2006, 04-04 Study Session MinutesMINUTES CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY CITY COUNCIL STUDY SESSION Tuesday, April 4, 2006 Mayor Wilhite called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m., and welcomed everyone to the meeting. Present: Councilmembers: Diana Wilhite, Mayor Steve Taylor, Deputy Mayor Dick Denenny, Councilmember Mike DeVleming, Councilmember Bill Gothmann, Councilmember Rich Munson, Councilmember Absent: Gary Schimmels, Councilmember Staff: Nina Regor, Deputy City Manager Mike Connelly, City Attorney Marina Sukup, Community Development Dir. Greg McCormick, Planning Manager Scott Kuhta, Senior Planner Mike Jackson, Parks & Recreation Director Tom Scholtens, Building Official Carolbelle Branch, Public Information Officer Greg, "Bing" Bingaman, IT Specialist Chris Bainbridge, City Clerk City Clerk Bainbridge called roll; all Councilmembers were present except Councilmember Schimmels. It was moved by Councilmember Gothmann, seconded, and unanimously passed to excuse Councilmember Schimmels from tonight's meeting. Mayor Wilhite indicated there were several items to add to tonight's agenda. It was moved by Councilmember Gothmann, seconded, and unanimously passed to add the following items to tonight's agenda: (a) Approval consideration for an ad for Chamber of Commerce Directory, twice a year for a total annual cost of $2,960.00; (b) Request by Spokane Valley Chamber of Commerce to use the Spokane Valley City Logo as part of the promotion of, and for the actual event, of this year 's Mayor's State of the City Address; and (c) Mayoral Appointment to the North /South Freeway Committee. a. Ad for Chamber Directory — twice a year for a total annual cost of $2,960.00 Mayor Wilhite explained that this request was just received for an ad for the Chamber's directory; that the ad would not only support the Chamber, but aid in the City's visibility. Discussion ensued on the cost of the ad, the ad itself, chamber dues, the setup charge for the previous ad that was waived, whether the Chamber distributes their directory once or twice a year, and that the previous ad was funded from Economic Development under General Government. It was moved by Councilmember Gothmann and seconded, to approve an ad for $2960 for this year only. Mayor Wilhite invited public comment; no comments were offered. Vote by Acclamation: In Favor: Mayor Wilhite, and Councilmembers Denenny, Gothmann, and Munson. Opposed: Deputy Mayor Taylor and Councilmember DeVleming. Abstentions: None. Motion carried. b. Request by Spokane Valley Chamber Of Commerce to use the Spokane Valley City Logo as part of the promotion of and for the actual event, of the Mayor's State of the City Address April 19, 2006 Council discussed requests for use of the City logo, and concurred that for future logo use requests, they would like to explore the options of rather than having Council approve requests during a council meeting, of giving staff the authority to make those decisions unless the request is other than ordinary; or still having Mayoral approval but having that after consultation with the City Manager. Mayor Wilhite indicated staff is also working on an ordinance to address the use of the logo and that will be scheduled for an upcoming agenda. It was moved by Councilmember Denenny and seconded, to approve use of the City of Spokane Valley logo by the Greater Spokane Valley Chamber of Commerce for the 2006 State of the City Address. Mayor Wilhite invited public comment; no comments were offered. Vote by Acclamation: In Favor: Unanimous. Opposed: None. Abstentions: None. Motion carried. It was Meeting Minutes: 04 -04 -2006 Page 1 of 5 Approved by Council: 04 -11 -06 reiterated, that although this request was passed by motion, Council would still like to later explore the two options mentioned above. c. Mayor Appointment: N/S Freeway Mayor Wilhite explained that this is in connection with trying to obtain funding for the North /South Freeway; and that Dale Stedman, Chair of the Spokane Good Roads Committee, and Representative Lynn Schindler, have been discussing the formation of a group to help coalesce business and the governments within Spokane County, to press forward for the funding needed to complete the North/South Freeway; and that she has been asked to serve on that committee. Councilmember Munson said he would like to get more information on the funding aspects, including needed local matches, and in general, how federal highways are funded and what is required by law. Mayor Wilhite indicated Mr. Stedman, along with Jerry Lindsey from the Washington Department of Transportation, could provide such a report to Council, to include the historical perspective and the purpose of the committee. It was moved by Deputy Mayor Taylor and seconded to accept the appointment of Mayor Diana Wilhite to the North /South Freeway Regional Cooperation Committee. Mayor Wilhite invited public comment; no comments were offered. Vote by Acclamation: In Favor: Unanimous. Opposed: None. Abstentions: None. Motion carried. Employee Introduction: Henry Allen, Development Engineer, by Deputy City Manager Regor Deputy City Manager Regor introduced Henry Allen, new Development Engineer, who began his tenure with the City March 13, 2006. Council welcomed Henry to the City. 1. Municipal Roundtable Presentation — Spokane Councilmember Al French Mr. French explained that this roundtable concept started last summer in conversations he had with our Councilmembers Denenny and Munson about issues that affect us as municipalities; that municipal elected officials and staff all have the desire and passion to give the best service possible at the lowest price possible; and to better accomplish this, the idea was formed to have all municipalities get together to discuss common concerns, issues, and aspirations, and how to pursue those. He explained that the hope is to be able to identify areas of partnership where everyone can join together and pursue that which will benefit their respective constituencies, and that the North/South Corridor is a prime example of one of those infrastructures that collectively affect us all. Mr. French said that he spoke with Terry Novak, former City Manager for the City of Spokane, who for a long time has offered to facilitate such a meeting. It was determined that the meeting should be held at a central location, and the Mirabeau Center was chosen. Mr. French stated that he spoke with some corporation representatives who expressed interest in providing the milk and cookies for the meeting. He further explained that when Spokane talked about this, consolidation was not an issue; and Mr. French emphasized that there is no desire to pursue the idea of consolidation but the idea is to concentrate on how we can partner with each other, and respect the authority and power of each municipality. He asked for the support of Spokane Valley, and added that he anticipates a meeting date some time in May. Councilmember Munson said that in order to achieve the greatest benefits, a positive outlook is necessary and he does not want such a meeting or gathering to become an unproductive complaint session. Councilmember Denenny said that he believes this will be a wonderful forum to discuss general community problems, and much like the Association of Washington Cities works for all cities, this forum would be working for municipalities within the County to discuss regional needs. Councilmember French explained that the Roundtable would not include the Board of County Commissioners, but it is not an attempt to avoid or eliminate them from the process, but rather because the County deals with different kinds of funding mechanisms from the State, and also that they don't have the same kind of legislative environment. For a kick -off, Mr. French explained, participating entities will be those with the same expectations and opportunities, and they will discuss how to collectively find and explore those opportunities. Mr. French also mentioned that in addition to elected officials, City Mangers and other legislative workers would all be invited to the meeting. Meeting Minutes: 04 -04 -2006 Page 2 of 5 Approved by Council: 04 -11 -06 Mayor Wilhite asked if there is Council consensus to bring the resolution forward for official adoption; and inquired if dates have been secured at CenterPlace for the meeting. Councilmember Denenny said that the date has not been set yet, and the timing for the meeting will be determined soon, and feels we should move forward on the resolution now. It was moved by Councilmember Gothmann and seconded, to adopt the resolution. Mayor Wilhite invited public comment; no comments were offered. Vote by Acclamation: In Favor: Unanimous. Opposed: None. Abstentions: None. Motion passed. It was mentioned that Councilmember Denenny will work with Councilmember French to set up the date. Council thanked Mr. French for his presentation. Mayor Wilhite called for a brief recess at 6:29 p.m.; and reconvened the meeting at 6:35 p.m. Mayor Wilhite brought Council's attention to the information only item (Electronic Monitoring Memorandum) included in the packet and that this information will be presented at an upcoming council meeting. 2. Comprehensive Plan Matters Wrap -Up a. Memorandum and Maps from Senior Planner Scott Kuhta Regarding Unresolved Land Use Map Requests M53 and M55 Senior Planner Kuhta indicated the area in question is the area behind Applebees between Union and the Regional Commercial area to the west; and brought Council's attention to the aerial map included in the packet, as well as the map showing the proposed area (Planning Commission Recommended Comp Plan Revisions M53 and M55); that the area on the map between the red and Union was previously discussed, and the final map in the packet showing the area as "office" is what staff suggests. Mr. Kuhta said the minutes of previous meetings indicated a parcel number was still unresolved; that he spoke with a representative of the long lot on the map marked as M55, who said his clients wanted high density residential, but Mr. Kuhta said staff feels the area should be an office designation, which would not allow multi - family. Mr. Kuhta said that person called Mr. Kuhta and explained that his clients have no opposition to having the office designation. Mr. Kuhta said that there are three close lots which also have the office designation, which have also requested higher use and which are duplexes. Councilmember Denenny indicated there is also an assisted living home behind that area. Mayor Wilhite indicated that is actually a business which provides in -care services, and is used as an office. Mr. Kuhta indicated the Assessor's office also shows that area as office; and with Council approval, it appears the property owners for M55 are agreeable with office, and perhaps that designation should be extended to the other piece, which is the northwest parcel. Council agreed that "office" would be the most appropriate designation for the area between the high - density residential and regional commercial. b. Letter from Stamper, Rubers, Stocker & Smith Re Good Samaritan Property, 12715 E Mission Mr. Kuhta said this is being reviewed as part of the implementation of the medical overlay; and this would apply to the implementation part of the Comprehensive Plan; and staff will respond to the letter accordingly. c. CAPITAL FACILITIES: Narrative: strike - through version 4.3.2 Growth Assumption Mr. Kuhta said the 20,666 growth number fits within the city limits, and that we will adopt a new comprehensive plan Capital Facilities plan to reflect whatever is projected for future growth; and that we do not deviate from this number for this comp plan process. Ms. Sukup said also that she was asked to update the Housing section of growth assumption, and that those changes were made. 4.3.6 Impact Fees In response to the question of why we have impact fees as a separate section, Mr. Kuhta said that impact fees are a special revenue source which is carved out specifically in the Growth Management Act (GMA); Meeting Minutes: 04 -04 -2006 Page 3 of 5 Approved by Council: 04 -11 -06 that this is included in the narrative portion and not the policy portion; and describes a special revenue source allowed by the GMA, and is there for information. Council consensus to make the following change in the second paragraph: The City has not enacted impact fees as a funding mechanism for capital facilities but will may study the issue as directed by future City policy. 4.3.7 Community Facilities Locations and Capacities of Future Facilities Council discussed the first sentence under this caption: "Spokane Valley currently has no specific plans to construct new community facilities." Mr. Kuhta added that this portion of the overall comprehensive plan is a six -year plan within that 20 -year timeframe; and that this capital facilities plan should be updated annually, along with the comprehensive plan amendments; and if council wants to discuss what they are planning to build, staff can add that in narrative fashion. Table 4.8 pg 14: Councilmember Gothmann mentioned that the Group B System is defined as a system having not more than 15 connections, but from Holiday Trailer Court to Tci Water System, there are more than 15 connections. Mr. Kuhta said these figures were from the Washington State Department of Health; that he will research that apparent discrepancy and report back to Council. 4.3.9 Fire Protection and Emergency Medical Service Insurance Ratings: Councilmember DeVleming questioned when the ratings were assigned. Mr. Kuhta said he was uncertain how often the ratings were applied and he would research that. Regarding the timeframe associated with the Spokane Valley Fire apparatus inventory, a note will be added to reflect the year the inventory addresses (2006). Page 21: Inventory of Existing Facilities (typos): The Parks Map, found at the end of this Chapter, shows the location of all parks within Spokane Valley. Table 4.12 provides an inventory of park and recreation facilities owned by Spokane Valley. These parks are used to calculate Spokane Valley's level of service for parks. Page 22, Forecast of Future Needs (typo) Second line: "In order to maintain the current LOS of 1.92 19'1 acres /1000.. . 4.3.12 Public Safety Deputy City Manager Regor will check to make sure the number of commissioned police offices (100 or 101) is correct. Page 25, Forecast of Future needs: Council consensus to change as follows: Future needs for police protection will be determined as new contracts with Spokane County are negotiated part of the annual budget process. Page 25, 4.3.13 School Facilities Council consensus for staff to craft language to include private schools; by having two separate sentences, or perhaps as: "Four public school districts (and numerous private schools) provide service within Spokane Valley: East Valley, West Valley, Central Valley, and Spokane School District 81." Page 31: Capital Projects and Financing Plan Council consensus to keep only the first paragraph ( "West Valley School District passed a $35 million bond measure in 2004 that is being used to remodel West Valley High School, construct new elementary school classrooms and a new gymnasium. ") and to delete the remainder of that section (down through and including Phase 3); and to add the following sentence: Central Valley School District is currently considering evaluating capital improvement needs and appropriate financial plans. Meeting Minutes: 04 -04 -2006 Page 4 of 5 Approved by Council: 04 -11 -06 Page 32 — sewer service Council consensus to change Line 2 and 3: since that time, over 17,000 residents and businesses in the greater Spokane Valley area have been connected. Page 32, 2" paragraph: Council consensus to make the following change: Upon incorporation, the City of Spokane Valley entered into an interlocal agreement giving Spokane County lead agency authority to provide sewer services. 4.3.15 Solid Waste: Second Paragraph, next -to -last sentence, Council consensus to delete the sentence: "By ordinance, Spokane Valley could require residential garbage pickup." 4.3.15, end of first sentence, second paragraph: Council consensus to change to read: "In Spokane Valley, solid waste services are provided by private haulers licensed by the Washington Utility and Transportation Commission (W.U.T.C.) through franchise agreements." Page 40 and 41: Discussion arose concerning the $10.00 stormwater utility fee noted in the third paragraph on page 40; and it was council consensus to change the sentence on page 40, to read that council adopted an annual fee (and to omit the amount); but to keep the $17.00 noted amount on the top of page 41; and that staff will confirm that $17.00 amount. 4.3.17 — Transportation Facilities, Second Paragraph It was noted that the number of miles of arterials are detailed, and the question arose as to whether those numbers are now outdated. Mr. Kuhta will check those figures as well. Mr. Kuhta mentioned that it is staff's intent to cross - reference table 4.38 and the projects (table 4.36), with the goal of having that for Council review next week, and Council can review them at the April 11 or April 18 meeting. Mr. Kuhta added that page 46, Capital Facilities Projects and Financing will also need to be updated. Mr. Kuhta also distributed copies of a new Capital Projects and Financing Plan from the Library District, which will be inserted into the library section of the Comprehensive plan notebook. Regarding a letter received from Diamond Partnership regarding property on 123 N Argonne where the intent was to put a used car lot on the property; the current zoning B2 does not allow a used car lot (the designation is office); the letter requests a change from B2 to B3 but the current zoning code does not allow that and staff will respond to the letter accordingly. There being no further business, it was moved, seconded, and unanimously passed to adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 7:50 p.m. Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk °-LAAit*a U) kittfz, Diana Wilhite, Mayor Meeting Minutcs: 04 -04 -2006 Page 5 of 5 Approved by Council: 04 -11 -06