08-164.00 Budinger & Associates: Fancher Broadway Geotech & Analysis ~ • ~ Waahington State Department of TYansportation Supplemental Agreement OrganfzaUon end Address Number H07-032(3) Budinger&Associatcs,Inc. 1101 N. Fancher Rd Odginal Agreement Number , Spokane Velley, WA 99212 907-032(2) Phone; (509)535-8841 Pro'ect Number Executlon Date ComPletion Date Federal Aid No STPUL -3846(006) 12/23/2008 I ' 12(23/2009 I I Pro)ect Title I New Maximum Amount Payable Fancher / Broadway Geotechnical Expl. Bc Analysis $ 11,490.60 Descrlptlon of Work No change ia work scope. The Lacal Agency oi City of Spokene Vallev desires to supplement the agreement entered into wlth BudinAer 8c Associates. Inc, and executed on 2/28/2008 and IdentHied es f~qreement No. 07-032(2) M provlsions In the basic agreement remaln fn effect except as expressly modFied by fh)s supplement The changes to the agreement are described as follows: I Sectlon 1, SCOPE OF WORK, Is hereby changed to read: Fxtenda time fnr mmpletinn fnr an additionxl ycgr heynnd fhP nxecntinn date nf the minnl .emen* Sectlon IV, TIME FOR BEGINNING AND COMPLETION, is amended to chenge the number of calendar days for CORIp16fiOf1 Of tF18 WOtk 10 I28d: 1 CAi.RNi)AR VRAA nRr_r 12/23/OR III Seclion V, PAYMENT, shall be emended es follows: T]n Afjti(jfltlpi ~ aarmonf es set forth in lhe attached Exhlblt A, end by lhls reference mede e part of thls sUpplement. If you concur wlth thls supplement and agree to the changes as stated above, please sign In the epproprlata spaces bebw end return to a ottice for flnal acUon. f gy; \1/~---~ By: r-G V//l.ViOVI y E QSSut~2fc5._~j9C. ~_.L'~✓ ConaullantSlpnature Approvfn uthotitySignature / DOT Form 144083 EF Date Reviaed 8/2005 . C08-164