08-162.00 Kilgore Construction: Spokane Valley Pool Upgrades 0 ~ or•b CHANGE ORDER Copiesto: Owner X ORB Form 300 ar<mtW x (Thia form b to M exacumd in trlvlieata anA each parry b to retain an ortginaq Comracmr X Project Name: Spokane Vallcy Swimming Pool Upgrades Dare: I8-Nov-2008 Projea Address: Park Road - N 906 Park Road Change Order Tcrtacc Vicw- 13500 E 24"n, No.: 005 ValleyMission - E 11123 Mission Contractor Namc & Kilgore Conswctioq lnc. ORB Project No: 2701 Address: P.O. 6ox 367 18621 N. Yale Contract For: General Colbert. WA 99005 Conswction Contrac[ Da[e: 2-Apr-2008 All Supportmg OoCUmentalion tor tM1e items listetl below have been atlaChetl to Ihis tloCUment. 1. Pmposal Request 030R - Park Roatl Add Guardrail Below Spiral Stair $2,57025 (Guardrail was atlded for protection whare s[air hea0 ciearance has polenliat for injury) Contrect time associataE with ihis item 0 Calendar Day(s) 2. Proposal Request 032R - Valley Mission East Light Pole Base 8 Contluits $3,29125 (Pole base detail was revised to save wst of removing existing thickenetl concrete. Above grade J-ooxes are being remove0) Contract time associated with this item._...... 0 Calendar Day(s) 3. Proposal Request 033- Valley Mission Tree Removal $579.93 (An ezisting Iree at the northwest comer ot pool deck shown on the site tlevelopment plan cannot be savetl) ' Contract time associated with this item 0 Calentler Day(s) 4. Proposal Requast 034 - Valiey Mission Additional Pool Deck Removal $3,895.15 (The eaisting pool deck slab edge ro be remova0 is thickened beyontl what was anticipated) Contract timB a55oCiatBtl with this item 0 Calentlar Day(5) 5. Proposal Request 035 - Valley Mission Slab Elevation Adjusimants at Mechanical Room 8 Deck $1,133.54 (The poot deck slab outsiae o/ mechanical room tloor is lower than could be inlerpreted fmm the survey tlrawings) Contract lime associaletl with this item 0 Calentlar Day(s) 6. Proposal Raquest 037- Terrece View & Valley Mission Pool Walt Base Joint Modi(cation $0.00 (POOI wall basa sealant joint was modi(ed to maintain dearances to rebar cover per strudu2l drawings) Contract tima associated with Ihis item 0 Calendar Day(s) 7 Proposal Requesl038- Delete Ezhaust Duciwotk Eztension ($182.00) (Mechanical drawings calletl for extentling fan ducis to new raisetl fan locatioq the openings do not have ducts to eztend) Contract time associatetl with this item 0 Calendar Day(s) 8. Pmposal Request 039 - Add Light Fi.ture In Pump Pit At Each Sile $2,497.33 (Adding this fxture is necessary ro meet code for lighting levels in the Oump Dits) Contract time associated with ihis item 0 Calendar Day(s) 9. Proposal Request 041 - Add Flow Meter On Waterelide Supply Pipe $955.56 (Health Depatlment requesteE this as a'point ot referance" for monitonng water Flow to ihe slitle) Contract time asmCiated with ihis item......................... 0 Calendar Day(s) TOTAL COST IMPACT OF THIS CHANGE ORDER $14.741.01 Eecludes Sales Tax Total time adjustment this change orUer........ 0 Calendar Day(s) Contract Sum ' The Onginal Coniract Sum was $2.664.018.00 Net Change by Previously authorizetl Change OrOer(s) was $86.67221 7he Contrect Sum Prior to Nis Change Order was 82.750.69021 The Contract Sum will be-; [-o- [i^ueasaC]{9eereaee9] Cy ihis Change Order in Ne amount of S14741.01 The new Contract Sum inCOlpolating tnis Change Order will bB 82.765.43122 ExGUtles Sales Tax Contract Time The Original Substantial Completion Date was June 5. 2009 The Contract Time has been motlifeC on previously authonzeC Change Order(5) Oy 0 Calentlar Days The Contract Time will be [unchanged]I AGF9969dl idesaiaegill bY 0 CalenOar Days The Substantial Completion Date incorporeting this Change OMer will ba............................................_............. June 5, 2009 This Chanpa Ortlar must be sipned by the Owner, Architect and Contraclor to be valitl. ORB Architecls. Inc. Kiloore Construclion. Inc. Citv of Sookane Vallav Arohiled Coniractor Owner 607 SW Gratlv Wav. Sufte 270 PO Box 367 11707 E. Soraaue Ave. Sufte 106 Atltlress AtlEress AtlEress Renton. WA 98055-2977 Colbert. WA 99005 Sookane Vallev. WA 99206 Ciry, State, Zip Cotle City, Stale, Zip Ciry, Stete, Zip Cotle / sti Signetl By SigneF Wck Charbonneau PrinlName nnlNahe I Pnnt ama~ November 18, 2008 6 i Date ata D e C08-162