2008, 12-30 Special Regular Meeting U` AG CNDA SPOKANE VALLEY CITY CO UNCIL SPECI.ALfREGULAR NIEETING Council Meeting #150 Tucsday, December 30, 27008 6:00 p.m. Spokane Valley City I-Iall Council Chambers 11707 E Sprague Avenue Counci! Requests Plense Silence Your CeII Plrones During Council 'Ileeting C.4LL T4 ORDER: INVOC4TION: PLEDGE 4F ALLEGL4NCE: ROLL CALL: APPROVAL OF AGENDA: INTRODUCTION OF SPECIAI, GLIESTS AND PRESENTATIONS: CONltvti'I'TF.E. AnARi). I.IAISOK SUMMARY RFPORTS: NiAYQR'S REYORT: PUBLIC COMMEN'TS: This is an opportunity for the pub(ic to speak oii any su~ject not on the agenda 1'or act-ion. When yuu come to the podium, please state your name and address for the record and limit remarks to three minutes. 1. GONSEN'I' AGEND A: Consists of items considered routine u•hich arc approved as a group. A Cuuncilmembcr may remove an item from dle Consent Agenda to be considered separately. a. Claim Voucher List dated 12145108, Beginning # 16029, ending # 16133: $3,147,110.82 b. Payrull fur pay pEriod ending December 15, 2008: $241,765.33 c. Approval of Prosecutor Interlocal Memorandum of Understanding d. Approval of Partial Release of Interest for Ponderasa Acres Tiiird Addition Subdivision e. Approval of Partial Release of [nterest for Ponderosa Acres Fourth Additional Subdivision F Council Regular 1Vieeting Minutes of December 9, 2008 g. Council Special Executive Session Meeting Minutes of December 16, 2008 NEVV BUSINESS: 2. I'rapused Resolutivn 08-024 Estabtishing Peity Casli - Kcri Thompson [public commentJ 3. Motion Consicieratiun: Mayoral AppoinimentS, Gouncilmettibers to Committees - Mayor Munson [public comment] 4. Nlotion Cunsideration: Mayoral Appointments, Lodging Tax Advisor}- Committee -'vtayor Vlurison [public commentJ 5. Motion Corisideration: Argonne/Indiana iniersection -Neil Kersteli [public comment] 6. Motion Consideraiion: Strategic Planning Alternatives Analysis - Mike Jackson [public comment] 7. Motion Consideration: Law Enforcement Assessment Altcrnatives Analysis - Mike Jackson [pnblic comment] PUBLIC CONIMENTS: This is an opportunity far the public to speak on any subject not on the agetida for action. When you come to the podium, please state your name and address for the record and limit remarl:s to three minutes. Ccwncil Agenda 12-30-08 Special,'}2erid::r Mc.tir,g PaLe 1 of 2 . UELIBEItATI4N: 8. Sprague/Appleway Revitalizafion Plan - Scott Kuhta ADhiINIST'KATIVE REPORTS: ri/a INFORMATION O:VLY: 9. Update an Office of Public Defense Grant Award - Cary Driskell 10. Department Reports EXE CLITIVE SESSION: Land rlcquisitioii, Potential I..itigatiun ADJ4UIZNMENT FUTURE SCHEDULE Regular Counci111leetiirgs are generally lreld lnd and 4tlr Tiiesdays, beginning at 6: 00 p.m. Council Study Sessions are genera!!y held Ist, 3rd, nnd Sth Tuesdays, beginning at 6:00 p.m. NOTICE: InJividuals p[anning to attend the mCeting who rcquire special astiistance ta accammodate phy3ic:ai, hcaring, or other impairmcnts, please contad the Ciry Clerk at (509) 921-1000 as soon as possiblc so that arraragemcnts may be madc. C'ouncil :'lgenda 12-30-08 Spccial~ ltcgular Mceting 1'age 2 of 2 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: 12-30-08 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: 0 consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Approval of the Following Vouchers: Voucher list dated 12/05/08, beginning ctaim # 16029, ending # 16133, Total amount $3.147,110.82 RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Approve claims for vouchers as listed above. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: STAFF CONTACT: Lisa Combs, Accounting Technician ATTACHMENTS Voucher Lists vchlist Vaucher List Page: 1 1210512008 12:41:23PM , Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendar Invoice PO # DescriptionlAccount Amount 16029 11118/2008 001852 NATL RESEARCH CENTER, INC Enrollment 42192 NATL CITIZEN SURVEY 14,050.00 . Total : 14,050.00 16030 1111812008 001377 COMBS, LISA Mileage MILEAGE 34.52 Total : 34.52 16031 11/18I2008 000255 WFOA CAFR Prep CAFR PREPARATION: R NIMRI 250.00 Total : 250.00 16032 11I2012008 001866 CAMP6ELL, SHEENA 11I20 Payroll 11120 PAYROLL 485.28 . Total: 485.28 16033 11/20/2008 001867 SMITH, CHELSEA 11120 Payroll . 11120 PAYROLL 201.63 ' Total : 201.63 16034 11120/2008 001816 BENTHIN & ASSOCIATES 1285 42143 BROADWAY AVE #0088 15,160.00 ' Total : 15,160.00 16036 11/21/2008 001606 BANNER BANK 4466 CC: GRIFFITN 2,270.24 . . Total: 2,270.24 16037 11/21/2008 001606 BANNER BANK, 4433 CC: 4433 2,623.23 Total : 2,623.23 16038 11/21I2008 001606 BANNER BANK 4474 • , CC: THOMPSON 88.55 Total: 88.55 16039 11/21/2008 001606 BANNER BANK 4367 CC: MUNSON 889.25 Total : 889.25 ' 16040 11/25/2008 001606 BANNER BANK 2832 . CC: 2832 1,569.42 ' • . Total : 1,569.42 16041 11/2512008 001606 BANNER BANK , 4466 CC: GRIFFfTH 3,104.26 Total : 3,104.26 16042 11/25/2008 001606 BANNER BANK 4458 . CC; PASSMORE 896.60 , Page: 1 vchlist Voucher List Page: 2 1210512008 12:41:23PM Spokane Valley . Bank code : apbank Voucher bate Vendor Invoice PO # DescriptionlAccount Amount 16042 11/25/2008 001606 001606 BANNER BANK (Continued) Total : 896.60 16043 11I25/2008 000157 MOAT, BRIAN Expenses REIMBURSEMENT 25.79 Total : 25,79 16044 11/25/2008 001877 DOBBINS, CHRIS Expenses REIMBURSEMENT 43.47 Total : 43.47 16077 1211/2008 001606 BANNER BANK 2832 EAD CHARGES 1,353.35 Total : 1,353.35 16079 1213l2008 001862 BISCHOFF, PATTY 1215 py REFUND FOR HEALTH BENEFITS C 24.01 Total : 24.01 16079 12/4/2008 000658 SPOKANE CO SUPERIOR COURT Filing Fees COMPLAINT - MCMULLEN 200.00 Total : 200.00 16085 ' 12l4/2008 000001 SPOKANE CO TREASURER Nov 08 . NOV 08: SHERVFF SERVICES 1,158,867.73 Total : 1,158,867.73 16086 12/4/2008 000001 SPOKANE CO TREASURER Nov 08 NOV OS: SERVICES 203,146.58 . Total : 203,146.58 ' 16087 121512008 001873 ACME CONCRETE PAVING INC PMT #1 42217 SPRAGUElBOWD15H #0092 714,077.15 , . Total : 714,077.15 16088 12/5/2008 001668 ALDWORTH, CRAIG Expenses EXPfNSES REIMBURSED #0068 22.50 Total : 22.50 16089 12/5/2008 000050 APA - INLAND EMPIRE SECTION Registration AUD101V1IEB CONFERENCE: G MCC 344.00 , Total: 344.00 16090 12/5/2008 000271 BAINBRIDGE, CHRISTINE Expenses MEAL EXPENSES 8.58 Total : 8.58 , 16091 12/5/2008 001606 BANNER BANK . 0620 CC: DEMPSEY 155.97 0638 CC: GOTHMANN 20.19 2832 CC: 2832 MISC CHARGES 250.00 4342 CC: DENENNY 20.33 , Page: 2 vchlist Voucher List Page: 3' 1210512008 12:41:23PM Spokane Vafiey Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # DescriptionlAccount Amount 16091 12l5/2008 001606 BANNER BANK (Cantinued) 4359 CC: TAYLOR 25.78 4383 . CC: WILHITE 22.11 4391 CC: MERCIER 109.87 Total : 604.25 16092 1215/2008 001816 BENTHIN & ASSOCIATES 1312 42143 BROADWAY AVE #0088 9,260.00 Total : 9,260.00 16093 12/512008 000918 BLUE RIBBON LINEN SUPPLY INC 8970362 LINEN SERVICE 175.06 ' S0059798 LINEN SERVICE 75.63 Total : 250.69 16094 12/5I2008 001868 BORJESSAN, JAMIE Refund REFUND DAMAGE DEPOSIj 200.00 Total : 200.00 16095 121512008 000796 BUDINGER & ASSOC INC M08298-1 42212 MATERIAL TESTING SERVICES 6,858.05 Total : 6,858.05 16096 12/512008 000572 CARTER, CAROL Expenses REIMBURSEMENT FOR EQUIP 19.56 Mileage TRAVEL EXPENSES 49.14 Total : 68.70 16097 12/512008 001871 CHRIST CHURCH Refund REFUND DAMAGE DEPOSIT 1,320.00 , Total : 1,320.00 16098 12/512008 000143 CITY OF SPOKANE 104058 -SEPT 08: VALLEY 7RANSFER 53.36 Total : 53.36 16099 12/5I2008 000035 CORPORATE EXPRESS 91510696 OFFICE SUPPLIES: FIN 22.60 Total : 22.60 16100 12l5(2008 001880 CROWN WEST REALTY LLC Refuntl REFUND PERMIT FEES 100.00 Total : 100.00 16101 12151200$ 000683 QAVID EVANS & ASSOCIATES 257640 LONG-SHORT PLAT REVIEW 2,962.00 260046 . LONG-SHORT PLAT REVIEW SVC 4,269.00 . Page: 3 , vchlist Voucher List Page: 4 1210512008 12:41:23PM Spokane Valley Bank code: apbank Voucher Date Vendor invoice PO # DescriptionlAccount Amount 16101 1215/2008 000683 000683 DAVID EVANS & ASSOCIATES (Continued) Total : 7,231.00 16102 121512008 001876 DIAMOND ROCK CONSTRUCTION Refund REFUND PERMIT FEES 1,393.69 Total : 1,393.69 16103 12J512008 001683 DOC - CORRECTIONAL INDUSTRIES WCCW01046 REMAINDER ON PO 42062 24.94 Total : 24.94 16104 121512008 001881 DOMRESE, DAN Expenses TRAVEL EXPENSES: CAFR TRAINII 478.23 Total : 478.23 16105 1215/2008 001869 DRAGOMIR, EUGENIA Refund REFUND DAMAGE DEPOSIT 192.00 Total : 192.00 16106 12/512008 001883 ECOLOGY- E REGIONAL OFFICE Refund REFUND DAMAGE DEPOSIT 200.00 Total : 200.00 16107 1215/2008 001870 EVERGREEN REG VOLLEYBALL Refuntl REFUND DAMAGE DEPOSIT 175.00 Total : 175.00 16108 12/5/2008 001729 HALME CONSTRUCTION, INC. PMT #4 42101 24TH AVE RECON #0053 7,811.61 . Total : 7,811.61 16109 12/5/2008 001863 JOB TUMBLER, LLC 2008-040 JOB POSTING ON STORMWATERJi 150.00 Total : 150.00 16110 1215I2008 001649 KILGORE CONSTRUCTION INC PMT #6 POOL CONSTRUCTION 394,682.33 ' Total : 394,682.33 16111 1215l2008 001878 LOPACHUK, PETER Refund REFUND PERMIT FEES 1,608.00 Total : 1,608.00 16112 12/5/2008 000132 MODERN ELECTRIC WA7ER CO 04500-01 OCT 08: UTILITIES 88.15 , 04515-02 OCT 08: UTILITIES 44.30 04553-01 OCTOS: UTILITIES 80.43 04556-01 OCT 08: UTILITIES 88.73 04559-01 OCT 08: UTILITIES 282.47 , 04562-11 OCT 08: UTILITIES 213.51 Page: 4 vchlist VouCher List Page: 5 1210512008 12:41:23PM Spokane Valley Bank code: apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # DescriptionlAccount Amount 16112 12/512008 000132 MODERN ELECTRIC WATER CO (Continued) 04605-02 OGT 08: UTILITIES 42.34 04639-02 OCT 08: UTILITIES 42.44 04669-02 OCT 08: UTILITIES 37.31 04691-02 OCT 08: UTILITIES 31.60 04732-01 OCT 08: UTILITIES 123.28 04745-02 OCT 08: UTILITIES 70.75 04792-02 OCT 08: UTILITIES 62.07 04836-02 . OCT 08: UTILITIES 61.06 04966-02 OCT 08: UTILITIES 6,036.90 04971-01 , OCT 08: UTILITIES 146.71 06811-02 OCT 08: UTILITIES 61.38 07099-02 OCT 08: UTILITIES 63.45 07247-02 OCT 08: UTILITIES 57.47 07750-02 OCT 08: UTILITIES 36.29 07850-02 OCT 08: UTILITIES 45.83 07861-02 OCT 08: UTILITIES 43.29 08297-02 OCT 08: UTILITIES 62.65 08343-02 OCT 08: UTILITIES 80.00 09779-01 OCT 08: UTILITIES 244.00 09784-02 OCT 08: UTILITIES 1,201.85 09909-02 OCT 08: UTILITIES 81.38 09910-02 OCT 08: UTILITIES 27.31 09911-02 OCT OS: UTILITIES 72.07 09963-02 OCT 08:'UTILITIES 32.45 10038-01 OCT 08: UTILITIES 48.00 10039-01 OCT 08: UTILITIES . 29.80 10040-01 OCT 08: UTILITIES 29.80 10041-01 OCT 08: UTILITIES 29.80 10046-02 OCT 08: UTILITIES 48.05 10049-02 OCT 08: UTILITIES 40.61 Total : 9,787.53 16113 12I512008 000132 MODERN ELECTRIC WATER CO 10031-02 OCT 08: UTILITIES 12.20 10042-01 OCT 08: UTILITIES 22.60 10176-01 OCT 08: UTILITIES 22.60 Page: 5 vchlist Voucher List Page: 6 12105l2008 12:41:23PM Spokane Valley Sank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # DescriptionlAccount Amount 16113 121512008 000132 000132 MODERN ELECTRIC WATER CO (Continued) Total : 57.40 16114 1215l2008 000662 NATL BARRICADE & SIGN CO 62597 A-FRAME STAND #0003 ' 260.66 Total : 260.66 16115 12(512008 001035 NETVIIORK DESIGN & MANAGEMENT 16425 OCT 08: MAINT 3,255.00 16437 QUAR7ERLY SENTINAL BILLING 1,047.00 ' Total ; 4,302.00 16116 12/5I2008 000036 OFFICE DEPOT CREDIT PLAN 966110544000 OFFICE SUPPLIES: LEGAL 336.65 Total : 336.65 16117 121512008 000652 OFFICE DEPOT INC, 449384352-001 CREDIT: CITY CLERK -6.56 449384353-001 ' CREDIT: FINANCE -13.75 , 449384354-001 CREDIT: FINANCE -29.95 449384355-001 , CREDIT: FINANCE -14.96 449354588-001 CREDIT: HR -70.13 ,449889317-001 42184 OFFICE SUPPLIES: OPS 21.03 449891835-001 42184 OFFICE SUPPLIES: PARKS 273.06 - 449891939-001 42184 OFFICE SUPPLIES: PARKS 118.27 449891940-001 42184 OFFICE FURNITURE: PARKS 101.62 449891940-002 42184 OFFICE FURNITURE: PARKS 197.25 449891941-001 42184 OFFICE FURNITURE: PARKS 47.23 449962335-001 SURGE PROTECTORS: IT 145.5$ 450048775-001 OFFICE SUPPLIES: FINANCE . 51.12 450226958-001 OFFICE SUPPLIES: F1N 38.08 450461576-001 OFFICE SUPPLIES: FIN 21.30 450536621-001 42179 OFFICE SUPPLIES - JOHN PIETRO 40.04 450547829-001 42193 OFFICE SUPPLIES: 131.60 450736838-001 ORGANIZING SUPPLIES: FIN 15.77 450736876-001 SUPPLIES: FIN 8.50 450846975-001 OFFICE SUPPLIES: FIN 47.57 453572335-001 42195 OFFICE SUPPLIES: RECEPTION 57.96 453572802-001 42198 OFFICE SUPPLIES: COUNCIL 63.80 42198 Total: 1,244.48 , 16118 121512008 001779 PRINS, CRYSSAL Refund REFUND DAMAGE DEPOSIT 50.00 Page: 6 vchlist Voucher List Page: 7 1210512008 12:41:23PM Spokane Valiey Bank code : apbank - Voucher Date * Vendor Invoice PO # DescriptionlAccount Amount 16118 12/5/2006 001779 001779 PRINS, CRYSTAL (Continued) Total : 50.00 16119 1215I2008 001145 PROSTHETICS OUTREACH FOUN. Refuntl REFUND DAMAGE QEPOSIT 190.00 Tota1: 190.00 16120 1215/2008 000952 RECALL SECURE DESTRUC710N, SERV 3901183981 DATA DESTRUCTION SVC 40.28 Total : 40.28 16121 121512006 001874 RED DIAMOND CONSTRUCTION INC PMT #1A 42220 BROADWAY 190 #0068 476,969.39 Total : 476,969.39 16122 1215/2008 001879 RESIN, NESHIA Refund REFUND PERMIT FEES 350.00 Refund REFUND PERMIT FEES 100.00 Total : 450.00 16123 121512008 000230 SPOKANE CO AUDITORS OFFICE 0029350 RECORDINGlFILING FEES 357.00 0029537 RECORDINGIFILING FEES 142.00 0029845 RECORDINGIFILING FEES 43.00 0030299 RECORDINGIFILING FEES 93.00 0031161 RECORDINGIFILING FEES 93.00 0031403 RECORDINGIFILING FEES 42.00 0032466 RECORDINGIFILING FEES 206.00 0032761 RECORDINGIFILING FEES 113.00 0032$39 RECORDINGIFILING FEES 162.00 0033540 RECORDINGlFILING FEES 239.00 Total : 1,490.00 16124 12/5l2008 000172 SPOKANE CO ENGINEER VLY0810 OCT 08: ENGINEERING SERVICES 25,981.50 VLY0810 40937 OCT 08: ENGINEERING SERVICES 5,989.62 40937 VLY0810 OCT 08: ENGINEERING SERVICES 37,095.30 Total : 69,066.42 16125 12/512008 000001 SPOKANE CO TREASURER 41500764 SEPT 08: STANDARD HOUSING 21,872.00 Total : 21,872.00 16126 12l5I2008 000420 SPOKANE REGIONAL HEAL7H DIST 58-6882 POOL INSPECTIONS 1,350.00 Page: 7 vchlist Voucher Liat Page: 8 1210512008 12:41:23PM Spokane Vafley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor invoice PO # DescriptionlAccount Amount 16126 121512008 000420 000420 SPOKANE REGIONAL HEALTH DIST (Continued) Total : 1,350.00 16127 12/5I2008 001882 SPOKANE VALLEY YOUNG LIFE Refund REFUND DAMAGE DEPOSIT 85.00 Total : 85.00 16128 12/512008 000093 SPOKESMAN-REVIEW 42365 OCT 08: LEGAL ADS 1,281.52 50869 OCT 08 ADVERTISING 1,288.95 Total : 2,570.47 16129 12/512008 000939 SPRAGUE & SULLIVAN MINISTORAGE 11-46 DEC 08: RENT 123.00 ' Total : 123.00 16130 1215/2006 001875 STRATA S080481-IN 42216 GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING 3,933.90 Total : 3,933.90 16131 1215l2008 000797 THE KIPLINGER LETTER 0499034924 SUBSCRIPTION RENEWAL 89.00 Total : 89.00 16132 1215/2008 001843 WEST, HAL Expenses TRAVEL EXPENSES 58.05 Total : 56.05 16133 1215/2008 000129 WRPA 08-731 PROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIP DUI 104.00 08-733 PROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIP DUI 104.00 08-734 PROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIP DUI 156.00 Total : 364.00 67 Vouchers for bank code : apbank Bank total : 3,147,110.62 67 Vouchers in this report Total vouchers : 3,147,110.82 Page: 8 vChllSt Voucher List Page: 9 1210512008 12:41:23PM Spokane Valley Bank code : apbank Voucher Date Vendor Invoice PO # DescriptionlAccount Amount I, the undexsigned, do cextify under penalty of perjuxy, that the materials have been £urnished, the servi.ces xendered, or the labor perfoxmed as described herein and that the claim is just, due and an unpaid obligation against the City of Spokane VaUey, and that I am authoxized to authenticate and certify said claim. ~ k'inance Director Date Mayor 'Date Council Membex Datc Page: 9 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: 12-30-08 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: Z consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE : Payroll for Period Ending December 15, 2008 GOVERNING LEGISLATION: PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: BACKGROUND: OPTIONS: RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: Gross: $209,404.20 Benefits: $ 32,361.13 Total payroll $241,765.33 STAFF CONTACT: Raba Nimri ATTAC H M ENTS CITY C]F S1~OKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: December 30, 2008 City Manager Sign-off: ltem: Check all #hat apply: 0 consent ❑ aid business new business El public hearing ❑ informatian admin. repork ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEN1 TITL'E: Approval o-f Prosecutar Interlocal Memorandum of 'Understanding CO1lERNING LEGISLAT1ON: RCVif 39.34 PRE11IOUS COUNCIL AGTIDN TAFCEN: Apprvval of the lnterlaca1 Agreement wfith Spokane County in February, 2006. BACKGROUND: Spokane Caunt}r has represenfed the Ctity as i#s Prosecutor gross rnisdemeanors, misdemeanflrs and infractians over the past several years under the ' agreement. Severaf cases have corrre up recently that were vialations of City code, but vvhich , are different irr language frorrti similar l~CW provissons. In reviewing the cflntract for services ta datermine if this v,ras an issue, it becarne apparent that there is language in the contract #hat , could be interpreted mare than ane way regardirrg such cases. In an effark to resolve any ambiguity as to what cases are cavered and which are not, if any, the parties decided to draft a Memorandum of Understanding clarifyirrg #hese issues. This has not created any difficuifies to date, but the respective staffs wanted to resalve it prior to thare beirrg a prablem with a currerrt case. 1n short, the N1OU recognizes that the City has some criminal and infractian prvvisiorrs that differ from state lavu. lt clarifies #hat any cases arising from such charges v4rould be included under services pravideci under the interlocal agreernent, excep# tvtira specific types of cases: zaning violations (code compliance cases #hat can be charged criminal9y as an alternative to our Not'tce and Order provisions), and adult entertainment cases. These are exempted out because they invariably take a tremendous arnount of timer and are uigorously defended. The parkies can stilti agree that these cases will be handleci by Spokane County, but it would be dependant upvn their staffs availability for such a large case. lf they cannot prosecute a case like this that came up, the City would loak to cantract with another en#tity ar private counsef to handtie the case(s). At the Decemxber 9, 200$ meeting, Council gave consensus to place this on the C}rcernber 30 cansent agenda. OPTIDNS: RECDMMENaED ACT«N OR MDTiON: Move to authorize the City illlanager ar designee ta sign the Memorandum of Understanding for thte Prosecutar 1nterlflcal Agreerrtent BUDGETfFfNANCiAL IiVIPACTS: NA STAFF CONTACT: Cary Driskefl, Deputy Ctity Attarney ATTACHMENTS: - ~RAFT N~~ORANDLT;M OF UN-DERSTANDING This Memorandum ofUnderstanding (hereinaiter "MOLI'~ is entered xnto by and between the City of 5pakane Valley (hereinafter "the City")r Spokane County (hereinafter "the County"), c-md the Spokane Caunty Pro secuting Attorney (hereinafter "the Prose cutor"), sonietimes -referred tta jointty a:s ",Parties'". WIT1V~~~ETH: WHEREAS, the Parties entered inta the Interlaca.l Agr+eement for F'rasecuting At#amey Services in the City of Spokane Vailey (hereinaf#er "the Interlocal Agreement°") on March 14,2006, adopted by the BoaTd of Carxarnissioners for Spokane County under Resolution 6-0194, whereby the County and Prosectttor wauld -prov-ide prosecutian services as set forth therein for the City; and WffERE,AS, the Parties determined that the language in Section l., Recitals and Findings, and Ekbibi# 1 0f the Interlocai Agreement, creates potential ambiguity as ta whetkaer all ia~.isderraeanors and infracl.-ions charged within the City lirnits wvuld be p7osecuted by the County and Prosecutar for the Ci.ty; and WHEREAS, it is the intent of the Parties #a clarify that the Ynterlocal Agrreement includes prosecution of all misdetneanoz, gross misdemeatior, and infraction o-ffenses charged within the corporate limits Qfthe City, except far cases a.rising from violations of the CaVs zoning code a17d adult entertainment provisions, which may be handled on an hourly basi.s upon agreemenk of the Parties; and THEREFORE, tlle following understanding is agreed upon: _ 1. Parties, The Pa.rties ta this Agreemen.t are the City of Spokane 'Valley, the Spokane County Prosecutor, and Spokane County. 2. Pumose. The purpose of thi~ ~OU is to clarify the intent ofthe Parties as ta what cases were to be cov-ered by the Tflterloca] Agreemeiit executed by the Parties on March 14, 2046, and Nvhich vaas adogted by the 5pokane County Board of Cammissioners under Resolution 6-0194. 3. Terms o-f the Memorandum afUndersfianding. a. Sectian 1(d) and Exhibit 1 shall he interpre#ed ta rneet the intent ofthe Parties sa that the Ynterlocal Agreement covers prosecution of all misderneanor, gross misdemeanor, and anfraction charges arising within the co rporate l-im$ts of #:b e City under the cast allocation farmula set farth in Exhibit 2 A and 2B, except as specixcally set forth in (b), below. -Pravided, the terrninology "prosecution" shall nal include the defense a€ any constitutional challenge to any City Drdinance unless specifcally agreed to by the Prosecutor and City on acase by case basis_ b. Prasecution of cases arising from violations Q-f the Ciky zoning code and adult entertainrnent Codelprovisions may occur on written agreement of the Parties, and any srxah services shall be provided undee tlie cast formula se# fotth irY ~xhibit 2C. Provided, the terminology "prq5ecution" shall not include the defense of any constitutional challenge to any Cit}F zoning code or adu1t enterta.inment ordinatlceslpTOvisions uniess specifcally agreed ta between the Ciiy and Prvsecutor on a case by case basis. 4. Otber Frovisions of Interlocal Affeernent Remain UnchanRed,. Ail remaining provisions of the Xnterlocal Agreement are unaffect,ed by Lhis MOU and continue in full force and effect. 5. Ef#'ective Date. 'Ihis MOU shall be in effect the day following the date the last sigaature is aff'ixed hexetn. Memoraridu.m ofUnderstariding, Ciarify FrosecutarInterlocal Page 1 of 2 ~RAFT City nf Spokane Valley Spokane County Prosecutiag A#torney T~avicl 1Vlercier, City Manager Steven J. rC'ucker, Spalk-ane Caunty Prosecutar Date: T]ate: A.TTEST: Chriskine Bainbridge, City Clerk . AYPROWT) AS TO FO;R1VI: Office of the City Attorney $oard of County Commissioaers Spakane County,'Washing#on Boa3nie Mager, Chair Todd 11rIie11:e, Vice-Chaix IVfark R,ichard, Cammissianer ATTEST: Clerk oft-ie Board - Daniela Erickson Date: Memvrandum af LTndersfianding, Clarify Prosecu#or Interlocal Page 2 of 2 . y ltcturn to: llaniela rrickson, Clerk of tbe Roard Board of County Comruissiuners 1116 W. t3roatlwa), Spokanc, NN'asfiington 99260 .T.NTEI7L.OCAj.. AGlZEEMT~~`T F0I2 PROSE CU"1'11'G ATTOlM. Y SERVICLs iN 1'HE CTTti` OF Sl'OKANI: VA:LLEY (.lanuary 1, 2005 -llccember 31, 2005) 6 O194 TH15 AGRLElV1EN'1', made and entered into by a,nd amonj the Spol:ane County I'rosecuting Attorney, having offices for the transactiAn of busuIess as 1 100 West vlallon, Spokane Washinaton 99260- 0270, hereinafter referred to as "PROSECUTMG A7170R\TrY," Spol:ane COunty, a political subdivision of the Statc of Washingh.on, having of-fCes for the transaction of business at Wcst 1 I 16 13roadway tlvcnue, Spokanc, Wasllington 99260, hereinali.er rcferred to as "COUNTY;'S togeChcr sometimes reFErred to along witli the PROS rCU'I'ING ATI'ORa ~EY as "COUNTY," and the City of Spokitne Valley, a municipal corporatioii of thc State of Wztshington, having officcs for die transaction of business at thc Rcdwood Plazit; 11707 T'.;ast Sprague Avcnue, Suite 106, Spokane Valley, VVashington 99206, hcreinafter refErrccl to as ``Cl"fY," jointly hereinafter refcrred to as the "PARTIE.S." The PR.OSECU"1`WIG ATTORNFY; CO(INTY and Cl"C'Y agre.c as follows: SECTTON N0. 1: R.FCITALS AX1) FiNDT~t(;S (a) 'Che L3oard of C;ounty Commissioners of Snokane County has dhe care of GOLJNTY propertj, gnd the mana~cmetlt of CO131~TY funds and business under RC1~V 36.32.120(6). (b) Couiities vid c;il'ics may contract with each other to pcrform certain fimctions which each rnay lcg3ily pert'orm under chapter 39.34 R.CW (Interloca! COOperation Act). (c) • Thc Cit}r of Spokane Vallcy pursuant 10 the provisions RCW 39.34.180 is responsible for dle costs incident to (1) prosec;ution of misdemeanor and gross misdemeanor offcnses which are violations of statc scatutes that occur Nvithin its jcirisdiction and that are committed by adults, (2) traffic offe»ses contmitted by juvcniles pursuant to RCW 13.04.030(1)(e)(iii), and (3) misdemcanor or gross misdeme<inor offenses which are 1 violation 4f City of Spokt-i»e Valley ordinances tin(l comcnitted by adulcs. (d) The Gity of S{aokane Valley cicsires to utiiizc thc scrvices of the Spokane Count)J PTZOSECUTING A7fORNT:Y for the purpose of prosecuting cases where the cha.rge is (i) an infi-action; antUor (ii) a violation of a sti7te statuxe punishable as a misde-meanor or gross misdemeanoc offense committcd by an adult; and/or (iii) a wiolation of a City of Spokane Va11Ey zoning ordinance punishable as a misdemeanor, all of which oCCur within the jurisdiction of tlie Gity of Spokane VAliey wid wllich ace fonvarded to the 1'ROSECUTING A"C-17ORNEY, hereinafier referred to as "Prosecution Services." lnterlocal Agrcement, Prosecutor Page l of 20 C06-17 r • l . SECTIn\' Nn. 2: DTT`i'NITI()NS (a) Atzreement: "Agreemeii t" means this lnterlocal Agi•eement between the CITY and COUNTY rcgarctinj public dcfcndcr legal scrviccs. (b) Citv: "CI"1`Y" mEans the City of Spokane Valley. (c) County: "COUNTY" mcans Spokanc County. (d) Maintenance and Operations: "Maintenance and Operations" and "M&0" sliall mean those class codes (3000-5999 and 7000-9999) used by Spokane Counh, in it.S budonetary proeess as prescribed by the BARS manual adopted by the State of Washirigton under chaptcr 43.88 R0A1 so Ionf, as such expendirures are directly atlriUutable and proportionate to services rendered to CfTY undcr the t:crms of this Ag.i-eement. (e) Services: "Services" mcans thosc services identified in Exhibif l. . CompEnsacian: "Compensation" means that methadology set forrth in F.xhibit 2r1, 2,6 and 2C u5ed to establish Uie amount of mone>> which the CITY wil) pay the COIJ\'TY for providing Servic:es. . (g) C'mi<<il Improvement: "Capital lmpro<<emenl" shall mean nny expenditure iil C\CCSS Of $1999.99 or such higher figure as set by the COUNTY as the capitalization threshold during the terni of the Agreeme»t. The COUNTY shall give the CfTY advance notice• of any increase in the capitalization threshold. The 1lAR't'IES agree to mcet arid discuss the impacts oF any change in the capitalization threshold which will c3use an increase of costs to the CITY in excess of $50,000.00. Any such expenditure Nvill be coded as provided for in the BA.RS-manuill adopted by the State of Wsshington under'RCW 43.8$. (h) iJncont:rollablc Cireumstances: "Uncontrollable Circumstances" mcans the Following events: riots, wars, civil disCurbanees, insurrections, accs of terrorism, external Fres an(i floods, volcaiiic eruptions; li~htnino or earthqu~~kcs at or near «~here the Seivices are performed and/or that directl}~ aff~ect providing of-such Servires. (i) 17eport: "Renort" means the Prosecutor's record manageiiient svstcrn commonlv referred lU aS Casernan. (j) Prosecutint-, Att.ornev: "Prosecuting Attorney" rlieans tliat person appointed as a prosecuting attorney undcr cliaptcr 36.27 RCW and hislher deput-ieslassistants appointe.d under RCVV 36.27.040 and 11CW36.16.070. SFCTIO\T NO. 3: I'UIZI'OSE The purposc of Chis Agreement is to reduce to writing the PA.RTI_F_S' understanding as to the terms and conditions under which the PROSF.CUT[NG ATTORNEY will provide Sei-vices on bchalf of the CITY. I't is Uie intent of the PA.RT]:ES that Services to be provide.d by the PROSECU'1'1NG A"1`TORNFI' will be consistent ~vilh the Cl"I'Y'S Council/lvtanagcr form of government provided for in cl»ptcr 35A.13 'RCW. Interlocxl Aa eement, Prosecutor Page. 2 of 20 : • SECTION iNO. 4: DURATIONAVITHDRAWAL This Agreement shall commence on Januvy 1, 2005, and run through December 31, 2005. At the conclusion of the initial tcrm, ihis Agrccmcnt shall automatically be renewed from year t0 )►ear thereafl:er effective January I4 tQ Decernber 31S` All renewals shall be subject to all terrTis ajid conditions set farth hcrcin cxccpt for F_xhibit 2A, 213 and 2C. Thc PARTfrS recobnize it highly unlikely that f:•xhibit 2A, 2R and 2C setting forth the estimaied cQSfs for each year'S Scn►ices wi11 bc availablc at the start of any rcncwal timE framc. Accordingly, until ncw Exhibits 2n, 2B and 2C havc bern preparcd and agrecd to bctwccn the PA.RTI.F.S, the PARTTTJS agrec that the COINTY will bill Che. CITY and the CITY will pay tfie COUNTY at thc samc monthly payment rate used For the prcvious year. Upon the PA_R.T.1.ES ag-rccmcnt on ncNv i;xhibits 2A, 2F3 and 2C, thc CrTY anci COUiNTY will rcconcilc payrricnts to tlatc undcr the prcvious year's paymcnt sc}icdulc with thc nc%v paymcnt schcdule, Any undcrnayrnent for a,iy Services will bc due in the first payrnent duc f'ollowing reconciliation. Any overpayment for any Services -%vill be credited to the first mOnthly payment duc _ fiollowinc, the reconciliation. The PAR,T'(.F_S agree that no interest shall he owing by cither Party to the othcr Party for ariy, overpaymEnt or undcrpayment dctcrmincd as a resuli of'thc reconciiitiUon. Any Party may Withdraw at any time from this Agreement for any reason tivhatsoever upon a mini«iw» of 130 days wririen notice as provided for in Section 7 to the other Party. • ln the event of temiination; at Cl'I'Y'S option, PROSECU'I'ING A7`fOftNIEY shall continue t4 provide Services to complelion far those cases filed prior to the effective date of'the termination. S:EC'f'10\T NO. 5: COS'1' OF SLItNTI.C'k;S Asrll 1'AY'A9EN'I'S "i'he CITY s}iall pay the CC)iJiNTY the actual costs f'or Scrvices provided under this Agreement. "1'he estimat:ed cost. for 2005 Scrviccs under this tlgreement shall be as set forth in Eahibits 2A, 2B and 2C, attachc.d hereto ancl incorporalecl herein by reference. 'I"he methodology used to arrive at fees for misdemennor serviccs in r-.;-%hibit 2A uses the last six (6) months of I2eport iiunibers for 2003 and first siN (C) rnonths of Rcport numbers 1'or 2004 and averages theni for a ttivelve (12) m4nth tirre frarne. Thc resulting number is uscd tis a basis to estimate the 2005 cast: of ,ervice for rliisdemeflnor services iii ExIiibit 2A. The COUNTY CEO shall advise the CIT'Y Manager as soon zt.s possible of any anticipated or unanticipated capital improvement costs ti1st arise during the contract period. The City shall pay capital iiiiprovemenl costs either (1) under Uhe Cost Alloc3tion PIFUi 3s an indirec.t cost amortircci over the uscful life of the improvement utilizing straight- line depreciation and incorporariiig the expected salvage value of'the improvcment at the end of its usefiil life or (2) as a direct cost in the forin of a contribution rllade to the Equipment Re.ntal and Revolving Fund. The C1TV sh.111 be resnonsible only Sor capital improvement costs ineurred after Mareh 31, 2003. Any portion of a capita1 imprUVement lhal was paid for or acquirecl through separate agreerttent ot' with grnnt proceeds, bottd proceeds, user fees, tlonations, or any other acquisition method that reflects a contribution on behalf of CITY shal) not be included in the depreciation schcdule applied to the CITY. Any capital irTiprovernent for which the COUNTY seelcs reimbursement from the CIT1' must bc necessary fo t'ulf ll the reyuirements of this Agreement. At the end of thc calcndar ycar, using the meihodology seY E'orlh in Exhibit 2A for misdemeanor scrvices and ' E`hibil 28 for civil infraction senrices, the PARTIFS shall npply the actual expcndiiures and the actual lnterlocal Agrccmcnt, ProsecuLor Page 3 of 20 1 • usage percentage, where applicable, to defermine the fina) cost. T)zere is no adjustment for Exhibit 2C for Civil Depamnent misdemeanor zoning ordinance services in as much as they are billed out on an hourly rat.e. Tl is the NA:R'I',I:FS intent that any acljustmEnt utke place as soon its possible and accordingly will use their respective best efforts to tiiiiely prepare; disseminate and review all expenditw•e documentarion. The C1TY will have• sixty (60) calendar days f'rom its receipt of the expenditurt documentation to provide the CQU'NTN' with any evritten objections(s) to such dOcumentation. Thc writtcn objection(s) must speeifically idcntify the cxpcnditurc(s) in que•stion. The COl1NTY agrees to consider all written objections rcccivcd ' from the CiTY %vithin thirty (30) calendar days of rcccipt of thc objcctions(s). in the evcni that the AARTIES cannot mutually resolve any writtcn objcction(s) submitted by the CITY within the thirty (30) calendcar days time frame, or such othe-r time framc as the PARTICS may mutuaUy agree, the objections - shall be resolved pursua.nt to the Dispute Resolution provisions set forth in Section 'o. 17. Pending resolution of the objections(s), the 1'Aft'1"1E5 agree that the C1"1"Y shall pay dhat portion of tlie bill that is undisputed. To the extcnt that. the C[Tl' was over billed in any year zind tJie Agrcemcnt is still in effect the COUN"C'Y shall crcdit t.hc C1TY for such ovcrpayment in the next monlhly paymenc owing by the CITY. lIrovided; howcvcr, in the evcnt the Agrecmeiit is tenninatcd at such time that the overpayment is determined, the CQUNTI' shall reiriibursc the CTTI' for any ovcrpayment within thirty (30) citiendar days. '1'o the extent tliat tlie C1TY was undcr billcd in any year anci Ihe Agreement is scill in effect, the Cl'I'Y shall reimburse the COUNTY for (ar1y underpaymEnt in the nexc monlhly payment owing by the CI'I'Y. Provided; however, in the evene the Elgreement is cerminared at such time diat the underpayment is detennined, the CITl' shall rcimburse the COUN"rY for any unde►pa?ment within thirt), (30) calendar days. Eiiher Party may at its sole aptioii ch<<rge interest on any overpayment or underpayment based on lost interest carninj had the amount deterniiiied due been invesced in the respective PARTIES investment pool at tfic cnd of'the thirty (30) day time frame provided for hereinabove to the datr of payment. Any resolutinn of a disputed amount through use of the arbitration procc:ss ideiitifiecl iri Scccion 17 5hall include at the request of eiflier Party; a determination of «rhether intcrest is appropriale, including the aR10UIlt. The COCJNIY Nvill bill the C1"1'Y for the cost of services as outlined, montlily, by cnE 15'h of Lhe month. Monthly p7ymcnLS For (1) misdeiiievior seivices and (2) civil infraction scrviccs will be ealculated by divicling those a.niiua) costs set for-th in E.xhibits 2A and 213 by hvelve (12). Paymcnts, by the CI171' will be duc b), the 5'h clay of the following month. Thc COUN'I'Y, at its sole optioii, 1113y charge inccrest on any I~ite payment calculated on any lost interest earning had the amount due been invested since die date diie to the date of payment. in the COUN"l'Y's investment pool. srcrroN vO. fi: RFLATE1) RFSPO\'5:1B1L1`I'LLS LN CONJUNCTION WiTH ,PROVIIDISNG SERVICF•S 'Clie CUUN'1'Y and I'{ZOSECUI'ING ATrORNFY or their desijznees auee to attend staft meetings as requested by the CI'11' Manager. 'Clie COUNTY and PR.OS(:.CUTINIG ATTORNEY or their designee agree to meet uport rcquest by the CITY Manager or his.fher dESis,nee to discuss any Sen►ice provided under thc tcrms oCthis Ageement. 't'he CITY agrccs the PROSECUTII`1G f1TTORNEY may use the COUNTY'S stationery in conjunction With providing Services under the ternis of this Agreemeiit. Intt.rloeal Agreement, ProSecutor Page 4 of 20 . ti • . . . . SCCTION NO. 7: \'OT1CE All notices or ottier communications given hereunder shal) be deemed -given on: (1) the dav such notices or other communications arC rE;ceivcd whEn Sent by pcrsonal dclivcry; or (ii) the third day follo%<<ing the day on «<hic,h the sv-ne have been mailecl by first class delivery, postage prepaid addresscd to the COtJ~'TY or the Cl'1'Y at the address set forth bela-w far such Party, or al sucli other address as ci[hcr Partyshall from time- to-time designate by notice in -wriiing to the ofhEr Parcy: COUNTY: Spokanc County Chicf Exccuiivc OFfic-cr or Iiismer authorized represcntative 1116 West Broadway Avenue Spokane, Washington 99260 CITY: City of Spokane Valley City vlanager or his/her authorized representative fZedwAOd Plaza 11707 East Sprague Avenue, Suite 106 Spokane Valley, Washingfion 99206 kROS:ECUTM ATTOR.NEY: Spokane County Prosecuf inb At'torney 1100 West Mallon Spokane, Washington 99260-0270 SCCTIU\` NO. K: RTPORTINC; Rcnorts - The_ PROSECUTTNC ATl'ORI,~EY shall providc the CI.TY 4vith reporls documenling actual usage under this Agreement. The Pairties aoree lh3t the tenliinology "reports documcnting cictual usage" means that type of inTorniation provided by the PRQSCCUTNG ATTORNEFY to the CfTY in the 2004 agreeriient for Sen~ices. An updated report shall bc submittcd quartc.rly unlcss other~<<ise mutually aareed by the Parties. Suc1i reports shall be in a format as mutuall?, agreed to between the Parcies, 1'he content and/or fonnAt for suc}i rcport:.S may bc c-harigcd trom timc-to-tiine by wrilten agreement beEween CITY and COUNTY/PROSFCUTn'G ATTORj\TFY staFT Records RevieNv - The CITY shall be allowed to conduct randoni revicws of the recorcls gcnerated by the COUNTY/PR.OSCCUTLNG ATTORNEY in performance of diis Agreement. The CI'CY will prUVidc the COIJNTI'lPROSfCUTfNG ATTORNFY with rcasonablc advance notice of the reCOrds reviews. "1`he E'arties agree that they `vill nial:e best effores to achieve a resolution of nji_y potenti3l records confidenlialiry issues, including entering into confidentiality agreements or other siiiiilar i»echanisms that will allow disclosure of the necessary informittion to accurately conduct a records review. lf the CI"fl' will be allowed to view only thnse rf;cords directly relatins to Services provided within CITY's corporate boundaries, then the COLTNTY/PROSECUTING ATTORNEY must keep a log of original documenls used to charge the CiTY, and those documents mtjst have identifyin}; numbers or letiers so the original source documents can be easily retrievcd. sFCIJoN No. 9: couNTERrArM This Agreement rnay be execuYed in iiny number of counterparts, each of which, when so executed and delivered, shall be an original; but such counterparts shall together constitute but one and the same. )nterlocal Agreenient, Prosecutor Page 5 af?0 • . SEC'1'TON NO. 10: ASSl*GNM7r.NT ' No f'iirty rnay nssign in «<hole or hart its interest in lhis Agreement withoLit the wri[icn approval of the other PARTI'. SN.CTIQN \'O. 11: COUI\T'I'Y MK'LOYEES PROSECUTING ATTOEtNEY sliall liirc., assign, retain and cliscipline all employees perfarming Services tmder lhis Agrecinent accordirig to applicable collective barcai,ning agreements and zipplicable state and federal Iaws. PR.OSFCU'Cl\'G t1TTORNEY agrees to mect and confer with the CITY wit}i respect to stztff that is assi~ned to provide Services. issues of discipline or perforriiance will be specifcally handled according to PROSECUT(NG A'C'!'ORNEY policies. SF•CTION NO. 12: LTART.LI'I'1' For the pumose of dhis Section, lhe ierminology "COUNfY" sha{I also include the "PKOSECUTi.NG A"CTOR\If,Y." (a) 'rhe COUNVTl,' stiall iizdemnify and holcl hanitless the C1-1'Y and its of(iccrs, agents; aiid employee5, frocn any and ull clai►ns, actions, suits, liabilit.y, loss, costs, expenses, and damages of any n<<turc whatsoever; by any reason of or arising oLit of any ncgligent act or omission of t.hc COUN'CY, its officers, agents and employe-cs, rclating to or arising out of performing Services purSuant to this Aareement. l.n the event that any suit based upon sucli claim, tjei+on, loss, or damages is brought against die CI"1'Y; thE COUNTI' shall de!'end thc same at its sole cost cancl cxpcnse; pro<<ided that the CITY rescrves the right to participate in said suit if any nrinciple of govemmental or public law is involved, iinc1 if final judgment in said suit be rendered against the C1TY, wid its officers, agCnts, and employees; or jointly against the CITY and the COUNTY and lhEir respcctive ofticers, agents, and cmployees; the COUN"I'Y shall satisFy the same. (b) T'he CI'l"Y shall indcmnify and hold harmless fhe COUNTI' and its ofl`icers, a~ents, and e•niplo~~ees, from any and a11 claims, actions, suiu, liabiliry; loss, cosLs, expenses, and damages of any naturE whatsoc<<er, b}' wty reason of or arising out of a.ny neglisent act or omission of the CITY, ils officcrs, agents and employees, relating to or arising aut of perfnrming Scrvices pursuant to this Agrcc;ment.. ln the e~rent that aiiy suit based upon such claim, action, (oss; or damagcs is brought against the COUNTY, the Cll"Y shail dcfend the same at its solc cost. and exnense; providccl tliat the COIINTY reserves lhc right to participate in snid suit if any principle of govei-iimcnlal or public taw is involved; and if final judgmeiit in said suit be rendered .igainst the COLNI'Y, and its offcers, agents, and emplo}'cES, or jointly against the COU"NITY and thc CT.TI' a»d tlleir respective oF(iccrs, agents, and employc-cs, thc. CiTI' shall sltisfy the salne. (c.) If the comparative negligence of the Parties and tlieir officers and employces is a cause of such damage or injury, the liability, loss, cost, or cxpense shall be shared betwccn tlle Parties in proportion to their relative (lesrcc of negligence and lhe ['ight of indemnity shall apply to such proportion. (d) Wherc an of.f'icer or employee of a Part), is acting «nder the dircction and control of the other Party, the I''arty directin; and controlling the officer or emplol°ee in the activily andlor omission ~iving rise to liabilih, sliall accept all liabiiity for the Qther Party's officcr or cmployee's negligence. lnterloca) ilgrcemcnt, Prosecutor Page 6 of 20 . ' . (e) Each Pany`s duty To inclemnify shall survive the lcrmination or expiration of the Agreenienl- (f) 'l'he foregoing indemniry is specificaUy intended to constitute z%vaiver of each Party's iilimunity uncfer 1'Vashington's Industrial Tnsurance Act, chapter 51 RCW, respecting d1e odier party only, ancf oniy to the extent neccssary to provicle die indemnified Party with a ful) and eomplete indcmnity ofc<<iims made by the indemnitor's employees. The PA.RT1.13S acknowledge that these provisions wcre specific:ijllv negotiated and agreed upon by them. (g) 'rlie COUN7l' and the C(TY agree to eitlier self irisure or purchase policies of insurance covering the matters cor+tai+ied in chis Agreement wit}i covera~es of not less than $5 000,000 pCr occurrCnCC with S5,000,000 aggre~ate limit~s including profcssiQnsl liability aczd auro liabiliry cover3bes. SECTION NU. 13: RELA'1':f.QNSTIIP OF TAF FA1tTIES "fhe PARTIES intend tiiat 1n indcpendent contractor relacionshin tivill be crcated by this Agreement. "1'he COUNTY!['ROSECUZ'ING A.TTORNEY shall be an indcpendeiit contriiCtOr arid not the abCni Ar emplOycc of the• CI'C'Y, Chat the C:l'1"Y is interested anly in the results [o be achievcd and that the right to conU-of the particiilar manncr, method and means in whieh the services-are perfornieti is solely within the discretion of the CQUN"[`Y/PR.OSFCU"1`ING AT701tNEY. Any and al) emplopees who provide Serviccs to the C1'f1' undcr this Ageemcnt shall bE dccmed employecs solely oF thc COUNTY/PR.OSECUTING A'f"i'OftNTEY. '1'he COUNTY shall be solely responsible for the condtjct and actions of all employees under this AgreEment and any liability that may attach thereto. Likewisc, no agent, cniployee, servant or represEntative of the CITY shall be dcerned to be an erilployee, agcnt, servanc or representative oF the COITNTI' for any purpose. $C.C'1'ION NC). 14: il'10.1).1FTCATIUN "1'his Agreement may bc modified in writing by mutual written agi-eement of the PARTf,FS. SCC'I'lOtii iNn. 15: P120PFRTY AINTD FQtJII'N1L+'\`T "fhe owncrship of CaIl property 1nd equipnlent utilized in conjunetion tivith provicling the Serviccs shall rem<<in with the original owner, uriless otherwise; spccifically and mutual[y asrecd to by the PAR'rI.rs co chis Agreement. for the purpose of t}lis section, the terminolot► y "owner" means thai F'arty xvhich raid the futl purchase pricc f'or the properry or equipment. SJ:'.CTIQN 1`O. 16: AT.,t, WRI"1'IlNCS CUN1'AINEn 1F.i:LREWfl3.i\'nTNG EFF1^:CT "i'his flarecment concairts terrils and condirions agreed upon b), the PART1,rS. 'Che Y/1_RT1EtS agee that there arc no other Lindcrstandings, oral or odierwisc, rcgarding the subject niatter of this Agreemeni. Nb changes or additions to this Agreement shall be valid or bindinb upon tlle PAfZTtES uiiless such chanoc or -iddition is in vvritinG executed by the PAR'1'IES. This Agreement shitll be binding uPon the 1'AIZTIES hereto, their successors and Issigns. !n[erlocal /ljrr_ement, 1'rosecutar Paae 7 of 20 sEMJON NO. 17: nIsruI~- uICsoLuTIoN Any dispute beriveen the PARTITS which caniiot be resolved beCween the PARTIES shall be subjecc to arbitration. Except as provided for to tlze contrEiry herein, such dispute shall fiist be reduced to wr-iting. If tlie COITNTY CEO or PROSECUTTNG A"t'TOR\iLY respccti<<ely and the C1"1'Y Manager cannot resolve t}ie dispute it «<ill besubcnitted t4 arbitration. 1'he provisiotis o!' ch.3pter 7.04 RCW shall be applictlble Io any arbitration procccding. "I'lie COUN1'Y with cegard to financ;itil matters or PRQSECU'rING a'1"1'O%\IrY for Service matters and thc CtTY shiill have the rioht to desiOnate one person eaCF1 to act as an aflbitrator. The hwro selccted arbitrators shiill t]ien jointly select a l'hird ai-bitrator. The deciSion of the trbit:ration panei s?ial) be binding on the PAR'1'IES tind sliall be stibject to judicial review as providec( for in chapter 7.04 RCVII. Provided, the ['ARTCCS agree thai the PROSfCUT1NG A1-1'0%NTY cannbt Submit to arbitration any item which coiicems his charging dc.cisions throug i complele dispQSirion oF tlhe case, including appeals to Superior CQUrt, Wcashington State Court of Appcals; or Was}iington State Supl•eme Court. Tlie costs of the arbitration paiiel shall be equally split beriveen the PAR"1 iES. SF,CTIO\' NO. .t8: V'ENWf. STtPULATTOiV This Agreemenl has been and sliall be c;onstrved as having been made and delivcrcd within the Statz of Washington arld it is mutuall~~ undersroocl and agz-eEd by each parh~ that this Agreement shall be . bovc.rned by the 13ws of the State of 1''ashington both as to interprelation and performarice. Any accion et law, suit in equity or jtidicial proceeclina for the enforcernent of lhis Ag;-eement, or any provision licreto; slialt be instituted only in courts of competeiit jurisdictioii within Spokaiie County, WaslZingron. SEC11UiV NQ. 19: 5E"V1E12.AB1L.1."['Y I'he PAR"I'1E5 agrcc that if any parts; terms or provisions of this Ageement are hcld btlie courtS to 13e illegal, tI}e validity of the remaining porcions or provisions shall nat be affectecl and the rights and obligations of'the MKTI:ES shal) not be affected in regard to the rcmainder of thc Agreement. lf it should anpear that any part, term or provision of this Agrecitieiif is in con_flict «<ith any stat-utory provision of the State of Washinglon, then the part, terrn or provision tliereof lhat may be in conflict shall be deemed inoperativt and null and void insofar as it may be in confilict therewith and this Ag;rcement shall be deemed to rtiodif}, to confor•iii to such stahitory provision. SECTION nTo. zo: izcC4Rns All public records prepared, ownedJ useci or retained by the COUNTY/PROSECUTWG A1'I"OKNCY in conjunction wiCh providing Services under the terms o1'this Aa eeme-nt shall be deemed CiTY prdperry al1d shall be made available to the Cl'1'Y upon request by the CII-Y ►Vl.ariager subject to the attorney clicnt and attorney work produet privileges set forth in statute, court nile or case law. Z'he COUNTYlPROSECUTLNIG A"l"fORNEY «►ill notif}, the C1TY of any public disclosure reque.st under chapter 42.17 R.CW for copics or viewing of such reeords as well as tlle CO[.JNTl"SIPRUSECUTi\G ATTORNEY'S response tllereto. Interlocal Agreement, Prosecutor Pa~e 8 of 20 , • . . ~ . •SECTION NO. 21: HEA[) liNC•S The section headings appcaring in this Agreement have been inserted solely for the purposC of convcnience and ready reference. ln no way do thc.), purport to, and shall not be deemed to define, limit or extend the scope or intent of the sections to which ihey pertain. .S.F..CTT.ON N(). 22: TiME OI+ ESSEniCL OF AGREEM~N'Z' Time is of the essence of this Agrccment and in case either Party fails to perform the obligations on its part to be performed at the time fixed for the performance of the respective obligation by the terms oFthis Aarccment, thc othcr Party may, at its election, holtl Che ocher Party I iable for all c•osts ajtd damages causcd b}, such delay. S.F,CTIQN \'Q. 23: UNCONTRULLABL•L CLI2CUMSTA.NCFSlTMPOSSiBI.LTTY A delay or interruption in or fi3ilurc of pcrforrnance of all or any part of this Agreement resulting from Uncontrollable Circumstances s}iall be deemed not a default under this flgreement. A dclay or interruption in or failure of performance of aII or any part of this Agrcement resulting frnm any change in or new law, order, rule or reoulntion of any nature «<hich renders provicling of Services in accordancc with thc; t:erms of this Agreement legally IIl1pOSS1bIE; and any other circumstances beyond the control of the COUNTY/PROSECUTING ATT4RNEY which render legally impossible the performarice by the COUNTY/PROSECUTING ATTbRNEY of its obligations under this Agreemenl, Shall be deemcd not a dcfaulf uilder this Agreement. SECT1Un' iYO. 24. D_l.,.I1TG - Tllis Agreeiiient shall be fled by the COIJ~'''Y with suc:h of(ices or a~encies as rcquireci by cliapter 39.34 RCW. SrC'rtQN NO. 25: CxECU'r10N AN'D APPROVAL "i'he i'AR"1'lES warranc that the oFficers executing below have been duly authorized to act for and on behalFof the Party for purposes of c•onFirminc, lhis Agrceilient. sECrIoN No. 26: li`*J.T.rA.rJ.vF,~s The PARTIF,S rec•ogni7e tliat revenue reducing initiative(s) passed by chc votcrs of 1'Vashington may substanCially i•educe local operating revenue For the CITY, COtJNTY or both ,PARTT.I:S. Tlie PART1.rS agree that it is necessary to have flexibility to reduce thc conlracted amount(s) in this Agrcement in re.sponse to budgel constraints resulring from thE passagc of revenue reducino initiative(s). If such an event occurs; the I'ARTIES azree to negoeiate in good faith to achicvc a mutually agreeable resoiution in a timeiy fashion. SFC1'ION iNQ. 27. C011'1PI..IANCE WiTH l.f.AWS The Pariies shall observe all fcderal, statc and Iocal laws, ordinances and regulations, to the extent ihat they may be applicabEe ro the terms ofthis Agrcement. Interlocal Aareemenc, Prosecutor Page 9 of 20 SECTION NO. 28: AISCLAIVIER • Except as ot}lenvise provided, tliis Agreement shall not be construed in any manner that would limit cit:her Part.y's aulhority Or p0wCrS undE:.f Iaw. STCTIQN N(a. 29: ASSURA\TCF., '1"he C1"1'Y shall pay the COUN'I'Y the true and full cost of all Services provided under tliis Agrzement. The intent of the 1'arties is that neither E'arty will subsidize the other and that the CI'CY will not subsidize any other jurisdiction that is reGeiving similar services. • .l:N VV1.Y!'PTi;S.S NN':WMN:Uk', thc I'AK"1'1:ES have caused this f1greemEnt to be executed on date a,id year UppoSil'e thcir re.spcctivc signacures. nATEU: K ` BOAIZD OF GOUN"i'Y COMM1SSlONERS OF S'POK-ANE COIJ\"rY. WAsFif~~c;•roN' 04 COM4l~, a ~c 0 s ~G~~''•~ TOD~NIIE LKE7 C h a i r A717tsT: : C1erk of the Board ABSENd sEA.t.. 1v1 A.R.K R1 CHAR.p, V i c.c-Ch ai r , r Uaniela Erickson . I-I.ARR.f S, Commissioner llATEll: ~ 2~ SPOKANE COUNTY PROSECUTING A7"TOIiNEY OOP By: ~ Its: J%o GuTd 1'L CITY OF S.POKANE VA.LLLY (AT T'- David Ntercier, City Manc-i};er Christiiie 13ainbridoe, City Clerk AP1'ROWEU AS TO FQRM ONI.:Y: ~ , . Ofice of lq City Attomey fnterlocal ilQreernent, Prosecutor Pe~e 10 oF20 F A'~N7RrT 1 f-"or the purpose of Ulis Agreement, PROSECUTING ATTOfbNEY Services shal] include prosccution af violations of state stsiutes chat are punishable as misdcmeanor or grass misdemeanor offenses that occur within CITY'S jurisdiction and chai: are committed by adulcs as wel) as any appeals to Superior Court; ~V;3.Shinat.on Statc Court of /Appe~il, or 1~'ashington State Supreme Court. 'l'iZOSECUTING AZ''OIZNEY retains solc pr4SeCUtorial discrctian in conjunction «-ich providing Services under the ternis of this Agreement f'rom eharginb cleeisions through complete disposition of the case, incltiding appeals to Superior CourC, Washington State Courl' of Appeals, or Washington State Supreme Court. l'rovided; however, C[TY may take ovcr proseculion of -i.ny mi5demeanor case upon writlen notification to PROSECUTING ATTORNFY. For the purposc of this paragraph, misdemeanors sh.;l) incl«de criminal violativns of C1TY animal control ocdinances. PROSECUTING A'lTqRNl:;Y agrees to represcnt Cf'fl' in conCcste(i traffic infractions. .1'RQSECUTT.NG rITTOR\sEY also aarecs, when re,qucslecf by CITY, to represent Cl"1'Y with respect to criiTiinal t►iolations of its 2oning ordinances. at the hourly rate set forth in Exhibits 2A; 2B and Z(:. .PROVTDFD, sueh represe.nt~ition shall not include challenues to the constitutionality of any zoning ordinance, "I'he Gl"1`Y shall retain responsibilit), for defendiiig any constitutional challcngE, to any zoning • orciinance or other Cl"I"Y ordinance which i»ay be involved in providing Services. C1TY agrccs to lake appropriale action to ensure police nf-ficers and Cl"rY staff are available at no cosc to PR4S[:CUTiNG A.TTORNEY for all irials or judicia) proceedings where I1t'tOSh~CUTING ATT0RNf:1' detcrmines tlieir prescncc is necessary. All misdeiiieanor, gross misdemcanor, and zoninb services to be provided b}t PROSECUTING ATTORiNlEY in courts under ilie terms of this ttgreement shall be provided in courts locate-d within thc Spokanc County Courlhouse Complex. A11 lrtifFie inFraction serviccs to be provided by PROSECUTING ATTORNFY under the• ierms of this Agreement shall be provided in eidier ccaurt,5 located Nvithin thc Spokane County Courthouse Complex or courtroom(s) in the Spokane Valley precinct. J.n thc cvcnt CITY reques[s such court services be provided at a location other than tltat provided fon cerciit, the PtlRT1ES agree lo meet and mutually negotiate Interlocai /lgreement, Prosecutar Pagc ! I nf 20 . _ - . EX:H:I:BIT 2A Misclemeanor Sen,ices Component A , Cotniionent B Componcnt C Prosccutur l3udget Allocable Perccntagc to Misdemeanor - - Services ~ ' • Spokane 1'aiIley Contract Amount Safary ' 870,965 27.60% 240.429.71 MRO 65,653 27.60% 15,123.45 Cc-lpital _ lndirccc Cost 61,142 27.60%. 16,878.17 997,760:^ . 275,431.33 Component A represents the arnount of Prosecutor budget attributed to Misdemeanor Smices. Sec Niisdecileanor Attachment A for iiiethodology allocating I'rosecutor hudget to MisdemCanor. The percenuage of VliScleiiieanor Smiccs attributable to the C+ty oFSpokane Valley is 27.1$%. See Misclemcanor Attachnient '13 for misdemeanor stat.istics. "l,he lnclirect (ON,e•rhead) rate of 7.02% is applied to salaries only. I he indirect rate is based on Spokanc County's OM13 A-87 Cost f'lan Escalatec12003 tor 2005, adjusted to only includc deprecialion ofcapital improvcments acq«ired aEler I.he City's official datc of iricarporat-ion, prepared by PR, Group, an independent pliin prcparer. Interfocal Aoreenient, Prosecutor Page 12 of 20 i. . ' EXE{1_13iT 2A Misdempitnor Services Count:y Supportc:d Attorneys: Griminal 39 Civii 5 GraiitlQther Supported ,4ttorncys: Criminal 12.8 _ • Civil Commitment 1 Civil Fanii{y Law 11 C: rand Total ull attUrne.ys 6$.8 Ni.isclemcanor Sal & Bcn 1r'Ti; Adj Satary Davis 561822 1.00 56,822 Rasmussen • 65;587 1.00 66,537 IZio 58,533 1.00 5 8 3 533 Htrghcs 58,533 1.00 5$;533 _ Cordts 58,533 1.00 5$,533 Utgaa.rd 621823 1.00 62,823 Grigaliunas 60,604 0.60 36,362 C)brien-Superv 95,137 0.94 89:741 517,572 7.54 487,894 487,894 Support WilbLar 31;293 1.00 311293 Lticus 43,662 1.40 43,662 Lcfl:o%vski 37,754 1.00 37,754 yeyers 39,742 1.00 39,742 Misterek 34;750 1.00 341750 Nicholson 282577 1.00 28,517 Burgner ' 3$,746 0.80 30,997 Ornee 36,682 1.00 36,682 Ramey 38,694 1.40 38,694 !-Iansen.K 443187 0.41 18,039 374,037 9.21 340,190 340,190 Chicf Criminai Dcput,y, -allocation ratio Misd T+°I'E / Total Criminat FTE DriSCOI! 109,913 1.00 1493913 0.14616,005 Count), !'rusecutor - ailoc:ition "flat" S5,000 plus hcnctits "1°ucl:er-SaIary 105,972 5,000 5,000 Tucker-Benerts 14,528 5,000 0.140700 120,800 Admin Staff - altacation ratio Misd FTE / Total ArturneY F?E Bowman 59,747 1.00 59,747 Kurbitz 62;898 1.00 62,895 l,undquist 463290 0.$0 37;032 lZenncr ' 33,483 1.00 33,4 133 . 202)418 3.80 193,160 0.110 lnterlocnl Agreement, Prosccutor page 13 of 20 21,177 Subtotal Sitlary 570,965 lildirect ratc 7.02% on lotlt salary ajid bcncfit 0.070 61,142 *vl R O- allocation ratio Nlisd FTE / Count), CriminaI+Civil FTE 382,975 0.171 65,653 1lisdcmcanor T3utlget 9977760 lnterlocal Agreement, Prosecutor Page 14 of 20 EMTlT31T 2A MisciemeAnor Scrviccs 2003 2004 12 .luly Aua Sept Oct Nov llec, Jan Feb Murch Apr Mav June Nlonths Spokane Valley Cascs 287 239 222 258 197 248 275 226 338 292 270 192 3:044 (exc valley WSP cascs) AII County cases 903 878 1038 938 755 1155 841 882 ] 096 941 895 705 11,027 (including 1►VSP cases) . Valley % of al I 27.2 cases 31.78 2 21.39 27.51 26.09 2!.47 32.70 25.62 30.84 3}.03 30.17 27.23 27.60% . 'C'otal cases includinD V1'SP must be used as base total number ofcases in delermining percentage scrvcd. Interlocal tl;reement; Presccutor Page 15 of 20 :1:XFi1BiT 2B • Infraction Services !nf'rHCtion Contract * Salary 24;042.83 N1 K. O 687.99 Capital - Indirec.t CosTS 1,6$7.~ 1 z6,411s.63) Notes ~ The Prosecutor's Of(ice changed the methodology used to caleulate the conrract for lnt'raction Seivices. Sec iiifract.ion Atttichment C. The i.ndirccc ratc of 7.02% is applied to snlarics orily. The indirect ratc is basecl on Spokane County's OV1.F3 A-87 Cost Pian Escalated 2003 For 2005, adjusted to only include depreciation of capital improvements aeyuired after the City's official date of incorporation, prepared by 1'1Z.iv1 Group, an independcnt plan prcp<<rer. Interlocal Agrecment, Prosecutor Yage 16 aC20 L.v3:i.siT Zs TnPrac:tion ServiceS Spoksnc Vallcy Infraction Dcputy Deputy Average Annual SalaryK C3enefit (Cordts & Grigaliunas) 59,568.50 Divide by Hours Workcd per Ycar 1,950 Equzsl;Ueputy Gost per Hour 30.55 Ueput-V"L'ime Spent at Spvkane 'Valley: Uays per week 1.5 Multiply by hours per day 7.5 Equals liours per week 11.25 M.ultiply by wecks per ycar 52 Equals hours per year 585 Ueptity "1'01a1 Cost to Spokfine Vallcy 17,$70.55 Sppl:acie Caun", lnfractioci Deparrment lnfraction Hours per Week 1,Vaik-in lnfractions (3:30 to 5:00) 7.5 Discovery S Motionsl Appeals - ~ f nfraction Hours ncr Weck 15.5 11►lultiply by Spokane Viilley Percentase of lnfractions 19.76% l Fquals Spokanc Vallcy.Hours per Weck 3.06 Multiply by 1'1'eeks per Year 52 Multiply by Qeputy Cost per I•[our 30.55 Spukane COunty .T.n.fractiun Cost tu Spnkane N'ti11ey 41$65.44 Supcr-visor Supcrvisor (O'Brien) Annual Salary and BEnef c 95,137.00 Supcrviscs .4 I,nf;raction Dcputy oul oP7 M'isclcmcanor Dcpulics 0.06 Equal Cost of lnfcaction Supervision 5;436.40 Mul[iply by Spokane Valley Percentage of lnfi•actions 19.76% 1 Sunervisor Cost to Spokane Valley 1,474•28 AdminiStration , Adminisrration Annual Saiary and Benefit 2023418 Administcrs.4 lnfraction Deputy out oF 68.8 Tow1 17eputies • 0.41 Equal Cost of Infrac;t'ion Administration Intcrloc•al Agrccmcnt, Prnsrcutor Page 17 of 20 Multiply by Spokane VaIlcy Percentage of 1,176.85 lnfractions 19,76% 1 Administration Cast to Spukane ValJey 232.56 Subtotal Salar-}° and Bciicfits 24,042.$3 Indirect rate 7.02% (iipplied to salary ynd benefits only) • 1,687.$1 M,iinlenanCC and UperatiOnS Totaf iM & O Budaet 382,975.00 M8c0 .4 lnI'racl'iori faeputy out of 44 Civii and Criminal .Dcputies 0.01 Equal GosC of 1.nfractiott [V1R0 3,481.59 Multiply by Spokane Valley I'ercentage of Infr7ctions 19.76% 1 - - - Maintenance Cost to Spvkane tilalley 687.99 1'O'.CAL COST OF ]NFRACT 1 Q N CONTRACT 26,418.63 District Gourt statist,ics last six months of 2003 first six months of 2004, scc Irifraction Artachment D. ' Spokane• Count_y employees work 7.5 hrs/dy, 5 dys/wk, 52 %vkslyr- 1,950 hrs/yr-Ad»>inistrative costs iricluding MRO provided Spokane Valley ]nterloca! Agreement, Prosecutor Page 18 of 20 F,XF1IB11' 2D Infrnctinn Serviccs District COurt Casc StRI'istics* Oft'cnse Catepory Spol:ane Vallc), Spokane County Spokanc ValleY % lnfractions 11)799 59,709 0.1976 DV - Misdemea.+tor 400 927 0.4315 DU1 178 2,793 0.0637 Criminal 'l'raffic (less DUI) 1,661 5,443 0.3052 Crimina) NT (Icss rtiisd 769 2)776 0.2770 . DV) SubtoCa1 141807 71,648 . * Stt-itistics froni last six months of 2003 7nd f rst six monchs df 2004 Interlacal A~reernent, T'ro5ecut4r Page 19 of 20 . . . . EXki11iIT 2C 7.,4riing ScnOccs . Direct Labor IN'iS0 Cost 2005 Aclopted Cost per Intlirec:t I'er Per =1'osition Costs Budget Hnur Per F[our Hour Flour Senior Ariorncy-Kinn I 943141.00 48.28 3.39 4.46 56.13 Parale?al-Hanson I 41,092.00 21.07 1.48 - 22.55 2 135,233.00 69.35 4.87 4.46 78.68 1nd i rcc:l IndirectlHo lndirect Costs (airccUHour Ratc ur Senior Attorncy 48.28 0.0702 3.339076 Paralegal 21.07 0.0702 1.479312 INote: R.<<te based on indireci: costs per A-87 Plan of 7.02% Maintcnancc & C)peration Costs _ 2005 Adopted M & O 3$2,975.00 Divided b}' crim & civil attys supporte,d 44,00 Equ»Is M10 per atty 8,703.98 nividcd by hours worked per year 1950 F.,quais 11410 hourly rate. 4.46 Annual Hours Annual Hours VI'orkcd 1950 Note: Spokane County employees work 7.5 hours per day, 37.5 hours per weel:; and 1,950 hours annuallv. , Spokane. Valley does not use Zn enLire deputy or paralegal wich respect to the Civil Deparl.ment, therefore -in hourly ratc is consisteiit with the County recoverinQ aciua) costs for Civil lnfraetions. Interlocal Agreernertt, Arosccutor f'age 20 oE20 CITY OF tiPUkANE V 4LLEY Request for Council Actioa Meeting Date: December 16, 2008 City Manager Sign-off: Item: C6eck all thet apply: Z consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearin~~ ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Approval of Release of Interest for undedicated right of way for Ponderosa Acres Third Addition subdivision. BACKGROUND: In 1966 the Ponderosa Acres Third Addition plat was recorded in Spokane County. The plat included a 55 foot wide strip of land across the southern portion of Lots l through 8 of Block 8 as shown in the aerial photograph below. Wording on the face of the plat indicates that the 55 foot area was reserved for future right-of-way. According to County records, th is area was never actual ly dedicated to the County for right-of-way purposes. This situation was brought to the City's attention by a properiy owner who wanted to construct a detached accessory strvcture. When staff researched the plat, this issue was discovered. Holman Road (as seen in the aerial photo) veers south rather than continuing in an easterly direction, east of the intersection of Woodruff. Since it does not appear that this area was actualty dedicated as right-of-way a street vacation action is aot necessary. ?he "Release of Interest" will suffice in addressing this situation. This matter was discussed at the Council's December 16 meeting, where Council concurred to place this item on the next consent agenda. "j M • ` ,,1 :I.Y R' ; R r , • ~ ♦ i ~ . . ~~~rR• , ' ~ r , . ~ ~ ':»'i1..T ;a..' )t9 4 * 1 ~ r. i ~ i . . .l- 1 f ' ' .vj . ~ ♦ • + ~ ' ~ . " - . ~ ~ Y f . . • is ~ . ~ i 1 ~ ' J ' . re ~ •R- r ~ ~ L s..... ,"X Anprolimate location of ~S' area. ! , • ~r : i:~ r Nw , • ~S `'.ti~('~/ F.~, ~ ~'1 < r • • ~ . " - ~ ~ ~ , 4 ~ ^ ~ - - r. _ i ~ ! • . ' ~t~. . t~ ~ 4t,~t__- . : ~ ~ - " ' . ` . . . • r-- ~~1~ t i ! _ f ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~•'f 4 y~ • " , ~ ' ~ 4 t f r ~ ''f i' - fi` ~sj_ ht~+ ~~t«-". -'9c t-- •1 AR` `t, ;7r. ±~•-~wi-~~...1.~ ~ t ~ ` - .I Ii. i I,wJ+ • ~Yy'... , a.r_ •'.i ~ T • ♦ 3t~ 1 f . a` ~ ~ 'f ~ - y.~ - _ .rf•OPTIONS: RECOMMENDED MOTION: Authorize the City Manager or designee to sign the Partial Release of Interest for t6e nndedicated rig6t-of-way for Ponderosa Acres Fourth Addition subdivision. STAFF CONTACT: Greg McCormick - AICP, Planning Division Manager Page I of I . ~ RD'n eturn to: City of Spokane Valley C/O City Clerk 11707 E Sprague Ave., # 106 Spokane Va11ey, WA 99206 PARTIAL REI,EASE OF INTEREST KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that the final Plat of Ponderosa . Acres Thixd Addition was filed as a matter of record in June of 1966 and contained, in part, the following language as part of the dedication: One 55 foot wide strip of land, within the boundaries of which, pennanent structures are prohibited, is provided as shown on the plat for future street and building setbacks. The City of Spokane Valley releases any restrictions or interest contained in or expressed by the above language for property more specifically described as follows: The South 55 feet of lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7& 8 Block 8 in the Ponderosa Acres Third Addition and as shown on the face of said Plat and recorded in Book 8 of Plats, page 52, Spokane County, Washington. Future development on the property in question shall continue to be subject to all setbacks and development requirements set forth in the applicable development code. Dated: , 200_ City of Spokane Va11ey By: David Mercier, City Manager Approved as to form: By: Mike Connelly, City Attorney STATE OF WASHINGON County of Spokane On this day of 200_, before me, the undersigned Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared David Mercier, known to be the City Manager and authorized signatory of the City of Spokane Valley, and acknowledged the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said City, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that he is authorized to execute the said instrument. Witness my hand and official seal hereto affixed the day and year first above Nvritten. Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, residing at Spokane Valley. Name: My commission expires r~- - - - ~ - - ~ rv.. . _ . ~ T ~I NA~ 3 ~ ~~.~I~~T1~1I p ' ' .~o-at~' t~ w~a a~ - - - - 'T ~$~rr e!~ 1H'~JPd81' dG"41Y ~~.4'~1'di ~L ~t.~.1~L`+ip~'r!~!i' s5 ' - ' ~ ~ ~1 ~rr 'ar/n t + n f~-~. I - i ~~7~E!' G! , n~. ~ A~~.Ftif {,rr~3~ Ra~Sf {~eJi.f A~. YiN~r ~ i.•.. _ - - - - _ - • ' 3 .,~f. ~'t~h!~~,' 03Qi1' fi.~dl4'~J' +~n~:~, l7~`sfil'~12d~' C1n~ &F~F i4.ai1 ~A°. y ~ f ! ~ „y.nr li4r'W3 R~'~rka~ ' "+~;T~ ~ y ! I . ~ r' ro ~ r~,~~,~r ~~~r~~ ~r~~~~;.~~ ~ ~ ~rY~ , ~ ~ E k'L~T ~+,F ~~~~~~~~~4 ~'I~~'l.Tf~~l , ~ - a ~A ta~ ~ ,~r ra~~a- R ~ r ~ - f I '~~r~~ ~aw,~~~ ~~~~~~~,r cF.~.~.~' ~ .~.~,~.~r=. f~~V~ ~.~~~K ~ ~~~DER~S~ ►.~~'+~R~~ ~I~S~ ,~4'~3~~~'~~~I ~ r I ' ~d~~ . ~ Ft'~l~.as~r:'~r }e~ra~^.r~rWr?H ,~aa 1~a~arx ~v~srf~~'at~~~'f~lk~'~,~ser~v~d ,al~ ~ I~r - ~t~~1k~r~! 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I _ . , . , . _ . - - - - ~ _ j . _ - ~^f.~ - I , C1TY OF SPOKAN7E VALLF,Y Ret]uest fur C'ouncil Action Meeting Date: Decembec 30, 2008 CityManager Sign-off': Item: Check all that apply: ~ consent ❑ old business ❑»cw busincss ❑ public hearinl, ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Approval of Release of Interest for undedicated right of way for I'underosa Acres Fourth Addition sutxiivision. ~ BACKGROUND: In 1966 the Ponderosa Acres Fourth Addition plat was recorded in Spokane County. The plat included several 55 foot wide strips of land as shown in the aerial photograph below. Wording on the face of the plat indicates that the 55 foot areas were reserved for future right-of-way. According to County records this area was never actually dedicated to the County for right-of-way purposes. This situativn was brought to the City's attention during the finalization of short plat SHP-30-07. Since it does not appear that this area was actually dedicated as right-of-way a street vacation action is not oecessary. The "Retease of Interest" will suffice in addressing this situation. This matter was discussed at the CouncilTs December 16 meeting, where Council concurred to place this item on the next consent agenda. ~ \ F~~, ' ~ y 4 \ . ' + y / i ~ t },Y ,d1 ~ t ^►:r. i * r ~ ~i~'a7a "r ~ t : ,t~n~~r~~1i►n.it~]~~~ati~~n ~~t~>ar~,3;. I~'~,- , ~`t~r~- { t. '1 Z ~ ' w ' .i• • ~ i \ D.♦ , "t"~._ Y -~i x-•~ `l t ~`fi ~ _ . ' , a `r- , , • `r. ~ ~ = ~ , ~ ~ . y 1 -i- ~ r ~ ~ , . ! ~ 2 ~ _ ~ - 1 . ► ; '`t - ~:=+~,~,LLM , ~ . -r_.~_ .--I. ,`a I+~ ~-'L ~ t _ ~ 'a fl ~ 1 Y` I ` ' r' _ ~ 't`~~ . f c~ "7 - - _ ~ i~!'~~~- ~ - ~ . - • f ' ~r~~l ~ , ' , r j-I 'r'~ s~- \ ~ ' g~ ,r' ~ -:t • ~ r ~ . .z- ~ ` ~ ~ • ' ~ ~ y a ~ 'i:. r ~f.f'~ „ , ~ _ i . - ' ~,~j ~ . ~ -'t s;: ~ {t ~ • ~ , ~ ~ ~ . ~ .l` ~ OPTIONS: RECOMMENDED MOTION: Authorize the City Manager or designee to sign t6e Partial Release of Interest for t6e undedicated right-of-way for Ponderosa Acres Fourth Addition subdivision. STAFF CONTACT: Greg McCormick - AICP, Planning DiviSion Manager Page 1 of 1 ~ Return to: City of Spokane Va11ey C/O City Clerk 11707 E Sprague Ave., # 106 Spokane Valley, WA 99206 PARTIAL RELEASE OF INTEREST KNOW ALL iIEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that the final Plat of Ponderosa Acres Fourth Addition was filed as a matter of record in September of 1965 and contained, in part, the follolAring language as part of the dedication: Two 55 foot w7de strips and one 110 foot Aride strip of land, within the boundaries of which, permanent structures are prohibited, are provided as shown on the plat for future streets and building setbacks. The City of Spokane Valley releases any restrictions conta.ined in or expressed by the above language for property more specifically described as follows: The West 55 feet of lots 1, 2& 3, Block 3 and the East 55 feet of lots 1, 2& 4 and the West 55 feet of Lot 5, Block 2 in the Ponderosa Acres Fourth Addition and as shown on the face of said Plat and recorded in Voltune 8 of Plats, page 59, Spokane County, Washington. Future development on the property in question sha11 continue to be subj ect to all setbacks and development requirements set forth in the applicable development code. _ Dated: 1200 City of Spokane Valley By: David Mercier, City Manager Approved as to form: By: Mike Connelly, City Attorney STATE OF WASHINGON County of Spokane On this day of , 200_, before me, the undersigned Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared David Mercier, known to be the City Manager and authorized signatory of the City of Spokane Valley, and acknowledged the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said City, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that he is authorized to execute the said instrument. Witness my hand and official seal hereto affixed the day and year first above written. Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, residing at Spokane Valley. Name: My commission expires: ~ - _ r - ..._.J..~-~._, F _ _9y~y~ q ~q 4~I~L ~ ~ I ~ 1'i.i ~i~ I ~ L~F ,x ,,0.~ ' r ,~rarr.si{ix~~r»~t++;rf - - - - ~ ~rz^ - ~ ~~~J~'~~~'~k,~?~~~~~d ,~r~d ~,.Ao-r~C.~±s1C~+~ a~ '+a~~~~~ _ ~ ~ ; - ~ ~~1~r,~.~ a~ ~J.~t~.tNr~V ~J~ ~ - ! " . " , , a~r~s ~rkar ~l - 'f~ ~+'n4~ ~ _ . - ~ w~_ F~ . 1~ 7:4~rrr r E~ a~ _~f ~.r,~'~ F~ ~ ~t~aaw cM Erx~t f~ - - ' ~ S~~~F~°I"~P ,~d C~~+~~ ~Y~~~~J~ tlwab~a~ ~ wr~4e .r tar*~ ~~z+ ~ke~r.~~,rt~ ~~a~A _ ~t'~.~~A4' - ~ n en~ J,~!~YUfi ~~S p ■ k~ I4~ r~p1 i s 4~ = i ° , - ~ T ±~r~a~?~ rv~ed t+~~r d ~.d;~~ ~.~ri.~ fnra ~o~ir~_cs~r ; - $,.g~3rd a~ r,~,4~ ~ ~y ; f11~ ~G~ 4+~~~d 'Y{~~~ ~I~~~ Y V 1'd r• .~C~f,~ T e _ .S k~++~ t~AS'~ F.16~~.5!~~~ ~u~ IY!~~~e# ~Ck~~~ - r~ ~p~a l ~ ~'r+J d~~F~~C' ~'u ik ~ ~ lC.~?# ~'~~r 'fi~~ rdfl~~P~]~ p~ I w m ~~~~~.1~yY~1, ~ ~ ~i 4 r ~ ~ ~ ' grrF $ ~f P:~~ ~yeeYd~PCpd ~ ~ f,_ g~r~ aT ~ 4YA~.~~ ~F~I►~ I . ~.~1 .~.~klr►a►~ ~i ~ ~'~v .~~nl.~7 ~~.rvr~~ I~~ . ~ 1 a ~ rl. ~ ' y t.'~ • jy~ I ~1 4"~ _ a:.~ ~r ~ ~r ~~r~a~ •~d Tm~.~,~~ L~~~~EI~ I~I ~~'I~ . a ,a~ 1~k,~1~ ~ ~d ~~A~'i~!!~f~ ~ ~ ~F 8. . t~7 ~ . r~$ ~1'ia}i~?a ~ L7e~ V [g?~ C ~.~~.~.~yy•~~cti ~ll~ .F~v+~ d~d f~:~ i~~~~a* d'~ Fa~~ +rauw dd►r a.+~~a?~ ~r1 +~a~s .~~e~s 5~i I! i ~ ~ ' J. ~ ~P~ ~,I~~,, i+~~ ~a _ r,~rfil~t ~~~f 4 ~ _ ~ ~ r ~ I ~ ' ~►'~~s"drna ~a fF~~iy ~.~s-~ . 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Attendance: Citv Staff Rich Munson, Mayor Dave Mercier, City Manager Dick Denenny, Deputy Mayor Mike Jackson, Deputy City Manager Rose Dempsey, Councilmember Mike Connelly, City Attorney Bill Gothmann, Councilmember Cary Driskell, Deputy City Attorney Gary Schimmels, Councilmember Kathy McClung, Community Development Dir Steve Taylor, Councilmember Scott Kuhta, Senior Planner Diana Wilhite, Councilmember Ken Thompson, Finance Director Mike Stone, Parks & Recreation Director - Greg McCormick, Planning Manager Lori Barlow, Associate Planner Christina Janssen, Assistant Planner John Whitehead, Human Resources Manager Inga Note, Traffic Engineer Carolbelle Branch, Public Information Officer Greg Bingaman, IT Specialist Chris Bainbridge, City Clerk INVOCATION: Pastor David Johnson of the Valley United Methodist Church gave the invocation. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayor Munson led the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL: City Clerk Bainbridbe called roll; all Councilmembers were present except Councilmember Schimmels. It was moved by Councilmember• Taylor, seconded und unanimously agreed to exczrse Courtcilmember Schimmels frorn tonight's meeting. Mayor Munson mentioned that Councilmember Schimmels is intending to arrive later during the nleeting. APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Mayor Munson mentioned there would be no executive session tonight. It was moved by Councilmember Taylor, seconded and unanimously greed to approve the amended agenda. INTRODUCTION OF SPECIAL GUESTS AND PRESENTATIONS:, n/a COMMITTEE, BOARD, LYAISON SUMMAI2Y REPORTS: Councilmember Wilhite: reported that she attended the League of Women Voter's reception for elected officials at the MAC Museum; attended the Convention and Visitor's Bureau holiday open house; the Spokane Rotary Annual Tree Lighting; the Leadership Spokane's Government Day with Mayor Munson participating on the panel; and a holiday open house for the Armed Forces at Fairchild Air Force Base. Councilmember Gothmann: said that he also attended the Tree Lighting ceremony; a meeting of the Spokane Regional Health Department where they discussed the recent candidate's rejection of the Health o~'icial position, and Mr. Gothmann mentioned that contrary to the Spokesman Review, the issue had nothing to do with the contract offered to the individual, and that one of the issues which disturbed the candidate was that the candidate should "get over it" concerning the release of Dr. Thorburn and Councilmember Gothmann said the candidate was surprised that the newspaper would still be discussing Council Regular Meeting: 12-09-08 Page l of 8 Approved by Council: DRAFT this issue two year's hence, and that this candidate has a BA in Journalism and that at one point, he had been writing a regular weekly article in the Sacramento Bee on public health, and when he approached the Spokesman Review to do that they refused him, and that Mr. Gothmann's feels that perhaps the primary reason for the candidate not accepting the position was due to the current state of the economy. Councilmember Gothmann continued by explaining that due to a conflict in meetings, he was not able to attend the Regional Affordable Housing Task Force meeting, but at the meeting a final draft was presented concerning their affordable housing recommendations and he said he feels those recommendations will likely be presented later to Council. Councilmember Dempsev: explained that she attended a Tops in Blue performance at the Northern Quest Casino; she also attended a Spokane Regiotlal Clean Air Agency meeting and she mentioned the idea of having a publication of the names of companies which violate the Agency's rules, specifically the abatement of asbestos; and said she also attended the Tree Lighting and commented on the wonderful singing by the children. Councilmember Tavlor: no report as he mentioned he was out of town on business last week. Deputy Mavor Deiienny: explained that he also attended the Health District meeting, and stated that there will be future discussion on the Health District Board's current structure and whether to modify that or the criteria and qualifications of the defined roles; and he thanked those who attended his recent Christmas party. MAYOR'S REPORT: Mayor Munson reported that he and City Manager Mercier met with Mayor Verner to discuss the sewer wastewater sihiation, and to discuss the possibility of developing an alternative plan in the event we are not successful in getting a discharge permit for the proposed plant, and he said that no conclusions were made; that he attended a TMDL (total maximum daily load) meeting later that morning; he attended the Tops in Blue performance; the 911 Board meeting where he discovered that Board has also had conflicts with the County at times concerning overcharging in contracts and they are currently negotiating to resolve that issue; and that Crime Check will be re- established next month, and hc mentioned there will be an aggressive education effort so citizens know the proper use of Crime Check; that he attended the League of VVomen's Voters meeting and that he had an opportunity to speak with Senator Murray's Regional Director concerning wastewater issues and President-Elect Obama's upcoming economic stimulus package and the opportunities it might afford this City; that he also had the opportunity rivice last week to host some Cub Scouts; that he also attended the Northwest Mayor's meeting where they discussed the topics of wastewater plants, SCOPE, and matters relative to law enforcement; and that he spoke at the Tree Lighting ceremony, thanking the Valley Rotary for orchestrating the event; that he attended a Leadership for Spokane training session where he briefly discussed the CounciUManager form of government. Vlayor Munson also reported that he met with East Valley and Central Valley's School District Superintendents where they discussed ways and ideas to encourage cooperation between the School Districts and the City, and plans for the future. PUBLIC CONIMENTS: Mayor Munson invited general public comment. Fred Beaulac, 3824 S. Sundown Drive: mentioned that his last Planning Commission meeting will be December 11, and he thanked Council for allowing him to have a rewarding experience as part of the Planning Commission; he said how proud he was to have been a participant in making a difference in his community since his initial appointment to the Planning Commission in 2003; he also urged the public to join in any way possible to participate in this City's planning efforts; and he thanked staff for the patience and understanding in working with a novice Planning Commission and getting this City to the point we are today, and he said without the help of staff, there would be no Comprehensive Plan, Uniform Development Code, and said that he respects Councilrnembers' ability to handle the upcoming opportunities for this City. Council thanked Mr. Beaulac for his years of service and dedication. Council Regular vleeting: 12-09-08 Page 2 of 8 Approved by Council: DRAFT 1. PUBLIC HEARING: Emergencv Ordinance 08-021 Amendine Snokane Vallev Municioal Code Sections 20.30.020 and 20.40.010. City Attorney Connelly explained that tllis ordinance adopted interim changes to our Uniform Development Code (UDC); and that RCW 35A.63.220 requires a public hearing be set within sixty days and that ordinance set today's hearing; the ordinance and interim changes deal with reducing a requirement that boundary points be located by global positioning systems and changing the electronic submittal requirements for preliminary subdivision maps, as both were found to be onerous and unnecessary; and with this ordinance changes were made to facilitate the process of those applications. Mr. Connelly further explained that at the conclusion of this hearing, Council may repeal the interim ordinance, take no action and the matter would proceed to the Planning Commission and then come back to Council for final disposition; or Council can amend the interim ordinance. This was enacted as an interim and emergency ordinance, said Attorney Connelly, because there are several plats awaiting approval which could not meet the more stringent requirements. Mayor Munson officially invited public comments, and receiving none, Mayor Munson closed the public hearing at 6:30 p.m. Council determined not to take action, thus allowing the previously enacted emergency ordinance to remain in effect until replaced by a more formal adoption from Council. 2. CONSENT AGENDA: Consists of items considered routine which are approved as a group. A Councilmember may remove an item from the Consent Agenda to be considered separately. a. Claim Vouchers, List dated 11/18/2008, Voucher # 15964 through 16005 b. Payroll for pay period endingNovember 15, 2008: $232,128.18 c. Payroll for pay period ending November 30, 2008: $322,759.67 d. Council Regular Meeting Minutes of November 18, 2008 e. Council Study Session Meeting Minutes of December 2, 2008 f. Resolution 08-021 Setting Planning Commission Hearing for Street Vacation STV 04-08 lt was moved by Cozcncilmember Tcrylor, seconded, and unanirnously agreed to approve the consent agenda. . NE`V BUSINESS: 3. Second Readiniz Proposed Ordinance 08-024 Code Coinoliance Amendment (izraffiti) - Carv Driskell After City Clerk Bainbridge read the ordinance title, it tivas moved by Councilmember Taylor and seconded to approve Oy-dinance 08-024 relating to code cornpliance amendments under Spokane Valley Mirnicipal Code 7.05. Deputy City Attorney Driskell explained the history of this issue as noted on the December 9, 2008, Request for Council Action, and as previously explained at the first reading; and Mr. Driskell then gave the highlights of the changes regarding graffiti, and especially of the desire not to re- victimize citizens. Mayor Munson invited public comment; no comments were offered. Vote by Acclamation: In Fcrvor: Unanimous. Opposed.• None. Abstentions: None. Motion car•ried. 4. Second Readinp- Proposed Ordinance 08-025 UDC Code Compliance Related Ordinance - Carv Driskell After City Clerk Bainbridge read the ordinance title, it was moved by Councilmember Taylor and secondecl to approve Ordinance '08-025. Deputy City Attorney Driskell said that this is the part of the code dealing with enforcement; and that over time necessary changes are warranted as some items are no longer effective; and he further mentioned the new section "f' under 17.90.040 where if an appeal is granted, the appeal fee would be refunded as a successful appeal means there was no right to issue a violation of code; and that staff feels this is necessary to satisfy due process requirements. Mayor Munson invited public comment; no comments were offered. Vote by Acclamation: In Favor: Unanimous. Opposed.• None. Abstentions: 1Vone. Motion carried. Council Regular Meeting: 12-09-08 Page 3 of 8 Approved by Council: DRAFT 5. Second Readiniz Proposed Ordinance 08-026 for Code Amendments - Christina Janssen After City Clerk Bainbridge read the ordinance title, it was moved by Councilmember Taylor and seconded to approve Ordinance 08-026 Planner Janssen went over the proposed changes, which she explained were brought about as they were either incorrect, impractical, or inadvertently omitted during the writing of the UDC. Mayor Munson asked Planner Janssen about a letter Council received from Mr. Riley concerning manufactured homes, who stated that he could not move his fairly new trailer to a new location, and Mayor Munson asked staff to help Council understand the exeeptions to this rule. Community Development Director McClung said that Ms. Janssen has not seen the letter, so Ms. McClung eYplained that the Code does not permit the older manufactured homes on single family lots; that this does not apply to manufactured home parks; and some people perceive manufactured home parks as to be only leased lots, but there are actually some plats with lots that people can own which were designed specifically for manufactured homes; but the current regulations do not allow older homes, by state definition, to go on single family lots, but she added, that has nothing to do with this code amendment; and if someone wanted to address that, it would have to be a different code amendment. Ms. McClung said that the manufactured year limit is 1978; but the year is not the issue; the issue is that it is 1978 and it cannot be pre-owned. Mayor Munson invited public comment; no comments were offered. Vote by Acclamation: In Favor: Unanimous. Opposed: None. Ahstentions: None. Motiorl carried. 6. Second Readiniz Proposed Ordinance 08-027 Amendiniz 2008 Budp-et - Ken Thompson After City Clerk Bainbridge read the ordinance title, it was moved by Councilmember Wilhite and seconded to adopt Ordinance 08-027 amending the 200$ budget. Finance Director Thompson said this is the second reading to adopt an ordinance amending the 2008 budget, that there is only one amendment to make, whicb is to address the excess street maintenance of last January and February; and that this ordinance would also elose the street bond capital projects fund and the sewer fund which are no longer being uscd, but as long as they stay on the boolcs, we must show them on the annual financial report. Mayor Munson invited public comment; no comments were offered. Vote by Acclamation: In Favor.• Unanimous. Opposed: None. Abstentions: None. Motion curried. 7. Second ReadinQ Proposed Ordinance 08-028 for Street Vacation STV-02-08 - Lori Barlow Aftei- City Clerk Bainbridge read the ordinance title, it was moved by Councilmember Taylor and seconded to approve ordinance 08-028. Associate Planner Barlow explained that Cauncil directed staff to prepare an ordinance which would allow CoLmcil to grant the request as submitted; and that ordinance is before Council now. Ms. Barlow added that at the last meeting, it was briefly mentioned that the public works department and development engineering department had recommended that because this street would be dead-ended, a cul-de-sac should be provided at the dead-end portion of the street, i.e. the newly created dead end portion of the street; she explained this was not addressed by council previously; and that is not included in the ordinance presented tonight, and if council determined a cul-de-sac was needed. an ordinance would need to be brought forward to council addressing that; and Ms. Barlow showed on the overhead, the area where the cul-de-sac would be created if Council so chose, adding that providing a cul- de-sac at a dead-end is within our street standards. City Attorney Conneily mentioned that lots 1 and 2 located on the map, are part of a preliminary plat that has been approved; and access to Lot 2 is on the right-of-way that exists today; and there is a small ttirn- around that will be provided as part of that preliminary plat; and if the property to the north is developed bordering Progress and Fourth Road and Fifth Avenue, then there may be a requirement, depending on whafi is proposed, for some type of a turn-araund for Fifth Avenue if it is chosen for access for that devclopment; and to do that, Council would not need to pass an ordinance, as it would be part of a short plat which would be submitted and processed through the Hearing Examiner. City Atrtorney Connelly further explained that the issue before Council is, if Council grants the vacation, what additional improvements may be required; and if Council grants the vacation, the road is gone and the yellow section shown would no longer be right-of-way; the stub that would be left from Progress Road up to Council Regular vleeting: 12-09-08 Page 4 of 8 Approved by CounciL• DRAFT where it hits that yellow section, doesn't currently have an appropriate turn-around; lot 1 and 2 have been approved with a more of a hammerhead type anangement that has been approved by the Fire Department; and we don't know what preliminary plat will be submitted for the area adjacent to the vacated property because one has not been submitted yet; and depending on what is submitted, a cul-de-sac may be required if they actuaUy access Fifth Avenue, but we don't know how the property to the north of 5'h will be configured as there has been no application yet; and if they access 5111, we may require a cul-de-sac on that properly. Councilmember Taylor then asked for confirmation that the affect of tonight's action would be if Council approved this ordinance, it shifts the burden of a future cul-de-sac over to the west; and Attorney Connelly said it would shift it to the next person who makes an application and uses 5`h Avenue. Councilmember Taylor continued by explaining then if not, the person who is applying for the vacation would have the burden currently. Attomey Connelly concurred and said that the choices are to impose a cul-de-sac on the property adjacent to the vacation, or not, and that Council does not have the authority to tell the property north of S`" Avenue that they have to give up some of their lanci for a vacation that they are not a party to. [Councilmember Schimmels arrived at approximately 6:50 p.m.] Deputy Mayor Denenny stated that if Council made it feasible to do a half-moon type cul-de-sac into the vacation portion, then the balance of the requirement would be upon the person who wants to develop the north property; and explained that he was trying to determine a way that that lot size would not be impinged to such a degree that it couldn't be used for development; and Attorney Connelly explained that staff could come back with a partial cul-de-sac design if council chooses. Mayor Munson invited public camment. Arne Woodard, 2511 S. Best Road: said he is a real estate broker and has been referred to as the proponent for this proposal; he said he has no financial gain in doing anything with this other then the developer is a netiv developer; he said he came to thank Council for allowing a fair and open hearing on this matter; and said that regarding a cul-de-sac, if you "carve into there" you are going to bring us back to the discussion held last time, which is, if there is enough land taken out, and you take a 100' cul-de-sac, you are cut-ting into a lot more than just the road vacation area; and that will also potentially affect the ultimate development which is the north/south St. Charles. Mayor Munson invited further comments; no further comments were offered. Councilmember Taylor and Mayor Munson mentioned that the future use of the land is not germane to this discussion as development will occur based on what is economically feasible. Yote by Acclamation: In Favor: Unanimous. Opposed: None. Abstentions: None. Motion carried. 8. ProDOSed Resolution 08-022 AmendinQ Fee Resolution - Ken Thompson It tivas moved by Deputy Mayor Denenny and seconded to approve Resolution 08-022 amending the fee resolution for 2009. Finance Director Thompson explained that the resolution will set the fees for 2009; that a few of the fees during the last few months were modified, some were increased, there are some new fees, and that a$250 pre-application meeting fee is also included, which fee will be deducted from the land use application fee if the application is filed within one year of the pre-application meeting. Mayor Munson invited public eomment; no comments were offered. Vote by Acclamatio»: In FavoY: Unanimous. Opposed: None. Abstentions: None. Motion carr•ied. Mayor Munson called for a short recess at 7:10; and reconvened the meeting at 7:15 p.m. 9. Motion Consideration: Confirmation of Mavoral Nominations to the Planninia Commission - Mavor Munson Mayor Munson explained that fourteen applications were submitted for consideration to the Planning Commission; that he asked Council and some staff to look through the applications and send the Mayor their recommendations; that there was not consensus for one, and there was majority of consensus for the other; and as a result, Mayor Munson said he recommends to accept Joe Mann and Tom Towey to replace Council Regular Meeting: 12-09-08 Page 5 of 8 Approved by Council: DRAFT Fred Beaulac and Gail Kogle on the Planning Commission. Councilmember Wilhite asked and Mayor Munson concurred, that the appointments would be handled separately. It was then moved by Councilmember Wilhite and seconded to eonfirm the nomination of Joe Mann to the Planning Commission. Mayor Munson invited public comment. Arne Woodard, 1125 S Best Road: said he knows Joe Mann personally and he highly recommends Mr. Mann who is well respected in the realtor community and the volunteer community. There were no other public comments. Vote by Acclamation: In Favor: Unanimous. Opposed: None. Abstentions: None. Motion carried. Deputy Mayor Denenny said in looking through the numerous applications, he feels that Mr. Allan deLaubenfels would be a better choice as he has past experience in the field. It was moved by Cozrncilmember Gothmann and seconded to accept Toni Toivey. CouncilmembEr Taylor agreed that there are several applicants with direct planning experience and asked Council to re-consider tha second appointee and to further cxamine some of the other applicants. Discussion included wanting to have citizens on the planning commission who are and who are not associated with government in order to give the Commission balance; versus discussion and comment that that balance currently exists. vote by Acclamation: In Favor: Mayor Munson, and Councilmembers Gothmann, Dempsey, and Schimmels. Motion passed. 10. Motion Consideration: Hotel/Motel Grant Allocations - Councilmember Wilhite Councilmember Wilhite explained the recommendations as noted in the Request for Council Action form, and mentioned that when the Committee looks at the requests for funds, they look at which projects would help stimulate visitors to t}le Spokane Valley area, and bring people back to stay in our hotels and motels. Councilmember Wilhite mentioned that the total amount to be allocated may appear less then from previous years, but $30,000 was allocated to the 2010 Skating Championships, and $90,000 was allocated fio CenterPlace; whereas in past years CenterPlace was allocated $40,000. Councilmember Wilhite added that the committee agreed that if revenues come in greater than projected, the committee could hold another meeting mid-year and examine the possibility of making further allocations; and likewise, if it appears we will have less revenues than anticipated, reductions could be made by the percentage of what was first allocated; and those entities are aware of that possibility. It tivas moved by Councilmember 'laylor crnd seconded, to approve the following Lodging Tax Grant Applications: $18,250 to Spokane Fair & Expo Centef•; $236,000 to Spokane Regional Convention and Visitor's Bureau; S27, 500 to Valleyfest; $115,000 to the Spokane Regional Sports Commissiorr; and $3, 250 for Spokcrne Valley Heritage Museum for the creation and distribution of card rack materials; in addilion to the $90, 000 allocated for CenteyPlace and $30, 000 allocated for the 2010 Figccre Skating Chumpionships. Mayor Munson invited public comment; no comments were received. Vote by Acclamation: In Favor•: Unanimotrs. Opposed.• None. Abstentions: 1Vone. Motion carried. 11. Motion Consideration: AA,A Sweepinp- Services - Tim Klein It was moved by Councilmember Wilhite and seconded to approve the contract renewul to AAA Sweeping in the amount of $490,199.94. Traffic Engineer inga Note, standing in for Mr. Klein, explained this is a contract renewal for AAA, the company which performs all the street sweeping; that they have asked for a 2.25% increase to cover some of their cosfis. Mayor Munson invited public comment; no comments were offered. Vote by Acclamation: In Favor: Unanimous. Opposed: 1Vone. Abstentions: None. Motion carried. 12. Motion Consideration: YMCA Aquatics Contract Renewal - Mike Stone It was moved by Councilmember Wilhite and seconded to authorize the Ciry Manager or designee to execute the 2009 YIYlCA Aguatics contract amendment as recomrnended by staff. Parks and Recreation Director Stone explained that this contract renewal is the fourth and final renewal of the YMCA contract to operate and maititain our pools; he mentioned that over the last four years, the YMCA has done an Council Regular Meeting: 12-09-08 Page 6 of 8 Approved by Council: DRAFT outstanding job of keeping the pools running and providing excellent customer service; that the 2009 contract will highlight the new £eatures and amenities which will be completed; as in the past, the YMCA has been extended a$1,000 increase in the management fee which brings their request for 2009 to $29,000; and per the original agreement, the other remaining costs for the operation are billed to us on actual costs basis; and we anticipate that could increase by approximately 20% in 2009; adding that we have added three new features- which will likely require additional staffing; and the increase has been anticipated and was included in the 2009 budget recently adopted. Mayor Munson invited public comment; no comments were offered. Vote by Acclamation: In Favor: Unanimous. Opposed.• ATOne. Abstentions: 1Vone. Motion carried. 13. Motion Consideration: Senske Contract Renewal - Mike Stone It was moved by Councilrnember Taylor and seconded to authorize the City Manger or designee to execute the 2009 Senske Park Maintenance Contract amendment as recommended. Parks and Recreation Director Stone explained that this also is the fourth and final renewal of the Senske contract, which provides all the park maintenance including maintenance of the Centennial Trail; and that he is very impressed working with this private contractor, and appreciates the quick response by Senske when issues come up; that Senske has proposed a 2% increase, which is approximately $13,000 to cover their increases in wages, medical benefits, fuel, and fertilizer; and that staff feels this is a fair request; which means the contract for Senske next year will be a total of $646,520,16; which is approximately $622,000 for parks, and $24,000 for the Centennial Trail. •Mayor Munson invited public comment; no comments were offered. Vote by Acclamation: In Favor•: Unanimous. Opposed: None. Abstenfions: None. Motion carried. 14. Motion Consideration: Approval of STA Cooperative Grant A2reements - Neil Kersten/Steve Worlev It was moved by Councilmernber Taylor and seconded to approve the STA Cooperative Grant Agreements for the projects of Sprague and Evergreen Intersections; Sprccgcre/Pines Concrete Intersection; Sprague and McDonald intersection; Indiana and Sullivan Intersectiorr; and Broadway and Sullivan Intersection. Traffic Engineer Inga Note explained that this is a grant opportunity with STA for $5.5 million to install eoncrete pavement to upgrade our curb ramps, and to overall improve these five intersections; that we are currently working on the design of the first three and they should be ready to go to bid in the spring; and the other two would occur the following year; and that this is 80% funding, leaving the City responsible for the 20%, which is approximately $1 million. Deputy Mayor Denenny said that STA looks at areas where transit has an impact on the infrastructure such as intersections where there are continuous turns, and because of the impacts to the roads, STA feels an obligation to comperisate the jurisdictions; and hence this is a cooperative program. Mayor Munson invited public comment; no comments were offered. T/ote by Acclamation: In Fcrvor: Unanimous. Opposed: Rrone. Abstentiorrs: None. Motion carried. PUBLIC COMMENTS: Mayor Munson invited general public comments; no comments were offered. ADMINISTR.ATIVE REPORTS: 15. Memorandum of Understandin2 for Prosecutor Interlocal Aareement - Carv Driskell Deputy City Attorney Driskell explained that we have an interlocal agreement tivith Spokane County and the County Prosecutor, where they will provide prosecutorial services for us for misdemeanors, gross misdemeanors, and infractions; and in the course of discussions earlier, a question arose concerning specific language in the contract as whether it intended to cover just violations of State law or also specific city codes where there is some variation from State law, and because there were different interpretations of that, adding that there were no cases which were not prosecuted; and staff wanted to insure there was no ambiguity within the contract, hence this memorandum which clarifies the intent of the parties; and staff also identified that if we tivere to have an adult entertainment case, that probably should be handled outside and on a case-by-case, hourly basis as those cases tend to be very tiine Council Rcgular Meeting: 12-09-08 Paoe 7 of 8 Approved by Council: DRAFT consurning. DepIsty M,ayor Denenny suggested, and Cou.ncil concurred, to bring this MOU pn the next Council consent agencla fQr appraval. Other Business: Mayor Muttson announced that during tanight's brief recess, he received a vDice rnail message from County Commissioner Mark Richard who infiorm+ed Mayor ML;nson that this evening at the County Cammissioner's meeting, they voted to terminate our roads rnasntenance contract with the COLLnty; a.nd that the Interlocal Agreement requires 1 S0-day notice, and that Commissianer Richard stated that they would give us until next October to find a replacement; that this is something whzch will be discussecl iater, addijig that this statement came as a camplete surprkse; and Nir. Mercier mention that he too was camgletely unawa.re nf ttiis untif inention tonight by Mayor 1Vlunson, ~ MFO1tMATYON 0NLY. The folloiving i#em.s were for rnfor-mcation only and -were not reparted or ~ discusse& Finance Housekeeping Items - Ken Thornpson; and Partial Release of Interest T Gr~g McCorrnick. EXECUTIVE SE5SIO1\: As mentioned above, there Nvas no Executivc Session. Therc being no further business, it was moved by Deputy Mayor Denenny, secanded, and unanimausly agree.d to adjourn. ~'he meeting adjourned a~t approxyma,tely 7:50 p.m. ATTEST: Richard Munson, Mayor Christ'Lne Bainbridge, City Clerk Cauricil Regular Ivleeting: 12-09-0$ Page $ af 8 Approved by Cotincil: DRAF'T MINUTES City of Spokane Valley City Council Executive Session Tuesday, December 16, 2008 Attendance: Councilmembers: Staff: Mayor Munson, Mayor Dave Mercier, City Manager Dick Denenny, Deputy Mayor Mike Connelly, City Attorney Rose Dempsey, Councilmember Scott Kuhta, Senior Planner Bill Gothmann, Councilmember Cary Driskell, Deputy City Attorney Gary Schimmels, Councilmember Ken Thompson, Finance Director Steve Taylor, Councilmember Neil Kersten, Public Works Director Diana Wilhite, Councilmember Kathy McClung, Community Development Dir Morgan Koudelka, Sr. Administrative Analyst EXECUTIVE SESSION: Mayor Munson called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m. Jt was moved by Councilmember Gothmann and seconded to adjourn into Executive Session for approximately 60 minutes to discuss land acyuisition; and that there would be no action thereafter. Mayor Munson declared Council out of Executive Session at 6:04 p.m. and Council adjourned the Executive Session Special meeting. ATTFST: Richard Munson, Mayor Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk Rich Munson, Mayor AT 1 EST: Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk Council Minutes: 12-16-08 Page 1 of I Approved by Council: CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: December 30, 2008 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ~ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE : Proposed Resolution 08-024 Establishing Petty Cash PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: In early 2007 the Finance Committee recommended and the council established petty cash and change fund procedures. BACKGROUND: The State Auditor's Office (SAO) has recommended the City adopt petty cash and change fund practices by resolution not motion. SAO has also recommended we close small checking accounts that are not being used. OPTIONS: 1) Adopt petty cash and change fund practices by resolution and close unused checking accounts. 2) Continue to use the practices adopted in earlier in 2007 and leave the unused checking accounts in existence. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Move to approve Resolution 08-024 Establishing Petty Cash BUDGETIFINANCIAL IMPACTS: None STAFF CONTACT: Ken Thompson, Finance Director DRAFT " CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON RESOLUTION NO. 08-024 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, SPOKANE COUI~TTY, WASHINGTON, ESTABLISHTNG PETTY CASH, CHANGE, AND WORKING FUNDS FOR SPECIFIC PURPOSES, AND CLOSING OPERATING CHECKING ACCOUNTS NO LONGER NEEDED. WHEREAS, Spokane Valley Municipal Code Section 3.30.030 authorizes the development of rules and policies concerning the administration of periy cash funds; and WHFREAS, it is the general policy of the City to set aside small amounts of cash to make change and reimburse employees for city operating costs; and WHEREAS, the City has established small funds for these purposes in the past by motion, resolution, or ordinance; and WHEREAS, the Washington State Auditors Office has suggested the adoption of these funds by City resolution; and WHERE AS, the city no longer needs the recreation revolving program special checking account; and WHEREAS, the city no longer needs the code enforcement special checking account; and WHEREAS, Council desires to close these two small checking accounts and adopt by council resolution these new change and petty cash funds. NOW TBEREFORE, be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley, Spokane County, Washington, as follows: Section 1. The recreation program and code enforcement special checking accounts shall be closed. Section 2. The following petty cash/change accounts shall be established in the amounts shown below and administered by the position identified. The specific custodians for these accounts shall be appointed by the finance director. Responsible Position Amount Operations/Administration Receptionist $100 Building cash one - Permit Specialist $200 Building cash two - Permit Specialist $200 Building cash three - Office Assistant $200 Parks & Rec. Administrative Assistant $ 50 Resolution 08-024 Periy Cash Page 1 of 2 DRAFT The following are minimunl requirements for establishment and operation of these accounts: l. Each petty cash account shall be established by the governing body by resolution. 2. The custodian of each perty cash account who should be independent of invoice processing, check signing, general accounting and cash receipts functions. When it is not practical to hire additional personnel or to reallocate these duties among existing personnel, a mechanism of review that accomplishes the objectives of the segregation of duties shall be established. For example, periodic monitoring of cash receipts and/or independent performance of the bank reconciliation add controls when complete segregation of duties is not possible. 3. The amount in petty cash shal] be periodically counted and reconci led by someone other than the custodian. 4. Tlle custodian should assure the petty cash is kept in a locked location. 5. The authorized amount of all such petty cash sllall be included in the local govcrnment's balance sheet. - 6. If petty cash is disbursed, it must be replenished at least monthly. The replenishment should be suUject to the same review and approval as processed invoices. Tlle replenishment must be by voucher with the appropriate receipts attached. The reccipts should show the date, recipient, purpose and amount of each cash disbursement. These receipts inust be signed by the person receivina the money, stamps, etc. At the time of replenishment, the custodian should ensure that the balance remaining in petty cash, together with the amount of the replenishment voucher, equals the authorized imprested amount. 7. The impress amount of petty cash should not eYCeed one month's salary or the surcty bond covering the custodian. 8. The fund may not be used for personal cash advances even if secured by check or other I.O.U.'s. 9. Petty cash should always be replenished at the end of the fiscal year so that expenses will be reflected in the proper accounting period. 10. Whenever an individual's appointment as custodian is terminated the fund must be replenished and the imprested amount turned over to the treasurer or other disbursing officer. Section 3. Repeal. To the extent that prcvious council motions, resolutions and ordinances are inconsistent with those set forth herein, they are repealed. Section 4. Effective Date. This Resolution shall be in full force and effect upon adoption. Adopted this 29`hclay of December, 2008. ATTEST: CI1,Y OF SPOKANE VALLEY Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk Richard Munson, Mayor Approved as to form: Office of the City Attorney Resollition 08-024 Petty Cash Page 2 of 2 C:1'I'Y Ui' SYUKANE V'AI.LFti Request for Council Action Meeting Date: 12-30-08 City Manager Si~_, ri -o tl': Item: Check all that apply:❑ consent ❑ old business Z nc,-~ bu~111c.SS L ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislatiorj AC;F'YI) A ITF.N7 TtTi.E : C'onfirm:itioin of Mayora) f'omniittee A>>pointmcnts \ i ` f IZ O l N \ i i_. 1t' l 4 fi s 1. \ 1 I i`l:l.`1() 1':, ( 'Ot ti( li_At'I1O\ 1A 1" i_N. ,i f~~_~..~~ appointment recommendations to he confirmed 1~_, KLC0N1N1I_.NUEll illUilUti: Nlo~,e ior LUII]tC(31a11vIi (A tiic 10lio~~1111) (_uuu~.il Appoiiitnticl►i~ calendar year 2009 unless term otherwise indicated below: Chamber of Commerce Board: (one delegate) (Diana Wilhiie 2003; Steve Taylor 2004 and 2005; Bill Gothmann 2006 and 2007, Rich Munson 2008) Convention Center & V isitor's Bureau: (one delegate and one alternate) (Dick Denenny, Diana Wilhite alt 2003; Steve Taylor, Dick Denenny alt 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007; Rose Dempsey 2008) Greater Spokane Inc. (formerly EDC): (one delegate and one alternate) (Diana Wilhite, Steve Taylor alt 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, Rich Munson 2008) Emergency Communications Board 91l: (one delegate) (Mike DeVleming 2005, 2006, 2007, Rich Munson 2008) Finance Committee, Spokane Valley: (3 members) (Diana, Rich and Steve 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006; Mike, Ric6 and Steve 2007; Rich Munson, Dick Denenny, Diana Wilhite 2008) Governance Manual: (3 members) (Mike DeVleming, Dick Denenny, Mike Flanigan 2002-2005; Mike, Dick, Bill Gothmann 2006-2007; Dick Denenny, Bill Gothmann, Rose Dempsey 2008) Growth Mgmt Steering Committee of Elected Officials: (2 delegates) (Steve Taylor, Rich Munson 2003-2005; Mike DeVleming, Rich Munson 2006, 2007; Rich Munson, Diana Wilhite 2008)) Need Two delegates; and all other Cvuncilmembers are alternatives. Health Dist Bd (Spokane Regional Health District Bd): (two delegates) Term Period: Serves at discretion of appointment Mayor but not to ezceed vears. To appoint or re- appoint, Mayor write letter to BoCC requesting consideration of Board approval. (Dick Denenny 2003-2005; Dick Denenny Bill Gothmann 2006, 2007; Dick Denenny, Bill Gothmann 2008) y (Spokane County) Housing and Community Development Advisory Committee (HCDAC): Term 3 years. Rich Munson 2003-2004; Steve Taylor 2005; Bill Gothmann 2006 - end of 2008) International Trade Alliance: (one delegate) (Rich Munson 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, Rose Dempsey 2008) Solid Waste Advisory Board: (one delegate, one alternate) (Gary Schimmels, Mike DeVleming alt 2003-2007; Gary Schimmels Rose Dempsey 2008) Spokane Regional Transportation Council (SRTC): (one delegate, one alternate) Term 3 years snbject to reappointment. (Gary Schimmels, Mike DeVleming alt 2003-2006; Gary Schimmels, Diana Wilhite alt 2007; Diana Wilhite delegate, Gary Schimmels alt 2008.) Spokane Transit Authority (STA): (two delegates) (Dick Denenny, Rich Munson alt 2003-2007; Dick Denenny, Rich Munson 2008) i3ACKGROUND: As a source of informatioa ontv; other Committees include: TPA (Hotel Advisory Committee) Tourism Promotion Area: no vacartcv- term not up vet Council appoints 2 members and one ex-officio. Nominees must be aperators or employees of lodging business within Spokane County) Terms start first of April. After initial term, 3-year term period Jody Sander a.nd Liz Beck expired 3-3 I-07; Steve Taylor, ex-officio expired 3-31-07) Ms. Sander and Ms. Beck indicated a desire to continue to serve on this committee for 2008 Council ex-ofticio: Stevz Taylor 2004 - 2007; Bill Gothmann 2007-2009. Lodging 'I'ax Advisory Committce (City of Spokane Valley's): (This will be handled by separate motion - see next item on tonight's agenda.) (Mike Flanigan, Diana Wilhite 2003, 2004, 2005; Steve Taylor, Diana Wilhite 2006; Steve Taylor 2007; Diana VVilhite 2008) Also need to crppoint new committee members, for 1 or 2 year term. The following terms are expiring: Peggy Doering, expires 12-31-08 linvolved in Junded activiliesJ (seeks re-appointmen!) Lee Cameron, e-rpires 12-31-08 [required to collect the tax] (seeks re-appointment) Cal Clausen, expires 12-31-08 [required to collect the 12rJ (seeks re-appointment) Spokane Regional Clean Air Agency (formerly SCAPCA): no vacancY - term not up vet Serves 4 years or rans with Council term. (Mike DeVleming 2006-2010; Steve Taylor appointed 11/27/2007 replaced by Rose Dempsey 6-3-2008) SCRAPS (Spol:ane County Regional Animal Care & Protection Services) not acti►~e (Gary Schimmels, Mil:e DeVleming 2003-2007; Gary Schimmels 2008) SNAP (unaffiliated, non-appointed): (Bill Gothmann, 2006, 2007) - J CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: 12-30-08 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ~ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA TTEM TITLE: Mayoral Appointments: Lodging Tax Advisory Committee BACKGROUND: Notice of openings was placed in the Spokesman Review, the Valley News Herald, and on our website; and a copy of the Notice of Committee Opening is attached. Terms will begin January 1, 2009. ACTION: Mayor to appoint three people, and a Council liaison. Terms are for one or tNvo xears• Recommended Motion: Motion to confirm Mayoral appointments to the .Lodging 'lax Advisory Committee as follows: 1. Councilmembey Wilhite, Council Liaison, for 2009 calendar vear 2. Peggy Doering, for a two-year term (representing an entity authorized to be futtded by the tax) 3. Lee Cameron, for a rivo-year term (representing a bzcsiriess reqzcired to collect the tar) 4. Cal Clausen, for a two-year term (r•epresenting a bzrsiness required to collect the tax). BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: STAFF CONTACT: ATTACHMENTS Applications for openings Applications were received from incumbents Peggy Doering, Lee Cameron, and Cal Clausen. An application was also received from Christine Cochran. SPOKANE V ALLEY COMMITTEE OPENWGS LODGING TAX ADVISORY COVIMITTEE Per Spohane Valley City Municipal Code 3.20, the City of Spokane Valley seeks three volunteers to serve on the Lodging TaY Advisory Committee. This five-member committee consists of two members who represent businesses required to collect the tax; two members involved in activities authorized to be funded by the tax, and one member of the City Council. There is one opening for members involved io activities authorized to be funded by the taa, and rivo openings for a member who represents a business required to collect the tax. Appointments are for one or two-year terms. There is a special fund into which all taxes collected under Section 3.20 are placed; these funds are used solely for the purpose of paying all or any part of the cost of tourist promotion, acquisition of tourism-relafied facilities, or operation of tourism-related facilities or to pay for other uses as authorized in Chapter 67.28 RCW. Interested qualified individuals are encouraged to apply; and organizations authorized to receive funds, and those businesses that collect the tax are encouraged to send committee recommendations to Spvkane Valley City Clerk Chris Bainbridge, 11707 E Sprague Avenue, Spokane Valley, VVa. 99206; (509) 688- 0177, or e-mail cbainbridae(Rspokanevallev.oriz Applications should be submitted so that they are received by the City Clerk not later than 5:00 p.m., Friday; December 19, 200$. Please note that the three incumbents are seeking re-appointment. The term fvr these positions begins Januat-y 1, 2009. Christine Bainbridge Spokane Valley City Clerk Publish: Dec 5, 12, and 19, 2008. Application Form for . - ~ Committees/Boards/Commissions . c S ITv 6ilZan e e p ~ Return completed form to: City Clerk, at alley Spokane Valley City Hall, 11707 East Sprague Suite #106 Spokane Valley, WA 99206 NOTE: All information on this form becomes PUBLIC INFORMATION when received by the City of Spokane Valley. Position applied for: P()~~~ffe-c-, ~/a,~' 190-1 l ~1 `s (1 n-, WVu0-4-t° Mee, 'i < Applicant's name: ?6 C~ q al 1 ~n.e-te- t' ~ ~ Home address: ,.2 Zip code: . r- Home Phone: ( ~O 2- VT Email:,,-3 c( 0 -e f: ,i v~V u &&4,c e,., r rr~c . C e~ 1 s ' EMPLOYMENT HISTORY . Present or last ~ employer. ni o cl/t L(.Slee.,~ Position Held: ~ Dates of 1lO1Ce-4r41-eAr- C-0ni'dEmployment <<~'r•- Address: Z7 ~ Phone: ~?0 ._4, - Previous employer: _z.A/w Address: /,Vo.v hl, Phone: 7 See 7 ~ S~O I ~ ~ EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND High School or-K ~ _&Wc, Diploma /967 -Ij . College/University 6216iz ZC,~ c, AA-i k,.4->x t Degree / 97 / U ~ College/University ~dc- S 10~, ,e- Degree , COMMUNITY RELATED ACTIVITIES S` ,-rl t.e.,Ca l ~ ' .tJ ~ - RECEOVED , DEC -I A CIT`l OF SPOKANE VALLEY C1TY CLERK VOLUNTEER EXPERIENCES SKILLS/SPECIAL INTERESTS J " Current and past positions held on City Board, Committee, or Commission (circle one): -v From: _7 To: .7~r7 ~ . 4 " , Frorn: _.000 -7 To: From: To: How long have you continuously lived within Spokane Valley city limits? NOTE: YOU MUST BE A RESIDENT OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY. ,--c What do you feel you can contribute to the community that may not be evident from information already furnished on this application? Why do you feel you are qualified to act as a member of the Board, Committee or Commission applied for?/~ 4 tit1L.t~ 0i4cz~- ~~ze•.~~. ~P~.~~~ , ~~~.~-t_.~( o Would your appointment to this position create a conflict of interest or an appearance of a conflict of interest? It is the poticy of the City of Spokane Valley to achieve cultural and ethnic diversity on Committees, Boards, and Commissions. Information on this section will assist in achieving this goal and is voluntary on your part. ❑ Asian ❑ Hispanic ❑ African American ❑ Native American ~ite ❑ Other . Si9 nat W,(lr Today's Date d 0 m 0-9-2008 04:33 FROfrI:JEFF FOX 5095226295 T0:59211008 F.1 i ■ i i ■ i ■ ■ 0m 0 Application Form for CommitteeslBoards/Commissions o~ 0000 scprryoRane Return completed form to: City Clerk, at OValleyo Spokane Valley City Hall, 11707 East Sprague Suite #106 Spo ane Valley, WA 99206 NOTE: Ail informatlvn on thls torm becomeg PUBLiC INFORMATIDN when recetved by the City of 3pokane Valley. Posftion applied for: L oD G( N(~7' I A X A D V l S' o Ry C v rn~vr 1 T'l'~ E Applicant's name: L.. Gr-- CA TYl E R-O l~1 Home address: pQ su L L 1J/ "1 Pp, Zip code: CIy mS7 Home Phone: ('90 q 4 p o Email: L C A m E tz o N4e.' - . M i Ra[3 Co+u p p 21tH o73E - (Z40n" EMPLOYMENT HISTORY Present or last employer. ~ 12A&EAU ~AP, K o~l._ ~ ~vNl/e: x-) Tloti! PosiUon Held: Dates of G~~~ R Employment ' p p, ESEti1 Address: 1~ p0 N, S(,j-L! t/0P11J 21> Phone: Previous employer: ~ f L.L S,t,~ o Ro r Address: -P o. 13 o X 2 1~R C271 G (r! A19;3o R Phone: 2 53 G 840 W q, 9'S' 3 35 EDUCATtONAL BACKGROUNO High Schooi 1= f,?- Gl " Ix L! r.S SP- AT'T' Diploma r Coll eg e/U niversity LjN ) U. Degree X-E7 S PuLLrnA ~j College/University Degree COMMUNITY REIATED ACTIVITIES SLC2- ~ 130a ,~-P M ai-n a_F,-p GiR Fa-nE L::;>, SPdL<AAJ IZ=-IJ a , 4 rn o-[~ I~oAR D 1'1'1 G WI Q~ 6~ S P o K~~1 ~ C,v Vl k) Ty 1-/Ai R .4 G. X P~, i4 D~ I S°~/ C3Jpq'g d/dc.c tzRf~=tVT MFr'h13E,2 c>l= G!7" c:1 F SP o L< 4 N C y . V AL,'L• L= L, c~ 'D G I N~ T~ X 19 D V 1 S v~y 0-.0 rn m 0 0 -9-2008 04:34 FFOIVI:JEFF FOX 5099226295 TOc99211008 P.1 ■ ■ ■ ~ ~ ■ VOLUNTEER EXPERIENCES t7 V E. R 3 5 Y.E AjZS U v(- Uti1-7" E ERIN C=, WiT?-I E? R C~ ~A iv t Z/a T/ ra N S 5ucH A S' =NSTRUcToR or 14 oSpiT~q UT'v ~ Eprn otvDS Com~t, C a l.. LE. G~, ~ v V~~R IV o R'S 'To u~? S-M G o m n~i S TA T~. oF L. oo c,/ i S► A N A- Mt 4L:T' ~ ~P ~ ST ~ ta ~ 4 I-~ a-t-'E ~ l S G C- L[ 6~ W A.STA 14o-1'1E l., 0 S S/V -PA ST ta 1~ ES t G -JT -4'' S Njo R q.o a&jo vv1e-MQ'E'J--Z~ P1-jaJZ'7"cr-- cd? u,,sj~-~ - GH f~ v-v1 I3 FT~ b 1v C- ° M• S P o I~G AAv G Coc..jo'~-y 4 A ~ p m ~m ~ , ~ SKILLSISPECIAL INTERESTS eD P 1-1 sT m E.-m LjEJ*2 o r' m A s~Iv c:7,o ~j -Cr - 7 N G t. a)G (-o rn rnt,l N I C_ A TjQN4 L-P-~jG, D~-,-~Z Current and past positions held on City 6oard(Committe0or Commission (circle one): L, o Dc-6 I r`,) G TAX qp lJI S ap, yCo rvL ni From: 2~,0-7 To: 2vozpq ~ From: To: From: To: How long have you continuously I(ved withln Spokane Valley city limits? r NOTE: YAU MUST 8E A RESIDENT OF THE CtTY OF SPOKANE VALLEY. ~Q Yi?-S What do you feel you can contribute to the community that may not be evident from inforrnation already furnished on this appiication? A S S1j!jj- LuL-n-a p p-lo vLQ1.ta Gig G o o'Z iD -i rv iq 7-15 r-> nL4 N-1-`s- s-r r 0~0 N o r~-~ I c. 7) E To u Fz 1 ~m c n~ tSp,0c<a,Jr=. LJA ~~2::y., 00 aA2► nn P La.~ L M R!tV NFy~e 1N CdMf'LETjNG.6 E14E-,, W,2~~C vF -04E Apvl-ca.~&y 09,m~ Why do you feel you are qualified to act as a member of the Board. Committee or Commission applied for? , . . - - P R 10 ~ IE- X P E P, 1 FA1 L E:- 13L.S 8 G E~N ~ rn A S o~l Go L4 tiJ-"y -7'A X l~ 0 lI 1 S o(2 y Go n~ rn i T T~~ S R N t~ G!.a YZ.~ GN-T- ✓h M Q~~ / O F S Qo V,.a t-) F- i,/w L- e y ! R u. A o v i so iz y Co nm rn i Ti-S Fa. Would your eppointment to this position creste e confltct of interest or an appsarence of a corrfljct of interest? N O It is the polfcy of the City of Spokane Vatley to achievo cutburel and ethnic dtversFty on Committses. 8oards, and Commisaions. Irtformation on this section witl asstet In achleving this goal and ls voluritary on your part ❑ Asian ❑ Hispanic ❑ AfNcan Amehcen ❑ Natlve American ❑ White ❑ Other Signature 'foday s Date Application Form for Committees/Boards/Commissions crrv Sp6koane ~ Return completed form to: City Clerk, at ,;OOOValley Spokane Valley City Hall, 11707 East Sprague Suite #106 Spokane Valley, WA 99206 NOTE: All information on this form becomes PUBLIC INFORMATION when received by the City of Spokane Valley. Position applied for: Lodging Tax committee Applicant's name: Cal Clausen - Home address: 4229 Evergreen Rd Zip code: 99037 Home Phone: ( 509 ) 879 0624 Email: cal@impressguest.com EMPLOYMENT HISTORY Present or last Self- Sterling Hospitality employer: Position Held: President Dates of 1994-present Employment Address: 8923 E Mission Rd Spokane Valley Phone: 509 928 6848x603 Previous employer: , Address: Phone: EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND High School Roncalli High Diploma yes Aberdeen SD College/University Degree CollegelUniversity Degree COMMUNITY RELATED ACTIVITIES Currently board member of the Public facilities district VOLUNTEER EXPERIENCES SKILLS/SPECIAL INTERESTS Current and past positions held on City Board, Committee, or Commission (circle one): Tax Advisory committee From: 2008 To: From: To: From: To: How long have you continuously lived within Spokane Valley city limits? N/A NOTE: YOU MUST BE A RESIDENT OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY. What do you feel you can contribute to the community that may not be evident from information already furnished on this application? Ownership of hotels in other states and geographic areas give a broader vision of tourism Why do you feel you are qualified to act as a member of the Board, Committee or Commission applied for? Tourism experience in the Spokane Valley and Washington State Would you: appointmenL to this position create a confloici of interest or an appearance NO of a conflict of interest? lt is the policy of the City of Spokane Valley to achieve cultural and ethnic diversity on Committees, Boards, and Commissions. Information on this section will assist in achieving this goal and is voluntary on your part. ❑ Asian ❑ Hispanic ❑ African American ❑ Native American White ❑ Other ~ Sigrtafure Today's Date • Application Form for r, Commiftees/Boards/Commissions crn, oF " ne po ka Return completed form to: City Clerk, at ~Valleyl Spokane Valley City Hall, 11707 East Sprague Suite #106 Spokane Valtey, WA 99206 NOTE: All infonmation on this fornt becomes PUBLIC INFORMATtON when recefved by the City of Spokane Valley. Position applied for: ~j610,7 ;~g Applicant's name: Home address: <('0 ~ ~~fi ~~7~~~G~r~,• Zip code: R(7a Home Phone: (,nq 6J 6 O Email: ~ EMPLOYMENT HISTORY ~ Present or last , employer: ! e Position Heid: Dates of Employment v Address: Phone: - 72- 6 - 7~3-2, Previous employer: . 0. Address: ~d Z 60 ~~O ~Qone: (~3 ~ ~`7z , 4-7 (v ~ Z'~ - , ~ G( i 1Z~ V ~72- EDIJCATIONAL BACKGROUND Hi9h School v Ei(. vt/ N"~/{dma . LG<l' i l~ t'(! Y~~ Y College/University Oegree 414 CollegelUniversity Oegree AA ~ • , d~ ' C~/ 7~• "IIRIELATED' a COMMUNlIES < a"~ < r ~i,",t ~ . . - _ . _ , . . . . - . G r' ~~I ~ VOLUNTEER EXPERlENCES t--- 2A, y , ~ SKILLS/SPECIAL INTERESTS d ' " J ~ U a 0A (/Current and ast ositions held on Ci Board Committee or Commissi p p tY , , on (circle one). From: ~ 9 g(b To: U U ~ From: To: From: To: How long have you continuously lived within Spokane Valley city limits? NOTE: YOU MUST BE A RESIDENT OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY. U What do you feel you can contribute to the community that may not be evident from information already furnished on this application? ~ ~~'►'~~1~C~ ~ ` ~~YY~ o~-fi1 %~~C'.UL{~~Y~/l. . ~u%~ U G` Why do you feel you are qualified to act as a member of the Board, Committee or Commission lvap lied for? . ,&L~ -z--,.c . . Would your appointment to this position c ate a conflict of interest or an appearan ~ of a conflict of interest? It is the policy of the City of Spokane Valley to achieve cultural and ethnic diversity on Committees, Boards, and Commissions. Information on this section will assist in achieving tliis goal and is voluntary on your part. ❑ Asian ❑ Hispanic ❑ African American ❑ Native American ~White ❑ Other l Signature Today's Date , a~~~ ~ / Christine A. Cochran, CHA 16114 East Broad Avenue, Spokane Valley, We., 99216, 509-844-6360 christinecochranbwph@msn.com Objective To obtain a position that offers long term growth and the ability to demonstrate return on investment and excellence in lodging operations. Profile • Specializing in high growth, start-up, and turnaround situations. • Full Profit/ Loss Responsibilities with a budget of 2.5 million • Increased hotel occupancy 14.1% over two year period • Grew Revpar 24.7% over a two year period • Implemented Legendary Service Training Program to increase customer care. Increased return business by 51.4%. • Serving as Vice Chair for the Spokane Hotel/ Motel Association • Serving on the Washi.ngton State Lodging Association Board of Directors • Cbairman, Government Affairs Comr.nittee, WSHLA ( 2008-2010) • Served on the Regional CVB Group Tour Task Force 2006-2008 • Established standard policies and procedures for botel operations. • Worked with the SHMA to increase the governrnettt per diem from $64... To $83.00 over a two yeac period. • Streitpth.c' • Conceive the vision. Develop the plan. Irnplement all dctails. • Coordinate diverse constituencies. Morivate and lead all levels to operate toward the organization's goals. Duector ofOperatlons, PheasantHill and Sultes ~ Employment History A Magnuson Grand Hotel July 1, 2005- Present • Completed full renovation of hotel in 2006-2007 on budget and on time. • Ineteased occupancy, ADR and Revpat by double digits in two years. Received a perfect quality assurancc score in August 2007. • Increased hotel market share through diverse online marketing, established a revenue management department and creative matketing campaig*.is. • Created standard policies and procedures to improve consistency of ptoduct & product. Implcmented department budgets and taught managers how to build and use forecasting, labor conuol and expense control tools. • Established and implemented legendary customer service training programs to increase and retain market share. • Increased teturn on investment to ownership 41.6% in two }rears. ADDITIONAL EMPLOYMENT HISTORY: HOLIDAY INN AND SUITES FEDERAx, WAY, WA. GENERAL MANAGER 1998-2000 BEST WEST'ERN EXFCUTIVE INN AND COiNVENTT0N CENTER TAC4MA, WA. DIRECTOR OF SALES/ MA.RKE'IING AND AGyI 1992-1998 SEATTLE A.IRPORT HILTON t1ND CONVENTION CENTER SEATAC, WA. DIRECTOR OF SALES/ MAIZKETING 1989-1992 PROFESSTONAL REFERENCES: RON ANDERSON, CH.A GENERAL 'MAsvAGER vLARCUS WHITiVI11N H01"EL WALLA WA7.J..A, WA. 509-5245135 GN1~2~N,LARCUSWH17'I1,IANHOTEL.COM TONI HANSEN EXECU1"IVE DIRECTOR SPOKANE 1-101'EL/MOTEL ASSOCIA7'ZON T_,1BERTY LAKE, WA. (509) 924-4793 THANSENSHNLAra,MSN.COM MS. DOLI-Y BIANKENSHIP, CHA REGIONAL OPERATIONS COORDINATOR LNCOLN ASSET MANAGEiVLENT 10310 EAST GREEI\rBUR.G RD. TIGARD, OREGON 97223 (509) 660-0982 DOLD-A-NN~r~.CCSLR NF 1 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: December 30, 2008 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business 9 new business Z public hearing ❑ information ❑ adrnin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Motion Consideration: Indiana/Argonne Collisions GOVERNING LEGISLATIOIv: N/A PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: N/A Z BACKGROUND: City staff presented information on this intersection to Council on June 3rd and September 16tn 2008. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Extend the median in a manner that would close off the NB left turn movement but still allow the SB left turn into the businesses access as indicated in the attached drawing. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: Construction of the improvement would be paid from the street fund or Capital Projects fund as appropriate. STAFF CONTACT: Neil Kersten, Public Works Director; Inga Note, Traffic Engineer ATTACHMENTS: . r-~ ~ N'ti~, I I I , I r~~ I Z+~ I I L-J ' X - ~ ' Y pRGONNEf R20 - - - - - - - - - - - - EogeofExst.ACF - 4)v F_".----------- ~ 1\1~ I Pro ~i poscd Edge of Asphah ' (To Be bmtM) Propoeed Islcnds i i r - ~ Grcvel5haildv----, ProposedPogUoe . ' / i~ ~ ~ ~ I ConstructlanNatrs I I 1. Curb to be daxeled in ploee. I I ~ ~ ~ i . (See datail) 2.Island fill• 2" ALP avcr 3+" CSTL I I ~ ~ Quatrtities / ♦ i~ / Big IsWnd- 7urn Lanc Dcsign Far WB-67 Tnuk L__ J FIII Area=18875F ~ GLrbfrig: 213LF SmallIsland-• FIII Area 1295F , Curbirg-- 601F . 6ravel Shmilder Meo:134ZSF lo, iao, • , N~ I~~ I~► I~I+aR•I a~ Orawn By. PCF Date: 2/7 City of Spokane Valley INDIANA/ARGONNE MEDIAN Dociyned ey. Dat~ Dcpartment of Public Works APPROVED: SHEE7 I I I I i SCALE 11707 E. Sprague Ava. SUlte 106 Spbkane PUBIIC t'10RKS OIRECTOR OPT10N A HORITON7AU 1"=50 ' SPOKANE VALIEY, 19A. 99206 l.Ef'T HAND IURN ACCESS - MUIlAN 1 of 2 I I I I I 1~fR11CAl: (509) 921-1000 Data CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: 12/30/08 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business (0 new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Motion Consideration: Strategic Planning - Alternatives Analysis GOVERNING LEGISLATION: None . PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: On February 14, 2006 the City Council approved a revised contract with Spokane County for the provision of road maintenance services to Spokane Valley. That contract provided for an agreed upon three-year transition of summer road maintenance activities away from the County and to alternate vendors. However, the provision of ongoing winter road maintenance services by the County remained unaltered. BACKGROUND: During the evening of December 9, Mayor Munson received a voicemail message informing him and the City that the Spokane Board of County of Commissioners, without prior notice or consultation with the City, had voted that day to terminate the road maintenance services contract with Spokane Valley, effective October 15, 2009. On December 16, the City Council discussed the effects of sudden and unanticipated cancellation of service agreements between the County and the City, and further discussed what actions the City might take to be better prepared in the event there is a recurrence of unanticipated contract cancellation. The consensus of Council was that the City needs to be prudent and strategic in its approach to securing uninterrupted continuation of basic public services and therefore should undertake an alternatives analysis for all services currently received via contract with the County. One Councilmember summarized that need as "disaster preparation." There was a consensus of Council that a motion be prepared for consideration on December 30, 2008 that would authorize and direct the city manager or designees to provide for the preparation of an alternatives analysis for all services currently provided the City by Spokane County in accordance with interlocal contract agreements. OPTIONS: 1. Authorize undertaking County contract alternatives analyses. 2. Give the matter further thought. 3) Decline further action on the subject. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Move to authorize and direct the city manager or designees to provide for the preparation of an alternatives analysis for all public services currently provided to Spokane Valley by Spokane County in accordance with interlocal contract agreements. BUDGETIFINANCIAL IMPACTS: The cost of conducting alternative analyses will vary on a case by case basis. Some may be prepared City staff and some may require the services of consultants. It is anticipated that the 2009 City budget has sufficient resources to support these studies. STAFF CONTACT: Mike Jackson and Dave Mercier ATTACHMENTS: None CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: 12/30/08 City Manager Sign-off: item: Check ail that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business 0 new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Motion Consideration: Law Enforcement Assessment - Alternatives Analysis GOVERNING LEGISLATION: None PREVIOUS GOUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: On October 21, the City Council authorized a budget of $79,000 and execution of a contract for the Assessment of Law Enforcement Services presented by ICMA Consulting. At that time the Council did not include funding for an alternative analysis to quantify issues and costs associated with the establishment of a City Police Department. Funding an alternatives analysis was an option for additional services offered by ICMA Consulting. BACKGROUND: During the evening of December 9, Mayor Munson received a voicemail message informing him and the City that the Spokane Board of County Commissioners, without prior notice or consultation with the City, had voted that day to terminate the road maintenance services contract with Spokane Valley, effective October 15, 2009. On December 16, the City Council discussed the effects of sudden and unanticipated cancellation of service agreements between the County and the City, and further discussed what actions the City might take to be better prepared in the event there is a recurrence of unanticipated contract cancellation. The consensus of Council was that the City needs to be prudent and strategic in its approach to securing uninterrupted continuation of basic public services and therefore should undertake an alternatives analysis for all services currently received via contract with the County. Since ICMA Consulting is already working on a law enforcement assessment and had previously provided for an option to prepare an alternative analysis and since law enforcement services constitute the major contract relationship with the County, now is an opportune time to commission a law enforcement alternatives analysis. OPTIONS: 1. Authorize the budget for undertaking the law enforcement alternatives analysis. 2. Give the matter further thought. 3) Decline further action on the subject. RECOMMENDED AGTION OR MOTION: Move to authorize a budget of $52,500 for an Assessment of Law Enforcement Services Alternatives Analysis presented by ICMA Consulting and to authorize the city manager to finalize and execute a contract for such services. BUDGETIFINANCIAL IMPACTS: The cost of conducting a law enforcement assessment alternative analysis is priced at $52,500 including travel costs. STAFF CONTACT: Mike Jackson and Dave Mercier ATTACHMENTS: None CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Mleeting Date: December 30, 2008 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ Consent 0 Old business ❑ New business ❑ Public Hearing ❑ Information ❑ Admin. Report ❑ Pending Legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Sprague and Appleway Corridors Subarea Plan Deliberations - Book II: Development Regulations GOVERNING LEGISLATION: The Subarea Plan must be consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan . and the Washington State Growth Management Act (GMA), RCW 36.70A. PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: None BACKGROUND: On December 30,2008, Council continued deliberations on Book II: Development Regulation. Council finished reviewing letters from citizens with requests and/or concerns about the proposed zoning regulations would affect specific properties, followed by review of the Gateway Commercial zone district regulations. During deliberations on December 16, Council directed staff to review land uses east of Sullivan Road and recommend a new eastern subarea plan boundary. Staff recommends extending the IVeighborhood Center designation to the vacant property on the south side of Sprague, east of Sullivan, as shown on the attached aerial map. Council requested staff to prepare a report on public notifications efforts for workshops and hearings related to the Sprague and Appleway Corridors Subarea Plan. This report will be presented to Council at the first deliberations meeting in January. Staff recommends continuing deliberations on zone districts, finishing review of the Gateway Commercial regulations followed by Neighborhood Centers and City Center regulations. OPTIONS: N/A RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Subarea Plan deliberations will continue as directed by Council. BUDGET/FIIVANCIAL IMPACTS: N/A STAFF CONTACT: Scott Kuhta, Senior Planner Attachments: 1. December 16 del iberations summary. 2. Proposed Sullivan Road Neighborhood Center Boundary Sprague Appleway Subarea Pian City Council Deliberations Summary December 16, 2008 Individual Propertv Requests - Council reviewed a number of letters from property owners concerned about proposed zoning. Council took the following actions: . Council voted 4-3 to keep the Scott property, located at Evergreen and 3rd, inside the Subarea Plan boundary, retaining the Residential Boulevard designation. • Council decided to remove the far eastern portion of the Plan Area, extending the Neighborhood Center designation to further to the east in the vicinity of Moore Street alignment. Staff will review land uses in the area and recommend an eastern plan boundary. . . Change Avista property on the south side of Appleway, east of Farr Road, from Residential Boulevard to City Center zone district. Also include the small lot adjacent to the Avista Property in the City Center. General Zonina Issues - The following issues were identified during review of individual property requests. . Split zoning issue to be discussed during review of Residential Boulevard zone district regulations. Include language concerning developed properties with split zoning (see Dwight Hume letter No. CC-51). . Notification process to be reported to Council. . Staff to examine code's flexibility in meeting regulations for additions to existing buildings (see letter from Walt's Mailing Service letter No. CC-21). . Review impacts to adult entertainment regulations Gatewav Commercial Zone Districts - Council initiated review of zone district regulations, beginning with the Gateway Commercial zones. . All retail allowed in Gateway Commercial Avenue (light blue) will also be allowed in Gateway Commercial Centers (dark blue). This includes auto sales on ground floor. . Change bars and nightclubs from conditional uses to permitted uses. Include casinos as permitted uses. . Provide definition for "Light Industrial". Tentatively add Light Industrial to Gateway Commercial Avenue (light blue). . Add financial institutions to Gateway Commercial Centers. A~ 1"LV,,,,{ Propos~= ~ ~i -s~ • " . • ~ `1~ ` • ~ ~ ~ , ~t- { L ' ! . ~ ` _.-1 ' . " " ~ ^ .~~J ~ air~` { y • f ~ 1' • ~ a • -r ~ - s \ f. ~ , ~p ~ s • 4i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ' ' -'`•'r • t~~ .h'_°5 . 1 ~ . ~ ~ . L J ~ ' 4 , ' ,~,E --•'s c ~ ~ ~ , _ _ . , e . ~ ~~w~ • ~ " ` ' . . ; ~AO outidar~ , r+~...--.,~r = , ~ ~►1~. ~ ; ~ r re~~ ' - _ ~ , ~ + ; rl. ~ ~ _ L"' o ! ~ ~ ,r~ ~ . ~ ~.,..~•v',+.~^, - '""~:*^'S„~ M,~ • . j- 'QrN 4 ~n~ - ' ..*M ' ~ • .,y~ : i :t .i~ = s _,:.w~- ~ . . ~ . ~ ' . . ( . ~ i . ~ ~ j ~ • ~ ~ ~r a."! 1..r~ . 4_ . ~ t 'i''.__ ~,r,,,.~_ ~ ~ . . • , 1 ~ . ~ ~ ~ ~ ,~1 ~ ~ r ~~~MN~ - ; ~ • . r . ~ ; t n . i ~Z ~ ~ • p { / ~ t I ~ , . ~ • . + , ~ . . 1 e • ~ ' ~ S y p I IA - l ~ t ~1 n_ ♦ , I~~ f ~ . ~ *ca ~ ~ 4.i~~ _ • ' ♦ A"~ ~ Y • ~''',R.Q ~~~.t,~- . C 4 t '`1 'y ~ . • r ~ ~q nf ~ • . , ~ • i _ ryQed 4~ 4 O4~ . 4 l c~• J , ; n ~ • ` ~ ~ ) ~ ~ • ~ i ~ ~ ~ . ~ - + , . 4 . ~ , _VA 10 . . _ ' . . ..i«.,4~~~,6~. . s ♦ C1TY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: December 30, 2008 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing 0 information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Office of Public Defense 2009 grant funds -Ppdate GOVERNING LEGISLATION: RCW 10.101 PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: Authorized staff to apply for 2008 grant funds to partner with the City of Spokane and Spokane County to implement the Community Relicensing Program. Update by staff from COSV and Spokane on current program 10-7-08. Council authorization to apply for 2009 funds on 10-14-08. BACKGROUND: Staff applied to the Washington State Office of Public Defense (OPD) for a joint grant with the City of Spokane to help fund the Community Relicensing program. Each jurisdiction applied for $37,500 in funds to continue the program. This was the amount requested and received for 2008. Due to current state budgeting limitations, and because the program did not get started until late spring (likely not all of the 2008 funds were used by Spokane County, our service provider), OPD only granted each jurisdiction $6,500 for 2009. It is unclear at this time what this significantly reduced level of funding will mean to the program, but it is my understanding at this time that the program will still move forward. We witl keep you updated if more information is received. Staff will present an interlocal agreement for consideration for use of the funds between the three jurisdictions, including the rights and responsibilities each has. It will be nearly identical to the one the parties entered into for 2008. OPTIONS: NA. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: NA. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: NA. STAFF CONTACT: Cary Driskell, Deputy City Attorney; Jim Bledsoe, Spokane City Prosecutor. ATTACHMENTS: CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOVEMBER 2008, MONTHLY REPORT LONG RANGE PLANN/NG: Planning Commission The Spokane Vafley Planning Commission met once during the month of November. The Pianning Commission conducted a study session on proposed amendments to Title 20, Subdivisions of the Spokane Valley Municipal Code. The public hearing is scheduled for December 11th. SpraguelAppleway Revitalization Plan Council Qontinued with deliberations on the Sprague and Appleway Corridors Subarea Plan focusing on Book II, Development Regulations. City Center Project City Hall property negotiations continued during the month of November. CTED Regional Collaboration Grant Project Studio Cascade, a consultant for the Collaborative Grant prepared an annotated table of contents for the final report. The final report will propose a sehes of action items that implement some of the strategies and suggestions of the first report. This report will accurately summarize the discussions held by the technical committee and public ofFcials, describing why these particular action items were chosen. These action items will set forth the framework for establishing interlocal agreements. Growth Management Steering Commfttee of Elected Officials The Steering Committee of Elected Officials (SCEO) met on November 19, 2008 to discuss proposed changes to Steering Committee Procedures and also discussed and recommended changes to the GMA Interlocal Agreement. These recommended changes were forwarded to the Spokane County Board of County Commissioners for consideration and adoption. 2009 Comprehensive Plan Amendments/Updates The City of Spokane Valley accepted applications for the 2009 Comprehensive Plan Amendment cycle until November 1, 2009. The City received one privately initiated map amendment application. This application along with the City initiated amendments will be processed over the course of the next several months. The Planning Commission considers applications received prior to November 1, in late winter/early spring of the following year, with a decision by City Council expected by late spring/early summer. Page 1 of 9 . . , , CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOVEMBER 2008, MONTHLY REPORT CURRENT PLANNING: Revenue for the Planning Division for the month of November was $12,378. Compared to November 2007 Planning revenue was $30,778 which is a 59.78% decrease over this month last year. The 2008 year-to-date revenue for Planning is $260,788; the year-to-date total for 2007 through November was $307,289.22 which shows a percent of change of -1-5 13=' for the year-to-date. 2008 Planning Revenues $50,000 $40,000 ~ - - , ~ $30,000 $20,000 , . $10.000 r ~ ~ so ' Jan Feb Mar April Klay June Juy Aufl Sept Oct Nov Dec p Revenue 2008 Revenue 2007 -a- Revenue 2006 During the month of November, Planning Division staff held 8 commercial pre-application meetings and reviewed 3 commercial building permits. Pre-applications included an 8,960 sf office building and a change of use from residential to business at 7321 E Nora Ave. Planning Division staff approved 9 commercial building permits, which included a 106 room Hampton Inn Hotel located at 16418 E Indiana Ave, a 6,950 sf inedical office building for Spokane Ear, Nose and Throat, located at 13414 E Mission Ave. and a 2,210 sf retail building at 9415 E Sprague Ave. The Division answered 187 phone calls in the permit center, and helped 161 customers at the counter. As of November, the Department has issued a total of 214 Commercial Building permits for the year 2008, compared to 202 for 2007. This indicates an increase of 5.94% percent of change between the two years. 2008 Commercial Permits Issued 60 - 40 - n 2L ' 1 _ -1 4 [1] T H I I ~ 0 ~ I F-ki q] U Jan 1 Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 0 2008 25 20 ~ 18 18 72 24 12 47 17 12 9 p 2007 57 13 18 18 20 ~ 16 16 18 6 9 11 94 ~ 2pp6 44 25 36 34 32 1--23 32 35 24 21 19 50 Page 2 of 9 KANE VALLEY ~ CITY OF SPO COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOVEMBER 2008, MONTHLY REPORT ~ In the month of November, Planning Department staff accepted two boundary line adjustments and one conditional use permit. The Department also completed one final short plat, one final subdivision, end one binding site plan. Staff conducted four land use pre-application meetings and there were no public hearings conducted by the Hearing Examiner in November. The Planning Department has issued a total of 111 Land Use permits for 2008 which is a~~ decrease from the same period last year. 2008 New Land Use Actions aa - 30 - 20 10 - - - - - ` - - t ~ p - - - - ,lan ~ Fct Mar i,p• ~ Mi; .lL'l F,ugl ceP Cet Nc. I a= 2008 14 I 13 ~ 10 ~ 13 ~ 11 I 6 i 12 I 9 I 8 I 8 I 6 eiiiiiiiiiiii 2007 16 I 27 I 17 I 12 ~ 18 I 16 I 9 ~ 14 19 I 17 ~ 12 ~ E 1' I _ 4 E 20061 20 ~ 18 I 30 ~ 24 : 7 20 BUILDING DIVISION: The Building Division issued 236 permits in November 2008, compared with 248 for the same period last year. New one and two dwelling unit structure permits totaled 19 and new commercial structure permits totaled four for the month of November. The total percentage of change for commercial structure permits issued for the year-to-date is - i 1 30%. 2008 CONSTRUCTION PERMITS soa ~ - - - - - <oa 3M i 200 too - ' a ,tm Feb Ma Apr May June .kdy Aug Sept (kt Nov Dec I ~ 2008 Pwmh 242 214 323 353 296 311 411 284 381 318 236 ~ 2007 Permits } 213 234 344 394 451 381 369 369 324 471 248 174 - s 2006 PeffnHs 225 233 353 330 397 325 336 387 343 362 218 213 I Page3of9 ~ CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOVEMBER 2008, MONTHLY REPORT 2008 New StructureslUnits Permitted 60 40 20 - - - 0 I Jan Feb Mar Apr Wy June I July i Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec o New 1& 2 Dwekg Unds 19 I 18 I 45 I 37 ( 38 22 51 I 26 28 28 ~ 19 ■WWwy UrAs 1 2 0 I 0 I 0 6 I 3 I 1 I 1 I 2 ~ 0 p New Comrerciai Structures ~ 3 8 S ~ 7 ~ 4 ' 23 4 ~ 8 ~ 16 ~ 8 ~ 4 In November 2008, building inspectors pertormed 905 inspections in 17 days which averages 53.2 inspections per day. Three hundred and frfty-two Right-of-Way inspections were performed for the month. Plans Examiners reviewed 61 projects in the month of November and 17 projects were awaiting review at the end of month. Staff also issued four over-the-counter permits for the month of November. 2008 Building Inspections ,5a - - - , iOGO 1- _ 'i 500 ~ I I I i , ' 0 - Jan Feb Ma~ Apr May June Jul~ Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec ~ 2008 Irupections 824 924 816 964 &12 1038 1204 1149 1162 1211 905 0 2007 Inspections 861 889 1114 1148 1211 1352 1203 1348 787 1295 938 861 - 2006 kispections 820 818 926 1038 1131 1238 1125 1368 1162 1261 1105 878 ~ Page 4 of 9 J CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY E COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOVEMBER 2008, MONTHLY REPORT The reported value of construction, including new structures and additions/aiterations is shown in the following chart, comparing these values with 2007. New value for November 2008, totals $10,641,346. 2008 ValuaUon of Construcdon sso,ooo,ooo $45,004,000 • $40, 000, 000 $35,000,000 ~ $30,000,000 • _ - - - _ . 2048 VafuatiQn $25,000,000 - ~ 0 2007 Vahtation' 520,000,000 2006 Valuation ~ $15,000,000 $10,000,000 $5,040,000 $O ' .--u-~ Jan Feb Mar Apr May .lune Juty Aug Sepi Oct Nov Dec Building revenues for the month of November were $215,858. Revenue for November last year was $60,091. Year-to-date information, as of November 2008, is $2,254,678 and for 2007, $1,676,687 which is a 34.47% increase for the year. 2008 Building Revenues u5o,ooo Wooo { s&o,ooo $3oo,ooo - $250.000 - $200.000 s150,000 ~91 $100,000 W,000 so Jan Feb Aar Apr 1* June .lu~l Au4 Sepl Od Nov Oec ~ 2008 Reaum w--.1 2007 Rzertues -f- 2006 Rzom Page 5 of 9 , CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOVEMBER 2008, MONTHLY REPORT , CODE COMPUANCE: The total number of new code violations reported for November 2008 is 26. The number of °Violations Reported" on the following chart reflects actual Spokane Valley Zoning Code violations, plus complaints received which were not violations. All complaints received are added to the total because they reflect time officers spent in the field conducting investigations, of actual code violations and issues reported that are not violations. In addition, the "Investigated° and °Pending° columns accurately reflect Code Compliance's current ability to process and investigate backfog cases. Code Compliance Files In Process 200 150 - 100 ~ 50 - - - - - - 71 I Nav-07 Dec-07 I Jan-08 I Feb-08 I lu4r-08 ~ Apr-48 I hlray-08 I Jun-G& I Jul-08 Aug-Ob Sep-08 I OcE-08 i No++-08 ■ Vidations ReporOed ~ 35 I 21 I 25 I 118 I 78 I 82 I 62 I 95 I 80 147 87 I 91 I 26 ■ Abaterrents I 24 I 38 I 16 I 57 I 89 I 88 I 40 47 I 71 ~ 145 M 95 20 0 Fie Trans(ers I 2 I 7 I 1 I t I 1 I 0 I 1 I 4 I 2 I 0 I 3 I 6 0 0 PL-nding Fies I 60 I 38 I 43 I 80 I 55 I 58 I 54 I 87 I 53 I 51 I 57 I 26 30 ~ Page 6 of 9 , ~ CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOVEMBER 2008, M4NTHLY REPORT The following chart provides a monthly comparison of the types of Spokane Valley Code violations reported. A total of 26 new complaints were processed in November. Total year-to-date reported violations are 989 compared to 645 for the same period last year. ~ 2008 Code Totai Violations Reported - by Category 160 140 120 - - 100 - - 80 - - - ~ - ~ I ~ 60 - , ~ 40 - , ~ - - - - ~ 20 +M O Jan-08 Feb-08 Mar•08 f,F,r-08 May-08 Jun-48 Jul-08 Aug-08 Sep-08 Oct 08 Nov-OS Dec•08 ■ Solid Waste 3 14 19 28 20 23 19 19 14 5 3 p Signs 7 73 40 37 0 1 6 95 40 62 7 a propQrty 6 13 23 43 20 37 23 22 17 12 4 0 Junk Auto 2 10 19 24 9 16 8 6 12 6 6 a EnaronmenFal 1 2 1 3 4 0 0 1 0 0 2 i p Compia(nt- No Vfolation 3 6 11 7 6 11 17 1 3 5 3 ~ c3 Clear Vlew Triangte 2 0 2 2 3 7 7 3 1 1 2 Viofations are reported based on the primary complaint rec,eived, rather than the number of additional violations identified on any individual premises. The investigatlon of a complaint of junk vehicles, for example, might also result in identification of additional violations such as the accumulation of trash or harboring of livestock. These are not included in the summary. Activity is consolidated into the following six categoriES: Environmenfal (sewer/septic, critical areas, animal and nuisence violations); Property (Right of Way, property use, dangerous building, landlord/tenant, illegal business and signage violatlons); Junk Aufo - Solid Wasfe (solid waste, illegal dumping, and household waste violations); and Clearview Triangle and Complaint. 1 The Spokane Valley Police Department, in conjunction with SCOPE, has requested the assistance of Code Compliance in identifying junk vehicles abandoned within the right-of-way. SCOPE volunteers tag the vehicles. Vehicles which have not been moved by the following Friday are towed. Page 7 of 9 ~ - - C1TY OF SPOKANE VALLEY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT F7 NOVEMBER 2008, MONTHLY REPORT ~ DEVELOPMENT ENGINEERlNG: The Development Engineers processed 18 files in November. The significant files are four commercial applications, which include a 4,400 sf warehouse for Spokane Valley Partners and a 1,350 sf pole building and dumpster pad with fence for the Avista Stadium maintenance building. Nine commercial pre- application files were reviewed including an 8,960 sf, one-story office building for Sinha, a 7,200 sf warehouse for the Barker Road Office/Warehouse and a 12,955 sf office park which includes three separate office buildings. One change of use, three land use pre-apps, and one short plat final application were also reviewed for the month. Oevelopment Englneering Wark by Type 100%- SO'/. , - - 80°/. - 70% • ~ 60% 60% - J 40% - ~ 30°l0 ~ i - . 20% - , 10% - 0%- - ~ _ - Jan-08 Feb-08 Mar-08 Apf-08 May-08 Jun-08 Jul-08 Aug-08 Sep-08 Oct-08 Nov-08 o&nding Site Ran o Soundary Llne AdjustrreM o Change ot Use ■ CorrmercYal ■ Commerclal Pre-Apps ■ Conditbnal Use Remiit o Final Subdh+ision O LSnd Use Pte-App ■ RezonelSubdNislon ■ Short Subd"ion Page 8 of 9 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT F70VEMBER 2408, MONTHLY REPORT CUSTOMER SERVICE: Permit Center The Permit Center staff assisted 365 customers at the counter and handled 480 customers' inquires by phone in the permit center. Building Permits The following table summarizes the performance of the Permit Center for those permits entered in the PLUS system, measured from the time that the application is desmed "counter-complete° to the time that a permit is issued. COMMERCIAL TIMEFRAME SUMMARY Submittal to issuance . e: . E to I m z a Value NEW a I ONSTRUCTIO I MercanUle 1 59 563 00 113 113 113 Office/Professipnal 2 $5,029,630.00 ~ 64 60 77 ~ Recreational Building 1 $501,413.00 ~ 81 81 81 i • ~ ~ Industrial8uildina ~ 2 $42.000.00 : 11 11 , 11 ~ Mercantile 4 5226,850.00 ~ 29 4 50 OftioelProfesslonal ; I 4 $589,000.00 11 2 33 ~ ANGE O Educutienai - Pub!ic , 1 5543,330.00 28 29 ~ 29 UPCOMING DATES OF INTEREST: i OATE INTEREST Dec 11, 2008 Plarning Cornmission meeting, Continued public hearing on tne airport overlay zone, public hearing on Title 20, subdivisions, etection of officers Dec 17, 2008 City Christmas Pot luck Dec 18, 2008 Community Development Department Luncheon Dec 25, 2008 Christmas, City Hall Closed for Holiday Dec 26, 2008 City Hall Closed for Holiday Jan 1, 2009 New Yeaes Day, City Ha{I Closed for Holiday Jan 6, 2009 SARP Deliberations Jan 8, 2009 Planning Commission meeting, first of the year Jan 22, 2009 Planning Short Course - sponsored by CTED Page 9 of 9 S°TVo~ oweNwa~ p ymne Valley 40;00 11707 E Sprague Ave Suite 106 ♦ Spokane Valley WA 99206 509.921.1000 ♦ Fax: 509.921.1008 ♦ cityhaltCspokanevalley.org Memorandum To: Dave Mercier, City Manager,. Mike Jackson, Dep. City Manager From: Ken Thompson, Finance Director Date: December 17, 2008 Re: November Report November highlights in Finance included: Street fund revenue source A telephone utility tax was passed by the council in August. Organizations providing telephone services were advised by letter of the January l, 2009 effective date during the fall. An additional letter was sent in early December to telephone companies advising them of the effecfiive date. Staff expects the transition to take several months. This tax will be dedicated to the Street Fund. Financial proiections for retreat Preliminary work on projections .for the General and Street Funcls began in November. These projections will be reviewed at the January council retreat. 2007 annual financial report & audit Representatives of the state auditor's office will return after the first af the year to finish their review of city financial statements. . Allocations of lodizinp- tax for tourism promotion The Lodging Advisory Cominittee forwarded their recommendations for lodging tax allocations to the City Council. The City Council adopted the recommendations on December 9. CaAital protect accounting Financial reports on capital projects were updated through the end of November. Staff is preparing reimbursement requests for funding agencies. Spokane County has been billed for the $1.6 million they agreed to pay on upgrades to Spokane Valley's swimming pools. Financial reports Reports showing a comparison of revenues and expenditures, to the 2008 Budget, are attached. Sales ta.a revenue is down around 5.6% for the year ($16,493,738 in 07 compared to $15,562,413 in 08). However, staff expects a sales tax mitigation check as part of the transition to destination based tax collection, in late December in the amount of $197,000 which will increase year-to-date receipts in 2008. Beginning Fund Balance was significantly greater than expected which will offset the sales tax revenue decrease. General Fund expenditures will likely be less than our budget which will help offset the decrease in revenue mentioned above as well. The investment report is attached for your review City of Spokane Valley Investment Report For the Month of November 2008 Balances Are Tentative Total LGIP"" BB Money Mkt** BB CD Investments Beginning $ 39,196,609.54 $ 1,663,615.36 $ 1,063,340.92 $ 41,923,565.82 Deposits 4,755,184.79 - - 4,755,184.79 Withdrawls (2,200,000.00) - - (2,200,000.00) Interest 69,645.80 2,699.97 - 72,345.77 Ending $ 41,821,440.13 $ 1,666,315.33 $ 1,063,340.92 $ 44,551,096.38 Balances by Fund 001 General Fund $ 16,066,614.16 101 Street Fund 1,481,411.67 102 Arterial Street 581,704.43 103 Paths & Trails 24,321.72 105 Hotel/Motel 503,342.17 120 CenterPlace Operating Reserve 345,831.77 121 Service Level Stabilization Reserve 5,355,081.54 122 Winter Weather Reserve 573,442.13 123 Civic Facilities Replacement 409,842.54 301 Capital Projects 3,214,835.52 302 Special Capital Projects 3,890,323.42 304 Mirabeau Point Project 373,310.12 309 Parks Capital Project 90,666.45 310 Civic Buildings Capital Projects 5,799,262.56 402 Stormwater Management 2,039,301.98 501 Equipment Rental & Replacement 786,907.05 502 Risk Management 14,897.15 41,551,096.38 Pending journal entry 3,000,000.00 $ 44,551,096.38 '`Local Government Investment Pool Banner Bank City of Spokane Valley General Fund Budget Variance Report For the Period Ended November 30, 2008 Tentative Amended Budget November YTD Unrealized Percent 2008 Revenues Revenues Revenue Realized General Fund Revenues: Begining Fund Balance $ 5,167,000 $'l2,000,000 $ (6,833,000) 232.24% 8 Property Tax 10,496,500 3,624,082 9,187,109 1,309,391 87.53% Sales Tax 19,165,800 1,541,787 15,569,507 3,596,293 81.24% Gambling Tax 720,000 5,318 570,510 149,490 79.24% Franchise Fees/Business Licenses 853,450 5,057 754,542 98,908 88.41 % State Shared Revenues 1,320,550 28,239 1,120,069 200,481 84.82% Planning & Building Fees 1,965,000 244,110 2,018,418 (53,418) 102.72% Fines and Forfeitures 1,300,000 163,040 1,472,579 (172,579) 113.28°/a Recreation & Centerplace Fees 507,000 33,353 636,477 (129,477) 125.54% 19 Investment Interest 414,100 40,617 423,615 (9,515) 102.30% Operating Transfers 165,000 - 40,000 125,000 24.24% 3 Total General Fund Revenues: $ 42,074,400 $ 5,685,603 $ 43,792,825 $ (1,718,425) 104.08°/a Amended Budget November YTD Unrealized Percent 2008 Exqenditures Exoenditures Expenditures Reaiized General Fund Expenditures: Legislative Branch 319,991 14,356 230,308 89,683 71.97% Executive & Legislative Support 997,076 64,495 805,229 191,647 80.76% Public Safety 19,297,300 1,546,100 16,099,853 3,197,447 83.43% Operations & Administrative Svcs 1,655,707 113,533 1,138,017 517,690 68.73% Public Works 956,437 44,664 704,796 251,641 73.69% Planning & Community Dev. 3,713,139 215,558 2,855,924 857,215 76.91% Library Services 20,000 - 3,661 16,339 18.30% 7 Parks & Recreation 2,644,420 140,463 2,189,317 455,103 82.79% Genera( Government 3,417,988 76,041 1,648,095 1,769,893 48.22% Total General Fund Expenditures: $ 33,022,058 $ 2,215,210 $ 25,675,200 $ 7,346,858 77.75% 12I22/2008 11:03 AM City of Spokane Valley Other Funds Budget Variance Report For the period ended November 30, 2008 Tentative Amended Budget November YTD Unrealized Percent 2008 Revenues Revenues Revenue Realized OtherFunds Revenues: Street Fund $ 5,922,972 a 168,405 $ 1,742,073 $ 4,180,899 29.41 °r6 13 Arterial Street Fund 850,000 975 15,091 834,909 1.78% 5 Trails and Paths 30,000 79 922 29,078 3.07% 6 Hotel/Motel Fund 668,000 39,134 414,652 253,348 62.07% Civic Facilities Replacement 397,000 687 405,586 (8,586) 102.16% 9 Debt SeNice - LTGO 03 600,000 253,760 457,196 142,804 76.20% Capital Projects Fund 4,420,000 183,912 974,825 3,445,175 22.05% 5 Special Capital Projects Fund 4,420,000 184,874 971,570 3,448,430 21.98% 5 Street Capitai Projects 7,354,023 - 671,338 6,682,685 9.13% 5 Mirabeau Point Project 454,000 626 7,820 446,180 1.72% 6 Community Developmt Block Gmts 245,000 - - 245,000 0.00% 5 Capital Grants Fund 11,347,000 - 359,841 10,987,159 3.17% 5 Barker Bridge Reconstruction 5,862,800 75,202 5,787,598 1,28% 5 Stormwater Mgmt Fund 3,160,000 588,987 1,607,567 1,552,433 50.87% 13 Equip. Rental & Replacement 780,000 1,453 17,999 762,001 2.31% 13 Risk Management 217,100 25 188,307 28,793 86.74% 12 Reserves: Centerplace Operating 335,000 580 7,266 327,734 2.17% 9 Service Level Stabilization 5,400,000 8,976 112,181 5,287,819 2.08% 9 Winier Weather 560,000 961 12,013 547,987 2.15% 9 Parks Capital 4,260,000 1,453,211 1,488,223 2,771,777 34.93% 9 Civic Buildings 5,085,000 9,721 122,307 4,962,693 2.41% 9 Total Other Funds Revenues: S 62,367.895 S 2.R46.366 $ 9.651.979 5 52.715.916 1§-4-8% Amended Budget November YTD Unrealized Percent 2008 Exaenditures Exqenditures Exoenditures Realized Other Funds Expenditures: Street Fund $ 4,242,304 $ 71,727 $ 3,732,459 $ 509,845 87.98% 2 Arterial Street Fund 850,000 - - 850,000 0.00% 5 Trails and Paihs 30,000 - - 30,000 0.00% 6 Hotel/Motel Fund 668,000 79,758 376,309 291,691 56.33% 1 Civic Facilities Replacement 397,000 - - 397,000 0.00% 6 Debt Service LTGO 03 600,000 - 203,436 396,564 33.91 % 16 Capital Projects Fund 4,420,000 - 22,338 4,397,662 0.51 % 5 Special Capital Projects Fund 4,420,000 - 22,338 4,397,662 0.51 % 5 Street Capital Projects 7,354,023 719,628 3,429,235 3,924,788 46.63% 5 Mirabeau Point Project 454,000 - - 454,000 0.00°10 6 Street Bond Capital Projects - - - - 0.00% Communiry Devetopmt Btock Grnts 245,000 - - 245,000 0.00% 6 Capital Grants Fund 11,347,000 36,979 5,106,497 6,240,503 45.00% 5 Barker Sridge Reconstruction 5,862,800 9,388 162,143 5,700,657 2.77% 5 Stormtivater Mgmt Fund 1,983,944 30,644 982,779 1,001,165 49.54% 13 Equip. Rental & Replacemnt 780,000 - - 780,000 0.00% 14 Risk Management 217,100 - 187,048 30,052 86.16% 12 Reserves: Centerplace Operating 335,000 - - 335,000 0.00% 17 Service Levet Stabilization 5,400,000 - - 5,400,000 0.00% 6 Winter Weafher 560,000 - - 560,000 0.00% 18 Parks Capital 4,260,000 21,683 1,617,954 2,642,046 37.98°!0 5 Civic Facilities Capital 5,085,000 - 97,559 4,987,441 1.92% 5 Total Other Funds Expenditures: $ 59 ,W1.171 S _969,8(~ $ _15.940.096 43.571.075 26.791a 12l2212008 11:03 AM FOOTNOTES 1 Most costs are rypically late in the year. 2 Winter weather & costs in January and February were excessive. 3 Most transfers yet to be made 4 Large property tax receipt expected in November. 5 Capital projects often take a number of years to plan, engineer, acquire right of way and construct. 6 No projects planned in 2008 7 Small amount of 05 library tax dUe district. Budgeted amount is too high. 8 Estimated, pending 07 review. 9 Interest earnings. 10 Most equipment fully funded in late 05. 12 Ins premium paid in Jan. 13 Beg. Bal. included which understates realized amounts and 14 For replacement of vehicles & computers. 15 For capital projects during summer months. 16 Only interest paid at midyear. 17 Required operating reserve, no expenditures planned for 2008 18 Transfer to street fund pending. 19 Revenue for 2009 events will be moved to 2009. 12122/2008 11:03 AM MEMO TO: Dave Mercier, City Manager FROM: Rick VanLeuven, Chief of Police DATE: December 19, 2008 RE: Monthly Report November 2008 November, 2008: November, 2007: CAD incidents: 4,805 CAD incidents: 3,991 Reports taken: 1,360 Reports taken: 1,350 Traffic stops: 11696 Traffic stops: 1,124 Traff c reports: 317 Traffic reports: 323 CAD incidents indicate calls for service as weil as self-initiated officer contacts. The comparison of incidents between November 2007 and November 2008 shows a significant increase in both CAD incidents and traffic stops. Hot spot maps are attached showing November residential burglaries, November commercial burglaries, November traffie collision hot spots and November vehicle prowling hot spots, along with October and November stolen vehicle hot spots. Also attached are nine bar graphs for 2006, 2007 and January through November, 2008: commercial burglary, garage burglary, residential burglary, forgery, malicious mischief, stolen vehicles, theft, vehicle prowling, and property crimes comparisons. AnMMSTRATIVE: ♦ Chief VanLeuven was one of several law enforcement representatives who attended a FEMA sponsored Community Specific Integrated Emergency Management Course (IEMC) at the Emergency Management Tnstitute in Emmitsburg, Maryland during Noveniber. Participating in the course were 68 representatives from law enforcement, fire, EMS, public works and other government officials from Homeland Security Region Nine, which includes the ten counties of Eastern VVashington. The IEMC is a four-day multi-disciplinary course on respotlding to emergencies and disasters. Participants spent the four days testing emergency plans and response capabilities to multipie incidents that might occur simultaneously in Spokane and Region Nine, utilizing available government resources to combat the simulated disasters. All costs for attendance for the course were covered by FEMA, except meals. ♦ A Red Cross "Honoring Hometown Heroes" luncheon was held in November. Spokane Valley School Resource Officer Jay Bailey was among those honored. He and Fire Inspector Rick Freier were recognized for their heroic efforts during the Valley View Fire. Chief VanLeuven, who had nominated the two men for this honor, attended the luncheon. ♦ D'uring the month of November, Chief VanLeuven was "on call" for a total of fourteen l 2-hour shifts for patrol lieutenants. Commendations: A number of our officers again received recognition in ItiTOVember from our citizens / community. Chief VanLeuven wrote letters of commendation for several incidents, including the following: ♦ Officer Seth Berrow was nearby the location mentioned when a call went out regarding a stolen vehicle. He placed himself on the cali and was able to locate and recover the vehicle seven minutes after the initial call was made. Page 1 ♦ Officer Dave Bratton, who is assigned to man the front desk at the Spokane Valley Police Departmcnt, received a commendation after a citizen eYpressed gratitude for his assistance. ♦ Following the Exxon-Mobil fuel tank leak, Lt. Laurie Miller, Lt. CYary Smith and Sgt. John Nowels were commended by Valley Fire Chief Mike Thompson for their handling of the situation. Also mentioned were SIRT mernbers who responded to the incident; including Bill and LuAnn Stallcop, Tom Towey, Jim Snider, Ray Westlake, A1 Fisher and Ken Tadlock. ♦ Officers James Ebel, Bob Bond, Kenneth Dodge, Ryan Smith, Brian Hert, Mike McNees, Damon Simmons, Mike Wall, Scott Bonney, Brett Hubbell, Tom Warner, Joe Bonin, Brian Lawler and Craig Chamberlin, along with Corporal Don Manning and Detective Mark Renz, were commended for their participation in a stolen vehicle investigation involving a pLirsuit and K-9 search. ♦ Sgt. John Nowels, Corporal Mark Fox, and Officers Darell Stidham, Glenn Hinckley, Aaron Childress, Tom Edelbrock, Joe Bodman, Bob Bond and Ron Nye were commended for their cooperative response to a residential burglary- i n-progress sihiation, which ended successfully with the arrest of rivo suspects. COMMUNITX ORIENTEA POLICING: ♦ S.C.O.P.E. Incident Response Team (SIRT) volunteers contributed 96 on-scene hours (including travel time) in November, responding to motor vehicle accidents, traffic control incidents including the Exxon gasoline spill, and a Spokane Valley crime scene. ♦ S.C.O.P.E. volunteers who monitor disabled parking in the Spokane Valley issued 68 infractions, along with 88 warnings, in the month of November. Seven volunteers contributed 260 hours to the program this month. ♦ Thirty-one abandoned vehicles were tagged for impoundment in the Spokane Valley in July by S.C.O.P.E. volunteers, with eighteen of the vehicles eventually towecl and fifteen citations issued. Seven vehicle hulks were also processed in November. OPERATIONS: Crime Check Slated to Return in January ♦ Beginning January 5, 2009 at noon, Crime Check will be available once again, utilizing the same number it had in the past, 456-2233. This number will be available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. If you want to file a police report for a crime that is no longer occurring or does not require an officer or deputy at the scene; if you witnessed a crime; or if you have information about a past crime or want to add inforrnation on a previous crime repor-t, call Crime Check. If you need immediate police response, call 9-1-1. If you are unsure if you have an emergency, call 9-1-1 first and let the communications center decide what action is necessary. Please use Crime Check for law enforcement calls only-it is not directory assistance. Law enforcement has seen a significant drop in crime statistics after Crime Check was retired for lack of funding, making reporting crime too cumbersome for many of its victims. Police agencies use those crime statistics to plan their response to crime trends, and the drop in numbers significantly impacted both proactive and reactive plans for fighting crime in Spokane Valley. With Crime Check's return, law enforcement planners and analysts hope they will have a more complete picture of crime in the region and can improve their efforts to combat it. Signs Placed at Argonne and Indiana Intersection ♦After several weeks of stopping and issuing verbal warnings to drivers for violations at the Argonne and Indiana intersections, Spokane Valley Police bega» issuing citations in mid- Page 2 November to drivers who fail to heed a turning restriction placed at that location. Since the first of the year, there have been about three dozen collisions at the intersection, just north of Interstate 90. A traffic engineering study indicated that the vast majority of the crashes occur when northbound motorists attempt to turn across southbound traffic to go west on Indiana. After numerous safety meetings and discussions, a decision was made by Council to place signs at the intersection to regulate northbound motorists, prohibiting left hand turns on weekdays from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. for drivers who want to go west on Indiana from northbound Argonne. Numerous violations have occurred since the signs were installed, and to promote safety and prevent more collisions, police have begun active enforcement at the location. Officers End Pursuit with PIT Maneuver ♦ Spokane Valley police and sheriffs deputies used a spike strip and the pursuit immobilization technique (PIT) to end a high-speed chase of a man driving a stolen car. The driver of the stolen car was booked into jail for Attempting to Elude a Police Vehicle and Possession of a Stolen Motor Vehicle, both felonies. Traffic Emphasis on Nighttime Seatbelt Use ♦ Traffic officers in the Spokane Valley Police Department conducted a two week emphasis on night time seatbelt usage. Traffic safety studies sllow that Washington motorists have among the highest seatbelt compliance in the country, but the use of seatbelts falls off after the hours of darkness. The emphasis was conducted in the interest of increasing safety awareness for motorists, especially at night when visibility declines and more motorists consume alcohol and then drive. Burglars Arrested, Stolen Goods Recovered ♦ Two 18-year-old burglars were captured by police who responded to a burglary-in-progress call occurring on South Eastern Lane. A resident in the home cal led 9-1-1 when he heard a car pull up to the garage and a window break. The rivo suspects entered the home and removed a large- screen television, an X-Box game system and several game cartridges. They fled in their vehicle but were spotted and stopped by K-9 O.fficer Darell Stidham. Officers Aaron Childress and Glenn Hinckley assisted in the arrest while Sgt. John Nowels contacted the victim at the home. ♦ Another teen-aged burglar was arrested after he attempted to steal a$40 bag of coffee from a Dishman espresso stand. Officer Todd Saunders saw the young man enter the espresso stand, grab a bag of coffee and begin to walk out. Follow-up investigation revealed that the exterior security lights at the business had been smashed in addition to the glass in the door and window. ♦ Spokane Valley Police captured a burglar who was attempting to break into the office and storage units at Skyview Storage. A witness reported seeing the suspect, dressed in dark clothing, scurrying around atop the building and attempting to force open slider doors on a storage unit. Officers had the business surrounded within minutes of receiving the call and arrested the suspect, booking him on rivo counts of 2"d Degree Burglary. Police have received reports of a half dozen rooftop burglaries for several weeks and were investigating the possibility of involvement of the suspect in the other burglaries. Auto/PedEStrian Collision Injures Pair ♦ A man and woman out for an early morning walk were injured when they were struck by a turning car as they crossed Mallon at Evergreen Road. Investigators believe alcohol was a factor in the collision and arrested the 19-year-old driver of the car on two felony counts of Vehicular Assault. The victims' injuries were not life-threatening. Man Loses Control of Pickup, Crashes into Mobile Home ♦ Numerous people narrowly escaped injury when a 77-year-old man lost control of his Chevrolet pickup and crashed through three fences, then caved in the side of a Spokane Valley mobile home. The driver possibly suffered a medical emergency, causing the incident to occur. Fortunately, the occupants of the mobile home were at the opposite end of the residence when the Page 3 truck crashed through the wall. Old Military Mortar Round Leads to Disrupted Traffic ♦ An old military mortar round was discovered in the roadway at Pines and Grace, disrupting traffic on Pines and buses were re-routed for the Central Valley School District while officers responded to the intersection. There were no markings on the shell that indicated it was inert, so it was treated as an actual explosive device. Pines Road was closed to traffic from Mirabeau Parkway to Mansfield for tvvo hours as explosives disposal experts from Fairchild Air Force Base exatnined and then removed the shell. They eventually determined it to be a military practice round. PAPfHA,NDLING: ♦ Councilman Gothmann and panhandling committee member Ian Robertson gave a PowerPoint presentation on panhandling at the Spokane Valley Police day shift roll calls on November 7. Mayor Munson also stopped by during the presentation. The presentation was well received with good interaction and discussion among the police ofFicers. ♦ A 31-year-old Veradale man was arrested after he spent the $11.00 he had received by panhandling to purchase a hammer, which he then used to break a liquor store window in order to steal a$9.00 bottle of wine. He was booked into jail on for 2"d Degree Burglary and 2"d Degree Malicious Mischief, 3`d Degree Theft and Possession of Burglary Tools. Page 4 2008 NOVEMBER CRIME REPORT Nov-08 I Nov-07 1108 to datel 07 to date 1 07 Total 106 Total 105 Totai 104 Total BURGLARY ~ 681 51 1 7051 526 11 584 1 714 1 7441 997 FORGERY ~ 261 231 3211 348 1 365 1 3341 4641 465 MALICIOUS MISCHIEF 1 671 8911 8291 1,212 '1 1,265 1 1,1221 9041 1,224 NON-CRIMINAL ~ 841 71 11 8951 761 11 839 N 811 1 7491 916 PROPERTY OTHER ~ 59N 581 7751 838 1 890 1 9821 1,1541 1,665 RECOVERED VEHICLES ~ 141 27 302N 322 1 343 N 403 1 3331 390 STOLEN VEHICLES ~ 221 381 4681 445 11 4781 711 1 6031 577 THEFT ~ 1551 145 1,735N 1,754 11 1,881 1 1,8881 2,2561 2,853 UIOBC ~ 11 2 41 8il 81 11 1 81 10 VEHICLE OTHER ~ 1I 0il SN 311 31 31 51 40 VEHICLE PROWLING ~ 601 55N1 9991 6121 6821 937 1 958N 1,382 TOTAL PROPERTY CR/MES ~ 5571 5591 7,0381 6,829 1 7,338 1 7,9161 8,1781 10,519 ASSAULT ~ 651 731 7991 790 11 853 N 8461 8941 880 DOA/SUICIDE ~ 301 1411 2381 203 N1 221 1 1671 1591 164 DOMESTIC VIOLENCE ~ 881 7511 9741 801 11 8741 7361 7621 755 HOMICIDE ~ 0l 1ll 31 1 1 11 51 11 5 KIDNAP ~ 1~ 0il 161 21 1 23 1 221 351 24 MENTAL ~ 29 2511 3351 323 11 350 N 425 4251 386 MP ~ 9 11 l 871 77 11 831 88 971 106 PERSONS OTHER ~ 1091 1241 1,2601 1,23611 1,3371 1,1591 1,256N 1,624 ROBBERY ~ 2N 211 69N 56 11 60 1 581 56N 58 TELEPHONE HARASSMENT ~ 7 211 771 70 11 73 1 831 921 190 TOTAL MAJOR CRIMES ~ 340 32711 3,8581 3,57811 3,875 1 3,5891 3,7771 4,192 ADULT RAPE ~ 0l 511 431 42 11 431 291 39N 37 CHILD ABUSE ~ 101 511 1341 91 11 104 1 781 1011 126 CUSTODIAL INTERFERENCE ~ 101 511 801 8811 921 1051 881 205 SEX REGISTRATION F N ON 0ll 31 411 41 31 61 4 INDECENT LIBERTIES ~ 0l 211 10l 1711 181 151 91 21 CHILD MOLESTATION ~ 31 311 601 39 11 461 69 1 671 77 CHILD RAPE ~ 11 41 381 2811 31 N 621 351 30 RUNAWAY ~ 341 201 3391 277 11 295 1 309 1 3111 437 SEX OTHER ~ 141 21 11 1691 184 11 194 203 1 1811 162 STALKING ~ 1 N 1ll 211 14 11 17 171 271 35 SUSPICIOUS PERSON ~ 91 811 1311 142 11 1521 1771 244N 341 TOTAL SEX CRIMES ~ 821 7411 110281 926 11 996 1 1,0671 1,1081 1,475 DRUG ~ 641 6711 7901 753 11 807 1 665 1 8911 999 ISU OTHER ~ 0l 0il 01 111 11 01 0l 1 TOTAL ISU ~ 641 6711 7901 75411 8081 665 1 8911 1,000 TOTAL TRAFFIC REPORTS ~ 317N 32311 3,6451 3,493 N1 3,800 N 3,345 1 2,403N 2,776 TOTAL REPORTS REGEIVFD ~ 1,3601 1,35011 16,2591 15,580 11 16,817 1 16,5821 16,3571 19,962 „ & . W M ~ ~ n $ ~ E 1 11~re~ m C10 onls t~ n •r,. ~ ~1~ { e 0~ Gn ~ L ~ ~ ~ ~u d ~ .WseP E J ina ~ id F q ~ K Q a gf ~N »~Yit G 1~' ` MbS° n r~ Ci w p gtII r a tilt~J~ °s~ ti~ ~ ~ ~ , ~ ~1 p G`' • ~ as d bt R ~ R+ ~tn PIkS 1 ~ 0 61~ a dD„ 0 J,tsslc ~ o p,1a~r 7 ~ ' _t- ~ - _ _ h ~ Z s~g 7 - dA w .n y a SQ~ ~ N U ~ h ~ 3 ~ ~ bw C ~ 0 Traffic Collisiong ~ i4 ev ` C)2-3 ,g 3,~a ~ a' 11 Y ~ z' / ' wr a~ aam s Koa , ~ c]i_o'w diurn L°v ~ ~ °e ~Me ~5~ ~ ~ ~n3 0 ~.y'•,~f A y ~ g11h G~ r a5t ~ ~ rMedium 29~ tal 3z ~ C g y a`3' ~~7~ lO o ~ u°, r ~ a ■~"~~h ~ OC f3 N 'a R ~ CD ' R 37 n E AAth Pro,duced: i - ~ s a ~e~+ - 1J►ap r Z0pg ~ w ~ pe~mbe .r • • V p ~fi N ~ ~le a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~7 pm ~ ~ a ~ ~ c R cf ~ ~ ,h '.~l:cioilS ~Qtsp'0 , ~ a C7 sa T P~ C 1 " a m e Ca sl ~ A ~ ~ ryfo ~e / gU~10 ~ 2 ~ ~ • ~ ~ 0°~ l~ S m a h h ' ~ w ~ nm E o ~ 4 ~ W In ~a 7 m ~ ~r TeUow R w 2FYV 1t = 19 K m LL ~ CQULrjajnd Endid ,r. g° ° 8maf ~ 3p Li - Frodc r rle 1 ~ a If ~ n 4 4 ~ n wiox ~g M eioa I e t - y u no a q i-~- b 9-00 1 m ~ ion n wa Istn ki Boo ~n Sh ~ ;o I~ rou4 m ~ C 111 0 L V te , > c e ' unCe m Fel roWIJ 1 • a W - l pe'r - r 1 0~~ P ~a RI 4n Main Pdaw 3rd ,h ~ - ~ 4' ,''~°i+ ~ I v 8 4~.. 3fd 0 7 ~ ~ N 3 ut w . t aF w ~U~ c' ~ ~ ~Rd ~ \ ^''h 1\ ~ ~ h m ~ ~ 21 ~ s 2 ~ 25th , r ~ ~ ~ 361 ~ - N % 39 1 J1 ~ V@hlC~e ° 8 ~ II Belk Tem ~ U ~OINing - ~ 10 c 9 dp 37 " - h ° I ti-~ A N U e t ~ Y ao 02-4 j ~ ❑ m ~ ~ c ~ Q o c~ i ~ , 4AIh i dAlh ^ ^ o o ~ Q 8 ~ ❑ ■Low n 71ri ~ y : ■Medium G p ■High 55 ; n5 ;mm 2008 November Vehicle Prowling Hotspots 04 DMap eoembe2008 ~ ~ Spakane Valley Vehiele Pr4wling I 140 12(l - 100 80 - - ■2a06 - ~ 2007 ~ ■2[]08 6o ~ 40 i ~ ~ i I ~ ~ 20- i ~ ~ . - , . . , - JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DE'C . r ~ i8 T ti t G 5~ 0 1y~ y~ ~ ~a~ A ~ 0 ~ito a e ' F 7 Jasep 9 eon u ~P ) l' F ~In g $ ~ u ~ vl ~ 1 ~6 ~ S / ~ Y c 5 oal q p~ d K ~ ~ ~ ~ ~1, - • n . ,y 6 l e e y ~ an 3 0 a 0m ij = < `n m .T. nr .a Ivw e~ o° , Cti K m ~ Z rn d y0~ ~ 3 8 9 e ~ a ru -1 ~ aail ' ~ EuGi4 r° ~ u e~` ~ q ~ a B ~mer ~ U E Ma m ,1. ~i •ira~ T Ja n~fl'3r, ob o n ~ ml± Ma , x 2 nnon a~ 71 , -1. O , t 'n . E • Co 0 bn 7.'a ata Q Alk, s~n Sh a ' y I I k r- _ la,~.. .4 Boon ~ s t m o a ra w__ m VAte In Fal N _ho~: a~ _ t ' rt~ • wZ ~ and 4t1 ~ ''.i Y ~ a l, ` 6t ~ > J - '~ay 3ro ~ r • a o 40 -~•r~--~ ~7 ~ 411 ~ ~ 141 ~ 0 I~ . ~ c~?` -9, -i •-i 7 • r 4'f . ~ cr m ~ ~ y m p . Jerne ~ h 2 ri ~ m , sa, u 2nn 4 ~ 30 x~ lst M. 31 ~ Stalen 32n ~ ~ Vlr 1 ~ VehldeS 9elb Tarro ~ - ~ 8 a ~ l 0 5,y ~ Cfv~ n 9~ 37 4 E Co r V da ~ C2 . .na ~ c r 3 ~s 45G J ❑ mo~ L 411h - c~ 6t o ❑ 3r 1v li a y ❑ y a E 4~~ aem ~ m ■LOW 17 " a ■Medium ` Q pa A 7~ ;'bb o~ m 9 P oHigh 0 0.5 i Mle 2008 October & November Stolen Vehicle Hotspots ~~~m~~~e ~ . ~ Spokane Valley Stolen Vehicles - 90 ao - - - - - - 70 6a - - 54 E2006 M2Q07 , ■2008 40- - , - . - 3a-.~,R ~ y y 2o , ,l 10 r ~ ~ JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OC7 NOV DEC ~ v 8e T h ent 5~ ° e Ca e a E a ,keep ✓ r ~ Q f / V Y. a ~ + s oo ~ eb n~ y $ ~ S o0i LL= e e I~ 3 °a aw: 11 on ren o low In II9t a Km' rk_ I fi cUro d ce { n3 0 n ~ E~dld ~ J ~ ou ° r' y~1~} 1i •.i q ~ ti f;qRirrf r N Li E (e 'h ~eiJ~f-y) ~ f . ~u:: • Frntle Q . ~-t ~ltrJ` _ '1a y r_ii7 T- BrYn'~~~• ~ 4~" ~ s4eld ~ x o ~ M~~-°r. tirT~' 2 6~ 1~.~: ~ y,,,y an f Is it { y c ~ ~ IF Criln to kin ~ nt or> uacwa nU Sh rpm B ~ i m c g • s ~ ~ d vra - Alkd ~ n 1 " Fei rounde r a o Maln ro g ue p 8 " t RI end G~ Bt ~ qV o0 at Pdt~ e - n ird 11h a - 3 rt ~ t G ^ ri~ , Y Y ~ 'i ~ r ~ _ tYt iT ~ . t s E ow 1\ S 76 n a 21 - Je k ° s ~ a S , ~ a N -t--A y ResldenUal ~ 271h a, n q 'o ~ a c E 3il BUf918ry a 4 ~ 32n r S getb Terta 10 , 0 2-3 Hr- E JJ- 41U► 04o a o B q ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ❑ jo W - ❑ 4bIM , o ~ LL e gt' ■LOW „h 0 ■Medium a ~ee SI° o m oHigh ` . . Map P~oduaed: ~ ; a5 1 2008 November Residenhal Burglary Hotspots 04Deoember2006 r . Spokane Valley Residential Burglary 60 50 40 - ■2006 ~ IN2007 30 , ■2008 F.' 20 - - - I , I , i , i ,i '0 _ ' , JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC , ~ - , e _ C~Iqnwme Su' y Cen I Y a < ta -Un 7 A F ~ IQfl ~ ~ ~ r~ , e gutl+!4in o ~ Gr t~ g 00 ~i E I ~ 3~ 2 1 C l~ - ; ri W ~ Q ero f d _ le Qitl ~ ~ w o Er ~ K IN co Frecln E ~y e W Lu~lid ~ 4 ~S a cN MTT Bu a Ja Ma Alw d d' 4%% 9 - K!! ~ oX I~ $i1 IIf1011 ~da ~Qk1 m « . 4 A ~ pt y .:J ! ' + ~i fl Maabn t on Bua~ s . Sh - f . k . n ~ • 3'- 2 M a ~ C e o ~ c E (:~I Ido_!.:1{) r•r yyr"' tlN-a j o roa s ~ ~ oa wn is' Ps1 rounv--n A1Ni ~ Alk~ Atv'~ ~ 0 ; n~s e s e ~ R 3900 •~1. ~1 - ~ q Us n° RI nd d o I th 4th 4Ih I 0 8Ut u, 8 O (b}, h v c 9 e' _ 141 M a le 21 k-, z 7 eM r ~ Je ~ ~ 27th IFA 3 n tat 32nd ~ dY t 4 381 - ~ 1 i ae 1 - 10 v~ s~ BNk Terte Commercial IJ ~ &~lary ~ y e 4 n 10 r 9 ;1 I eAlh 45 44tn1 ~ 02 fi 48 ad LL ~ a O ❑ rot ~ I y ❑ ■LOw ■Medium as ■Njgh 2008 November Commercial B M urgiary Hotspots MaP Produced: 04 Deoember 2008 ~ ~ ~ . ~ Spokane Valley Commercial Burglary 35 30 4 li ~ 25 , ~ , ~ ~ 20 - j - ~ ■2QOfi ■ 2007 , ■ 2008 15 ~ 10 " -i - ~ 5-~ , 0 ~ ~ - , JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC Spokane Valley Garage Burglary 25 zo 15 ■zaos ■zoo7 ■2008 10 f~ I i - I , 5 i I I • 0 JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC Spokane Valley Forgery 60 50 40. . - - ~ - - - , ■2006 ~ 30 - , - ~ N 2007 ■ 2008 ~ . ~ 20 - - ~ ' , ~ l 10 ~ _ . I 0- ~ ~ JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC Spokane Vailey Malicious Mischief 200 180 160 140 120 ■2006 100 - ■2Q07 ■2008 80 _ 60 - - - I , ~ 40 I I ' i I 20 - I - i I I , l I ~ 0 ' JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC Property Crimes Comparisons (2008 is January - November) zooo 1800 1600 ~ 1400 - - ~ 1200 - - ~ ■ 2006 1000 - 02007 132008 800 600 , - 400 - - - - IPRp I ~ 200 - - i 0 Commercial Residential Forgery Malicious Stolen Vehicle Theft Vehicle Prowling Burglary Burglary Mischief ~ . . Spokane Valley Theft 250 200 ~ 150 ~ ~ , - ~ - . ■2006 ■ 2007 ■ 2008 r 100 , i I ` ~ 50 - - - I 9 0 . JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 0000 0N%W%6 n e W7@ vaky i ;00 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MONTHLY REPORT November 2008 TS FOR SERViCES ADOPTED AND IN OPERATION AGREEMEN • Street Maintenance - County Street Maintenance Interlocal • Street Sweeping - AAA winter/spring sweeping. Spring Sweeping is complete. • Street and Stormwater Maintenance and Repair contract -Poe Asphalt Paving Inc. worked on Street Preservation Projects and Pavement Removal and Replacement. • Landscaping Services - Spokane ProCare is working spring/summer 2008. Discussed multiple areas that have swales that may be required by Home Owners Associations to maintain. • Vactoring Contract - AAA Sweeping removed ponding water around drywells. Contract Monies are nearly expended, working on Change Order. • Engineering Services Support - Agreements with private engineering firms. • Street Maintenance (Pines & Trent) - WSDOT Interlocal • Solid Waste - Regional Solid Waste Interlocal - Public Works was on the selection committee for the Performance and Financial Audit for the Spokane Regional Solid Waste System. Recommendations are scheduled to be sent to the Liaison Board on September 15, 2008 for their consideration. 'IASTEWATER • CH2MHill was selected for the design, build and operation of the Spokane County Regional Water Reclamation Facility. The County is currently in negotiations with that firm. • On September 26th EPA issued a statement that the TMDL and the Idaho permits must be revised so that the limits in the river do not exceed .20 mg/I decrease in dissolved oxygen. CENTRAL VALLEY SCHOOL DISTRICT • Neil is a member of the Facilities Committee to assist the district in the development of a Study and Survey of the various schools and administrative buildings. The committee meets on a monthly basis on Wednesday evenings. SPOKANE REGIONAL SOLID WASTE SYSTEM PERFORMANCE AUDIT • Neil is a member of the Technical Work Group overseeing the perfomnance audit. The group selected the consuttant Camp, Dresser and McKee (CDK) through an RFP process in October. The kick-off meeting is scheduled for November 3rd and the project is expected to take 8 months. STREET MASTER PLAN • JUB Engineers is continuing work on the update to the Street Master Plan. They were scheduled to meet with Council December 2"d but that has been postponed to January 20. CAPITAL PROJECTS ROAD CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS ~ Barker Road Bridge ProJect (0003) Bridge was closed starting July 7. The demolition plan has been approved and the contractor has started removing the bridge deck and existing girders starting at the south end. The work bridge is , approximately'/z done, spanning from the north bank to the middle of the river. Girders are being fabricated and stored off-site at Central Prestress near the Fairgrounds. • Pines/Mansfleld (0005) Construction started July 23. Contractor has completed the roundabout at the Montgomery / Wilbur / Mansfield intersection. Mansfield has been paved with the first layer of asphalt; the top layer will be placed in spring 2009. The concrete intersection at Pines and Mansfield has been fully placed, but delivery of necessary traffic signal equipment is not expected until spring 2009. • Appleway Avenue Reconstruction - Tschirley to Hodges (0016) Knife River was awarded the project as the low bidder for $4,565,859.95. Construction began March 17th. Project is complete. Punch list items complete Upon completion of the Sprague/Conklin signal the project will be closed out. • 24t' Avenue Reconstruction Project (0053) Project construction is complete. • Sprague/Appleway/Dishman-Mica ITS (0062) Bids were opened September 18 for $372,104, 33% below the Engineer's estimate. WSDOT is administering the contract that will install fiber optic cable, a dynamic message sign on Sprague Ave at I-90 and three cameras on Appleway: Park Rd, Dishman-Mica Rd and University Rd. Delays in material delivery have pushed start of construction to spring 2009. • Broadway / Fancher PCC Intersection (0067) Project plans are being reconfigured for a two phase construction that will close Broadway Ave but keep Fancher Rd open continuously. I • Broadway Ave Rehab - I-90 EB Ramps to Park Rd (0068) Construction cornplete • Signal Controller Upgrade Project (0071) All controllers were delivered in August. Spokane County and WSDOT signal maintenance crews will test, program, and install new controllers under existing engineering services contracts. • Sprague/Conklin Signal (0077) The change order has been signed by Knife River. Work began on October 13, 2008. The signal poles have been ordered. All underground work is complete. New curb ramps have been installed. The signal poles will be installed when delivered in the spring. • Sprague I Bowdish, PCC Intersection (0092) Construction complete STREET PRESERVATION PROJECTS • Dishman Mica Rehab - Appleway Ave. to 16th Ave. (0093) Project is complete. • Montgomery Ave. Rehab - Argonne Rd. to University Rd (0093) Project is complete. I ROAD DESIGN • 44~' Avenue Pathway- Woodruff Rd. to Sands Rd. (0054) Preliminary Horizontal and Vertical Alignment set. Budinger will complete pavement design by December. • Broadway Ave Safety Improvement - Park Rd to Pines Rd (0063) Staff recommends not moving ahead with project until more accident data can be evaluated. Council directed staff to wait for more accident data. • Broadway Ave. Rehab - Fancher to Thierman (0066) Will start design early 2009 for construction in 2009. Coordinating with utilities. Qwest will move poles on north side of Broadway out of sidewalk. SEPA complete • Broadway Ave Reconstruction - Moore to Flora (0088) ~ Survey complete, Cultural Resource Survey complete, SEPA complete ROW Maps sent to ROW Consultant. On site Appraisals to begin the first week of January. • Evergreen Sprague PCCP Intersecdon Project (0102) USKH topo survey and GeoEngineers Geotech reportcompleted. SEPA complete, • McDonald Sprague PCCP Intersection Project (0104) USKH topo survey to be completed by Christmas and GeoEngineers Geotech report is done Christmas. SEPA complete,. • Pines Sprague PCCP Intersection Project (0103) USKH topo survey and GeoEngineers Geotech report are completed SEPA complete,. Sprague Avenue Resurfacing Proejct (110) The project is scheduled for construction in July 2009. A 2" grind and inlay will be completed on the entire roadway surface from University ot Evergreen. The City and Taylor Engineering are negotiating a contract for design services. SEWER PROJECTS • Spaldings Sanitary Sewer Project (0056) The project is 100% complete. • Grandview Acres Sanitary Sewer Project (0057) The contract was awarded to Knife River Co. Construction began June 5, 2007. The project is 100% complete. • Trentwood Sanitary Sewer Project (0058) The contract was awarded to Knife River Co. Construction began on July 9, 2007. The project is 100% complete. • Rockwell/Summerfield Sanitary Sewer Project Phase I(0091) This project bid with Summeffield. The project was awarded to Knife River. Construction began in May 2008. The project is complete. Punchlist items remain. • Rockwell Sanitary Sewer Pro]ect (0094) The project was awarded to SI Construction. The project is 90% complete. Construction will resume in the spring. Punchlist items remain on the completed roadways. • Summerfield Sanitary Sewer Project (0084) This project bid with Rockwell/Summerfield. Knife River was awarded the contract. 100% of the sewer main has been placed. Punchlist items remain. • Sutters Sanitary Sewer Project (0082) The project was awarded to SI Construction. Construction began on May 8th. 100% of the sewer main has been placed. The project is 100% complete. • White Birch Sanitary Sewer Project (0081) Owens Construction was awarded the project. 100% of the sewer main has been placed. The project is 100% complete. PARKS PROJECTS • Old Senior Center Demolition (0072) Contract awarded and NTP issued on 31 Oct. NOI and Permit from CSV has been issued. Asbestos abatement scheduled to be completed 21 Nov, demolition scheduled to start 2 Dec. KTR stockpiled fill material. • Park Road Swimming Pool Upgrade (0073) The contractor has basically finished the project. A walk-through was held on 17 Oct 08 with representatives from the design consultant ORB, Health District, TMCA, Parks and Recreation, Contractor and CSV. A final punch-list has been completed and the contractor is in the process of completing the items. • Terrace View Swimming Pool Upgrade (0074) The underground concrete work, wall blocks, and roof extension for the mechanical building is complete. Contractor is installing electrical and mechanical equipment in the mechanical building. The lazy river pool underground piping is installed, concrete floor slab has been place, outside walls are currently being erected. • Valley Mission Swimming Pool Upgrade (0075) The contractor is constructing the training pool, the under ground concrete work and wall blocks for the mechanical building is complete. • Valley Mission Park Upgrade (0076) The Agreement (Contract) has been finalized and signed by CSV (20 Oct 08). Consultant (Gavin) currently starting the design. • Children's Universal Park (0086) The location of the Universal Playground (new name) on the south end of the Mirabeau Point Park was presented to Council and approved. Preliminary design layouts have begun. • Centennial Trail Restroom Water Service Coordinating with parks on providing water service and eliminating the well. STORMWATER PROJECTS • Stromwater Decant Facility Working on project scope. 0 16'' Avenue and Bettman Rd Drainage Improvements (0100) County has completed drainage easement topo. Krystal has developed preliminary stormwater model • 2008 Problematic Flood Areas Project Working on project scope. 0 West Ponderosa 1 Valleyview Drafnage Improvements Work to be done with 2009 sewer projects. David Randall has begun study/design OTHER PROJECTS • Sullivan Bridge #4501 Inspection over Trent(0095) Coffman Engineers has submitted the draft report, comments from Spokane Count (Neil Carroll) and CSV have been sent (16 Oct 08) to Coffman. • City Hail Project (0089) The City Hall Program was presented and apnroved by Council on Jt_jne 24tb Preliminary site concepts were presented to Council on October 21 • Street Maintenance Storage Facility Working on project scope. • Valley Precinct Building Floor Drain (0096' Consultant contract awarded to DEA. The 1' Phase- has been completed, the Phase 2 shall be a complete design to dispose of the water in the sewer. Design Started for this phase on 13 Oct 08. • Sprague ADA Improvements (0098) Michelle is preparing Contract documents and plans for 2009 construction TRAFFIC • Starting to work with Capital Projects on traffic control and detour plans for next year's construction projects. • 25 New citizen requests/complaints were received via phone and email. These typically involve traffic signals, stop sign requests, speeding complaints, bus stop concems, streetlight outages, requests for new streetlights, traffic count requests, and parking issues. • Reducing backlog of old citizen requests and logging them into the CARs system to improve our tracking methods. • Working with Central Valley School District on several traffic and pedestrian safety issues. • Updating city-wide level of service analysis for existing and future conditions. • Working with the state and county signal shops to update signal timing plans for new controller installations. STORMWATER ~ • Have done extensive research and continued planning for implementation of the NPDES Phase II and UIC requirements. Coordinating with Spokane County and the City of Spokane to develop a Public Outreach Program. • Presently working on the "Eastem Washington Stormwater Coalition Website° ie. City County. Projected primarily for satisfying NPDES Phase II requirements. • Working in Coordination with City of Spokane, Spokane County, APC, DEQ, and Department of Ecology on a Stormwater atlas. • Discussing Decant Facility options. • Received, processed, and prioritized complaints from County and CSV for Dave Randall. • Retained Dave Randall, P.E. to assess and propose a solution for 4 residences that have flooded repeatedly. Agreement secured. • Working on tax rolls. • Working on puddle and drywell inventory field work for coordination with CIP1Sewer stormwater improvements. • Drainwater account investigation to decided if required to collect. , • Conducted Chester Pit survey of test holes to look for silt deposits. • Sent ProCare out to fix damaged irrigation pipes. • Met with Budinger & Assoc to line out Full Scale Drywell Tests • Looking into hiring consultant to provide NPDES training to City, City, County staff. • Flooding complaint response at Raymond & Valleyway. STREET 8 STORMWATER MAINTENANCE ACTIVITY The following is a summary of Public Works/Contractor maintenance activities in the City of Spokane Valley for November, 2008; • Tom and Brant inspected contractor work, trimmed brush and patched potholes. • AAA Sweeping is in the process of doing the Fall Sweeping Program • Poe Asphalt graded dirt streets throughout the Valley. • Bridge Maintenance is being reviewed. Estimates for maintenance are being prepared by Poe Asphalt and their sub-contractor. STREET: Through the end of November private contracts invoiced $1,235,976 and the County invoiced $1,506,579 for a total Street Maintenance cost of $2,742,555. STORMWATER: The County invoiced $5,712 and private contracts invoiced $755,011, for a total Stormwater Maintenance cost of $760,723. STREET AND STORMWATER MAINTENANCE COMPARISONS THROUGH NOVEMBER Stormwater aintenance SpokanQ ounty I 2008 S ,712 4 , „2007 $6,55 „ tl • f_ i 1 e Stormwater alntenance Private Contractors ; 2007 1677.481 Street Malntonance Spakane CQunty 2 2047 $1.158,655 - - - - St I et Maintena ce ; Priyate Contract ra 1 1 $200,000 $400,000 S600,000 S800,000 S1,000,000 51,200,000 $1,400,000 $1,600,000 $1,800,000 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ § §g~~~~~ ~ ~q . m~2 A m ~ ~ cl ~ N N M M M! M N M N N N N N M N M M N N N N N M N N M M M M MiM C ~ • ~ - - - -~~AAgg ~ co a~ aYaz~~aa 44 aHazaa Y~ ~ m Q d c §5 Os O ~u S C7 ~ o►- tn U u w u itn u u Fv,v) c) uU c) 0 c) aaaaaa ~ a cn p o C o o~ - ~ o m 0. ' ~ga ~LL a ~ W . ~ o o x '~o Q ~a cr~ o (A 1 CO Q ~ 7 ~ ~ ~ ~ C at a a LL ~E~cna m m ~ ~Q~ ~ Sa ~ 6 ~ t ~cnc9H~~~u~9 a►-»c~~ m W NNmmtT ~O2 ~ ~ z