1992, 05-28 Permit: 91008069 RefundSPOKANE COUNTY, PAYMENT VOUCHER 131902 -VENDOR RefundCODE NAME Cturm Nnatinn ADDRESS ina Fact Tndliana Avnet to GIN/ann. WA QQ21IR DATE 5/28/92 AGENCY NAME (.Mf<a Fnfnrramnt AUDITORS STAMP ACCOUNT DISTRIBUTION, ORIGINATING ENMITY 1AL VOU HER TYPES) ❑ 1099 REQ'D ID# LINE NO. VENDOR INVOICE NUMBER FUND AGENCY ORGAN- IZATION ACT OBJ SUB OBJ REV SOURCE SUB REV JOB NUMBER REPT CATEG BS ACCT DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 1 91-006069 406 030 0008 2210 07 Refund 30.40 DETAIL DESCRIPTION 1 Ka for Penult #91-008069 for 1403 North Best Roadthe per copy Of permit � undersigned do hereby c certify under penalty of perjury TOTAL 30.40 and note attached - canceled. that funds have been project sufficient budgeted for this claim, the ma- terials have been furnished, ser- vices rendered or labor performed as described herein or contracted for, that the claim is a just, due and unpaid obligation against Spokane County or fund agency TRAVEL CERTIFICATION I hereby certify under penalty of perjury that this is a true and correct claim for necessary expenses Incurred by me and that no payment has been received by me on account thereof. SIGNED -- - indicated above, that I am autho- rized to authenticate and certify TITLE INTRA -GOVERNMENTAL VOUCHER to said claire. DATE '\ FUND AGENCY ORGAN- iZATION SUB ORG SELLERS ACTIVITY ACCOUNT REVENUE SOURCE SUB DISTRIBUTION JOB NUMBER RPT CATEG OFFSET RECEIVABLES I---_,�-, EXAMINED and ALLOWED �, CERTIFICATION DATE 19 • SIGNED. CHAIRMAN SELLER CERTIFICATION I, hereby certify that the materials have been furnished, the services SIGNED TITLE Office Administrator _ MEMBER rendered or the labor performed as described herein or contracted TITLE for, and that the claim Is a just, due and unpaid obligation, and that 5/29/92 I am authorized to authenticate and certify to said claim DATE DATE MEMBER 11-20-91 6,479, 04* E n n * 58,00 * 38.00 * 38,006 *0,00 SPOKANE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF BUILDINGS W. 1303 BROADWAY AVENUE SPOKAf1E, WASHINGTON 99260 (509) 456-3675 this permit/application, state that the information contained in it and submitted by me or my agent to compile said permit/application is true Spokane County to proceed with processing. In addition, 1 have read and understand the INSPECTION REQUIREMENTS/NOTICE d agree to comply with same. All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with whether specified at the Issuance of this permit/application and any subsequent inspection approvals or Certificates of Occupancy shall not be construed to cel the provisions of any state or local law regulating construction, oras a warranty of conformance with the provisions of anystateorloc,a1 PROJECT NUMBER= 91008069 APPLICATION DATE ISSUED PERMIT DATE= 11/20/9i . PAGE= 01 PERMIT INFORMATION SITE STREET= 1403 N BEST RD PARCEL4- 145423113 ADDRESS- SPOKANE WA 99206 PERMIT USE= GAS EQUIPMENT Y., PIPING PLAT4= CONVRT- PLAT NAME= CONVERTED CNTY DATA BLOCK= LOT= ZONE- SFR DIST4= F AREA- 0001i875 F/A= F WIDTH= 125 DEPTH= 95 f/W= OF eLDGS= 4 DWELLINGS= 10 WATER DIST - OWNER- MAUER, SCOTT STREET- i,10"3 N EqEET RD PHONE- • . • ADDRESS- SPOKANE WA 99206 coNTACT NAME- SfURM HEATING PHONE NUMBER - .509 --"'" 1505 BUILDING SETBACKS: FRONT= N/A LEFT= N/A RIGHT= -/A REAR= N/A, ****************************** MECHANICAL PERMIT ************K************ ooNTRACTOR- STURM HEATING STREET= 204 E INDIANA AVE ADDRESS- SPOKANE wA 99207 PHONE= 509 325 4505 ITEM DESCRIPTION • QUANTITY FEE AmnuoT PROCESSING FEE ? 25.00 GifS ivrf'„ Qi;:iP<i0c:'OTU 1 •i :7! . f,f:) GAS PI.PI•NG t i .1..00 PAYMENT :UmMAPY PAYMENT L'h,TE aEccirT.I., PAYmENT Amouor /-20/Yi 53':iao . 7,8.00 TOTAL DuE., .00 TOTAL P11,1D= PERMIT i FEE AmOHNT AMOUNT PAID AmOUNr nwNG MFcHANICAL PreilT 38,00 38.00 ,20 :8,00 3M0 .00 PROCEED WC. D8MJIROVICH, ROTiw ppiNTE!) 00mi:rpov[cH, aii,ki.A THANK you Ailiti,ALi/CrUAK.rii..k.rFikik.it..0t*Iv*