1980, 12-11 Permit: 80B-4474 Inspect[ APPLICATION /PERMIT SPOKANE COUNTY — BUILDING CODES DEPARTMENT NORTH 811 JEFFERSON / SPOKANE, WASHINGTON 981¢0 / 18091 2863878 APPLICANT COMPLETE NUMBERED SPACES — PRESS HARD TO MAKE 3 COPIES LOT I BLUL11 Isu[U JOE ADDRESS . /g,;(016 .Q4 /A�wiil 2 OWNER a D /J.4.yo fr7/1/ 14 Ili .s' • ADME% %Z s/ ArA/ DESIGNER 5. ADDRESS Q ONE �x y.-t'r T PHONE 2.01 PHONE LEGAL DESCRIPTION - SEE ATTACHED PARCEL NUMBER/S dual Sel Backs If get I to .P koute �wxl ne CIx•IIIOIIOn /forth SIN of Paw. Ty. Lona. Occuxnoy VaiNtio SprinklNx Dyx ❑no 0 Raga, Building Area I 0 Ft In Floor I UN.. FINN ( OWN. Arx store. CHAIN[ OP USE PROM ITO Arx of Dxx I FinIM•a . mast ljnlln. B•Wrxnl 090. ••1h• I No. atorl•• No. 550m• �!o. of Dwelllna• WORK BLD. PLM \. SCN, ❑ M.H. ❑POOL CEfTIPICATE f Rx'tl. 1 qx a. rot 8.02. UCRIB[ of EXEMPTION Dy Enum. h, 'Location lArxl VALUATIO qC[ • USE CODE I• UTI LOITI[S Public O Pr.. I hereby certify that I have read and examined this application and have read the "NOTICE" 110010ions included on MOM side, and know the same to be true and correct All provisions of laws nisi inihnances governing this type of work will be complied with whether specified herein or tint. The granting of 0 Permit does 001 presume 10 9Wa authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any other stale or local law regulsiinrl construction or the performance of construction. SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR REQUIRED INSPECTIONS ' DATE OF APPLICATION/2 2,_ O SICNATURF (10 APPLICANTd h IICIAL APPNOVAL$ SPECIAL CONDITIONS: NAME DATE TVPE EL`WWEW (] ALT. ❑ 00N. RPL. 0 M v¢. 7. O OTHER w.J , u P watt/ -/// OAS ELECTRIC WATER SEWER inaw I bol oc,. �.Qr WC1 AWES COLLECTED 81 pl , De, &sliding Plumbing Mech. Plan Check 8EPA Mobile Homo Other ISOWifyl Q1 PER IT NUMB X1 e G 44 4 04• •1500 •1500 .15008 A •000 447.32+ 12 -04 -80 6479. INSPECTION RECORD OWNER LOCATION CONTRACTOR N S E W SET BACKS TYPE OF WOR FINAL INSPECTIO N: DATE REMARKS: G/ c` /S/G jJ gs S 1//5 -7L �/ C, �