08-165.00 Ruen-Yeager & Associates: Fancher Broadway PCC Intersection Survey ~ Washington State W~ Department of Twansportation Supplemental Agreement OrganlzsAonandAddress Number wmnm Ruen-Yeager & Associates, Inc. 3201 N. Huetter Rd Origtnal Agreement Number Coeur d' Alene, ID 83814 #07-032(2) Phone: (208) 292-0820 I Praect Number I Facecuflon Date ~ Completlon Data ~ Federsl Aid No STPUL -3846(006) 12J23/2008 12/23/2009 ProJect 7fUe New Maxfmum Amount Paya6la J Fancher/BroadwayPCClntersectionStirvey I $ 10,780.00 j Descrlpdon of Work ' No chenge in work scope. The Local qqency of Ciry of Sookane Valloy desires to supplement the agreement entered Inta with Ruen-YeaRer & Associates. Inc.' and executed on 2/28/2008 end identified as Agreement Mo. 07-028(2) Atl provislons in the baslc agreemern remaln In ettact except as expressly modifled by thfs suppfement. The changes to the agreement are described as foliows: i Section 1, SCOPE OF WORK, Is hereby chattged to read: Rxtenrla time fnr cnmpIP.}i(111 fM' P11 Ad(I7}1(111AI 3/PNi nnd the execntinn date nf ihe sul~t Section IV, TIME FOR BEGINNINO AND COMPLfTION, Is amended to change the number of calendar days tor COR1pl@t10n Of (he WOrk YO f88d: I CAT.F.NnAR VRAR aR r 11127/0 A III Sectlon V, PAYMENT, shail 6e emended as fo(lows: Nn adwitirntal-na+m+Pnf as set forth In the ettached Exhibit A, end by thls refarence made a part of thts supplement If you concur with thls supplement and agree to the chartges as stated a e, please sign in the appropdate spaces bebw and retum to thls ottice for Bnal ecUon. By. 12~r+,"s By. ~ A'Ve UQcLo,~ ~ a12 31a - Consultant Signeture tvm9 Authoitty Sl9nature ~al /0d' DOT Fortn 140-089 EF Dat@ Revlaed 0005 C08-165