08-147.00 Kilgore Construction: Spokane Valley Pool Upgrades F~e . o7¢ ~ r 0 o•r~b .,.~~,..a,. CHANGE ORDER COpi0510: Owner x ORB Form 300 a"nm x (Thb brtn In Oo Oe ssacWUC M Mplkab antl exh paM1y Is W retaln an cri9[=I1• Cont2por X Projcct \amr. Spokanc Vallcy Swimming Puol Upgmdes Datr. IR-Aug-2003 ~ I'rojcci Address: Purk Road - N 906 Park Raad Changc Ordcr 'fertaccView -135001i?JNo.: 003 Vallcy Jlission- li 11123 Mission Contractor\amc.l` KilgarcCunsvuction,lna ORISI'mjcctNo: 270I AJdress: P.U. Ilux 367 .18621 T. Yalc Contract Por. Gencml Culbcn. NA 99005 Cnnstmciion Contract Uate: 2-Anr-2008 All supporting OoCUmentalion br Ihe items listed belrnv have been atlathetl to this tloCUment. 1. Proposal Reques1001 - All Sites Delete Convete Pipe Encasement ($23,585.19) , Contract time associated wilh Ihis ilem 0 Calendar Day(s) 2. Proposal Request 002 - Park Road Waterslitle Delete Sump (5273.12) Contract time associateC with Ihis item 0 Calentlar Day(s) 3. Proposel Request 009- All Sites Changes Required By Heallh Department 532,380.04 Contract lime a55ociated vnlh this item 0 Calendar Day(9) a. Proposal Request 015 - Tertace View Atld Light Pole 8ases & Revise Alt Bid Deck Layout $9,687.47 Contract lime associatetl vrilh this item............. 0 Calendar Day(s) 5. Prapasal Request 020 - Park Road Deck Layout Coortlination with Shop Orawing Layout 51,719.15 Cantraa time associated with this item 0 CalenCar Day(s) 6. Proposal Reques1024 - Terrace Yew 8 Valley Mission add Reinfordng at In-Slab Pool Piping $4,706.87 ConlreU lime associated vrith Ihis item 0 Calendar Day(s) TOTAL COST IMPACT OF THIS CHANGE ORDER 524.635.22 ExGudes Sales 7ax Totai time a0justment this change ortler........ 0 Calendar Day(s) Contract Sum The Ori9inal Cantract Sum was 52.664.018.00 Net Change Oy previousy authorized Charge Ortler(5) was 547.472.48 The Contract Sum prior to lhis Chan9e Order was 52.705.490.48 The ContreU Sum will be{unshaigetl] linoeaseEl{decmaseUj by Ihis Chaige OrOer in the amount oL 524.635.22 The new Contract Sum incorporating ihis Change Order wi0 be $2.730.125.70 ExUUGes Sales Tax Contract rme The Original SubSUnGaI Compktion Date was June 5. 2009 The ConVad Tune has Oeen modified on previausN authorized Change Order(s) by 0 Calendar Days The Contract Time wiil he [uruiiangeC~{iricieased}~QecseaseAJ by 0 Calendar Days The Suhstantlal Completion Date inwrporaGng Nis~Change Order vrill be June 5. 2009 Thls Channe Order must bo siqned Ey tho Owner. Architect and Contraetar to bo valid. ORB Architocts, inc. Kiluora Construction. lnc. CiN o( Sookano Vallov Arcnitect Convactor Owner 607 SW GraM Wav. Suite 210 PO Box 367 71707 E. Soraauo Ava. Suite 106 AOtlress Atleress AdOress Ronton. WA 98055-7977 Co16ert. WA 99005~ Sookano Vallev. WA 99206- Ciry, SOte, Zip CoCe Ci *SgnWBy / Clry, SWte, Zip CoOp~ SigneE BY - Signe O _ ' WckCharbonnou _=~L!/.-77.K1~B~ Pnnt N2mC Py'nt N~ e PA t Name Jone 12, zooa f3/l9/GS Dato Date Date C08-147 ~