2006, 03-07 Study Session MinutesMINUTES CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY CITY COUNCIL STUDY SESSION Tuesday March 7, 2006 Mayor Wilhite called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m., and welcomed everyone to the meeting. Present: Councilmembers: Diana Wilhite, Mayor Steve Taylor, Deputy Mayor Dick Denenny, Councilmember Mike DeVleming, Councilmember Bill Gothmann, Councilmember Rich Munson, Councilmember Gary Schimmels, Councilmember Staff: Dave Mercier, City Manager Nina Regor, Deputy City Manager Marina Sukup, Community Development Dir. Greg McCormick, Planning Manager Scott Kuhta, Senior Planner Mike Jackson, Parks & Recreation Director Mike Connelly, City Attorney Mike Basinger, Associate Planner Carolbelle Branch, Public Information Officer Rob LaFontaine, Administrative Intern Greg, "Bing" Bingaman, IT Specialist Chris Bainbridge, City Clerk ROLL CALL: City Clerk Bainbridge called roll; all Councilmembers were present. Agenda Topics Council Deliberation on Draft Comprehensive Plan 1. Confirmation of Chapter strike - through versions: Introduction Chapter, strike - through version: Planning Manager McCormick brought Council attention to the added goal and policy on the last page of the strike - through version. IP -1 Policy: Council consensus to omit the word "all." It was moved by Councilmember Munson, seconded, and unanimously agreed to accept the strike -out version of the Introduction Chapter as amended. Natural Environment , strike - through version Page 28, correct the typographical error on NEG -10, so the word reads "endeavor." Page 9, Note to Reader: It was agreed to include in the note to reader, that the Shoreline MasterPlan is from page 9 through page 26. It was moved by Councilmember Schimmels, seconded, and unanimously agreed to accept the strike -out version of the Natural Environmental Chapter as amended. Parks and Rec & The Arts: It was moved by Councilmember DeVleming, seconded and unanimously agreed, to accept the amended strike - through version of Parks, Recreation and the Arts. 9.4 The Arts: It was moved, seconded, and unanimously agreed to change the second to last sentence to read: "Public art is a city's legacy that needs to be nurtured." Meeting Minutes: 03 -07 -2006 Page 1 of 4 Approved by Council: 03 -21 -06 LAND USE MAP CHANGES: Associate Planner Basinger showed the following UR -22 parcels on the overhead map, and discussed each land use recommended change. UR 22 changes; staff recommended the following changes: 1. Four parcels located at 14517, 14503, 14526, and 14502 East Rockwell Avenue; change to High Density Residential. 2. Parcel 45091.9001, unknown address, current use Valley Four - Square Church; change to Public Quasi - Public. 3. Three parcels located at 2715, 2711, and 2705 N Pines; change to High Density Residential. 4. Two parcels located at 2123 and 2121 N Lily Road, change to High Density Residential. 5. Three parcels located at 7814 E. Indiana, 7909 E Baldwin, and 7813 E Baldwin; change to High Density Residential. 6. Parcel 45152.1813 located at 12915 E Broadway, change to High Density Residential. 7 and 8. Parcels located at 12504 and 12422 E Olive Avenue; change to High Density Residential. 9. One parcel located at 13103 E Valleyway, change to High Density Residential. 10 -20. Following addresses: 14306 E Main, Parcel 45143.3606 (unknown address), 14302 E Main, 14314 E Main, 14318 E Main, 14324 E Main, 14404 E Main, 14408 E Main, 118 N Best, 112 N Best and 106 N Best; change to High Density Residential. 21. One parcel located at 222 N Hutchinson Road; change to High Density Residential. 22. One parcel located at 13428 E 20 Avenue; change to High Density Residential. 23. Parcel 45172.1227; unknown address, presently used as a parking lot; change to office. 24. Parcel 45151.1215, 1204 N Mamer Road, change to High Density Residential. 25. One parcel located at 4315 E 5Th Avenue; change to High Density Residential. 26. One parcel located at 4403 E 8Th Avenue; change to High Density Residential. 27. One parcel located at 10211 E 14 Avenue. After discussion concerning adjacent property, and that the School District can only use that for a specific time period as a teaching facility; it was moved by Councilmember Munson and seconded by Deputy Mayor Taylor, to accept staff's recommendation to change #27 to High Density Residential. Vote by Acclamation: In Favor: Mayor Wilhite, Deputy Mayor Taylor, and Councilmembers Schimmels, Denenny, DeVleming, and Munson. Opposed: Councilmember Gothmann. Abstentions: None. Motion carried. It was then moved by Councilmember DeVleming and seconded by Councilmember Munson to accept staff's recommendations on above items #1 -26 on the land use changes. Vote by Acclamation: In Favor: Unanimous. Opposed: None. Abstentions: None. Motion carried. Meeting Minutes: 03 -07 -2006 Page 2 of 4 Approved by Council: 03 -21 -06 Citizen requests: M66: this was the property which was zoned by the county and is currently zoned commercial; staff indicated they had additional information in the backup documents (memorandum concerning the sequence of events describing how the mini - storage was built on the property) as was requested earlier. Also as agreed earlier, Council determined to leave this property as is. M70: Mr. Basinger explained that the property owner requests the property be designated Light Industrial; that there is Light Industrial to the east and west; the property is off Trent and the owner has concerns about changing this to residential as it is close to the train noise; that the property owner was proposing to have his home on the back portion and his RV Repair Center on the front; and that a boundary line adjustment might be beneficial on this property as there are single family residences in the back; that the back portion could be left as Low Density Residential, and keep the light industrial use off Trent. Mr. Kuhta suggested if Council desires to change this property, they might want to also consider the property to the east. After Council discussion, there was Council consensus to accept staff's recommendation to adjust the boundary as mentioned, keep the back portion residential, and the rest of the property Light Industrial; including the property to the east as Light Industrial. Mr. Kuhta mentioned that staff received a letter yesterday from Michael Meagher, Associate Broker with Kiemle & Hagood Company, who represents United Health Services Credit Union which owns parcel #45151.9206, property at Blake and Mission, and that they have been planning for office space for the last 14 years; and that the request is to have the parcel designated as "office." Mr. Kuhta also mentioned that office is generally compatible with surrounding development. After general council discussion, it was moved by Councilmember Munson ,seconded by Deputy Mayor Taylor, and unanimously agreed to accept the designation as "office" at the SW Corner of Blake and Mission, parcel #45151.9206, 2.12 acres. Mayor Wilhite called for a short recess at 7:28 p.m., and reconvened the meeting at 7:40 p.m. Spokane County's Requested Land Use Changes — Highlighted Parcels After a brief explanation of the rationale behind the changes and of the parcels listed on the "Spokane County's Requested Land Use Changes" document, it was moved by Councilmember Gothmann, seconded, and unanimously agreed to accept staff recommendation on all of the white, non - highlighted entries. Staff and council then proceeded to discuss the highlighted areas, with the following Council consensus: Highlighted areas: 2. parcel 55071.0230; Public Quasi - Public (PQP) 3. parcel 45121.9015, Heavy Industrial (HI) 5, 6, 8: parcels 35121.6901, 35121.6801, and 35121.7001, all to Low Density Residential (LDR) 15. parcel 45103.0293, Office (0) 16. parcel 55181.2016, to LDR 18. parcel 45132.9075, to Mixed Use (MU) 19. parcel 45182.9171 to Light Industrial (LI) 22. parcel 45163.0205, LDR 31, 33, 35. parcels 45241.9025, 45241.9013, 45241.9016 (mining pits), High Density Residential (HDR) 43. parcel 45221.9206, Medium Density Residential (MDR) 69. parcel 35242.0801, Community Commercial (CC) 54 -68. These parcel designations will be determined later after further research and additional discussion concerning access to a non - arterial from the property. 70, 71, 72. parcels 45201.0643, 45201.0645, and 45201.0647, Corridor Mixed Use 75. parcel 45212.1536, LDR Meeting Minutes: 03 -07 -2006 Page 3 of 4 Approved by Council: 03 -21 -06 77. parcel 35241.3515, MDR 78. parcel 35242.9037, MDR 81 and 86. parcels 45233.2013 and 45233.2003, drainage parcels, no change, keep PQP 94. parcel 45204.3454, Scope House, LDR .. 106. parcel 45291.0121, University and 16 Neighborhood Commercial (NC) 107. parcel 45332.9135, no change, keep PQP NEIGHBORHOOD CHAPTER Deputy Mayor Taylor explained his proposed amendments to this chapter as per his accompanying handout dated 3 -3 -06. Deputy Mayor Taylor explained his proposal to remove the Neighborhood Chapter and incorporate several of those policies and goals into the Land Use Chapter, and to eliminate any duplicate goals and policies, including NP 2.6 and 1.9, which are duplications of Economic Development Policy 1.6. Discussion followed first concerning whether to delete the Neighborhood Chapter. Councilmembers gave their preference and rationale for either keeping the Neighborhood Chapter, or moving sections of that chapter to other chapters to avoid duplications; that there is a need for a neighborhood plan and that neighborhood organizations will need this chapter as guidance; that neighborhoods are more than residential units and can be medical neighborhoods, etc.; that public opinion appears to want to keep the chapter; not having the chapter does not preclude the neighborhood organizations from corning forward; that the new goals would be better served in the Land Use chapter; if there are duplicates an idea was mentioned to move all neighborhood associated goals and policies into the neighborhood chapter, rather than move pieces of the neighborhood chapter to other chapters; and that the comprehensive plan is not the place for procedures as shown in 10.2.2 Procedure. It was moved by Councilmember Munson and seconded, to retain the Neighborhood Chapter and suggest changes to it. Vote by Acclamation: In Favor: Mayor Wilhite, Councilmembers Schimmels, Denenny, DeVleming, Munson, and Gothmann. Opposed: Deputy Mayor Taylor. Abstentions: None. Motion carried. Mayor Wilhite invited Councilmembers to review some of Deputy Mayor Taylor's suggested changes. Councilmember Munson stated that he feels a statement is needed that neighborhood participation is advisory as opposed to directive; and that he feels a neighborhood organization must represent the majority of the people who live in the area. Deputy Mayor Taylor voiced his opposition to having the majority as he feels the interests of the entire community should be represented. As the hour was late, Mayor Wilhite stated that the order of business for this Thursday's meeting will be to hold the public hearing; then have Council deliberation on the Housing narrative; the Neighborhood Chapter, review the Comp Plan Introduction, re- review those few properties ( #54 -68), and leave Capital Facilities for another meeting date. There being no further business, it was moved, seconded, and unanimously agreed to adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 8:55 p.m. Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk Meeting Minutes: 03 -07 -2006 Approved by Council: 03 -21 -06 Oto Wkautu Diana Wilhite, Mayor Page 4 of 4