ilarns _ kdams . Andre-arm] Alma J want= Aiken kker Sade Abdc BP eke Mbii Jamie Alb= Alberts aun Ohm ion Keegan /Albrecht I.:elicit Alderman Cameron Alefirras I linnet Alexander Sara ,i.lexander Rich tkl Alt1 Aly .,11fortso Tisza:en rkflart Bremen- Allen Clots tino Allen Sean Wen Jose Almeida Jeff .N1win 1 lolly Amend Pew- Arnipaella Slow Amo erly Amaral:Inn Brendan Anders Mysur Anderson Bergen Antk-rsein tryniquela .1,g-tenon icteinY Keilevilit ).t ota I ‘119.1cin chid 1 h V4.1 Anderson Keith ,Anderu KY 00,4 11 .-Tukt Nli,,„1„ iitkntin hiraru--emai Benedetti Nick kruicman Fkb Berim in Andcrum Shame Penner s A nc k rion clairtne Benno! whurtvl Anderson 114 ti citk oiro. A k Kattlen Berri Nathan Demi Trims Angel Idalaut Apodaca .3 I1kE Applcpre .1"kil Bcr-R Annu liergnan Torn age Shad kernincad Simi Berry .ktnold. Maly Perri Known' Arnold Karla Ben Ann zen fslichad Bechar: Arm Kern A nizen Balt Bc 11 en irnien Katte lkyer ai (karma. 13!1L Ins Arra du Fats-anal Rilhiu Anne Aslin Angie NB Tetra Autry jonarban linjU Christine Avila Ben lamin Dirge (larbea Awbery 1 leather Dirge It Arid JelTrry flugv K erulill Neerit rAny Bohop Alain 1zure )ulinn Ruud Severna Baron Nicholas thork B url Bagley Bright Ithcl Blair K.ableen Blair Franceica Barer (kriesieve Bauer Alm Blau Ntailthe Baler Brandon 111111 Dik 1.1.tryne Blefern Croarmee Sallie! Bader Sandy Band tire fame Baird Ilreannu Baker Baklamr I leather Baldwin Megban Da& si Nowell Bamberger Carrie Banks Michael Ramie% -Vs Jinn Renee Baikiour Ttflany Barker Arriarala Barren Matthew Barnet Sdtria Barnhill 111tehael Ban Crystal Barrett Ashley Biretta -I tenni liartrea Clelsea Bartlett Malene Dorm. 1 Niter Padua Sidney Flat knit Rebecca Lk-aslei andon iteattir Briars Peehial Preinna Heck Sarah Ream oNlc Beech Ryan Bierman Karen Flether Sarah ildeoxin Belknap Bnau Bll Iliahns 1vU Joshua Hell k4IL BittInCr JC Illoingten Marietta Illonsia (Ann. rpher lilt mmer Daruel Braierisrete Bryce Wilder' 1 I wirer Ilona " Yarr limes Danyelle Bolen Tyler Ikalen Cliche-a Ilullman Mu� Bond Anna lionalarertko Pat liondarynkti Sofia Il.to Katie Norden. L- R ndeni. Fibrin Bordner Manah Florgford laurel Dorgias [To /Iwa crnb 144 nelser [ream Elgin-Ow KdJ Birubei I arndyn linurmparren lamer' ltimbel linstme Kt artier Cowrie Bouchard Kthe Bowen Stephanie Bowman Code fink' ("alarm Bill Addams 1.1.00 Kane Mild I satha kt1241.1 lirachr Akan. Braille, Jordan Bradtei Ryan Bradley Megan Blade Pearl Brakel Aahlre lifrAcr, CAVIT1 Brennan A lam; llteun: line Bream/skin 1- runtes Dm-snail= He= Brewer Sortan Brutes S am limp Charlie Rnnkharn Jamie alltiaile 1611gCSSTI2 Linn Sithiey Banda Sarah lirogileti *%m Brot.l.ks 1 leafier Brix its • Bnither (kluge Brost% I erturfer Brown joint Brown jkartatban Brown ▪ hchaela. Ritmo Racheffe Bt. in Raleigh lin tun Paw Drawing; Kathy Brukardt Katy linakbarilt AlUSIC Doan Collett Br ant Nathaniel Priam Man Buchanan David Duchmann Angigra Thu.Ide, Jared Burl% lauren Budig Marcus Bud% Ilumgordnet Mithil Rumpi lhian Bunch Clachea Horden Ganes Burdett Kane Burden Jai Flunprol Mishit Burger Nlegban BurOtaillt Sean Burke -Sydney Burke A. j Burns Burns Daniel Burro J esiiea Bum, lvanti Binh Ciet-ana Push Jacob Butther Kellie BUSIMIC &SS Butterworth Mcioutai Buyea Tarah Berne Jaime Demo .Kandra C* Teresa Caferro Becky Caldwell Ca_staily 1C (:Jakhrell Parch Cakhrell C)lkirei Julia Calkins Orlando Carrdra l'anily Campbell Joey C'Arnpbell Jack l'Arratan Candler Mike and, in Mandl, Cadort Kasha Crulann Shawn Canary En ca Carpenter Kite Carpenter Sarah flarperner . Ifillrnae Cast Exodui Catrol Ruui ASTS4 Sarah - anon Maratha Carruthers Meets Canwngli Danielle Carver lokehaela Case San i Case Ingrid CatEtIKKI Carrie Catlin Johnin - -tirtvhtlk Amly t.ixtribut, David Charnblisi Trayviron (lance Ltita. O./mg Leona (lase Sara Chaim leleti 4 lialfarld hotrehdle Chatfield Roman fleorenkris Natalie Oran Aka andra Cluvransen Brian ( hreurrisen josh Christenson I:ein Christians+ no Sias-atm riubb Marta antanoi-a Rory Cifailla raylirt Cipolla iltristene (Ink Date Clark I i jri T! . W flask Jo-seph Nick • lark Sarah 4 lark J 1 lark Aaron flare! Chinn] Clem Calory flerdand harlena leseland ilmuna rlifiron Jim ilifitm Winner Cloniger Shiloh Oa* Andrew 4 :Jyhtirn Liru1w tjwhrn Tara &citron John Cow Brandy Civil ell Rachel (Awn V4 dl Coleman Joshua Gillette 'Abe eu Sornernin FAO 0..m1elic. Conexicati Comae Shelby Canklm Font-A Coco Cardin Connelly Michael Conneth- Sim &MUT D STISO Conrad randy Cant table Nerrida Come I lannah arnk Allystm COmper ,Ntadrea &Alper Emily- Cover SIEVISn COSITXX Jessie Danny Girder Branca Cortme Angela Golly , krithinti c,-011A CAMI111 CAIISCIITY Angela CO310 LIST B rame CtirOttan Dramond Courtney Krum amean 3111 I Tnii. den Lamm Cos Alma Crabtree t raw Jeanne Crandon Alicia Crary 'Waist& Craven Pon Crenshaw Creretony Ionian CI:thin N.111/.1111 1:11X1Wit SlIrphASUC CUA:keltS Brandt Crottlo_ Ernie ':m Ashiry Croy Tierra Cruse alt Culeky I -e-anna Culver Vicki r:ulverson Jenna Curnmangs Clumingliarn Scott Cumuli, Paige Cushman Chantal Courapata .411113 r mild jenalee 1)aanes lint ton I hi, ton tlinn l*Ilbie I )anal Rachel l)knudi Mame Dunker Re= D'Apale Molly D'Anerien Valorse Diuhrtat Brittany I }aahtell I _wren Danotieft Kenyarta Davenport Mika Darn Crtrince Darn I /ester Darn !Ilan- Dark Melody Daviit Intel Diaviison Derek De 1.t ligUtSCIS Amber Dclienham Traci Deel Dawdle Deerlican Jere-rely Iketheun Reran Dachte Jeff DeGrin Kody Deli "Frisha Denman k. Dennehy Atic I *Palma ;ethic 1 hir . 1,6,119 Derrick -Allesander 1)eSleatto I Niansint 13eSharro blettgart lleSkaart Kay Deilleincres Patrick De4Rookter Sault 1.)yerr Roberta Devine ,Aliskts I)e'k !Arlin INeter jen Dwter I -amen Dille% Steven I Illey Mary Dingey KeEKIES.Dvant144 Nicitelisos Divine altadta Dixon loon Dixon battle Drt-nnan Bynum Doepker MANIA !Nen Matthew llollfe Doluirsban Dernab,m Ark* Drinaht 4 Mirth Dtmehedian ?any ortoran ilitha Doolittle Megan Dor-m Kelly Doslionetes 1 linden Dou.Oass Morgan Driuglass iseph Kudyn Ihesskr Gem a Drew James Dieser Meaghan Dar Natalie I ItTarnlionilti Zachery Felice jenna Dullanty Jensita Feliciano Cody Duncan Etrpo limotion 1 rink.' Duncan Manaelena Lathan-di 1Ntnean Chris [Northam Fall Donn Burnt I>urin DLLISft Fitly Ow tog Corker' Mow Nconnt Durgotroar Clara I >lithium 1 ere.--la I kalienn Urn DUST Kcn )11 'dr sa Dysart Kyle Fade Mamie 1111d' 1'AI-it/Jura Sierhrn kanbtori Itliatlt liatott -‘11cah 1-"Aigen,,n Sammy laiminiter %my 1 alwards David FAlw anti Kimberly Falis arils Stephanie Edwards farnan 1 bingo 1- rilm Role 1 1..11'11U end 1 laments(' r luny Ilium 13rinume Minn Keinta Eitnotc KC FA Li. Jenny Ensenegger Jennifer Emerson MarAlke lirntrum Nathan l'ATICCUTO PAM". FAMT) Saturnia Farterr Vent Friciaosi Martin FACISIdtAt JCITSS FA-pith cia PAU:14191112.411114Nz1 ilnartna Kendra 1.r.tel Christy Ent Kyle Erma trim Ream 1.orena 1 1 knutton iiymann, Taylor F_Fmann KAtic 1-anhankl R2rhsel twidionk_s Meltssa Falconer Chnarini Fartene Charlotte Farmer Jacob Nifillet 2t14i 1-turinct 1 c Jiarinwonh Tawny Famworth Sean FUT 1311111dIM Fattell Sloan Vann Rare 1.am ow Ili illy wets° Dna huks Krysta 1.0ditusen frith Felgenhnier. M.11 +_ niandrt 1 Lida Ferree Ethan Ferrel l MIA I 'rrrx4 f rankle 1•lrrrti jort Neon Stephan I'dcnlul Ryan I etcher I -met Alerr me Nuke 11w Firepraincfi t lure Farber ltFtilip lubber Uwe! Fish lames niter Satan h k Ruben lit ism Alwr'na 1lcartanrsrich Annie Iticttsrli Meghan !'twat h Velma i'nencnko • I_rri.r Foment 1 -...d ttlr 1 ,rrncris Sal.] I +.ttiVr ALIIk 1 - c riisalS' Amber 3'casttr Jtstshtut !lister Andy Deli i l.,nnibe i Frankton. 'l llhn 11 !'ra 1C•nch 1lannah Frank Kane 1'rattltc•nfield Fn 1 easier 1-.Isa t-rc+tknhrerg Mary hedeneks Minh Fredricks Care f'rcenian TTayler 1 tsristarr 'Wirt Friesen sen J ame hues John Frurcy Justine Fr!• Mauutela Fry Jennifer Frye Kati~ #•4tkati 4 1ilTany l'ulksrytln Aahkr' ( uIdr 1h,11111 [_:21134:0 Carol Galen Aubrey C;adindi Sreplunic Catiulin Outlet (;antler Angel Garcia to *eke! Garcia Alec Gardner Marlene (;arlarld Sauhae Garrett l nran t ;aty Kerman. (hT Mzttdi Gauthier liai:uma C Ka1ic iGGt ri *is 14larlar-x Chino 1..rnth Coyne', ,51,1° I.-uit .,as 1. rtaehem l Alum C +iltbs Paige al;iticlirr}t it '+F►eKarl Gilbert �an� C;i4Lxrtsrin Belly C+ikenr Kalhnn (ii1cnr Matthew [:'.Heist Steer f Jane- Carissa Gillilsnd Jtorslatr Crum (krtph Getidanclla Ruth Cifdatard CI Godfrey- Peter( iodleu - slo Jackie (;tddman 1ihtwv C441.11u lifer 1)uiitn (kinds J., ilium C:onch hLegit= C astldsirr hlr-al (ira+ t•Jn'm t .t 0.117 14 ri ( ;rtnkin Michelle € iulia tirxlltn (�iiriki Jill (ixttzitan Tan Grain tratrirk Grath Jake Graham Madeline C.rabuttt hL:ghann Gt iihant +arnanthet (tsalsum '01, ale ( valiant C u ntalzlr Gram fain Gea r Rachari (;rear Stacy Crray Sand Cin brc Creston C taco. Albert Greco Alyslet Gwen 1 mtly' C;rern Kayste Cerra 'stir had Green E rfiJ (; men lichnlaa Greene Sebastian ( ;Ferree Adrienne Greer Shads. (anger rk n C orei f 1.en.4 C,srif Bert Laid J.,< 4;s•iethali r Matthew Griffin G _ethic Ger With land ( ;nmmett Kiel i :rechsrn I l lr ll c l la t trod I �1trlr C :mssmann Nick (;ictsk Janne t thee ',than (iritss Paul ( ;u Within (;nil Ina Anna (,ullieksnn C- :iinettle (; rani% Ancirerr it nrlh,alo-er Savannah Cunt-ire,. F lrithri Gwynn Sara 1 Each lttittdri; 1 laaaclle Vull via ! lad - ley C:rxmre I Iitt!'er° can F 1affer ju in= Ham tan t•3ahn Amanda 'Flames Ake Hale Ashler 1 Hale• !ltrtokr I lake Ashler I1a11 Ile an hall Trier Ilan Lauren T l;aiulton Bratndi i i arrtniern SAL All I lame~ Alma 1 ?4nµ-n E .trotdr' I iinscn ;l utula. I basin I.loth 1 taukriryas Brandi ;Harper Is:ouriney 1 Farpa•r Paige Fiornn$snn Bre tnc* I lank. Krpldr Fis►trin lackarr Harms Jercmti 1lammnn lliralscnh I fart Melissa Ilan Nick 1 1linnun Sara 1lariman Dant 1:lan•rr Danielle I Fang! \V`atiucn 1 balers Barn 1 Udell Jenny I -vrin 11hitch Brandin 1 lawyer Matron T Ila k 1.)m Ilan/ley !emu I latiwnrth t►Iiellxt;lr 1leacci>, I.tm tlr-atime litkc ;learn l nca i lcarly brad I!raslrxi Grace 1!catrin 1 i anvils 1 fewer L &risen I lrekcl hi:uthe. 1 ler kcl jsntrm 11vary Recntirn 1leissnan Lela I lekimiaa lir 11 •muilr lanm 1 fendcn._rn 1_ritlt 1 iii K71n 1 Iitstltrslin Curly 1 1 irnl cl '.mtny- 1 Icarnusp lime 3Imaim Pew 1irrheri Ste rhan ! Herr c.a aurrner 5 learn Sin I lend Amber 1lrsesclfpssxrr jade 1 lcnnsgrr 17rsrun 11iclunn . lrlhn 1licks Uttistophet 1Ty4 tnbithatn Phil 1 h1h -Falv4 gird Grant 1 tildanian Anxlr I ;111 K. Andy I Id] Sabrina! f ill `lure• 11111 1iltitney:1 fill Garrett II/Lard Kam_•nrn !ninon on Alumni 1 I Kaclsl;l 1 I rink Darn 1, Huang Brenda Hoick!' Jessica 1loffinan K i 110 ft Tommy f lliffrnan llssnnica 1lo[1'seh.nndcr Kay 1IuRberg Tc11ui I lu�lf Guhrr 1 lsallnlKlk Larnh 1 Irtlhstr -r Natalie ! Ta ester Iai ant la 1 1.1111 iCII Tamer 1 llilm C ;errin• 1l,tlrr, Jessica I Inatsnw•rrt ft Labels I ;nulling M J I iouding Bruin iitlwarti! Neill] rwan! 3 amen 1 Itrwrll Libby I Fun Caurse 1 !unborn] 1)e bee f lunliani Melissa F futlwn N 11udson lianail i udscin 13nim I twin-, (Jnaatiiphcr 11txber Cassie 1Inertt I!sky 1 ,Afcf +a ! fuvois tabb y 1 I►t l b CA.et 1lurt j , lr4 !leather I kinky Shan I True hlaulrsnn 1 lunter Part llunter PrIehs a R Iuplim Me#Iica I hermin Kelen Hurd Sa t arresal4 1 Turd Linn !holey Kxle1 ilur,t l)nnr Hutchens 1nem Hutchins �; dli.uyi f 114t&,n _llauu 1 Iti alt Jr., I It all nia Belt +pis 13111 1 ]x'slc1p jell I iestop NLar4 Inc 1 kniamari Tndaht Sarah Ingcbrrascn Jesse' Ingham Amber Ingram N it Ii rrr-rrna I`axrt�cs James Isaacson Stephanie lick Brun larkstrn Brian jar:ksran it Ater Jat;tn in I/are Jaekslm David vid Jac sent Ks.wrindra jad &jn Iritra Jackson Aaiun l at 'bs Andrew larger Jere James [dteua 1:rtrrw Jamb I asp in lesRimper i lolly Jerinnertt Kern Jcrreberg T Ira Jewell 1] Jrtti t kanin Johnson Lr►ltcr 11Dhnsvn iiiiax .. 11 noun; lamer. !Amon Kalem Johnson Kevin iuhnsun 1.anysha Jatht4'4 to 1har lohnrrrn i.i'la Johnson Matthew Johnson Sarah Johnson Jan Johnson Natasha Jislinstmnn 'lama Jut aitrin Adam inures titian load Cardin Juries i Jrtlraea Dane& Jones iTluacat Jones Grimm June. Kcsha Jones Margaret Jung Melvin Jones R:aah t• d Jones Scott lone* Stivina lints haslt* Jordan J111san Jr +Seto Jr ianna Judd Monica Judd Kane Judge Molly Iudge Brandon Jude Cristal Judy" lax L{slrt Kn'tisrl Kane Ieti afer Kannega.tni f-athu n:o is inJn xg Brian Kaarriarki Vanessa Kanea ki Mitchell bra,•, ti Natalie Kassa . kt1nenne Kau lirta nxt:a, Kaufman Sarabhii Kaufman S1rlam Kirundi' mandcep Karin (;<irt'rTi Kam Klima I autaruin latitsy Kauw e Kati - nn Kavanagh Kennedy Keune7- 1 ;ulcer aLanshcw Keenan I Kegler lin ...ikt` Kerner Clarissa Keller Jamie Keller (Larissa Kellerman Sh� � � ' a� L m ng ��a KilI Ashller Kellolr Ryan Ftic•lllii Hunan si0 Kimmel Kctnl 1 Mark Kendall lase Ken-wan rinlin Krnlein Erin Kciantd Amber Kern-V httnanh Slsrrrt-n Khintia Kann Kiehl F uliril Kam haunt Jcrica Kienbaunw kclser• Krenldnutn I3at Ktlrc [ten King Lkcandra King 1:.nm Kraig ltt in King tint Knrniancn Kryinal Kinser (•flit -is Krnri4e Crystal Kirk Su,.armalt i17tIY gasses Kukeln Keint" l:in-dur•ed i tlari1Ra Kiti.ti nar-aknr Counter Klerk we Leslie Kimono Sarah Khmer 1 leather Ktimc tr Elise Mid= 1/nix Knrt Andrea Knight Ashler Knutson Jamie Knban [4lilti Kerlaara 11L•igucl Nubtlut Clarence loch Katte Koch Hannah Kneske Miehnla.s kn EI 1:uer Kohler David Kole Shane Kcillenbrrm Justine Kcrrsdra Vary; Knpeti Sara Ki man , 11r11iac Kotke Bryce Kttetkc F Mary Krurke Svedana liuw•ilrnlui ; 'ilreaivlra Kraft 1•ihn Kraft ( lhvia Kraft `.Inn 1 rarnsherger Laurel Krarairr Staphattir Kraut] (;aclyn Kmttser Sarah Krauss Kaikeise Knuth !kFatrhevt lti rrristxi Rachel Kulisc:h Max kumangas Mrt'ivc l ea KSiiiii, A hlcy Knepp...wen lien Kintner Ki rs Kul} HMO. Kyle Daniel K.yrim n J mita I KU tic 'ram l aniart nut lien lamb Rune lamb Cabe Lorain i atrri ra iiMoiic Adele}^ Lindberg Elithti Lindberg Monk fancier. �iia; h••Iart Lange liranrkn 1 aprhyntlki Rance LaReare t -.mina lemon I a ndsrry t .aisnti 1 rums 1ass l:va Li im n Andrea 1.zw inn Jamie Janson Imam Lanvin :.J. L* ttin Lauren Layton ton Nalo Fed Kendra carmen lkkkt Leave Andww lrt.law 111Ey'srin 1. re 1.lirltelk Lee PhiI113 Lefler Pelts Irhtnan ( lielrea Irhn Stephanie I ctb ra I.a`zm tuber Dylan 1.errie 1 Ryan Iirna -n Jake 1 ernei;nc 1 beau I .irti. Samaria lastaaard Senn Iaimin [awctnex Untie Ashley Lesser/net et Amanda Leiris A lilt 1 AAA. 174 Bata Lewe Jrzaca 1 Joshua 1.cn'n Kan l ra rs Kellen Lewin /like hers Ruben I anrea, to -en 1rcwet Tend 1.evris recital Leon n 1 .ault n I act>i Clam Aran Vi Pubtartdx Tama Ltlkrno II 1 la81141 anbeig 1 larma3i 1 astiflwrg Blake Linde Arne Lindquist Ilse Linden I _rl. Man land set Ktreren 1 Andrei. Knuen 1 andsu.% Marl, Lindsey Pn eillaI l .nn,n 1 .tnd rum lift lank Kartd,cc 1 snsirom C 11 e.1.mi•ilc ,John 3apsli r (!tom taptt,p lumen 1.rir Cale lately Dslsn !Judge Sarah lexfilet Michael 1 aimm kith I:awns rarrthtnl Fong Kristen Lrsogmcii Jasmine Lappet Sunshine I iirnmar ' unshtrae IArrinrras i Itllxry' I.aar'L Kenn ;albs. (game Lucas Steven Li as 'fi Her Lucas hlakcnzie l sscn (,th ella !.ucluni Gianni 1 neh.un {iullan i iirehi i Kru stye Lucta s (ietitatigirma 1 u11 'l in:. lain Juanita Inmpkin rean iamdbert Michel 1 Arab Jaunisrm I urtnzfl ltitltlila crt 1. •rsch Keegan Lynch lama Lynch Mltihcw Lynch 1cinnrfcr Lynn teem Lynn Ling Ma Kane Mac(;ilecry !l iii NUL-Lear I kri kla&ain Ty Madinat ltirsrt Macaw Ashler hiliguitr, ] .hlaifc ld Mi karnt Maalculm r \Wks t:,nIkt n Mallon Bernard tte m t41c'livat. M;rngnim l elsas Mail m `Ferry Mansnngo I]ewi Mu> hail 13►arntn hkurous t;rrneron \larder 5'ma Mirlratprll�i}Ci Alike Markin Nick Ma rllltrss lamer hixr+la ;44attr' 1iutin 4m Ada Manrn I InUr hltrtin ',lank 141 artirr Lea fviattsn ,slit ttin inthta Man uer. jrne ,teethe legan Mass oat 1{ chsel 1, -ssiti tirclncy hlsammc Hobert tilattrnum Rran4kio Maatne Ii,nl hbrcnu ]u•irn 1laterne lhrti Maki 1 :t Nlateepse Antuula ?slow Male M nub ack h tai,rY Lydia 141arbcrirr irwithy l 4taser 3iiistina Marvin tact llrintmu lelitoc Me ndr 1 %duel Pikta sr t Main' hlti ,IcllAn 1 Atli. ATICCIeiJart eiirua 141i:{auie Mi.0 tl[nU Mc"{'untt, I aR'k,r flirt :on! I a Mel.,: hrmacli 11, hitt 1 la ',let:tory hail* ?,ice :ullnm I. 11 hlcf)anaeJ R n :Auun*la NIel'arlard 1�Tis mua hleir uire NI MM(;uirc ior=dan McInnis i er McIntyre Betty Mel s'rt Karmrn McKinley h1clighan hteKinxsct Stephanie 1irltiitintrn Kristen McLain (autrn hlcl�lall }' Dann Melrucsten 1 hen ?%IcRae: Brands hicsdinii Samuel hkese 1la:tt Mehrrng 1 na hider "►shits• bltelliGI. hlihcllc hierauek Jon hence. Rachel Merritt Melvin Meyer Andrew hlrtm hfindy 1ciiehealizttt Alt %antJari Allelic.• Spencer Maim I )amyl necks Rachel lilies Andre Miller Ashley h tilltx Beekz Miller Tennis Miller Grayson h1;t11c+t Jessica Mtllrr 11e1m Ntiller J t rdan hither ltiatu Miller Bari Willer Manlc Miller Man-Anna A1dliY Mailbox Moller R J Miller Rm.= Miller Tint Milkx hianaic Mtlicr -Kris Brandon hliiche:ll bolt Mitchell Shaun Mucha Kelsey ' llcnny Mrsee.hnl Room i ,hltrhnnct l)arten Malan Niaunce Nita, creak- iandsay Nf intaw Ilea N1, war 11c- .teller Moore IpIL't hkienr -Long Allison Moran I -notMorheck Robert Mines crystal Morionl Deirdre Mangan Jaen Mangan .1rtnlrea Mormon flt }an lllorphi, Andrea hlr.niion Michelle hh '.r Kelly r 1 ir 1.wattrnrc Mos% I'cill! Mountain litrabeth klultrn jeasica MtaiIhalland I'i}hiis hhdholand Mike Mulien Whim Midler Christian Munro Rachel Munro Natalie Mumma Adam Morph} Annie Morph} Dylan Murphy James Murphy Nfasrai Mn phn Megan lllttephs Rrtnna Mummy Theniri Murray Alex; Murry Alec Mum -Kram Jacob Mute - Kcrrtts F3amn Myers hrentltrn Mery I- larmalt htta-ss Jr r Meyer Katie Msen loghten i Myers Rat'il'immi 141! ens 1rummy M en lulu. Nanta Averlailt Neal Iirirta Niel/ Nancy Kral Shelby Neal. Star Neal "tier Nebergall Megan Neilm Act Nealhan 1 errs Neilson therms Ndpran Michael Nelson sc»u Ntlsran {:anent New bill Jordan Nesenumb Amy Newell- t Shan mtJa Ncw,naali P ittiati Iti'c'W`riati Rachel' Newton 1'e'tur Ngmen Ycnrsi' Nguyen Itlatnt Niebulais Ryan NiClterlus Crain Nichlr1 Andrea Nic Eill Rachel N erns finely N hbit Jeff MEd Caleb Nuke 1 Qatar Nukes I .ti else N ulcer. Minim Nuke J ureic Nurisarla Jennifer Norman Town ltinrw n Jae NentA Kunst, Num, Kn G. Nimes. Tom Nurse" Regsna O'Apnic Kathleen (Y.Calla h: Amber Oddrn Reabert tkind Emirs t igll,rsraac larkir C i' l Lae, Janke t )'thrikht 1- indsey (Army Krrnal ( Sarah (harm iStittat t Meal St €rtxi ()Neel I ai►a (m:eta Trauma Clrnan Ann {]riget Teresa { hTcr Sylvester Omuta, Amanda O4brim I c+sus l) hiLa''la ()shorn: Mikaelu t htranrlcr {. ;rnrisa CrI OE ile 1 Mart On Fit bctb Chml► Samantha l ltti ' ATarrrc C Larissa t?utc-n Justin t " h. , ctts 14sihar1 c ()yc I lades face 1'lttrsa face 1]21 -ice Padgtltiar 1Wars Pm:miser Geuther 1aailachark K.iitliti Pollard: lath Palmer Marla Pat,s'no Katie Parker Kayla Pirko Stephanie Patter 'Velma 1'arkliumenko Ann Parke Mc1usa Parnell Stephanie Parrish li ra niJrn Pa trce Kristen Paul 11eiausa Parry l.ndsec Paxton {Marie, Palm. ?Amish Pan Js iti Penman K Marie Peauncnet 1 rr Pearson hkredith Pcartxln 14lichelk Pearurn Paige 1'carutn Jordan Pedigo J+icl n I'cg icn, Cris Pcitthernrn Anna Penal Laura Peprt Amber Perkins Millar Person 3.nsirn PettrsscrcL Atttamdi Nieman (:hrt rc•n Pcicn- 1leaiher Pcrerscm land Peterson Known Pt .1 coon r,n Stcphunue Pttccwm K elton Pr tcssvn Ales Pctrtn tiarrierro Pe yet M41Sat'la Paget I)e nu l'fsrr Sar'lnt. Pfarr Seem PKim - Iobua f'hdps 1i. I'lii]li Derr, E21,. I ic Lard Miranda Pierce Amelia Poetry Angela Pais. m P 1ulilp Ptnvir f trills Ptppenger I tlazahrtti Piston Jocelyn Pitcher S;ua P1411:1 [leather Plumb Ian Plutrtkc 1ti key Porten Brun Pollan Amy I'nrntnrrtr lttgrin Pontorok, Manors Poole Janes Pt,phsm Asia ['teeter iSr-owlt Porter ! Pun-ter Floyd Ismit n ,bury I'iriit:t N11.1 1 nutlet Nate I'mi' (lane Powers KcntmPowers 1 r r� iMlle (llcs•a Prnch 11ca►llrrs I"rati Rand, front Kaaren Pia -1 1a3 Pray -1 Jo tph Prrstien Katie Preston NIaiJiurn Prmrr Ryan Pry I4rutanr Pryor And :L1 Putnam Chase Quinn Kam Quinn Ksrnbetlr Quinn Runrtre Quintana Danielle Itabb Cliules Paul Rader Jrr►h iticlrner Franck Raffia, Chris R.am die ! leather Rainwater Rac had Kiimshat I yea Ripple Senn Rasmussen Jcfft~ Ra1'mrintl l'>t'ti RRymnnd l eacader Hav rnrxn i t'teanna Raynor Jamie Redman Kristin Reed Strati Reed Rack! Reber .\lyen.a RexL.ard Ryan Reiwrt Brayton Reinhold Maas Rrnk Matt Rico Leslie Rs441 Ana Michelle Rotes Sarah Reiet aunt }t 11rtinr,IiJ,. K.eat,rn Rhodes ylir I 1 Ruco t assic. Ratty .'clam 14K o. ludo n Rum \1c, to Rice M chelh Rite : lessw Rich Vesta Rich Jae, ib Richards Kali Richards J Staphanie Richards Srinatn - Richardw n Sara Richardson Stephanie Ridding Cosec Rickard Katie Rickard Alysst Riiekssi Jessica Ricks Klemm luck! Sari Rif, rn. Samantha ftno i .Alea.antlra IIIh #3sttml knlca Aaron Rutg 4ane11i Ring l auren Ring Lit Rang. NEI, Ringo Je 8304 Jessica Riple es-ne .Inward i Ihr REibeen . lsr.rm Jlrlltcrrti Kayla Roberts Kara Httbcttsaen ciaai 1(rhiltsM fl Jean Rihaisr I% lima, Robinson Mindy Robinson Michael Robison Max ltobison R ash ^c1 IIubm n Nate Rt_1bnrtt- Cililliccr Britain Roche l.urnc Ruche Brucr Rr Mane RE, i Kahn: RE alrigu'a Ruben Rcrchigrrc: Alex llodnetuga Shil:ita Rogers .'sale Rohner Nick Ralrrenhach Rarleel 'Ring 1lrcaente Rolxtidru Lai hit net Rrrtei ,11 ulna RE ...a Rreanrta Ittrtalcs „Latiaitit RE Allison Roma,. Ashler Rime Zachin Rare Shawn Rcescrnan 1(reta Komi ram \Nlittneg Ituseintuni Keith Rows Mile Rritch(',nl try st'A3 Rn',ihr Chits Rodirock Jr ef Rambo, l, ,yrulsry Rslulm a. u Amt' Rnullu-r James Routh t Jesia[' Rouse Victoria [tow mai 1'> mass.esa (1 'urtney Iteasi�lattd Katie Rrru•ktt C; aaertt Rubcnrhll Natahlia Rubin Christina Rut, .c /s., mica lt urtch Erie Russell Sara, Rinser/ (1u:lsrra Rutter f latnnali R}ctssrul Tyke Ryt;Itits;n Lynda Rrpirn MCR*n Saw-mintf Nick Sagendorl Atala ya Sala*, Shama Salem Marissi Salee Anthony Sa mid ?days Somalian Jerurlch Sanisel Kate ,Buhr am Krntcepher Sanders lames Santa gc, Bianca S.ar,tl'in .fir Savage Antonia Savage Sam Seaman Sutmnaih Sc roni Ashley Scarpelli 'tuna Senora 1=5ther Selma 1 ianyta Schelin 1 iii hcth Seal Natalie Schramm Kelsey Savvier ','% Mani Srh+ath Kamm rroclrtll Sarah Seines fltri' Schrum Date Schmart M1 ergtn ,dunce i s.er 1sltir ' chrm t r Jennifer Schmidt Dustin Srhnetckt Kristu Schneider lone Seinalts Sarah Schuster %land!' Schwartz [ ie-ltae :Schwa rtzenhvr v JosieStim Adeline Sc»llard Curran Scott Jtwine Swot irelie Scrimp, nit - Witham :Scang's" Tema Seater .\udriartti S•a°ic} Lunacy &close Massa Seek Kn tuts Seividge ]t' PCZ Salmons S1'I.tu an, in Smienn S e: are :sev6"i E-i - ho_cx ,++harkeldrini Jrih Shaer Shaw Shaffer icruifer Shannaban lame `• S l. h , and ► -r Kt* :HianHr Amanda _Shins' Cad Shi i Julie Shepherd S arah Shephe Mike 'Shields Vladimir Sturigarry l aainc Shiple- Vutitra Shiimlxyltn a Max Shins Corinne She sciintan l>nc the , cnsxkcr 'mina Stu <makcr 1 - ct - r. u d r. Frieda 1 clean I '.r}r an Ferrel Aria Terri,, hankie Henri pin I wren Stephan lento Rr.m Hitcher Oink- Finer _ 1eyone I snke Katie 1-irapatrick (lair Fischer Ll1tbp -ocher l�tiucl laih Tome* Maher Strom 1•ime kuheri I °],otter Al tuna I•lrns inrata-lch Annie 1-ncrtsch hie• han l:cic+ctiach 1e1Lna I-inner Maria Fornlant Kate Ford Soli Furness 4ara Ibridict Amber Frritet Jtisltua FFustrr Adel} Prra Tlstir both 1rauriclwno ,kl.isayn Panetta' 1 I:tnstaih Frank ltiaaic laranken(ield i;.rirt Peeve er Elsa i'ret nibcrg %Ian Parade icfs ".Itrnnca Frederick I ads Freeman ■ 1 a ■ '�v�k i-to:man J n in i e I'nesen Jayne 1-nu, Tether 1-nrcti 1urnne In N.laratala Fry I minder Frye 1 F•irlltersurn Jackie I :urgitnrt iksliley { caddy David Gaines Carol 4; ales A&ill' (r]lndo Stephanie Gamelin (lark - G tn. sru Angel' Coin Vabel Garcia Alec c;iatdoor Moyleri? Garland Sacue Garrett lina1i ( in K.cnriars (;itrr' NIasuli Gauthier TIrsanna Cirridrrin Katie Germs Mickey ('varier F.litl% [;s.'w,ick Jason 4Freyer Lindsay Criachern 111 an Gibbs Paige Golding Junes (i glen Michael C;ilbett T)anavl C-iiibcriti<an Bray Gi eric Kathrsn S iikne Matthew (irlrric Sieve Galrne C"atrwt C:iIhLinti Jordan (kiln Guseplr Gi dutst1la Ruth (;oddibed () Godfrey Peter Caoallewskt lackur (:ri1dmm Lrhbrr C;ollhnfcr Dustin C nods Tniliva (rtxrth NteDiin C rtnrckror Meaghnn Slued -in Connor C:.-union Ntichelle Grub Itradler Gorski J►u (;maim Dan ('.early Patrick Grade' JJaka''[ r7ham \tankImc Inaba m +4I4 iarrri Graham Sartianthe Graham Willie Graham Cambia Grant lanrraGi cr lL c1usd (!141N Staq i121; Sind (.;ochre Aston Greco Alban Green :Aly±altn C =yen 'Emily (;men Iiaysse C wren 'ilicltael Clasen IN"-al Curti N>a<Iisuiss [irwear S hostran ;reeve Adrienne (;ercr 'ahayla Gti ger Iltsa Greif l eerily Greif Ian € kerb Jere [a ntsh cr Matihci. Giffin IL-As: f i nfhth luny :l C erint haul (in,kism Iloubcth (inns)tof EimK {. nxrrnann Nick L in iswarncil J aaiiie corcver Maki Ci miss !Paul (w Rohm C ruilfcnl Anna Gunickson (:arnenm (lump Andrew Curulh airier Savannah (rutnttrtx [ leather 5. ,vvv'run SAM I lath diley I laslk Volletia Hadley COMM' I Ini'fey Soon I balky Johnnie Hoff Tan Hahn Amanda 1 Lucius .Alice 1 lair :kink}' I laic Brooke 11x1ey Ashley 11 u41 }!rears 1la11 - 1tlLY 111111 Lauren i Inrnrlion Tirandi flimflam Sarah I luilcs Alicia I faresen Laub II ;instil Aunna 1 Lamson Ja4r.b I larknces llrsri+li Harper l;ornint•.i Ilirper Paw l larungtam l',nrmcy Hams Iti rude I Isms faakan Ilams Icirnrt I larn,.)n Elizabeth Ilan ',Melissa I Ian Nick Ilartnias Sara l larrr 1)1uu 1 Iarvey Daniell., 1 brrvy "% Miami 1 larvey Br=at i iaskd1 June :' 1.►111n llsleh l ratidun 1 louse" Matson i !wail Tim F lau'lel Tentria 113 M che& 1 Ii ica>c Krrni Flcatldrng 1 lake Brim Erica 1 leaRke Shaul I kraston C irate 1 kite, rut I i .vim} l Raver' I amen I icckel Matthew Heckel Jimmy- 11cd1e I t mien 1Iriin Lela I lek rni ua 1.0 I ferr uili Aaron 1lrnclerion Erick 1 Irndrrri:rn Kiwi 1 [Elide'mson Curdy Ilettks1 Seth lknkci Simons° I Trailing Bare Ilemon Prop' I feeben Sr pharni Herr Courtney firltitli Sari I iend Mnbe 1 k viler _Talk 1lrttingct 1 k-~i Fri l Wools John 1 lades Chr19to fahlr i I igginliotharn i'lril 1 lijh- Iaalward ( ;rant ilsldirow Army 1IiII K :Andy 1:1111 Sabrina Hill Tire• I lell k`hirtaery Careen I Kama-ton Iliintvn :Ategad 1 inag Rachel I lcsat#. Dan Vi Wong Mirada lkael.el Jessica Hoffman Kin ltofmari fixnrru' I toof rnan I) )esweet :Aivunlca I l..i'fichnrukr Amon Jrrhrmun IGay lltvlbe•ir1; Amber Johnson lrihn 1 be ll Drama* Jnhnsnn 1nlm Ilnlbnerk Jamcs Johnson Isaiah 1 Inllistr•r Valero Johnson Naaalnr I lull cr.r Kcsul Jclhutsirn Savanna I trilkmrrnll I.anrslttt Johnann Janice Ilolsn I -*shay Johtttiun (It gory 1 inir7 Lisa Johnson Jessica f linnmmrt7 tilanhv i' Johnson Ntathct► I Inielling Sarah Johns+m ;►l I I hill tiding Jason Jnhnswn Arran l it v. aid Natasha Jr.Plinsion :Naha I Iowan) - ltsiaa ',Amcor, Duren 1 Inn c;l :Adarn. Juno. Libby l iii Ashlic losses Carne 1 Iubbatd 13nun Jsn c Debbie lfubbard (: itlin Junes AL_ktssa I lush rn ( :httsiaarthcr Jones Nate ntieI 1 Judson l)ancllr Jones 110145 1 I ud ern 1)1:stm Josses 1irt an 1 Iuebcr t;cndiire Jc.tsc -s i .In mt..phcr 1 luclict Kt iba Jones ( -sic I latclh Niarioret ones F 1aSes 1 lurth Il};nr Jaime, Ittelissa I lut.zins Rashid limes I'nb n I lug„hes Senor Jones (rise-- 1 Iomiaton Sy twins Ju i lea iher 11until I ayk-rhfi Jordan Shawn I hint ;Main Jr rstrph 11sdisrrri 1luutcr canna Ju&I Pat HIniIrr lklaricat Judd Melissa 1•1ulrpan Karr JI. llsr Mellisa ! Iupran Akrlh Jut!};e Kevin 1 lunl k%randrm Judy Savannah nah :Hurd CrVilZ1 Suds• 1,trun 1ludes Katie Kilc K-1/ 4- I lu r t Dana 1 kitchens Anna 1 Trnehins Al i1huu 1 luttrtn ,'ikon i l l }'art . }rir I Iyact .Arty lfyati This I Minn i' al l lyiilrrp leer i lyslop Mark In lit rrp min I nr1ahl Sarah Ingebrirsrn Jesse Ingham , km'bc -r Ingrain N r iota meal f aitkv 3 amt. ' Isaacs, m Sic hanie Intel- Bran Jacl:ss iinan Sudan {-.our Jarkson L s+eJack.un David Jacksom Kasa:iindrit Jru ksun I aUn 1 Lock. ri) rl n'in Jacr h' Andrim Jacr -r Jesse James IJ.rna Janes a An>tlnsc Jaaltrz Jacob Jasper Tess Jasper Holly Joanna -rt Seen Jemircrg 1141 ro.ell Ira l ewd) l eiueia Kwnharrrn J assurer Kicn h-trmn knner Kim/UM' I }iv TLI ltid1 Ben King 17carrdra King Eon King Ilan King Beam Kinmtnen Kry°seal Kinser CJltian Kinrrlr Crystal Kirk Sti✓;nirnah Kris fati+nr kirkebi Kelset Kitt& meld Marilyn Kkurna }•ak* . C oumtes Kleckner Leith- K a- sink* Sarah Khmer Ileaather Kltncnt rise 1ilc•bc Dana Knee Andres knight Ashley Knuiszrn J a mic Kubara Mari Kuban Matprcl Kob}'ltus ( /smiler K' Kara Koch Hannah Kursk Nicholas KLaITel Laura Kohler David Kole Shane ILrailrtiborn jug tic miler Vaus% KOpet. Sara Kcrnono lltllta Kntkr Krystv1 Kant 11rvvne Kotike Jetrnr t K+rrn egLur1 I Wary Knrrkc Catheunc Kinking 4v-cilsnna. Korak -ntr. Bryan I'+arw rid i, AI4+an&ta Kraft Vancss Kant -ado John 1j,li Mitchell Kassa i Ann Kraft Nally: Kowa Marti Kransherbvi Adrienne Kate I Aiirel Km on llrt nna, l: ninfr#Xan tiacrphanit Kr cruel Saiial}n KaU.Cms:I fsarlyxt Ksaw1cr Stefan Kauppila Sarah Ktatiw's Anundorp Kaur /Cadre :ere Krauah Garde* Kant Monism Krt»,stasl I'rir ^did latual.+tw Kniva Kamm= tithe! Kudisch Kristin .Lindstrom Zockcru IK; ruwc plus ltiritiiaril;di McGee Tiffany Bilk Kamrrun K9v anagh &x a ltiirnrr. Kid o ce 1,u4 rn Chin 1 snvilk' Jolrti I.tjssker 4 Int Lipton Justin T. .ru Carle l t d Dylan Iardg: Sarah Loeffler Michael Logan Josh larncau (:i}std Long I ir'rett lrin(pucir Junior 1 kpt r Sunshine l rein. Sunshine latrninnr iwa rairunan Andrea I.awurn Jaime iai+ason,, Iastin Lawson •1.J. l avtvrn I amen l as ,riia Nalt. I dual Kizndra I a-ain en Belk' Leavy Andrew LeCiasne :ATIsson Ire Michelle ire l'hiirrr Lffre Venn Lehnun t:hchca l rhn Si ph:rnie 1.rib ishle, 1 rirn}lruher Dylan I rnu n Iltan 1-eusery year 1.rsasc1gnt Dr_an I 4'117 Samaria Leonard Snort Lenard Cwtncy' Curable Ashlct i arse irrci Amanda lx ti Anna 1 a•ler'r tenlr&i Jos.= Lewis Joshua 1 LWt!' Kane Irons Kellen 1 even. Mille Stoats RL.brri Ta�a`ir Stcs'era limas 'Terra I rai'4 Timm [awn Carlos Licca Unit Ls ten N's [ aglrilir rth '143 na lillemrnr 1lanna I mlzrg 1 larnnah Lindberg Blake lanai- Alin- 1.1014uu 1 7;c I .irtiistl !JurMary Lindsey I +t lNOM Livelier l+ nslicrt l.tftal!.co Mark 1indsek Kennedy I•:rarnrx' Millet Kurp taw it l isclurt Iku Kuttner hlsorncevu Keenan K, r Kura Erie Kegley Branriirn Kele Tin-poke Krsnrt Darnel Kyir Clarissa Keller 11c.qui 1 Jerria Jamie Keller ti um I aimarina C utrssa Kellstrroan Jen torah Sham Kclki,g Hose laimh Ashley Karig, Cale Lambert Ryon Ketlogg 1 antoya I aMurr4 Bnttitrty Kelso AilaTc! L indberg kroner 1 cmbi l iiisha Ianlberg Marla Kendall 1lroxik Landers Iasi. Krtrisirn Sncluila4 1 airs 1 ltllarey Salve Sohn ! rnkvr lleunden 1 _tlich nntku Kevin 1.u!s' Erin Kennedy ]Renee 1aRcicr Came laical iAmillet i4mr VI.. hit 1 mrniLimos Steven 1,uca.. '~feints Khinela 1 i ndsr}' Larson. Ty-Ici Lucas Staten Kiehl 1 rantra Lass Make hear- I awassen Amanda Short II Y -gban Shove Jartlueliite Sltratio! Kathleen .Mader Jas Sicilia Olga SiKirrira Kish Siesta Max Sauer f ,ariau ;nitits landsay Surnonc4nik Rests S rnmdmk Caron Simmons Tawny Simmons Brittany Sarum Eltrabeth Samtitw—n Manual Sinclair IRary Sinclair .t nnikt Singtru n Ronda Siase k Amy Skalluatgsta#t Tibitfiis Skmncr Amami gavot 13atr'iJ ltran Katie Sloan Kailt Sloan 1 to me Shan Kelsey Small Miranda Small 1 lannah Smmt 1 liLin Sinn? Adam Smith Allen Srmth Angela Smith tirotlrta Smith Criers, Smith Con Smith Derrick Smith Elizabeth 'Smith 1-sralec Swish 1 am Smith J arrel5 Smith Joshua Smith Marna Smith h1 gin Smith 141cgbati Stith Sammy Smith Wyatt Smith I itrxn t' Sim :Olson th tchtn Smythe: Pmts Spey f lhot Slid& Adrienne a" ass hlrchula Snyder Rh !anti Snyder Junin Solberg Sardis alters Ilan Solomon Jason So, rrtb oapunpoo Carmen Sorweide Toga Soto Greg Souoi Cain Sowder Amber Sp enter Emily Spertixr jarnes Spencrt Andrew pin= ?.41irstula Spdkrr Sandi : tilket SInnrr+m Spiker F.:0 Spinatska [swirl `pate l .lanstitle Spurner Kos lint Spicerr Alums Spins Ashley Spreclter Date Spree het Jst-klrn Sprint laurel Spnrattcc Sam Stachr>fsl s Quin Stamps Fain Stanley Kale 4taartm Diana Stefoiljo Cameron St&inbick Ranh Steiner ??tier Steiner f•iobena Stepan ria Pamek Stephtiaisa Stacy Stephenson Albite Stotler Aaron Sic-silo Brady ttrions Brantli Stet alts `4icok Stet , rn on Oral= k Stewart Valerie Stewart Jaycee Stockwell Kimiscrk Stoddard Daniel Strikes Mitchell Stolu 4lrxix Stated Jiro? Stolz Jason Stolz Justus Slob Jordan Stowe Je ka Sts ling F.rreh Srt'tiLssx fleet Strength Lan Sitting Cohn n Stuart Bnbbr Stultltn [rlirhatal Srur)pll Dan Sons !Caul' Sub Yuri Sulam Martbd SiiI1r art Protn +c :Millis :at Shurilingh Sallie an _'4u hit Stun mr rti Leis Simmers .Diane Sutherland 1 L,r. di Sweatt l\1ekntsr.}r Sys erne. +° John Swett Jun Swett 1leather Sy4 urs Altcticllc Sybou* Mann Srropyitora Ton , 'L lkuigtt,n (:r comer laud 'f;miner ?tilt 1aikl Whitney 1 ate Dark Taylor . Willa °I'ay°It t Aston °bars Katie "1r:a#ir-atr Pat Temple Mary Templeton Heron Liston Teamefoss Ryan Trnold J ur Terh,ii r Leslie Terrell Fadden Drsaen SierhE-n Thr;rcn 1),trnellc l b tilts (Jails Ihaaru Linn 11'tt +mas I linden ?Minas tantx lliorrtaa Johanna Tlinuws L lrxi}r Thompson Katdttt Thompson Ithas}° Thompson Ituhllr Thnrripnrm 1 ?ari rile 1lau mare Irlaar►'cr Thor 1rfehass Thorpe Chant" °I bona tie /handle TM" Blunt ('Hg 11udienko Man s Tricorns s. 1 Shama T nen Jesutai - f°nurtelln nc T enun °Iirti tsentl Thai -soil - .Gran Inning-son Trios L- :mini Trani' roe ?hillier - remora Jessica °I"raers Fiat 'L"rername Ryan Tntscott C=anralinc 'Tripp Kyle 'Ctmchir Jmnic Tnttisi Vernanikar Tralehtea Cheryl Tucker Shama Tull a l:. .n l oak Kristine I ,-kt Cane l loch 4 Trash 1. lurch Katie Ulrich Ashley Underwood Marra Leann Brandon f .n Stacey 1.: Ascher Hanna Van art \\ aide neat V2n 1 \ in C *man ( ter Vang - lisu Van Xiang \fang \.hls Va°iiCki 11t+ imas Vanllcuvrkn Nsa_ulr VamVsudris Ionarh:itt V,utWirtlltt Krx t;ilV rker Rebekah % 4%11.1E7 I)ctibu \'tiudrnl Cu ms \'etIIm Aside, Vent :L111{1 4? Yen ai'rxt11 Orient Cordell 'Valle Udell Vieille Wailer V aamlt John Voigt Nathaniel Vi Lis°kaa Ds trlges% Waggoner 1.auirn Waggoner ltidisl Wags= C:hi -601c \ ailtbtcda No Wawa right Mar,, \ \ akelMg P 1U lI}' \\ ikelirat, ist)scr \Cirketruats . \tribe+ Walker .\ntlrea \\ allmr Blake \\ aJkrr 4 .i11tiiri VI, diet Dann ?Walker Muir \ \'milker }trim \C>I1 Destiny Wallace Krissy Wallingford Sarah Wh Aanm'lttaltett Andrea 1\ altun Amlttds W,nn.w Annuida Ward I -au= \\ JnI John 1 % 1lr Prattler %\ arirn I (siege 4\ inen ►1c'►a Warren Benjamin \ \as'hrstt, +ti•n C; actungion Risher' t %arrrttw, Percy Watkins t'�tiat) }butt "tit f lttsstttpIii t `k't tttgh in \t ebb this i \'Weber Sgdnct \\ cbet Sean Weiler Cleat A riser Stephen Weller Stevie 1\ eller Map<tlakna \\ ells, Andrea \ \ alts Tana W t lihrafer larch \"4,:ndle Marina \t cstttaatlsirf Justine Aeth rhrtlt Paula Wharton 4 tJuistopher 1A'heath" Ciabsirl Y \ltitrher Amanda \'l hit J mrtiki \\ hire Lori While 1'race) Whitehead I.in 4L a y A hired Anthony \\ lrirtnarch Mi4txria \'llrirn 1 — Mallow \\ hmtalr°i Michael \\ hitelker 1 lax he \ 'irk .rnlaawn Melissa \%iiltham Jamie A Jebel Katie \t wist Chtttlrittt Wakeman Cassandra \\ illirtmi II. iIh° \\ illiams ,Joshua 1\ rllsartts Paul 1\ &ants Robin 1\ Alums Str- ra \\ desalts Chloe \\ allwrtrson I Isrilxth Minimum' Lin \‘11111,1111!..11 f11:r1tK° 1\ all rz S IC Minot ?Crank n 'a \'drtiii lennafct Vas. Oft 1L41e1 1\ i1s. Paoli II !bon `rlcredy \L sntlh tits Ttsrrr iT nu.bargi t Christina IN inkier Lmsl} \' in npf 11th 4\ itmy Finley Aialfr Alas \\ csrrtatk Krista \t i miaow L r rn \\ right hlatthen 'lX t 4 114 Sirphartir Wright Meth k \"u Chaniel Yhsuape Pa Moog Kathleen Yiihm ;. Brun Valley 1 h ui Yang Ps/rotes Yang tank Yates Marne ale, 1fi rma fates lv7'rn Yearrrni Jackie Ycend-F not Stearn lee r ??lake Yinn& AMU Yr i1mh 1 r#mia Yentas lien Zack 1 szr l.ammit 4rrtlrss Zeubet (it wiatx Afiukuv Susan Alma= :$UTiiin f m erm n Brian Zimmerman Katie Zimmerman Suck Zlmm ITT ri Jaime Rank r l Pommy s `Ans el Rebecca Zuhlkr lilikalaa Zumwalt Ally 11t ?slue Rants. Ficimiitaty Peacemakers Carol 1 er Dancers Fast Valley Es{sutti {a>rrrmi 1.alt Valky° 11tgh School Yes T t;an hems Gunn of f lupe Ferns i 10 !School assistance 1 cant herrn 1 IS Continuous ous Scri is Club 1•rinklin Perr +\inlaattPM I ter School of Ballot Garfield lttttentarl \`1•-11+8 timid Morning t),ppa+rtumtt News Crew 1 Iralthy hisses & Choices 'tort? Lakeside 1 Iealthy Praxis # Charon Taal - Cheney 1Icahtlry Foods & Choices Tool - CV Healthy J ts1s & Chokes Tort - Fcrtas 1'1r:ditty 1- s4s 4 ( ice% Tint! - izveis ar Clark 1lealihy Fonds & Chr_ricms Tong - Rogers 1 kealtht Fouls & Choices Trial - Shearllr 1lenlel & 11rn1trl I hills Amend & Emily Ttem uts Jeffctairn FActlic#ftatr reel h1etLratetrs Junior Girl Scout To -lilt 24(i Lewis & Mask ?tier Club Lewis & Cbark 1 _rtr-t4 & Clark l ACL. Club Lewes & Clark I 1 NrthOutsl l Inn.,t +xs r3 Lsbcrtr lake Ele men ta ?Loa (mod Heineman Pecs t\kxlrus Logan. Iirndmg Grandmas Cogan 1'lranrntan Sixth (irade Chorus 1i1 Itt itch t'4 & Sarah Slui SEa Iverson, (ilea Gan& 4 lass ()dysscy Youth Center Pentecostals Youth t]reiir Rachel tit 1)anrrl Rogers 1 lsgh Sclxka1 NI Jilt tl'(• Rogers I ligh School l 1.aatirtalriyr 4 .141s Ili)};rt1 Stoel 1)aaurtt Fljnd Rogers Youth L_tnpouitrnrttr Noma !ii c u d 1 -Car -t it '`«'ailuri l 1 1 l+t Il+.urd Sp I uric Pallet Ensemble able St. Hitttriai Mots- Shorn Teets . \ter isors Council Dere rss iy `1 cam The Crest Unn•r=ntrtx' lltgb Step learn ,.., iti Ce ongratularions and welcome to all of this vear's Chase Youth *wards nominees, nominators, faindies, and • friends. Isn't it amazing to sec how many young people, year after year, are discovered making a positive difference in Gur community? They're everywhere! The purpose of the Chase Youth ,liwards is to let the younger generation know that what they do matters, that we value their contributions, that we have :faith in them and their future_ We •should never take them for granted. That also goes for those caring adults who 'have made a difference in the lives of youth. ti's because of these individuals that the Spokane arca can become a place where communities value their youth and where youth value their communities. Can vou imagine the impact this could have? The Youth Awards is just one night and one way to say, "Tban.k you, and keep up the good work." As we all, know, one 'Thank you" on one night is not enough to last a full ye.u. My challenge to von is to continue to find, recognize and encourage the talents antlgood deeds of Spokane's youth on a daily basis. Look for the potential each young person possesses and mirror this hack in a ,..,, .1:y ThAr inspires and encourages. Focus on the positive and remember to say, "thank you" to our kids. I r will mean a tot coming from you. Hopcfuliv, they in turn will pass it on to someone else_ Think of the difference we could all make together, if everyone lust took the rime to notice_ I c. 2.0 0: ( Trderitainaterst Rowe; t light School Steel Drum Band I )trt hi' Ron Crenshaw 'mashy', 4 ceesemonies, Richard Brown -Nrws Anchor, KXIX TV Susanna Baykal - Nc'as Anchtn, c liVe/conte, Rob / - City of Spokane, Council Premdent Francine Rover, CEO - Spokane County 9 4 maiaoas ,:4 1.1TIMUTLIM Smite Awzirds .tratil. it y k1/4"., Ads --rd'ael±i0ft 4 200 3 )itciite,s grosefsiation &limas, CiwurAgt, Nit aids ilitizenship Awards 'Video of Jim Owe" Joanne Benham. Dirretur .Vpak.affe Ci?y1Cosaffy liottib Department Youth A vi'tr(1 (Spezia 9rosenaions, cetasin 4i444* 4431aineuvid, Garfield Kids in Black cqi tie& -- 1 /I ressettrices.c Gad Keehn& N.'itee-President and Genural Manager - Pr orient Billie Cross Debbie Opn, Senior Vice-President - lfuman Rcsouurees - Sterling Servingg. Steven A. Smith, Editor - Spokesman Ret-im The Chase Youth Commission is proud to be a City/County Commission. ( fizesenialion , 4 . Personal Athneverni.nt Awards Leadership Awards Divrrtary Awards avraueliwv 4 'Wap, c l , cid?. Mtlfazds (2003 Wanninv tirrunittee 9iteseida an cal cvfamtlei& "Spirirr of Jim Chase (; imp Awards Jun Chase 'Asset Builder" Award VERli Plcase loin us in 'the lobby to greet the recipients and notnintes Chase Youth Foundation would like to thank our sponsor, PREMERA SAME eiteteS Printing provided by Media Sponsor ThE SPOKESMAN-REVIEW ouive Bob Cole - K_XLY Kirsilms Johnson SRI IlicK Keith 'ones - Spokane Schools Llennis Mitchell 1::rnpowerrnent Trainer Denise Pilgrim - Prerncra like Cross Cherie Rodger spilLane (.11), Council John Roskellev - Spokane County Comnuss oncr Rich Tucktr - Chase Youth Corrunission 12. Scott Stephais - Spokane Police 1)cpt. Betsy Wilkerson - Owncr, hlorres guarding Home Cbioisiort 9 hetifes, Keeley liarrat - Group lIcalth Ccxyperatirc Susanna Baylon KXTX Steve (:orket - Spokane City Council Cynthia I lamilton - Chou? Youth (lommis on 1.1 Stoi )(MC'S — Spokane County Sheriff Kayla 1 lale-11„cgg - (NA Alumni Nikki Russell - Sterling Sarin Nancy Yoerrnans - County tortunissioners Mice Mr/4dt iuision c)ttiltie4si AIM 13urird - TAC Exec Seim Gillman I.1%ct ,luhn Miner - t:Y . /Lanni Sarah Shive,t r it Riley Steiner - Thome rijoutkcfootunisetitmv Ma7Ann Almeida - Lvi riry jerar Bi1cv - k&a1 1.,ake Nowell Barrthemer & Clark Kevin Boldt Michael Cannon RI ibrri Ch rt.; 81 I I:Tin Sludle Park Cynthia I I .1 rrultim K N. Clearge's Sally Pritchard Rich Tucker C.cicstc Wamer CAmitral, Valley Nlagdalena Wells - Lewis 04 Clark 'titian Wylie RrerptiOlf Prur?d1ed Vest Cow/ Hoiiii/ahiy Cyr/ion/6m Plootagrapip. Progitird .15 Richard Heim:yid, Photograplw Double Tree City Center Group I !calif' Cooperative WestCoast Hospitality Corporation ( elms& aa4- Mutazds. ceaminitiee 1171J1 1,ensiu partici Cy Val 11arling Scan Gilleran Kende! Huff Andrea Jensen 1 lama Kuiskr Briennr Miller Ashley Paul Kimberly Quinn Antonin RnAhing Sarah Sim Riles Steiner lihzabeih Wilharrison J. STERLI NG SAVINGS BANK All Tist Foet eAas0 c ijoildu gauntWives Hill Rorke Geri Primsier Ithosetta Rhodes Pew. Sala Lisa Spencer Niiitobeth Thielen Kirgain Votaro Colleen Warner Nowell Bomberger - CYC Rob Chase - CYC bll Burpird TAC Shay= Rodman - TAC Alex Petrin TAc Wendy Walker - TAU ,(11 Special 'Unfits to- ik 200_3 revanizinf Ceontegiiii8k% This year hits been 2 n exciting one for the Chase Youth Awards as tonight we are recognizing a record breaking 2000 nominees. Nea.v this year is the non-judged category called VERB. VERI3 is designed to tecotrniye those who ate living he-Advil- and active life-milks. Tins nry category mables its to recognize •over 5041 youth Who would otherwise nut receive re cogn it iotvfo for their positive lifestyles. We would not be Item tonight without the hard work, of the Chase Youth ‘uards Committee. The planning for ibis event started in September and has continued with increasing fervor. Dedicaied commi f tee members spent nutty afternoons and several weekends problem-solving and planning 'ite would not be here tonight without their efforts_ I would also like to thank jill liurgard whose commitment, dedication and bright snide were much appreciated. Thank you Spokane for believing m the power of youth!! Seam G///trait Ogre Yowl) Awards Commit/et Ta Evrc. Chace Yowth Camnrission Mizraber