08-158.00 Knife River: Appleway Ave Reconstruction WashingtonState Change Order 3 Department of Trensportation Date December 2. 2008 Pape 1 of 6 Papes Contract Number TA-2922 Federal Aid Number STPUL-3842 (002) Contract Title Appleway Avenue Reconstruction Project Change Order Number 3 Prime Contractor Knife River ❑ Ordered by Engineer under the terms of Section 1-04.4 of the Standard Specifications X'Proposed by Contractor Endorsed By Surety Consent Contraclor Attomey of Fad Date Date Original Contract Amount $ 4,565,859.95 Current Contract Amount $ 4,569,492.45 Estimated Net Change This Change $0.00 Estimated Contract Total After Change $ 4,569,492.45 Approval Required Region El Olympia Service Center ❑ Local Agency If the amount authorized in the Local Agency Agreement is exceeded and federal funds are not available for this change, the Local Agency will assume the total cost of this Change Order. X Appfo ammended~ ❑Approved Approved Project Engineer Approving Authorrper C.A. Agreement 4112/0b ~ I Z- - ~ Date Date ❑ Approval Recommended ❑Approved Approved By Approving Authority per C.A. Agreement Date Date C08-158 CHANGE ORDER Page 2 06 Contract No: TA-2922 Change Order No. 3 This Contract is revised as follows: Description of Work The Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Utilization Certification relating to the DBE requirements is being revised. A bid item Silt Fence reported on the successful DBE Breakout to be completed by a DBE subcontractor will be constructed by the prime contractor. The Silt Fence item is therefore removed from the DBE Subcontractor. The unit price for supplying and installing the Geogrid has been adjusted. Therefore the Amount to be Applied Towards the DBE goal has slightly increased. Materials N/A Construction Requirements N/A Measurement N/A Payment . N/A CHANGE ORDER Page 3 of 6 Contract No: TA-2922 Change Order No. 3 Item No. Item Description Unit Original Est. Qty. Est. Amt. Measure Amount Change Change N/A Land Development Engineering LS $130,000 $ 130,000.00 N/A D.P. Anderson Company LS $519,924 $1,092.50 $ 521,016.50 N/A Spokane Concrete Cutting Inc. LS $ 6,700 $ 6,707.35 TOTAL $657,723.85 Page 4 of 6 ~ 4V~~~I Washington Stafe Disadvantaged Business Departmentof Trenaportatlon EnterpHse UUlizatlon Certlt(catlon I 7o be eIIglEle for award ot tAle coNrocl tha EWder muat fi0 out oM subntt, ae part al Ih b!J propoael, theloAbMng Dlsadvanteped 9usinesaEnterptlseUtNzallonCerNlralbnrele11n0toDisaCupntepetlBuclnouEnlerytlee(DBE) requlremenls.TlieCanirecUngApelx,y ¢hetl conelder ea non-resporuNe and ehell rejeot eny bW p,opwai lhat dow nol eanldn a DBE CerlHioation whlch propery demonsVeles I fhalthebldderwSmoolNaD9EDraildpe0onrequtramentclnoneoflhamannereprovldadlaMlheWOPo9adwnlracLUUheb!dCerls reynp on the qood lalth efloh malhod to maet the DBE esslBned oonVOCt gonl, documerRellon in edd'Alon la No cerUlketa mual be aubmitled wICh the b'd proposal as support tor wch etlvts. TM euccesaful bidder'a DBE CaAIHC¢pon ahall bo tleemed e parl oi the fBbultllp mntreal. INOrtnetbn on ceqlf(ed Rml9 !e eveAaOq Ham OM WBE, te7Bptrone 350-759-9693. ~ Kn1fe Rivez' wrtillealhatUeDlutlvenlepedBUSlneaeEnteryrlse , ~ nama aqoor (OBE) Ftrma Ilsted bebw Aava Coan untedaC repardinp parllclpaHOn on tNa proJect. If iMS 6ldtler b auaeaeM on thia prplecl ¢ntl Is awaided thu oonhad, it ehntl aswra tl+at aubcontrecta or euppH a0reamaM ere axecutad wifh Ihose Ihma v+here en'AmouN to Ee AppAeOTowerdaGOal'klletetl. I1lnecaeeery,ueeaCditlonalymi.) . proleot Rol9 • . . . . i. pmtiwtt.to , 'NemeofDBE 4e1mvamr., CerIHlcate ,:pBeCrlptlonotWork, be.Applled: ! ~Jurimber MenulaWUKri A WYb~ Toward9GtiSl . ~ . _ . • , onM.B~nW ¢mNarl , ' . . . . . . . i ~ ~LMl~r~~_~a I~JLL~a[a rt2AGCIG f)~it'lllL 7.2A 4 ~ DDMRn1 44ia ~SHwKEpnnu~o Suwlww~ , I 130 ooa.oo i 3. ►nuiu~L ~w.~,~~y~('~tir mC JI ~DSMZ9oy;c~n I`+'"~DLO"~*+~" ISPWCC.m~16 I L ~o9.w ~ I ~.P Mloc-a.SOJ r~r..Penav <ote~o -I ~w^~~ "I ~~-~D I 2.01 9.ono'oo I` ~ I I '6 ; i I I 7. f I I I - ~e i I I I DlaedvanlapetlBusineaeEnlarDdeesuhconvacllnppml: 4110,9a7.QD DBE7ote15 (ybp Repu(ar Oeekr sialua muet 6e eppmvod pffor toWd auCmltlal by ~he OHICe W EquBJ OpporNniry, WasR Stale Dapt. o} TrensportaUOn, on each contreot. " Saetlreeecllon'CaunlinpOBEPnAfo'petlonTOwardMeellnplhePOal'InNeControctDxumenl. i '••TheCOnImclYpAyancywlltullAzelhhemounllodaierminewhelneror notlhab(ddarheamatfhegoal.InMeevmtolanedthm6llc alHaienca 6etweBn Ihia lole1 entl tho aum ol the IndlvWUel Bmount4lleled ebova, lhen the eum W the emounta Ilelad ahall pravall erld Ihe idtel wlll 6e ravisod accardfnpy. I OOlFamE)tO51EP Awe edlNT I I ~ ~ Page 5 of 6 "KNIFER'VER aw xou aesouaces caua,wr P.O. B¢" 2047 . Cawr d'ldwb, 10 878I0 90~ 6BI-14?9F (20~March~20, 2008 Shane Arlt, Project Manager Qty of Spokane Valley 11707 E Sprague Ave Spokane Valley, WA 99206 RE: Appleway Ave Reconstruction Project REVISION Breakdown of Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (DBEs) Dear Mr. Arlt, Knife River would Iike to perform the silt fence work on the Appleway Avenue Reconstructfon project. I have attached a revislon to the initial breakdown of OBE information to this letter. The amount of DBE dollars reserved for the Traffic Control Subcontractor, D.P. Anderson Company, has Increased to $521,016.50 without the silt fence item from $520,022.25 with the silt fence. The unit price for Geogrid was increased from $6.46 per square yard to $7.00 per square yard to make up most of the difference for deducting the silt fence item from D.P. Anderson. Please forward thls request to the appropriate agency representative for approval. Respectfully, &~aO~ Laura Ditt Estimator/Project Engineer Knlfe River - Spokane Division Page 6 of 6 Successful DBE's Breakout Information REVISION Knife River Aoolewav Avenue Reconstrucfron March 20, 2008 1 Land Development Engfneering & Surveying Inc. 1350 Slater Rd Federal ID: 20-1621107 Ferndale, WA 98248 Unit Bld Items: Quantity Unit Description Price Price Schedule A: Item 63 1 LS Roadway Surveying (partial) $60,000.00 $60,000.00 Item 64 1 LS Licensed Surveying $50,000.00 $50,000.00 Schedule B: Item 25 1 LS Contractor Surveying Sanitary Sewer (partial) $20,000.00 $20,000.00 $130,000.00/ 2 D. P. Anderson Company Federal ID: 91-7619473 PO Boz 630 Liberty Lake, WA 990149 Unit Bid Items: 4uantity Unit Description Pnce Price Schedule A: Item 1 1 LS Mobilization $10,000.00 $10,000.00 4iea-5 7387 E€ Silt-Fease .~.2b $24;987:75 Icom 4 a 4630e sY r,eepd ss a~ s-ea;ee8e0 Item 19 46300 SY Geogrid $7.00 $324,100.00 Item 22 8 EA Mailbox Support Type'I $400.00 $3,200.00 Ilem 23 6 EA Mailbox Support Type 2 $600.00 $3,600.00 Item 49 1 LS ProJ. Temporary Traftic Control (partial) $75,606.50 $75,606.50 Item 50 64000 LF Temporary Pavemenl Marking $0.40 $25,600.00 Item 51 2 EA Porlabie Changeable Message Sign $4,250.00 $8,500.00 Item 52 7200 HR Operation of P.C.M.S. $1.00 $7,200.00 Item 53 320 SF Constmctlon Signs Class A $1 0.00 $3,200.00 Item 55 1 LS Traf(c Control Supevisor (partial) $54,510.00 $54,510.00 Schedule B: Item 1 1 LS Mobilization $500.00 $500.00 Item 26 1 LS Temp. Traffic Control San. Sewer (partial) $5,000.00 $5,000.00 ' $528,8:2-2a $521,016.50 3 Spokane Concrete Cutting Inc. Federal ID: 91-1273753 PO Boz 6227 Spokane, WA 99217-0904 Unit Bid Items: Quantlty Unit Descdp[ion Price Price Schedule A: Item 71 3035 LF SawculAsphalt $221 86.707.35 $6,707.35 ✓