08-155.00 Inland Asphalt: Pines-Mansfield Corridor Congestion Relief Al r J . Washington State h a n g e O e r Department of 7YanspoMation Date 11/12/2008 Page 1 of 4 Pages Contract Number 08-016 Federal Aid Number CM-9932 (032) Contract Title Pines-Manfield Corridor Congestion Relief Project Change Order Number 5 Prime Contractor Inland Asphak ~ Ordered by Engineer under the terms of Section 1-04.4 of the Standard Specifications ❑ Change proposed by Contractor Endorsed By Surety Consent CwVzLiw ✓ ~ AtlomeyonFacl Dale Date Original ContractAmount 3,061,916.95 Current Contract Amount 3,048,177.04 Estimated Net Change This Order 82,536.81 Estimated Contract Total After Change 3,130,713.85 Approval Required ❑ Region ❑ Olympia Service Center ~I Local Agency If the amount authorized in the Local Agency Agreement is exceeded and federal funds are not available for this change, the Local Agency will assume the total cost of this Change Order. ~ Approval Recommended ~ Approved APProved Projecl E r✓ Appmving Aulhonly er C.A. Agreement 26 /~A1 ?,~7~8 12~1 /UV~ Date D e ~ / F~ Approval Recommended ~ Approved Other Approval When Required By SignaWre Oate Date Representing JOT Fortn 140-005 EF Revised 10197 j C08-155 , ~ CHANGE ORDER Page 2 of 4 Contract No: 08-076 Change Order No. 5 This Contract is revised as follows: Description of Work The Contractor shall remove the unsuitable material on Mongtomery Avenue between station 13+00 and 18+50 from curb line to curb line in accordance with Section 2- 03.3(3). The Contractor shall put in place and maintain a traffic detour for the duration of this work. Materials Geogrid shall be Tensar BX120060. Select Backfill shall be 3 inch minus crushed concrete and accepted by visual inspection of the Engineer in the field. Measurement Geogrid shall be measured by the square yard for the ground surface actually covered. Select Backfill will be measured by the in-place neat line cubic yard. No specific unit of ineasure will apply to the lump sum item, Montgomery Road Closure Detour, which includes trafficcontrol mobilization, two (2) type-3 barricades and 126 SF of additional class B signs. Payment Payment will be made for each of the following items: Existing contract items: Item 11, "Roadway Excavation Incl. Haul," per cubic yard. Item 81, "Other Traffic Control Labor," per hour. Item 85, "Construction Signs CI. A," per square foot. CHANGE ORDER Page 3 of 4 New contract items: "Select Backfill," per cubic yard, "Geogrid," per square yard. "Montgomery Road Closure Detour," lump sum Contract Time Five (5) working days will be added to Contract Time as a result of this Change Order. Attachments None :t CHANGE ORDER Page 4 of 4 Contract No: 08-016 Change Order No. 5 Item No. Item Description Unit Unit Price Est. Qty. Est. Amt. Measure Change Change 11 Roadway Excavation Inclu. Haul CY $8.20 1793 $14,702.60 NEW Geogrid SY $8.96 2689 $24,093.44 NEW Select Backfill CY $23.21 1793 $41,615.53 NEW Montgomery Road Closure Detour LS $730.24 1 $73024 81 Other Traffic Control HOUR $42.50 28 $1,190.00 85 Construction Signs CI. A SF $8.20 25 $205.00 TOTAL $82,536.81