08-145.00 Halme Construction: 24th Ave Reconstruction S""o°1 `n`7e~1N" I ~---J • CHANGE ORDER TO CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO: 08-006 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS I IPROJECT: 40N Avanua ReconstmcHOn Project CONTRACT DATE: 815/2008 CONTRACTOR: Halme Conswetlon.lna CHANGE ORDER N0: 4A I CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT NO: '0053 I BID NO.: '08-006 OESCRIPTION OF CHANGES This Change Ortlertonsists of three edtlWOnel water services on $chedule B- watedine work luntletl Cy Vere Water antl Povrer. Item 1: Dnveway Approaches et 2211 S. Vere Crest Dnve $2,858.17 Item 2: Untlertlrdin Pipe neer Ste 23+85, 19' Rt to CB 16 2$.388.87 Totnl Amounl of tMS Chanqe OrdeA IncL Tey): $522478 I SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION I I Onginal Date: 7ld0200B Poor to Uis Change OMer. 7ld1/2008 InGUCInp this Chenpe OMec e/4/2008 Dnoinal Workina Davs: 30 WohJna Dew Added W this C0: 2 Workino Davs InGuEina ihis CO: 35 THESE CHANGES RESULT IN THE FOLLOWING ADJUSTMENTS OF SCM A CONTR4CT PRICE: ORIGINAL CONTRACT SCH AAMOU„N„T,,,,,,,,, 641,939.60 TOTAI PRIOR SCH A CHANGE ORDEFt AMOUNT $ 1,899.16 CONTR4CT SCH A PRICE PRIOR TO THIS CHANGE ORDER (ihrough COk,2„) 843,83878 NET SCH A THIS CHANGE ORDER 5,22478 CONTR4CT SCH A AMOUNT INCLUDING THIS CHANGE ORDER 649,06354 THESE CHANGES RESULT IN THE FOLLOWING ADJUSTMENTS OF SGH B CONTRACT PRICE: ORIGINAL CONTRACT SCH B AMOUNT $ 251,283.60 TOTAL PRIOft SCH B CHANGE ORDER AMOUNT $ 3,676.07 CONTRACT SCH B PRICE PRIOR TO THIS CHANGE OftDER (throueh C02) S 254,89].6] NET SCH B THIS CHANGE ORDER $ 0.00 CONTR4CT SCH B AMOUNT MCLUDING THIS CHANGE OROER $ . 254,897.87 " 8.8%TA% $ 21,92120 CONTR4CT SCH B AMOUNT (INCLUDING THIS CHANGE ORDER AND TN(ES 276 ,81837 TMESE CHANGES RESl1LT IN TNE FOLIOWING ADJUSTMENTS OF TOTAL CONTRACT PRICE: ORIGINAL TOTAL CONTRACT AMOUNT..........._ .............._._................._._..........................................................._5.. 913,72820 TOTAL PRIOR CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER AMOUNT _ S., 5,513.23 TOTAL CONTR4CT PRICE PRIOR TO THIS CHANGE ORDER (Nrough. CO#.3) $ 979,241.43 NET THIS CHANGE ORDER $ 5,22478 TOTAL CONTRACT AMOUNT INCLUDING THIS CHANGEORDER E 924,466.21 . TOTAL TA% (SCHEDULES B 8 C) 23,684.63 + TOTAL CONTRACT AMOUNT INCLUDING THIS CHANGE ORDER AND TA% 5 948.15034 Llaon executioa Channe ONer 4A voltls entl 5uoerceEes Channe ONerA. CONTRACTORAYCEPTANCE: _DATE: D ~ L ~vF~ v ThawntretlarhereC ecceptsthisetl ~antu atertnaot~naon in ra rellvroMpartomeC. RECOMMENDED BY: 4~:A/JY/ll i~ DATE 410SZ.Zo APPROVEDBV : p/ DATE:,n.PUOOwo'mwenor APPFOVEDB . DATE: Oevk Marde~,Gtty Meneper I Al7ACHMENTS: CoDV of ihe odalnel Cantrect I DisMbution: I ORIGINALSTO: ConVecmqCiryofSpokenaVelleyClaik'sOffce,PWPmjedFile I - - COPIESTO: PWPmiedFile Pvuei~worwruRneraco( 3n.erzoon C08-145 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY PUBLIC WORKS INFORMATIONAL COVER SHEET FOR CITY MANAGER CHANGE ORDER APPROVAL Date: Auaust 7, 2008 Budget Account No: 303.303.053.595.30.63.00 AGREEMENT TOPIC: The 24th Avenue Reconstruction Project, Capital Improvement Project No. 0053 Contractor: Halme Construction, Inc. Change Order No. 4A BACKGROUND: Change Order 4A corrects math errors in the addition of previous change order totals and calculation of taxes contained in Change Order 3 and Change Order 4. Under Item 1, Change Order4A adds the $837.00 cost of placing new driveway approach slabs to the previous $2,019.17 Change Order 4 Cost. The updated Item 1 Change Order 4A cost (incl. tax) is $2,856.17. Change Order 4A adds two working days to the contract time, the same as Change Order 4. Change Order 4A supercedes Change Order 4. Total c t(incl. tax) for Change Order 4A work is $5224.78, paid for by the City of Spokane Valley. T e e-su ' f nds i the oject budget to cover these costs t~~ Public orks Director Project anager U City Manager ATTACHMENTS: CO 4A, ~ cOPY P:\Public Works\Capital Projects\Stree[ Projects\0053 - 24th Avenue\Contrect Administratioa\Chenge Orders\C04A Pink Sheet.docPurchacing \General Purchasing Focros\Yellow Sheet for C6ange Order Directive.doc ' I CITYOFo Public Warks Spgane Capital Improvement Program ,,;wo*Va11ey~ 11707 E Sprague Ave Suite 106 0 Spokane Valley WA 99206 509.921.1000 4 Fax: 509,921.1008 1 cityhal!@spokanevalley,org ' ProJect: 24fh Avenue Reconstruction Project CIP No.: 0058 Date: July 18, 2008 Pian Ref: Detail 6 Sheet 4; Plan Sh 5 6pecification Ref: TOPIC: briveway Approach Work at S 2211 Vera Crest Da4ve The existing driveway approaches on Veracrest for this residenca at Starion 25+20 RT and 26:-60 1tT do not have etubs. The roadway edga o£fhe existing driveway approaches ara ragged and the propeity owner dasires to replace the adjacent existing concreta approach. ACT[ON: 1. DrlvewayApproachatStation 25+20RT Tha following work to be done tuzder existing unif 6id ifems: Bid Item AS - Remove PCC Sidewalk and Drivaway 8 SY x$6.80/SY = $54.40 Bid Item A43 - Driveway Approach Gbrb 30 LF x$24.00/LF = $420.00 Instail from nearest straight joint in existing cnrb on north side to new curb at Station 25+10, Provide 6" curb revitia af center of CB 19. Pfease provide a Lump Sum price for the foQotiving work: Sawcut 16 LF of 6 inch thick PCC Driveway Appiroach. The City Inspect will mark tha sarvcut location for Drivetvay and Curb. Excavate 4" , deep, backfill and compact to 92% of maximum density per Modified ~ proctor wtih ciushed surfacing top course. Remove 20 LF (+/-)of e.Yisting 4" Diam PVC pipe and surrouuding ! concmta Install connecting fittings, e16ow and 10 LF PVC SCH 80 PVC so that outletis cast in place in Driveivay Approach LSurb, 1/2 inch above finish grade rim elevation at centeriine of Catch Basin 19. Lump Sum Cost (incl Tax) $ .Sq0• Total Item 1 Cost (lncl Tax) $ / d/ y Sy ~ <Addressee> July l 8, 2008 Page 2 2. DrivcrvayApproachatStarion 26+60RT Tha following work to be done under existing unit bid items: Bid Item A8 - Remove PCC SideNvalk and Driveivay 10 SY x$6.80/SY = $68.00 Bid Itern A43 - Driveway Approach Curb 3Q LF x$14A0/f.F = $420.00 install from nearest shaighY join4 in exisfiug curb on north side Eo full height curb on the south stde. Please provide a Lump Sum price for fhe foIIowing work: Sa-wcut 25 LF of 5 inch thick PCC Driveway Approach. The City Inspect tivill mark the sawcuf loca$on £or Driveway arid Curb. Excavate 4" deep, backfiil and compact to 42% ofmaximum density per Modified proctor with crushed surfacing top coursa. Lump Sum Cost (inci Tax) $ (o • Totai Ifem 2 Cost (incl Tax) $ i o o y. G~ 3 Total Items i and 2 Cost $ Z 41 9•17 Total Additional Time is 1 Day. The propeiiy owner tivi11 contract independenYly to place new DrivewayApproach. `airar Public Works ►.7^'p0Mfie Capitat Improvement Proqram ~~VaHey. 11707 E Sprague Ave Suite 706 *Spo[cane Valley WA 99206 509.921.1000 i Fax: 509.921-1008 i dtyhalt@spokanevatley.org Project: 24th Avenua Reconshvetion ProjecE CIP Na,t 0058 Date: July 22, 2008 Plan Ref: Pfan Sh 5, Detai113, Sheet 6; Specification Refl TOPIC; Underdrain PipeUAP16 fnto CB 16 A spring has been uncovered in the subgrade at approximate location 23+65,19' RT. The spriag enters the subgade under the existing curb and pools on top of a blua clay Iayer at Qn elevafion that is below the invert out oFnearby CB 15, ACTION; Install 44 LF of UnderDrain pipe with geoteatile wiep embedded in a 12" x 12" x12" section of gravel backfill for drains per Detait 1316 fi;om StaGon 23+65, 191 RT inTo CB 19. See Attached Exhibit showing aportion of Plan Sheet 5. Install with underdraia invert at CB 19 = 2115.11 (0.10'above west outlet invert.) and slope behveen 1% to 2%, as necessary to avoid existing utilities. " The foliowing work to ba done under existing unit bid items: Bid Item A27 - Pfi Underdrain Plpe 4 Tn. Diam: with Geotextila Wrap 45 LF x $37/8Y= $1,665.00 Please provide a Lump Sum price for fhe follotving work: Additional excavation and backfill costs for protecting and Nwcking azound mmdei'ground gas liue, power oonduits, phone lines, waterline and adjacent CMP sfomi drain. Lump Sum Cost (incl Tax) $'9b 3• 61 Total Cost ('mcl Tax) $ Z 3 6 S. /oJ Total Addit3onal Tnna is 1 Day. % ~ ~ ~ i r ~iiiiiiiiiiiii„i • g~ p Rh~, _ CB19 TNV. EL: 2115.11 - - - - - UDP 21 _ ]~~c=x---x=X--: - -SEEDTL27 FOR UDP 20 r1,° z~00 TRENCH SECTIC 123+00 ~ iSE~ DTL 1/5 11 ~UDP 15. UDP 20 ~ ~ . FOR WORK Ii J / J~ .y0 a ~THIS AREA --n7 o ~ PR ~5TA.23+65,19' RT - ~ ~ , - - " TOP OF PTPE ABOVE S 219 Ve s ~ \ll ~ ~ ~ , SUBGRADE WTTHTN #4525E ~-20' OF CB CB 20 r . i I -1- STA 24+10,17.50' RT I'`"' -r RIM EL=2120.93 ~ u O ~ STA 23+01.89 Tp M 23+40.79, 33' RTI` j~ SAWCUT ACP L ~~j/ / PAVEMENT. E E DTL 8/6 I ~ j j S 6,,, ~ ~s-►3~•~r , 7l22/08