Ordinance 07-015 Repealing & Renaming Portions of Title 10, Adopting Titles 17-22 of UDC CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY SPOKANE COUNTY,WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO.07-015 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, SPOKANE COUNTY WASHINGTON, REPEALING PORTIONS OF EXISTING TITLE 10, UNIFORM DEVELOPMENT CODE; REPEALING SPOKANE VALLEY MUNICIPAL CODE SECTION 2.55.010-050; RENAMING REMAINING TITLE 10 AS "COMMUTE TRIP REDUCTION PLAN„" AND ADOPTING TITLES 17, 18, 19, 20, 21 AND 22 AS A PORTION OF THE NEW CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY UNIFORM DEVELOPMENT CODE AND ZONING MAP. WHEREAS, the City of Spokane Valley adopted Title 10 UNIFORM DEVELOPMENT CODE, including the adoption of an official zoning map, through the adoption of Ordinances 31, 32, 33, 48, 49, 50, 52, 53, 54, 54A-1, 57, 58, 59, 63, 03-078, 03-081, 03-087 and 03-097 in 2003, and Ordinances 04- 002, 04-004, 04-008, 04-010, 04-013, 04-014,and 04-016 in 2004; and WHEREAS, the City of Spokane Valley has since the dates of adoption set forth above, amended Title 10 UNIFORM DEVELOPMENT CODE on a number of occasions through the adoption of Ordinance 04-033, Dimensional Standards for Residential and Non-Residential Development; Ordinance 04-034, Administrative Variances and Exceptions; Ordinance 04-035, Urban Residential Estate (UR-1); Ordinance 04-038, Clear View Triangles; Ordinance 04-046, Planned Unit Developments; Ordinance 04- 047, City of Spokane Valley Building Code; Ordinance 05-003 Area-Wide Rezone Greenacres; Ordinance 05-012, Street Vacations; Ordinance 05-013, Stormwater; Ordinance 05-021, Appeal Procedures from Hearing Examiner to City Council; Ordinance 05-026, Planned Unit Developments; Ordinance 05-034, Stormwater Utility Charges; Ordinance 06-001, Extending Urban Residential Estate (UR-1) Interim Zoning in Ponderosa and Rotchford Areas; Ordinance 06-002, Amending SVMC 10.30.060 by amending Chapter 14.702 Airport Overlay (OA) Zone; Ordinance 06-003, Enforcement and Administrative Procedures; Ordinance 06-004, Code Compliance; Ordinance 06-005, Code Compliance; Ordinance 06-006, Repealing the Renumbering Uniform Development Code; Ordinance 06- 007, Repealing specific County Zoning Classifications previously adopted by SVMC 10.30.060 and Ordinance 03-053; Ordinance 06-008, Business Zones Matrix; Ordinance 06-009, Sign Regulation; Ordinance 06-012, Off Road Vehicle Use; Ordinance 06-015, Right of Way Permits; Ordinance 06-017, International Property Maintenance Code; Ordinance 06-019, Extending Urban Residential Estate(UR-1) Interim Zoning in Ponderosa and Rotchford Areas; Ordinance 06-020, Comprehensive Plan Amendments; Ordinance 06-025, Appeal Fee for Administrative Decisions; Ordinance 06-027, Right-of- Way Permits; Ordinance 07-001, Extending Urban Residential Estate (UR-1) Interim Zoning in Ponderosa and Rotchford Areas; and, Ordinance 07-010, Establishing Title 24 of the Spokane Valley Municipal Code; and WHEREAS, SVMC sections 2.55.010-050 setting forth the establishment and purpose of the planning commissions is now included within SVMC Chapter 18,adopted herein; and WHEREAS, the City of Spokane Valley adopted its new Comprehensive Plan April 25, 2006, through the adoption of Ordinance 06-010; and WHEREAS, the City of Spokane Valley subsequently has drafted a new Uniform Development Code which is the subject matter of this ordinance to replace the existing Title 10 excepting sections 10.20.210- 320 Commute Trip Reduction, and to implement the goals and policies of the above referenced City of Spokane Valley Comprehensive Plan; and Ordinance 07-015 adopting UDC 2007 Page 1 of 11 WHEREAS, the adoption of this Uniform Development Code is necessary to protect the health, safety, and welfare of the general public and the environment. NOW,THEREFORE,the City of Spokane Valley ordains as follows: Section 1: Adoption of Findings of Fact. The City of Spokane Valley finds that all Growth Management Act (GMA) and other statutory prerequisites for the adoption of the City of Spokane Valley's Uniform Development Code have been met, and hereby adopts the following: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. Mandate to Plan under GMA: The City of Spokane Valley is a City that falls under the full mandates of the GMA as of the date of the City's incorporation on March 31,2003. 2. Consistency with GMA Goals: The Uniform Development Code comprised of Titles 17 General Provisions, Title 18 Boards and Authorities, Title 19 Zoning Regulations and Map, Title 20 Subdivision Regulations, Title 21 Environmental Controls, Title 22 Design and Development Standards and Title 24 Building Codes, with accompanying appendices' is consistent with the goals provided to guide the development and adoption of such a code as set forth in RCW 36.70A.020. 3. Consistency with Adopted Comprehensive Plan: The Uniform Development Code is consistent with and implements the adopted City of Spokane Valley Comprehensive Plan in a manner which is consistent with the requirements of RCW 36.70A.040(4); specifically: 1. Title 17 contains general provisions governing the administration of the code. Specific implementation includes but is not limited to the following: a. Chapters 17.10 — 17.90 contain provisions concerned specifically with the permitting and appellate process that are consistent with the requirements of RCW 36.70B Local Project Review, and which implement the Core Values set forth in the Spokane Valley Comprehensive Plan (hereinafter SVCP) CHAPTER 1 — INTRODUCTION, Section 1.3 Goals and Policies, and SVCP CHAPTER 2-LAND USE, section 2.6 Development Review Process. b. Chapter 17.100 Compliance and enforcement contains all provisions related to enforcement of the code in a manner which implement the Core Values set forth in SVCP CHAPTER 1 — INTRODUCTION, Section 1.3 Goals and Policies and the goals and policies set forth in SVCP CHAPTER 10 - NEIGHBORHOODS by providing a means and method to ensure compliance to maintain consistency with the plan, preserve and protect the character of existing neighborhoods and identify the need for outreach activities as more specifically set forth in SVCP Section 10.3 Goals and Policies, NG-1, NG-2 ,NG-3 and NG-4, SVCP CHAPTER 7 - ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, 7.0 Introduction and Purpose, 7.2 Planning Context, EDG-7, and SVCP CHAPTER 5—HOUSING. 2. Title 18 sets forth the specific duties and authority of the Planning Commission, Hearing Examiner, Community Development Director, Building Official and Public Works Director. This section implements the Core Values set forth in SVCP CHAPTER 1 -INTRODUCTION, and Section 1.3 Goals and Policies. Ordinance 07-015 adopting UDC 2007 Page 3 of 11 3. Title 19 sets forth the zoning designations and official controls implementing the goals and policies set forth in SVCP CHAPTER 1 - LAND USE, CHAPTER 3 - TRANSPORTATION, CHAPTER 5 - HOUSING, CHAPTER 6 - PRIVATE AND PUBLIC UTILITIES, CHAPTER 7 — ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, CHAPTER 8 — NATURAL ENVIRONMENT, CHAPTER 9 — PARKS, RECREATION AND THE ARTS,and CHAPTER 10-NEIGHBORHOODS. Title 19 further implements the specific Growth Management Act ( GMA) goals identified in SVCP CHAPTER TWO—LAND USE Section 2.1.1 Growth Management Act which include urban growth, reduce sprawl, housing, open space and recreation, environment,public facilities and service, historic preservation and property rights. Specific implementation includes but is not limited to the following: a. Chapter 19.20 Establishment of Zoning Districts, establishes zoning districts in a manner consistent with SVCP CHAPTER 2 - LAND USE, 2.5 Land Use Designations. b. Chapter 19.120 Permitted and Accessory Uses adopting the use matrix as appendix 19-A implements the allowed uses and limitations envisioned for each zone contained in SVCP CHAPTER TWO — LAND USE as well as limitations recommended by SVCP CHAPTER 8 - NATURAL ENVIRONMENT, and open space requirements identified in SVCP CHAPTER 9 — PARKS , RECREATION AND THE ARTS. c. Section 19.20.020,Zoning District Map adopts the official zoning map. This map directly implements all of the use categories set forth in SVCP CHAPTER 2 — LAND USE, 2.5 Land Use Designations. In the low density residential category the map further divides the affected areas into zoning categories R-1, R-2 and R-3. Two zones are also consistent with the office category where the map can further be divided into two categories, Garden Office, GO and Office O. In determining the specific placement of each zone on the Zoning District Map, the factors taken into account include the following criteria set forth in SVCP CHAPTER 2 — LAND USE, section 2.5.1 Low Density Residential: a. existing lot sizes b. community character c. availability of utility services and infrastructure d. availability of transit service e. compatibility with surrounding neighborhoods. In addition, consideration is given for future needs for affordable housing as identified in SVCP CHAPTER 5 —HOUSING, and the future anticipated growth as discussed in SVCP Section 2.4 Projected Growth and Development Capacity and SVCP CHAPTER 4 —CAPITAL FACILITIES AND PUBLIC SERVICES, and the goals and policies of SVCP CHAPTER 7—ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT. d. Section 19.20.060 Non-Conforming Uses and Structures allowing the continuation of historic properties and preserves the character of existing neighborhoods implementing in part SVCP Section 2.8 Historical and Cultural Ordinance 07-015 adopting UDC 2007 Page 4 of 11 Resources, (specific provision for Historic Preservation are reserved for later development in Chapter 19.100.) SVCP Section 2.5 Land Use Designations, and SVCP Section 2.5.1 Low Density Residential. e. Chapter 19.30 Changes and Amendments adopts strict criteria evaluating zone changes to ensure future compatibility with the surrounding neighborhoods implementing SVCP Section 2.5.1 Low Density Residential. f. Chapter 19.50 Planned Residential Developments implements SVCP Section 2.5.1 Residential and SVCP Section 2.7.2 Planned Unit Developments. g. Chapter 19.90 Essential Public Facilities (EPFs) implements SVCP Section 4.2 Essential Public Facilities. h. Section 19.110.030 Airport Hazard Overlay implements Aviation goals and Policies contained in SVCP CHAPTER 3 - TRANSPORTATION TG-12, and TG- 13 and SVCP Section 3.5. i. Section 19.110.040 Pipeline Hazard Overlay implements goals and policies set forth in SVCP TG-15. 4. Title 20 sets forth the regulations governing subdivisions, short subdivisions and binding site plans in a manner consistent with the provisions of RCW 58.17. The provisions of this chapter implement the goals of SVCP Section 2.1.1 Growth Management Act specifically by encouraging development where public facilities and services exist and are adequate, preserving the rights of property owners, creating opportunities for parks and open spaces, and coordinating transportation facilities and providing affordable housing. (See also SVCP CHAPTER 2-LAND USE Policy Topic 7 —Affordable Housing.) Development pursuant to this chapter also provides the growth necessary to accommodate the projected growth set forth in SVCP Section 2.4 Projected Growth and Development Capacity. Subdivision controls further, along with the specific standards adopted pursuant to Title 22, ensure compliance with the goals and policies of SVCP CHAPTER THREE — TRANSPORTATION, specifically the provisions of 3.2 Streets and Roadways, 3.3 Non- Motorized Transportation; 3.4 Transit; SVCP CHAPTER 4 - CAPITAL FACILITIES AND PUBLIC SERVICES; SVCP CHAPTER 5 - HOUSING; SVCP CHAPTER 6 — PRIVATE AND PUBLIC UTILITIES; and SVCP CHAPTER 7 — ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT including but not limited to 7.6 Goals and Policies, EDP-1.1. 5. Title 21 contains all environmental controls mandated by the State Environmental Policy Act, floodplain regulations, critical areas including fish and wildlife habitat conservation areas, geological hazardous areas, critical aquifer recharge areas and shorelines implementing the goals and policies of SVCP CHAPTER 8 — NATURAL ENVIRONMENT. The ordinance adopted herein, adopts the existing Shoreline Master Program previously adopted by Spokane County until such time as the City of Spokane Valley completes its Shoreline Master Plan. Ordinance 07-015 adopting UDC 2007 Page 5 of 11 6. Title 22 contains the specific design and development standards imposed on all development in all zones. Matters addressed include concurrency, off-street parking and loading requirements, outdoor lighting standards, fencing, screening and landscaping, the regulation of signs, wireless communication facilities, streets, sidewalks and public places, street vacations, and storm water management regulations. Each of these standards address specific goals and policies set forth in the comprehensive plan. Specific implementation includes but is not limited to the following: a. Chapter 22.10 Concurrency implements SVCP CHAPTER 3 - TRANSPORTATION, including SVCP Sections 3.1.3 Concurrency and Level of Service, 3.2 Streets and Roadways, and SVCP CHAPTER 4 - CAPITAL FACILITIES AND PUBLIC SERVICES, including SVCP Sections 4.1, Growth Management Act, 4.3 Goals and Policies, 4.4 Capital Facility Plan, and SVCP CHAPTER 9—PARKS,RECREATION AND THE ARTS. b. Chapters 22.50 Off-Street Parking, Chapter 22.60 Outdoor Lighting Standards, Chapter 22.70 Fencing, Screening and Landscaping, and Chapter 22.110 Sign Regulations all serve to protect and preserve the character of neighborhoods, promote safety and protect utilities implementing the goals and policies of SVCP CHAPTER 2—LAND USE;.CHAPTER 3 —TRANSPORTATION; CHAPTER 6— PRIVATE AND PUBLIC UTILITIES; CHAPTER 7 — ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT; and CHAPTER 10—NEIGHBORHOODS. c. Chapter 22.120 Wireless Communication Facilities implements the comprehensive plan in the same manner as is set forth above in section b. In addition, it implements specific goals set forth in SVCP CHAPTER 6 —PRIVATE AND PUBLIC UTILITIES, including Sections 6.4 Telecommunications Utilities and 6.4.2 Telephone Systems(wireless.) d. Chapter 22.150 Stormwater Management Regulations implements SVCP CHAPTER 4 — CAPITAL FACILITIES AND PUBLIC SERVICES, including SVCP Section 4.3. Goals and Policies, Stormwater Goals CFG-6 and 4.3.16 Stormwater Facilities. 4. Implementing SEPA: Title 21, Sections 21.10.010-21.20.170 implements and is consistent with the requirements of State Environmental Policy Act RCW 43.21C and related administrative regulations WAC 197-11. 5. Implementing the Shorelines Management Act: Title 21 Section 21.50 adopts by reference the Spokane County Shoreline Program including amendments set forth in Findings of Fact and Resolution 2-0471 passed by the Spokane County Commissioners on May 7, 2002. This program with amendments is incorporated as appendix 21-H and is consistent with the requirements of RCW 90.58. Ordinance 07-015 adopting UDC 2007 Page 6 of 11 6. Compliance with SEPA : a. The City of Spokane Valley has issued an Environmental Checklist pursuant to RCW 43.21C for each Title adopted below as follows: i. Title 17: July 21,2006 ii. Title 18: July 21,2006 iii.Title 19: January 22,2007 iv. Title 20: October 5,2006 v. Title 21; October 13,2006 vi. Title 22: January 22,2007 vii. Title 24: January 22,2007 b. The City of Spokane Valley has made a Determination of Significance in regard to the action of each Title adopted below as follows: i. Title 17: July 21, 2006 ii. Title 18: July 21,2006 iii. Title 19: January 22,2007 iv. Title 20: October 5, 2006 v. Title 21: October 13,2006 vi Title 22: January 22,2007 vii. Title 24: January 22,2007 7. Consideration of Critical Areas and Resource Lands: Title 21, Sections 21.40.010 — 21.40.040 have been adopted to protect critical areas, including wetlands, fish and wildlife habitat conservation areas and geologically hazardous areas; Title 21 Sections 21.30.010—21.30.075 have been adopted to protect frequently flooded areas, in a manner consistent with the requirements of RCW 36.70A.060. 8. Capacity for Housing and Employment Growth. The City of Spokane Valley addresses the issues of housing and employment opportunity in its Comprehensive Plan, specifically Chapter 2, Land Use and Chapter 5, Housing The development zones created by Title 19 of the Uniform Development Code set forth below, implement these use categories in a manner consistent with the requirements of RCW 36.70A.115. 9. Citizen Participation and Notice: a. The City of Spokane Valley has adopted a Public Participation Plan in conjunction with the development of its Comprehensive Plan and subsequent development regulations implementing that plan in a manner consistent with RCA 36.70A.140. The public participation and notice provided and set forth specifically below is consistent with that plan. b. The City of Spokane Valley has complied with the public participation and notice requirements of RCW 36.70A.035 specifically as follows: Stakeholder/Public Review: Date Event 28-Feb-07 Open House-Public Discussion 2-Mar-07 Open House-Public Discussion 8-Mar-07 Open House-Public Discussion 9-Mar-07 Open House-Public Discussion 16-Mar-07 Open House-Public Discussion Ordinance 07-015 adopting UDC 2007 Page 7 of 11 Planning Commission Review: Date Event 1.3-Oct-05 Discussion definition,use matrix 10-Nov-05 Discussion definition,use matrix 8-Dec-05 Discussion definition,use matrix 12-Jan-06 Discussion definition,use matrix 26-Jan-06 Discussion definition,use matrix 9-Feb-06 Discussion definition,use matrix 13-Apr-06 Discussion definition,use matrix 11-May-06 Discussion definition,use matrix 25-May-06 Discussion definition, use matrix 8-Jun-06 Discussion definition,use matrix 27-Jul-06 Discussion definition,use matrix 10-Aug-06 Discussion 17, 18,20 24-Aug-06 Discussion 17, 18,21 31-Aug-06 Discussion 17, 18,22 28-Sep-06 Public Hearing 17 18 20 9-Nov-06 discussion 21, 14-Dec-06 Discussion 21 11-Jan-07 Public Hearing 21 25-Jan-07 Public Hearing 21 8-Feb-07 . Public Hearing 21,Discussion 15-Feb-07 Study Session 20-Feb-07 Study Session 22-Feb-07 Public Hearing 19 22 24 8-Mar-07 Public Hearing 19 22 12-Apr-07 Public Hearing 24,Deliberations 26-Apr-07 Deliberations 19 10-May-07 Deliberations 19 14-Jun-07 Deliberations 22 21-Jun-07 Deliberations 19,22 28-Jun-07 Deliberations 22 12-Jul-07 Deliberations 19,22 19-Jul-07 Deliberations 22 26-Jul-07 Deliberations 22 9-Aug-07 Public Hearing Zoning Map 23-Aug-07 Deliberations Zoning Map 30-Aug-07 Deliberations Zoning Map • Ordinance 07-015 adopting UDC 2007 Page 8 of 11 City Council Review: Date Event 10-Oct-06 admin report 17-18 10-Oct-06 info packet 20—21 24-Oct-06 admin report 20 14-Nov-06 info update UDC 12-Dec-06 admin report 17- 18 -20 3-Jan-07 discussion 17, 18, 19 23-Jan-07 admin report 21, shoreline 30-Jan-07 admin report 21, shoreline,review 17,20 20-Feb-07 discussion 21, info 19,22,24 27-Feb-07 admin report 17, 19,22,24 3-Apr-07 Pass UDC chapters to Council 8-May-07 Info title 24 15-May-07 titles 19,22 info; update 24 22-May-07 First reading title 24 5-Jun-07 Second reading title 24 17-Jul-07 Review,discuss 19 31-Jul-07 Deliberations Title 19 13-Aug-07 Deliberations Title 19 20-Aug-07 Deliberations Title 19 21-Aug-07 Deliberations Title 22 27-Aug-07 Deliberations Title 19 28-Aug-07 Public Hearing Uniform Development Code 4-Sep-07 Deliberations Title 22 5-Sep 07 Deliberations,Appendices A, 19-A; Title 17, 20,22 ,Zoning Map 11 Sep-07 Public Hearing and first reading Ordinance 07-015 18 Sep 07 Deliberations wrap up items Notice provided: The City Council set several public hearings and special meetings for the purpose of receiving public comments and to allow Council opportunity to deliberate upon the City's proposed Uniform Development Code. Such hearings and special meetings were duly noticed in the City's official newspaper, the Valley News Herald; with notice also being placed on the City's website, and e-mailed to a list of citizens who had previously requested to be kept apprised of such meetings dealing with the Uniform Development Code. Special Notices for taking written public comment were advertised in the City's official newspaper, placed on the City's website, and e-mailed to the list of interested citizens as noted above. Agendas for each meeting were e-mailed to a list of interested citizens, placed on the City's website, and in cases where the meeting was a "special" meeting, were advertised in the City's official newspaper. During those weeks when Council held meetings in addition to their regular scheduled Tuesday night meeting, weekly council meeting notices were also e-mailed to the interested citizen list, and such"Meeting Calendar"was posted outside the City's Council Chambers. Agendas for each meeting were also e-mailed to the interested citizen list, and posted on the City's website. Ordinance 07-015 adopting UDC 2007 Page 9 of 11 The Planning Commission also held several public hearings for the purpose of receiving public comments relative to the City's proposed Uniform Development Code; such meetings and hearings were duly noticed in the City's official newspaper, the Valley News Herald; with notice also being placed on the City's website, and e-mailed to a list of citizens who had previously requested to be kept apprised of Planning Commission Meetings. Regular Planning Commission agendas were also posted to the City's website, and e-mailed to the interested citizen list for Planning Commission issues. c. The City Council finds that the public participation constitutes early and continuous public participation in the development and adoption of the Uniform Development Code as is set forth herein. 10. Record before the Council. The City of Spokane Valley City Council has reviewed and considered the testimony presented in open public hearings as well as the written documentation submitted as part of and in addition to that public hearing process. A record of all testimony before the City Council and copies of all submittals are maintained as part of the record supporting this ordinance, at the City of Spokane Valley City Clerk's Office. 11. Review by Office of Community Trade and Economic Development: Receipt of the proposed Titles constituting the Uniform Development Code was acknowledged by CTED as follows: Title 17: July 25, 2006, Title 18: July 25, 2006, Title 19: January 31, 2007, Title 21: October 23, 2006, Title 22: January 31, 2007,Title 24: January 31,2007. Comments from CTED have been reviewed by staff and changes, where necessary have been incorporated into the development regulations. 12. Adoption Schedule consistent with GMA. The Uniform Development Code identified below has been adopted in a manner consistent with the requirements of RCW 36.70A.040. Formal extension of the completion deadline until September 30, 2007 was approved by the Department of Community,Trade and Economic Development on November 16, 2006. Section 2. Repealing Portions Spokane Valley Municipal Code Title 10. The City of Spokane Valley Municipal Code Title 10 Sections 10.05.010-10.20.200 and 10.20.330 — 10.35.210 of the Spokane Valley municipal Code are hereby repealed. Section 3. Repealing SVMC Section 2.55.010-050. The City of Spokane Valley Municipal Code Title 2 Sections 2.55.010-050 are hereby repealed. Section 4. Adopting Titles 17, 18, 19,20,21,and 22 as portions of the Uniform Development Code. The City of Spokane Valley hereby adopts the Titles 17, 18, 19, 20, 21 and 22, along with all identified appendices constituting a portion of the Uniform Development Code, a copy of which is attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein. Section 5. Severability. If any section, sentence, clause or phrase of this Ordinance should be held to be • invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity or unconstitutionality shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of any other section,clause or phrase of this Ordinance. Ordinance 07-015 adopting UDC 2007 Page 10 of 11 Section 6. Effective Date. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect thirty (30) days after publication of the Ordinance, or a summary thereof, occurs in the official newspaper of the City as provided by law. Passed by the City Council this 25th day of September,2007. CO-1— -)1\ Mayor,Diana Wilhite ATE • i/._ ... City Clerk,Christine :ainbridge Approved as to Form: Office of the City Attorney Date of Ordinance Summary Publication: September 28,2007 Ordinance Effective Date: October 28,2007 Ordinance 07-015 adopting UDC 2007 Page 11 of 11 City of Spokane Valley 11707 E. Sprague Spokane Valley,WA 99206 (509)921-1000 NOTICE OF ORDINANCE PASSED BY SPOKANE VALLEY CITY COUNCIL The, following is the title and summary of Ordinance No. 07-015 passed by the Spokane Valley City Council on the 25th day of September,2007: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, SPOKANE COUNTY WASHINGTON, REPEALING PORTIONS OF EXISTING TITLE 10, UNIFORM DEVELOPMENT CODE; REPEALING SPOKANE VALLEY MUNICIPAL CODE SECTION 2.55.010-050; RENAMING REMAINING TITLE 10 AS "COMMUTE TRIP REDUCTION PLAN," AND ADOPTING TITLES 17, 18, 19, 20, 21 AND 22 AS A PORTION OF THE NEW CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY UNIFORM DEVELOPMENT CODE AND ZONING MAP. The recital clauses explain the procedure leading up to the adoption of the ordinance adopting the Uniform Development Code titles 17, 18, 20, 21, 22 and Zoning Map; and explains that Title 24 was • previously adopted by the Spokane Valley City Council on June 5,2007 by ordinance 07-010. Section 1 of the ordinance adopts Findings of Fact concerning Growth Management Act (GMA) mandates and goals and this ordinance's consistency therewith; states that it implements and is consistent with the City's adopted Comprehensive Plan; sets forth the specific duties and authority of the Planning Commission, Hearing Examiner, Spokane Valley Building Official, and Community Development and Public Works Directors; and sets forth the zoning designations and official controls to implements those goals and policies; establishes zoning districts and explains their permitted and accessory uses; adopts the official zoning map; sets forth regulations governing subdivisions, short subdivisions and binding site plans; sets forth all environmental controls mandated by the State Environmental Policy Act, the floodplain regulations, and adopts the existing Shoreline Master Program previously adopted by Spokane County; states that the City has issued an Environmental Checklist in compliance with SEPA (State Environmental Policy Act); notes the citizen participation and notice procedure followed; states that the Titles were reviewed by the Office of Community Trade and Economic Development; and that the adoption schedule is consistent with GMA. Section 2 repeals certain sections of Title 10 of the Spokane Valley Municipal Code(SVMC). Section 3 repeals SVMC Section 2.55.010-050. Section 4 adopts Titles 17, 18, 19,20,21 and 22 as portions of the Uniform Development Code. Section 5 includes a severability clause; and Section 6 states that the ordinance shall be in full force and • effect thirty days after publication of the Ordinance or a summary thereof occurs in the official newspaper of the City. • Christine Bainbridge, Spokane Valley City Clerk Published: September 28,2007 I certify that I believe the foregoing summary to be a true and complete summary of Ordinance No. 07- 015, that the summary provides adequate notice to the public of the contents of this ordinance, and that the original ordinance is on file with the City Clerk. / „go .r istine Bainbridge,City Clerk SUPERIOR COURT OF WASHINGTON FOR SPOKANE COUNTY In the Matter of: NOTICE OF ORDINANCE PASSED ) No. Spokane Valley City Council ) Ordinance No. 07-015 ) AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLISHING ) NOTICE ) ) STATE OF WASHINGTON ) )ss. County of Spokane ) MICHAEL HUFFMAN ,being first duly sworn on oath deposes and says that he is the EDITOR,of The Spokane Valley News Herald,a weekly newspaper.That said newspaper is a legal newspaper and it is now and has been for more than six months prior to the date of the publication hereinafter referred to,published in the English language continually as a weekly newspaper in Spokane County,Washington,and it is now and during all of said time was printed in an office maintained at the aforesaid place of publication of said newspaper,which said newspaper had been approved as a legal newspaper by order of the Superior Court of the State of Washington in and for Spokane County. That the following is a true copy of a public notice as it was published in regular issues commencing on the 28th day of September, 2007,, and ending the 28th day of September, 2007 .11 dates inclusive,and that such newspaper was regularly distributed to its subscribers during all of said period: NOTICE OF ORDINANCE PASSED BY SPOKANE VALLEY CITY COUNCIL The following is the title and summary of Or- dinance No.07-015 passed by the Spokane UBSCRIBED .n WORN to before me Valley City Council on the 25th day of Septem- AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE this 28th day of September, 2007. VALLEY, SPOKANE COUNTY WASHING- TO , UNIFORM DEVELOPMENT EXISTING CODE; State of Washington REPEALING SPOKANE VALLEY MUNICIPAL County of Spokane CODE SECTION 2.55.010-050; RENAMING REMAINING TITLE.10AS"COMMUTE TRIP RE- DUCTION PLAN,"AND ADOPTING TITLES 17, I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that 18,19,20,21 AND 22 AS A PORTION OF THE NEW CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY UNIFORM i Michael Huffman is the person who appeared before DEVELOPMENT CODE AND ZONING MAP. ��RAE WF�� me, and said person acknowledged that he signed The recital clauses explain the procedure leading '•' up to the adoption of the ordinance adopting the :•'�SS10�Fop"•••. this instrument and acknowledged it to be his free Uniform Development Code titles 17, 18,20, �oF ttp and voluntary ct for the uses and purposes men- 21,22 and Zoning Map;and explains that Title TARY 24 was previously adopted by the Spokane Val- i� HQ ioned in the in rument. i ,/ ley City Council on June 5,2007 by ordinance �� _ � • 07-010. _ G Z Section 1 of the ordinance adopts Findings L PUBI., 1 of Fact concerning Growth Management Act (GMA)mandates and goals and this ordinance's '' ,.��••••a ii' Jolene Rae We Z consistency therewith;states that it implements 9J`•••' ;Y 16,�,;.•' ve J and is consistent with the City's adopted Com- V O '•'••"•• �� Title: Notary b11C • prehensive Plan;sets forth the specific duties and F acJ , ' y authority of the Planning Commission,Hearing %� My appointor t expires: 5-16-11 .1 Examiner,Spokane Valley Building Official,and Community Development and Public Works (110 Directors;and sets forth the zoning designations and official controls to implements those goals and policies;establishes zoning districts and ex- plains their permitted and accessory uses;adopts the official zoning map;sets forth regulations governing subdivisions,short subdivisions and binding site plans;sets forth all environmental controls mandated by the State Environmental PolicyAct,the floodplain regulations,and adopts the existing Shoreline Master Program previously adopted by Spokane County;states that the City has issued an Environmental Checklist in com- pliance with SEPA(State Environmental Policy Act);notes the citizen participation and notice procedure followed;states that the Titles were reviewed by the Office of Community Trade and Economic Development;and that the adoption schedule is consistent with GMA. Section 2 repeals certain sections of Title 10 of the Spokane Valley Municipal Code(SVMC). Section 3 repeals SVMC Section 2.55.010-050. Section 4 adopts Titles 17,18,19,20,21 and 22 as portions of the Uniform Development Code. Section 5 includes a severability clause;and Section 6 states that the ordinance shall be in full force and effect thirty days after publication of the Ordinance or a summary thereof occurs in the official newspaper of the City. Christine Bainbridge, Spokane Valley City Clerk Published:September 28,2007