08-152.00 Inland Asphalt: Pines-Mansfield Corridor Congestion Relief ; Washington State Department of Transportation Change Order - Minor Change I Contract Number Contract Title Federal Aid Number TA-2942 Pines-Mansfield Corridor Congestion Relief Project CM-9932(032) Change Order Number Change Description Date 6 Pedestrian Push Button Revision Nov 12, 2008 Region Project Engineer Phone Number Eastern Region Steven M. Worley 509-688-0198 Prime ConVactor I Inland Asphalt Comuany N Ordered by Engineer under the terms of Section 1-04.4 of the Standard Specifications ❑ Change proposed by Contractor Change Description , The General Special Provisions for this project are supplemented as follows: SECTION 8-20, ILLUMINAT[ON, TRAFFIC SIGNAL SYSTEM, AND ELECTRICAL Description The Contractor shall modify Bid [tem 77, Illumination System No. 3-- Pines/Mansfield in accordance wi[h the a[tached plan sheet. The modification includes deletion of the pedestnan head standard and moving the pedestrian push button and display ro an adjacent luminaire. Payment The lump sum amount of 678.85 shall be full pay for all labor, equipment and matedals to perfor the work specified. . All work, materials and measurements to be in accordance with the provisions of the Standard Specifications and Special Provisions for the type of construction involved unless stated otherwise in this document. Original Conlracl Amount Current Contract Amount Est Net Change This C.O. Est Revised Contract Amount $ 3,061,916.95 $ 3,130,713.85 678.85 $ 3,131,392.70 Prime Contractor Signature or Date Method of Concurrence: Project Engineer's Signature for Execution: Date Distdbution: Onginal w/Attachments - Steven M. Wodey Copy of page 1 only w/o Attachments - Inland Asphalt Company Page 1 Copy w/o Attachments - ER ConsWction Office DOTFOrm 421-005A EF Copy W/o AllaChments - Stafe COnSfruction Oifice Revisetl 4/2002 ~ CDa-15Z WIRING SCHEDULE I CCNCUII ~LaGP I EW; rvaG I PEO.PiG. yEM, I CiAIE It0 OEi ~ ee xf~o Ne,o ~«u+ n4ux LEGEND auN ' R~Cd~t ~Si•1. iC$i'H 7Cf ~icvii s< st .c ~ 51GNAL SY5TEM 3 I I I 2" I I i 1 I 2 I I PINESIMANSFIELDVS wIRE NOTE " ISPaRq I I I I I 4 23 I 32" 4 I I I I I ......i------- . 4...._.---, --•-......;1----------------------------------------- ~ SOG4~RU'T~ONYN~Ci' 24 2"' 2 I I 2~ ~ 7" I I I I 2 2 3 I I I A ~~LZ; ~ CONDWT 6 GONOUCPOR 251 7" I I I I l I J =%ISi, CONDUIi 3 CONOUCiCR ~ 0--~ 2i I I'/~" I I I I ~ I I 22Z 23 LOMI4AIA: j I 9' I I I 1 3 I I 2 I 29I 2'/~" I 4 I 1 I 2 SIGNaI POLE irPE 2 I 301 3' I 2 I I J I 6 I 2 I i',~~•. ~--~-SICNAI POLE iYPE 3 ~ 4 'IEHICLE SIGNAL OISPIAY l ~•14 I 12 ~3 I I 1 I 1 r . i ~ o ll 2 l I)', .I ' PECESiRIAe DISPIAv 32 I I I 2 i I r I 6 I 2 I 331 7" 14 I 1 1 ~4 I I I I Z Z~~ PEDESiAIaN PUSH BuTTDN ' I ~ I 1 2 I 3 6+ E%1511NC JUNCTIQN AOx 74 I Y '~rd - ~ 2~~ E1((STI,VC SERUICE CABINET ~ 35 I 3'/i' IB I I 3 6 I I I ~ ' ~ OLC1 ~ V %C6 351 J° l0 I I ~I "Iqa I ~ -c : EXISTINC CONTRCILER CA3INET 41 JW+~Sr SEE WIRING DfAGRaH SH;ET iSl JUNCTIOH BOx iY?E I 472SIGAL INiE7CONVECT • I•25MTB 7 61 ~ Jl1NCifON BOX iYPE 2 452CONTAOLLER POVtR 2-'fi'S JUNCifON Bax iYPE T t )Z 1, , m CCy1RDLLEA CABINET ~ / , 1 I ~ 4 - I 2" I I I I I I I I 3 i T SMTB-SI~IGL' MODE FIBEA OPiIC 43 ELECTRiCaL SERViCE CaBUE T(CHT BUFFER CABLE ~ INOUCTIvE LoOP vEHi0.E oETECTOA GIlI , ' q ' ° /Zr EUERGENCY PRE•EIN?S CONSTRUCTION NOTES: 4 DETECTOR/INOICAiCR O SEi ILLUMlYATIQH PLdN (L2, 25\ % INSid'LL SIGNAL STANDaAD YIiN SIGISL O1S?lAYS A80 412 ~ DTHER APPURIANCES 45 6ETA(LED. SEE SlGUAL SievpdRO ' j 411 ~ i SCHE4UlE SHEET 1517. IIII~ ' CGASTRUCT CGNTRGLLERlSERVICE C,IBINEi FOt1H0ATlON N ~ a5 DET4ILEU ON SNEEi TS14. VERIFY CABIvEf ORIEYTATION aIiH E3 SIUNAL SHOP PRfOR TO POUA!NG FOUNDAT(ON. L`+STALL CONTRCLLEA CABfuET SUPPLIEDBY WSDOT ER CO SICNAL SNOP. SEE SPECfAL PAOVISONS. III1 \ ~9 , OLDZ ~ O lYSidLL ,4COlFlEO iYPE B SERYICE. SEE STANOARO PLA~~ j751~~j ,..040~ J-Sb, STRUT NpUNT, I ~ V SHEEtR153~PT OEiECiOR ANO IYDIC4TOA MOUNiING DETAIL ; i 0LB2 III~ /4 \~~`r ~ Co 41 ~ I1,OL61 A IVS1all PEDESTifA,j OlSPLar Or+ LUMiNALR: wETH 1YPE 9 ~J ~ MCUHT AT A MOUeTINC NEIGHf Of 12' MEASUR;p FROM iM E B Oi i O N O F T H E O I S P I A Y T O T H E B A S E O F T H; I~ ~1 g N~:~ LUM1u.11RE. , IYSidLL PEO. P~JSH BUITG~N FOS7 41;0 FCUNG.rt!0. O SiO. PIGN J•10 AAD J-i. IIII I / I ~ ~ 813 812 811 ..._,2\1', , a \ ~ ~ r '~~'~I; I~~ ~A 43 , t, ,i•• IIII 72~ '3p\ es', ~ / 2 i✓~ - - - _ _ ='=;J'{ , / li4 i _ 6 i.' 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