1976, 10-28 Permit: L5969 Residence1! Form 37OR•BId R. Code SPOKANE COUNTY BUILDING CODE DEPARTMENT 811 N. Jefferson, Spokane, Washington 99201 Land Use or Structure Permit Group I Type V Zone Single Fenn" Res. RESIDENTIAL NUMBER 0.1_3 — Property Address$elt Road, S. Permit for residence. garage Owner Colonial Contractors. Inc.. Address 714 S, Colonial Dra. 5001€ L 9 El 2522 attached' no decks Phone 924-5998 Architect Address Phone Contractor._COtl0nte-1....0Oil tractorS,...IAC., Address...SpQka.ne....14n.-}__99QI6 Phane.9241-5092 Location Parcel...No....2E542-9012.__-.Lot_..15,..2.1.ock.l-,.-Early...Ilawn..F.ir-tt._Aldd. Mim mup..2oni ..set- backs..from__.all_._>property_-_.lines...._.F.r-ont..ynrd..af.. et_.least..25_'_,. side. ..yard..of..el.Least.. 5.:.,-_-t1'-_-----. for__2__stQr_y_.tu_i_lding_._..15.'.__.flan.ki....sttreets..arr..reguired--and..-25' rear .-yarit,..or-- _more ---if -.re= qu.i.red_..by2oni.ng... _Bui ].ding .. and/or... F i re.._Codas,. Bldg. Zone 1.. Fire Zone 3 Size of Lot 85.1429' 85_'X140' Sewage Septtc..tanirtories 1. Material fries Dimensions 24_'x4Q'__.14_'x22.'...Total Sq. Ft 13.12. Valuation..$31.,9a0..OQ Rooms .... ....._..b._tJi Basement fuliFoundation_..concrete Chimney ._.Fireplace Q.Heating System.eltC_..bb...... Certificate of Occupancy Issued for-_ . .. .ebove --p1u ing-_permi_ts-.ire-.regifred. EAU. ..ST.A iE.__OF__CONST.RUCT- Remarks ION MUST 3E CALLED _FORs-.AS-.R.EQL I.RED..IiY...GQDE. BUST ..C1INF.ORM..I.0..ALL..COUNIX..CODE. ..RE- QUIREMENTS. FINAL ...IR5p.CTIOFI..MUST..-H...CALLED..FOR,...UPO.N.. 4PLE_TI.Ota.-AND.-PRIOR_.TO__-QCCUPANCY.-.OF RESIDENCE. OA;.L456-_3E75...-prior..._to.-1O.:-OD._a.m..__.-A_._Uhr.__rated.._f ire_.wa1_t__separ_a t1An..r-equ i.re d between.. res i.dence.. ans! -. garage.... THIS PERMIT Is granted upon the express condition that the building or land use for which the permit Is issued shall conform In all respects to all the ordinances of the County of Spokane. regulating the construction. use and occupancy of buildings in Spokane County. and may be revoked al any time upon the violation of any of the provisions of said ordinances. or failure of plans as approved, to comply with said ordinances. In consideration of the Issuance of the permit for the erection of signs the grantee must place the said signs where directed by County Officials and shall remove the said sign at the expiration of the permit unless regularly renewed. This permit will be good only for commencement of work within slx months, and the entire completion thereof within___1._;jtelli ._ from this date; after which time this permit will Authorized by Building Official BUILD' Ij(3 CODE DEPARTMENT October 28 , 1977 Permit Expires Fee Paid $ 38.00 mmc Date Issued 10/2P/76 Building By -7..t?I'r2,46:1 INSPECTOR 0 ruuNDAllUts Z. STEEL ... 3. FRAMING !•1'::'1; .;18311 T113MTRA93C 3003 0410.11U13 YTNUO0 311AMO1a .iJSCe noignitaW .snEoloq2 AoRlsilst. id I iiinsq 9iub111t210 911.1 brisi It, V'...thtgl 9 Ckfit .eno. .?.45 e291b0). ./.410)*ditno4 ritnore3 ienwO . . . .4 mottripli. • .rwiaeslau2...1Atztaft&Lie0611:,,33 r...z. OA. -7/7 eon _Imre.. aitisal. oloticrick .f.is ..irtt..11264 "9•j 91flJ lb (rut Uf2 . snoS .gb18 istiateM 7. fifiLi LACES - A -4n nil.) il,SitunIa) 300f4Ure: 1..ernod 110 ttlua4 V3ni3OU-n0 to einititt43 GARAGF_ •?).`, . . .or 9. fiPT1 G. Y31 EM in misC, . ..... -413IVIT 4s; lot Tri **009iiirf Awls* *pi 3strob1tri At*•tod *, ! !AO 0419,** tat * n.qu isms i al TIV1131 ..ioso. 14 £). In!..!,1 •lis.141-% NI* sto 1121 traZ .31 • • • • .-. n I :1\ttS`01 4Nrieet 3'Sa -4•7( - .rn't 1131 qx3 MITibq —H 9e1 1 0.