2008, 04-01 Study Session MinutesMINUTES
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Mayor Munson called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. and welcomed everyone to the meeting
Rich Munson, Mayor
Rose Dempsey, Councilmember
Bill Gothmann, Councilmember
Steve Taylor, Councilmember
Diana Wilhite, Councilmember
Dick Denenny, Deputy Mayor
Gary Schimmels, Councilmember
Mike Jackson, Deputy City Manager
Mike Connelly, City Attorney
Kathy McClung, Community Development Dir
Steve Worley, Senior Engineer
Ken Thompson, Finance Director
Mike Stone, Parks & Rec Director
Greg McCormick, Planning Manager
Rick VanLeuven, Police Chief
Greg Bingaman, IT Specialist
Christina Janssen, Assistant Planner
Carolbelle Branch, Public Information Officer
Chris Bainbridge, City Clerk
Roll Call: At Mayor Munson's request, City Clerk Bainbridge called the roll; all Councilmembers were
present except Deputy Mayor Denenny and Councilmember Schimmels. It was moved by Councilmember
Taylor, seconded and unanimously agreed to excuse Deputy Mayor Denenny and Councilmember
Schimmels from tonight's meeting.
It was then moved by Councilmember Wilhite, seconded and unanimously agreed to accept the amended
1. Motion Consideration: 2010 USA Figure Skating Financial Support — Barb Beddor
It was moved by Councilmember Wilhite and seconded, to designate $30,000 as financial support to the
U.S. Figure Skating Championships to be payable in two separate amounts. Mayor Munson invited Barb
Beddor and Toby Stewart to the podium. Ms. Beddor thanked Council for their support, and explained
that the 2010 U.S. Figure Skating Championships are the biggest event in an Olympic year; that this
event determines our Olympic team; and eighteen days after this event, our Olympic team represents the
United States in the Vancouver events. She added that there will be stiff competition but she is hopeful to
obtain the needed support; and mentioned that NBC will be broadcasting the event on weekends. Mr.
Stewart then spoke briefly about the 1984 Olympics in which he participated; said that figure skating is
the most popular Olympic sport with the highest television ratings; and that the event will be quickly sold
out; that their big competition is San Jose, Portland Oregon; and Detroit but he tries not to worry too
much about the competition; and explained that the chances are we will be the smallest city to be bidding
on this; but that the demographics or population base doesn't matter as much as how well organized and
well- marketed the event will be, and how efficient the host will be in getting people to the event,
including use of organized transportation. Mayor Munson invited public comment.
Dick Behm, 3626 S Ridgeview Drive: said that the Spokane area is well noted for its volunteerism, and
many events would not happen without those volunteers; that he had tickets for the parade of champions
and it was a wonderful show, and he encouraged council's support of this endeavor.
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Approved by Council: 04 -08 -08
Vote by Acclamation: In Favor: Unanimous. Opposed: None. Abstentions: None. Motion passed.
2. Proposed Resolution 08 -005 Street Acceptance Procedure — John Hohman, Mike Connelly
At Mayor Munson's request, City Clerk Bainbridge read the resolution title. It was then moved by
Councilmember Taylor and seconded, to approve Resolution 08 -005. City Attorney Connelly explained
the background of this issue and of the various occasions this issue was addressed, and that this is an
attempt to consolidate those actions into a formalized document. Mayor Munson invited public comment;
no comments were offered. Vote by Acclamation: In Favor: Unanimous. Opposed: None Abstentions:
None. Motion. Passed.
This item was removed from the agenda.
Mayor Munson Invited general public comments; no comments were offered.
Mayor Munson mentioned that the City's 5 Anniversary Celebration was held yesterday, and he thanked
Public Information Officer Branch and the many others who worked to stage such a successful event.
4. Spokane Transit Authority — Molly Myers
STA Representative Susan Meyers spoke for Molly Myers, and went through her PowerPoint
presentation, which included accomplishments and results delivered, basic facts about Spokane Transit,
goals for increased ridership by the end of 2008; how STA fosters community partnership in such events
as First Night, Bloomsday and Hoopfest; and figures on cost/revenue hour for buses and paratransit
compared with other communities. In response to a question concerning STAs vans, Ms. Meyers
explained that that is a van provided by STA where the employee /passenger drives the van of either seven
or fourteen passengers; that this reduces the number of car trips by travelling together; that the cost is
based on mileage, and STA recovers almost the entire cost of the operation.
5. Municipal Code Amendment: Loading Doors — Christina Janssen
Assistant Planner Janssen explained that this is a proposal for a code amendment to allow the placement
of truck loading spaces on the street facing sides of buildings located in the I -1 and I -2 Industrial zones;
that at their March 27, 2008 meeting, the Planning Commission recommended approval; and that staff
feels this amendment is reasonable and would benefit the city in the long term; and the criteria for
approval in these cases is that the amendment must be consistent wit the applicable provisions of the
Comprehensive Plan; and the proposed amendment must bear a substantial relation to the public health,
safety, welfare and protection of the environment; and she added that this amendment would provide
existing and new businesses with practical spaces in which to expand. After brief discussion, there was
council consensus to place this matter on for a First Reading at the April 8 council meeting, and a second
reading at the April 15 study session.
6. Draft Memorandum of Understanding 2008 Sewer Paveback Program — Steve Worley
Engineer Worley explained that adoption of the 2008 budget included funds for full -width street paving
associated with the County's Sewer Construction Program, and that the 2008 STEP (Septic Tank
Elimination Program) includes five projects in Spokane Valley: Rockwell/Summerfield between Sullivan
Road and Evergreen, Rockwell Sewer Project in the area north of Trent and south of Wellesley,
Summerfield Project in the area north of Trent and south of Wabash; Sutters Project north of 16 Avenue
and south of 8 Avenue; and White Birch Project north of 5 Avenue and south of Interstate 90. Mr.
Worley mentioned that the City was successful in obtaining CDBG (Community Development Block
Grant) funds of $195,410 to assist in the Rockwell project, but that final approval of those funds is not
expected until later in April. There was Council consensus to bring the Memorandum of Understanding
on the next Council's consent agenda.
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Approved by Council: 04 -08 -08
7. Quarterly Updates Comprehensive Plan Amendments — Greg McCormick
Planning Manager McCormick explained that as the Comprehensive Plan amendment processes moves
forward, the Planning Commission has set study sessions for April 24 and May 8 for discussion of the
amendment applications; and he anticipates bringing those changes to council the end of May or early
8. Webcasting /Television Council Meetings Cost Analysis — Greg Bingaman
IT Specialist Mr. Bingaman explained that in response to Council's interest in researching webcasting or
televising council meetings, he researched some options as outlined in his March 19, 2008 memorandum;
and added that the franchise agreement needs to be in place with Comcast so that hardware and a
dedicated channel are available for city use at little cost to the City. After Mr. Bingaman explained the
three options, he mentioned that cost could range from $6,000 to $100,000 per year depending on the
option and method selected; and said that in his discussions with Community Minded Broadcasting, they
gave him a rough estimate of $32,000 for them to video for us, but that we would still need to find a place
to broadcast it and would need to negotiate the channel as a broadcast medium. In response to Council
questions, Mr. Bingaman said he can further research that option to obtain a better cost estimate, and said
that the $95,000 mentioned in his memo could be scaled back to two or three cameras to start with, but he
stressed the need to produce a professional product, and thus not scale back too far.
Mayor Munson stressed the need to move forward with this proposal as there are significant issues to
discuss, including the City Center and Sprague Appleway Revitalization Plan, which the public would
benefit from hearing /viewing via web or television. Council discussed webcast versus going live, or
videotaping for future viewing, and/or waiting until the franchise is complete. Councilmember Taylor
said he feels now is not the time to move forward as there are other financial challenges with a greater
priority, such as road construction and maintenance, and he would rather not raise rates through Comcast
for broadcasting council meetings; that most meetings are not very exciting, and it would take a while to
build up the number of viewers. Mr. Bingaman also mentioned there are products available for
webcasting whereby the viewer can view the meeting as an agenda, and simply "click" and view those
agenda items of interest rather than view the entire meeting. Councilmember Wilhite agreed there are
other higher financial obligations, but she would like to provide information to the public in as last
expensive means as possible, and that perhaps videotaping and showing later is a viable option.
Councilmember Dempsey countered that if we don't get the word out to the community, nothing much
will happen, and that television is a good medium for public education. It was also mentioned that using
Comcast would eliminate viewing by those with satellite, but that webcasting would eliminate viewing by
those without computer access.
After further discussion on the pros and cons of the options, and of Mayor Munson's desire to put this on
the "fast track" to get more information, there was council consensus for staff to gather further research
on webcasting, including more refined cost estimates.
9. Advance Agenda — Mayor Munson
Mayor Munson mentioned the upcoming strategic financial planning for the entire Council to participate
in rather than just the Finance Committee.
10. Council Check -in — Mayor Munson
Councilmember Gothmann mentioned that he will be gone April 15.
11. City Manager Comments — Mike Jackson: no comments.
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Approved by Council: 04 -08 -08
EXECUTIVE SESSION: It was moved by Councilmember Taylor, seconded and unanimously agreed
to adjourn into executive session for approximately thirty minutes to discuss pending litigation, and that
no action is anticipated upon return to regular session. Council adjourned into executive session at 7:40
p.m. At 8:10 p.m. City Attorney Connelly announced that the Executive Session would be extended for
an additional fifteen minutes. At 8:17 p.m Munson declared Council out of Executive Session. It
was moved by Councilmember Wilhite, seconded and unanimously agreed to adjourn. The meeting
adjourned at 8:18 p.m.
Christine Bain
ridge, City C f -rk
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Approved by Council: 04 -08 -08