08-148.00 Halme Construction: 24th Ave Reconstruction f ♦,y _ . ' ~ Y CHANOE OROER TO CONS7RUC710N CONTRACT NO: 08•008 OEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS IPROJECT: 241h AVenueROwnaWCtlonPro7ect COMMCTDATE: e/611008 COMPACTOR: XelmeCOneWctlon.lnc. CHAtJGE0R0ERN0: ] ICAPRALIMPROVEMENTPROJECTNO: '0057 eiono.: •aaoae ' DESCRIVTION OF CXANOE9 ' misGhenpoOMarcansbieof. . E tlemA ForcoAaountv.aktarepalrwshedsavrerseMcefwReaWaxaelE159082dIhAVeuMerCBe ~ Sle 11 i24, 17.6' RT In Bccoldence wiN FIeW DUeCtlve No 16. 58,881.58 ItamB: VecimrkinvokeroromovapeapiavellmmuLtiryedjuaVnentexwveUOnaplatopletlrqCDF $1231.18 Totnl Amount of thle Cheneo Orded IncL Tex': 5822478 I SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION ~ IL O~gNalDafo: L30Yl008 P~IOrIaINaChanpBOtdec7f312008 IndudingWaChange0(del: 8l20ROOBI U/1(Iif10l WOl~l10 D9V9: WOMIIC DeV9AEtlBC W IIlI9 CO' O WOM1Il1n 00V9IlI(.lWIIW NI6 CO: /L THESE CHANOE9 RE4ULT IN THE FOLLO'MNG ADJUSTIdENTS OF SCX A CONTRACT PRICE: ORIGINAL CONTRACT SCH A AMOUNT S 641,830.80 _ TOTALPRIOR9CHACHANGEORDERAM1IOUM 5 10,415.23 CONTRACT&CHAPftICEPRIORTOTM15CFiANGEORDER(NmuphC0Ye1 3 654.734.83 NETSCMATHISCHANGEORDER 5 6,222.78 CONTRACTSCHAAI.fOl1MINCLUDINOTHISCHANGEORDER 4 880,677b9 THESE CHANGES RESULT IN THE iOLLOWING ADJUSTMENTS OF SCH B CONTRACT PRICE: ORIGINALCONTRACTSCHBAMOUNT $ 267,2133.60 TOTALPftIORSCHBCHANGEORDERMIOUNT 5 ' 9,014.07 COMRACT SCH B PRICE PRIOR TO THIS CHANGE ORDER (Illrou9h COYI 3 254,897.87 NETSCHOTHISCHeWGEOROER 5 0.00 ' - CON7MCTSCH0 AhIOUNTINCLU0INOTHI9CHAN0E0R0ER 5 254,897.87 ' 8.8%TAX 5 27,921.20 ' CONTRACTSCHBAIAOUM(INCLUOWGTHISCHANGEORO[RANOTAXES S 2]8.818.8] THESECHANGESRESULTINTHEiOLLOWINOADJU9TMENT90FTOTALCONTRACTPRiCE: , OftIGINALTOTALCOMRACTtJ.fOUYi 5 879,77820 TO7ALPRIORCONTftACTCHANGEORDERAhfOIINT S 14,028.30 TOTALCONTftACTPRICEPRIORTOTHISCHANGEORDER(UVOUphCOC31 S 9E7,767.60 NETTHISCHANGEOROER 5 8,222.78 TOTALCONTRACTPMOUNTINCLUOINGTHISCHANGCOROGR S 035,080.28 TOTALTA%(3CHEDULESBSC) $ 27,684.63 TOTALCONTMCTMIOUNTWCLUDINGTHISCHANOEOROERANDTAX 5 859.0B6.69 COMRACTORACCEPTANCE:~///~ DATE: 7'/O -QQ The anVeCO' hereEy accapl, W. a~usLna a e Iarms N No onp'.nal e9 xork RaneC. RECOPdM1lENOEDBY: DATE: APPROVEO BV: DATE:~L d nan~men.w.wa~eaa ~~l•~~ Y I DATE: f APPROVED BY: osdMn . 1:arxer i II I ATTACHMEMS: FOR No 15. PM Sxreadna InvoIm40956 I i IXshlbvCOn: I ORIGINA15T0: ConYador,GryolSPOkaneVeneyGerKeOIMS,PWPro7edFPe CAPIcSTO: PWProiectFtlo C08-148 ~ crrv oe~T~~i~1~ p Pu61ic Works Department ~ S~~~Qiie Capital Improvement Program ,,;oOValley~ 11707 E Sprague Ave Suite 106 + Spokane Valley WA 99206 509.921.1000 * Fax: 509.921.1008 1 cityhall@spokanevalley.org Memorandum Date: September 18, 2008 To: Steve Worley, Neil Kersten From: Craig Aldworth Re: Change Order 7 for 24th Ave Reconstruction Project C I P No. 0053 Budget Account No: 303.303.053.595.30.63.00 Halme Construction Contract 08-006 This change order pays for two force account items: 1) a residential sewer service repair and 2), the cost to extract pea gravel from around utility adjustments. Item 1 The residential sewer service at E 15806 24th Avenue was destroyed when CB 6 was installed (Project Station 11+24, 17.5' RT). The original sewer service was installed by Vera Water and Power. When the County assumed operation of the sewer system in this area, they did not get as-builts for the services. The service location was not shown on the plans, and the County did not paint the locations as part of the utility locate request. CB 6 replaced an existing catch basin at the same location. The broken pipe was below the bottom of the excavation made for the CB, so the trackhoe operator did not see evidence of a broken pipe. The homeowner was not living in the residence, during construction, so the blockage was not found until after the street was paved. After the County verified that the break was under the Catch Basin, I issued Field Directive 15 to the Contractor to repair the service under WSDOT Force Account procedures. The cost of this work is $6,991.58. See the attached E 15806 24th Ave. Sewer Service Repair Force Account Spreadsheet. The project was physically complete and the public had use of the street during the repair work, so the work does not impact contract time. Item 2 After the base lift was paved, Halme Construction adjusted valve boxes, manholes and catchbasins to final grade by sawcutting the asphalt and excavating with Vactrucks on August 19th. The vactrucks allowed the Contractor to minimize the holes in the asphalt and the resulting excavations were just large enough to remove the cover plates and set the utility rim or cover to finish grade. There was not sufficient room to compact the crushed surfacing top course with traditional "jumping jack" compaction equipment. Halme proposed placing pea gravel around each adjustment. I approved the placement of pea gravel. On the morning of August 20, I inspected the adjustments and found the top of the pea gravel loose. After consultations with COSV pubiic works staff, I directed Halme to remove the pea gravel and replace with Controlled Density Fill (CDF) under Force Account. In the future all utility adjustment excavations will be backfilled with CDF. The cost of the Vac truck is $1,231.18. Total cost (incl. tax) for this Change Order work is $8,222.76, paid for by the City of Spokane Valley. COPY Memorandum The City portion of the project (Schedule A) bid price = $641,939.60 Completed work through substantial completion (Pay Estimate 3)= $626,117.75 Change Order 7 Cost = 8.222.76 Project Cost including Change Order 7= $634,340.51 The project including Change Order 7 is projected to be $7,599.09 under bid. Pre-Bid 15% Contingency = $113,349.00 15% of Original Contract amount = $96,290.94 Max City Administrator Contract authority = $96,290.94 Previous Change Orders authorized (by City Administrator) _ $22.252.06 Available City Administrator Contract Authority prior to C07= $74,038.88 Max Public Works Director Contract authority = $75,000.00 Available Public Works Director Contract Authority prior to C07= $75,000.00 Remaining Public Works Director Contract Authority after C07 =$66,777.24 There are sufficient funds in the project bu t )t;cover these costs , Public Works Directq,4~ ~ Project M~v(ager U / 2 P:lPublic Works\Capi'^' °•^jects\Stre^' °•^lects\0053 - 24th Avenue\Contract Administration\C'' •^e Order-l~^ 7 Halme Force Account Check C. Aldworth Spdjgne 18-Sep-08 ,,;wOVa11ey~ 11707 E Sprague Ave Suite 106 4 Spokane Valley WA 99206 509.921.1000 1 Fau: 509.921.1008 * cityhall@spokanevalley.org E. 15806 24th Ave. Sewer Service Repair Force Account Spreadsheet MATERIALS Material Unit Total Material Item Invoice Unit Qty Unit Type Unit Cost Subtotal 21 % P&O Material Central Pre-Mix - 5/8 Top Course 13-1185784 3.33 TN 925 30.80 6.47 37.27 CentralPre-Mix-3SK3/8 Fill 13-1186803 10 CY 93.75 937.50 196.88 1,134.36 Central Pre-Mix- Fuel Surcharge 13-1186803 1 EA 17.00 17.00 3.57 20.57 Central Pre-Mix- Environmental Surcharge 13-1186803 10 EA 2.00 20.00 4.20 24.20 ConsolidatedSupply - FerncoCoupling 1056- 54740752.001 2 EA 14.52 29.03 6.10 35.13 64 PVC-CI ~ 1,251•54 ~ LABOR Prev. Wage Costw/o Labor Costw/ Trade Name No. of Hours Rata Burden Burden/Hr Burden 29% P&O Total Labor Operator 7 33.51 234.57 5.55 273.39 79.28 352.67 Laborer 36 29.21 1,051.56 4.83 1,225.59 355.42 1,581.02 Truck Driver (submitted hrs show 4) 4 33.20 132.80 5.49 154.78 44.89 199.66 1,418.93 ~ 2,133.35 ~ EQUIPMENT Unit Cost Total Equipment Item No. Units Unit Qty Unit Type Unit Cost Subtotal 21 % P&O Equipment F-450 Service Truck 1 20 HR 21.96 439.20 9223 531.43 86 Auto Car CV Dump Truck 1 4 HR 74.42 297.68 62.51 360.79 ~ 891.62 ~ SERVICES Service Invoice Total Description Invoice# Amount 21%P&O Services Poe Asphalt - HMA Patch 860.00 180.60 1,040.60 BSI - Vacuum Truck 1204015 941.85 197.79 1,139.64 Rental - Case Mini Excavator 10093732 275.00 57.75 332.75 Rental - Speed Shoring 76371315-001 167.00 35.07 (Safety Fence not included since 202.07 it was purchased and kept by Halme) ~ 2.715.06 ~ Subtotals Material Costs 1,251.54 Labor Costs 2,133.35 Equip. Costs 891.62 Service Costs 2,715.06 . ITotal Cost 6,991.58 ~ LABOR BURDEN SUMMARY Trade Prev. WegB FICA% FUTA% SUTA% L&I% Total°h Total Opefatof 33.51 7.65% 0.80% 3.70°/a 5.00% 16.55% 5.55 Laborer 29.21 7.65% 0.80% 3.10°/a 5.00% 16.55% 4.83 TNCk Dfiver 33.20 7.65% 0.80% 3.10% 5.00% 16.55% 5.49 ya--~- jNVOlCE E'. U. Box G>4 Veradale, WA, 99037 INVOICE # aC954 Telepbme: 3M22.1363 (,JETTT # H?.LM03 Wanehous¢: A4AIN SERVTGE I,OCA7iON Hahne fonsnuction, Bu. HaJine Ccrosnuc;ic+n, inc. P. O. Aox 122' Sulliv:m ,R 2dth ilnvenpott, WA°9122 . 'InleN4ane: 509: %25.A200 Contach Dwight TERMS IrrvoicE n<an NEr ?o bAYs 08Y22/OS 0$/22;08 1.000 1.C00 N Si.F3: 1,017.I00 I.0 t7.50 Sullivan & 24t}i - Vaccon Scrvice rnl 3/20/08 ES1 UROF;(CAti SiLNG raoArzjzn•aoh ~~HR @ aiio.oo S SZJO PIuS 2014 ~,^°`'kvP vna.oJr :.s Mrs s170.00 213.6s TOT.4L ; 1,019.50 I~ 23~ • ~8 Q9lQ2(04 0.00 1,OJ?.50 03:48:15 PNi 0.00 1 ~,A1i.~0 SriLF.5 T.AX Prinrted rsy' ,rULbllllt Qlld 13 bBSCd OR TCfIl1E' aIJCYE, TQ.C~ DUE 1,017.50 i.231.If?