2005, 05-17 Study Session MinutesAttendance: Councilmembers: Diana Wilhite, Mayor Rich Munson, Deputy Mayor Mike DeVleming, Councilmember Dick Denenny, Councilmember Mike Flanigan, Councilmember Steve Taylor, Councilmember Gary Schimmels, Councilmember MINUTES CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY STUDY SESSION Tuesday, May 17, 2005, 6:00 p.m. Staff: Dave Mercier, City Manager Nina Regor, Deputy City Manager Tom Scholtens, Building Official Greg McCormick, Planning Manager Ken Thompson, Finance Director Neil Kersten, Public Works Director Mike Jackson, Parks & Recreation Director Greg "Bing" Bingaman, IT Specialist Chris Bainbridge, City Clerk Mayor Wilhite called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. and welcomed all in attendance. 1. Stormwater Upgrades in the 2005 County Sewer Projects — Neil Kersten Public Works Director Kersten explained that as a result of the May 10, 2005 full -width paving approval, staff seeks Council approval to provide funding to the County for repair, replacement and upgrading of the existing stormwater facilities in the sewer projects for 2005; that the upgrades consist of replacement of existing failed drywells, and installing new drywells in areas that experienced flooding problems last spring. As per Mr. Kersten's accompanying spreadsheets, he explained the areas in question, the items failing (broken out by sewer area on the map), and stated that the end result is that there are approximately $77,000 worth of old drywells needing repair or replacement; and approximately $167,000 to add to take care of flooding problems. Mr. Kersten stated that there are funds in the stormwater accounts to handle this and emergency issues; and that construction items total $245,399. Public Works Director Kersten explained the difference between drywells and catchbasins, discussed maintenance issues; and stated that timing is also a concern as they would like to move ahead with the Sherwood Forest and Mica Park areas as crews will be out there working very soon. Mr. Mercier asked if Council would like this item brought back on the next consent agenda. After brief discussion of the issue, it was council consensus to bring this item forward on the next Council consent agenda. 2. Council Goals — Dave Mercier City Manager Mercier explained that as in previous years, staff is asking for Council decision of principal themes for next year's goals, and that once determined, staff would develop the budget and workplan to appropriately support those goals. Mr. Mercier further explained that staff is asking Council to identify a series of goals which they feel are important; and we will compile a comprehensive list; and then go through those individual items to determine and identify which of those warrant additional information; that a detailed workplan will also be part of the budget; and there will be a myriad of tasks to be undertaken in connection with each goal; and that the desired outcome tonight will be to select five principal goals for next year. Before proceeding to goals for 2006, Mr. Mercier suggested re- examining the 2005 goals to consider adjusting goal statement #5: "Collaborate with Wastewater Dischargers and Regulatory Agencies in Analyzing Data Related to System Acquisition Options and in pursuit of interim and long -term resolutions to water quality and wastewater treatment capacity concerns, so that economic development and natural resources continue to support the vitality of the region." Deputy Mayor Munson stated that in looking at the product received from the County, and to help understand what it would take to accept ownership of the sewer system, that until that is resolved, perhaps the following change would be appropriate, to remove the phrase "in analyzing data related to system acquisition operations and" so that the adjusted goal would read: "Collaborate with Wastewater Council Meeting: 05 -17 -05 Page 1 of 3 Approved by Council: 05 -24 -05 Dischargers and Regulatory Agencies in pursuit of interim and long -term resolutions to water quality and wastewater treatment capacity concerns so that economic development and natural resources continue to support the vitality of the region." Mr. Mercier stated that at the second most recent joint meeting between the Council and the Board of County Commissioners, there was discussion about what would be the focal point of a joint effort during pendency of the TMDL (Total Maximum Daily Load) and UAA (Use Attainability Analysis) study; and that there was consensus from that group that the primary focus should be, at least for the balance of 2005, of working together to resolve the problems associated with getting the discharge permit, and provide the opportunity for new capacity to treat wastewater as opposed to diverting attention to the analysis of acquisition of assets. There was Council discussion on the merits of removing the phrase as suggested, keeping the emphasis on wastewater treatment plant and getting that resolved; that the year is not half over and it may be premature to modify the goal; of keeping the goal as a potential target to pursue; analyzing all options and not softening the language; developing a realistic workplan based on stated goals; that the Commissioners indicated they needed more time to become more aware of all previous discussions; of the desire to press the Commissioners for needed information; keeping the spirit of cooperation with the County; having this issue as a potential topic for the May 31 joint meeting; refining the language, and having this as a 2006 goal also. There was no consensus to change the wording of the stated 2005 goal. Mr. Mercier brought Council attention to the proposed 2006 goals included in the Council packets, and also posted on the far wall, and stated that these are suggested goals for consideration; he asked for any other goal suggestions from Council, and stated that this is more of a brainstorming session to try to capture the goal concept, and not an attempt to refine language. Amidst discussion on the overall plan and incremental parts fitting into it, broad goals and specific goals such as auto row district, the desired number of goals (5, 6 or 7), Councilmembers offered the following additional goal suggestions: (1) strong definition of street master plan including funding; (2) 2005 wastewater goal; (3) strong emphasis on internal and external communication; and (4) establish five to ten year goals /strategic workplan (e.g., regulations and zoning districts) to implement the Comprehensive Plan. Councilmembers then proceeded to vote for their top goals, with the following outcome (in no order of priority): 5 votes: *strong definition of street master plan including funding *develop strategies and goals to enhance the Sprague Corridor. ^ This should include an executable plan to transform the corridor into a boulevard which is transportation friendly to vehicular, light rail and foot traffic. Although timing of the implementation of such a plan will be dependent on a number of factors including population density and community buy -in, the strategies and goals will enhance the City's ability to enact elements of its Comprehensive Plan. ^ Two Sources of information for these strategies and goals can include an Overlay Study (not yet contracted nor approved by City Council) by EcoNorthwest and the extensive work completed by the STA Light Rail Planning Department. ^ The execution of the strategies and goals should be implemented incrementally, but with a stated 5- 8 year outcome horizon. 4 votes: *Look at the infrastructure with regard to telecommunications, i.e., the Hot Zone and the Vpnet and interconnectivity with the Gigapop *Develop a strategy for revitalization of the Sprague corridor with special emphasis on the portion from University to the freeway on -ramp Council Meeting: 05 -17 -05 Page 2 of 3 Approved by Council: 05 -24 -05 3 votes *2005 wastewater goal *strong emphasis on internal & external communication *Collaborate with County Commissioners on the development of a governing body for a wastewater treatment facility 2 votes *finish any unresolved issues with the City's Comprehensive Plan *Continued assessment of opportunities for private sector service providers. In addition, continued assessment of the most efficient manner to provide services to our citizens. Specifically, continued use of Spokane County or City of Spokane Valley as the primary provider. 1 vote: *establish 5 -10 year goals (as stated above) *Lay out an implementation strategy for the accomplishment of the objectives in the Master Park Plan, i.e. new swimming pool, acquiring parkland, etc. *Take appropriate measures to protect the economic viability of the City. Such measures may include, but not be limited to: (1) Build and maintain reasonable levels of reserves; and (2) Assess funding sources and recommend any changes. Such changes should look to the long term requirements of the City. Added meeting topic: Open Public Meetings Mayor Wilhite stated that there will be another issue to discuss before adjourning. Councilmember DeVleming stated that he wanted to discuss Councilmembers' schedules in relation to the Open Public Meetings Act; and of the importance to complete the calendar to inform Sue of upcoming events /meetings that Councilmembers plan to attend. City Manager Mercier stated that he realizes Councilmembers receive multiple invitations to various things; and that this calendar is a means to inform staff if four or more Councilmembers plan to attend events and meetings; just to declare that fact for all to know, and not as an announcement of necessarily conducting city business, that we would like to have that information by close of business Wednesday so the information can be included on the schedule of meetings that is distributed Thursday. Council discussion followed concerning the need to complete the schedule, the desire not to complete the schedule, meetings versus social functions, public perception and appearance, and the Open Public Meeting Act. It was decided that Deputy City Attorney Driskell will further research this topic and draft a memorandum to council concerning adherence to the Open Public Meeting Act. 3. Executive Session: Labor Negotiations It was moved by Councilmember Taylor, seconded by Deputy Mayor Munson, and unanimously agreed to repair to another chamber for an executive session to discuss labor negotiations for the next 90 minutes; and that upon completion of the executive session, Council will adjourn the meeting with no action being taken. At 7:14 p.m., Mayor Wilhite announced that Council will adjourn into executive session and will take a five- minute break before reconvening into that session. Mayor Wilhite declared Council out of executive session at approximately 8:30 p.m. Councilmembers reconvened into the Council Chambers, where it was moved by Councilmember DeVleming, seconded by Councilmember Flanigan, and unanimously agreed upon to adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 8:31 p.m. - h'ristine ainbridge, "ity Clerk q){tvIkkc)JaktL Diana Wilhite, Mayor Council Meeting: 05 -17 -05 Page 3 of 3 Approved by Council: 05 -24 -05