08-149.00 WRIAS: Little & Middle Spokane Watersheds ~ + S. [space reserved for file number Attachments: Appendix A, Implementation Team Members 212012008 MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT: FOR IMPLEMENTING THE DETAILED IMPLEMENTATION PLAN FOR WRIAS 55 & 57 THE LITTLE AND MIDDLE SPOKANE WATERSHEDS 1. WHEREAS, Chapter 90.82 RCW concerns Watershed Planning. It provides for a collaborative process for participating governmental entities, non-governmental organizations, and other interested parties to implement the local watershed plan; and 2. WHEREAS, this Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) seeks to further that statutory process with respect to watershed plan implementation for the Little and Middle Spokane Water Resources Inventory Areas (WRIAs) 55 8v 57; and 3. WHEREAS, the process in ch. 90.82 RCW and this MOA is not intended to formally determine or resolve any legal dispute about water rights under state or federal law. Instead, it provides for an alternative, voluntary means to engage in cooperative planning and.managing the use of Washington's water resources; and , 4. WHEREAS, effective watershed plan implementation cannot take place without participation of government entities, non- governmental organizations, and other interested parties within the WRIA; and 5. WHEREAS, as the result of the work of a Planning Unit established to initiate the watershed planning process, the Little and Middle Spokane Watershed Management Plans (ver. 6/ 16/2005), also "Plan" or "WRIA Plan", were drafted and have been adopted in joint session on January 31, 2006 by the Pend Oreille County Board of Commissioners, Spokane County Board of Commissioners, and the Stevens County Board of Commissioners; and 6. WHEREAS, the Little and Middle Spokane Watershed Detailed Implementation Plan (DIP) to implement the WRIAs Plan was approved by the Watershed Implementation Team (WIT), a successor of the Planning Unit, as further described below in Sections 2 and 5, on 20 February 2008 WRIA 55/57 Phase N MOA, V 17 1 - C08-149 NOW, THEREFORE, the parties agree as follows: 1.0 Purpose: The purpose of this MOA is to further implement the Little and Middle Spokane Watershed Management Plan (ver. 06/ 16/2005) and the Little and Middle Spokane Detailed Implementation Plan (dated 02/20/2008). This MOA is not an Interlocal Cooperation Agreement under ch. 39.34 RCW although such Interlocal Cooperation Agreements and other Agreements between the signatories and with third parties may result from the collaborative process supported in this MOA ("Resulting Agreemerits"; see provision 6.5). 2.0 Definitions: 2.1 "Consensus" means unanimous agreement. 2.2 "Detailed Implementation Plan" or "DIP" has the same meaning as used in RCW 90.82.043 and RCW 90.82.048, as the document with the ° strategies implementing the WRIA Plan. For references to the WRIA Plan, see the Little and Middle Spokane Watershed Management Plan below. 2.3 "Implementing Party" is any entity, including but not limited to an Indian Tribe, agreeing to participate and having legal authority to contract to implement elements in the DIP. An Implementing Party may be either an Implementing Government or an Implementing Non- Governmental Member (NGM). These groups are further described: 2.3.1 "Implementing Governments° are those governmental entities, including Indian Tribes, having a role in Plan implementation as described in the DIP, with legislative and regulatory authority to perform such role, whose jurisdiction lies wholly or partly within the boundaries of WRIAs 55 & 57, and who are signatories to this MOA. For the purposes of participation in the WRIA Plan and DIP, Ecology represents only itself. This shall not prevent other State Agencies from joining this MOA by written agreement. 2.3.2 Implementing NGMs aze non-governmental persons or entities entering into contractual relationships to implement elements as identified in the WRIA Plan and DIP. An implementing NGM need not be a Watershed Implementation Team member. 2.4 "Implementation Matrix" is a document showing all recommended elements of an approved WRIA Plan as the final step in plan development and recommendations, as further explained in Section 6.3. 2.5 "Implementing rules" has the definition in RCW 90.82.020 (2)i. ' RCW 90.82.020 Definitions.Unless the context clearly requires otherwise, the definitions in this section apply throughout this chapter. WffiA 55/57 Phase IV MOA, V 17 2 2.6 "Initiating Governments" are those local governments initiating the Watershed planning process as identified in RCW 90.82.060(2) for the area designated by the Washington State Department of Ecology as WRIAS 55 8s 57, also known as The Little and Middle Spokane Watersheds. They continue as Implementing Governments and signatories to this MOA, to wit: Pend Oreille County, Stevens County, Spokane County, Vera Water & Power, Whitworth Water District #2 and, the City of Spokane. 2.7 "Lead agency" is that entity that shall convene the Watershed Implementation Team (WIT) and administer the Phase Four Watershed Planning Grant Funds [Ref. RCW 90.82.040(2)]. The Lead agency contracts for services, using funds available under ch. 90.82 RCW or contributed through other sources. The Lead agency has no power to bind another Government without its expressed written consent, through its governing body. The Lead agency shall likewise be responsible for application and management of grant funds for purpose of this MOA. Designation of a Lead agency does not limit the option of another Government to apply for and manage grant funds for plan implementation. [Cross reference, RCW 90.82.060 (6)] 2.8 "Minimum instream flow" has the definition of RCW 90.82.020 (3) (Fn. 1). 2.9 "Planning Unit" was a committee formed pursuant to Chapter 90.82 RCW by the Initiating Governments to initiate the ch. 90.82 process, which resulted in the adopted the Little and Middle Spokane Watershed Management Plan (the Plan). For the purpose of developing the Detailed Implementation Plan to implement The Little and Middle Spokane Watershed Management Plan (ver. 06/ 16/2005), the Planning Unit was replaced by the Watershed Implementation Team (WIT) as further described below. (1) "DepartmenY" means the department of ecology. (2) "implementing rules" for a WRIA plan are the rules needed to give force and effect to the parts of the plan that create rights or obligations for any party including a state agency or that establish water management policy. (3) "Minimum instream flow" means a minimum flow under chapter 90.03 or 90.22 RCW or a base flow under chapter 90.54 RCW. (4) "WRIA" means a water resource inventory area established in chapter 173-500 WAC as it existed on January 1, 1997. (5) "Water supply utility" means a water, combined water-sewer, irrigation, reclamation, or public utility district that provides water to persons or other water users within the district or a division or unit responsible for administering a publicly governed water supply system on behalf of a county. (6) "WRIA plan" or "plan" means the product of the planning unit including any rules adopted in conjunction with the product of the planning unit. WRiA 55/57 Phase IV MOA, V 17 3 2.10 "The Little and Middle Spokane Watershed Management Plan (ver. 06/ 16/2005)", sometimes also referenced as the "Plan" is defined in RCW 90.82.020 (6) with respect to WRIAS 55 & 57. It includes any rules adopted in conjunction with the product of the Planning Unit. 2.11 "Watershed Implementation Team" (WIT) is the successor of the Planning Unit,. formed for the purpose of implementing the Little and Middle Spokane Watershed Management Plan (ver. 06/16/2005). WIT membership is listed in Appendix A. The membership list may be amended by its members as provided in Section 5. 2.12 "WRIA" is a water resource inventory area, as provided for under RCW 90.82.020 (4). This MOA concerns WRIAs 55 & 57. 3.0 Governments Scope: Watershed Planning for WRIAs 55 8v 57 includes an opportunity to receive state grant funding, when local match funding can be met, for Detailed Implementation Plan (DIP) implementation as provided for in Chapter 90.82 RCW and RCW 90.82.040. 4.0 Lead Agency: Spokane County is the Lead agency under this MOA. The Lead agency shall administer the grant-furids and-contract for services to support implementation of the plan. Project budgets and utilization of consultants shall be agreed upon by the WIT per the process described in section 6.0 of this agreement. S.OWatershed Implementation Team (WIT): The WIT is composed of the parties signing this MOA and those members of the WRIAs 55 8s . 57 Planning Unit, when the Planning Unit approved the Little and Middle Spokane Detailed Implementation Plan during the Planning Unit meeting on February 20, 2008, all as listed in Append'vc A. Future membership may be amended in accordance with this MOA. 5.1 Parties in Appendix A have appointed a representative or representatives to the WIT. New non-governmental representation in the WIT may be developed as outlined in Section 5.3. Each member of the WIT is responsible to appoint one primary representative and as many alternates as desired.. Alternates may serve in lieu of the primary contact. 5.2The appointed Representatives of Implementing Governments shall be voting members of the WIT. With respect to NGMs, after a person desiring to participate in the WIT has attended three consecutive regular WIT monthly meetings, the WIT may accept such person as a voting member by a vote of the WIT members pursuant to sec. 6 of this MOA. In voting to accept a WIT candidate, the WIT shall be guided by considerations of assuring that water resource user interests and directly involved local-level interest groups have a fair and equitable WRIA 55/57 Phase N MOA, V 17 4 opportunity to give input and direction to the process. [Cross reference, RCW 90.82.030 (1)] 5.2.1 An existing NGM representative may be removed from voting status if such person misses three consecutive regular WIT monthly meetings. A motion to remove is introduced at a regular WIT meeting. Thereafter, the Lead agency and/or a designee shall contact the party in question, no less than 10 business days before the next regular meeting. The majority of the WIT members in attendance at the next regular meeting may then terminate voting membership by majority vote. A removed NGM representative may join again as provided in 5.2. 5.2.2 Where a voting Government representative on the WIT misses three consecutive regular monthly meetings, written notice may be given to said party of intent to remove voting status at least 10 business days before a regular monthly meeting where the question is to be considered. At such meeting, the removal must be approved by a majority of the WIT members in attendance and the appointing Government shall then be given written notice of such action. The removal does not become effective unless the appointing Government fails to appoint or reappoint a representative within siaity (60) days of being notified. The appointing Government can appoint a new representative or reappoint a removed representative with fully restored voting rights at any time thereafter. _ 5.2.3 Government withdrawal: see section 8.3. 5.3 The WIT may adopt rules for operation, decision-making, and membership to supplement those presented in this MOA but not in conflict with the MOA. 6.0 Process for WIT Decision Approvals, Annual Report: 6.1 Implementing Government Members. In so far as possible, all decisions of a quorum of the WIT will be by Consensus, but the Implementing Government (IG) representatives must reach Consensus, either at a WIT meeting or in writing, if an individual IG representative is unable to attend a particular meeting. In addition, no decision may bind any Implementing Government to an obligation without written approval of its governing body at an Open Meeting, with the exception of state and federal agencies, whose representatives may have authority to agree to obligations. For the purposes of this MOA, "Obligation" is defined in sec. 6.4. 6.2 Non-Implementing Government Members. Where Consensus has been reached among Implementing Government WRIA 55/57 Phase IV MOA, V 17 5 representatives but cannot be reached among other WIT members, approval for purposes of participation of such non- government members shall be by majority vote among those non-government members in attendance at a meeting and shall decide the issue for such members. Such approval may be determined by majority vote of the WIT members attending a meeting, but the question to vote on fhis issue may not be considered unless it is called for at a regular meeting and deferred for vote until the next regular meeting. In addition, the matter shall be noted on the agenda, distributed not less than three (3) business days prior to the meeting at which the vote is taken. 6.3 Implementation Matrix. The Plan included an Implementation Matrix which sets forth Issues and Recommendations. The Detailed Implementation Plan (DIP) is a more specific list or breakdown of individual Implementing Entities' (Governments and NGOs) duties and responsibilities, as more fully explained below. 6.4 "Obligation" means any required action that imposes fiscal impact, a re-deployment of resources or a change of existing policy. (Cross reference, fn. l, RCW 90.02.020 (2).) 6.5 Resulting Agreements; Adjustments. 6.5.1 In furtherance of this MOA, there may be agreements between IGs, NGOs, signatories hereto and. third parties, or combinations of the aforementioned. These Resulting Agreements may have specific requirements, depending on the needs. 6.5.2 This MOA envisions a general collaborative process which may be subject to adjustment as to details. As Resulting Agreements are developed, obligations may be stated in one or more categories or classes of expenditures, which may be subject to adjustment as Plans are being implemented and based on WIT decisions. 6.5.3 Resulting Agreements may provide for reallocation of programs, obligations or expenditures within a given category, subject to an overall, not to exceed maximum amount, for the entire term or within a given calendar year. In general, it is the intent of this MOA, and the Resulting Agreements may so provide, that such reallocation as a result of WIT decisions or otherwise not exceed fifty thousand ($50,000) within a given calendar year for any one party without further express approval of its approval authority, or in the case of an IG, its governing body. WItIA 55/57 Phase N MOA, V17 6 6.6 Fulfilling Obligations. An Implementing Government which accepts and completes an obligation as specified in the DIP shall be regarded as having fulfilled its responsibilities for these issues, recommendations, and/or strategies under the Watershed Management Plan or other related regulatory requirements during the finite terms specified under the DIP. 6.7 NGM Consent. NGMs may consent to element(s) of the actions that impose an obligation on such NGMs by written approval of their governing bodies. This shall not preclude any requirement for a contractual agreement for NGM Implementers to utilize funding from an Implementing Government. 6.8 All technical decisions will be based on best available science. For purposes of Watershed Planning in WRIAS 55 8v 57, the WIT will use the criteria in WAC 365-195-905. For such elements that include implementation by Indian Tribal agencies, best available science criteria may be modified to include best available science determinations by tribal natural resource agencies or departments. 6.9 Technical advisory group(s) and/or work group(s) may be estabiished by the WIT to provide reports and recommendations on specific issues. 6.10 Annual report. On an annual basis, beginning no later than 1 May 2009, and thereafter on May lst of each year or the next business day if May 1 is not a business day, the Lead Agency will deliver to the WIT members a draft report detailing: a) the previous calendar years progress in meeting plan goals, b) noting any proposed changes in the Detailed Implementation Plan, and c) any proposed changes in the Watershed Management Plan. 6.11 WIT Approval, further procedures. 6.11.1 The annual report will be considered by the WIT within the sixty (60) days for approval. If approved by the WIT, the report will be forwarded to all participating pazties and Implementing Governments. 6.11.2 Upon approval by the WIT, proposed Plan changes will be considered final after thirty (30) days unless an Implementing Government or a majority of the non-government participants R'RIr155/57 Phase N MOA, V 17 7 submits a written request to the WIT that the proposed changes go through a formal adoption process, subject also to provision 6.5. ~ 6.11.3 The formal adoption process is the process followed when the original plans were adopted except that for Watershed Plan amendment approval separate approval by the Counties will serve in place of a joint meeting approval. In addition, the parties understand that the requirements of the Washington State Interlocal Cooperation Act. RCW 39.34 must be followed where applicable. 7.0 Funding: 7.1 Consistent with ch. 90.82 RCW where applicable, grant funds, match and staff or other contributed resources may be used for any purpose approved by the Grant Authority and the contributing entities, including the preparation of technical reports for review by the WIT and/or technical committees and/or focus groups as approved by the WIT. The budget will also be reviewed and approved by the WIT. 7.2 Participation in the WIT and/or technical committees and/or focus groups by all participants, including officials and staff, shall be contributed time not eligible for reimbursement from grant funding unless expressly approved by Implementing Governments, consistent with the provisions of Chapter 90.82 RCW. 7.3 The Implementing Governments recognize the financial burden watershed planning places on smaller units of government and support their effort to secure outside sources of funding to ensure effective participation by these entities. 8.0 Duration: 8.1 This MOA becomes effective on the date as provided in section 11 and terminates 4 years after such date. 8.2 Not withstanding 8.1, by written agreement signed by all parties to this MOA, this MOA may be extended an additional period as agreed, not to exceed two (2) years. 8.3 Any WIT Member may withdraw from this MOA and the planning process at any time. If any member withdraws, that member shall not be deemed a party to any plan elements or agreement produced. Withdrawal must be by written notice to the Lead Agency, effective thirty (30) days after receipt of notice - by the Lead Agency. Upon receipt of notice, the Lead Agency WRIA 55/57 Phase IV MOA, V 17 8 shall communicate the same in writing to all signatories within ten (10) days. A withdrawing party shall not be entitled to any refund or withdrawal of funds or resources obligated under this MOU absent consent of the affected signatories. The withdrawing party's unobligated funds or resources shall be released to the withdrawing party. 9.0 Modification: This MOA may be modified or amended only by a subsequent written document, signed by all participating parties. 10.0 Preservation of Rights: 10.1 The parties acknowledge that Chapter 90.82 RCW provides that the planning process shall not result in provisions which conflict with federally reserved tribal rights. They agree that tribal participation in this process shall not constitute an admission or agreement by the participating tribe that any estimate of federally reserved tribal rights are binding on it, unless the affected tribe expressly so agrees in writing at the conclusion of the process, and such tribal agreement is approved in writing by the appropriate agency of the United States Government (e.g. Bureau of Indian Affairs). 10. 2 Reports and data from original studies conducted by or on behalf of the WIT are public records pursuant to 40.14.010 RCW (preservation statute). 11.0 Effective Date: 11.01 This MOA shall become effective and commence upon execution as explained hereinafter. After the Lead Agency obtains the signatures of the Implementing Governments listed below, it gives written notice to all the remaining participants. The date of such notice is the commencement date. The deadline for giving this notice is May 1, 2008 unless extended by consent of the participants. 11.02 In the event the Lead Agency determines, after a reasonable effort, that it is not possible to obtain the signatures of all parties listed, it shall communicate the same to the remaining parties in writing. Any group of remaining parties may then agree to continue with the Agreement as above provided. WRIA 55/57 Phase IV MOA, V 17 9 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we the undersigned have executed this MOA as of the date as indicated. PEND OREILLE COUNTY: By: Date: Ken Oliver, Chair SPOKANE COUNTY: By: Date: Bonnie Mager, Chair STEVENS COUNTY: By: Date: Tony Delgado, Chair CITY OF SPOKANE: By: Date: Mary Verner, Mayor WHITWORTH WATER DISTRICT #2: By: Date: Irene Anderson, Chair VERA WATER & POWER: By: Date: Rob Oeflein, Chair SPOKANE AQUIFER JOINT BOARD: By: Date: Ty Wick, President WASHINGTON STATE DEPT. OF ECOLOGY: By: Date: Grant Pfeifer, Regional Director WRIA 55/57 Phase N MOA, V17 10 CITY OF •E L EY: By: ~ Date: Richard•in~son, Mayor ' CITY OF LIBERTY LAKE: By: Date: Wendy VanOrman, Mayor CITY OF DEER PARK: By: Date: Robert Whisman, Mayor TOWN OF MILLWOOD: By: Date: Daniel N. Mork, Mayor SPOKANE COUNTY CONSERVATION DISTRICT: By: Date: Gerald Scheele, Chair The Lands Council: By: Date: Mike Peterson, Executive Director WRIA 55/57 Phase N MOA, V 17 11 Approved as to form: Approved as to form: Robert G. Beaumier, Jr., Ron Arkills, Assistant City Attorney Deputy Prosecuting Attorney Citv of Spokane Spokane Countv Attest: Attest: Terri Pfister Daniela Erickson City Clerk Cierk of the Board Citv of Spokane Snokane County Approved as to form: Approved as to form: Attest: Attest: Approved as to form: Approved as to form: Attest: Attest: WRIA 55/57 Phase IV MOA, V 17 12 Attachment A Mike LithAow Pend Oreille County ~ Clay White ~ Stevens Countv ~ Lloyd Brewer/Kris Graf ~ City of Spokane Todd Henry / Steve Skipworth ~ Vera Water & Power ~ Susan McGeorge ~ Whitworth Water ~ Roger Krieger ~ City of Deer Park I ~ Cleve McCoul ~ Town of Millwood ~ Mary Wren Wilson ~ City of Liberty Lake ~ Tavis Schmidt ~ City of Svokane Valley Ty Wick ~ Spokane Anuifer Joint Board Walt Edelen / Rick Noll ~ Spokane County Conservation District Saza Hunt ~ State Caucus / Department of Ecology Dave Jones Spokane County PlanninQ Comm. Brian Walker / Mike Peterson The Lands Council ~ ~ Tim Vore ~ Avista Utilities Tom Wimpy ~ Diamond Lake Greg Sweeney I Eloika Lake Association ~ Jeff Storms ~ Sacheen Lake Improvement District I Howard Rowley ~ Horseshoe Lake ~ Doug Rider ~ Spokane County Water Conservancy Board ~ ~ Stan Miller ~ Resident I ~ Rob Lindsay/ Reanette Boese ~ Spokane County ~ WRIA 55/57 Phase N MOA, V17 13