2008, 12-16 Study Session r. , ~ - I AMENDED AGENDA CITY nF SPOKAi'vE VALLEY CITY COUNCIL WORKSHF ET S'CUDY SESSION Tucsday, December 16, 2008 6:00 p.m. CITY HALL Ct)UNC1L CHAM BE1tS 11707 Cast Sprague Avenue, First Floor (Please Sileace Your Cell Phones During the Mceting) DISCUSSl0N LEADER SUBJECTiACTNITY GOAL 1. Greg McCormick Partial Rclea.se oflnterest Discussian/lnformation Mayar Munson County's Tenninatiun of Rvad Contract lliscussioNlnfonnation 2a. Itieil Kersten Stimulus Task Force Update Discussion/inforrnation 3. Scott huhta 5prague/Appleway Revitalization Plan Deliberation 4. Mavor Munsnn Acivance Ai;ejtda Discussion'1nfi~nnation b. Dave Mercier Cit` Manager (;omments Uiscussion'Intannation AD,1nURN ~ ~ h'ute: Linless other%ise noted abovq therr will be na public cumnients At Coanci) Study 5essiaas. 1la%e%-cr, Council alwavs reserves the rtght tu request information from tht public and stARAS apprnpriate. Ducing meetings held by ttte City of Spokarte Vallcy Council, thc Cout;. rescrves the right to take "actian" on any item listed or subsequrmly added to the aszencla. '1'he term "aaion" means to deliberatc, discuss, re% ir comidrr, cwaluate, or make a collectivc pasitivc or aegetivc decisian. NOTICE lndividu:iis plannmg to nttend the rtieeiing who teqwrc special assisl,►nce m accammodatc pliysi4;i1, hearing, a other impairmeats, plea,ce canteO tfie Ctty Clerk af (SOO) 921-1000 ss soon as {wssihle so thnl arrangcmrnts mtty be madc. CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Reqoest for Council Action Meeting Date: December 16, 2008 City Mnnager Sign-off. Item: Check sill thst apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information Z admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Release of Interest for undedicated right of way for Ponderosa Acres Third Addition subdivision. BACKGROUND: In 1966 the Ponderosa Acres Third Addition plat was recorded in Spokane County. The plat included a 55 foot wide strip of land across the southern portion of Lots 1 through 8 of Block 8 as shown in the aerial photogaph below. Wording on the face of the plat indicates that the 55 foot area was reserved for future right-of-way. Accordi.ng to County records, this area was never actually dedicated to the County for right-of-way purposes. This situation was brought to the City's atteotion by a property owner who wanted to construct a detached accessory structure. When staff researched the ptat, this issue was discovered. Holman Road (as seen in the aerial photo) veers south rather than continuing in an easterly direction, east of the intersection of Woodruff. Since it does not appear that this area was actually dedicated as right-of-way a street vacation sction is not necessary. The "Release of Interest" will suffice in addressing this situation. ~ • _ ~ - _ r.. ~ E' • ~ ' i1 ` -i ' _ s • . ~ ~ r _~Ji. i } ~ ;i , ~ ! 'js~ _ ~ , ~ ' . S^ ! . ~ • - ' ( ' ~ ,6~, ~R( - . ~ - ~ ~ ; 1 ~ •r y ~ ,vkv~ - ri.I ~ • • ` - ~ f p p?L~~'l.l~!t~~l}~~lil~)li r - - • , ' , ~ 1' ~ , ~ ~ °t - ts_ _~'Z r `Tr__F_--n- . 1 •i ~ . - ~ ,~f t _l:,: . . ~ w ~ t~ . t r _ • ; s ~ ~ ~ ~ !\•1 '.f .~Z.. 41 ~ u-.'-__`~ t" O'- 1 , .'1 ' ,`'~''~_M~ • i,~ S 1 r~• ~ - , . " , •.S 1- t~: , ~ =s~ i F _ ! rL \ L ! S. ~ l y, ~ ~ • ~ I • , - u s• • • '~y _J._ r ' ~1f)r ! . 1 • ~ . ~ ~ ~ F~ ~ i- ~ . ' - r~. I ~ ~ v. { [ .•.•~tia..,~.,• ~ +t. f4 u'~•'.,.1~:/ ! ~ ~.l `~~~~w 4 ~ • r { • J • + ~ ~ Z e ''~1 ~ {i ; ' ~ _1 `1 ~ ~ ' ' .'1~ • . t i~... ~ r.. FJ K tt}•JI i ' _ 1i •~r +i; I ` ~ t: y : :r ' 'r' 1 - Ua OPTIONS: Take no action; add as administraiive report on future agenda; or authorize City Manager to sign Release of Interest. RECOMMENDED ACTION/MOTION: Council consensus to place this item on the December 30 Council agenda as a motion consideration to authorize the City Manager to execute the Release of Interest. STAFF CONTACT: Greg McCormick - AICP, Planning Division Manager Page 1 of 1 - A i j - _ ~ - _ - _ - - - ~ - ~ I N ~L ~T ~ D~'~I~~,TION . , ~ ka ~ ~ - - - r~~++, 1.~r~ wk? +4l~,0.u~r ~7' e6r~Ve~ 1d AR~B~fn~e,,Av+u~,ar~a' a~d ►~f?~, ff~ j ~ ,rP~ra~ aJ? ~r C~ ~ i~'"~ ~ ~4rfr ilr~ ~ d~aw~ ~ ' ~ _ - £Af C~d_ crt9f Girrars ~w~r+ra,M~t~° ge+c~' or+~ h~+,~~av ;xr~r a~ _ y. ~ - - _ d~ ~d?+S'}fs~ ' I~C~ /htl~fi~/7►* df7~ ~~.ii.t. ~ ~~~n p~ ~ak-~a a~ ~ ~a~ A R Ef~LAT 41~ ~BL~CL{ 2 P~ Q~ER~~~ l~~ic~R~S ~QD'I~TIL~~I ~ ~~n~f -0~ a- AG"'!~ +~•r~ ~'~~tiar.*, rr~ (~ih+~n/ tat 6 irv Se~~ S, Ta,~+~ ~ 1?~ _ r ~ ~.er~ ' R ~ ~ ' - r l d - ~ ~ ~ ~,~~r ~ ~ ABVD E~LO~K 4 ~pG~D~ 4~ A~+~~.~ FI ~ ~13D1~1~ , 1 _ , f~/FJ I Eced~f -+wr Yv~l~b~+~'a Jbdari~+'~ra ot~ s~+rw L'~oy~ P~l~'~ ~ _ , _ . ~ ~ .~~t~►~ ~ ar ,~rr ~ ~ ~ L4Cl6T~D lN C~~V~R ~IE~Ifi L~`~ ~i '~~C.~ ~ ~~4N, ~,4+4 ~,IR~l~ , ~~~'f. ~ ~~~nn af rr~rfi~ar,l~r.. 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BACKGROUND: In 1966 the Ponderosa Acres Fourth Addition plat was recorded in Spokane County. The plat included severa155 foot wide strips of land as shown in the aerial photograph below. Wordini: on the face of the plat indicates that the 55 foot areas were reserved for future right-of-way. According tc) County records this area was never actually dedicated to the County for right-of-way purposes. This situation was brought to the City's attention during the finalization of short plat SHP-30-07. Since it dces not appear that this area was actually dedicated as right-of-waN The "Release of Interest" will suffice in addressing this situatior , ~ f . ~ ~ . ~ • ~ ~ r:. ~1,. { e ADproximate location of 55' areas. '1 ~ , 'S,f ~ S' t ~ ~_,~wa5~ ~ 1~, . r '~.~r~► Z "t, 't 1 ~-~sc~S 't';'~~~ { - . . ~ . , ~ 3•'~'s:jt~ ~ ~.~.~t, t ~X.~ f _ s ~ ? ' tr t ~ , ' f F -i J ~ ~ ~ .~T ~ 1 'r • ~ r` _ ~ , - ~ . . ; T , ~ _ . ; ~ 'I~_ ' J '1 ~ ~ - ! } _ ~ 1• . - ~ ~ ~l j1~- .:i l• ~ ~ ~ ~ ' - ~ ~ PL: $46 i` ~~Ir ~F I~' ~ • ~ ~a~_ ~ _ . jlk s OPTIONS: Tal:e no action; add as administrative report on t'uture agznda; or autiiorizV, Lit} 1'vlanager to sign Release of Interest. RECOMMENDED ACTION/MOTION: Council consensus to place this item on the December 30 Council agenda as a motion consideration to authorize the City Manager to execute the Release of Iaterest. STAFF CONTACT: Greg McCormick - AICP, Planning Division Manager Page 1 of 1 , ~ . _ - _ ~ c~Tio~ ~ L PLAT 0~~ ~ I bNA w x !J ~~7 ,4G`d~1 r£#dr 'r,.~9:!! w1~CGIJ~I7A 29t~'~/~~~ A~t¢}n~ +~f tit~f1+ :1~Od~4~ af~nv~~'~G ~"~wIFE~~da+i+t~►►^ni - - ? 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The City of Spokane Valley releases -any restrictions contained in or expressed by the above language for property more specifically described as follows: The West 55 feet of lots 1, 2& 3, Block 3 and the East 55 feet of lots 1= 2- & 4 and the West 55 feet of Lot 5, Block 2 in the Ponderosa Acres Fourth Addition and as shown on the face of said Plat and recorded in Volume 8 of Plats, page. 59, Spokane Gownty, Washi.ngton. Futu.re development on the property in question shall contin.ue to be subject to all setbacks and development requirements set fort.ti in the applicable development code. Dated: , 200_ City of Spokane Valley By: David Mercier, City Manager Approved as to form: By: Office of the City--Attorney STATE, OF WASHINGON County of Spokane On this day of , 200_, before me, the undersigned Notary• Public in and for the State of Washington, duly commissioned and swom, personally- appeared David Mercier, known to be the City Manager and authorized signatory of the City of Spokane Valley; and ackaowledged the said instrument to be the free and voluatary act aad deed of said, City, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, an&on oath stated that he is authorized to execute the said instrumenfi. Witness my hand and official seal hereto affixed the. day and year first above written. Notary Public in and for the. State of Washington, residing at Spokane Valley My commission expires: Department of Community DeN~elapmen~ - Planning Division Release of City Interest Description. Release of City Interest in undedicated areas in Ponderosa Acres Third and Fourth Additions. ne ["YN~iwsPncA~~~~ Department of Communi Devel ty opment ~ ll Plannin Divisi g on E!:g . . . ~ icinity. _ a Third Additi'O on 1, - M , • . .n~ , . . , 't~ :~~Arpru - • ~ ~ •i r ~ . . i ~.+'w'! ~ + ~ ~ ~,r , ~ r ~ ' ,~~io~,n , , s ~ ~ ~.Y _ } ! ~ i,~.~ S:+~I.• u!•.I~!~:: se,~i~tru 3~Y;~,in •,7~•..~~ ~ ~1'.'i)I J„~„ ~ b; V - , w~ ' ` 4r ~ ~ ~ M~ a° _ • --r~ ~r ~ . _ r,'~''~' Y~ ~'t ►-'1:1 i, ~ ; ~ ~a,e• ~ , - r•;i• • - : Yd4ti7+ _ ~r~:: Approximate location of 55' area. . ! ~ M ~ l.~.f . :nl•i1, ~ . 1 Y~t. ,.h( L:,t~~9o . i•,l~ ~ }4. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~iTF •r ~ 1~~'r. ~ Hrt, i ~ .i~~ ~.:r'rl,*11.r f~ ~ 6STlC:4• Y:i1dJ-! `~:~;,11` .:nt.,f~~ . „ . ~•i~ * . ~ ~ ~,~'k `r • ~ . - . ~ I f K I a:1e~„~ .r,~,,,. . ~ ~ n . , . : a y\~ • ~ ~ 'r~~~~ ~ y 4 ' ...,r i ~•n' - .•r.. . ( .f. . , - ` ti.r i r C ~ . 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Map ~ s oil Vic . e~. a ar . l of 55~ , on .~oc . • te y . at App ~ - ~Y.i. ~ 1 - ' r ~ l~fr/ - . y • ` , _ ~~r'~~►'~~,v~. ~r--Y ~ 'R . j'"~ ~ l` a ~''~r.~"" r.~'~; - ~ . r-.~ , • ' ~ r` 71.r'"..~~'1 ~ f ~ ~ ~ thM ~ , 4 :J f,~7``` _ ' h ~ ~ , N y] , Cy r~{~y~~•~' , ,3~/~1~.~r• . , M _ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~.~1;~ ~ J~""r ~ ' " ~ _ • ` 1 t, Y~ t _ a• J, ` ~ ~ :'~~'~""r1 11 +1~ • ~~~r•,~'~~~ ( ' ~C ~ ~ ~ ► i,~.~'^'~•r~!~' 4 . ~ } . F T ! " ~YIr ~ • r. . y~-..--.. Y" _ ~ " ' t`r~" .e' F - ~ y~~' ~ ~ .r - Nr. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . i-- i y ~ ..1 f J ~M,~1"~~,~R~' 1 ; ~{1~ R ~t ~ c : r . c tj"' :~~j,~ . _ ~ wM~* 4 ~ • ~ ~w~~ ~ 'y.N.. v ' ~ .~'---`"`~w ~ -r' „ ~S'•, ~ • ' ~ .rY ~ ; f ~/T~" - ~ . .~rf-, ~ ` ( M ~ . ~ I ~~..1 vo. , ~ ,,y,~~' M I - ~r .r' ~1 ,s..~lr i Z".N+~~.;-•--- Department of Community Developmcnt ` ne jUIll Planning Division . Quesfi*ons9 CITV OF SPOKANE VALLEY Ftequest for Councal Action ,IVleeting Date: December 16, 2008 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ pubiic hearing information, Z admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: County's Termination of Road Contract GOVERNING LEGISLATION: - PREVIOUS COUiUCIL ACTION TAKEN: BACKGROUND: The purpose of this agenda item is to provide Council an opportunity to discuss the sudden termination of the Road Contract by the.Spokane 6oard of County Commissioners. OPTIONS: RECOMMENDED ACTION OR iUIOTION: BUDGETIFINANCIAL 111flPACTS: STAFF CONTACT: ATTACHMENTS: CITY ' :~Tlmlm ey 11707 E Sprague Ave Suite 106 0 Spokane Valley WA 99206 509.921.1000 0 Fax: 509.921.1008 0 cityhatl@spokanevalley.org - ' + Contract .Admimi-stratnon Ongoing contracts with Spokane County Upclated 5131107 Contract ~ Amount Animal Control $444,008 Communications Maintenance $127,829 District Court I $816,111 Emergency Management Services ~ $88,090 Engineering Services ~ $60,000 Geiger.lncarceration and Work Release Services $381,600 Geographic Information System (GIS) $74,000 Hearing Examiner $66,000 Jail Services I $420,806 - Jury management Services ~ $5,000 Law Enforcement Services ~ $14,557,484 Permif -and Land Use Tracking System (PLUS) ~ $31,240 Pretrial.Seniices ~ $41,080 Probation, $0 county retains revenue Prosecutinq Senrices ~ $277,243 Public Defender Services N $363,349 Road Maintenance ~ $2,656,191 TOTAL I $20941_0,031 r Y~° ~ rA~t t~iT~' OR`~DECEMBER ~A «8~i~~`fVD:-9~=~~200~~ ~ .i ~m. T~L - ,.:^L..,~~ V A\ \D O ~ LJ ~ O ~ , ! ~y, V O ~ . ..4 , , (SSIONERS~ Y t _ ` _ ' v - 3~7G~"x'~.:.»jT,. ~ ~1, ':.~":..'":T ~'.:+r'i~~s•z +..3:.ste~; - ~ i~-Y' ` 3 , 4 . ..c-c ~ - -.:U~SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHIIVGTON.~a~`~ . z ~"._sa ~ ,JLY:, i a ~ ~ ` j - = .z ~ ' vE - _ u "*.~d 4 ..aa ~ s ~ ~ . 7- kY r~~ i~ a-' } , f ~~~-J ~ f-r- ~ .a.~ ~ i-H ~ ± s~ - ~ r_ t 7..'~--- a - • ~ " - r k t-. `'~ie ~ f,]y _ ' 4 . - . t i~ _ J~.- . . ._.:~4. t. ~ rn.r _ . •.'yl~.' ~ :.+--.~~`.a`~:?.i'= . •~cw x . . . F'.,y~~ . C - r . ~ TOOD MIELKE7- 1y`: DISTRICT-;~. MARK RICHARD, n-'• DISTRICT>' BONN(E MAGER; 3R~ QISTRIC~ s-~'.,.~ 4Y,. - T :a'`' t~ _ ~ S5 w _ - T: r,-2 ~ L n' ' r~r-~3^~ MMISSIONEf2~ OFFICE (509)a47T'2265? ~ = i I." PUBLIC WORKS BUILDING -1026 WEST BROADWAY AVENUE LOWER LEVEL, COMMISSIONERS' HEARING ROOM DECEMBER 8, 2008 100 P M''-.SPECIAL MEETING 1. CONTINUED FOR DECISION ONLY a. Consider the 2009 Newman Lake Flood Control Zone District Budget. b. Consider the Spokane County Budget for the Year 2009. DECEMBER 9, 2008 :00'P~.M - COMIVIJSStONERS MEETING.~100 1. PRELIMINARY RESOLUTION (set final hearinq for Januarv 6, 2009): Newman Lake Flood Control Fund #677 -$30,000 (677-4440000): Appropriate $30,000 from Newman Lake Fiood Control Fund #677 fund balance to support milfoil eradication costs that exceeded budget. 2. NOTICES OF PUBLIC HEARINGS (set hearin4 date for Januarv 13. 2009) a. Board of Equalization Meeting to consider the 2009 Assessment Roll for Newman Lake Flood Control Zone District. b. Consider Fiber Optic Trunk Line Franchise for Washington State Department of Transportation for portions of Geiger Boulevard and Rowand Road. 3. VARIOUS RESOLUTIONS a. Approve payment of vouchers. b. Approve revisions to the Spokane County Mental Health Advisory Board Bylaws. c. Award Bid No. P5310 for 1t Floor Courthouse Remodel. d. Accept as complete the work performed by Associated Fire Systems, Inc., for On- Call Fire Alarm & Suppression System, Task Order Subcontract No. P5561. e. Accept as complete the work performed by M. E. Uphus Construction, Inc. for construction of County Jail ADA Renovations Project, Bid No. P5761. f. Accept as complete the work performed by IRS Environmental for On-Call Hazardous Material Abatement Services, Task Order Subcontract No. P5786. g. Cancel County Warrants not presented within one year of date of issue. Page 1 h. Accept a renewal grant from the US Department of Housing and Urban Development for the housing opportunities for persons with AIDS (HOPWA) Grant Contract No. WAH080017. 4. AGREEMENTS AND CONTRACTS a. Execute 2008 Program Year Affordable Housing Program Agreements with housing organizations and amending the 2008 Program Year Action Plan Allocations using Home Investment Partnerships Program Funds ($973,282). b. Execute Contract No. 07CCF0594(4) with Mallon Place for the purpose of extending the time period and funding for step-down housing through March 31, 2009. c. Execute Contract No. 08MH0824(1) with Spokane Mental Health Coordinating Association for the purpose of adding language regarding payment of expenses. d. Execute a renewal agreement between Spokane County, the Spokane County Sheriff's Office and Center Target Sports (January 1, 2009 - December 31, 2009). e. Execute a 2009 - 2010 Government Affairs Corisulting Agreement with MJB Consulting, Inc. f. Execute Renewal to an Administrative Service Contract between Spokane County and Prernera Blue Cross (effective October 1, 2008 to September 30, 2010) to provide administrative services and access to its provider network for emergency and necessary health care provided to Spokane County Jail inmates, Geiger Corrections Facility inmates and Spokane County Juvenile Detention Center detainees. g. In the matter of Final Acceptance of Contract No. P5895 for the Marian Hay Force Main Valve Improvements Project. 5. RECEIVE PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION AND SET DECEMBER 16, 2008 TO CONSIDER SAME a. Consider Findings of Fact, Conclusion and Recommendation for Timber Land Current Use Assessment Application by Porter Family Trust (File No. TLN-04-08). b. Consider Findings of Fact, Conclusion and Recommendation for Timber Land Current Use Assessment Application by Mary Isar (File No. TLN-05-08). c. Consider findings of Fact, Conclusion and Recommendation for Open Space Land Current Use Assessment Application by West Terrace Golf, LLC (File No. TLN-05- 08). DECEMBER 10, 2008 PUBLIC WORKS BUILDING - 1026 WEST BROADWAY AVENUE ROOM 2B, SECOND FLOOR .,!j~r}t A 11 } j~.~ , ~ - , . _ ♦Y _ • 7- 4.2'V 1.:00 A.M: NO`.BID-C)F'~NINGS`SCHEDU~EC3;~~.~~:~ti~~.=~~{ Page 2 spomil cawy N-EWS Advisory CONTACT: Martha Lou Wheatley-Billeter Public Information and Communications Manager (509) 477-7195 FOR MiMEDIATE RELEASE: County Terminates Road Maintenance Contract with Spokane Valley SPOKANE, December 9, 2008 - Citing that the current contract was no longer "muhially beneficial," the Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) voted unazumously tFiis aftemoon to disconti.nue the County's road maintena.nce agreement with the City of Spokane Valley, effective October 15, 2009. The BOCC was told by County Engineer Bob Brueggeman that since Spokane Valley opted for a limited scope of ser%zces, the alniost $1.8 million coatract was no longer cost- effective for the Engineering and Roads department. In 2005, Spokane Valley began a two-year phase down from the previous "full contract" of road maintenance services with the County, and selected specific services, such as: traffic signals, signing, highway striping and winter maintenance. The current contract provides that either party may terrrunate the agreernen;t with 180- days notice. In their deliberations this aftemoon, the BOCC set an end date of October 15, 2009, providi.ng add.itional time for a smooth transition to a new contractor for road maintenance services. The BOCC also directed staff to initiate discussions with Spokane Valley for conti.nuing Traffic Sigaal maintenanee after October 15, 2009. For more information, contact Martha Lou Wheatley-Billeter, Public Infornaation and Cornmunications Manager, Spokane County -(509).477-?195 or 263-9385. I Rcturn to: Donieln Erickson, Clerk of t6c Board Board of Couaty Commissioners 1116 W. 8roadway Spokanc, Washington 99260 IrTERLOCAIj AGREF-MEh'T FOR ROAD MA[NTEiVA.c'~1CE SERYICES ' I1' THE C1TY OF SPOKArT VAL),EY (Janugry 1, 2006 -Decemhcr 31, 2006) . . TR[S AGREEMENT, madc and entered into by and belween Spokane County, a ' political subdivision of the State of Washington, ha.ving offices for the transaction of business at 1116 West Broadway Avenuc, Spokane, Washington 99260, hereinafter rcferred to as "COLtNITY" and the City of Spoksnc VaUey, a municipal corporation of the State of Washington, having offia:s For the transacUOn of business at the Redwood PlazA 11707 East Sprague Avenue, Suite 106, Spokane Va11ey, Washington 99206, hereinailer referned to as "C1TY," jointly hereinaftcr referred to as the "PARTIES." The COUNTY and CITY agree as follow5. SECTIUN NO. 1: RECITALS AND FlNDINGS (a) The Board of Caunty.Commissionecs of Spokane County ha.ss the carc of Counry property and the management of County funds and business under RCW 36.32.) 20(6). (h) Counties and cities may conlmct with each olher to perform cerlain functions which each may legally perform under chapter 39.34 RCW (]nterlocal Cooperation Act). (c) 'I'hc City of Spokane Valley desires to utilize the services of Spokane CQUnty for the purpose of providing road maintenance scrvices on the public rights-of-"my in the City. SECT1nN NO. 2: DEFINiTiQNS (a) Agreement: "Agreemcnt" means this lntcrlocal Agreemcni between the CITY and C4UN'fY regarding road main(enance services. (b) Citv,: "CjTY" means the Cit), oFSpokane Vatley. (c) County: "CU(JNITY" mea,ns Snokane County. (d) Maintcnance and Onerations: "vlaintenance and Operations" and `'Vi&0" shall mean ( 1) those class codcs (3000-5999 and 7000-9999) used by Spokane County in its budget,acy Page 1 of 10 C06-1 1 : . • , pr+ocess as prescrihed by the BA,RS manual adopted by the Statc of Wsshington under chaptcr 43.88 RCW so long as such expenditures are di.recdy attributable and proportionate to scrvices rendcrcd -to CITY under the terrns of this Agreement. (e) Services: "Services" mcans those services identified in Exhibit A-1. (f) Comnensation: "Compensalion" means that methodology set, forth -in Exhibit A usod to establish the amount of money which the CITY wiU pay the COiJ~tTY for providing Services. ' (g) Caoital l:marovement: "Capital improvemenf' shall mcan the capitalization threshold adopted by the County during the term of the Agrccment. The County shall give the City ad<<ance notice of aay increase in the capitalizatian threshotd. Any such -expenditure will be coded as pro«ded for in the BARS•manual adopted by tbe-State of Washinston under RCW 43.88. (h) Uncontrollable Circumstances: "Uneontrollable Circumstances" means the foliowing events: riots, wars, eivil disturbances, insumciions, acts of terrorism, external fircs and iloods, volcanic eruptions, -lightning or earthquakes at or near where the Services are _performed andlor that directly affect providing of sueh Services. (i) Reporc: "Report" shall mean tbe lnvoiee Supporting Documeotation set forth in Exliibit A-7. • SECT90N NO. 3: pClRPOSE 'fhe purpose of this Agreement is to rEduce -to writing the- PAjtTIES= understanding as to the tcrms and conditions under which the COtJNTY will provide Senrices on behalf oi'the CIT'Y, lt is the intent of the PARTIES that Services to be providEd by the COLNTY Hnll be consislent with the G17'Y'S CotunciUManager form of government provided f,or in chapter 35A.13 RCW. ' SECTTON -NO. 4: DURIITIOIYNVI7'HDR,AWAL This Agrcement sha11 convnence an January 1, 2006, and run through peccmber 31, 2006, unless one of the PART➢rS provides naticc as set forth in Section 7. At the conclusion of the -initisl term, this .4greement shall automatically be renewad from y~c;ar to year therea.ftEr effective lanuary i' to Deccmber 31so" Ali renew-a,ls shall be subjecc tv all tenns and condilions set forth herein eACept for Exhibit A. The PARTIES rcc.agnize it is highly unlikcly ihat Exhibit, A, setting forth the ne%v billing ratcs 'for each year's Services, M11 be available at the st.art of any renewal time frame. According!y, untii a new L-':chibiL A has been prepared and agreed to bctwecn the PARTiES, the PARTtES agree that the COUN'f Y will bili the CtTY and the C1TY wiil pay the COIJNI't"Y at the sarne billing rates paid in the prcvious year. Upon the PAR1`lES agreement on a new Exhibit A, the CITY and _ COlI1`TTY H►ill rcconcile pa}ments to date under the previous years billing rates %%►ieh the new Pagc 2 ot 10 ` - -4 ~q-~_ - - _ - - - - - - . - - _ . . billi,ng rates. Any unclerpa}ment for any Services will be due in the first payrnent due fvllovving , reconciliation. Any ovcrpayment for any Services will be credited to the first monthly payrnent due follo%%ring the reconciliation.. The PARTIES agree that no interest-shall be owing by cithcr Party to the other Pany for any overpayrnent or underpaymenl dctcrmincd as a result of the rcconciliation. Any Party may withdraw ai any time 6vm this Agreernent for any reasnn whatsoever upon a minimum of ] 80 days written'notice as.provided for in Section 7 to the other Party. SECTION NO. S: COST OF SERVICF:S AND PA1riV.TEXTS The CITY shall pay the COUN'1'Y the costs for Services provided under this Agreement as set forth in Exhibit A, attaehed hereto and incorporated herein by reference: '1'he COl1NTY CEO shall advise the CIZ'Y Managcr as soon as possiblc of any anticipated or unanticipated canital improvement cosm that arise during the contract period. Any such capital improvement costs shall be amortized over the useful life of the improvemtnl, and the inc reasW cost in the Agreement resuiting from the improvement sha11 be calculated by the PARTIES and paidI v►7thin 30 days of receipt of request by the CITY. Any capital improvcrncot for which the COUNI'Y seeks reirnbursernent from the CITY must be necessary to fulfill the requir_ements of this Agreement. 'Che COUNTY will bill the CTDY for the cost of Sen►ices monthly, by the 15'h of the month for the - prcvious month. Payments by the C1TY will be due by the 5'h day of the followinng month. At the sole opiion of the COW'fY, a penalty may be assessed. on any. late payment by't}ie CtTY based on lost interest eamings had the paynent becn timcly paid and invested in the Spokane County Treasurer's Investment Pool. The CITY may dispute any montlily billing. Pending resolution of any dispute, the PARTIES agree that the C1TY shall pay timely diat portion of the bill that is undisputed. In ehe event the C1TY dispuces any monthly bill.ing it shall include in conjunetion %%7th the monthly payznent A lettcr stating Mth specificity the basis-for the dispute. The PA.RTIES agree to meet within th'irty (30) calendar days of the COUn'I'Y's receipt of the documentation letter staung the basis for the C1TY disputing any monthly billing to resol<<e the matter. ln the event the PARTIES cannot mutualfy resolve the matler within the thiriy (30) calendar day timc frame, unlcss othervkrise agreed by the PAJZTIES, the matter shaU be resolved pursuant to the Dispute Resolution provisions set forth in Section 17. The selection of cubitmtors as provided for in Section 17 shall commence within thirty (30) calendar days of the nnriins of the thi.rty (30) calendar day time frame. Any resolucion of a disputed amount through use of the arbitration process identified in Section 17 shall include, et the request of eilher Party, a detennination of whctrcr intec+cst is Rppropriate, including the amount. ' SECT1.0N 1V0. 6: REILATED RESPOIVSiBILITIES IN CONJUNCTION NVITH PROVIDING SERVICES Page 3 of l0 1 ~i The COUI`"IY or designees agTee co attend staffmectings a,s,requested by the CITY Manager. 'fhe COWi TY or designees agrec to meet upon request by the CITY Manager or his/ber designcx to discuss any Service provided under the terms of this Agmemem ?hc CI'l'Y agrecs the COtJNTY may use the COUNTY'S staiionery in conjunction v►ith providing Services under the -terms of this Agreement. ' SECTI(DN N0. 7: NO'I'ICE Ali notices or other communications given hereunder shall be deemed given on: (1) the day sueh notices or othcr commua.ications afe r'eceivcd when sent by personal deliver}; oc (ii) the third day following the clay on which the same have been rnvled by first ciass delivery, postage prcpaid addressed to, the COUV7'Y or the CtTY at the address. set forth below for such Party, or al such othcr address as eitlier Party shall from time-to-time designate by notice in writing to the otlzer Party: C4UNTY: Spokane Couney Chief Executive Qff'icer or his/her authorized representat;ve 1116 West Broadway Avenue Spokane, Washington 99260 CITY: City 4f Spokane Valicy City Manager or his/her authorized represcntative Redwood Plaza 1] 707 East, Spcague Avenue, Suite 106 ' Spokane Valley, ti'Vashi,ngton 99206 sEcTIoN rro. 8: REPoRTLNG Reports - The COUNTY sltall provide the C1TY Kilh reports documenting actual,usage under this Agreement at the same time each invoice, requesting paymeet-is made, unless otherwise mutually a7ccd by the Pnrties. Thc Parties agree that the terminology "reports documenting usage" means t,ac qW of informetion provided by the COUNTX to lhe CITY in thE 2004 agreement for Services. Such reports shall be in a format as mutually asreed ta betweert the Parties. The content. and/or !'onnat for such reports mav be clianged from time-to-time b~ w-ritten agreement bctwecn CITY and COUNTY staff.. Records Review='I'he CITY shali be attowed to eonduct rartdom reviews of the records.generated by the COUNTY in performance ofthis Agreemcnt Ttie CITY %%till provide' the COUyTY with reasonablc advance nolice of ihe records revicws. The Parties agroc thet they will malce best e.fforts to achieve a resoiution of any potendat reeords confidentiaiity issues, inciuding entering into confidentiality agreements or other similar mechanisms that will allow, disclosure of the necessary informstion -to accurately eonducl a records review. If the C1171 will be nllowed to view only those records directly relating to Services provided within CITY's corporate boundaries, then the Pagcaofl0 i ~4m . ` - • ' s ' • COUN7Y must keep a log of original docurnents used to charge the C1TY, and those documents musl have identif}ring numbers or leners so the original sourcc documents can be easily retrieved. SECtION 1Y0. 9: COUN'i`ERPARTS This Agreement may be executed in any numiscr of counterparts, each of which, whcn so executed and deliveced, shall be an original, but such counterparts shall togethcr constitute but one and the same. SEC1'00N NO. 10: ASSIGNVIENT No Pariy may assign in whole ot part its intenest in this Agreement Nvithout the written approNlal of the other Pt1RTY. SECTIOIV N0. i l: COUzwfY ENVLOYEES The COUNTY shall appoint, hire: assign, retain and disciplinc all cmploy-ees performing Services under this Agreement according to applicabte,collcctive bargeining egreements and applic:able sfate and federal iaws. The COUNTY agrees, to meet and confer with the CITY with respect !o scaff that is nssigned to provide Services. lssues of discipline or perfonnanec -MII be specifically handled aceording to COLTNTY policies. SEC'TION 1V0. 12: LIAB1LTTY (a) The COUNTY shail indemnifj► and hold haffnless the CITY and its officers, agents, and employees, fmm any and all claims, aetions, suits, liabiliry, loss, costs, expenses, and damages of any nsture whatsoever, by any reason of or arising out of any negligent act. or orn.ission ;,of thc COUNTY, its otriccrS, agenls rand EmplOyeeS, relaling t4 Of aT151T1g OLl Of petfOtTlllnP SeN1CeS pursuant to this /•t~.ureement. In the et►ent chat any suit based upon such claim, act;on, loss, or damages is brought against the CITY, the CULJrtTY shall defend the same at its sole cost and expcnsc; pcovided that the C1TY reserres the right to particip3te in s3id suit if any principle ot' govemmcnml 'or public law is involved; and if final juclgment i,i said. suit bc rcndered against the C1TY, and its olficcrs, agents,.antl emEaloyees, or jointly against thc CiTY and the COUI~jTY and their respective ofFicers, agents, and employeE:s, the COWTY shail satisfy the same. (b) The CITY shail indernnify and hold harmless the COtJNTY and its officers, agcnts, and employees, from auiy and all claims, actions, -suits, liability, loss, costs, expenses, and damnges of eny nature whatsvcver, by any reason of or arising out of any negl,igent act or omission of the CiTY, its officers, agents and employees, relating to or arising out of perf'orming Services pursuant to this AgreemenL In the event that any suit based upon such claim, ection, loss, or darnages is brought against the COUNI'I'Y, 'the CITY shall defend the same at its sole cost and expense; provided that the COITNTY reserves the right to participate in said suit if any principle of Page 5 ot 30 . ~ , . govemmenta] or public- law is involvcd; and if final judgment in said suit be ren&red against the COIJr'TY, and its officers, agents, and employees, or jointly against the COUNrrY and the CITY and their respective officers, asents, znd employces, the CtTY shaU setisfy the seme. (c) If the comparative negligence of the Partics and their officers and employees is a cvuse of such darnage or injury, the liability, loss, cost, or expense shal] be shared between the Part.ies in proportion to their rel2tive degtee,of negligence and the right of indemnity shall apply to such propartion. (d) Where an officer or employee of a Party is acting under the direction and control of the other Party, the Party, directing and contTOlling the ofEicer or employee in the activity and/or omission giving rise to liability shall accept all liability for the other Party's officer or employee's negligence. (e) Fach Party's dury to indemnify shall survivc the termination or expiration of the AgrcemenL (o ?hc _foregoing indernnity is specifically intended to constitute a waiver oi' each Party's immuniry under Washington's Industrial lnsurance Act, chapter 51 RCW, respecting the other party only, and only to the exient necessary to provide lhe indemnified Party %%hth a full and complete indecnnity of claims made by the indemnitor's employees. I'he PARTfES acknowledge tbnl these provisions were specifically negotiated and agrecd upon by them: (g) The COWi TY artd the C1TY agree to either self insure or purchase policies of insurance covering the matters contained in this Ageemeni with coverages of not less than S5,000,000 per occurrence vvith S5,000,000 aggregate limits including professional liability and nuto liability coverages. SECT90N_NQ. 13: RELAT.i_QNSHIP-OF THF, PARTIF4 The YARTIES intcnd that an independent contractor relalionship will be created by lhis AgrreemenL 'Me COUNTY shall be an indcpendent contractor and not the agcnt or employee of the C1TY; tlial the CITY is intcrestcd only in thC resu]ts to be achieved and that the right to control the particular manner, method and mcans in which lhe scrvices Qre perfarnled is solely «ithin the disrrction af the COWTY• Any and all employccs who provide Services to che C['I'Y under this Agreement shail be deemed employees sotely of the COUIVIY. Thc COUN'I'Y shall be salely responsible for the conduct and accions of all employees under this Agreement and any liability that may attach thereto. Lilccwise, no agcnt, ernploycc, servent or representative of thc CITY sholl be deemed to be an empioyee, agent, serva.nt or representative oFthe COUNTY for any purnnse. SECTION N0.14: iV[()DIFICA'I'lOV . This Agreement rnay be modi f ed in writing by mutua) written agreemcnt of the PARTt:ES. Page 6 ot 10 I + ` ~ • • I ,SEC1'IOy N0. )5: PRQPERTY ANDEQIJIPMIEIVT 7'he ownership of-all properiy snd equipment utilized in conjttnction with providing-die Services Sha11 runain Wtth Ehe qriginal ow'rier, wile,ss specifically and tnutually sg:eed by the PAR'TIES,to Ns Agreemcnt. 49:C1'1EON IVO.16: rV.L 1WIZITdVGS CONTA1XED HEREINIBINDINCi E~'+'FEf,.`11` This Agreerncltt contains terms and conditionS agreed Lipon by the P-ARTIES. The PARTII:S agree that there Are no other understandings: oral or oihcrwise, regarrling ihe subject matGer of~this Agrecment. No changcs or additions to this Agreement shail hc valid or bindicig upon the PAR1'rL-'S uHess such change or additian is ia writins, executed by the PARTtES. This .Agreement sha]l bc bittding.tipon che PART'IES, jieteto, their succr:ssors and assigns. SECTION rf0.17: DeSPUTE RESOLUT1.ON - Aiiy cii,spute behveea ihc PA.RMS which cannoi bc resolved 'between the PARTIL-S sha11 be subjcct to arbitratio». Except as provided fnr t,o the contrary herein, such dispute shall first be, reduced to wnting and c;onsidcred by. the COIJNTY CCO and the C1TY Manager, if the COUN1'Y CEO and the C1TY iVianagcr eannot resalve the dispute it mill be suhmimd to arbitration. The provisicrns of cbapter 7.04 RC«l shoJl bc applicable to any arbitration procceding. Thc ' COwCY and lhe CI1-Y shalE havc tht right tfl desi~nate one petsc~n. E:a.ch to act As an arbittator. The two selceted stbitrators shall thcn jointly select a thiTd arbilr.itaY. Thc decision- of the arbitration panc!, shalI be binciing on thE PARTIE S and shal l be subjcet to judicial review w pTqa-ided for in chapter 7.04 RCW. Thc costs of i,he arbitration paiel shall be equally split bctwcen the PARTfES.. SECTlOIY N0. 18: VE11UE ST'IPULA7'I4N Thts Agreement has bccn and shail be construed as having been made mid eieliveree Lti7thin the State of ~Alashingtan and it is mutually unclcrstood and agmeed by eaeh party that this.Agra:emcnt shall be governed by the la«~s nf the Staie of Washington both as to interpretavon. and performan-ce. Any actiou ai law, suit in eqLUty or jttdieiAl psoceeding for the rn('urc;cment 6f thEs Agreement or :tny provision hereto, shall be instituted only in courts of eampetent _jurisdiciion widhin Spokmne County; Washington. SECTiON 1YO.19: SEVFR:4B1 LITY • Thc PARTIES agree that if a,ny parts, terms ot provisians of this AgreeRiejlt are held by Yhe eotuts to be illeaal, ihe i•21ia1ty Of the Temainirig pOTtfO1lS 01' prOVi5ionS Shall ttOt be affeCtcd and the tightS ancl obligations of, tht: PARTlES sha1l not be'affccted in regard to che rernainder of the tlgm. cmcnt. Yagc 7 of 10 1 , lf it should appcar that any part., temi ar provision of ihis Agreemcnt is in conflict v►rith any statutory provision of thc State of WashinEton, then the part, tetrn or provision thereaf that may be in conflic4 shall be deemcd i.noperative and null and void insofar as it may be in cotzllict-therewilb and this Agreement shall be deemed to modify to conform. to such statutory provision. SECT[ON NO. 20: RECORI}S All public records preparcd, owned, us£d or retained by the COLTNTY in conjunction Hhth providing Services under the ternls of this Agrcement shall be deemed CI'i'Y property and shall bc made available to the CTTY upon request by the CtTY Vianager subject ta the attorney cliEnt and attorney work praduct privilcges set foTth in statute, court rule or case law. The COUNTY MI1 notify the CITY of any public disclosure requesi under chaptec 42.17 RCW Cor c.opies or viewing of such records as well as the COUNTY'S, response thereto. SECT10N VO. 21: HEA.DINGS The section headings appearing *in this Agreement have been inscried solely far,thc purpose of convenience 'end ready reference. ln no way do ihcy pur.port to, and shall not be deemed to define, {imit or extend the scope oc intent vf the sections to which tlaey pertain. SECT[ON NO. lZ: 11ME OF F.SSENCE OF AGREEMEVT Time is of the esscnce of this Asreement and in case either Party faits to perform the obligations on its part to be performed at the time fixed for the perfonnance of the respective obligation by the terms of this Agreement, thc ather !'arr}• may, at its election, hold the othcr Party liable for all costs and damages caused by such delay. SECTIOiN N4. 23: UNCONTItCDLLABI..E CIRCUMS7'ANCESRiMP0551BILITY A delay or intcrrupti4n in or failure oCperFormance of ali or any part,of this Agreement resulting &om Uncontrollable Circumstances shall be deemed not a default under this AgrE,crnent_ A dclay or incecrvption in oT failure of perforn,arice of all or any part of this Agreement resulting from any change.in or riew law, order, rule or regulation or any nature wluch renders providing, of Sen►ices in accordance with the Eerms of this Agreement legally impossible, and any other eircumstences beyond the control of the COUNTY whieh render iegelly impossible. the performance by, the COUN'I'Y of its obligations under this Agreemcnt, shalt be deemcd not a dcfauli under this Agreement. SECT.ION N0. 24: F1:LING This Agreemcat shall be filed b}• the Counn► with such of#ices, or, agencies -as required by chapter 39.34 RCW. Pilgc 8 Q! 10 • . . . , sE~or~ No. 25: CUTION A'D APPROV~. The PAR7'IES warrant that the officers Executing below have been duly authori2ed to act for and on bebalf of the Party for purposes of confi-rrning this Agreement. . SECTtON iVO. 26: i'YITYATYV]ES The PARTIES recognize lhat reveaue-reducing inivative(s) passed by the voters of Washington may su.bstantially reduce local operati.ng -revenue for the C.ITY, COUNTY or both PA1ZTI£S. T'he PARTTES agree that it, is necessary to have flexibility to reduce the contractecl amount(s) in th.is Agreenlent in response to budget constrai.nts resulting ftom the passage of revenue-rzducing. initiative(s). If such an event occurs, the PAYZT7ES agzee to negotiate in good faith to ach.ieve a rnutually agreeable resolution in a timely fashion ~ . SECT10N NO. 27. COMPLIANCT NVITH. .LAWS , . . Ttie E'arties' shall observe al.l federal, state and local )a-vvs, ordinances and_re"gulatioas, to ttie extent" that they may be applicable to the terras of this Agreement sEcTroN NO. Zs: aIscLa&M4 R . . Except as otherwise provided,'this'A.greement shall not be consrrued in any manner that Nyould limit either Party's authority or.powers under !aws. SECT10N NO. 29: SUYTRSEDE This Agreement shaU -supersede and tercninale that agrecment between the Parties entitled "IiVTERLOCAL AGl2E]CM.E~'`'~' BETWEEN SPO'KAI~T.E COU11TY AVD CjTY OF SPOKAiNE VA.LLEY .ItEGA.R.UlNG PROViSiON OF TtOAD 12AllN"F.ENAIesCE SERVICES" cxecuted by Spokatle County on June 4, 2003, and executcd by the CITY oa May ' 27, 2003. SECfiTON NO. 30: ASSUFtANC1F • The CITY shall pay tbe COtTNTY the true aund full cbst oF all Services provided under -tb.is :Agreement. The intent o.f the Parties is Wat neither Party wil.l subsidize -thc other aud that tlte CrTX will not subsidize any other jurisdiction that is receiving sim.ilar senices. page 9 oc 1o . ' • r . ~ i • • ' . . TN VViTNrESS V1rHERE0F, thc PARTIES bave caused this Agreement to be execuCed on dale and year opposite their respective signatures. DATED: 3-7 80aR.D OF COUINTY COM1VGSS10iNERS . OF SpOKAlN'E COiJNTY,~wAsHrn`Gro~T co~~ss~o °i o . ~ , Qo~ Cd~'~'~►~ y~ TODD vI I.ELlCE, Chai ATf EST: • ' • ~ , e : • ° CL~ F THE BO sEA:. MARK R1C ice-Chairman - - . , ~ Daniela Erickson S, Comm,issioner DA'i'ED: CTTY SPOKAAtE VALI,EY ~ David viercier, City lVlanager , LedBainbn6dge, T• 4 _ City Clerk APPROVED AS TQ FORlvi ON%Y: a - ~ . Office offt'heCity ARomey Page 10 of t0 , i ;SEC1'ION_ NO. 25: EXECU'i'ION AN`D APpROVAL The PARTT.ES warrant that the officers executing below have been duly authorizecl to acl for and on behalf of the Party for purposes of confirining this Agreement. SECTION NO. 26: MITIAZ'IW. S ' The PARTTES recognize that rcveaue-reducing initiative(s) passed by the voters of Washington may substantially naduce local operating revenue for the C1TY, COUNTY or bolh PARM5, The PAR"d'IES, agree tliat ic is aecessary to have flexibilicy to reduce thc contraeted amount(s) in th.is Agreement in response to budget constraints resulting from the passage of. revenue-reducirlg initiative(s): If such an event occurs, the PARTIES agree to negotiate in good faith to achieve a mutually agreeable resolution in a tunely fashion. SECTION NO. 27. CONrPi,IANCE WITH L.AWS The Parties shall observe all federal, state and local laws, ondinanees and regulatioas, to the extent that they may be applicable to the terms of this Agreement. SECTI.ON NO. 28: DflSCLAIMER Except as othenvise provided, this Agreement sbali not be construed _in any manner that- would iimit either Party's authority or powers under laws. SEC'g'ION NO. 29: SUPERSEDE This Agrcement shall supersede and termi.nate that agreernent tietween the Parties entitled "~TERi.OCAL AGR.EEIlEl!"T 'BETWEEN SPOKANJE CO~TY AND CI1'Y OF SPOK,ANE VALI1EX oREGARDING PROVISION OF jtOAD MAINTENANCE SERVICES" executed by Spokane Countl• on June 4, 2003, and Executed by the CITY on May 27, 2003. SECTION nO. 30: AS5URANCE ~ The Cll Y shall pay the COUNTY the true and ful.l cost of all Services provided undcr this Agreecnent. The intent of the Parties is lhat neither Par1y will subsidize the other and tbat the CTTX v+,ill not subsidize -any other jurisdiction that is receiving si,milar senrices. Fsge9oft0 • \_J ' r l . EXMIT "A" - STItEET,1'1AIld'7'7~.ENANCC PROVISIONS SECT1ON NO.1: 2006-2008 TRAr`SIT10N FLAN 7'fie transition plan, as set forth in Exhibit A-2; ouUines each activity by year that the City %ili consider traas+aoning to ather prov;ders. The City msy solicit completcd bids and examine other available resources to provide the specific activities outlined in the plan The C1TY, ef its option, may reduce activities each y►ear as outlined in the ptan. The CITY %vitt give the COUAITY 30 days written noiice prior io the terminauon of any actiwiry. C1'1`Y, at its option, rnay reduce or increase services up to 10% of the amount of the annual contract, as outlined in Exbibit A-2, with 60 days prior writtcn notice•to COUN"TY. SL'CCTIlON NO. 2: COS'I' OF SERVTCES A~~TD PAY1►'iEN'I'S jn consideration for COLfNTY providing services as set !'4rth herein, Ci1'Y shall pay COUNTY for -actual costs (manthly bills will include costs by activity for direct labor for each employee; supervision, employe-e benefits, equipment rental, matecials and supplies, utilities, subcontracte:d work ancl permits) after reccipt of invoices and supPoning docwnentation to include copies of timccards, updated material costs and quantities, and summary rcports for labor and equipment charges" as identified in Exhibit A-?, and oti►erhead costs as described in Exhibit A-S. Standard labar rates can be af.fected by overtime, extra holiday pay, shift differential, laboc conrracts, and on-call rales. [,ebor and cquipment mtes are shown in Exhibit A-3 for 2006 and Cxhibit A-4 for 2007 and will be ceviewecl and modifeed when rcquired. COUMI'I`Y will noti,fy CITY in writing of any changes ta or modifications of the labor and equipmeni rates. . Estimated costs for requested services in ftiture years v%ill be provided by thc CITY as a part of annual budgel discussions. CITY sliall pay C4UI`TY fnr thc futl cost (including salary, bcnefits, supplies, materiais, equipment, and administr-ative ovenccud costs) of providinig CITY with rapid-msponse staff in - responding to emcrgencies- as outlined in Seetion 39 of lhis Exhibit. SECT10N NO. 3: SERVICES'PROVIDEn A. Cuunh► Responri6ilities - Sererices COLJNI'Y will providt; street and traffic maintenance services as identified in Exhibit A• I.`fhe CITY will ciir,ect these secvices ti►ithin the limits of COLNTY'S operational workforec and cquipmcnt. Exhiblt A, Page 1 013 Actual Icvels of strvice provided by COUNTY will bc those adopted by CITY and COLNTY in - annunl budget processcs. COUNTY is a contractor for CITY and «*ill pravide services requested by CITY so long as such services are within COUNTY'S ability to provide. Actual services provided by COUiN1'Y shall be of the type, nature and magn.itucie subsequently, negotiated between CITY and CO[JNTY during the PARTtES' annua] budget aad planning processes. After adoption of budget and plan, with.i,n the constraints of the base level services program described, CITY may request adjusdnents to individual tasks in order to meet specif c needs. COtNTY shatl consider all such requests and, whenever pracricable, alter the work progra.m as necessory. COUN'f Y is a concractor of serviccs only and does not purpott tv represent CITY prafessionally other than in providing the serviccs requesteci by CI'I"Y. 13. COIJiVTY end Cl1vY Coordination COUNTY wi!1 identify speciFic liaisons for strect, traffic, and stormwaier maintenance scrvices to handle day=tQ-day aperational activities related to basic and discretionary serviccs. C11'Y,,will idencify a liaison for the same purposes. The~ liaisons will mcet regularly with the CITY to review scheduled daily work activities, future planned work activitics, completed work activities and the overall performancF: of this Agrecment. 1`he COUNTY vvill provide daily, bi-weekty dnd 90 day schedules to the CITY. 17ai1y schedules will show the activity, specific «►ock tocations and the number o1' crcw for each activitv. Schedules will be provided prior to the dates of the seheduled work. Schedules may change due to weather, availablc: pcrsonnel, equipment, materials, and other workload factors. COUItiTY wil] noti,fy CITY of any schedule changcs as soon as the changes aze.known b.y COUNITY. Emergencp work, ineluding 911 calls, will be refecred direetly to COUvTY personnel. COirITY -%vill maintain an emergency eontact list with the CITY and 91-1 dispatch centers. Emergency worlc to protcct public safety andlor propetty will be handlcd as COr.JNTY and/or CITY liaisons drems nECessary. Emergcncy work may inciude, but is not limited to, snow and ice control, slide andlor debris removal, flooding, rcpair of -Ilood damage lo coads and road cights-of-.<<ay, repair of tratTic signal malEunctions, or replacement of dotvned stop signs. CCTY liaison tiill be informed of the incident as soon as practicable. iNon-emergency citizen requcsts, during regular CITY operating hours, -will be reCerred to CiTY. CITY will be responsible for prioritizing requests and arranbing with COUNI'1'Y for work'to be done. C. CITY Rcsponsibilitics In conjunction with COUNTY providing the scrvices described in Subseetions Aand B of this Section, CITY, in executing thjs AgreEment, does: • (1) Conter an COLFN'1'Y thc authority to perform the streel and traiflic maintenance services within CITY limits for ihe p,urposes of carrying out this Agreement. Exhibit A, Page 2 ot 3 (2) Agree that when COU1~''TY provides engineering and administrative services for CiTY, County Engineer may exercise all the powers and perform all the duties vested by law or by resolution in the City Engineer or other officer or departinent of the City charged v►ith street adminisUalion. (3) Adopt by. reference all ordinances, resolutions and codes necessary Qo pro%7de aulhority for COUNTY to perfvrrn the scrvices under this Agreement. Attachment List: A-1 Services A-2 Mulci Year BudgecrI'ransition Plan A•3 2006 Employee and Equiprnent Rates A-4 2007 Employee and Equipment Ratcs A-S Overhead Cost Definiaon A-6 Winter Operations Dctail A-7 lnvoice Supporting Documentation - Exhibit A, Page 3 ot 3 .IEXRIUBT'T A4 SERV'lCES Spokane County witl provide street and traffic mainEenance services Arithin CITY limits of Spokane Valley at the levels described in Section 1 of the Agreement, as f.ollows (actual levels of service provided by COUNITY v&ill be those. adopted by CITY and COUNTY in annual budget processes).Traff'ic and strcet mainteuance service levels as set by CITY shall reflect C,ity policies and may or may not be similar to County policies. G1"1'Y shall be solely responsible for sening service level policies for ali roadway features. COUiNTY is merely a contcactor far purposes af irnplernentation of Ciry policy. 1. Street- 1Naintenance - The _following are exarnples of smeet rnaintenance services provicied by COLTNTY. Actual services vviif be in thc magnitudc, nature and manner requested by C1TY. • 1.1 Traveled WaylRoadway Surface: Patching, crack sealing, prelevel, paverncnt rcplacement, grading, gravelling, sweeping and flushing. 1.2 Sbovlders: Restoration and repair. 1.3 Drai.nage: Cleaning debris from drainage pipcs, catch basins, drywells, culverts, ditchcs, gtrtters, and curb and gutter inlels. Kepairing damage to existing drainagc facilities such as drainase pipes, calch basins; drywells, culverts, dicches, gutters -and curb and gutter inlets. 1.4 Winter Maintcnance: Sanding, liquid de-icing, snow removal and chasing watcr f.rom road«<ay surfaces. The County wiil provide minirxium levef of service as outlincd in E;chibit 5 for snow removal priorities, crtw conf gurations, equipment, and estirnates of duration. 1.5 Roadside: Cutting or trimming bushcs or limbs biocking visibility. 2. Traffie Maintenance - Ttte following are examples af lraffic- maintenance serv,ices provideci by COUNTY. Actual services tivill be in the mag,nitude, nature and manner requcsted'by C[TY. 2.1 Sign Mainlenance: Replacing faded sign faces and broken posts, straightening Ic,ming posts, relocating signs far visibility or pedestrian'safety, maintenance oF vancialized signs or signs damaged by vehicle accidents, i,nspection of signs to check for visibility or pedestrian safety, maintenance of vandalized -signs or signs tA check for reflectivity, rcmoval of signs when appropriate. • 2.2 Crosswalk Marking: Refurbishing, installing new, and ternoval when appropriate., Exhibit A4, Page 9 of 2 . 2.3 Stop Bars Vlarking: Refiubishi.ng, installing new and-removal when.approprialc. 2.4 Arrows/Legends Marking: Refurbishing, installing ncw and temoving when appropriate. 2.5 Curb Paioting: Maiatenance of curbing and islends. 2.6 Striping: Painting linear road stripes on pavement, such as centerlines, edge lines, radius, and channeli2ation, and removal of linc, siripes or syrnbots from the pavement. 2.7 Repair and reptacemcnt of street light heads, poles, wiring or bulhs in existing. smeet lights which are incorporated Hilhin traffic signal sy'stems. 2.8 Utitity Locating: Locating underground tratTic facilities for utilities or other , digging operations. . 2.9 Signal Maintenane,e: Replacing and cleaning light systems for signal and tlasher displays and signs, installation and cepair of vchicle detector loops, checking and adjusting signal timing, cxamining qraffic signal operfltion to assure it is -operating as intended, inspeccing hardware for wear or deficiencies, testing and repairing of etectroaic control devices and cornponents, repair or replacement of signal and flasher displays, supports or wiring external to controller cabinet, modification of controller eabinets, testing of new and rnodihed cabinets and control deviees, vaff'ic counler testing.and repair flnd prevenLative; maintenance. . 2.10 T'lasherlCrosswalk 13teventacive Maintenance: Examining lo assurc cquipment is operating as intended and inspecting hardware for wcar or deficiencies and rcpairing componcnts as requircd. Exhibit A-1, Page 2 of 2 Exhiblt A-2 Multi-year Budget and Transition Plan - - . , _ - . _ . - . . CODE ACTiVITY ~ 2005 CONTEZACT 2006 2006 CITYlCOUNTY _ 2008 CITY/PRIVATE , OESCRIPTION - AMOUNt 'I ACTIVITY CONTRACT AMOUNT CONTRACT MAOUNT I - , . Road MalnEOnanco Acthrttio8 . . _ _ . _ . . . ~ 23121 Dust Control Prep 1 . . - - $8,300.00 ; city 58.798.00 = 23201 ShcuSder Repeir S27,000.00 CIly S28.620.00 2322 SRcuEdat Maintenanoe ~ Grader _ $38.600.Ofl ' City S41;1 T8.00 2330 .I , , GravcllDiri Road Grading $15.300.00 City S16.218.00 2340 pothole PetchUg• ~ S158,100.00. ` CtrylCouniy g167.586.00 $0.00 , 23461NIWinter Pothaie Petctt I S20,400.00 ' CovnlX $21,624.00 . 2342 Chip Seeling ' 2343 Povement Removel 8 Replace'- 5285.600.00 ~ CitylCovRty S423.397.92 $0.00 23" Creck Sealing $122,400.00 ~ County $129.744.00 ~ 2345 Chip Seating Prep 8 ; ~ Cloanup $0.00 2346 Blede Patch tloi ~ $t 13.83~2.00 city ~ T'ransfer to PRBR ;2348~Fog SQaI 2351 GravBUDirt Road Temp S1.0D0.00 City ~ S1,060.00 2413 Lighi Oitch Cteaning S1.000.00 city I S1.060.OD 2511 gridge Inspecdon ~ $1.500.00 Gounty _ S 1.590.001 S0:00 ' 2512 Oridpe Repsir- SupersUuaure S10,200.0D Couniy S10,812.0D 30.00 2513 8ridgc Ropair- Substruc.ture SS,tOQ.QO , County S5,406.00 $O.QO, ~ 2610 Sidewelk 51,500.00 Cftar ~ 51,590.00" 2611 Curbs S1.000.00 ' Ciry ~ S1.460.4D, 2620IpalAs ~50fl.00 city 5530.00, ~ 2645IGuardreil e,4ainttinanr.e ~ $12.200.00 city 512.932.00 ; 2646 A/W Fencing $2.600.40 city ~ 52.756.00' 2647 Median Mafntc►nanco $5.100.00 city 55.406.00 2661 ~L3quia OoEeirtg St 53,40D.00 . Caunly ~ 5162,18A.Q0 ~ 2662 SanOing $234,600.00 Cflunly ! $246,676.00 2663 Snow Remova~Roadway $224.40D.00 County 5237,864.00 2684 Snsw ftamoval - ' Sodewa0cs $5,100.00 Counry S5,406.00 . 26701SIroc1 Cleaning' ~ 5382,500.00 CityJCounty ~ $105,454.00 E300.000.00 ; , 2671 lWintar Sweeping S51,000.00 Caunry 354.0156.00 I 26731Sweepings Clean-up §4.100.00 Caunty $4,346.00- 2711 1 Rpadside Mo+ving $10.200.00 • Ciry ~ $10.812.00 2712 Bnjsh ClearinglTree , Trimrritng $35.700.00 County • S37,842.00 2713IWeed CanuobRes ~ 520,400.00 ~ city ~ 521,624.00 2713A Weed Contra!•Res (no ' . sptay) g5100.00 Ciry $5.406.00 2714~Weed ContiaWen ~ S30,600.0D City ~ $32,436,00 ; 2714A Weed ControaGen (no . spray) $5.100.00 City $5:406.00 2720 Irrigalion $7. t 00.00 , City 57.526.00 . 27501 UHer Pitkup - 54.100.00 C(ry $4.346.60 : 2750DILittOt PitJwp Deer S2.000.00 . • City 52,120.00 ~ - 27531 t3tterControl ~ S1.000A& Ciy S11,060.00 2760 Cwtour Conlrot E1.000.00 Ciy S1.060.00 2762 Canrour Cordro{-R/W $3,100.OD ~ City $3.286.00 ; 97511nvestigatinn _ $10.565.80 County 510.190A0 ~ Emsrgency Cellaut County _ 525.000.00 - . _ . - _ . . . _ - . . . u o oa 3 Meintonanc8 $2.022,097.00 $1.851,173.92 $516,240.00 r, r. , -,e- . - ~o'y~ormwa~er ; Management , 97101 prywetl Rep1ir - . M.510.00 Couny $24,920.60 : - _ - ` 97201pryweU Cteatrout ~ 592,554.00 City ~ $98.107.24 ~ 9730jCut4eA Repafr ~ $7.589.00 ; County ~ S8,0".34 1 9740 Culveil Clepnovi ~ $4.613.00 County ~ S4.889.78 ; ; 9742 Swale Maintononce S4.61100 ~ Counry $4,889.78 ~ 9747 Repair $10.565.00 ~ Ciry 51t,198.90 ~ 9750 Chasing Water ~ $4.613.00 ~ County $4.889.78 1 ~ "Mormwatei . ~ MalntenaRU►Total S148.057.00 $47.634•28 b109,306.14 . - - r- - . _ - - • - . . . , 1`ra fi c Mainten,anee tivltles _ 2641 TMS, Sign Mai++tenance ~ E69,400.00 County 157.3,554.OD ~ ' 2842 ' . TMS, Sfgnal Aialntenanoe _ S124,400.00 County S237,864.00 _ 2613 n,AS. Striptng b86200.001 COunty S91.372.00 ~ ~ 2644 TMS. Crosswalks 8 " ' ~J:esgs $32,60D.00 County S34.556.00 ; 2649 Signing 51.500.00 County 51.590.00 1 2653 Stripirtg•PiEp B Cleanup $500A0 ~ County $530.00 _ 2654 Lagensf Truch- Pcep & Cteanup County 2843 Road Matntenence . I County 8 triping 2844 R. Ma{nlenanm . Legends ' County I 1 4201 iSign VartdaGsm j , County 4202JAocident Repair • Signs ~ I County 4203 ~ Aceident Raaair - Signals I County . . ~ . . , 7 . ' ' i - , _ - • - TFNtc 71 n enance- - - • Tctal $414,600.00 1 $439.476.00 f--- - .i L ~ Summory of,Rosd and Traffic 11Aalrteorranco ~ ' Road a7alnlenartce Tasks 52;022,097.00 : $1.651.173.92 $516.240.00 ; Stormweter fAaintenance Tasks b148,057.00 • $47,630.28 $109.306.14 : ~ TraRic MaintEnartae Tasks y414,600A0 : $439.476.00 ~ AUnagemerit Ovefiead @ 18% 5477.033.00 ' $405,274.00 • Adminfstretive-Overhead ~ 5°b $125.535.00 S106.914.21 ' Ccnlingency ~ City MointenanoeJtnspectors" ~ $150,131_07 sugro7aLs ~ 52,851,472,41 S775,677.21 .R.-- TOTAL CtTY BUDGET - g3,161.322.00 $3.427.148.82 . ~ •Subject to negoUadon depending ontitys ebtlity ta adminlsler arod manage private oontrada l . J • : . Exhibit A-2 Multi-year 6udget and Transition Plan - 2007 2007 zooi ~zoos aaaa . 2008 CODE ACTiVITY ACTiVITY'~ CITY/COUNTY CITYlPR1VATE ACTIVITY CtTY/COUPtT'Y ; CtTY/PRIVATE OE.SCRIPTtON I CONTRACT CONTRACT ` CONTRACT ' CONTRACT AMOUNT . AMOUNT ; AMOUNT ' AAAOUNT _ , _ , - _ Road QAalntenance Acttvt- 2312 Dust Contral Prep - ~ City - . - ' $9.325.88 ~Gfry . 59.88S.a3 2320 Shouldet Ropalt ~ city _ 530,337.20 ~ City 53Z.157.43 2322 Sfloulder Matntenartce Grader Ciry $43.595.68 ~ City 546,211.42 ~ 2330 GrovellDirt Road Gredin8 city S17.181.08 city $18,222.54 ~ 2340 PasAola Palchlag• City ~ $177.641.16 City $188,299.63 I Z340W11Nirtter Po1h0le Patch County $22,921.44 ~ Covnty 524,295.73 2342 Chlp SEaling 2343 Pmremenf Removal 8 ~ Replsce' city $448,801.80 CEty b475.729.50 2344 Crack SeaGrtg Caunry $137.528.64 • Counly $145.780.36 2345 Chlp Sflaling Prep,B - - Cfeunup ; 234616[adQ Patdti Hot city ~ city 2348 Fog Seal 2351 GravoUDitt Rcad Temp city ~ $1,123.60 Clry S1.191.02 ' 2413ILi6nt Oitch Cleaning ~ City ~ S1,123.60 : City 51,191.02 2511 Britfge inspectlon ~ city ~ S1,6115.40. - Ciry S1,786.52 2512 Brfdgo RepB)r- • , Supersiruaure city 51 1.460.72 city 512.146.35 ~ 2513 Bridge RepaU- Sub'swcqute- Ctry $6.730.36 City 58,074,18.: : 2810 $lidewa1k city $1.885.40 , C(ry ~ S1.786.52 2611 Curbs City S1.123.60 ; City ~ S1,191,02 26201Pafhs ~ city S5Sf.80 ~ city ~ 5595.51 , 2645Iduardroil Mainter►ence ( city $13.707.92 City I 314.530.40 ' 2646 R/W fencirg I city I S2,921.36 ` Ci4y 4 S3,096.64 2647 Moftn fVlmtntennnoe Citar ~ 55.730.36 City $6.074.18 . 2661 LiquW Qeidng County 5171,910.80 ~ Caunty $182,225.45 7 2662 $and]ng Counry 5263,596:98 ~ • County 5279,41 2.35 2&63 Snaw Remsval-Roadway Couny S252.135.84 County $267,263.99 2864 Snaw Removdl - i Sidawalks _ County S5,730.38 Courtty $6.074.18 2670 Street Cleaning' Cly ~ S411:777,00 City ~ S436,483.62 2671 Winter Sv+eeping Cit1r ~ $57.303.60 Clty S60.741.62 2673 Sweeplrtgs Clean-tEp city ~ 54.606.76 City. $4.853.17 2711 RcadsidE Mvwing ~ Ciry S11.460.72 City ~ S12.148.36 - r i 2712 enish clearingrrrea Trimming County $40.112.52 Coanty 542,519.27 2713IWeed Corftt-Res Ciry i ~ 32Z.921•44 Ciry ~ $24,295.73 2713A Weed"Conirot-Res (no sptay) _ city 55.730.36 Cify , $8,074.18 , . . - - 2714 Wees! Control-Gen city $34.382.18 ` City ~ $36.445.09 ~ 2714A Wesd Ccntro6-Gen (na spra» city $5.730.3$ : City 56,074.18 27201Irrfgatton Ciry j $7.977.56 city S8,456.2i 27501 (,tter Pichup_ ~ city ~ 54.606.76 City $4,883.17 275001lit!er Piclcup 08er ~ City $2.247.20 Cty 52.382.03 ~ 2753 Uiter'Conttol city ~ S1,123.60 ' City ~ b1.191.02 .2760 Contovr Cantrol City ~ $1,123.60 E City { 31,181.02 : 2782 Coertour Contro!-R1VV city $3.483.18 City ~ 53,692.15 ~ _97S1 Invesdgation County ~ 510.801.40 County $11,449.48 Emerpency Calloul County ~ 526.500.00 . Cour►ty $28.090.00 ~ - . . . _ . _ . , . _ - - - u o a oa MalntonAnco 5831.237.66 S1,U8.221.20 $98r1».61 S1.429,1l4.47 - ValtayStcsmwater - . . . _ _ . . - - - - - - ~ • Mflnagement . s>>o'oy~u a~arr ) counry [ s26.415.64 , city j s2e.ooo.~9 9724 prywell.Cteenout ~ Ciry $103,993.67 Cfty $110.233.29 ' 9730ICutveR Repair County £6,527.00 1 city ~ $9.039.62 9T40ICutve►1 Cteanout County $5.183.17 ~ City S5,494.16 9742 Swale Maintenance County 55;183.17 City $5,286.83 9747 Repair city $11,422.88. CitY $11.651.34 t Ccunty S5,183.17 County $5,434.16 9750~hormwater ~ - - _ : _ . . . . _ _ . . . . , AAalntartance ToLal $50,492;34 5145.416.55 85,494.96 5169,705.02 . _ - - , _ . _ , _ . - - - . - ' y'~tt~c WlaintQnance ~ _Acdvltlcs 26411TMS, Sign MSintenance Cdunry ~ S77,9T7.54 . Caunry ~ $82,656.51 2642 ~ 'fM . S, Signel P.7alntanance County S252,135.84 County $267,263.99_ 2643ITMS. SU{ping Ccunry 596.854.32 County ~ $102.665.58 2844 TMS. Crosswalks 8 ~ A'tesgs Counry 536.620.36 County 538,827.12 ' ; 28491SIgning ~ Counry $1,685.40 ~ Counry g1,786.52.1 • 2653 SUtptng-Prep 8 Clnanup ~ County ~ $551.80 I COUnty S595.51 , 2654 Legand Tnrdc• Prep 8 Clear.up Couniy County 2843 Road Malntenance ' S14Tng - County i CountY „ 2844 Road Maintenenoe . Lsgends _ County County ' 4241 Sign Vondaflsm Caunty ~ County ~ 4202 Axident Repalr --Signs County ~ County 4203 . , Aecfdent Repafr - Slgr,ats County Caunty ; YrIefrMaInfartanco . . ; , _ . . ~ . . . . . Totnl 5465.844.66 ~ $493.796.23 ` Summary oi Read and Teaffic Malntenanco ~ RoaQMaintQnance Tasks 5931.237.55 S1.348.221.20 5987.111.81 St;429.114.47 Stonnweter Maintetance Tasks 350,492.34 $115.418.55 ' S5,494.16 $169,705.02 TraRic Maintenance Tasks 5465.844.56 $493.795.23 . i Managemnnt Ovefiead . . aQ 19% . S275,039.15 ~ $282.41623 F ' AdminhttativO Ovefiead ~ S~ S72.378.72 ' S74,320.06 - _ 1 Ccntingenc/ ~ _ S192.134.12 5215:029.40 I City . . Alaintenanoellnspectors" 5159,f38.94 $t68.687.27. SUBTOTAL3 ~ $1,794.992.33 $1.694,9t0:81- $1~843.13~.49 ~ g1,882.696.it, . ~ • - - 6 . _ . z . . . . 53.825.673.68 ~ -„TOTAL CITY BUOGET ~.09.g03.13 •Subfect to negaliaUon-deper+ding 01 ebdiry to admintster erts manage pri i EltH181T AJ SPOKAIdE COUNTY ROAD MAINTENANCE 2006 Standard Lebor and Equlprrent Rates . , _ MAINTENANCE WOFtKERS MONTHLY HOURLY EVENING 1.5 X 2.5 X ~ TtTLE ~ CLASS M7E (o) RATE RATE (b) ' RATE (c) RATE (d) X-ir, Nolp (S month poslUon) ~ 2231X S 1.848 S 12.00 Ns $ 17,81 $ 28.68 ` Saasonal Help (9 month positon) ~ 2251S $ 3.064 E 19.24 : Ma IS •25.23 $ 41,,36 EQUIPMENT CN Road Ma)nL Spoclalist 1 ~ 2251 $ 4,546 5 28.06 ~ S 28.86 $ 31.38 5 51.64 ' TYPE Road Maint Specialist U ~ 2261 $ 4.885 S 19.96 e $ 30.56 S 33.51 " S 55.19 Dump Truck Road MainL Spccialist III 2271 $ S.O713 S 31.22 8 31.82' S 34.93 $ 57.55 , Woter Truck Road Maint. Spaclaltst N ~ 2281 5 5,301 $ 32.55 S 33.15 ~,S 36.43 1$ 60.04 O{I Olstributor Motor Gradnr ;MAINTENANGE SUPEaV{SION L MONTHLY HOURLY i EVENING SOT 2 X. Backhoe T1TLE ~ CLASS RATE (a) RATE RATE (b) RATE (o) RATE,(n Asphalt Paver Road Ma(nt.Foreman I ~ 2208 S 6,430 S 39.27 nJa. S 29.65 S 59.29 W?icel Loader Roed'MainLlUtility lnspector ~ 2208 $ 6,430 S 39.27 Na S 29,65 $ 59.29 Swoopor Road MaInL Supervisor 11 ~ 2250 $ 7,689 S 45.46 nle S 34.28 $ 67.55 Brpom Road Mainl. Suporintcndont ~.2222 $ 7,852 $ 47.74 rtra S 35.98 nfa Sandor Roflor 'ADMINISTRATION MANAGEMENT tAONTHLY HOURIY EVENING SOT 2 X Trvck 8 P1aw TfTLE ~ CLASS i;A7E (a) RATE RATE (b) RATE (e) RATE (f) Truck 8 Pup Tratning Foroman ~ 2211 S 6,759 $ 41.23 Na 3111 Na Voctor Metorisl Resoureo Manoger ~ 2219 ` S, 6.759 $ 41.23 No S 31.11 No Envlromontal B Spee. Pro]. Mgr. ~ 2128 S. 7,852' . S 47.74 Na S 35.88 nra Oporations Menagor ~ 2309 $ 6,830 S 42.25 Na S 31.88 n/a -Adminlstrativo,5poclalist 11 ~ 1012 $ 4,248 S 26.29 Na S 29.39 n/a (a) Thc "Nionthly Rete" is the baQed labor rate per month (ar Ihe clas9 oi employcro et a top step aecemeni, induding bene fits and L81 oxpenses. (b) The "Eventng Rate" is the hflurty labor charge far those wcrkers essfgrted to evening shi€ts (6wing 8 gta%lcyard). (c) The 1.5 X rate fs the overtime boaded tabor charge Rer hour vrorfcczd over normel v:prl-cing hours. (d) Tho 2.5 X tate 191he ovectime tabor cJ►argo per hour workod for working recognized hottday3. (e) Supervisors and ForEmcn are paid Slraighl'OvaAime (SOT) noi the 1.5 X tatc ot the=inlenance workers. (n Ths straight ovcrtime rate is also aRptied to recopnized hdlday pay resulting In 2 x not 2.5 X attowed tat maineenance wor~cers. Ploto 1: Cell-oui-afier normal w+orktng haurs'ia chg,gad a minimum 4 hours straight time, or r+t the 1.5x ovartlmo rate tor MEiintonaRCC War3cers only. Notc 2: All retes erc DaseQ on the moat currcnt bbor conlract avabablc. Noto 3: SRokane Cvunty resQrvcs the rignt to utlGzo any qualded %wiker la !ho City o! SpokAnP Valley contrae:ed work. EXHIBIT A-3 SPOKANE COUNTY SfGN & StGNAL MI4INTENANCE 2006'Standard lt+Dor and Equipment Rates _ . _ . , , . , . . . . MAINTENANCE WORKERS MONTMLV HOURLY EVENIfdG 1.5 X 7-6 X EOUIPMENT Ch ' TITLE ~ CLASS RATE {a) ± RATE PiATE (b) ; RATE (c~ RATE (d) TYPE X-tra H01p (5 manth posTtion) ~ 2231X CS 1,048 1S 12.00 Nn 5 17.61 5 28.68 1.5 Ton Tn,ck ~TmHic Signal TechniCian 2 ~ 2311 S 6.06 S 36.87 Na $ 41.27 5 68,12 Buckel Truck_ 7raHic SipnaLTechnician 3 ~ 2312 3 6,859 S 40.64 nla $ 45.50 5 75.17 Class d Truck Chief Traffic Signnt Tochniclan ~ 2313 S 7,177.S 43.72 Na S 48.96 S 84.03 Mcavy Uso Truc TraHic SIQn Technician 1 ~ 2242 4 4,465 S 27.58 Na $ 30.84 _ S 50.74 112 Ton Truck Traffic Stgn Techniclan 2 ~ 2265 S 5.060 $ 31.12 n/e b 34.81 S 5?.35 Compact dxd Traffic Stgn Tachnician 3 ' 2274 S 5.453 $ 33.46 _ No E 37.44 $ 81.74 FtiAlnl Von Traffic Sign Techniclan d ~ -2287 S' 5.877 ' 8 35:98 Na S 44.28 65.46 Midsize Sodan Chiof Trafiic Signal TotMlcian ~ 2283 7,000 , S 42671 _Ne S 47.7013 78.96 .:Siriper Truck ;ADMINISTRATION 8 MANAGENIENT MONTHLY HOURLY EVENING SOT , 2 X ~ TiTLE CLASS RATE (a) RATE ~ RATE (b) RATE (e) RATE (f) Engineor3 2335 8,254_1 S '50:13 Na 334.22 n/a _ . . - ~ ~ (a) 1h0 "Monthty Rate° is the toaded lAbor rate per monlh for lhe claas ol ampiayce at a top otep placement, (nduding bcnefits and L81 expensss. (b) The °Evening Rate" is the houriy IaDar thaige lor tJtose wotkers ossigned to evening shifte (swing 8 gravoyaid). The 1.5 K rmte is the averifmQ labor charge per hour wvrked over narmai wvrkfng hours. (d) The 2.5 X rate is tho avertime lohor char+8e per hpur worfsed far wvrking recognlzed Rol►days. (o) Superv9sors end Foremen ar8 paid Straight'OveAlmo (SOT) nat thc 1.5 X rote of the mw,intenance vrvrkers: (Q The stroighi ovenlme rete is also applied to ieccrgnized holiday pay resujting in 2 X not 2,5 X a!lonred for maintenance v►tarkaTS. P1ote 1: C+el{-out aflcr normal working hours is chsrged a.minfmum-4 hours straiBhl bmc. 07 11 ihf: 1.5x overtime n►te tor Maintenaneo WotkQrs onty. Plote 2: All tates,ere bascid on tRo mnst cvrrenl labof oonVoW amDnble. Noto,3: Spoltano Gounty ceserves lhe right to utiti*e qny quafi(ieci tvarlcer for Iho Ciiy o1 Spokane Va{ley ccntracted Hor1k. i ~ ~ EXHI8IT A-4 SPOKANE COUNTY ROAD MAINTENANCE 2007 Standard Labor and Equtpment Ratas MAINTENANCE WORKERS MONTHLY HOURLY EVENlNG 1.6 X 2.5 X • ECUIPMENT CI TITLE CIASS RATE (o) RATE RATE 1bj RATE (c) RAT,_`E (d) 1'1fPE - -_..e , . Xara_Melp (5 monlh positlon) 2231X $ 1,848 : S' 12.00 Na 5 1,7.81 S_ _ 29.fi8 Oump Tn,ck Seasonal Holp,(9 month positon) ~ 2251S $ 3,459 S 21.59 nla $ 28.32 S 46.59 ' MYator Truck Road Maint. Spactallst I ~ 2251 $ 4.637 $ 28.60 5 29.20 $ 31.99 S 52.65 Oil Distrihutor Road Matnt. SpociaQst U ~ 2261 $ 4.862 S 30.54 S, 31.14 $ 34.18 , S ' 55.21 •°Motor Grodcr Road Malnt. Spoctallst III ~ 2271 $ 5;179 S 31.83 S 32.43 $ 35.61 3 58.68 -8ackhoo Road MainL Spcclaiist N ~ 2281 $ 5,407 1S 33.18 1 5 33.78 1$ 37.13 S 61.22 Asphalt Pavor Whool Loader MAINTENANCE SUPERYI510N MON7HLY NOURIY EVENING SOT 2 X Swaepor TITLE CLASS RATE (a) RATE RATE (b) RATE (e) RATE if) 9room - Road_Malnt Farcman I ?.208 $ 8,559_IS 40.04 Na $ 30.22 S 58.44 ' Sac►dor ;Road Maint/Utility Inspottor ~ 2208 S 6,559 S 40.04 n1t+ •S 30.22 ' $ 59.44Roller lRoad MaInL Supenrisorll ~ 2210 $ 7.810 ' S 46.35 n/a 3&:84 S 68.88, Truck & Ptow Road MatnL Suporintondant ~ 2222 5 8.007 E 48.66 Me S 36.68 ~ Na Truck 8 Pup . Vuctor - • T . _ aoMiNISTRe►TfON 8 MaNAGEMENT MONTHLY HOURIY EVENING SOT z X T1T1.E ~ CtASS RATE (a) RATE RATE (b) ! RATE (o) RATE1(Q Training Fomman ~ 2211 S 6,894 S 42.04 Na ;S 31.72 Na Materlol Rasource Manager ~ 2219 S 8,894 S 42,44 Na . S 31.72 'Na Enviromentai 8 Spoc. ProJ. Mgr. 2128 S 6,009 S 48.67 Ne► S 36.68 Na Operatfons Mon3gor ~ 2309 $ 7•,089 S 43.08 nla S 32.49 Na Administrattve Speciaiist II ~ 10 12 $ 4,333115 26.79. No $ 29.96 i,n/t+ - - - (a) The °Monchty•Rate' ts Uio toaded tabor rato pcr montn tor tho dacs ai cmplayce'at 3n avcrage=siep placement, including Oene6is end L81 expen! (b) The °Evening Rete" is the hourt/ labar chaigo tar those vrorkers ossigncd to evoning chift, (sving, 8 graveyard). (c) The 1.5 Xrote is the ovenfine [opded laber chorge per hfluf wnrkod over narmal working hours. (d) The 2.5 X rete Is the ovCrtlme labor chargo por Nour vnorked for woricing rccognited hofidays. (e) Su,pcrvlsom ond Faaemen nre pald Slraighf Ovenime (SOT) naf the 1.5 X raie of the meintenance war4cers. (o The straiyht avertirn$ rate is atso aRpGad ta ieoognized hofidoy pny resulGng in 2 X not 2.5 X allowad tor mointenance viarke►s: . No10.t: CBtt.pul tlft6f f101m01 %rOrkirt9 h0urs is charged a mjnlmum 4 fiours strafght lime, or at the 1.5x overftmo iate tor P.laint6nancx Wakers onty. NoIC 2: Ap rates are based on the most cuirenl latror contrad. NotC 3: SpOkanB CCUnty rEsenes the Rphl to utilixe any qua0fied vrorker for the City of Spolwn@ VaOey oonlraclad werk. EXHIBIT A-4 SPOKANE COUNTY SIGPI a SIGNAL f1AAAINTENANCE 2007 Standard Labor and Equipmont Ratos MAINTENANCE WaRKERS MONTHIY HOURLY EVENING 1.5 X T 2.5'X 'EOUIPMENT C - ~ TITLE CLASS RATE (a) . . RATE (b) RATE (c) RATE (d) .-TYPE , RTE X-tra Holp (5 mcnlh position) ~ 2231X 1$ 1.648 $ 12.00 Na S 17.61 I$' 28.66 ' 1.5 Ton Tnick TraHic Stgn;►I TcChnician 2 ~ 2311 S 8;146 S 37.59 nla S,. 42.08 , S 69.46 , 8ucket Truck TraHic Sienal Technicfan S 2312 $ 6,782 $ 41.43 Na $ 48.39 $ 76.65 - Class 4 Truck -Chiot Traffic Signal Tecfinlclan 2313 S 7.320 $ 44.57 Na J$ 49,92 8 82.53 Heavy Uso Tru TroHlc Sign Techn(ctan t 2242 S 4.555 $ 28.11 No $ 31.44 S 51.73 112 Ton Trutk Traific Sign Tochnician 2 ~ 22$5 S 5.181 $ 51.72 Na 1g 35.4A rs 59,48 Compact 4x4 TraHic Slgn TecPtniclan 3 2~T4 5 5,582 S 34.11 Ne S 36.17 62.95 Mini Van TrnHic SIBn Tochnlclan 4 ~ 2287 $ 5,995 S 36.68 n/a S 41.05 S 67.77 N9ldalto Sodan _ Chief TroRic Signnl Tcchnician ~ 2283 7.140 5 43.50 ~ Na S 48.11 80.52 Striper_Truck_ .ADMINISTRATION 8 MANAGEMENT ~ MONTHLY HOURIY E1lEPlING SOT 2 X _ TITLE ~ CLASS RATE (o) RATE RATE (b) RATE (e) RATE (n ;Engineer 3 ~ 2335 S 8,418 ~ b 51.11 Na J$ 34.88 n/a (o), The'Mwlhty Rete' is the loaded labar rate per monlh for the dnas ot emplayee ei en evemgo atap ptacement, induding beneTrt3 and L81 oxpQns (b) The'Evening Rato' is the hourty tabar charge for those vim-cers essigned to owrting shiFts (sw!ng 8 graveyurd~ (c) Yhe 1.5 X rt►te is the ovortIme labor charge per fiour woikud over noimai.worlcjng hours. (d) 'I7io 2:5 X raie is the ovenlrr.o labor chorge per hour workod for vrorking recognized ha!ldays. ~ (e) SupenAsors and Foiamen ere pnid StraFghl OveNme (SOT) not tho 1.5 X rate o1 the m{+intenance wortccra The straight overtime rate is also appfied to recogniced hofiday•pay resulGng in Z x not 2.5 X atiowed for matntenancf workers. Noto 1* Cou-oul aflor nortnal working hours is charged o m{nlmum a hours stratght time, ar•at tho 1.5x overtirne rate tor Malntonancs Workers onty. Note Z: All rotes are tiased on the most cunent Iabar contract. No6 3: Spokane County reserves Ihe tigh1 to utilize any quatifed vtorkcc,for. Iha Ciry of Spakano Vailey cantracied a*or)L EXHI8IT A-5 ADMIidtSTRATION PERCENTAGE CALCULATIOId SHEEY CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY BUDGET Ea(PEtdD1TURES AGENCY ORGAQdIZATION ' 400 0000 , ,2003 ; 2005' 2005 ACCOUNT T1TLE BUDGE7 ADOPTED YTD Actual - - ; 50800 8eginning Fund Halance 5 7.615.000 ~ 1$ 18,188.207 • . ; 51989 Reinbursahie 1.330,000 ~ g 2.344,415 2,402.226 i Adminietradorl I ~ 54310 Management 5 113.000 ; $ 428,200 ; $ 121,889 : 54320 iUndst Fringe . $ 495.000 - : 1,000,600 $ .1,589,258 ; 54330 !Generel Services i s 1.070,000 _ S 2,439,832 2,430.995 ' 54340 -Planning . S 400,000 ~ S 652,600 I$ 626.198 54350 'Faci[itias S 125,000 S 236,200 ~ $ 238.2,77 54360 Trelning 5 140,000 ; S 311,961) $ 282.348 54370 UndlsllndireU L.ebor Cos1 5 960.000 : 5 1.783,600 $ (169,418) i ';Totai Admintstmdon $ 3,303.000 S 6,850,992 $ 5,119.545 Miscellaneous ~ 59119 Principet Gen Govt ~ , S 187,500 $ 167,504 59200 'Interesl S 300 S 118 59443 -Capil&Equlpment S 53,258 S - $ , Totaf Miscellanoous $ 53,258 $ 187,800 $ 167,619 ; , , 59700 ~ Operetinq Transfers Cost Allocation S 1,197,167 I pubGc Woctss Admin 16 325.000 ; :PErmit Center Bands S 249.663 , :Sewer Construcii0n $ 985.000 ~ ~Evergreen tnterchenge , $ 171.685 S . $ . ' 'Total Opetating TranBfers b 2,928.515 $ 4.471.178 $ 2,060.280 ~ Mfairttenance , 54230 RoeiSwway S 4.983.600 ' $ 7,767,100 $ 7.632.039, : 54240 ;Storm Dreinage S 676,800 $ 711,100 $ 813,009 , 54250 Structures S 66.000 S 99.800 $ 153.655 54261 Sieevvalks 5 6,000 ! s 21,900 $ 23,955 ~ 54263 Street'Lighting $ 229,200 S 130.100 $ 109,676 ~ 54264 Traffic ContralOevlces 5 901,200 ! S 1,279,000 i$ 1,296,449 ' ,54266 ,,Snonr/ 8 lce Removal S 2,419,200 $ 3,333,100 $ 1,917,372 54267 Street Cieening $ 730,800 S 761,000 $ 798,709 54270 Roadside Developrnenf $ 781,200 , S 1,092.700 $ 1,259,845 54290 futaint. AdministraUon S 1,2061000 ' $ 1,032,100 $ 1,053,781 ~ Total Maintenance $ 12,000,000 _ $ 16,227,900 $ 13,058,500 ~ Exhibii-A-5, Page 1 oi 2 . ; • ~ O _ • 2003 - 2005 2005 ACCOUWT TITLE 6UDGET ADOPTED YTD Actual _ . - _ . . - - . _ ~ _ i 'Construe4ion 59510 Engineering . S 792,100 760,600 ~ 269.262 ~ 59511 Value Engirteedng - . S - ~ $ - ' 59515 Zonstruclion Engineerfrtg i 5 558.100 1, 5 377,200 $ 241.839 ~ 59520 ! Right af Way $ 430,200 ' 1$ 288.000 $ 60,108 59530 Roadway $ 3,353,800 $ 2.852,500 $ 1,809,308 59540 Storm Drainage $ 377.500 , 1$ 305,700 $ 187,308 ; 59550 . StruGures S 839.000 . 5 - S 48.371 - 59561 Sidewalks $ 157,800 ~ 90,000 $ 49,869 59563 •SUeot Ughting $ 8,500 ' $ - $ - ~ ; 58584 Trffic Controt Devrces $ 455,600 3 362,000 $ 124.811 59565 Patking'FatiliUes ~ S 14,200 ' $ - $ - 59570 Roadside Oevelopment $ 70.400 ' s 15,000 S 35,687 59590 Constructicn AdminlstraGon S 52.600 S 137.300 S 62,739 Total Construction S 7,110,000 $ 5,189,200 $ 2.890,560 Agency Org, 4000000 Subtotal $ 34,339,773 $ 53.45903 27,718,730 Agency Org 4200000 Engincor Granb 5000 -Unclass;tied $ 7,308.000 ' 7,01 t.000 $ 6,557,203 . Agency Org - " _ 4290000 ~ State Granls S 3.176,000 5,977,Q0D S 4,937.845 ' 5004 -:Urtclassified ' ; . Totat Eacpenditures • $ 44,823,773 1 66,447,693 : $ 39,223,738 ; ` s---• - - - - , _ I__ ~ . . _ - . ORIGINAI PERCENTAGE CALCULATlON - . _ . - - . _ ~ _ _ - , - - - - - - ~ - . ; . Administration $ 3,303,000 g 6,850.952 $ 5.119.545.1 MisceUaneovs ' S 53,258 , $ 187,800 • S 187.619' Operating Ttansfets $ 2,928,515 5 4,471,178 g 2,060,260 ' 70TAL ADIVItNSTRATION $ 6.284,T73 - $ 11.509,970 $ 7,367,444 Total mine,s Granis 5 34,338,773 1-$ 53;459,693 5 27,718.730 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 34,339,773 S 53,459,693 $ 27,718,730 CALCUlAT10W (Oriaenal Version) • AdminislratiorJExpertditures 189'e. - 223;, 27.1% - - _ - - - - _ . . - : _ _ - ALTERNATE CALCUlAT10N i - Total Roa4 Fund 8uaget Expertditu►e9 ~ - ' " $ 66.549.017 . S 39,375.775~ ; , . Totat adminstration/Budget Expenditures 179'0 - 19%'. ~ i Exhibit A-5, Page 2 of 2 EJ(HIBIT A-6 PRlORITIES OA1 SMOW PLOMIIfdG CITY OF SPOKAPdE VALLEY SNOdVPLOWING NuMeEt oF ~ DEtCERS GRADERS TRUCK TRUCK I TRUCK9 ; NOURS 70 PRIORITIES , EAAPLOYEES PIOWS SANDERS Plows/Sandets COMPIETE ' 1 I ~ i. PJlain Arteriais ; ta 2 T 2 i 3 12 ; . _ _ . 2. SecOndary Arterials ! 8 ! 2 2 2 _ 2 12 t . - , ;3. Hillside Residentiats 12 2 ~ e ' 2 ; 2 16 ~4. VaUey Floor ResideMiais 15 9 a ' • 2 so ~ ~ . • • ~ I ~ . . . - . - ' I' - , - ' ' ' ' " ' " , . _ I . _ _ . . ' „ ~ . _ ~ ~ u . . _ .i ~ ~ . , - ' . - 1 f1. . EXH0B1T A-7 BeLLenG DoCuMF-nTAT~ON "Chc following items are providcd througtiout the, billing c;ycle to the City by the-County to aid in auditing the monthly bill for services. 1. Copies of employee time cards. _ 2. Current Countv costs of inventoried items. 3. Cument costs for contracted materials. 4. Current rental charges for tleel vehacles. 5. Summary Reports of I,abor and Eqwpment. 1 / . . REsoLUrioN No. BEFORE TWE DOARU OF COUiNTY COMMiSS10NERS OF SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHlVGTON ln' THE iVIAT"TER OF 1;XFCUTI`NG AN ) AGREEMEIVT BETWEEN SPOKAtYF CQUNTY ) R E S O L U"f 10 N AVD THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY ) REGARDIHG PROV1SION OF ROAD ) MAINTENANCE SERVICES ) WHER.EAS, the 8oard of County Commissioners of Spokane County, Washington, pursuant to che provisions of the Revised Code of Washingcon Section 36.32.120(6), ha,s the care of County property and the ntanagement of County funds and business; and WHEREAS, Spokane Caunry did execute an Interlocal Agreemrnc between Spokane County anci City of Spol:ane Valley l2egarding Provision of Road Maintenance Services, pursuant to chapter 39.34 RCW (lnterlocal Cooperacion Act). Said agreement was adopted per Resolution 3-0423 d, ated Apri129, 2003; and WHER.EAS, the City of Spokane Valley desires to utilize thc serviccs of Spokane County for che purpose of providing rnad maintenance services on the public rishts-of-way in the City of Snokane Valley. . NOW THEREFORE BE 1T RES4LVED by the Board of County Cornrnissioners of Spokanc County, Washington, that the Chair of the Board or a majority of the Board, be aiid is he' ieby authorized [o executc that docurnent entitled "INTERLOCAL AGRFF_v1ENT FOR ROAD VIAINTEnANCE SERVICES IN 't'HF. CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY (lanuary 1, 2406 - December 3 1, 20ob). r APPROVCD by thc Board of Counry CommisSioncrs of Spokane County, Washington thisa 7111 day of March, 2006. • - ~ • . . . ~ ~ ~ ~ , • . t; 11 ~ ~ 4. + Todd Mielke Chair. P : ~ ,l:~. • . . • • e~ ~ t . , . _ ~ , J.t~„' :S_„ . Mark Richart~, rice-Chair A'i"t'E,ST: '3.~:,.. ' • of;~ , . V.Har~ris. Commissioner I3y - Daniela Erickson Clerk of-the board 11p1agrcemrul2006 incetlocal ignnt w eiry oF SpoSmnr ~mlley Cil'Y OF SP0K4NE !/ALLEY Request -goP Council Action Meeting Da4e: December 16, 2008 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ Consent 0 Old business ❑ New business ❑ Public Hearing ❑ Information ❑ Admin. Report0 Pending Leglslation AGENDA ITEM TtTLE: Sprague and Appleway Corridors Subarea Plan Deliberations - Book II: Development Regulations GOVERNING LEGISLATION: The Subarea Plan must be consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan and the Washington State Growth Management Act (GMA), RCW 36.70A. PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: None BACKGROU,ND: On December 2,2008, Council came to a consensus on Section 2.0.1 - Applicability, making no further changes. Council then reviewed letters from citizens with requests for changes to zoning designations for specific properties. Council voted 3-3 on a request by the Jim and Susan Scott to remove their pr,operty. at Evergreen and 3`d from the Subarea Plan boundary. This request will be revisitedwhen, all Council members are present. Council also decided to remove the far eastern' portion of the plan from the subarea plan, but a specific boundary has not been determined. I Staff recommends continuing deliberations on specific requests by property owners (see attached list in email from Councilmember Gothmann) followed by detailed reviewed of zone district regulations, beginning with Gateway Commercial Centers and Gateway Commercial Avenue. OPTIONS: NIA RECOfUIMENDED ACTION OR MOTIOId: Subarea Plan deliberations will continue as directed by Council. BUDGET/FIWAiVCIAL IMPACTS: N/A STAFF CONTACT: Scott Kuhfa, Senior Planner Attachments: 1. Ernail from Councilmember Gothm.ann 2. Spreadsheet prepar'ed by Councilmember Gothmann Chris Bainbroc! e. a- - -i - ' - From: Bill Gothmann Sent: Saturday, fVovember 29, 2008 5:23 PM To: City Council Cc:, Scott Kuhta Subject: List of Property-Centered Comments Good-Evening: I went through the SARP comments t,o obtain of list of properties specifically addressed by those giving testimony. Below is such a list. I thought it might serve as a checklist to, make sure we ad'dressecl those specific properties. '~he number- is, the comment -number wiL-hin the comment packet. Comm.ent Person or Property 126 Scotts 120 Nishamura 118 Valley Best Way 11_3 Ruby Motors 112• Gra'fos 11:1 11-8 S. Pines 95 Avista Properties 92 Ru"to Row 56 Valley Self Storage 4'9 Auto Row 43 Sprague and Vista 42 8123/25 Sprague 27 13524 E. -Spracjue 21 9610 E. E'irst 19 App]:eway Toyota concerns 1 1 u C g IHw Doul«wd NpidmtlM OIAn • (CanN °IZ I c e.w42sua%* n 8~ Now N*hbtxhoad CaNw fkiW - ~ : ~ i ~ a ~ ~ ~ g nwr c..wwr c.NR«+ir a a a o n > s U a a n n s a • • o a a s i s n d s > a u 4 ~~f1 C N ►nwOr a n n a0 a_-- a a < n n s'--- _ u u a u u a--_ g C. Iw~lYrlrO~r n t a s-_-- o-----' . y I'Ntv 6ouNrN d IIWdaMUI OfRn • fCanW ' RKd a~ M. h ~ 0. a A n • n 4 e New iMqhEmlwod Caqm ItaloW ` a s s n n-fl n s o s d a F-n karw crwnwlry criwrMd s a ~ s 4 n a a u d a s n a > a n u 4 ► s • a a u > u a n a a a r s 4 , a n a n • ~ 4 a NamIOmr s A ~ a ` ( << 4-<-----_ u< n A a a < a a < t a a a n s a c 4< • u < < I~rwar4riM Orw Ume nxrw~lwr~MYancwtllru,.~eo~w MM i75U0 W.11. n 4 w o n d n o n n n N~ florhMuhaA [nntnNettll p a v e a o n s n n n u c-mmmsy r r• a 4 G 6 G • Y 6 a 4 • 4 O 6 Q 6 6 l l 1- A - 4 ¢ A. L 4 LL a u A. 6 6 a 0. 6 6• 4 6 hsA0~10 a o 6 6 M 4 u • e a a s a G Y n a G 4 < < < ( 6 A. 6 6 a < 0 6 6 l t < << ►11~Y~ ppN10IM1 H 0 l I - I - 4 9 - , - . - .-I - _ - L- e m e B labolu.«p DRAFT AIDVANCE AGENDA For Planning Discussion Purposes Only as of December 11, 2008; 9:00 a.m. Please note this is a work in progress; items are tentative To: Couacil & Staff From: City Manager Re: Draft Schedule for Upcoming Council Meetings December 23, 2008: lYo Meetine - Christmas week Deceruber 30. 200$, SpeciaUReiifilar 1Vleetiue 6:00 p.m. [d:u4~ date36"-idav:'D'ec i;9~ 1.Consent Aeenda: Claims, Payroll, Minutes, Prosecutor Interlocal MOU; 2. Praposed Resolution: Finance Housekeeping items (peri}+ cash) - Ken Thompson [5 minutes] 3. Motion Consideration: Mayoral Appointrnents: Councilmembers to Various Committees [5 minutes] 4. Motion Consideration: Mayoral Appointments: 3 vacancies on Lodging Tax Advisory Committee[5 minute s] 5. Motion Consideration: Partial Release of Interest - Greg McCormick [5 minutes] 6. Admin Report: Airport Overlay Proposed Amendinents - Karen Kendall [30 minutes] 7. Deliberation: Sprague/Appleway Revitalization Plan (SARI') - Scott Kuhta [120 minutes] 8. Info Only: Dept Reports TOTAL NEINUTES: 170 minutes Monrlav, .Tanuarv S, 2009: Witeter Retreat: 5 p.m. to 9 p.m., CenterPlace. Abs,olu'te d ~eudline:'Mou, ,Dec:29 Tentative Topics: Review 2009 Cotmcil Budget Goals; Finnncial Forecast; Futlding OpliorrslBoncl Issues; Impact Fee Study; Legislative Agenda Brainstorniing; Info Oi:lv: Workpldm; Si.x-Yeat• Business' Pla» Januarv 6. 2009. Stndv Session 6:00 p.m. [due date Monday, Dec 291 Sprague/Appleway Revitalization Plan (this ri~eetine dedicated to this item oolv) (150 minutes) tnfo Only: CenterPlace Catering Contract - Mike Stone Info Only: Universal Playground Update - Mike Stone Januarv 13, 2009, Regalar Meeting 6:00 Q.m. [due date 1Vlonday, Jan 5] 1. PUBi.TC HEARING: SARP - Scoit Kuhta 2. Consent Agenda: Claims, Payroll, Minutes . [5 minutes] 3. F:irst Reading Proposed Ordinance Amending Airport Overlay - Karen-Kendall [20 minutes] [*estimated rneeting: minutes] Januurv 20, 2009. Studv Session 6:00 p.m. [due clate Monday, Jan 121 1. Street MasterPlan Update/JUB - Neil Kersten (30 minutes) 2. City Hall Design Services - Neil Kersten (30 minutes) 3. CenterPlace Catering Contract - Mike,Stone (10 minutes) 4. Universal Playground Final Design Update - Mike Sfione (20 minutes) 5. Poe Contract - Neil Kersteu (20 minutes) 6. Comp Plan Quarterly Update - Greg McCormick TOTAa. NINUTES: 110 minutes January 27, 2009. Reeaular Meetine 6:00 p.m. [due date Mouday, Jan 191 - 1. Consent Agenda: Claims, Payroll; Minutes; Finance Housekeeping Resolution Items [5 minutes] 2. Second Reading Proposed Ordinance Amending.Airport Overlay - Karen ICendall [20 minutes] 3. First Reading.Proposed Ordinance to Amend Comp Plan (SARP Book I) - Mike Connelly [20 minutes] 4. First Readin; Proposed Ordinance to, Amend UDC/Adopt Subarea Plan & Map (Book II)- Scott Kuhta [30 min] 5. Motion Consideration: CenterPlace Catering Contract- Mike,Stone [10 minutes] 6. Niotion Consideration: City Hall Design Services-Neil Kersten [1-5 ininutes] 7. Motion Consideration: Poe Conlract - Neil Kersten [5 minutes] 8. Info Only: Department Reports [*estimated meeting: 105 minutes] Draft Advance Agenda 12/11/2008 12:03:35 PM Page 1 of 3 Februarv 3 2009, Studv Session 6:00 p.m. [due date Monday, Jsin 261 Februarv 10, 2009. Reaular IVleeting 6:00 p.m. [duc date Monday, Feb 2J 1. Consent Agenda: Claims, Payroll, Minutes [5 minutes] 2. Second Reading Proposed Ordinance to Amend Comp Plan (SARP Book I) - Mike Connelly [15 minutes] 3. Second Reading Proposed Ordinance to-Amend UDC/Adopt Subarea Plan & Map (Book II) - S Kuhta [30 min] 4. Praposed Resolution Adopting Subarea Plan Book III: Cifiy Actions - Mike Connelly [20 minutes] 5. Admin Report: 2008 Accomplishments Report - Mike Jackson [30 minutes] [*estimated meedmg: 100 minutesJ Februarv 17, 2009 No Meetina Council attends Legislative Action Conference in Olympia, Feb 18 & 19 Februarv-24, 2009, gteoular Meetint! 6:00 p.m. [duc date Monday, Feb 161 1. Consent Agenda: Payroll, Claims, Minutes [S minutes] 2. Info Only: Department Reports March 3, 2009. Studv. Session 6:00 Q.m. [due date Monday, Feb 231 March 10, 2009. ReQular MeetinLy 6:00 p.m. [due date Monday, March 21 1. Consent Agenda: Payroll, Claims, Minutes [5 minutes] 2. Amending or otherwise addressing-Emergency Ord 08-021 (expires April 14, 2009), [IO minutes] March 17. 2009: No 'Meeting Council attends National League of Cities, Congressional City Conference, held in Washington, D.C. March 14 - 18, 2009. IVlarch 24, 2009 Reeular Meetina 6:00 p.m. [due clate Monda,y, March 161 1. Consent Agenda: Payroll, Claims, Minutes [5 minutes] 2. Info Only: Department Reports Marcb 31, 2009, Studv Session, 6:00 p.m. [due date 1Vlonday, Mae-ch 231 Api-il 7. 2009, Studv Session, 6:00 p.m. [due date Monday, March 301 April 14, 2009, Regular 1Vleeting, 6:00 p.m. [due date Monday, April 61 1. Consent Agenda: Payroll, Claims, Minufes [5 minutes] Draft Advance Agenda 12/11/2008 12:03:35 PM Page 2 of 3 OTHER PENDING A1VID/OR UPCONIING I.SSiJES/IVE E1`IlVGS: Accessory Dwelling Units (Ord 08-006 modification) Broadway/Fancher/Concrete I.ntersection (2009) CenterPlace Fee Structure City Center Report to, Council City Hall Sales Furchase Agreement Community Survey, 2008 Comp Plan Qrtriy Update( April, July, Oct, Jan ) Comp Plan Update/UGA/JPA Concurrency Gast Gateway Monument StcucCure # GMA Joint Planning Interlocal.4greement (spring?) Governance Manual Impact Fee, Request Central Valley School'District lndiana/Argonne Intersection-Follow-up IT Specialist Classification Resolution Joint Meeting w%City of Spokane Council (possible topics: waste ►vater cha/lenges; mrinicipal cotrrt challe»ges; regional transportation planning/solutions; G1GIA policies & inrplenientation) Northeasl Housing Solutions City Membership # Overweighdover• siie vehicle,ordinance (2009) Panhandling Ordinance Resolution, Amending Resolution 03-040, Banking Authority Solid Waste Systecn (May, 2009) Splashdown Agreement Strategic Financial Plan - Dave Mercier Street Standards Schedule Surplus Itenls - Ken Thompson (Jan 2009) Traiisportation Benefit Dist (2009) a. Establish ord.; (b),set public hearing;.(c) draft resolution; (d) ballot language Transportation Impacts UDC Code -Amendments Title 20 batch Use Agreement (Cary Driskell) Awaiting action by others; * Does not include time for public comments.] Draft Advance Agenda 12111/2008 12:03:35 PM Page 3 of 3