14-082.00 Inland Asphalt: Argonne & Sprague Street PreservationSpantikane .�Valley$ DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS PROJECT: Argonne Road and Sprague Avenue Street Preservation Protect CONTRACT DATE: 9/11/2013 CONTRACTOR: Inland Asphalt Co. CHANGE ORDER NO: 3 CHANGE ORDER TO CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO: 13- 029 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT NO: 0179 BID NO.: 13-029 DESCRIPTION OF CHANGES This Change Order deletes Installation of the pedestrian ramp at the northwest comer of Balfour Rd and Sprague Ave. The Spokane Valley Fire Department Is regrading the Fire Station perking area and will replace the driveway approach and pedestrian ramp by August 1, 2014. The deletion Is shown on the attached Revised Plan sheets 19 and 21. This Change Order also Incorporates the attached Argonne Rd Closure/Detouramended 6/19/14 and the revised Spec 1-01L9Including Night Work Area C. hem No pescriotlon 134 CEM.CONCW CURB RAMP TYPE CUSTOM PB Unit Quantity Unit Price Maj EACH -1 $2,000.00 (82.000.00) Total Amount of this Change Order ( Mot Tax): ($2,000.00) SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION Original Date: TBD Original Working Days: 60 Working Days Added by this CO: 0 Working Days Including this CO: Prior to this Change Order. Including this Change Order. 60.6 THESE CHANGES RESULT IN THE FOLLOWING ADJUSTMENTS OF TOTAL CONTRACT PRICE: ORIGINAL TOTAL CONTRACT AMOUNT _ __ „_ ___ $ 1,199,688.67 AM TOTAL PRIOR CONTRACT CHANGE ORDERAMOUNT ,_ _._....._-___ __ ,__ ._ ......_§.. 680.10 TOTAL CONTRACT PRICE PRIOR TO THIS CHANGE ORDER $ 1,200,148.87 NET THIS CHANGE ORDER_, ____.,,, ,.,,,„,_____...___.__�.___. — ______._._..r__.$. 2,000.00 TOTAL CONTRACT AMOUNT INCLUDING THIS CHANGE ORDER $ 1,198,148.67 CONTRACTOR ACCEPTANCE: The contractor hereby accepts Oils adjustment under !he lents contract for e0 work pedomed. RECOMMENDED BY: APPROVED BY: APPROVED BY: Cay Manager DATE: cfri/i DATE: 5%19' / l DATE: t7/z/11 DATE: ATTACHMENTS: CO 3 Revisions to Plan Sheet 19 & 21 dated 6-19-14. Argonne Rd Closure/Detour 4/22/2014 Revised Spec 1-08.9, Distribution: ORIGINALS TO: Contractor, 01ly of Spokane Valley Clerk's Office, PW Project Re COPIES TO: PW Project Fife P9une WerkstPurdzinarCO (W20)20071 W��I'og2 Spokane 0 Valley Public Works Department Capital Improvement Program 11707 E Sprague Ave Suite 106 ♦ Spokane Valley WA 99206 509.921.1000 ♦ Fax: 509.921.1008 1 cityhall@spokanevalley.org Change Order Memo Date: May 19, 2014 By: Craig Aldworth Re: Change Order 3 Argonne and Sprague Street Preservation Project, CIP 0179 Fed Aid Project No.: STPUL-9932(049) 1. Describe the Change This Change Order a. Deletes the installation of a Cement Concrete Curb Ramp Type Custom PB at the NW corner of Balfour Rd and Sprague Ave, and b. Incorporates the attached Argonne Rd Night Closure with the attached Liquidated Damages into the Contract Documents.. 2. Evolution of the Change a. The Spokane Valley Fire Department will revise the parking grades in front of the University Fire Station by August 1, 2014. This will involve replacing the existing driveway approach on Sprague and the pedestrian ramp at the northwest comer of Sprague Ave and Balfour Rd. b. Night grinding and paving Argonne between Valleyway Ave. and Sprague Ave. will reduce inconvenience to the adjacent businesses and will allow the Contractor's paving crews to maintain a consistent night schedule. 3. Payment a. Contract Bid prices were used for the cost of deleted items. b. The Liquidated Damages are based on the attached calculation. 4. Time No additional time was granted. 5. Prior Approval No work was completed on the Change Order work prior to execution of this Change Order by the Public Works Director. 6. Attachments Revised Plan Sheets 19, 2ldated 5/19/14. Argonne Rd Closure/Detour Plan Amended 5/19/14 Revised Specification 1-08.9 Liquidated Damages Liquidated Damages Computation for Argonne Rd Closure LIQUIDATED DAMAGES COMPUTATION (for urban road detours) Closure: Argonne between Broadway and Sprague Detour: Broadway to Vista to Appleway distance measure: Google Maps Traffic data from: City of Spokane Valley; SB Argonne north of Sprague; 6/3/13 Time and Operating Cost of Delay Normal Distance (Part 1) Detour Distance (Part 2) Average Volume Average Speed (Part 1) Average Speed (Part 2) Travel time (Part 1) Travel time (Part 2) hours 0.60 1.80 433 20 20 minutes miles miles veh/hr mph mph seconds 2 5 (Table A-7, 1975 cost) (Updated to 2013 cost) (Table A-7, 1975 cost) (Updated to 2013 cost) Consumer Price Index 2013 Index Figures 1975 Index Figures Difference % increase Time and Operating Cost Part 1 = Part 2 Part 2 - Part 1 Safety factor 2 volume to traverse normal path to traverse detour path $248.30 per 1000 veh-mi. @ 20 mph $1,307.93 per 1000 veh-mi. $248.30 per 1000 veh-mi. @ 20 mph $1,307.93 per 1000 veh-mi. 276.54638 52.5 224.04638 224.04638 x 52.5 100 = 426.8% $1,307.93 x 433 veh/hr x 0.6 mi 1000 veh-mi $339.80 per hr $1,307.93 x 433 veh/hrx1.8 mi 1000 veh-mi $1,019.40 $679.60 $169.90 $84.95 per hr per hr per 15 minutes 208 6-7 am 456 7-8 am 566 8-9 am 500 9-10 am 1730 sum 433 avg/hour Recommend maximum liquidated damages of $100 per 15 minutes for failure to open Argonne between Broadway and Sprague before the scheduled 6 am opening. P:\Public WorkslCapital Projects\Street Projects10179 - 2013 Street Preservation - Phase 21Traffic\LD detours and non -freeway lanes - SB Argonne Tab: Detour2u Update record: (ask for update consumer pace index annually in late May) Basis for costs used Is the following: See Revslon block for 2013 notes. Consumer Prlce Index 2002 Index 179.9 2002 update calculations for detours 179.9 53 8 126 1 NCHRP Report No. 160 Flexible Pavement Design and Management Systems Approach Implementation ISBN 0-309-02339-4 excerpt from Appendix A, Discussion of SAMP6 Computer Program pages A-49 through A-51 Time and Ooeratine Costs 126.1 x 100 = 2.344 Inflation Index 'The excess user costs because of an overlay include the excess cost of 53.8 stopping and slowing down, the cost of delay while stopped, and the excess cost of traveling at a reduced speed through the restricted area. The Information needed for calculating these costs is given in Tables A-5 through Phone Lizbeth Martin -Mahar, WSDOT Economic Analysis Manager, ext 7942 A-8. The program user must stipulate whether the overlay operation is In Alt contact Thomas L.R. Smith, WSDOT Transportation Economist, ext. 7941 an urban or rural area and this determines which tables or which columns in the table are used. The difference between the urban and rural costs is the F"4/24/2g771 To update 1975 costs to 2013 costs, Economic Analysis suggests using an Inflation index of. vehicle distributions used to derive the costs. The operating costs for �'��',l"I 4.27,1 different types of vehicles were taken from a publication by Winfrey (14), and this same source was used for the Prness time of making speed changes. 2013 calculations for operating at a constant speed (detours, Table A-7) The values of time used in calculations were based on Information in studies 53.8 X (1+ 4.28755) = 278.5 = 2013 Consumer Price Index Figures by the Stanford Research Institute (15) Lisco (16), and Adkins (17). Proportions of vehicles of different types for urban and rural areas are used 2013 calculations to update for delay (lane closures, Table A-8) to derive weighted time and vehicle operating costs. The reason that the year Index ratio costs are higher for rural area than for urban areas is that there is a VM�2013,1 276.5 1.37033 5.27 higher proportion of trucks in rural areas and their costs are higher than 2007 201.81 3.85 those for passenger cars. 2002 190.9 3.64 Tables A-5 and A-6 give the excess time and operating costs for stopping (in the first columns) and for slowing down (in the other columns). Table To update 1998 costs to 2013 for the QUEWZ-98 program, Tom Smith recommended A-7 gives the time and operating costs for operating at a uniform (constant) speed. using an inflation Index of. 'W"; ntre.f:8 ri:he q The QUEWZ-98 Cost Update Factor Is the Current CPI divided by the CPI for 1990 1990 CPI Current CPI 130.7 229.6 Consumer Price Index - All Urban Consumers Original Data Value Series Id: CUSR0000SA0 Table 48 gives the time and operating costs of delay (or idling):' (14) Winfrey, Robley, Motor Vehicle Running Costs for Highway Economy Studies, Arlington, VA (Nov. 1983). (15) Haney, Dan G., and Thomas, Thomas C., 'The Value of Time for Passenger Cars." Seasonally Adjusted Stanford Research Inst., Menlo Park, CA (May 1967) Area: U.S. clty average Item: All items (16) Lisco, Thomas E., Base 1982-84=100 Period: Value of Commuters' Travel Time: A Study In Urban Transportation." Years: 1975 to 2011 Hwy Res. Record No. 245 (1968) p. 38 (17) Adkins, W. G., Ward, A. W., and McFarland, W. F., 'Values of Time Savings of Commercial Vehicles." NCHRP Report 33 (1987) 77 pp. P1PWfcWonnCagtal ProkctalSesel Projects '0179- 2013 Sireet Preservation- Please 2\TmaicLLD demurs mid mnnvw.ey lanes- SBArpone Ta reference printed: 5/19/2014 page 1 oft MATCH TO ABOVE SEE DETAIL' A//1 SIDEWALK ANO CURB PLAN 030 SY. 35 LF 0 W 2 SAWCUT 77 IISEE DETAIL B/21 SIDEWALK AND CURB PLAN 30 SY0 30 LF SHIM PLANING 151 SY 190+00 2" SAWCUT 66 LF BEGIN CONSTRUCTION STA 190+78 ± PLANING SDAIH 5110 192+00 2' SAWCUT 70 LF 7' HMA STORMWATER PATCH 9 SY STA 194+62± ANGLE POINT IN CURB LT & RT WIDTH 68' ± CONDUIT TRENCH SECTION. 2" CONDUIT 76 LF. HMA SIGNAL PATCH 15 SY 93+00 194+00 195+00 v 196+00 STA 196+91± ANGLE POINT IN CURB LT & RT WIDTH 68' ± 197+00 vA1 PLANING A. , . O`'; DACE' ®© �i3/8" PLANING 198+00 199+00 EXISTING RIGHT OF WAY UNE TCAP 45201.0311 039 SY 0 40 LF SEE DETAIL E/21 SIDEWALK AND CURB PLAN EXISTING RIGHT OF WAY UNE F– I 0 2 Q DAR'IMOUTHI cc TCAP 45174.9042 SEE DETAIL D/21 SIDEWALK AND CURB PLAN 37 SY0' 41 LF 0 SPRAGUE 200+00 201+00 6 LF SOD — 4 SY TCAP 45201.0116 41 SY0 41 LF SEE DETAIL F/21 SIDEWALK AND CURB PLAN 100' 2" SAWCUT 80 LF 202+00 Q. TRENCH AND CONDUIT PIPE PLANING �T 203+00 REVISIONS N0. DATE DESCRIPTION 8Y 5/12/14 5/19/14 DELETED SW ASSEMBLY 1 CWA DELETED RAMP NW CORNER BALFOUR CWA SW ASSEMBLY In INSTALL CATCH BASIN TYPE 1 n INSTALL TYPE 1 FRAME AND VANED GRATE Q INSTALL 10" DIAMETER PIPE, JF n INSTALL SPILL CONTROL SEPARATOR Fl CONNECT TO EXISTING ORYWELL INSTALL TYPE 4 FRAME AND SOLD LID j AA 1 16I LEGEND 1!ih ii1i!i!iil Lz>'>zl7 2" PLANING AND HMA INLAY HMA STORMWATER PATCH HMA SIGNAL PATCH SHIM PLANING AREA 2" TO 3/8" HMA MISC PATCHBACK GRAVEL PATCHBACK HYDROSEEDING PATCHBACK SOD PATCHBACK NOTE: 3/8" PLANING NOT SHOWN FOR CLARITY SEE PLANS AND SECTION SHEETS FOR LOCATIONS 30 15 0 30 City of Spokane Valley Carr Deportment of Public Works 11707 East Sprague Avenue, Suite 106 SPOKANE VALLEY, WA. 99206 ��" (509) 921-1000 SCALE FEET 60 5009090 1114E SPRAGUE & ARGONNE ST PRESERVATION PROJECT SPRAGUE AVE - HERALD TO UNIVERITY PAVING / DRAINAGE PLAN UTILITY & FLATWORK LEGEND 0 ADJUST VALVE BOX 0 ADJUST EXISTING MANHOLE 0 ADJUST EXISTING CATCH BASIN, INLET OR DRYWELL 40 REMOVE EXISTING SIDEWALK 50 REMOVE PCC CURB AND GUTTER 0 REMOVE PEDESTRIAN CURB 0 REMOVE CONC. TRAFFIC ISLAND 80 ABANDON DRYWELL 0 REMOVE CATCH BASIN/INLET 10 REMOVE ASPHALT CONC. PAVEMENT e ADJUST GAS VALVE 12 ADJUST UTILITY VAULT SIDEWALK NOTES: O SIDEWALK A MAXIMUMOF MAINTAIN 1� 28 CROSS SLOPE. AND O CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY DRIVEWAY ELEVATIONS AND SLOPES PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. NOTIFY ENGINEER AND PERFORM A SITE WALK WITH THE PROJECT ENGINEER BEFORE SETTING FORM WORK. O CONTRACTOR TO NOTIFY ALL BUSINESSES 24 HOURS PRIOR TO DRIVEWAY ACCESS BEING RESTRICTED OR LIMITED DUE TO POURING CURB OR DRIVEWAY APPROACHES Aq PROJECT NO. 0179 DESIGNED BY: CWA DROWN 15 WTI 5C61E SCALE CALL BEFORE YOU DIG 1.800-424-5551 DATE: JUNE, 2013 CHECKED en CWA REYILWED BY: SMW TYPE OF IYPR0YE10 STREET MOM N0. 19 OF 53 P:\Public Works\Capilnl Projects \Street Projects \0179 - 2013 Street Prescrvalion - Phase 2\Drawings\COSV-AutoCAD\0179-M1L-SPRAGUE-HERALD TO UNIV.dwg, Layoutl, 5/19/2014 8: INSTALL CEM. CONC. CURB RAMP CUSTOM PB, TRAFFIC CURB 35 LF, PEDESTIRAN CURB 21 LF, GRAVEL 4 SY 1 MATCH TO iIEXISTING INSTALL CEM. CONC. CURB RAMP CUSTOM PB, TRAFFIC CURB 30 LE, PEDESTRIAN CURB 23 LF, COSV SIDEWALK 2 SY GRAVEL 6 SY REMOVAL UMIT END RAMP 15'-6"'t 6' FRONT OF WALK 6' FRONT OF WALK; 9, MATCH TO EXISTING 1 ADJUST DRYWELL SOD 2 SY SIDEWALK & CURB PLAN STA 191+00± LT INSTALL SINGLE DIRECTIONAL A RAMP, TRAFFIC CURB 40 IF, PEDESTRIAN CURB 46 LF, COSV SIDEWALK 22 SY —BACK -OF -WALK EXISTING RIGHT OF WAY 6' 1- 5 a 0 0 Z 5 w� 193+00 21' 6"± SPRAGUE 80 MAX 3'-0" 14'± MATCH TO EXISTING SOD 10 SY SIDEWALK & CURB PLAN STA 191+50± LT SPRAGUE 23' 15'-4"t END CURB REMOVAL AT FULL 6" REVEAL 6x2 DETECTABLE WARNING SURFACE ADJUST MANHOLE FLARE PEDESTRIAN CURB AS NEEDED TO MISS MANHOLE I EXISTING R CHT OF WAY SIDEWALK & CURB PLAN STA 193+00± RT LEGEND DARTMOUTH GRAVEL PATCHBACK 3 194- E SPRAGUE RAMP TO BE REPLACED = = BY FIRE DISTRICT/ IY 0 J Q m SIDEWALK & CURB PLAN STA 200+80± LT m INSTALL CEM. CONC. CURB RAMP CUSTOM PB, TRAFFIC CURB 44 LF, PEDESTRIAN CURB 15 LF, COSV SIDEWALK 10 SY GRAVEL 8 SY MATCH TO EXISTING SPRAGUE 0 Z O MATCH TO EXISTING v 20'± m INSTALL CEM. CONC CURB RAMP CUSTOM PB, TRAFFIC CURB 45 LF, PEDESTRIAN CURB 22 IF, COSV SIDEWALK 8 SY SOD 6 SY REMOVAL LIMITS FND RAMP 13'"± 9± 1 BACK OF WALK a cc 0 FRONT OF WAIX I 12' L 1- 5 MATCH TO EXISTING SIDEWALK & CURB PLAN STA 201+45± LT REMOVAL UMITS 10' BACK OF WALK 6' D BACK OF -WALK -- 14'-3"± L=B MATCH TO EXISTING f a< CI REMOVAL OMIT ADJUST DRYWELL MATCH TO EXISTING INSTALL SINGLE DIRECTIONAL A RAMP, TRAFFIC CURB 41 LF, PEDESTRIAN CURB 49 LF, COSV SIDEWALK 24 SY GRAVEL 8 SY SIDEWALK & CURB PLAN HYDROSEEDI NG PATCHBACK STA 193+50± RT I MI l SOD PATCHBACK STAMPED CEMENT CONC HMA MISC PATCHBACK m 18'-9'f 23'-3"± SIDEWALK & CURB PLAN 10 5 STA 204+20± LT 0 10 20 SCALE FEET SIDEWALK NOTES: O1 SIDEWALK TO MAINTAIN A MINIMUM OF 10 AND A MAXIMUM OF 20 CROSS SLOPE. 2OCONTRACTOR TO VERIFY DRIVEWAY ELEVATIONS AND SLOPES PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. NOTIFY ENGINEER AND PERFORM A SITE WALK WITH THE PROJECT ENGINEER BEFORE SETTING FORM WORK. 4'L MATCH TO EXISTING ///-''' GRAVEL 2 SY REMOVAL OMITS END RAMP I Ill�lll1;1:0l1:1j1lli11lll 14'± 137 INSTALL CEM. CONC CURB RAMP CUSTOM PB, TRAFFIC CURB 45 LF, PEDESTRIAN CURB 19 LF, COSV SIDEWALK 6 SY HMA MISC PATCH BACK 5 SY 16'-8"± 10'-10-± Ilj I11 BACK OF WALK r 12' _L E w 2 0 it MATCH TO EXISTING SIDEWALK & CURB PLAN STA 204+75± LT CONTRACTOR TO NOTIFY ALL BUSINESSES 24 HOURS PRIOR TO DRIVEWAY ACCESS BEING RESTRICTED OR UNITED DUE TO POURING CURB OR DRIVEWAY APPROACHES REVISIONS 00. A\ DATE DESCRIPTION BY 5/8/14 REVISED TYPE OF CURB RAMP CWA 5/19/14 DELETED RAMP NLY CORNER BALFOUR CWA City of Spokane Volley Smo Department of Public Works �7'1( 11(; 11707 East Sprague Avenue, Suite 106 a, SPOKANE VALLEY, WA. 99206 •�eyy" ,/ (509) 921-1000 DRAWING TIRE SPRAGUE & ARGONNE ST PRESERVATION PROJECT SPRAGUE AVE - HERALD TO UNIVERITY SIDEWALK AND CURB PLANS PROJECT N0. 0179 DESIGNED BY: CWA 0RA11H 10: CALL BEFORE YOU DIG 1-800.424-555° SCALE: DATE: SCALE JUNE, 2013 CHECKED NH OVA REVIEWED BY: 500 TYPE OF 1011909 VE STREET DRAWING N0. 21 OF 53 Saane Valleye Public Works Department Capital Improvement Program 11707 E Sprague Ave Suite 106 1 Spokane Valley WA 99206 509.921.1000 ♦ Fax: 509.688-0261 • cityhatl@spokanevalley.org Change Order Memorandum Date: June 2, 2014 To: Eric Guth Through: Steve Worle From: Craig Aldworth Re: Change Order 3 -Argonne and Sprague St. Pres. Project, CIP 0179, FA STPUL-9932(049) Budget Account No. 311.000.179.595.30.63.00 Inland Asphalt Contract 13-029 This Change Order deletes the installation of a Cement Concrete Curb Ramp Type Custom PB at the NW comer of Sprague Ave. and Balfour Rd as shown on attached plan sheets 19 and 21. The Spokane Valley Fire Department is currently redesigning the grades in front of the University Fire Station and will replace the existing pedestrian ramp at this corner by August 1, 2014. Rather than install a ramp that will be torn out)t soon, the ramp is being deleted The change order also incorporates the attached Argonne Rd Closure / Detour (amended 5/19/14) for night paving Argonne Road. The project was bid with traffic control plans for paving one half of Argonne at a time during the day. The Contractor requested permission to night pave Argonne. This will reduce the congestion during paving operations and reduce inconvenience to adjacent business. The Liquidated Damages are included with the night paving to motivate the Contractor to open Argonne Road to traffic in the morning before traffic becomes heavy. The total estimated cost (incl. tax) for this Change Order work is a $2,000.00 deduction in contract price. This project is funded by an 86.5% Federal grant with a 13.5% City match. Original Contract amount = Previous Change Order Cost = Change Order #3 Cost = Project Cost including Change Order #3 = 15% of Original Contract amount = Max Public Works Director Contract authority = Change Order Cost to date = Remaining P.W. Director Contract Authority after CO #3 Cc: Finance Department Clerk's Office $ 1,199,568.57 $ 580.10 $ -2,000.00 $ 1,198,148.67 $179,935.29 $75,000.00 $ -1419.90 $75,000.00 Change Order 3 Argonne and Sprague Street Preservation Project Federal Aid Project No.: STPUL-9932(049) Section 1-07.23(1) is supplemented with the following Traffic Lane Restrictions Night Work Areas Add the following: The Contractor shall meet the requirements stated below or be subject to Section 1-08.9 Interim Liquidated Damages. NIGHT WORK Area C (As shown on the attached Argonne Rd Closure/Detour amended 5-19-14) One lane open southbound on Argonne Road between Broadway Ave and Sprague Ave. 6:00 AM to 9:00 PM 1-08.9 Liquidated Damages Section 1-08.9 is supplemented with the following: (*****) Traffic Restrictions between the hours of 6:OOAM — 9:OOPM within NIGHT WORK Area C will result in impacts to the traveling public, increase fuel consumption, increase vehicle operating costs, increase pollution, and cause other inconveniences and hams. Accordingly, the Contractor agrees: 1. To pay $400 liquidated damages per hour for each hour prorated to the nearest 0.25 hour that contractor does not meet the requirements as specified in Section 1- 07.23(1) 2. To authorize the Engineer to deduct these liquidated damages from any money due or coming due the Contractor. Legend Work Area C #1 #2 ARGONNE SIGN SPACING=X (FEET) (1) FREEWAYS & EXPRESSWAYS 55/70 MPH 1500± (ORAS PER MUTCD) RURAL HIGHWAYS 60/65 MPH 800' ± RURAL ROADS 45/55 MPH 500' ± RURAL ROADS & URBAN ARTERIALS 35/40 MPH 350' -1-- RURAL RURAL ROADS, URBAN ARTERIALS 25/30 MPH 200' ± (2) RESIDENTIAL & BUSINESS DISTRICTS URBAN STREETS 25 MPH OR LESS 100' ± (2) ALL SIGNS ARE 48" X 48" BLACK ON ORANGE UNLESS OTHERWISE DESIGNATED. (1) All spacing may be adjusted to accommodate interchange ramps, at -grade intersections, and driveways. (2) This spacing may be reduced in urban areas to fit roadway conditions. #1 #2 ARGONNE AT CLOSED BROADWAY 2.0 Sec 2.0 Sec Argonne Rd Closure/Detour rt; un Ave ESI °Ave d £-OZM www.invarion.com Not to Scale Z 0ZM DIJIVNI. n21H1 01 a3so10 GVO I Z-0ZINA TOT nica It-)ctitlittE 1 S1/110d SWOd z 1L -£b tE)I L r • 2lno13a 1 1 T_E. B.r i sdWOy Ar: Message on both PCMS Notes: -All barricades, cones, and signs will be in accordance with the latest edition of the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD). -All Local access and any safety issues will be resolved. -See Contract Plans for placement of Road Work Ahead Signs (W20-1) on side streets, class A installation planned. -For night use only 9 pm to 6 am. Date: �122N14 Author: ah Str Eterprses Cornents: Subrrtted forApproval For: Iiiad Asphat Contact: Dan Besii Pa Cott: Genessa Cebriak, TCS 5098910892 Ext280 a• 2 A.V CLI 1 7../- W I(7 4„<„,..._:.___., fSee Detail Type III Barricades E 1stAtiI jig a 40 I I li H Lin64.. F.06.45 1 tai keti i I T I ntia4 74 lSEI R11- MaLet A'f't. $41.4g tort E .Sprague ui R11 -2 Branch 90 _. 80 0) mm —tZ 0 C 73 •