2005, 06-07 Study Session MinutesAttendance: Councilmembers: Diana Wilhite, Mayor Rich Munson, Deputy Mayor Mike DeVleming, Councilmember Dick Denenny, Councilmember Mike Flanigan, Councilmember Steve Taylor, Councilmember Gary Schimmels, Councilmember MINUTES CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY STUDY SESSION Tuesday, June 7, 2005, 6:00 p.m. Staff: Dave Mercier, City Manager Nina Regor, Deputy City Manager Tom Scholtens, Building Official Marina Sukup, Community Development Director Ken Thompson, Finance Director Neil Kersten, Public Works Director Mike Jackson, Parks & Recreation Director Cary Driskell, Deputy City Attorney Greg "Bing" Bingaman, IT Specialist Chris Bainbridge, City Clerk Mayor Wilhite called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. and welcomed all in attendance. Employee Introductions: Public Works Director Kersten introduced new employees Inga Note, Traffic Engineer; and Alysa Wiyrick, Assistant Engineer - Development. Parks and Recreation Director Jackson introduced new CenterPlace Coordinator Lisa Bracco. Councilmembers welcomed the new employees. 1. Student Advisory Council - Councilmember DeVleming Councilmember DeVleming praised the efforts of the first Student Advisory Council, introduced those student members, and then presented them with commendation plaques, including a plaque for Debbie Gallagher, Business Representation from the American Cancer Society. Present Chair Mike Green, incoming Chair Katie Osterbeck, and present Historian Randee Berg gave Council a brief summary of accomplishments from last year, including drafting bylaws, and addressing several topical issues to students; e.g. guns in school, homelessness, and Valleyfest. Ms. Osterbeck mentioned that plans for next year include continued emphasis on the problem of guns in schools, and also addressing the problems associated with excess noise. Mr. Green then reported the following individuals as recommended new members: Ashley Bell, West Valley High School; Victoria Berndt, Central Valley High School; Jessica Cannon, East Valley High School; Jolean Hughes, Central Valley High School; and Brent Vlahovich, University High School. Councilmember DeVleming also mentioned that they will be needing alternatives for those times when a student moves away or otherwise can't fulfill their term; and he asked for Council consensus to place those recommended appointments mentioned earlier, on an upcoming agenda. It was Council consensus to place these names on an upcoming consent agenda so that the appointments will be officially on record. 2. Community Development Block Grant Program - Tim Crowley /Marina Sukup Community Development Director Sukup introduced Tim Crowley, Manager of Housing and Community Development for Spokane County. Ms. Sukup discussed her June 7 Request for Council Action on the background of the Community Development Block Grant Program, and highlighted the entitlement process and funding formulas shown, explaining the difference. Mr. Crowley added that the formula is not determined by the age of housing, but that is considered in the overall plan; and that repair, and level of priority are considered in the cost for running that program. Mr. Crowley stated that Option #1 impacts the surrounding communities the least, and added that the City could not opt out during the three -year period 2006 -2009. Entitlement, pass- through, and the options were discussed. Councilmember Taylor stated that regarding Option 1, he would like to see changes in the way allocation funds are handled for Council Meeting: 06 -07 -05 Page 1 of 4 Approved by Council: 06 -28 -05 different entities, but feels this remains the best choice for our municipality and surrounding communities. It was mentioned there is a need for further communication with members of the committee to keep current on this issue, and keep lines of communication open regarding procedures. City Manager Mercier stated that today's intent is to provide background information to help council decide which option to pursue; and that while they have been anticipating an extended deadline, that official word has not yet been received and will likely occur some time in July, but that staff will not hold off beyond the time in which the county has to file. 3. Spokane County Comprehensive Plan Update and Urban Growth Boundary — Marina Sukup As explained in her June 7 memorandum, Director Sukup indicated there is no new information to provide; that she met with County planning directors over last the several months; that the Board of County Commissioners indicated they are looking for a population range of a set amount and the proposal to accommodate that population; that the proposal would be to expand the Urban Growth Area (UGA) by over eleven square miles; although there may be some adjustments. She mentioned that she will continue to monitor the process. 4. Local Agency Agreement and Federal Aid Project, Argonne Road — Steve Worley Director Kersten, stepping in for Steve Worley, explained that this is more of a housekeeping item; that approval of the six -year Transportation Improvement Plan includes this project and that the agreement and prospectus must be signed by a city official and returned to WSDOT for processing and approval. Mr. Kersten stated that the local match funds of $42,600 will come from the 2005 Street Capital Projects Fund with an estimated project cost of $316,600. It was Council consensus to place this item on the June 14 consent agenda for approval. 5. Draft Ordinance Greenacres Moratorium Request- Scott Kuhta /Cary Driskell Community Development Director Sukup gave a history of the petition for moratorium against development of densities of more than one house per acre; and stated that at the same time the moratorium was issued, an application was received for a rezone from UR7* to UR 3.5; that copies of the petition were distributed to Council and Planning Commissioners August 13, 2004; at the November 18, 2004 Planning Commission meeting, the Commission voted unanimously to recommend denial of the moratorium to the City Council; and at the May 10, 2005 Council meeting, staff was directed to prepare a draft moratorium for future council consideration, and that draft ordinance is included in this council packet for review and discussion. Discussion then included the aspects of a moratorium and what is needed to impose such moratorium; the need for findings of fact to support such moratorium; how this would affect currently issued permits; current and future development, especially in the Greenacres area; subdividing lots; density; environmental issues; sewer and /or water issues; the timeline for any moratorium and the procedure for imposing same; and whether this action could be handled through motion or ordinance. It was determined that an ordinance will be brought forward at the June 28 council meeting for consideration. Mayor Wilhite called for a recess at 7:15 p.m.; and reconvened the meeting at 7:25 p.m. 6. Draft Initiative /Referendum Ordinance- Cary Driskell Mayor Wilhite stated that as usual for study sessions, there will be no public comments tonight, and she apologized to those in attendance for any miscommunication on this issue; and asked those who came tonight to support this issue, to please stand to indicate that support. Approximately ten people stood. Deputy City Attorney gave the background of this issue as per his June 7 Request for Council Action; he mentioned that council asked staff to prepare draft documents concerning initiative and referendum and those documents are included. After explaining the difference between initiative and referendum and their associated powers and the procedure for adopting either or both, there was Council discussion on the Council Meeting: 06 -07 -05 Page 2 of 4 Approved by Council: 06 -28 -05 issue. Councilmember Denenny stated that he asked this issue to be brought forward as it was his impression that this process was an automatic part of incorporation; and feels the matter should be brought forward on a council agenda for formal consideration. Councilmember Taylor stated that people choose their leaders to make decisions, and a remedy for disagreeing with an elected official's decisions, can always be shown at election time. It was Council consensus to bring the process forward for formal council consideration, and Council would like to consider initiative and referendum together; and referendum separately. 7. Traffic Control /Special Events — Mike Jackson /Cal Walker Parks and Recreation Director Jackson explained that ordinance 64 adopts regulations for special events, but that the issue of block parties held on City streets has been brought to staff's attention; and that issue might be further explored concerning obtaining a permit and /or providing proof of liability insurance; that staff is aware of the positive community benefits, yet is also aware of the need for emergency vehicles to be able to negotiate through a street, which if closed without City's knowledge, could present problems. Police Chief Walker argued that any ordinance should have the ability to be enforced, and at present, such activities as National Night Out and the numerous block parties held throughout local communities, have not been held to these regulations; and that he feels such regulations would hinder the community good- will to burden communities to adhere to a formalized process of requiring special permits and insurance. Discussion followed concerning the 15 day advance period and whether it could be changed to perhaps a five -day period; of traffic control and notification to fire and police; a $5.00 permit fee; the pros and cons of requiring insurance; that communities could purchase insurance through WCIA, but for the City to purchase any such rider would be considered a gift of funds; that no citations have been issued in connection with this ordinance; that the public is unaware of these requirements; and of the responsibility of having ordinances enacted which are enforceable and enforced. It was Council consensus to amend the ordinance as discussed above (15 days to 5; $5.00 permit), and to place this item on a future council agenda for formal action. 8. Advance Agenda Additions — Mayor Wilhite Mayor Wilhite brought council attention to the upcoming June 14 agenda and of Council's first closed record public hearing. Other future agenda items mentioned for consideration included meeting with the School District; SCOPE in CenterPlace (currently set for June 28); and of adding the Post Office to an upcoming agenda for a report on any local changes. 9. Council Check in — Mayor Wilhite Councilmember Taylor mentioned that there is an issue regarding a hearing examiner meeting tomorrow and asked if we were planning to present at the hearing on the SEPA determination by the County. Mr. Mercier responded that there is a hearing examiner process tomorrow on a development occurring in the County's jurisdiction that has some affects on our community; our staff has reviewed the SEPA Notice of Nondetermination and has evaluated the governing rules and regulations of the City and that process, and as an administrative decision, has created an appeal to that determination and will be giving testimony at the Hearing Examiner process tomorrow. Mr. Mercier further responded by stating that the matter of examining from a planning perspective the SEPA notification and making a determination of its sufficiency, is an administrative function, and as such, we believe there is a statutory bar from the Council to make a ruling on those issues that are otherwise considered administrative. Mr. Mercier added that each councilmember has received copies of the documents that would be entered into evidence tomorrow; and in terms of what would happen if there's a disagreement on the judgment of the Hearings Examiner, that if they are legislative in nature, there could be an appeal to the City Council or County Commissioners or otherwise to Superior Court; and that staff would report to Council should a court action be considered. Council Meeting: 06 -07 -05 Page 3 of 4 Approved by Council: 06 -28 -05 10. City Manager Comments — Dave Mercier City Manager Mercier brought council attention to the added agenda items "a" and "b" (Walk across Washington; and Regional Agreement with ESRI [Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc.]) and the accompanying attached materials; that both issues are time sensitive and he requests placing these issues on the June 14 consent agenda. Council concurred. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 8:07 p.m. ATTEST Diana Wilhite, Mayor .1 Christine Bainbridge, ity Clerk Council Meeting: 06 -07 -05 Page 4 of 4 Approved by Council: 06 -28 -05