1978, 04-28 Permit: M6004 ResidenceForm 370R•81dg, Code SPOKANE COUNTY BUILDING CODE DEPARTMENT 811 N. Jefferson, Spokane, Washington 99201 Land Use or Structure Permit Property Addrgss.t4.1114111111%-.120=4,-•-2.----S119 attached - 1 - . 4 J \ . _ _ ..... _ ..— _ _ .... _I I 1111 I I I 1 .1 I I I L: • , . Group 1 Type V Zone.. ii.T.i..11iiisle...tellair-ftlinitior!..1111111114kiaifil,_ .1111Taga .att4.ached Owner GAN MI Address lilt 11312 17th---- --Pturre Architect Address C Phone Address ..1111fettk Phone.12.141711.11_.... Contractor....a-iii-11-1111411dial.--Ina• MOIL_ Location: Parcel Number .....pui...et...64442.1006104047._.1602,...4,...sleak..2.._avrea..intatas........p....Roaet, eakir---r/w--eriellth---$0!.---- --Breast- $11* ism- cAln--et .1r41 -ir/er --fig: ig014-.-e-WhiCha irvitr..-ift-groatear. Side. SI Sec seek. siti*XY. If ito. a .ar...atte garage. 10 ' .on cos. side. /Linking _at... 43' tram__ . ..at..x.1..z/w..or....15.1... grast._"/.14..ictbover...1....sreater. Max. rani _25.' Mom -11.-ragpared by zoning* Bldg. Zone A Fire Zone...3 ....Size of Lot 411$431114, . 411910. ....... ...Const 1VIMMID Stories 2 Dimensions 42. a ASO' /036/11...11sak Total Sq. Ft Me vaivation.490..963•00. Rms..$ BathsIRR.711/4 Basementfilia .Foundation - tilChimney. atilatilepliEE-IrAig. SystemArk rasa. Type of Roofing..1 Bdrms..3_skialima . Ext. Finish Int. Wall Finish.. d11111101. Certificate of Occupancy ss ed for 10111111ZMINICIL. GUMMI All) VIM -...,.. Remarks bLW eallier faxe. amok* deuator s) • A 'grad fire vaLl....sparatias...zegaired._.between...resitiespe...mmil_virimpoit___._11.,._ ad_ litc.._parnita.... mill. ZACIUSlain or cowniocriat_assr.savivassections._cisassi:nift:Aivascon_._. gitcalg.00=grallitelitzWAiirli.__SIMMants NUMBER M 6004 THIS PERMIT is granted upon the express condition that the building er land use for which the permit Is Iseued shall conform in all respects to all the ordinances of the County of Spokane. regulating the construction. use and occupancy of buildings in Spokane County. and may be revoked at any time upon the violation of any of the prosisions of said ordinances. or tallure of plans as approved, to comply with said ordinances. In consideration of the issuance of the permit for the erection of signs the grantee must Place the said signs where directe4 .hiarigialialgap12,446roye the said sign at the expiration of the permit unless regularly renewed. 1 yeas This permit will be good only for commencement of work within six rnenths, and the entire completion thereof within from this date; after which time this permit will be void. April 2.11. 1979 Permit Expires Authorized by Building Official BUILDING CODE DEPARTMENT By Fee Paid $ 121i00 did Date Issued 4/311/7111 Building INSPECTOR 1 r- folk R3UMJI0i 4114i1. ;_ fUNUAiltlfr sodussairk Mencrie. 4.11MbalitAssit 04101112A 1-4 snoS V _sqyT Tii3MTRA9.30 3ao0 01410.11UB YTVIIJO3 31 if: losee noignItsW ,enwtoot ,novreet .11 118 iiM19(1 9111b01t2 10 92U b06.1 Z. STEEL - .. 4tvamate..&,_. '''''.C..:22.j_i_iatate assia. asi tit: A *Ulla . 4...14..4 .-10J3Blit 4401-211-411.-ibegegait -40201-1/- deatit.-./..art tootweaciemuiem AWE. - IMMO 103169 .noitE . .. ,. *aselili,_--a iPlit- dabs .00§ .fipar xis_ what. in ma /siva awl glib ....Ia._ .. alksittatshirssimist,44.ves. AI . fiatal..111.1 --..------ I. ,i,a,6 . . !SL.. ,... isign. ...,,,, ...-.41167.4%. iverimlialt Allatasgi io1 tr. ,Y,,;. t .snoS mil . enoS gbi8 °I. _nodsuleV *Mt - c,? loci . . .. ..3611118 abet qiiii It _16 znoiarsria I zeii312, inetey? 7T7—:"-- 4 ., AS yen m. t r 44.011111.110 noitabnuA 4111111tremsze8. Rfiladte8 _.11 .ma .4 i _3 ' ANVIIIL; rtint i 110 :nI Waft . . rImil tx3 . _ . gmlooR To emT /.. FIREPLACES> li *ma' bAiii; I4 stsoit,1793 Sn.lossi ...,„,., ._4,...,,..4;.0ingl:11 _ _ a..zmuna ,fititirkfttie! lotisuip.als.euramikkan amisitielidialavie isialaisaftee-Liie c'Oara • illitettiMISIS-11161111- INN 111)1/131611111011110 IS AMMON Alin _ Aegis ). HONG' .4 .oildlatt ... .. !Alt bSJDO I Wein et! tenni, 1W Inv best to 1041140 we, We not inert, wkinpo nr. new, t. 1 M111•1 In' 10 ' 1q0 bibNw 10 sme yin In tnutwm o taw Ona rnmloo? ni rkr IbL Id t,4..u.Au4.10bIt 0•4 .1P;14,14.1 oq Nal eh.. Vonsoo 01 .Iltns ent1p e.. .snitn1 and awn. ,0144 bit. 1,1 4,04 0,,0I se111,4,1 14. 0034 10 00 :we, SC ,irt I1 .411 irotolirki 01 to neitiniblera, banneni 6.11.1 *01 I01401: .01i fro.i 140., .„.. noitsicinta3 *inns eft bas ,aritnbm xis nirftivir *row o tnsms3nenirrio3 tot xIno boos sd Iliw timisq rinT 1143MTRA930 3ao3 01410J1U8 leoi1t0 gnibliu8 yd bechorltuA .biov sd law timisq aifl aonali istts Istsb sfrit molt Itt'el gilt Ltuidt y8 .arnox3 tirniect b9,.pz I sic bos9 Re3 ROT3392il houu INV elle co' Cr