2005, 07-19 Study Session MinutesAttendance: Councilmembers: Diana Wilhite, Mayor Rich Munson, Deputy Mayor Mike DeVleming, Councilmember Dick Denenny, Councilmember Mike Flanigan, Councilmember Steve Taylor, Councilmember Gary Schimmels, Councilmember MINUTES CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY STUDY SESSION Tuesday, July 19, 2005, 6:00 p.m. Staff: Dave Mercier, City Manager Nina Regor, Deputy City Manager Tom Scholtens, Building Official Marina Sukup, Community Development Director Ken Thompson, Finance Director Neil Kersten, Public Works Director Mike Jackson, Parks & Recreation Director Cary Driskell, Deputy City Attorney Steve Worley, Senior Engineer Greg "Bing" Bingaman, IT Specialist Chris Bainbridge, City Clerk Mayor Wilhite called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. and welcomed all in attendance. Employee Introductions: Brad Johnson, Accounting Manager by Ken Thompson, Finance Director Carolbelle Branch, Public Information Officer by Nina Regor, Deputy City Manager Caroline McRoberts — Administrative Assistant by Nina Regor, Deputy City Manager Bill Schultz, Code Enforcement Officer by Tom Scholtens, Building Official Kari Kurtz, Permit Specialist by Tom Scholtens, Building Official Trish Burns -Hart — Legal Intern by Cary Driskell, Deputy City Attorney Introductions were made as noted above with the exception of Kari Kurtz who was ill, and Council welcomed the new staff members. 1. Authorization for Change Order for Stormwater Projects — Neil Kersten Public Works Director Kersten explained the background of the stormwater improvements in the streets associated with the County's sewer projects; that original estimates used at the previous May 24 council study session were based on bid prices on recent street and sanitary sewer projects; and those estimates did not include sales tax, contractor survey costs, or county inspection costs. Mr. Kersten explained that the estimates for each project have been updated to include those items and he distributed copies of the costs breakdown, showing an approximate $3,000 increase, with a total estimate of $319,969 with contingency. Mr. Kersten also stated that the requirement for survey and inspection costs were not in the original project as the County did not anticipate those, adding that next year if we anticipate doing paveback, all costs can be included in the bids. It was moved by Councilmember Taylor and seconded by Council Flanigan to approve an additional $74,570.50 from the stormwater fund for stormwater repairs and upgrades in the 2005 County Sewer Projects, bringing the total fund approved to $319,969.50. Mayor Wilhite invited public comment; no comments were offered. Council and staff discussion ensued regarding the difference in the new numbers; that unit prices are firm but quantities could change causing a cost change and that any substantial change in cost would be brought to Council's attention; and that future figures should state whether those costs include sales tax. Vote by Acclamation: In Favor: Mayor Wilhite, Deputy Mayor Munson, and Councilmembers Schimmels, Taylor, Denenny, and Flanigan. Opposed: Councilmember DeVleming. Abstentions: None. Motion carried. Regular Study Session Issues (No Public Comment): 2. Recommendation of Senior Center Ad Hoc Committee — Mike Jackson After Parks and Recreation Director Jackson introduced members of the Senior Center Ad Hoc Committee, the committee members went through the PowerPoint presentation. Brief discussion Council Meeting: 07 -19 -05 Page 1 of 4 Approved by Council: 07 -26 -05 included the duties of the Senior Center Specialist, use of volunteers to answer telephones; training necessities; Council agreement that a written agreement or memorandum of understanding should be developed and presented to Council for final approval consideration; space constraints; equipment; and that it is agreed the process will likely need revisions as it further develops and needs are discovered. 3. CenterPlace Change Order Authorization — Steve Worley /Mike Jackson Engineer Worley explained that Council previously awarded the CenterPlace construction contract to Mooney & Pugh, and that today's request is as a result of several minor change orders necessary to complete the project, and the remaining authority previously granted to the City Manager has been exceeded; therefore necessitating the approval to authorize the City Manager an additional $50,000 in change order authority. Mr. Worley said that the project budget has sufficient funds to cover these expenses. Mr. Worley also mentioned that staff is working with a group from Seattle to do a business plan on the fiber optic to have a recommendation for Council in the near future. It was Council consensus to place this matter on the next Council Consent Agenda. 4. Project Updates: Dishman -Mica Rehabilitation; Broadway Ave. Overlay; Argonne Rd Overlay — Steve Worley Engineer Worley went through his July 5, 2005 Memorandum briefing Council on the Dishman -Mica Rehabilitation, Broadway Avenue Overlay, and Argonne Road Overlay projects, explaining that we have received federal funding on the projects; they were approved on the 2005 Transportation Improvement Plan; and agreements have been signed. Mr. Worley also mentioned the plans to alert the public prior to these projects commencing; and of the project in front of the school, the portions in front of the school will be done first but if that can't be done due to environmental concerns, they would consider delaying that project until after school adjourns next summer 5. Contracts for Construction Services — Steve Worley Engineer Worley explained that he wanted to give Council information on the construction contract management and inspection aspect for certain contracts; that previously these projects were contracted with the County, and this is the first year we are dealing with projects in which we received grant funds; that we don't have ample staff to handle the large amount of road improvement projects and staff proposes contracting with local consultants to provide the construction contract management and inspection services; and that costs for these services on grant funded projects are eligible for reimbursement. Mr. Worley explained that a request for qualifications was distributed, and staff selected three qualified consultants: CH2M Hill, Century West, and JUB Engineers; that staff recommends contracting with each firm and have an on -call contract with each; that each contract would be for an amount not to exceed $400,000; that staff will negotiate the number of hours and price, and spread the work among all three consultants. Mr. Worley said that the total amount of $1.2 million is for the overall contract for two years with two, one -year extensions, adding that we pay 20% and grants pay 80 %. Mr. Kersten added that staff can keep Council advised of each change order and have a running tally every month on those contracts. Mr. Worley added that company selection will be based on the complexity of each project and on the company's expertise. Deputy Mayor Munson said that the $1.2 million for a four - year period, that any expenditure would have been pre- approved thereby satisfying the requirement for oversight; and Councilmember Schimmels added that this is just generally offset from what the County was doing. Public Works Director Kersten said that this type of work was previously set up in the interlocal with the County and we approved our match and the County handled the rest; but that now we're doing it entirely. Mr. Mercier also mentioned that the Finance Committee reviews vouchers before the bills are paid, and Council approves overall claim vouchers. It was Council consensus to place this issue on the July 26 Consent Agenda. 6. Appleway Signage Ad Hoc Committee — Neil Kersten Public Works Director Kersten stated that Council expressed concerns about the signs on Appleway that identify businesses on Sprague Avenue, and the accompanying April 28, 2005 memo outlines the current Council Meeting: 07 -19 -05 Page 2 of 4 Approved by Council: 07 -26 -05 status regarding those signs. Mr. Kersten said there are approximately 120 businesses, and six businesses per sign would calculate to a large amount of signs down Appleway. He stated he realizes the signs are too small to adequately read while traveling; yet has concerns about how to remedy the situation as the current signs are authorized under State standards, yet those signs don't fit within those standards; that typically this type of sign would be provided to alert the public of upcoming services such as gas, food, lodging, and recreation areas, and that also typically the signs should be 300' back. Mr. Kersten said that perhaps an engineering study should be conducted to determine if they are appropriate in that location. Mr. Kersten stated he also realizes these signs are the same type as currently seen on Division. Further discussion included the legalities of what is permitted in the public rights -of -way; of ascertaining the legalities before determining the best remedy for the signs; examining what other cities such as West Seattle and Everett have done in these situations; of the desire for advice from an advertising standpoint; and of the suggestion of forming an ad hoc committee to address those issues, including how to pay for whatever decision is made. It was determined that Mr. Driskell will research the issue from a legal standpoint; and that the sign committee should be contacted to see if they are willing to examine this issue. Mayor Wilhite called for a recess at 7:31 p.m. and reconvened the meeting at 7:40 p.m. 7. Update on Development Process, Fee Structure — Nina Regor Deputy City Manager Regor went through her PowerPoint presentation, explaining that staff has been evaluating the commercial development permit process to make recommendations for improvement, and that the purpose of tonight's agenda item is to summarize the activities and draft recommendations, and then to ask for feedback for suggestions and /or next steps. Councilmember DeVleming asked about the apparent fees, particularly on page 8, doubling, with other fees increasing 10% or more. It was explained that fees were being moved out of the Public Works area, and into the Development area. As to the particular fee on page 8 doubling, Mr. Kersten explained that staff estimates four to five hours for the typical development, with fees about the same on the planning side to cover review costs, and that fee consolidated all those fees into one initial fee. Mr. Mercier added that the new numbers in red are not increasing the overall costs of permitting, but that staff is taking the costs in two different phases and putting them together up front with the same net effect on the customer. To explain these changes to developers, Ms. Regor mentioned she plans to meet with the developers who make the most use of these, and to explain the process and the proposed changes. Councilmember Flanigan suggested staff have that meeting prior to Council voting on changing the fee schedule. Further discussion included the need for so many sets of plans and that our plans are passed on to different jurisdictions; that some plans could be viewed electronically, but others would be difficult to read and work with electronically. Ms. Regor stated that staff plans to come back to Council in a few weeks to report on the average length of time it takes to complete a permit. Other discussion included the necessity of the pre - application process to eliminate potential problems; the pros and cons of developing some tickler process to keep the applicant aware of the process; and of the possibility of using our webpage and /or the PLUS system to include a method to track status of permits, much like FedEx's tracking system. It was Council consensus that staff will discuss the proposed changes with developers, and will bring back other personnel changes. 8. Advance Agenda Additions — Mayor Wilhite Councilmember Taylor suggesting having a memorandum from staff regarding the recent Supreme Court ruling on imminent domain and takings, but after further discussion, it was determined to wait to see how this law might pertain to us. Councilmember DeVleming asked about the status of the County properties within our city limits, and Mr. Mercier said he has not received a response nor seen a new list, adding that there are several County staff members on vacation at this time. Mayor Wilhite suggested planning another joint meeting with the County Commissioners for some time after Labor Day. Council Meeting: 07 -19 -05 Page 3 of 4 Approved by Council: 07 -26 -05 9. Council Check in — Mayor Wilhite Councilmember Denenny asked if staff has an update on the sales tax revenues; and Director Thompson said it appears those revenues are up 4.7% since this time last year; but it is difficult to predict overall changes at this point. 10. City Manager Comments — Dave Mercier Mr. Mercier reminded Council of the Transportation Improvement Board meeting in Spokane this Thursday and Friday at 3:00 p.m.; and that our staff will make a presentation on the Appleway Corridor project. Mr. Mercier also mentioned that this Thursday and Friday staff will be working with visitors from Washington Cities Insurance Authority as they perform their annual audit. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 8:45 p.m. Christine Bainbridge, ity Clerk 0-Lakk:32L WaiA,„ Diana Wilhite, Mayor Council Meeting: 07 -19 -05 Page 4 of 4 Approved by Council: 07 -26 -05 STORMWATER PROJECTS APPROVED REVISED BUDGET ESTIMATE Carnahan 10,800.00 CO (ADD DRAINAGE STRUCTURES) 5,245.41 Sherwood Forest 67,150.00 CO (ADO DRAINAGE STRUCTURES) 72,847.01 CO (ABANDON DRYWELLS) 1,237.66 CO (RE- GRADING ROADWAYS) 3,038.00 Mica Park 21, 380.00 CO (ADD DRAINAGE STRUCTURES) 35,398.98 Johnston 36,320.00 CO (ADD DRAINAGE STRUCTURES) 51,439.93 Edgerton 22;380.00 CO (ADD DRAINAGE STRUCTURES) 49,207.00 Parks Road 34,820.00 CO (ADD DRAINAGE STRUCTURES) 35,730.93 Orchard Avenue 30,240.00 CO (ADD DRAINAGE STRUCTURES) 36,736.44 Subtotal 223,090.00 290,881.36 Contingency (10 %) 22,309.00 29,088.14 Stormwater Fund 2005 Sewer Projects Budget Tracking 245,399.00 319,969.50 P:lPublic WorkslCapital ProjectslSewer Projects12004 Paveback- Stormwator Budget Trackng.xls 7/182005 4:38 PM Project Name: Carnahan - (CO - ADD DRAINAGE STRUCTURES) Item Flooding Items Description 1 Drywall, Type B (incl. backfill, filter fabric, frame & grate) 2 Catchbasin, Type 1 3 Metal Frame and Grate 4 Pipe, 10 -inch CPEP or Quantity Unit 1.0 EA 2.0 EA 2.0 EA 32.5 LF Unit Price $ 1,944.73 $ $ 714.95 $ $ 317.50 $ $ 25.38 $ SUBTOTAL of Flooding Area $ SUBTOTAL $ SALES TAX (8.5 %) $ Total 1,944.73 1,429.90 635.00 824.85 4,834.48 4,834.48 410.93 CARNAHAN TOTAL $ 5,245.41 I Project Name: Sherwood Forest - (CO - ADD DRAINAGE STRUCTURES) Item Failing Items Flooding Items Added Costs 1 Drywell, Type B (incl. backfill, filter fabric, frame & grate) 2 Catchbasin, Type 1 3 Metal Frame and Grate 4 Pipe, 10 -inch CPEP or HDPE 5 Type A Curb 6 Survey 1 Drywell, Type B (incl. backfill, filter fabric, frame & grate) 2 Catchbasin, Type 1 3 Metal Frame and Grate 4 Pipe, 10 -inch CPEP or HDPE 5 Connect to existing drywell 5 Rolled curb for driveways 6 Type A Curb 7 Survey 1 Construction Inspection Price inctudes hourly wage, benefits, vehicle and nuclear gauge Description Quantity Unit Unit Price Total 5 EA $ 7 EA $ 7 EA $ 240 LF $ 50 LF $ 6 EA $ 6 EA $ 1,995.25 $ 11,971.50 7 EA $ 745.95 $ 5,221.65 7 EA $ 317.50 $ 2,222.50 548 LF $ 25.38 $ 13,908.24 3 LF $ 300.00 $ 900.00 140 LF $ 1.88 $ 263.20 48 LF $ 21.75 $ 1,044.00 7 EA $ 150.00 $ 1,050.00 SUBTOTAL of Flooding Area $ 36,581.09 SUBTOTAL $ 62,080.19 SALES TAX (8.5 %) $ 5,276.82 122.00 HR $ 1,995.25 $ 9,976.25 745.95 $ 5,221.65 317.50 $ 2,222.50 25.38 $ 6,091.20 21.75 $ 1,087.50 150.00 $ 900.00 SUBTOTAL of Failing Items $ 25,499.10 45.00 $ 5,490.00 SHERWOOD FOREST TOTAL $ 72,847.01 I Project Name; Sherwood Forest - I CO ADD DRAINAGE STRUCTURES) (tern Flooding Items 1 Abandon Dryweli 2 Type A Curb 3 Concrete Driveway Description Quantity Unit Unit Price Total 2. EA $ 350.00 $ 10 LF $ - 21.75 $ 4 SY $ 55.80 $ SUBTOTAL of Flooding Area SUBTOTAL $ SALES TAX 10.5 %) $ 700.00 217,50 223.20 1 ,140.70 1,140,70 96.96 L_ HERWOOD FOREST TOTAL $ 1,237. Project Name: Sherwood Forest - (CO - ADD DRAINAGE STRUCTURES) Item Flooding Items 1 Re- grading Roadways Description Quantity Unit Unit Price Total 7 EA $ 400.00 $ SUBTOTAL of Flooding Area $ SUBTOTAL $ SALES TAX (8.5 %) $ 2,800.00 2,800.00 2,800.00 238.00 SHERWOOD FOREST TOTAL $ 3,038.00 1 Project Name: Mica Park (CO - ADD DRAINAGE STRUCTURES) Item Failing Items Flooding Items Added Costs Description 1 Drywell, Type B (incl. backfill, filter fabric, frame & grate) 2 Catchbasin, Type 1 w/ hooded metal frame and grate 3 Pipe, 10 -inch CPEP or HDPE 4 Type A Curb 5 Survey 1 Drywell, Type B (incl. backfill, filter fabric, frame & grate) 2 Catchbasin, Type 1 w/ hooded metal frame and grate 3 Pipe, 10 -inch CPEP or HDPE 4 Connect to existing drywell 5 Type A Curb 6 Survey 1 Construction Inspection Price includes hourly wage, benefits, vehicle and nuclear gauge Quantity Unit 2 EA 2 EA 60 LF 50 LF 5 EA 2 EA 4 EA 150 LF 5 LF 50 LF 5 EA 48.00 HR $ Unit Price $ 2,900.00 $ $ 1,260.00 $ $ 30.00 $ $ 21.75 $ $ 150.00 $ SUBTOTAL of Falling items $ $ 2,900.00 $ $ 1,260.00 $ $ 30.00 $ $ 300.00 $ $ 21.75 $ $• 150.00 $ SUBTOTAL of Flooding Area $ SUBTOTAL $ SALES TAX (8.5 %) $ Total 5,800.00 2,520.00 1,800.00 1,087.50 750.00 11,957.50 5,800.00 5,040.00 4,500.00 1,500.00 1,087.50 750.00 18,677.50 30,635.00 2,603.98 45.00 $ 2,160.00 1 MICA PARK TOTAL $ 35,398.98 I Project Name: Johnston (CO - ADD DRAINAGE STRUCTURES) Item Failing Items Flooding Items Added Costs Description 1 Drywell, Type 8 (incl. backfill, filter fabric, frame & grate) 2 Catchbasin, Type 1 3 Pipe, 10 -inch CPEP or HDPE 4 Survey 1 Drywell, Type B (incl. backfill, filter fabric, frame & grate)• 2 Catchbasin, Type 1 w/ Metal Frame and Grate 3 Pipe, 10 -inch CPEP or HDPE 4 Rolled Asphalt Curb 5 Survey 1 Construction Inspection Price includes hourly wage, benefits, vehicle and nuclear gauge Quantity Unit 3 EA 3 EA 40 LF 5 EA 3 EA $ 2,900.00 $ 7 EA $ 1,200.00 $ 300 LF $ 30.00 $ 1,600 LF $ 1.88 $ 6 EA $ 150.00 $ SUBTOTAL of Flooding Area $ SUBTOTAL $ SALES TAX (8.5 %) $ 76.00 HR $ Unit Price $ 2,900.00 $ $ 1,200.00 $ $ 30.00 $ $ 150.00 $ SUBTOTAL of Failing Items $ Total 8,700.00 3,600.00 1,200.00 750.00 14,250.00 8,700.00 8,400.00 9,000.00 3,008.00 900.00 30,008.00 44,258.00 3,761.93 45.00 $ 3,420.00 JOHNSTON TOTAL $ 51,439.93 1 Project Name: Edgerton (CO - ADD DRAINAGE STRUCTURES) Item Flooding Items Added Costs Description 1 Drywell, Type A (incl. backfill, filter fabric, frame & grate) 1 Drywell, Type B (incl. backfill, filter fabric, frame & grate) 2 Catchbasin, Type 1 3 Metal Frame and Grate 4 Pipe, 10 -inch CPEP or HDPE 5 Survey 1 Construction Inspection Price includes hourly wage, benefits, vehicle and nuclear gauge Quantity • Unit 2 EA $ 6 EA $ 16 EA $ 16 EA $ 360 LF $ 15 EA $ 76.00 HR $ Unit Price - 2,200.00 $ 2,450.00 $ 550.00 $ 350.00 $ 20.00 $ 100.00 $ SUBTOTAL of Flooding Area $ SUBTOTAL $ SALES TAX (8.5 %) $ Total 4,400.00 14,700.00 8,800.00 5,600.00 7,200.00 1,500.00 42,200.00 42,200.00 3,587.00 45.00 $ 3,420.00 1 EDGERTON FOREST TOTAL $ 49,207.00 1 Project Name: Parks Road (CO - ADD DRAINAGE STRUCTURES) Item Failing Items Flooding Items Added Costs Description 1 Drywell, Type B (incl. backfill, filter fabric, frame & grate) 2 Catchbasin, Type 1 3 Metal Frame and Grate 4 Pipe, 10 -inch CPEP or HDPE 5 Survey 1 Drywell, Type B (incl. backfill, filter fabric, frame & grate) 2 Catchbasin, Type 1 3 Metal Frame and Grate 4 Pipe, 10 -inch CPEP or HDPE 5 Survey 1 Construction Inspection Price includes hourly wage. benefits, vehicle and nuclear gauge Quantity Unit 2 EA $ 2 EA $ 4 EA $ 200 LF $ 5 EA $ - 3 EA $ 8 EA $ 8 EA $ 200 LF $ 5 EA $ 70.00 HR $ Unit Price 1,938.75 $ 672.32 $ 284.63 $ 21.74 $ 150.00 $ SUBTOTAL of Failing Items $ 1,938.75 $ 672.32 $ 284.63 $ 21.74 $ 150.00 $ SUBTOTAL of Flooding Area $ SUBTOTAL $ SALES TAX (8.5 %) $ Total 3,877.50 1,344.64 1,138.52 4,348.00 750.00 11,458.66 5,816.25 5,378.56 2,277.04 4,348.00 750.00 18,569.85 30,028.51 2,552.42 45.00 $ 3,150.00 1 PARKS ROAD TOTAL $ 35,730.93 I Project Name: Orchard Avenue (CO - ADD DRAINAGE STRUCTURES item Failing Items Flooding Items Added Costs Deseri +tion 1 Dryell, Type 3 (incl, backfill, filter fabric, frame & grate) 2 Catchbasin, Type 1 3 Metal Frame and Grate 4 Pipe, 10 -inch CPEP or HDPE 5 Survey 1 DrywaII, Type B (incl. backfill, filter fabric, frame & grate) 2 Catchba5in, Type 1 3 Metal Frame and Grate 4 Pipe, 10 -inch CPEP or HDPE 5 Survey 6 4" Asphalt Curb Inlet 1 Construction Inspection Price includes iiour9y wage, benefits, vehicle and nuclear gauge Chianti Unit 3 EA $ 6 EA $ 6 EA $ 120 LF $ 5 EA $ 2 EA 5 EA 5 . EA 140 LE 5 EA 4 EA Unit Price 2,456,35 $ 566.44 $ 365.16 $ 22.00 $ 150,00 $ SUBTOTAL of Fa fiki g Items $ 2,456.35 586.44 $ 85.16 22.00 150.00 $ 150.00 SUBTOTAL of Flooding Area SUBTOTAL SALES TAX (8.5%) Total 7,369.05 3,518.64 2,310.96 2,640.00 750.00 16,558.65 4,912.70 2,932,20 1,925.80 3,080.00 750,00 600.00 $ 14,200.70 30,789.35 $ 2,617.09 74.00 HR $ 45,00 $ 3,330.00 ORCHARD AVENUE ROAD TOTAL. $ 36,736.44 Mayor Wilhite called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m. Attendance: Councilmembers: Diana Wilhite, Mayor Rich Munson, Deputy Mayor Gary Schimmels, Councilmember Mike DeVleming, Councilmember Steve Taylor, Councilmember Dick Denenny, Councilmember Mike Flanigan, Councilmember EXECUTIVE SESSION: It was moved by Deputy Mayor Munson, seconded by Councilmember Denenny and unanimously agreed upon that Council go into Executive Session until approximately 7.•30 p.m., to discuss labor negotiations, with no action planned upon completion. Council adjourned into executive session. Mayor Wilhite declared Council out of executive session at 7:30 p.m. It was then moved by Mayor Wilhite, seconded by Councilmember Schimmels, and unanimously agreed upon to adjourn. The meeting • adjourned at 7:31 p.m. Glaistine Bainbridge, ity Clerk MINUTES City of Spokane Valley City Council Executive Session Monday, .June 20, 2005 Staff: Dave Mercier, City Manager Nina Rcgor, Deputy City Manager Cary Driskell, Deputy City Attorney Mike Jackson, Parks R Recreation Director bLaAtA WaTtz, Diana Wilhite, Mayor Council Minutes 06-20 -05 Page 1 of I