2014, 03-25 Regular Format MINUTES City of Spokane Valley City Council Regular Meeting Formal Meeting Format Tuesday,March 25,2014 Mayor Grafos called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Attendance: City Staff Dean Grafos,Mayor Mike Jackson, City Manager Arne Woodard,Deputy Mayor Cary Driskell, City Attorney Bill Bates, Councilmember John Hohman, Community Dev Director Chuck Hafner, Councilmember Eric Guth, Public Works Director Rod Higgins,Councilmember Mark Calhoun,Finance Director Ed Pace, Councilmember Erik Lamb,Deputy City Attorney Ben Wick, Councilmember Mike Stone,Parks &Recreation Director Rick VanLeuven,Police Chief Scott Kuhta,Planning Manager Mike Basinger, Senior Planner Morgan Koudelka, Sr.Administrative Analyst Chris Bainbridge, City Clerk INVOCATION: Pastor Sid Johnson of Spokane Valley Baptist Church gave the invocation. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Council, Staff, and audience rose for the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL: City Clerk Bainbridge called the roll; all Councilmembers were present. Mayor Grafos announced that an Executive Session will be held at the end of tonight's regular meeting. APPROVAL OF AGENDA: It was moved by Deputy Mayor Woodard, seconded and unanimously agreed to approve the agenda. INTRODUCTION 01?SPECIAL GUESTS AND PRESENTATIONS: n/a COMMITTEE,BOARD,LIAISON SUMMARY REPORTS Councilmember Bates: reported that he attended the GSI (Greater Spokane, Inc.) sponsored state of Spokane County address held at CenterPlace, said it was an update on what the County is doing including last year's accomplishments and priorities for this year; said he also attended the Valley Hospital community breakfast to hear what's going on at the hospital, and said he was impressed with the progress they are making and of their priorities, some of which include greatly reduced amount of time in the emergency room, and that once a patient is discharged they don't go home with something they caught at the hospital. Councihnember Wick: no report. Councilmember Hafner: said he attended the Board of Health's meeting where they discussed conducting a survey to all neighborhoods and small cities to gather input concerning housing, employment, and general wellbeing; said he also attended the University SCOPE Crime Program held at University Elementary where Spokane Valley Police Chief VanLeuven and Sheriff Knezovich talked about safety in the community; said he attended the State of the County address where one of the items mentioned was aerospace opportunities on the West Plains; went to a Central Valley School District Planning and Facilities program where they discussed the possibility of purchasing the old Yokes Grocery store and what they might do with it, and said they will be considering a third high school in the future; said he also Council Regular Meeting 03-25-2014 Page 1 of 5 Approved by Council:04-08-2014 attended the Valley Hospital meeting, and went to VisitSpokane where they discussed the many construction projects making it difficult to travel in Spokane; said he went to another Board of Health Executive Session dealing with the concept of building a culture of health for young people and investing in the health of our children and said they are working to bring a big conference to the area; also went to an STA (Spokane Transit Authority) meeting where they continued discussion of their program for the next twenty years, and the idea of a proposed sales tax increase in April, 2015. Councilmember Pace: said he also attended the State of the County address; went to the STA Board meeting but did not ride the "million dollar electric bus;" and said any future sales tax increase would conic before the voters. Councilmember Higgins: reported that he attended the Solid Waste Advisory Committee (SWAC) meeting and that there appears to be confusion about this committee's function under the new agreement just signed by Spokane City and County, as committee members don't seem quite sure what they are advising about, and said there was also some speculation about who might join the partnership,and that it appears at this point that Cheney might not; he said the committee was told that the City of Spokane Valley was starting to do a plan and questioned if our City would join; he said there was discussion on that issue and a question from Representative Christian concerning what it would take to get our city into this plan. Mr. Higgins said our City needs solid numbers; and said overall, there was a lot of confusion and uncertainty about where the program is going. Deputy Mayor Woodard: stated that he attended several events associated with the Chamber of Commerce; went to an HCDAC (Housing and Community Development Advisory Committee) meeting and he gave some background on the CDBG (Community Development Block Grant) process, followed by some statistics on the number of homeowners which have benefitted from those grant funds, and he handed a poster to City Manager Jackson commemorating forty plus years of CDBG's Community Service. MAYOR'S REPORT: Said he attended the Spokane Valley Planning meeting with Central Valley School District; and went to the GSI (Greater Spokane, Inc.) monthly meeting which included information concerning the concept of a port district, which he said would only encompass half the County. PUBLIC COMMENTS: Mayor Grafos invited general public comments. Michael Croff: spoke concerning his problem with his attempts to construct a "tire fence" at his property; and of the fines and options in speaking to various staff members. Mayor Grafos suggested he meet with staff and Mr. Croff indicated of those staff members involved,he preferred to speak with Scott Kuhta. City Manager Jackson concurred that a meeting would be beneficial. 1. PUBLIC HEARING: Interim Marijuana Regulations—Erik Lamb, Scott Kuhta Mayor Grafos opened the public hearing at 6;26 p.m. Via his PowerPoint presentation, Deputy City Attorney Lamb and Planning Manager Kuhta went over the background of the recently legalized recreational marijuana including some of the numerous general laws, codes, and licensing regulations, and our City's response to this issue by adopting interim regulations; they explained that other issues identified with interim regulations have been identified, such as buffer from the Centennial Trail and of potential issues with retail locations on the far east portion of Appleway Trail; they explained potential amendments of modifying the buffer on the Centennial Trail to be limited to the same side of the River on which the Trail is located; and to allow drying, bagging and similar processing in the same zones as production. They finished by explaining the next steps which include any amendments to the interim regulations as well as Council adopting Findings of Fact. Mayor Grafos invited public comments. Mr. Paul Bielec, resident of Post Falls, Idaho and President of Bielec Properties, Inc., asked that his property located at 18001 and 17901 Euclid Avenue in Spokane Valley, be excluded from the Centennial Trail 1000 foot buffer for the eight reasons stated in his March 25, 2014 letter; he also explained his other Council Regular Meeting 03-25-2014 Page 2 of 5 Approved by Council:04-08-2014 documents showing the location of the property. There were no other public comments, and City Clerk Bainbridge stated that she received and has distributed copies to Council, comments from David Galik, Sean Green, Michael Short, and comments previously included in the council packet materials from Ms. Usai,for a total of five comments including those of Mr. Bielec. Council discussion included the intent of the buffer zone, a proposal to have the 1,000 foot buffer to the south using the center line of the River as the boundary, and to the east end of the Appleway Trail, but a preference not to include any properties on the south side of Appleway from Tshirley to our east boundary. Deputy City Attorney Lamb remarked that the only currently allowed zoning is light/heavy industrial; the possibility was also mentioned of allowing in regional or community commercial zones, the production or processing such as bagging or putting into jars but have it in an enclosed, secured building. Mr. Kuhta said that the Liquor Control Board will only permit the issuance of three licenses Citywide, and we could limit it to that particular area if Council desired. Councilmember Bates said he feels Mr. Bielec's area is a natural buffer. Mr. Jackson said that at the next administrative report, staff could include the concept of excluding retail within the 1,000 feet, but allowing production and processing, not extraction. Mayor Grafos said he favored the idea of splitting retail from the other activities, and Deputy Mayor Woodard asked staff to bring back some preliminary verbiage on how to do that bagging away from extraction. Signage was also briefly mentioned and Mr. Lamb said that signage rules are governed by the Liquor Control Board and our own sign code. Mayor Grafos closed the public hearing at 7:15 p.m. 2. CONSENT AGENDA: Consists of items considered routine which are approved as a group. Any member of Council may ask that an item be removed from the Consent Agenda to be considered separately. a.Approval of the following claim vouchers: VOUCHER LIST VOUCHER NUMBERS TOTAL AMOUNT 03-06-2014 4704, 4716,4717, 1719, 4720, 4730, 31696, 31697 $273,933.79 03-07-2014 31698-31754; 228140025; 305140016 $1,876,464.87 03-10-2014 31755-31766 $25,967.46 03-13-2014 31768-31807, 312140184 $123,139.67 03-18-2014 31808-31823 $126,502.46 03-18-2014 4731-4732; 4734-4735; 31824 $70,445.01 GRAIN?TOTAL: $2,496,453.26 b.Approval of Payroll for Pay Period Ending March 15,2014: S303,025.93 It was moved by Deputy Mayor Woodard, seconded and unanimously agreed to approve the Consent Agenda. NEW BUSINESS: 3. Second Reading Ordinance 14-003 Amending Permitted Use Matrix—John Hohman,Mike Basinger After City Clerk Bainbridge read the ordinance title, it was moved by Deputy Mayor Woodard and seconded to approve Ordinance 14-003 amending Spokane Valley Municipal Code chapter 19.120 and Appendix A Definitions. Senior Planner Basinger briefly went over the proposed change to the use matrix, said there have been no changes since the first reading, and that there will be other opportunities to further economic development as we move to further allowed uses, which will be addressed by code text amendments coming to Council at a later date. Deputy Mayor Woodard asked about the caretaker's dwelling on the matrix and why it isn't permitted outright. Mr. Basinger explained that tonight's ordinance just consolidates the form; that the S, or "Permitted with supplemental conditions" had not changed but that about a year ago Council wanted the caretaker dwellings to be permitted in the Commercial Mixed zones and it was recognized that it would be appropriate but should be limited to custodial, management or security so that would be allowed outright, but would have to be one of the Council Regular Meeting 03-25-2014 Page 3 of 5 Approved by Council:04-08-2014 stipulated uses. It was noted that any further change to that or other actual uses could be open to full discussion later. Mayor Grafos invited public comment; no comments were offered. Vote by Acclamation: In Favor: Unanimous. Opposed:None. Motion carried. 4. Motion Consideration: SRTC Call for Projects—Steve Worley It was moved by Deputy Mayor Woodard and seconded to authorize staff to proceed with applying for STP grants for the projects as listed above. [Those projects included Improvement Category: 1-Mission Ave Flora to Barker, 2-Barker Rd Appleway to 1-90; Reconstruct/Preservation Category: 1-Broadway! Argonne/Mullan PCC, 2-Sullivan/Euclid PCC, 3-Argonne Rd Indiana to Montgomery, 4-Sullivan-Trent to Wellesley, 5-Sprague-Sullivan to Corbin, 6-Evergreen -Mission to Indiana, 7-Appleway-Park to Dishman Mica, 8-Argonne — Broadway to Indiana; Non-Roadway Category: 1-Appleway Trail Phase Two Pines to Evergreen.] Senior Engineer Worley said that last week Councilmember Wick asked about the idea of adding two projects together to see if it would result in a better score; but Mr. Worley said combining the Broadway to Indiana and the Mission to Indiana projects would actually bring the score down as the Mission to Indiana project scores higher and the Broadway to Mission project scores lower. Councilmember Wick said his suggestion to combine projects was an effort to minimize the impact to businesses on the corridor, but since most of these resurfacing projects are done at night, the impact would likely be minimal. Mayor Grafos invited public comment; no comments were offered. Vote by Acclamation:In Favor: Unanimous. Opposed:None. Motion carried. Mayor Grafos called for a recess at 7:30 p.m., and reconvened the meeting at 7:41 p.m. 5.Motion Consideration: Authorization For Two Additional Patrol Officer Positions--Morgan Koudelka It was moved by Deputy Mayor Woodard and seconded to add hvo patrol deputy positions to the dedicated Spokane Valley Commissioned Police Officers and to work with the Police Chief to incorporate organizational changes to the Spokane Valley Police Department. After Mr. Koudelka briefly explained the proposal, Mayor Grafos invited public comment; no comments were offered, Vote by Acclamation: In Favor: Unanimous. Opposed:None. Motion carried. PUBLIC COMMENTS: General Public Comments were invited;none were offered. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS: 6, STA Bus Shelters—Eric Guth As noted on his March 25, 2014 Request for Council Action form, Mr. Guth described the process involved to have STA (Spokane Transit Authority) bus shelters installed; he included a subjective list of thirteen proposed or recommended sites for shelters, and of those,the#1 site with 92 average daily riders would require a large retaining wall; and several other proposed sites would involve the purchase of right- of-way. Mr. Guth said that each pad, upon which the shelter rests, costs about $9,000; he said there are currently six shelters scheduled for installation this summer, which include five on Sprague and one on Appleway, and that those are already funded through the sidewalk infill grant. Mr. Guth said that about 86.5% of the grant covers the pad work, adding that the shelters are already obtained. Mr. Guth noted that the green boxes shown on the map are the ones associated with the table, and those meet the STA criteria as potential future shelters. Councilmember Wick asked about including a shelter around the industrial park and Mr. Guth said he will research that suggestion. Mr. Guth also reiterated that those thirteen recommended sites are merely subjective suggestions and no funds have been allocated for those areas; he said the right-of-way issues will take time and could cost between $3,000 to $4,000, depending on the site.Mayor Grafos suggested the City could purchase those shelters. City Manager Jackson said when we applied for the grant and put in for the initial six pads, this was seen as a good opportunity and a positive thing to do, but there is no plan in how this all works together; he said we should take a good look at this in some orderly fashion to put these in, for example, put in a Council Regular Meeting 03-25-2014 Page 4 of 5 Approved by Council:04-08-2014 certain number each year; and need we need to look at this a little harder, focus on the six available, and at some other meeting come back for additional discussion, thus allowing staff opportunity to narrow down the number of sites and get a better cost for those locations; he said all of which will require work, especially to determine the costs on the right-of-way; he said we can let STA know we have the interest; adding that STA contributes and installs the shelters and we contribute the pads. After further discussion, Mr. Jackson said it sounds like Council has some interest in additional shelters; and that staff will prioritize these and come back with another administrative report; and in the meantime, Mr. Guth can follow-up with STA and work on putting together a long-term plan. Deputy Mayor Woodard remarked that other areas might have higher ridership. 7.Advance Agenda-Mayor Grafos There were no suggested changes to the advance agenda. INFORMATION ONLY - These items were not discussed or reported, and were for information only. 8. Pedestrian/Bicycle Safety and Safe Routes to School Call for Projects 9.Department Monthly Reports CITY MANAGER COMMENTS City Manager Jackson acknowledged the work done by Chief VanLeuven, Lt. Matt Lyons, and Senior Administrative Analyst Koudelka on their truly outstanding work to evaluate how to maximize the efficiency of the police department and resources. He also noted that last week we agreed to move forward to apply for a TIGER grant and that the initial $30,000 estimate would likely be closer to $60,000,but that staff will continue to move unless there is an objection. It was moved by Deputy Mayor Woodard, seconded and unanimously agreed to adjourn into Executive Session for approximately sixty minutes to discuss potential real estate acquisition, and that no action would be taken upon return to open session. Council adjourned into Executive Session at 8:31 p.m. At 9:01 p.m., Mayor Grafos declared Council out of Executive Session, at which time it was moved by Deputy Mayor Woodard, seconded and unanimously agreed to adjourn. A ST Dean rafos,Mayor . of a //■ Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk Council Regular Meeting 03-25-2014 Page 5 of 5 Approved by Council:04-08-2014 k�..ne ' .11ey SPOKANE VALLEY CITY COUNCIL MEETING March 25, 2014 PUBLIC HEARING: Interim Marijuana Regulations Please sign below if you would like to speak at the public hearing PRINT NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD. There may be a time limit for your comments. Any documents for Council consideration should be provided to the City Clerk for distribution. NAME PLEASE PRINT ADDRESS re, ©)f 3fs2G C '- n A -t & ft Er 4 8 L- EL r1- = isfoot E LtD Rv - , sP¢kfN& 114,-f-c y Please note that once information is entered on this form, it become a public record subject to public disclosure. GENERAL PUBLIC COMMENT SIGN-IN SHE ET SPOKANE VALLEY CITY COUNCIL MEETING March 25, 2014 GENERAL CITIZEN COMMENTS YOUR SPEAKING TIME WILL GENERALLY BE LIMITED TO THREE MINUTE Please si' n in if you wish to make public comments. NAME TOPIC OF CONCERN YOUR CITY OF RESIDENCE PLEASE PRINT YOU WILL SPEAK / ABOUT / t Please note that once information is entered on this form, it becomes a public record subject to public disclosure. 5bn • I Chris Bainbridge From: Dave Gallik[dave @galliklaw.com] Sent: Monday, March 24, 2014 3:57 PM To: Chris Bainbridge Cc: Skutha @spokanevalley.org Subject: Public Comment on Ordinance No. 14-002; interim marijuana regulations Attachments: Dave Gallik.vcf; 3-24-14 Letter to Spokane Valley City Council.pdf Ms. Bainbridge and Mr. Kuhta: Attached you will find a letter I have drafted to the members of the City of Spokane Valley City Council with regard to providing public comment regarding the exemption of the portion of the Appleway Trail, east of Tschirley, from the interim regulations contained in Ordinance No. 14-002. I am the managing member and legal counsel for the fee simple owner of the improved retail real property located at 18215 East Appleway, City of Spokane Valley, WA. I will be available to respond to any questions you, or the members of the City Council may have, with regard to the attached letter which makes the request that due to the lack of park elements the area east of Tschirley, (inclusive of 18215 East Appleway) not be included within the interim regulation area. Thank you for your assistance. I look forward to a reply. David B. Gallik Managing Member and Legal counsel Clear Skies Energy Group. LLC Information from ESET NOD32 Antivirus, version of virus signature database 9585 (20140324) The message was checked by ESET NOD32 Antivirus. http://www.eset.com 1 Gal l`ih Law Office, PLLC Attorneys at Law 1124 Billings Avenue David B. Gala Helena,MT 59601 Stale Bar ofr3farrlaua Number 2825 Phone:(906)443-0009 1Ynslangtou State Bar Number 12449 Fax: (906)443.0609 State Bar of Callforiila Number 98583 l;-nla[I: dave@galliklaw.com March 24,2014 Spokane Valley City Council % Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk % Scott Kuhta,Planning Department 11707 E. Sprague Avenue City of Spokane Valley,Washington 99206 Email: Cbainbridge@spokanevalley.org Skutha@spokanevalley.org RE: Public Hearing Comment Ordinance No. 14-002, adopting interim marijuana regulations Property Address: 18215 East Appleway Dear Council Members: 1 represent Clear Skies Energy Group, LLC, ("Clear Skies"), both as its managing member and as its legal counsel. Please accept this letter as public comment regarding Ordinance No. 14-002,adopting interim marijuana regulations. Clear Skies is in the business of purchasing and developing real property. The City of Spokane Valley was targeted by Clear Skies for investment in retail real property due to the passage of 1-502. Clear Skies has been working closely with Eric Seachris,advisor and consultant, and Mr. Gary McWilliams,Realtor, hi finding a suitable location for the purchase of a retail property in the City of Spokane Valley for the retail sale of marijuana. Mr. Seachris and Mr.McWilliams have been communicating closely with your planners,Lori Barlow and Scott Kuhta, for more than eight(8)months. During this time we were extensively researching locations that would provide Clear Skies with an investment property that is in the proper location,meets all zoning and regulatory codes and requirements, and provides an acceptable return on investment, Mr. Seachris received numerous confirmations that the property located at 18215 East Appleway, was in an approved area for retail marijuana sales. On that basis, Clear Skies made a cash purchase of the improved retail real property located at 8215 East Appleway, in November 2013. Since obtaining ownership,the property has remained vacant in anticipation of a long term lease,which is being negotiated. • Spokane Valley City Council % Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk Scott Kuhta, Planning Department March 24, 2014 Page 2 Based upon the above referenced research and representations, our clients, (potential long term lessees)have submitted applications for a retail marijuana sales license with Washington State Liquor Control Board. In the application materials,our clients have identified 8215 East Appleway,as their retail location. On behalf of Clear Skies,I have issued a letter indicating our intent to negotiate a long term lease agreement for this property with those applicants. As you are aware, the Washington State Liquor Control Board is soon to move forward with the lottery of retail licenses to those eligible applicants. I am informed that our clients are eligible retail applicants who will be participating in that lottery. We are concerned that this proposed last minute change will severely impact not only the business of Clear Skies, but people who have been relying upon these representations. We have satisfied all the rules and regulations, local, city and state laws,have been in constant contact with your offices, and received no less than four(4)email confirmations that the retail sale of marijuana is to be allowed at this location. We are concerned about this last minute change as it appears the reasons being given,are concerns that either were, or should have been,known for many years. As I understand it,the primary concerns center around possible location of the trails surrounding this property. In the"Background"section of your packet materials on this agenda item,your staff believes you should consider a potential amendment to the interim regulations,to allow the retail sale of marijuana, for the portion of Appleway Trail that is already constructed, east of Tshcirley. As pointed out in the materials,Ordinance No. 14-002,was adopted because of the park element concerns. however, as appropriately pointed out by your staff,the park elements are not present on the constructed portion of the Appleway Trail,east of Tschiriey. Therefore,the basis and rational for the interim regulations are not applicable to this area. Importantly, as also pointed out in your Request for Council Action, the above referenced property owned by Clear Skies, along with other appropriate properties,will be negatively impacted by these interim regulations. One of the things that attracted Clear Skies to this location is the fact that it is already a location that is known for bars,restaurants, and an area that is typically not frequented by minors or young adults. There are no park elements in this strip mall. It has several restaurants,a few bars, (one that is bar that is called the"Cum Inn") and is an area that most folks would not consider when they think about family outings,or veering off the trail to obtain access to park elements. It has ample parking,excellent access to the freeway,and is in an area that is very conducive to the type of business we are considering. It is also an area that allows a retail location that is physically segregated by a major arterial for foot traffic, but easily and safely accessible for auto traffic. Spokane Valley City Council % Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk % Scott Kulita,Planning Department March 24,2014 Page— 3 Thank you for the time you are taking to consider this letter as public input from those of us who have chosen to invest in the City of Spokane Valley. I do appreciate all of the help that you have provided and look forward to your amendment to the interim regulations to exempt the area on the constructed portion of the Appleway Trail, east of Tschirley I would be happy to provide responses to any questions or concerns you may have. Please let me know and I will ask the appropriate individual to respond in a timely manner. Si cry, ( ) • David B. Galli Chris Bainbridge From: Erik Lamb Sent: Tuesday, March 25, 2014 8:45 AM To: Chris Bainbridge Subject: FW: Marijuana zoning From: Sean Green [mailto:sean.pacmed @gmail.com] Sent: Tuesday, March 25, 2014 7:39 AM To: Dean Grafos; Arne Woodard; Rod Higgins; Ed Pace; Chuck Hafner; Ben Wick; Bill Bates; rebeccausai @johnlscott.com; Cary Driskell; Erik Lamb; Susan Bullock; Mike Jackson; Rick Van Leuven; Sam Morse; News4 @kxly.com; news @spokesman.com; newstips @krem.com; KHQ6 .; John Hohman; Deanna Horton; Doug Powell; Gabe Gallinger; Scott Kuhta; Mike Stone Subject: Marijuana zoning I am unable to attend the Spokane Valley city council meeting 3/25/2014 and would like to include my comments. A well regulated market place is a key factor in a successful program. One of the the main points to consider is the black market and the fact it is currently a thriving market, The black market operators have been willing to fill the demand regardless of the penalty. Many of these operators are currently applicants for the 1 502 program and with LCB restricting changes in address these zoning restrictions may very well force some applicants back into the black market due to an unapproved location and a failed attempt to play by the rules. By allowing a less restrictive zoning requirement you are in effect further restricting access to children, reducing black market activity and out of state distribution. The number of retail locations has bed determined by LCB and these production facilities that are effected by further restrictions will only bring jobs and economic development. Once an applicant is licensed the business, like any other, can move to a new location. I am personally interested in the property on Euclid referenced in agenda items, The project will create 30+jobs. All of these jobs are far superior to a minimum wage job and come with benefits packages. The property owners with large empty buildings will begin generating revenue again and the commercial real estate market will begin to see industry coming back to Spokane Valley. The support industry to the marijuana industry will exceed $1,000,000,000 in 2015 and these supporting business will likely locate in areas near there clients (producers/processors). 1. I urge you to remove restrictions relating the walking trails as the LOB has already made a determination on trails and has considered them to not be a prohibited zone. Restricting theses small strips of land with a 1,000 ft buffer will disqualify several highly desirable properties and further slow economic growth. Thank you for taking the time to properly consider the full impact of this program and I look forward to doing business with you. Sean M Green Kouchlock Productions 509-327-2777 2 Chris Bainbridge From: Kasey Short[bobbyidaho @icloud.com] Sent: Tuesday, March 25, 2014 2:15 PM To: Chris Bainbridge Cc: Mick Short Subject: Marijuana zoning meeting 3/25/14 Claris, We will not be able to at-tend tonight but would like to comment on tonight's zoning meeting. We are Green Star, a marijuana producing and processing company. Green Star was about to sign a lease on the property located at 17901 E.Euclid. We were recently told this property falls into the 1000ft buffer,and with that no longer qualifies to be leased for our purpose.As we agree with the reason for the 1000ft buffer. We do not believe it was the intention of the city to disqualify this property for this use. I'm sure if the council would look at this Iocation, they would see that the 1000ft buffer and the unusable part of this property grace edges with each other.The useable part of this property is much further away from the 1000ft buffer. Thank you for your consideration Michal Short Green Star 1 • March 25, 2014 Spokane Valley City Council RE: Bielec Properties, Inc Property located at 18001 & 17901 Euclid Ave.,Spokane Valley I am asking that our property located at the above address be excluded from the Centennial Trail 1000 ft. buffer zone in relation to the 502 initiative. I am asking for this exclusion for the following reasons. 1. The subject property is located on the opposite side (North) of the Spokane River from the trail. 2. We have railroad tracks between our property and the river &trail. 3. There is an industrial facility between our property with fencing between us and the river&trail. 4. Our buildings are beyond the 1,000 ft. buffer zone, leaving only the parking area outside of the fencing within the zone. 5. Our buildings are fenced with 6 ft. chain link fencing and automatic gates. 6. We are in an industrial zone with industrial property surrounding us. 7. Our current exclusion is due to a bend in the river that excludes us but allows neighboring properties that do not have the security that our property offers. 8. This exclusion potentially could put a financial hardship on us considering the difficulty in leasing property in this economy.We also pay over$ 50,000 per year in property taxes on this particular property. Please consider our request for exclusion considering all of the above items. Thank You, Paul Bielec, President Bielec Properties, Inc. 208-699-9000 pbielec @ccim.net e Maps maps.google_com 0 ■•, • • and■Ave .1 .40...Z. ''.., s eolirtPile :'' ....., ikeJecii.udr:iti1 - al& ipa lit • '4 1°Le, .02;7.3 ..„. .1 :... • ..," rt 1..t r• r i K 7. '"‘, Z_ .8,-L- ION 31 MEW ril/lig _.... "Tr "".-"9, •W t . ,.t.,,,,,,P:Nell.."; fa . V R‘ lbw. c.,1.0:0:.-]. - sit ..-...:,..i. _am-En z,.... .., .:- frt. 7?-- • -= ,m. ...ir lk . •....1 f 14 .4. 72-, 4- "It • 1 .1! „ nlpo.e ... 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