2006, 08-15 Study Session MinutesMINUTES CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY CITY COUNCIL STUDY SESSION Tuesday, August 15, 2006 Mayor Wilhite called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m., and welcomed everyone to the meeting. Present: Councilmembers: Diana Wilhite, Mayor Steve Taylor, Deputy Mayor Dick Denenny, Councilmember Mike DeVleming, Councilmember Bill Gothmann, Councilmember Rich Munson, Councilmember Gary Schimmels, Councilmember Staff: Dave Mercier, City Manager Nina Regor, Deputy City Manager Mike Connelly, City Attorney Ken Thompson, Finance Director Neil Kersten, Public Works Director Tom Scholtens, Building Official Mike Jackson, Parks & Recreation Director Cal Walker, Police Chief Carolbelle Branch, Public Information Officer Morgan Koudelka, Administrative Analyst Chris Bainbridge, City Clerk Employee Introductions: Summer and Part -time Employee Introductions — Mike Jackson Parks and Recreation Director Jackson introduced Recreation Coordinator Jennifer Cusick who then introduced the summer recreation staff: Erin Smith, Monica DeFelice, Jared LaFontaine, Brandon Newbill, Kelsey McFarland, Charlena Cleveland, Jennifer Tolbert, and Amanda Parker. Senior Center Specialist Karen Parsons introduced volunteers Jane Franks and Aldy Wilford. Administrative Assistant Courtney Slazinik introduced Andrea Templeton, Mandy True, and Debbie Laffitte. Administrative Assistant Carol Carter introduced office assistants Michele Jorgensen and Chelsea Smith; and Maintenance Worker Brian Moat introduced his assistants Brett Johnson and David Dupper. Councilmembers thanked everyone for the introductions, and welcomed everyone. 1. Peace Pole Project — Members of Girl Scout Troop 92 Aimee Goold and Amanda Edens gave their PowerPoint presentation, explaining that the Peace Pole is a project they are working on as they work toward fulfillment of requirements to achieve their Gold Award (which is the Girls Scout's highest award). They mentioned that the pole, which would be approximately eight feet tall, would include the message "May Peace Prevail on Earth" in up to eight different languages, such as English, Spanish, Sign Language, Russian, Latin /Arabic, etc at the Council's direction. They also stated that there is currently a peace pole in Spokane's Logan Peace Park, which has been in place for approximately two years with no maintenance necessary thus far. They mentioned they feel the best place for this proposed pole is Mirabeau Park as it is a popular park where many community events are held, and has limited residential areas nearby thereby keeping vandalism at a minimum. They also suggested placing the pole near an already existing structure, or perhaps along the trail moving to the waterfall, or along the waterfall area. They reported the total cost is approximately $1,000; and that they would appreciate City Council financial assistance, but will also solicit local businesses as sponsors, and will seek assistance from the Chamber of Commerce. Council suggested the Girl Scouts also discuss this project with Parks and Recreation Director Jackson concerning maintenance for these types of structures. Mayor Wilhite commended the girls for their work, and said Council will take the proposal under consideration. Meeting Minutes: 08 -15 -06 Page 1 of 3 Approved by Council: 09 -05 -06 2. 2006 Budget Revenue Estimates; 2007 Preliminary revenue /Expenditures — Ken Thompson Finance Director Thompson said tonight's presentation is a preliminary look at what should be the 2007 budget, and is not intended as a detailed line -item review; that there will be a public hearing on revenues at the August 22 meeting, and at that meeting, the City Manager will present his proposed budget for 2007. Director Thompson explained that the 2007 total budget is $76 million, which is up slightly from the prior year; and he then went over the highlights of the estimates in revenues and expenditures, and significant changes in the overall budget, including information on the Hotel /Motel fund; amount of various reserves; significant increase in sales tax receipts; and new proposed employee positions. Councilmember Munson added that the Finance Committee encourages each Councilmember to ask their individual questions to Director Thompson as questions arise. Parks and Recreation Director Jackson added in response to Council question, that staff does not intend to re -build the stables which previously burned down, as there was little demand for its use. Mr. Jackson also mentioned that CenterPlace has been mostly on budget target, with perhaps showing only 2% above expenditures. City Manager Mercier also added that the deficit there is better than forecast, but the objective is to get to the break -even point, and that staff continues to evaluate the fee structure of the building. 3. Aquatics Update — Mike Jackson Parks and Recreation Director Jackson via his PowerPoint presentation, explained the situation concerning the City's outdoor swimming pools, and stated that he seeks Council's ideas in defining goals connected with pool improvements. Director Jackson explained three options: (1) upgrade and add leisure components to three existing outdoor pools; (2) add large water play component to one existing outdoor pool and perform basic upgrades to two existing outdoor pools; and (3) construct indoor aquatic complex; Mr. Jackson stated that staff recommends option #1. Following Council and staff discussion on the options, the differences of the pools, and the associated cost estimates, it was Council consensus to have staff work toward option #1. 4. All Hazard Mitigation Plan — Tom Scholtens Building Official Scholtens introduced Darrell Ruby, Program Coordinator for Spokane City /County Department of Emergency Management, who explained that it is his responsibility to oversee mitigation efforts for the County Plan. Mr. Ruby went through the PowerPoint presentation concerning the progress of the Hazard Inventory and Vulnerability Analysis and the All Hazard Mitigation Plan. At the completion of his presentation, Mr. Ruby said he would work with Building Official Scholtens to place the Plan on the City's website. Mr. Ruby added that the review and approval process of the plan will take approximately three months to get the pre- adoption completed; at which time the Plan will again be brought before Council prior to final approval. Mayor Wilhite called for a recess at 7:36 p.m., and reconvened the meeting at 7:44 p.m. 5. Right -of -Way Process — Tom Scholtens /Morgan Koudelka Building Official Scholtens explained that tonight's presentation examines different right -of -way permitting options available to the City other than what was proposed at the April 11, 2006 Council meeting. Administrative Analyst Koudelka went through the PowerPoint presentation explaining that once the process is refined, it will simplify the process for those frequent right -of -way users; will ensure high permitting compliance and cost recovery while protecting the public safety and the public infrastructure. Mr. Koudelka explained the pros and cons of the options: option 1 where all activities would require a permit; option 2 where no permit would be required; and staff recommended option 3 where some activities would be exempt from the process, and an annual permit would be available. Council /staff discussion included how to establish the annual permit; fee structures; averaging the annual permit for utility companies, tracking the permits and monitoring the process; examples of exemptions from the process; compliance; and spot audits. Councilmember DeVleming stated his preference for option 3, and added that he prefer a blanket permit option as opposed to the annual one; giving the Meeting Minutes: 08 -15 -06 Page 2 of 3 Approved by Council: 09 -05 -06 example that if a utility is fixing lights, the utility should be able to send in for a permit for the area they are working on rather than a permit for every contact point or every stop. There was Council consensus that staff pursue option 3, including drafting an ordinance complete with definitions and process. 6. Tourism Goals Report — Deputy Mayor Taylor Deputy Mayor Taylor reported that as Chair of the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee, he wanted to update Council on the process thus far; that the committee met several weeks ago to familiarize themselves with the process for grant applications; and that he wanted to discuss the Committee recommendation of about $400,000 total for the grant allocation; with an estimated $40,000 reserved for CenterPlace. Deputy Mayor Taylor also discussed dates for the grant process. The only possible date mentioned that might be in conflict was December 5 as that is the date several Councilmembers will be attending the National League of Cities conference. Attention was also brought to the previously distributed Attorney General Opinion concerning use of these funds. 7. Advance Agenda Additions — Mayor Wilhite Councilmember Munson suggested placing Initiative 933 on as a pending item; and due to the time necessary to draft a resolution, it was determined to remove the TMDL resolution from next week's agenda, and bring that item back when more information is available to draft a resolution. 8. Information Only items: these items were not discussed. 9. Council Check -in — Mayor Wilhite Mayor Wilhite announced she received a notice from the Spokane County Housing and Community Development Committee concerning Patricia Harimann, the Valley's designee on the committee, and that her appointment has expired. After brief discussion, it was determined to open the position to the community and receive applications for consideration, rather than re- appoint Ms. Harimann without further community inquiry. Councilmember Gothmann added that the grant discussion does not commence until later in the year, so the September 1 deadline could be extended if needed. Mayor Wilhite stated she will inform the Committee that we will likely not meet the deadline. 10. City Manager Comments — Dave Mercier City Manager Mercier reminded everyone of the 1:00 p.m. meeting tomorrow with Representative McMorris at CenterPlace. Mr. Mercier also stated that there is an opportunity for staff and Council to tour the Walker Army Reserve Center next Tuesday at any time convenient. It was determined that Mr. Mercier will make arrangements to have a tour at noon. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 8:44 p.m. ATTES Christine Bain ridge, C• " Clerk Meeting Minutes: 08 -15 -06 Approved by Council: 09 -05 -06 Zuo,Akirs. \k) &Ia., Diana Wilhite, Mayor Page 3 of 3