2014, 06-17 Budget Workshop AGENDA SPOKANE VALLEY CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING BUDGET Workshop Tuesday, June 17, 2014 8:30 n.m. —3:30 p.m. City Hall Council Chambers 11707 E. Sprague, Spokane Valley, Washington Please Silence Your Cell Phones During the Meeting WELCOME: Mayor Grafos Overview—Mike Jackson; Mark Calhoun See Supplemental Overview 1. Legislative—Mike Jackson; Council 2. General Government—Mark Calhoun 3. Executive and Legislative Support—Mike Jackson 4. City Attorney/Legal Support—Cary Driskell 5. Operations and Administration Services—Mike Jackson 6. Human Resources—John Whitehead 7. Finance and Information Technology—Mark Calhoun 8. Public Works--Eric Guth LUNCH BREAK 12:00—12:30 (Note. Council&Staff will move to the 2"d floor conference room for lunch, and reconvene back in the Council Chambers at 12.30 p.m.) 9. Public Safety • Spokane Valley Police Department—Rick VanLeuven; Morgan Koudelka. • Court,Jail and Other Public Safety Contracts--Morgan Koudelka; John Pietro 10. Parks and Recreation—Mike Stone 11. Community Development—John Hohman 12. Supplemental Budget Requests—Mark Calhoun 13. Potential Capital Projects—Mike Jackson; Mark Calhoun 14. Financial Objectives—Mike Jackson 15. Council Goals—Mike Jackson BRAINSTORMING Adjourn Note: There will be no public comments at Council Study Sessions or Workshops. During meetings held by the City of Spokane Valley Council, the Council reserves the right to take"action"on any item listed or subsequently added to the agenda. The term"action"means to deliberate,discuss,review,consider,evaluate,or make a collective positive or negative decision. NOTICE: Individuals planning to attend the meeting who require special assistance to accommodate physical,hearing,or other impairments, please contact the City Clerk at(509)921-1000 as soon as possible so that arrangements may be made. Workshop Agenda 06-17-14 Page 1 of 1 2015 Budget Workshop Overview 1. Preview of workshop Budget Worksheets, General direction from council 2. Summary of General Fund Based on City Hall Construction 3. Discussion of Sales Tax Forecast 4. Summary of Construction Projects in Capital Funding on list 5. City Hall requires: All funds on Capital Funding List not currently allocated to future projects will go toward City Hall Major commitment in general fund to meet obligations Careful consideration of Supplemental requests. 6. July 2012 City Hall Construction Cost Analysis P:11.General GovernancelBudge112015 BudgetiFinance Dept\budget summary 2014 0617 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY,WA 6110/2014 General Fund#001 2015 Budget 2015 2014 Proposed $ % Budget Budget Inc(Dec) Inc(Dec) (RECURRING ACTIVITY Revenues Property Tax 11,049,400 11,227,100 177.700 1.61% Sales Tax 16,390,000 17,546,600 1,156 600 7.06% Sales Tax-Criminal Justice 1,330,000 1,462,900 132 900 9.99% Sales Tax-Public Safety 745,000 817,100 72 100 9.68% Gambling Tax and Leasehold Excise Tax 617,400 535,100 (82,300) -13.33% Franchise Fees/Business Registration 1,213,000 1,238,000 25,000 2.06% State Shared Revenues 1,886,500 1,769,800 (1161700) -6.19% Fines and Forfeitures/Public Safety 1,470,800 1,507,100 36,300 2.47% Community Development 1,255,400 1,325,100 691700 5.55% Recreation Program Revenues 579,800 567,500 (12,300) -2.12% Miscellaneous Department Revenue 85,500 95,900 10,400 12.16% Miscellaneous&Investment Interest 117,600 131,200 131600 11.56% Transfer-in -#101 (street admin) 39,700 39,700 0 0.00% Transfer-In -#105 ON tax-CP advertising) 30,000 30,000 0 0.00% Transfer-in -#402(storm admin) 13,400 13,400 0 0.00% Total Recurring Revenues 36,823,500 38,306,500 1,483,000 4.03% Expenditures City Council 414,950 513,114 98,164 23.66% City Manager 660,843 685,670 24,827 3.76% Legal 448,922 481,839 12,917 2.88% Public Safety 23,384,643 24,153,492 768,849 3.29% Deputy City Manager 653,215 670,494 17,279 2.65% Finance/IT 1,180,659 1,218,813 38,154 3.23% Human Resources 237,883 241,317 3,434 1.44% Public Works 882,694 921,914 39,220 4.44%n Community&Economic Development-Admin. 290,883 261,094 (29,789) -10.24% Community&Economic Development-Econ C 0 204,547 204,547 #DIV101 Community&Economic Development-Engine 807,114 702,808 (104,306) -12.92% - 78,722 Community&Economic Development-Plannir 928,906 823,930 (104,976) -11.30% 2.39% Community&Economic Development-Buildin 1,267,656 1,380,902 113,246 8.93% Parks&Rec-Administration 274,743 286,947 12,204 4.44% Parks&Rec-Maintenance 796,200 824,642 28,442 3.57% Parks&Rec-Recreation 229,152 226,174 (2,978) -1.30% _ 41,726 Parks&Rec-Aquatics 490,400 496,200 5,800 1.18% 1.54% Parks&Rec-Senior Center 89,882 91,986 2,103 2.34% Parks&Rec-CenterPlace 828,842 824,997 (3,845) -0.46% Pavement Preservation 888,823 890,000 1,177 0.13%1 General Government 1,741,600 1,741,200 (400) -0.02% 777 Transfers out-#502(insurance premum) 325,000 325,000 0 0,00% 0.03% Bond pmt>$434,600 lease payment 0 67,600 67,600 4DIV/01 City Hall O&M costs 0 271,700 271,700 #DIV/01 Total Recurring Expenditures 36,823,010 38,286,379 1,463,369 3.97% Recurring Revenues Over(Under) Recurring Expenditures 490 20,121 NONRECURRING ACTIVITY Revenues n/a 0 0 0 #DIVf01 Total Nonrecurring Revenues 0 0 0 #DIVf01 Expenditures i Transfers out-#309(park grant match) 192,500 100,000 (92,500) -48.05% General Government-IT capital replacements 0 145,000 145,000 #D1V101 Law Enforcement Contingency 350,000 0 (350,000) -100.00% Public Works{autocad licenses) 8,800 0 (8,600) -100.00% Parks&Recreation(CP chairs) 11,350 0 (11,350) -100.00% Public Safety(precinct improvements) 24,000 0 (24,000) -100.00% Total Nonrecurring Expenditures 586,650 245,000 (341,550) -68.24% Nonrecurring Revenues Over(Under) Nonrecurring Expenditures (586,650) (245,000) Excess(Deficit)of Total Revenues Over(Under)Total Expenditures (585,160) (224,879) Beginning unrestricted fund balance 23,396,459 22,810,299 Ending unrestricted fund balance 22,810,299— 22,585,420 Ending fund balance as a percent of recurring expenditures=I 58.99% Note: 2014 Nonrecurring expenses will increase by$2.4 million in a future budget amendment as a result of transferring the 2012 fund balance amount in excess of 50%. Recurring Expenditures Public Safety 23,384,643 24,153,492 768,849 3.29% 63.09% All other departments 13,438,367 14,132,887 694,520 5.17% 36.91% 36,823,010 38,286,379 1,463,369 3.97% 100.00% 001 P:11. General GovernancelBudget12015 Budget\Finance Dept1001 compare 2014 and 2015 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY,WA 2015 Budget General Fund Department Changes from 2014 to 2015 Difference Between 2014 and 2015 2014 2015 Increase (Decrease) Budget Budget $ % City Council Wages, Payroll Taxes & Benefits 210,658 214,379 3,721 1.77% Supplies 4,192 4,550 358 8.54% Services& Charges 200,100 294,185 94,085 47.02% Total 414,950 513,114 98,164 23.66% City Manager Wages, Payroll Taxes& Benefits 596,300 620,480 24,180 4.06% Supplies 3,350 3,350 0 0.00% Services& Charges 61,193 61,840 647 1.06% Total 660,843 685,670 24,827 3.76% Legal Wages, Payroll Taxes & Benefits 367,812 379,917 12,105 3.29% Supplies 2,400 2,540 140 5.83% Services & Charges 78,710 79,382 672 0.85% Total 448,922 461,839 12,917 2.88% Public Safety Non-Departmental (Fines & Forfeits) 764,500 733,500 (31,000) (4.05%) Wages/Payroll Taxes/Benefits 3,500 3,800 300 8.57% Supplies 27,000 28,000 1,000 3.70% Other Services and Charges 671,450 492,650 (178,800) (26.63%) Intergovernmental Services 21,918,193 22,895,542 977,349 4.46% Total 23,384,643 24,153,492 768,849 3.29% Deputy City Manager Wages, Payroll Taxes & Benefits 590,025 606,669 16,644 2.82% Supplies 2,050 2,500 450 21.95% Services&Charges 61,140 61,325 185 0.30% Total 653,215 670,494 17,279 2.65% Finance/IT Wages, Payroll Taxes & Benefits 1,151,059 1,189,917 38,858 3.38% Supplies 7,000 6,000 (1,000) (14.29%) Services & Charges 22,600 22,896 296 1.31% Total 1,180,659 1,218,813 38,154 3.23% Human Resuorces Wages, Payroll Taxes & Benefits 214,905 218,109 3,204 1.49% Supplies 700 700 0 0.00% Services & Charges 22,278 22,508 230 1.03% Total 237,883 241,317 3,434 1.44% Public Works Wages, Payroll Taxes & Benefits 799,369 834,363 34,994 4.38% Supplies 19,500 19,000 (500) (2.56%) Services& Charges 63,825 68,551 4,726 7.40% Total 882,694 921,914 39,220 4.44% (Continued to next page) I Page 1 of 3 P:\1. General GovernancelBudget12015 BudgetlFinance Dept1001 compare 2014 and 2015 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA 2015 Budget General Fund Department Changes from 2014 to 2015 Difference Between 2014 and 2015 2014 2015 Increase (Decrease) Budget Budget $ % (Continued from previous page) Community Dev,-Admin Wages, Payroll Taxes & Benefits 232,683 237,394 4,711 2.02% Supplies 3,100 3,100 0 0.00% Services & Charges 55,100 20,600 (34,500) (62.61%) Total 290,883 261,094 (29,789) (10.24%) Community Dev.-Economic Development Wages, Payroll Taxes& Benefits 0 181,047 181,047 #DIV/0! Supplies 0 1,000 1,000 #DIV/01 Services& Charges 0 22,500 22,500 #DIV/0! Total 0 204,547 204,547 #DIV/0! Community Dev.-Engineering Wages, Payroll Taxes & Benefits 709,964 639,658 (70,306) (9.90%) Supplies 9,800 9,800 0 0.00% Services&Charges 87,350 53,350 (34,000) (38.92%) Total 807,114 702,808 (104,306) (12.92%) Community Dev.-Planning Wages, Payroll Taxes & Benefits 777,356 584,780 (192,576) (24.77%) Supplies 11,250 11,250 0 0.00% Services & Charges 140,300 227,900 87,600 62.44% Total 928,906 823,930 (104,976) (11.30%) Community Dev.-Building Wages, Payroll Taxes& Benefits 1,136,956 1,288,902 151,946 13.36% Supplies 28,200 28,200 0 0.00% Services & Charges 102,500 63,800 (38,700) (37.76%) Total 1,267,656 1,380,902 113,246 8.93% Parks & Rec-Admin Wages, Payroll Taxes & Benefits 222,343 228,697 6,354 2.86% Supplies 8,450 8,450 0 0.00% Services & Charges 43,950 49,800 5,850 13.31% Total 274,743 286,947 12,204 4.44% 1 Parks & Rec-Maintenance Wages, Payroll Taxes& Benefits 0 0 0 #DIV/0! Supplies 10,000 20,000 10,000 100.00% Services & Charges 786,200 804,642 18,442 _ 2.35% Total 796,200 824,642 28,442 3.57% Parks & Rec- Recreation Wages, Payroll Taxes & Benefits 156,702 153,924 (2,778) (1.77%) Supplies 5,350 7,750 2,400 44.86% Services & Charges 67,100 64,500 (2,600) (3.87%) Total 229,152 226,174 (2,978) (1.30%) (Continued to next page) Page 2 of 3 P:11. General GovernancelBudget12015 Budget\Finance Dept1001 compare 2014 and 2015 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA 2015 Budget General Fund Department Changes from 2014 to 2015 Difference Between 2014 and 2015 2014 2015 Increase (Decrease) Budget Budget $ % -(Continued from previous page) Parks& Rec-Aquatics Wages, Payroll Taxes & Benefits 0 0 0 #DIV/0! Supplies 2,500 7,200 4,700 188.00% Services & Charges 487,900 489,000 1,100 0.23% Total 490,400 496,200 5,800 1.18% Parks & Rec- Senior Center Wages, Payroll Taxes & Benefits 81,682 84,285 2,603 3.19% Supplies 2,500 2,500 0 0.00% Services & Charges 5,700 5,200 (500) (8.77%) Total 89,882 91,985 2,103 2.34% Parks & Rec- CenterPlace Wages, Payroll Taxes & Benefits 420,115 435,609 15,494 3.69% Supplies 64,187 66,963 2,776 4.32% Services & Charges 344,540 322,425 (22,115) (6.42%) Total 828,842 824,997 (3,845) (0.46%) Pavement Preservation Council Designation 888,823 _ 890,000 1,177 0.13% Total 888,823 890,000 1,177 0.13% General Government Wages, Payroll Taxes & Benefits 0 0 0 #DIV/0! Supplies 77,400 70,650 (6,750) (8.72%) Services & Charges 1,301,300 1,292,550 (8,750) (0.67%) Intergovernmental Services 269,600 300,500 30,900 11.46% Capital outlays 93,300 77,500 (15,800) (16.93%) Total 1,741,600 1,741,200 (400) (0.02%) Transfers out-#502 325,000 325,000 0 0.00% Total recurring expenditures 36,823,010 37,947,079 1,124,069 3.05% Summary by Category Wages, Payroll Taxes& Benefits 7,671,429 7,901,930 49,154 3.00% Supplies 288,929 303,503 12,574 5.04% Services&Charges 4,603,236 4,519,604 72,668 (1.82%) Pavement Preservation 888,823 890,000 1,177 0.13% Transfers out-#502 325,000 325,000 0 0.00% Non-Departmental (fines &forfeits) 764,500 733,500 (31,000) (4.05%) Intergovernmental Svc (public safety) 21,918,193 22,895,542 300 4.46% Intergovernmental Svc 269,600 300,500 1,000 11.46% Capital outlay 93,300 77,500 (178,800) (16.93%) 36,823,010 37,947,079 (72,927) 3.05% Page 3 of 3 P:11.General GovernancelBudget12015 Budget\Finance Deptlbudget summary 2014 06 17 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA 6/10/2014 Street Fund#101 2015 Budget 2015 2014 Proposed $ 4 Budget Budget Inc(Dec) Inc(Dec) RECURRING ACTIVITY Revenues Motor Vehicle Fuel(Gas)Tax 1,858,600 1,865,000 6,400 0.34% Investment Interest 3,000 3,000 0 0.00% Utility Tax 2,750,000 2,560,000 (190,000) -6.91% Miscellaneous Revenue 0 10,000 10,000 #DIVJOI Total Recurring Revenues 4,611,600 4,438,000 (173,600) -3.76% Expenditures Wages/Benefits/Payroll Taxes 627,288 677,297 50,009 7.97% Supplies 91,500 111,500 20,000 21.86% Services&Charges 2,167,201 2,122,808 (44,393) -2.05% Snow Operations 520,000 520,000 0 0.00% Intergovernmental Payments 798,000 748,000 (50,000) -6.27% Interfund Transfers-out-#001 39,700 39,700 0 0.00% Interfund Transfers-out-#311 (pavementpreservr 282,000 206,618 (75,382) -26.73% Interfund Transfers-out-#501 (plow replace.) 75,000 0 (75,000) -100.00% Interfund Transfers-out-#501 (non-plow vehicle 10,777 12,077 1,300 12.06% Total Recurring Expenditures 4,611,466 4,438,000 (173,466) -3.76% Recurring Revenues Over(Under) Recurring Expenditures 134 0 NONRECURRING ACTIVITY 11 Revenues N/A 0 0 0 #DIV101 N/A 0 0 0 #DIV10! Total Nonrecurring Revenues 0 0 0 #DJV10! Expenditures Pavement marking grinder 0 8,000 8,000 #DIV/0! Patch trailer 30,000 0 (30,000) -100.00% Hawk signal 25,000 0 (25,000) -100.00% Software 6,750 0 (6,750) -100.00% Transfers out-#501 (new pickup) 15,000 0 (15,000) -10006% Total Nonrecurring Expenditures 76,750 8,000 (68,750) -89.58% Nonrecurring Revenues Over(Under) Nonrecurring Expenditures (76,750) (8,000) Excess(Deficit)of Total Revenues Over(Under)Total Expenditures (76,616) (8,000) Beginning fund balance 2,063,234 >j 1,986,618 Ending fund balance 1,986,618✓ 1,978,618 101 P:11. General Governance\Budget12015 Budget\Finance Deptlbudget summary 2014 06 17 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA 6/10/2014 Solid Waste Fund #106 2015 Budget 2015 Budget Revenues Sunshine administrative fee 125,000 CO Road maintenance fee 0 Total Revenues 125,000 Expenditures Education/Contract Administration/General Fund reimbursement 125,000 Total Expenditures 125,000 Revenues over(under) expenditures 0 Beginning fund balance 0 Ending fund balance 0 (1) The Road Maintenance Fee will be paid by Sunshine at the rate of$1 per ton for each ton in excess of 45,500 tons in a single calendar year. Payment will be made to the City by March 31st of the year following the calendar year being measured. Assuming the total tonnage for 2015 is inexcess of 45,500 in 2015 we would expect our first payment by March 31, 2016. 106 P:11.General Governance\Budget12015 Budget\Finance Dept\budget summary 2014 05 17 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA 6/10/2014 Stormwater Fund#402 2015 Budget 2015 2014 Proposed S0/0 Budget Budget Inc(Dec) -Inc(Dec) RECURRING ACTIVITY Revenues Stormwater Management Fees 1,835,000 1,869,000 34,000 1.85% Investment Interest 2,500 2,000 (500) -20.00% Miscellaneous 0 0 0 #DIV/01 Total Recurring Revenues 1,837,500 1,871,000 33,500 1.82% Expenditures Wages/Benefits/Payroll Taxes 505,535 488,101 (17,434) -3.45% Supplies 15,900 15,900 0 0.00% Services&Charges 1,065,576 1,089,301 23,725 2.23% Intergovernmental Payments 26,000 42,000 16,000 61.54% Interfund Transfers-out-#001 13,400 13,400 0 0-00% Interfund Transfers•out-#501 1,567 4,167 2,600 165.92% Total Recurring Expenditures 11627,978 1,652,869 24,891 1.53% Recurring Revenues Over(Under) Recurring Expenditures 209,522 218,131 NONRECURRING ACTIVITY Revenues Grant Proceeds 0 0 0 #DIV/Ot Miscellaneous 0 0 0 #DIV10t Total Nonrecurring Revenues 0 0 0 #DIV101 Expenditures Capital-various projects 900,000 600,000 (300,000) -33.33% VMS Trailer 16,000 16,000 0 0.00% Property acquisition 250,000 0 (250,000) -100,00% Transfers out-#501 (new pickup) 30,000 0 (30,000) -100.00% Total Nonrecurring Expenditures 1,196,000 616,000 (580,000) -48.49% Nonrecurring Revenues Over(Under) Nonrecurring Expenditures (1,196,000) (616,000) Excess(Deficit)of Total Revenues Over(Under)Total Expenditures (986,478) (397,869) Beginning working capital 2,342,556 . 1,356,078 Ending working capital 9,356,078 958,209 402 TAB 1/1: Legislative Spokane 2013-19 Amended Legislative Agenda The following is the City of Spokane Valley's 2013-2014 legislative agenda, adopted by Council at their December 18, 2012 Council meeting, and amended by Council Consensus at their December 10,2013 meeting: Apple;vay Trail Project Seek$2,000,000 in funding in the 2015-2017 Capital Budget for the development of Phase II of the former Milwaukie Railroad right-of-way as a unique, two-mile green space and trail in the heart of Spokane Valley's commercial district. The project is expected to increase use of the commercial corridor, benefitting the economy and creating new jobs. The project will provide a much needed route for non-motorized travel along Spokane Valley's principle east-west commercial arterial, connecting the Spokane Transit Authority Transit Center, business districts, schools, and medium-high density housing. Community members have been actively involved in development of a Conceptual Design for the project, which includes: a paved trail, plazas, play spaces and gathering places, public art, perennial gardens, space for community gardens, mountain bike trail, and lighting and safety crossings. The current cost estimate for the two-mile portion of Phase II of the Appleway Trail Project (University to Evergreen) is $2,692,320. Spokane Valley has received grant funding in the amount of $642,852 from Spokane Regional Transportation Council in their last Call for Projects. The design drawings are 90%complete. In 2008, the City constructed Phase I which included 1.2 miles of pathway from Corbin Road to the east City limits. If successful in this funding request, the City would construct Phase II as described above. Phase III would consist of two miles of trail from Evergreen Road to Corbin Road. The total funds required to complete Phase II and Phase III are estimated at $5,286,000. Protect the Local-State Shared Revenues The City of Spokane Valley encourages the state to preserve local state-shared revenues, and restore funding to those accounts revised and reduced during the last legislative session. These funds include the Liquor Excise Tax Account, Liquor Board Profits, Streamlined Sales Tax Mitigation, Municipal Criminal Justice Assistance Account, and City-County Assistance Account. In 2013, the Legislature permanently reduced local Liquor Excise Tax distributions to cities. In Spokane Valley, this resulted in approximately a 75% reduction ($437,486 in 2011 to $108,900 in 2014). The Legislature also capped the local government share of Liquor Board Profits at a fixed rate. The City supports restoring shared Liquor Excise Tax revenues; restoring growth in local Liquor Board Profits so that cities can share in the increasing liquor revenues; and, protecting and maintaining funding to other state-share revenue accounts. The City also requests consideration for receiving shared revenues in any and all new state programs where the City would have operating, enforcement, or financial obligations associated with the activities of these new programs. Additional Lien Authority to Recoup Code Enforcement Costs The City of Spokane Valley seeks legislation to provide cities with additional tools to recoup costs for enforcing code compliance when a court order has been issued and a city performs the abatement itself or through a contractor. The legislation would provide cities with the same authority that counties currently have to impose a priority lien on the property, and would also authorize cities to collect such liens on the following year's property tax assessment. Long Range Legislative Agenda item Transportation Project—Barker Road/J3NSF Grade Separation The City of Spokane Valley supports identifying future funding opportunities for the Barker Road/BNSF Grade Separation project. As the state experiences an increase in rail traffic, this particular intersection will become increasingly congested and dangerous.This project will separate vehicle traffic from train traffic and remove the at-grade rail crossing.The total anticipated cost is $26 million. The City has secured$5.2 million from the Washington State Freight Mobility Strategic Investment Board and the project has been identified as regionally significant by the Inland Pacific Hub Study. Long-term, the City is seeking $2lmillion in future funding for the Barker Road/BNSF Grade Separation. Additional benefits include: Improve the Level of Service (LOS) of'F' at this intersection, allowing for new development in the industrial-zoned portion of the City; improve emergency access; and help to address concerns about coal trains, including impeded traffic flow, increased whistle noise, and train-vehicle conflict safety. The City supports the Association of Washington Cities'legislative agenda items that serve the best interests of Spokane Valley. P:\1.General Governance\Budget\2015 Budget\City Manager Dept\CM DCM Ops budget worksheets 2015 001 General Fund 011 City Council Budget Reduction Exercise (Does not reflect recommended course of action) 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2015 Budget with 2015 Bud et-Line Item Changes Actual Actual Actual Budget Proposed 3% 6% 9% 3% 6% 9% Budget Reduction Reduction Reduction Reduction Reduction Reduction Wages/Pavroll Taxes/Benefits 000.511.60.10.00 Wages 62,307 65,700 64,950 65,700 65,700 65,700 65,700 65,700 0 0 0 000.511.60.20.00 Payroll Taxes and Benefits 79,082 99,871 109,941 144,958 148,679 148,679 148,679 148,679 0 0 0 141,389 165,571 174,891 210,658 214,379 214,379 214,379 214,379 0 0 0 Supplies 000.511.60.31.01 Office&Operating Supplies 1,889 2,533 1,891 2,000 1,800 500 500 250 (1,300) (1,300) (1,550) 000.511.60.31.03 Publications 80 50 109 250 250 0 0 0 (250) (250) (250) 000.511.60.31.05 Meeting Supplies 500 1,022 1,577 1,442 2,000 500 500 150 (1,500) (1,500) (1,850) 000.511.60.31.06 Safety Equipment 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000.511.60.35.01 Small Tools&Minor Equipment 1,046 0 0 500 500 0 0 0 (500) (500) (500) 3,515 3,605 3,577 4,192 4,550 1,000 1,000 400 (3,550) (3,550) (4,150) Other Services&Charges 000.511.60.41.05 Professional Services-St.Lobbyist 37,850 38,602 38,124 38,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 0 0 0 000.511.60.41.06 Professional Srvcs.-Fed.Lobbyist 0 0 0 0 92,400 92,400 92,400 92,400 0 0 0 000.511.60.41.13 Professional Services-Broadcasting 0 33,814 27,032 42,000 42,000 42,000 42,000 42,000 0 0 0 000.511.60.41.17 Advertising 378 858 1,011 500 500 0 0 0 (500) (500) (500) 000.511.60.42.01 Postage 111 276 898 2,200 2,000 500 500 0 (1,500) (1,500) (2,000) 000.511.60.42.03 Cell Phones 3,479 3,780 3,729 3,800 3,800 3,800 3,800 3,800 0 0 0 000.511.60.43.11 Travel/Mileage Position 1 1,809 1,308 799 4,200 4,030 3,100 1,550 100 (930) (2,480) (3,930) 000.511.60.43.12 Travel/Mileage Position 2 471 4,137 2,323 4,200 4,030 3,100 1,550 100 (930) (2,480) (3,930) 000.511.60.43.13 Travel/Mileage Position 3 423 4,892 4,217 4,200 4,030 3,100 1,550 100 (930) (2,480) (3,930) 000.511.60.43.14 Travel/Mileage Position 4 7,378 1,723 2,268 4,200 4,030 3,100 1,550 100 (930) (2,480) (3,930) 000.511.60.43.15 Travel/Mileage Position 5 173 1,302 1,304 4,200 4,030 3,100 1,550 100 (930) (2,480) (3,930) 000.511.60.43.16 Travel/Mileage Position 6 1,531 707 1,270 4,200 4,030 3,100 1,550 100 (930) (2,480) (3,930) 000.511.60.43.17 Travel/Mileage Position 7 7,354 3,396 1,594 4,200 4,030 3,100 1,550 100 (930) (2,480) (3,930) 000.511.60.48.02 Copier Maintenance 3,926 2,936 2,786 4,200 3,500 3,500 3,500 3,500 0 0 0 000.511.60.48.03 Software Licenses and Maintenance 0 0 0 500 475 475 0 0 0 (475) (475) 000.511.60.49.01 Subscriptions 50 0 106 100 300 0 0 0 (300) (300) (300) 000.511.60.49.02 Memberships 67,723 67,655 67,953 68,400 70,000 69,450 69,450 69,450 (550) (550) (550) 000.511.60.49.03 Printing&Binding 26 50 41 500 500 0 0 0 (500) (500) (500) 000.511.60.49.11 Registrations Position 1 1,074 570 851 1,500 1,500 1,200 600 50 (300) (900) (1,450) 000.511.60.49.12 Registrations Position 2 945 870 691 1,500 1,500 1,200 600 50 (300) (900) (1,450) 000.511.60.49.13 Registrations Position 3 775 1,635 1,621 1,500 1,500 1,200 600 50 (300) (900) (1,450) 000.511.60.49.14 Registrations Position 4 1,310 828 395 1,500 1,500 1,200 600 50 (300) (900) (1,450) 000.511.60.49.15 Registrations Position 5 405 490 530 1,500 1,500 1,200 600 50 (300) (900) (1,450) 000.511.60.49.16 Registrations Position 6 570 710 1,370 1,500 1,500 1,200 600 50 (300) (900) (1,450) 000.511.60.49.17 Registrations Position 7 2,051 1,280 420 1,500 1,500 1,200 600 50 (300) (900) (1,450) 139,812 171,819 161,333 200,100 294,185 282,225 266,700 252,200 (11,960) (27,485) (41,985) Total City Council 284,716 340,995 339,801 414,950 513,114 497,604 482,079 466,979 (15,510) (31,035) (46,135) Total budget increase= 23.66% (3.02%) (6.05%) (8.99%) Combined nonpayroll increase= 46.23% P:\1. General Governance\Budget\2015 Budget\City Manager Dept\CM DCM Ops budget worksheets 2015 General Fund 2015 City Council -Detail Proposed Budget Salaries&Wages 65,700 Payroll Taxes and Benefits 148,679 Office & Operating Supplies 1,800 Paper, pens, files,folders,Workshop binders, ink cart., clips, sticky notes, labels. Publications 250 Liberty Lake Splash$50; Spokesman Review$200 Meeting Supplies 2,000 Workshops(2) $1000; Coffee$200;Water$200 Soda$200; Misc. $400 Small Tools & Minor Equipment 500 Eg: printer or new chair Professional Services 40,000 Lobbyist-Washington State Professional Services 92,400 Lobbyist-Federal Professeional Services 42,000 Broadcasting-Council Meetings Granicus $8400; Spokane Courier$1000; Twisted Pair record/broadcast$2.00/minute---48 mtgs @ 4.5 to 5.5 hours recording time$31,680 Advertising 500 Lodging Tax Adivisory Notifications; Outside Agency Funding Notifications Postage 2,000 New Business Letters, etc. Cell Phones 3,800 $540/mo X7 Travel/Mileage ($4,030 ea x 7 positions -Choose from the 28,210 following and/or share funds between eachother- Registration costs additional and noted below) DC trips-Air, lodging, meals National League of Cities (Spring) 2,500 National League of Cities (Fall) 5,000 Assoc.Wash. Cities Annual Conf. 1,000 Assoc.Wash. Cities Legislative Conf 1,000 Mileage- local average of all 4,800 Copier Maintenance 3,500 Cost of copies annually Software Licenses and Maintenance 475 Subscriptions 300 Spokesman Review; The Splash Memberships (dues determined by population size) 70,000 Assoc. Wash. Cities 7,500 National League of Cities 62,500 Printing & Binding 500 Letterhead, business cards, engraving Registrations ($1,500 ea x 7 positions - choose from the 10,500 following:) Page 1 of 2 P:11. General GovernancelBudget12015 BudgetlCity Manager Dept\CM DCM Ops budget worksheets 2015 General Fund ; 2015 City Council -Detail Proposed Budget National League of Cities-2 events; Assoc. of Wash. Cities-2 events Chamber meetings Convention Visitors Bureau GSI Total: 513,114 Page 2 of 2 P:\1.General Governance\Budget12015 Budget\Finance Dept\GenGov budget worksheets 2015 Tab/I 2: General Government 001 General Fund 090 General Government Budget Reduction Exercise (Does not reflect recommended course of action) 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2015 Budget with _ 2015 Budget-Line Item Changes Actual Actual Actual Budget Proposed 3% 6% 9% 3% 6% 9% Budget Reduction Reduction Reduction Reduction Reduction Reduction Recurring f Supplies 000.517.90.20.01 Employee Recognition&Safety Program 1,694 347 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000.511.60.35.01 PEG COSV Small tools&Minor Equip 0 329 336 100 500 500 500 500 0 0 0 010.513.10.31.01 Supplies-10th Anniversary 0 257 3,818 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000.514.81.31.02 Business Registrations 1,292 1,288 293 2,000 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 0 0 0 000.517.90.31.04 Employee Recognition/Safety Program 25 0 1,938 3,000 3,000 3,000 0 0 0 (3,000) (3,000) 000.518.85.31.01 Office&Operating Supplies 0 158 161 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000.518.85.35.01 Small Tools&Minor Equipment 1,629 8,081 4,114 2,500 2,600 2,600 2,600 2,600 0 0 0 000.518.85.35.03 Non Capital Office Furniture&Equipment 0 526 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000.518.85.35.11 Computer Hardware-Non Capital 1 0 0 35,165 23,000 27,250 27,250 27,250 27,250 0 0 0 000.518.85.35.12 Computer Software-Non Capital r 0 0 6,519 31,800 20,800 20,800 20,800 20,800 0 0 0 000.518.85.48.04 Non Capital Computer Software/Hardware 35,941 22,568 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000.518.90.32.01 Fuel 763 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000.519.60.31.01 Office&Operating Supplies 9,229 7,496 11,089 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 0 0 0 50,573 41,050 63,436 77,400 70,650 70,650 67,650 67,650 0 (3,000) (3,000) Other Services&Charges 000.511.60.41.01 Broadcasting Council Meeting 45,725 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000.513.10.41.05 Professional Services-Misc Studies 0 0 87,229 150,000 150,000 150,00D 100,000 100,000 0 (50,000) (50,000) 000.514.23.41.01 Accounting&Auditing 68,336 69,161 70,119 90,000 80,000 80,000 80,000 80,000 0 0 0 000.514.23.41.41 Uncollectible Accounts Expense 2,054 2,288 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000.514.23.49.09 Petty Cash Reimbursement 11 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000.518.10.41.17 Advertising 169 0 12,030 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000.518.10.42.01 Postage 3,626 3,993 1,168 5,000 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 0 0 0 000.518.10.42.02 Telephone/11)SL Service 23,845 29,196 9,088 18,500 17,000 17,000 17,000 17,000 0 0 0 000.518.10.42.03 Cell Phones 0 0 1,561 0 1,600 1,600 1,600 1,600 0 0 0 000.518.10.42.08 Internet Service 0 0 13,994 18,100 12,500 12,500 12,500 12,500 0 0 0 000.518.10.49.00 City Wide Records Management 3,300 3,610 0 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 0 0 0 000.518.20.45.01 City Hall Rent 461,208 478,324 425,246 416,000 430,000 430,000 430,000 430,000 0 0 0 000.518.30.48.01 Facility Repairs&Maintenance 381 583 1,430 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 0 0 0 000.518.75.48.01 Equip Repair&Maint-Hardware Support 25,680 23,083 23,457 36,500 35,200 35,200 35,200 35,200 0 0 D 000.518.85.41.03 IT Support 96,059 75,225 71,221 28,500 33,800 33,800 33,800 33,800 0 0 0 000.518.85.48.03 Software Licenses&Maintenance 68,706 70,737 90,502 78,600 76,650 76,650 76,650 76,650 0 0 0 000.518.90.45.03 Equipment Rental 0 0 3,300 0 3,300 3,300 3,300 3,300 0 0 D 000.518.90.49.01 PEG Reimburse-CMN 28,988 12,305 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000.518.90.49.03 Printing&Binding 0 343 432 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000.518.90.49.06 Miscellaneous Services 10,872 7,045 5,938 15,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 0 0 0 000.519.90.41.01 Merchant Charges(Bankcard Fees) 9,927 1,492 1,347 2,500 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 0 0 0 000.519.90.41.15 EECBG Utilities Partnering Program 12,947 20,383 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000.548.66.45.01 Vehicle Rental 4,130 7,000 1,559 7,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 0 0 0 000.548.66.45.05 General Operating Leases:Computer 45,559 52,842 41,039 39,600 42,000 42,000 42,000 42,000 0 0 0 000.550.00.41.00 Economic Development-Site Selector 9,179 9,197 8,813 11,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 0 0 0 000.550.00.41.05 Prof.Svc.-Economic Devel.(WS Agency) 83,352 100,340 89,041 82,500 88,000 88,000 88,000 38,000 0 0 (50,000) 000.558.70.41.17 City Economic Development 1,375 88,230 202,430 200,000 200,000 200,000 161,000 150,000 0 (39,000) (50,000) 000.560,10.41.05 Prof.Svc.-Social Services(0/S Agency) 67,961 49,095 55,809 67,500 62,000 62,000 62,000 27,000 0 0 (35,00D) 000.566.10.41.05 Alcohol Treatment:Liquor Excise Tax 8,750 4,516 1,213 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000.566.10.41.06 Alcohol Treatment:Liquor Profits 12,512 17,977 16,279 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 0 0 0 Page 1 of 3 P:\1.General Governance\Budget\2015 Budget\Finance Dept\GenGov budget worksheets 2015 001 General Fund 090 General Government Budget Reduction Exercise (Does not reflect recommended course of action) 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2015 Budget with 2015 Bud et-Line Item Changes Actual Actual Actual Budget Proposed 3% 6% 9% 3% 6% 9% Budget Reduction Reduction Reduction_ Reduction Reduction Reduction 000.588.80.00.00 Prior Period Adjustment 0 (119,334) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,094,652 1,007,631 1,234,245 1,301,300 1,292,550 1,292,550 1,203,550 1,107,550 0 (89,000) (185,000) Intergovernmental Services 000.514.40.51.01 Election Costs 50,184 0 85,304 57,000 86,000 86,000 86,000 86,000 0 0 0 000.514.90.51.03 Voter Registration 79,252 86,132 87,964 87,000 90,000 90,000 90,000 90,000 0 0 0 000.518.90.44.03 Taxes and assessments 8,536 6,006 7,278 8,600 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 0 0 0 000.553.70.51.01 Spokane County Air Pollution Authority 114,941 115,569 115,720 117,000 117,000 117,000 117,000 117,000 0 0 0 252,913 207,707 296,266 269,600 300,500 300,500 300,500 300,500 0 0 0 Capital Outlays 000.594.11.64.01 PEG COSV Broadcast-Office Furn. 13,330 0 2,131 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000.594.11.64.02 PEG COSV Broadcast-Software/hardware 47,095 24,232 24,936 33,300 31,000 31,000 31,000 31,000 0 0 0 000.594.11.64.04 PEG COSV Broadcast-Communication 5,357 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000.594.18.64.00 Copy Machine 0 21,523 0 20,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000.594.18.64.01 Office Furniture&Equipment 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000.594.18.64.02 Computer Software/Hardware 22,121 3,063 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000.594.18.64.11 Compuer Hardware-Capital 0 0 15,035 40,000 46,500 46,500 46,500 46,500 0 0 0 000.594.18.64.12 Computer Software-Capital 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000.595.30.63.00 Construction-Pavement Preservation 0 0 855,857 888,823 890,000 890,000 890,000 890,000 0 0 0 87,903 48,818 897,959 982,123 967,500 967,500 967,500 967,500 0 0 0 Debt Service:Principal 000.592.19.82.01 Interest and Other Debt Service Costs (952) 444 301 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 lnterfund Payments for Service 000.597.50.00.20 Interfund Trf to#502-Risk Management 319,000 319,000 319,000 325,000 325,000 325,000 325,000 325,000 0 0 0 Total Recurring Expenditures 1,804,089 1,624,650 2,811,207 2,955,423 2,956,200 2,956,200 2,864,200 2,768,200 0 (92,000) (188,000) Recurring expenses increase(decrease)= 0.03% 0.00% (3.11%) (6.36%) Page 2 of 3 P:\1.General Governance\Budget12015 Budget\Finance Dept\GenGov budget worksheets 2015 001 General Fund 090 General Government Budget Reduction Exercise (Does not reflect recommended course of action) 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2015 Budget with 2015 Bud et-Line Item Changes Actual Actual Actual Budget Proposed 3% 6% 9% 3% 6% 9% Budget Reduction Reduction Reduction Reduction Reduction Reduction Nonrecurring Capital Outlays 000.594.11.64.02 PEG COSV Broadcast-Software/hardware 0 0 0 0 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 0 0 0 000.594.18.64.00 Copy Machine 0 0 0 0 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 0 0 0 000.594.18.64.11 Compuer Hardware-Capital 0 0 0 0 80,000 80,000 80,000 80,000 0 0 0 000.594.18.64.12 Computer Software-Capital 0 0 0 0 20,000 20,00D _ 20,000 20,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 145,000 145,000 145,000 145,000 0 0 0 Interfund Payments for Service 000.597.63.95.63 Interfund Transfer to ST Cap 2011+ 1,084,681 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000.597.30.00.30 Interfund Trf to#303-Street Capital 551,730 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000.597.30.00.90 Interfund Trf to#309-Park Capital 100,000 106,250 50,000 192,500 100,000 4,000 0 0 (96,000) (100,000) (100,000) 000.597.31.00.10 Interfund Trf to#311-Pavement reservation 0 2,045,203 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000.597.31.00.20 Interfund Trf to#312-Capital Reserve Fund 0 0 7,826,207 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,736,411 2,151,453 7,876,207 192,500 100,000 4,000 0 0 (96,000) (100,000) (100,00D) Total Nonrecurring Expenditures 1,736,411 2,151,453 7,876,207 192,500 245,000 149,000 145,000 145,000 (96,000) (100,000) (100,000) Nonrecurring expenses increase(decrease)= 27.27% (39.18%) (40.82%) (40.82%) Total Governmental Division 3,540,500 3,776,103 10,687,414 3,147,923 3,201,200 3,105,200 3,009,200 2,913,200 (96,000) (192,000) (288,000) Total General Government increase(decrease)= 1.69% (3.00%) (6.00%) (9.00%) IT Expenditures-R 337,100 315,900 IT Expenditures-N 0 120,000 PEG Expenditures-R 33,400 31,500 PEG Expenditures-N 0 25,000 370,500 492,400 Page 3 of 3 P:11. General GovernancelBudget12015 Budget\Finance Dept\GenGov budget worksheets 2015 001 General Fund 090 General Government-Detail 2015 Proposed Budget Recurring Expenditures Supplies ; I 000.516.60.35.01 PEG CoSV Small tools &minor equipment I 500 - I cables I 000.514.81.31.02 Business Registrations I 1,500 - credit card fees;envelopes � 000.517.90.31.04 Employee Recognition /Safety Program I 3,000 -I employee recognition event&safety supplies(ie. defibrilator) I 000.518.85.35.01 Small Tools & Minor Equipment 2,600 - IT related supplies-laptop power supplies, cables, iPad accessories, etc. 000.518.85.35.11 Computer Hardware - Non Capital I 27,250 -!Monitors, IP phones, Memory, Replace UPSs, backup tapes, etc. 000.518.85.35.12 Computer Software- Non Capital 20,800 -!Licenses-MS Office 2010, MS Server 2012, etc. 000.519.60.31.01 Office & Operating Supplies 15,000 -!kitchen supplies, calendar, copy paper, letterhead, toner, etc. Other Services & Charges 000.513.10.41.05 Contingency 150,000 -I City Manager directed for professional service related tasks or fto assist City Depts with line-item deficiencies 000.514.23.41.01 Accounting &Auditing 80,000 -{Annual audit by State Auditor&assistance with technical issues 000.518.10.42.01 Postage 1,500 -I city mailings including AP checks, UPS, etc. 000.518.10.42.02 TelephonelDSL Service 17,000 -'Telephone 000.518.10.42.03 Cell Phones 1,600 -'interne/access cards for IT and loaner Mi-Fi's 000.518.10.42.08 Internet Service 12,500 -'Internet access 000.518.10.49.00 City Wide Records Management 10,000 -'Equipment and/or consultant 000.518.20.45,01 City Hall Rent 430,000 -I($34,815.21 x3mo) + ($35,511.52x9mo) +$6,000 CAM 000.518.30.48.01 Facility Repairs & Maintenance 5,000 -I Sidewalk snow removal&de-icer;minor work 000.518.75.48.01 Equipment Repair& Maintenance - Hardware Support 35,200 -I Cisco, intrusion protection, servers, vls, firewall, etc 000.518.85.41.03 IT Support 33,800 -I server maintenance, telephone system, wiring, electrical 000.518.85.48.03 Software Licenses& Maintenance 76,650 -I Annual maintenance fees on software(Eden, Laserfiche, etc.) 000.518.90.45.03 Equipment Rental 3,300 -I Pitney Bowes postage machine meter rental($275 x 12) 000.518.90.49.06 Miscellaneous Services 10,000 -I Shredding charges, WA State Purchasin Co-op, Bike helmets 000.518.90.41.01 Merchant Charges (Bankcard Fees) 2,000 -I Dept of Rev-Business Registration fees 000.548.66.45.01 Vehicle Rental I 2,000 -I Summer vehicles for inspectors 000.548.66.45.05 General Operating Leases: Computer 42,000 Page 1 of 3 P:11, General GovernancelBudget12015 Budget\Finance Dept\GenGov budget worksheets 2015 001 General Fund 090 General Government-Detail 2015 Proposed Budget - Lease of desk top and lap top PCs used by City staff 000,550.00.41.00 Economic Development _ 10,000 - Spokane Regional Site Selector 000.550.00.41.05 Professional Services - Economic Devel. 88,000 - I Outside agencies-Reflects amount of 2014 Awards 000.558.70,41.17 City Economic Development 200,000 I Promotion-Consultant/Study/implementation 000.560.10.41.05 Professional Services- Social Services 62,000 - 'Outside agencies-Reflects amount of 2014 Awards 000,566.10.41.06 Alcohol Treatment: Liquor Profits 20,000 - !Paid to Spokane County per State statute Intergovernmental Services _ 000.514.40.51.01 Election Costs _ _ 86,000 - I Per ballot issue/per capita allocation by Spokane County 000.514.90.51.03 Voter Registration 90,000 - !Per capita allocation by Spokane County 000.518.90.44.03 Taxes and assessments 7,500 - 112.84%leasehold excise tax-precinct, bus benches 000.553.70.51.01 Spokane County Air Pollution Authority 117,000 - !Air quality Capital Outlays 000.594.11.64.02 PEG CoSV Broadcast Software & Hardware I 31,000 - !replace tn-caster, conference room display, overflow display 000.594.18.64.11 Computer Hardware-Capital 46,500 - !servers, switches, routers 000.595.30.63,00 Construction - Pavement Preservation 890,000 - I City pavement preservation projects Interfund Payments for Service 000.597.50.00.20 Interfund Risk Management Payment _ _ 325,000 - City insurance premium transferred to Fund 4509 Total Recurring Expenditures 2,956,200 Page 2 of 3 P:11. General GovernancelBudget12015 BudgetlFinance Dept\GenGov budget worksheets 2015 001 General Fund _ 090 General Government-Detail 2015 Proposed Budget Nonrecurring Expenditures Capital Outlays 000.594.11.64.02 PEG CoSV Broadcast-Software/hardware 25,000 - AV updates including mic's for large meetings 000.594.18.64.00 Copy Machines 20,000 - I Replace Finance copier(current copy count=902,157) Replace PW copier(current copy count=831,322) 000.594.18.64.11 Computer Hardware- Capital 80,000 - j Cisco 4510 switch @City Hall- 10 yrs old-EOL-$60,000 - j2 DVR for security at Center Place- 10 yrs ofd-EQL-$20,000 000.594.18.64.12 Computer Software- Capital 20,000 - I Laserficho upgrade Interfund Payments for Service 000597.30.00.90 Interfund Transfer to Parks Capital Proj I 100,000 - Parks capital$100,000 Total Nonrecurring Expenditures f 245,000 Total General Government 3,201,200 Page 3 of 3 P:\1.General Governance\Budget12015 Budget\City Manager Dept\CM DCM Ops budget worksheets 2015 Tab1/3: Executive & LegialatiNrepport 001 General Fund 013 Executive&Legislative Support Budget Reduction Exercise 000 City Manager&City Clerk _ (Does not reflect recommended course of action) 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2015 Budget with 2015 Bud et-Line Item Changes Actual Actual Actual Budget Proposed 3% 6% 9% 3% 6% 9% Budget Reduction Reduction Reduction Reduction Reduction Reduction Wages/Payroll Taxes/Benefits 000.513.10.10.00 Wages 326,587 376,605 406,946 419,700 435,972 422,484 408,996 395,508 (13,488) (26,976) (40,464) 000.513.10.10.99 Overtime 1,145 1,583 2,481 1,200 2,200 750 0 0 (1,450) (2,200) (2,200) 000.513.10.20.00 Payroll Taxes and Benefits 127,072 148,756 164,681 175,400 182,308 175,742 170,171 164,601 (6,566) (12,137) (17,707) 454,804 526,944 574,108 596,300 620,480 598,976 579,167 560,109 (21,504) (41,313) (60,371) Supplies 000.513.10.31.01 Office&Operating Supplies 1,247 1,454 636 1,500 1,300 1,300 1,300 1,300 0 0 0 000.513.10.31.03 Publications 126 232 26 550 550 550 550 550 0 0 0 000.513.10.31.05 Meeting Supplies 757 123 64 800 500 500 500 500 0 0 0 000.513.10.35.01 Small Tools&Minor Equipment 85 0 13 500 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 0 0 0 2,215 1,809 739 3,350 3,350 3,350 3,350 3,350 0 0 0 Other Services&Charges 000.513.10.41.05 Professional Services 24,883 24,916 34,369 22,000 22,000 22,000 22,000 22,000 0 0 0 000.513.10.41.17 Advertising(Clerk moved below) 6,893 5,148 482 7,070 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 0 0 0 000.513.10.41.18 Legal Notices(Clerk's notifications) 0 0 3,202 0 6,500 6,500 6,500 6,500 0 0 0 000.513.10.42.01 Postage 330 829 382 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 0 0 0 000.513.10,42.02 Telephone Service 0 80 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000.513.10.42.03 Cell Phones 540 540 620 540 620 620 620 620 0 0 0 000.513.10.43.01 Travel/Mileage 6,361 7,091 7,343 14,000 14,000 14,000 14,000 14,000 0 0 0 000.513.10.48.00 Equipment Rental Maintenance-Conti 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000.513.10.48.02 Copier Maintenance 6,808 5,789 4,511 7,000 7,000 7,000 7,000 7,000 0 0 0 000.513.10.48.03 Software Licenses and Maintenance 74 824 0 1,233 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 0 0 0 000.513.10.49.01 Subscriptions 645 0 362 500 500 500 500 500 0 0 0 000.513.10.49.02 Memberships 687 1,756 1,820 2,000 2,500 2,500 2,000 2,000 0 (500) (500) 000.513.10.49.03 Printing&Binding 2,400 5,372 2,616 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 0 0 0 000.513.10.49.04 Registrations/Training 2,883 1,985 1,521 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 1,500 0 0 (1,500) 000.513.10.49.05 Filing&Recording Fees 0 168 15 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 0 0 0 000.513.10.49.06 Miscellaneous Services 506 0 0 850 320 320 0 0 0 (320) (320) 53,010 54,498 57,243 61,193 61,840 61,840 61,020 59,520 0 (820) (2,320) Total City Manager 510,029 583,251 632,090 660,843 685,670 664,166 643,537 622,979 (21,504) (42,133) (62,691) Total budget increase= 3.76% (3.14%) (6.14%) (9.14%) Combined nonpayroll increase= 1.00% P:11. General GovernancelBudget12015 Budget1City Manager Dept1CM DCM Ops budget worksheets 2015 General Fund 2015 City Manager- Detail Proposed Budget I Salaries&Wages I 435,972 Overtime 1f- 2,200 Payroll Taxes and Benefits I 182,308 Office & Operating Supplies 1,300 Paper,pens,files,folders,binders, ink cart.,clips,sticky notes etc Publications I 550 Books,Manuals&Reports re:city function-(International City/County Manangement Assoc., National League of Cities, Assoc.Wash.Cities) Meeting Supplies I 500 Small Tools & Minor Equipment I 1,000 budgeted to replace desk printer, label maker Professional Services I 22,000 Consultants,title searches,bond counsel, and Code Publishing services(includes Comp. Plan publishing) Advertising I I 1,200 City produced brochures (Was$7070 in 2014 but moved $6500 to Legal Notices for more appropriate line item detail.) Legal Notices I I I 6,500 Clerk's notifications: Free Press Publishing,Spokesman Review,Journal of Business Postage I 1,000 Stamps for new business letters Cell Phones I 620 Cell$580,Gov, Emergency Cell Card$40 I Travel/Mileage 14,000 I DC trips-Air,lodging,meals International City/County Management Assoc.-2 sponsored events-Mileagelair, lodging,meals (Assoc.Wash.Cities conf.;meals,lodging, air-2 events Wash. Municipal Clerk Assoc.-clerk's cant. City Clerk(CC) /Dep.City Clk(DCC). International Institute of Municipal Clerks-flight, hotel,meals for CC/DCC, (Professional Development(Certifcation for DCC) (City Manager car allowance Equipment Rental Maintenance-Contracted I 0 Copier Maintenance I I 7,000 Copying,paper,toner,mailing chgs pro-rated by Dept code Software Licenses and Maintenance I 1,200 I Adobe Creative Suite;MS Project; Subscriptions I I 500 Imanuals/periodicals pertaining to Gov.function Memberships I 2,500 1 International City/County Manangement Assoc. I Wash.Municipal Clerk Assoc.x2 I International Institute Municipal Clerks x2 _ I Page 1 of 2 P:11. General Governance\Budget12015 Budget\City Manager Dept1CM DCM Ops budget worksheets 2015 General Fund 2015 ;City Manager-Detail Proposed Bud a et Wash.City/County Management Assoc.&Civic Org Printing & Binding I 1,000 letterhead;business cards,envelopes, (Code Publishing has moved to Professional Services) Registrations/Training I 3,000 Wash.Municipal Clerk Assoc. _ Wash.City/County Management Assoc. I International City/County Management Assoc. International Institute Municipal Clerks _ Professional Dev. 4 Local registrations Filing & Recording Fees 1,000 City Clerk document filing fees Miscellaneous Services 320 Total Executive 685,670 Page 2 of 2 P:\1.General Governance\Budget\2015 Budget\Legal Dept\Legal budget worksheets 2015 Tab#4: City Attorney/Legal Support 001 General Fund 013 Executive and Legislative Support Budget Reduction Exercise 015 Legal (Does not reflect recommended course of action) 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2015 Budget with 2015 Budget-Line Item Changes Actual Actual Actual Budget Proposed 3% 6% 9% 3% I 6% 9% Budget Reduction Reduction Reduction Reduction I Reduction , Reduction Wages/Payroll TaxeslBenefits 015.515.32.10.00 Wages 209,528 241,474 239,292 247,992 258,708 258,708 258,708 258,708 0 0 0 015.515.32.20.00 Payroll Taxes and Benefits 58,164 78,962 86,126 93,840 95,229 95,229 95,229 95,229 0 0 0 015.515.32.10.01 Intern Wages 0 0 20,740 24,000 24,000 24,000 12,000 0 0 (12,000) (24,000) 015.515.32.20.01 Intern Payroll Taxes and Benefits 0 0 1,807 1,980 1,980 1,980 990 0 0 (990) (1,980) 267,692 320,436 347,966 367,812 ,379,917 379,917 366,927 353,937 0 (12,990) (25,980) Supplies 015.515.32.31.01 Office Supplies 950 1,065 775 1,200 1,330 1,000 1,000 1,000 (33D) (330) (330) 015.515.32.31.03 Publications 24 250 287 700 700 700 700 700 D 0 0 015.515.32.31.05 Meeting Supplies 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D 0 0 015.515.32.32.01 Fuel 10 0 10 0 10 10 10 10 0 0 0 015.515.32.35.01 Small Tools&Minor Equipment 74 1,377 0 500 500 500 500 500 0 0 0 1,058 2,692 1,072 2,400 2,540 2,210 2,210 2,210 (330) (330) (330) Other Services&Charges 015.515.32.41.03 Spokane County GIS 0 0 0 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 0 0 0 015.515.32.41.04 Legal 145,398 102,698 82,339 50,610 53,065 40,062 39,197 38,332 (13,003) (13,868) (14,733) 015.515.32.41.05 Professional Services 885 130 1,503 2,100 1,550 1,550 1,550 1,550 0 0 0 015.515.32.42.01 Postage 510 192 112 500 300 300 300 300 0 0 0 015.515.32.43.01 Travel/Mileage 1,541 2,146 3,923 5,000 5,175 5,175 5,175 5,175 0 0 0 015.515.32.48.02 Copier Maintenance 2,308 1,623 1,542 1,500 1,600 1,600 1,600 1,600 0 0 0 015.515.32.48.03 Software Licenses and Maintenance 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 015.615.32.49.01 Subscriptions 8,418 8,504 9,462 9,000 9,192 9,192 9,192 9,192 0 0 0 015.515.32.49.02 Memberships 1,280 1,221 1,035 1,010 1,010 1,010 1,010 1,010 0 0 0 015.516.32.49.04 Registrations 797 1,283 1,537 1,990 1,990 1,890 1,890 1,890 (10D) (100) (100) 015.515.32.49.05 Filing&Recording Fees 776 2,148 1,051 4,500 3,000 2,600 2,600 2,600 (403) (400) (400) 015.515.32.49.07 Training 819 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 162,732 119,955 102,504 78,710 79,382 65,879 66,014 .64,149 (13,503) (14,368) (15,233) Total Total Legal 431,482 443,083 451,542 _ 448,922 461,839 446,006 434,151 420,296 (13,833) (27,688) (41,543) Total budget increase= 2.88% (3.00%) (6.00%) (9.00%) Combined nonpayroll increase= 1.00% General Fund 2015 Legal - Detail Proposed Budget Salaries &Wages Attorney, Deputy Attorney and Administrative Assistant 258,708 Overtime 0 Payroll Taxes and Benefits 95,229 - FICA, medicare, L&l, PERS Intern Wages 24,000 Intern Payroll Taxes and Benefits 1,980 includes 2 legal interns who do research and code enforcement cases so attorneys can focus on more critical isues Office & Operating Supplies 1,330 - Hanging files 40 - File Folders 40 - Expand folders 40 - Letterhead Envelopes 100 - Envelopes-Clasp 2 boxes 40 -!Labels 4 rolls 90 -:Avery labels and dividers 30 - Pens-various types&Highlighters 90 - Name Plates/Business Cards 100 - Tape, binder clips 30 - Print Cartridges 90 - 3 ring binders 75 - Stamps/Refill Ink 40 - Index tabs 55 - Legal pads,post-its 90 - Fasteners, staples 80 - Misc 300 This will increase this year because for the past three years we have reused old file folders, binders, etc. We also used several items left when Wells Fargo left the building, Those are running out and we will have to buy more items in 2015. Publications 700 - Revised Code of Washington 250 - Washington Administrative Code 70 - Federal and State Court Rules 210 - SupplementsandHandbooks 170 Meeting Supplies Gas, Oil, &Tires Gas for Van 10 10 Small Tools & Minor Equipment 500 - Desk equipment, scanner and miscellaneous office tools Non Capital Office'Furniture& Equipment GIS 2,500 Legal 53,065 - Outside Counsel for things such as Shoreline Act, adult entertainment enforcement;expertise issues and timeliness. Professional Services 1,550 - Eastern Washington Attorney Service(Code Compliance) - Private Investigators Page 1 of 2 P:11. General Governance\Budget12015 BudgetlLegal DeptlLegal budget worksheets 2015 General Fund 2015 Legal - Detail Proposed Budget -!First American Title Postage 300 -'stamps Cell Phones • Travel/Mileage-choose from: 5,175 - Washington State Association of Municipal Attorneys 2815 Conference(2 Attorneys)-air, mileage, hotel, workshops (These vary from year to year as in the past two years where one was in Spokane and one was in Coeur d'Alene. This year they are both longer distances for travel costs.) - Washington Cities Insurance Authority Conference-hotel, 370 mileage, workshops -'Labor Relations Conference-mileage, hotel, workshop 6901 -`Courthouse, meetings Incl.parking I 9001 Miscellaneous Seminar-Example Shoreline issues, solid waste, 400 marijuana regulations, etc. Copier Maintenance I 1,600 -'Copying, paper, toner, mailing charges pro-rated by Dept code. Software Licenses and Maintenance Subscriptions I J 9,192 -I Westlaw(Legal Research) Memberships f 1,010 - Washington State Bar Association ($370 per attorney) 740 - Washington State Association of Municipal Attorneys ($30 per 60 attorney) -'Spokane Bar Association($105 per attorney) I 210 Printing & Binding Registrations 1,990 -'Labor Relations Conference 270 - Washington State Association of Municipal Attorneys 920 Conference(2 Attorneys in Fall($230 each)and 2 attorneys in spring($230 each) -I Washington Cities Insurance Authority Conference J 50 -'Public Records Seminar I 250 - Miscellaneous Seminar-Example Shoreline issues, solid waste, 500 marijuana regulations, etc. i Filing & Recording Fees I 3,000 'Filing Complaints and recording judgments as liens(Code 2500 Enforcement is the majority of these)as well as deeds, etc. (Current filing fee for cases is$240 per case. Could be increased to as much as$290 per case in the near future.) Service by Publication(1 service @ approx. $500 each) 500 Training Total : 461,839 Page 2 of 2 P:\1.General Governance\Budget\2015 Budget\City Manager Dept\CM DCM Ops budget worksheets 2015 Tabl/5: Operations & Adminis trat ion Services 001 General Fund 018 Operations&Administrative Services Budget Reduction Exercise 013 Deputy City Manager (Does not reflect recommended course of action) 2011 2012 2013 2014] 2015 2015 Budget with 2015 Budget-Line Item Changes Actual Actual Actual Bud8et Proposed 3% 6% 9% 3% ( 6% 9% Budget Reduction Reduction Reduction Reduction Reduction Reduction Wages/Pavroll Taxes/Benefits 013.513.10.10.00 Wages 327,581 312,025 307,160 435,732 444,396 431,610 418,824 406,038 (12,786) (25,572) (38,358) 013.513.10.10.99 Overtime 356 476 144 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 013.513.10.20.00 Payroll Taxes and Benefits 97,016 92,184 94,708 143,887 151,867 146,903 142,952 139,001 (4,964) (8,915) (12,866) 013.513.10.10.01 Intern-Wages 0 0 0 9,600 9,600 7,200 3,600 0 (2,400) (6,000) (9,600) 013.513.10.20.01 Intern-Payroll Taxes and Benefits 0 0 0 806 806 600 403 0 (206) (403) (806) 424,953 404,685 402,012 590,025 606,669 586,313 565,779 545,039 (20,356) (40,890) (61,630) Supplies 013.513.10.31.01 Office&Operating Supplies 714 939 703 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 0 0 0 013.513.10.31.03 Publications 0 0 0 200 100 100 100 100 0 0 0 013.513.10.31.05 Meeting Supplies 238 0 0 200 100 100 100 100 0 0 0 013.513.10.32.01 Fuel 105 125 282 150 300 300 300 300 0 0 0 013.513.10.35.01 Small Tools&Minor Equipment 323 664 168 500 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 0 0 0 1,380 1,728 1,153 2,050 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 0 0 0 Other Services&Charges 013.513.10.41.03 IT Support 2,400 3,958 1,723 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 0 0 0 013.513.10.41.05 Professional Services 63,160 7,629 28,490 0 11,000 11,000 11,000 11,000 0 0 0 013.513.10.41.17 Advertising 0 842 6,671 27,000 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 0 0 0 013.513.10.42.01 Postage 33 139 0 100 11,000 11,000 11,000 11,000 0 0 0 013.513.10.42.02 Telephone Service 0 120 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 013.513.10.42.03 Cell Phones 540 540 540 780 800 800 800 800 0 0 0 013.513.10.42.04 Web Site Support Services&License 0 1,440 9,592 16,000 12,000 12,000 12,000 12,000 0 0 0 013.513.10.43.01 Travel/Mileage 41 535 117 1,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 0 0 0 013.513.10.45.00 Operating Rentals 1,700 1,700 1,700 1,700 0 0 0 013.513.10.48.02 Copier Maintenance 0 2,853 1,725 5,000 3,500 3,600 3,500 3,500 0 0 0 013.513.10.48.03 Software Licenses and Maintenance 8,930 824 0 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 0 0 0 013.513.10.49.01 Subscriptions 0 22 40 200 100 100 100 100 0 0 0 013.513.10.49.02 Memberships 0 725 950 750 1,600 1,600 1,600 1,600 0 0 0 013.513.10.49.03 Printing&Binding 98 88 78 500 500 500 500 500 0 0 0 013.513.10.49.04 Registrations/Training 41 716 75 760 1,600 1,600 1,600 1,600 0 0 0 013.513.10.49.07 Training-history 0 149 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 013.513.10.49.09 Petty Cash Reimbursement 30 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 013.513.10.49.10 Public Information 4,102 3,070 6,161 5,550 8,525 7,750 8,525 8,525 (775) 0 0 79,375 23,650 56,162 61,140 61,325 60,550 61,325 61,325 (775) 0 0 Total Total Deputy City Manager 505,708 430,063 459,327 653,215 670,494 649,363 629,604 608,864 (21,131) (40,890) (61,630) Total budget increase= 2.65% (3.15%) (6.10%) (9.19%) Combined nonpayroll Increase= 1.00% P:\1. General GovernancelBudgetl2015BudgetlCity Manager Dept\CM DCM Ops budget worksheets 2015 General Favid 2015 Deputy City Manager-Detail Proposed Budget Salaries&Wages I 444,396 Overtime I _ P Payroll Taxes and Benefits _ - 151,867 Intern 9,600 Intern taxes 806 Office&Operating Supplies 1,00.0 I Hanging Files File Folders Expand Folders Env Clasp 2bx;1 bx coin Labels 4 rolls Avery labels and dividers Pens-various types Batteries Tape reg/commercial Print Cartridges 3 ring binders Calendars-desk/wall Vinyl tabs _ — —_ I Rolodex cards z I Misc I Publications I 100 Books,manuals&reports re:functions of Gov. (International City/County Mgmnt.Assoc.,Nantional League of Cities,Assoc.Wash,Cities) Meeting Supplies 100 Developers Forums,etc. Gas, Oil&Tires I300 3_00 Small Tools&Minor Equipment 1,000 Desk equipment,camera equipment(PIO),Misc. IT Support _ 2,500 1GIS Professional Services 11,000 'National Citizen Survey Advertising - 2,500 Line Item was$27k in 2014 but is better distributed to approriate line items used by the PIO in 2015. $2,500 of the 27k is noted on next line. State of the City-$1,000;City Hall @ Mall-51,050;PSA submissions to CMTV$128; mist-$324 Postage 11,000_ State of the City invitaion postcards-5160;Citywide mailer of Hot Topic-$10,000;mise,-$840 Cell Phones/Emergency phone cards _ 800 Cell$540,Gov.emrgncy phone cards$40;wireless card 5220 Web Site Support&License Fees _ 12,000 IQscend web software$10,488; E-gov$1512 'Travel/Mileage 3,000 3CMA conference&FEMA(PIO)51740;DCM,Analyst conferences$1300 Operating Rentals 1,700 Stale of the City-Flat screen TV-$300&Chairs-$400;City Hall at the Mall rental fee-$1,000 Copier Maintenance 3,500 Copying,paper,toner,etc.and mailing machine chgs pro- rated by dept code _ Software Licenses and Maintenance _ 1,000 Adobe Creative Suite purchase addt''l user license _ T Subscriptions I 100 Page 1 of 2 P:11. General Governance IBudget12015 Budget\City Manager DeptICM DCM Ops budget worksheets 2015 General Fund 2015 Deputy City Manager-Detail Proposed Budget SR online;Journal of Business;The Current Memberships 1,600 Notary$100;Inland NW Partners-5150;Valley Chamber- $395;3CMA(City County Communications&Marketing Assoc)-$410;misc.$545 Printing&Binding _ 5001 letterhead;envelopes;business cards RegistrationslTraining 1,600 Valleyfest booth-$27;3CMA-5200;AWC&workshop registrations;DCM professional development/misc.-$1,373 Public Information 8,525 3 Inserts printing$2,421;3 inserts S-R$1,973;3 inserts Valley News Herald-$1,108;Citywide mailer printing-$2,055; City Hall©Mall giveaway/activities-595;Valleyfest Booth displays/materials-550;Valleyfest staff shirts-$300;misc- $523 Total 670,494 Page 2 of 2 Tab 116: Human Resources Rd.General Governance\Budget\2015 Budget\HR Dept\HR budget worksheets 2015 2 001 General Fund 018 Operations&Administrative Services Budget Reduction Exercise 016 Human Resources Division (Does not reflect recommended course of action) 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2015 Budget with 2015 Budget-Line Item Changes Actual Actual Actual Budget Proposed 3% 6% 9% 3% 6% 9% Budget Reduction Reduction Reduction Reduction Reduction Reduction Wanes/Payroll Taxes/Benefits 016.518.10.10.00 Wages 139,989 140,083 146,362 158,652 157,644 157,644 157,644 157,644 0 0 0 016.518.10.20.00 Payroll Taxes and Benefits 42,615 47,256 51,460 56,253 60,465 60,465 60,465 60,465 0 0 0 182,604 187,339 197,822 214,905 218,109 218,109 218,109 218,109 0 0 0 Supplies 016.518.10.31.01 Office&Operating Supplies 596 454 609 700 700 700 500 0 0 (200) (700) 016.518.10.31.03 Publications 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 016.518.10.32.01 Fuel 0 7 31 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 596 461 640 700 700 700 500 0 0 (200) (700) Other Services&Charges 016.518.10.41,04 Legal 250 7,089 234 2,000 7,000 3,500 1,000 0 (3,500) (6,000) (7,000) 016.518.10.41.05 Professional Services 6,706 8,230 8,380 7,428 7,428 7,428 6,000 1,500 0 (1,428) (5,928) 016.518.10.41.17 Advertising 5,239 1,520 876 1,990 560 300 0 0 (260) (560) (560) 016.518.10.42.01 Postage 79 83 72 50 50 0 0 0 (50) (50) (50) 016.518.10.43.01 Travel/Mileage 2,366 3,970 1,937 2,500 2,500 1,000 0 0 (1,500) (2,500) (2,500) 016.518.10.48.02 Copier Maintenance 1,014 782 632 1,000 650 650 0 0 0 (650) (650) 016.518.10.48.03 Software Licenses and Maintenance 60 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 016.518.10.48.03 Subscriptions 0 0 12 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 016.518.10.49.02 Memberships 1,792 560 380 965 965 380 0 0 (585) (965) (965) 016.518.10.49.03 Printing&Binding 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 016.518.10.49.04 Registrations 160 0 0 560 560 560 0 0 0 (560) (560) 016.518.10.49.06 Miscellaneous Services 17 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 016.518.10.49.07 Training 1,634 814 749 4,465 1,475 420 200 0 (1,055) (1,275) (1,475) 016.518.10.49.09 Petty Cash Reimbursement 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 016.518.10.49.13 Employee Health&Wellness 1,997 1,230 373 1,320 1,320 870 870 0 (450) (450) (1,320) 21,314 24,278 13,645 22,278 22,508 15,108 8,070 1,500 (7,400) (14,438) (21,008) 0 0 0 Total Human Resources Division 204,514 212,078 212,107 237,883 241,317 233,917 226,679 219,609 (7,400) (14,638) (21,708) Total budget increase= 1.44% (3.07%) (6.07%) (9.00%) Nonpayrcll budget increase= 1.00% P:11. General GovernancelBudget12015 Budget\HR Dept1HR budget worksheets 2015 2 General Fund 2015 Human Resources - Details Proposed Budget Wages 157,644 Payroll Taxes and Benefits I 60,465 -I FICA, medicare, L&1, PERS Office & Operating Supplies 700 -I File Folders 100 -!Expand folders 50 -'Labels 50 -'Avery labels and dividers 75 -'Note Paper 25 _-'Pens-various types 50 I -13 ring binders 200 I - Mi 1501 Publications - Books, manuals&reports re:functions of City gov. ('CMA, 0 NLC,AWC) Other Services Legal I 7,000 -ISummit Law Professional Services 7,428 -IID Cards _ 425 -I Pre-employment Physicals _ _ 1,625 -I Drug and Alcohol Testing 200 -I Criminal History Checks 750 -I Discovery Benefits Admin Fee 4,428 -'Mobile App Maintentance 0 Advertising _ 560 Employee Recruitment Advertising Postage 50 Travel/Mileage 2,500 -I To attend AWC Fall HR Conference 350 -I To attend Labor Relations Institute 350 -I To attend WAPELRA Spring Training 200 I — -I To attend AWC Health Academy 3501 -To attend Risk Management Training _ _ 350 I City Staff Travel to attend identified training 900 I Copier Maintenance I 650 Memberships I 965 -I Washington Emp. Public Relations Association _ 1801 -I Society for Human Resources Management 360 I -I A WC Drug and Alcohol Consortium _ _ 2001 -I Evergreeen Safety Council 2251 Training I 1,475 -10n-line Training Registrations 975 I I First Aid CPR I 500 Health and Wellness Events 1,320 -1$10 per employee fee to participate in AWC Wellness 8701 'Program. Result is an estimated$25,000 savings in i I health insurance premiums. 'Wellness incentives 4501 Points Program to increase exercise(Gym Memberships etc.) 0 Page 1 of 2 P:11, General GovernancelBudget12015 Budget\HR Dept\HR budget worksheets 2015 2 General Fund 2015 Human Resources -Details Proposed Budget Registrations I 560 -IAWC Labor Relations Institute 200 - AWC Wellness Summit 180 -IAWC WAPELRA Fall Labor Relations Conference 180 Total I 241,317 Page 2 of 2 P:\1.General Governance\Budget\2015 Budget\Finance Dept\Finance budget worksheets 2015 Tab /17: Finance and Information Technology 001 General Fund 018 Operations&Administrative Services Budget Reduction Exercise 014 Finance Division (Does not reflect recommended course of action) 2011 2012 2013 [ 2014 2015 2015 Budget with 2015 Budget-Line Item Changes Actual Actual Actual Budget Proposed 3% 6% 9% 3% ( 6% 9% Budget Reduction Reduction Reduction Reduction Reduction Reduction Wanes/Payroll Taxes/Benefits 014.514.23.10.00 Wages 663,056 646,114 713,546 798,165 833,805 809,339 785,846 763,642 (24,466) (47,959) (70,163) 014.514.23.10.99 Overtime 96 284 322 1,000 1,000 600 300 300 (400) (700) (700) 014.514.23.20.00 Payroll Taxes and Benefits 240,343 248,727 294,350 351,894 355,112 343,441 330,940 316,353 (11,671) (24,172) (38,759) 903,495 895,125 1,008,218 1,151,059 1,189,917 1,153,380 1,117,086 1,080,295 (36,537) (72,831) (109,622) Supplies 014.514.23.31,01 Office&Operating Supplies 5,744 5,022 2,675 6,500 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 0 0 0 014.514.23.31.02 Forms 109 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 014.514.23.31.03 Publications 223 109 0 500 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 014.514.23.31.08 Repair&Maintenance Supplies 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 014.514.23.32.01 Fuel 112 3 75 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 014.514.23.35.01 Small Tools&Minor Equipment 280 1,892 41 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6,468 7,026 2,791 7,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 0 0 0 Other Services&Charges 014.514.23.41.05 Professional Services 21,011 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 014.514.23.42.01 Postage 1,442 1,604 1,664 1,600 1,700 1,700 1,700 1,700 0 0 0 014.514.23.42.03 Cell Phones 540 540 540 600 600 600 600 600 0 0 0 014.514.23.43.01 Travel/Mileage 4,234 3,041 3,849 5,400 5,400 5,400 5,100 5,300 0 (300) (100) 014.514.23.48.02 Copier Maintenance 3,818 3,620 3,634 3,800 3,800 3,800 3,800 3,800 0 0 0 014.514.23.49.01 Subscriptions 310 688 459 500 500 500 500 500 0 0 0 014.514.23.49.02 Memberships 890 1,265 1,525 1,300 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 0 0 0 014.514.23.49.04 Registrations 1,348 1,937 9,019 9,300 9,300 9,300 9,300 9,300 0 0 0 014.514,23.49.06 Miscellaneous Services 86 83 31 100 96 96 96 96 0 0 0 014.514.23.49.07 Training 12,863 5,885 497 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 014.518.90.49.09 Bank Statement Corrections&Errors 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 46,543 18,664 21,218 22,600 22,896 22,896 22,596 22,796 0 (300) (100) 956,506 920,815 1,032,227 1,180,659 1,218,813 1,162,276 1,145,682 1,109,091 (36,537) (73,131) (109,722) Total budget increase= 3.23% (3.00%) (6.00%) (9.00%) Combined nonpayroll increase= (2.38%) P:11. General GovernancelBudget12015 Budget\Finance Dept\Finance budget worksheets 2015 General Fund 2015 Finance - Detail 1001.018.014. I Proposed 1 I Budget 014.514.23.10.00 Wages 833,805 014.514.23.10.99 Overtime _ 1,000 014.514.23.20.00 Payroll Taxes and Benefits I 355,112 -FICA, medicare, L&l, PERS 014.514.23.31.01 Office &Operating Supplies - 6,000 - Hanging files 1001 - File Folders 3001 - Expand folders - 2001 -1 Env- Clasp 2 bx; 1 bx coin 3001 -�Tablets, envelopes 1,0001 -IPens-various types 2001 -I Print Cartridges 5001 -I Asset tags 200 -I Toner for copiers/printers 200 -13 ring binders(OS Agency and Lodging Tax) 300 -I Calendars-desk/wall 3001 -I Chairs 1,3001 -I Check stock 5001 -1,411 other 1,1001 014.514.23.41.05 Professional Services I I 0 -In/a 014.514.23.42.01 Postage 1,700_ mailing Accounts Payable checks to vendors, outside - agencies and lodging tax correspondence 014.514.23.42.03 Cell Phones 600 - One cell-phone for IT after hours support 014.514.23.43.01 Travel 1 Mileage I 5,4_O0 - Washington Finance Officers Assoc conference-3 1,922 - IT training-3 classes I 01 - Governmental Finance Officers Assoc(GFOA)-3 2,7961 - ACCIS conference 6821 014,514,23,48.02 Copier maintenance 3,800 Per copy fee for maintenance&toner($.065/color& - $.008/bw) 014.514.23.49.01 Subscriptions - 500 -I Govemment Officers Finance Assoc(GFOA)newsletter -I Govmmental Acctng Standards Board newsletter _ i Page 1 of 2 P:\1. General GovernancelBudget12015 Budget\Finance Dept\Finance budget worksheets 2015 General Fund 2015 Finance Detail 001.018.014. Proposed Budget 014.514.23.49.02 Membership I I 1,500 Washington Finance Officers Assoc(WFOA)-2 - memberships @$50 ea Governmental Finance Officers Assoc(GFOA)-2 - memberships @ 200 ea -I WA Society of CPAs-3 @$225 ea -American Institute of CPAs- 1 @$225 -I ACCTS- 1 membership-@$100 014.514.23.49.04 Registration E 9,300 -I Washington Finance Officers Assoc conference-3 1,200_ -l1T training-3 classes 6,5001 - Govemmental Finance Officers Assoc(GFOA) -3 1,5001 - ACC/S conference 1001 014.514.23.49.06 Miscellaneous 96 -(Miscellaneous bank fees Total: I I. 1,218,813 Page 2 of 2 Tab 1(8: Public Works P:\1.General Governance\Budget\2015 Budget\Public Works Dept\PW.ST.SW budget worksheets 2015 001 General Fund 032 Public Works Department Budget Reduction Exercise (Does not reflect recommended course of action) 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2015 Budget with 2015 Budget-Line Item Changes Actual Actual Actual Budget Proposed 3% 6% 9% 3% 6% 9% Bud et Reduction Reduction Reduction Reduction Reduction Reduction Wages/Payroll Taxes/Benefits 000.543.10.10.00 Wages 418066 393,702 419,495 589,461 616,059 600,000 590,000 575000 (16,059) (26,059) (41,059) 000.543.10.10.99 Overtime 2,515 1,521 513 2,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 00 0 000.543.10.20.00 Payroll Taxes and Benefits 129,436 121,534 137,609 207,908 217,304 213,500 203,000 199,000 (3.804) (14,304) (18,304) 550,017 516,757 557,708 799,369 834,363 814,500 794,000 775,000 (19,863) (40,363) (59,363) Supplies 000.543.10.31.01 Office Supplies 4,740 5,412 5,579 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 0 0 0 000.543.10.31.03 Publications 1,928 448 355 1,000 500 500 500 500 0 0 0 000.543.10.31.06 Safely Equipment 1,647 2,125 1,685 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 0 0 0 000.543.10.31.08 Repair&Maintenance Supplies 0 0 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000.543.10.32.01 Fuel 2,639 3,511 3,955 5,500 5,500 5,500 5,500 5,500 0 0 0 000.543.10.35.01 Small Tools&Minor Equipment 6,000 4,385 1,385 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 2,500 0 0 (2,500) 000.543.10.36.02 Non Capital Computer Software/Hardwe 0 0 0 _ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16,954 15,881 12.974 19,500 19,000 19,000 19,000 16,500 0 0 (2,500) Other Services&Chases 000.543.10.41.01 Merchant Charges(Bank Fees) 0 0 117 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000.534.10.48.01 Equipment Repair&Maintenance 0 3,385 0 3,400 3,400 3,400 3,400 3,400 0 0 0 000.543.10.41.02 Engineering&Architectural 46,716 51,213 41,663 8,000 8,000 0 0 0 (8,000) (8,000) (8,000) 000.543.10.41.03 Spokane County GIS 22,319 12,868 14,167 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 0 0 0 000.543.10.41.18 Legal Notices 0 157 689 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000.543.10.42.01 Postage 616 558 559 600 600 600 600 600 0 0 0 000.543.10.42.03 Cell Phones 2,715 4,674 4,151 2,800 3,676 3,676 3,676 3,676 0 0 0 000.543.10.43.01 Travel/Mileage 4,110 5,197 4,352 7,000 7,000 7,000 3,500 1,000 0 (3,500) (6,000) 000.543.10.44.17 Advertising 0 430 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 000.543.10.45.03 Equipment Rental 0 278 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000.543.10.48.01 Equipment Repair&Maintenance 0 0 1,465 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000.543.10.48.02 Copier Maintenance 3,896 5,371 5,298 4,400 4,400 4,400 4,400 4,400 0 0 0 003.543.10.48.03 Software Licenses&Maintenance 9,965 11,985 12,166 15,425 15,875 15,875 15,875 15,875 0 0 0 000.543.10.49.01 Subscriptions 0 0 140 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000.543.10.49.02 Memberships/Professional Licenses 4,336 1,385 1,053 4,000 3,500 3,500 3,500 3,500 0 0 0 000.543.10.49.03 Printing&Binding 326 0 415 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000.543.10.49.04 Conference Registrations 25 483 1,704 8,200 8,200 8,200 4,100 0 0 (4,100) (8,200) 003.543.10.49.05 Filing&Recording Fees 0 0 20 00 0 0 0 0 0 000.543.10.49.06 Miscellaneous Services 0 0 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000.543.10.49.07 Training 6,622 5,428 30 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000.543.50.45,03 Equipment Rental 0 1,200 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 101,646 104,612 88,004 63,825 64,651 56,651 49,051 42,451 (8,000) (15,600) (22,200) Capital Outlays 002.594.32.04.02 Computer Software/Hardware 0 4,504 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Vehicles 0 0 0 000.597.30.00.30 Interfund Transfer to 303 0 64,750 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Interfund Vehicle Lease 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Vehicle Replacement Fund 0 0 0 0 3,900 3,900 3,900 3,900 0 0 0 0 69,344 0 0 3,900 3,900 3,900 3,900 0 0 0 Total Recurring Expenditures 668,617 706,594 658,686 882,694 921,914 894,051 865,951 837,851 (27,863) (55,963) (84,063) Total budget increase= 4.44% (3.02%) (6.07%) (9,12%) Combined nonpayroll&non vehicle replacement increase= 0.39% Combined nonpayroll increase= 5.07%E-Increase is the result of replacement costs on 1.5 vehicles added to fleet in 2014. Nonrecurring Items -Nonrecurring Supplies(Auloca, 0 0 0 8,800 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total Public Works 668,617 706,594 658,686 891,494 921,914 894.051 865,951 837,851 (27.863) (55,963) (84.0631 Page 1 of 1 P:\1. General GovernancelBudget12015 Budget\Public Works DeptIPW.ST.SW budget worksheets 2015 GENERAL FUND 2015 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT-DETAILS Proposed Budget 000.543.10.10.00 Wages 616,059 000.543.10.10.99 Overtime 1,000 000.543.10.20.00 Payroll Taxes and Benefits 217,304 FICA, medicare, L&I, PERS 000.543.10.31.01 Office Supplies 6,000 Includes all regular office supplies, filing supplies for capital projects, plotter paper, engineering supplies 000.543.10.31.03 Publications 500 Misc. Public Notices-A recent Examples include Sullivan Bridge Weight Restriction Notices. Reduction of$500 base on previous years expenditures 000.543.10.31.06 Safety Equipment 2,000 This includes all safety supplies such as Safety Vests,eye protection, hearing protection, hard hats, Saftey lights for vehicles,temporary traffic control equipment. 000.543.10.32.01 Fuel 5,500 3 vehicles plus 1.5 summer vehicles Taurus, Explorer, Dakota, 1.5 New vehicles 000.543.10.35.01 Small Tools& Minor Equipment 5,000 This includes tape measures, surveying equipment, levels,and other misc. devices that would be used to inspect contractors work. 000.543.10.36.02 Non Capital Computer Software/Hardware Phones, monitors, and other misc. supplies. 000.534.10.48.01 Equipment Repair& Maintenance 3,400 Oil Changes, Tires, Misc Repairs on 4.5 Vehicles at$750 per vehicle 000.543.10.41.02 Engineering &Architectural 8,000 Contingency 8,000 Recent examples have included contracts for the Sprague-Appleway Couplet Evaluation, Survey work, development of Right of way Polies and Procedures, planning level estimates for the new maintenance facility. 000.543.10.41.03 Spokane County GIS 10,000 Citrix-2 License support agreement$4.17/month 100 Skymap-8 users at$70 per month 6,720 Craig, Marcy, Steve, Ken, Intern, Kipp, Sean, Tom, Shane GIS License Fee$100/month 1,200 Map requests would be performed by Spokane Co 2,000 (Total paid to Spokane County for GIS is estimated at $150,000 including$10,000 in PW and$140,000 in Community Development divisions) 000.543.10.42.01 Postage 600 Expense charged to PW for all outgoing mail Page 1 of 3 P:11. General GovernancelBudget12015 Budget\Public Works DeptIPW.ST.SW budget worksheets 2015 000.543.10.42.03 Cell Phones 3,676 5 Phones- 37.23 Per month 2,234 1 !pad -40.01 Per month 480.12 475-5332, 701-1811, 714-7133,723-3457, 868-2718 GPS Phone for Scott Wallace $35.15 month 421.8 Cell Phone Reimbursement 135 per quarter-eric 540 Increase of$876, The 2014 Budget did not include cell phone reimbursement and the gps unit for Scott Wallace 000,543,10.43.01 Travel/Mileage 7,000 Car Rental ($150 x 4) 600 Flights ($300 x 4) 1,200 Lodging&Meals($280 x 4 x 3) (average of 2 nights away 3,360 Misc training classes(12*$125) 1,500 Other Misc. 340 000.543.10.48.02 Copier Maintenance 4,400 Upkeep on copiers, 3 year averages 000.543.10.48.03 Software Licenses & Maintenance 15,875 Culvert, Flow Master, Pond Pack Support Renewal 1,825 TranSoft 3,000 AutoCad 7,000 Adobe Prof 500 Cartegraph 2,000 SRTC Visum 1,550 Support Renewals&other misc. The$450 increase is related to the yearly maintenance costs associated with software maintenance fees. 000.543,10.49.02 Memberships/Professional Licenses 3,500 Professional Engineer(6 X$120) 600 American Public Works Association(4 x$133) 532 International Municipal Signal Association ($40 x 1) 40 American Society of Civil Engineers ($235 x 2) 470 Contingency 1,858 The$500 decrease was found from reviewing current staff memberships&licenses. This will not reduce current memberships of staff. 000.543.10.49.04 Conference Registrations 8,200 Class Registration&Webinar fees(10 staff x 2 classes x $250) 5,000 4 staff($400 x 4)-APWA, WSDOT, Rd&St Conference 1,600 Other Misc.Training 1,600 Vehicle Replacement Fund 3,900 Ford Escape($26000/10 yr=2600) Ford F150($13,000110 yr= 1300)(.5 GFI.5 STREET) 1.5 new vehicles in 2014 The PW General fund has not paid into the vehicle replacement fund in the last few years. The increase of the$3,900 puts us over the 1% non-payroll increase requested by City Council. If we exclude the cost for vehicle replacement,the PW general fund has a non-payroll budget increase of.39%. Capital Outlays Page 2 of 3 P:11. General GovernancelBudget12015 Budget\Public Works Dept1PW.ST.SW budget worksheets 2015 Total PW: 921,914 Page 3 of 3 P:\1.General Governance\Budget\2015 Budget\Public Works Dept\PW.ST.SW budget worksheets 2015 Public Works Department 2015 Fund#101-Street Fund 2011 2012 2013 2014 Proposed Actual Actual Actual Budget Budget RECURRING ACTIVITY Wages I Payroll Taxes/Benefits Wages 326,074 345,626 370,510 408,051 442,330 Temp/Seasonal-Wages 0 0 0 26,000 26,000 Overtime 15,115 6,196 4,342 10,000 15,000 Payroll Taxes and Benefits 126,337 134,029 153,642 180,289 191,018 Temp/Seasonal-Payroll Tax&Benefits 0 0 0 2,948 2,949 Snow Plow-Wages 0 64,391 40,899 0 0 Snow Plow-Overtime 0 17,544 13,137 0 0 Snow Plow-Payroll Taxes and Benefits 0 26,557 12,202 0 0 467,526 594,343 594,732 627,288 677,297 Supplies Operating Supplies 3,285 1,410 4,949 1,500 1,500 Fuel 9,088 9,610 9,173 10,000 10,000 Small Tools&Minor Equipment 25,944 20,655 13,633 20,000 20,000 Repair&Maintenance Supplies 45,868 72,926 78,868 60,000 80,000 84,185 104,601 106,623 91,500 111,500 Other Services&Charges School Zone Beacons 49,003 37,170 0 0 0 Engineering&Architectural 274,953 179,287 283,030 180,000 225,000 Professional Services 0 506 154 0 0 Telephone Service 5,466 3,199 582 2,500 350 Cell Phones 2,424 3,505 3,914 3,300 3,760 Internet Service 0 0 2,227 0 2,435 Equipment Rental 0 5,620 4,541 1,000 1,000 Waste Disposal 3,108 395 126 3,000 2,000 Equipment Repair&Maintenance 0 547 2,735 3,000 3,500 Software Licenses&Maintenance 0 0 4,720 0 0 Travel/Mileage/Meals 3,732 4,412 107 4,000 4,000 Uncollectible Accounts Expense 0 11,206 0 0 0 Contract street maintenance 1,487,133 1,647,810 1,234,580 1,353,899 1,349,911 Winter Snow Services 0 1,702 3,455 0 0 Utility Services 581 0 0 0 0 Non-Capital Computer Software/Hardware 250 400 0 0 0 Bridge Maintenance 213,758 11,027 3,080 118,000 40,000 Street Lighting 419,206 424,476 425,136 425,000 425,000 Water&Sprinkler 18,117 18,523 23,051 20,000 12,000 Traffic Control Devices-Repair&Maint. 52,706 1,060 14,340 0 0 IT Support 0 85 0 0 0 Training 0 0 425 0 0 Intertund Vehicle Lease 0 10,777 160,777 85,777 12,077 Memberships 1,943 1,000 0 0 0 Registrations 0 275 550 1,000 1,000 Memberships-SRTC 37,195 35,107 34,218 37,552 37,552 Engineering&Architectural 0 0 4,963 0 0 Repair&Maintenance Supplies 0 0 126 0 0 Bridge Maintenance 0 0 69,447 0 0 Office&Operating Supplies 0 5 0 0 0 Small Tools&Minor Equipment 0 0 1,362 0 0 Taxes and Assessments 0 0 412 0 0 Operating Facilities Rent 0 1,800 2,350 0 0 Electricity 126 0 5,671 7,650 7,000 Sewer 1,376 1,459 308 300 300 Waste Disposal 0 0 694 0 700 Television Services 0 0 283 0 300 Repairs&Maintenance 44,384 7,610 27,195 7,000 7,000 2,615,461 2,408,963 2,314,559 r22,O 2,134,885 P:\1.General Governance\Budget\2015 Budget\Public Works Dept\PW.ST.SW budget worksheets 2015 Public Works Department 2015 Fund#101-Street Fund 2011 2012 2013 2014 Proposed Actual Actual Actual Budget Budget Snow Operations Vehicle License&Registration 0 47 0 0 0 Equipment Rental 0 1,019 538 0 0 Subscriptions 0 1,920 12510 15,000 15,000 WSDOT Winter Snow Services 0 29,424 50,961 50,000 50,000 Interfund Vehicle Lease 0 100,000 0 0 0 Equipment Repair&Maintenance 115 45,650 45,823 20,000 20,000 Fuel 0 22,657 19,159 20,000 20,000 Winter Snow Services 0 119,292 47,163 140,000 140,000 Small Tools&Minor Equipment 0 7,576 7,605 5,000 5,000 Facilities Operating Rent&Leases Bldg 25,023 2,098 0 0 0 Repair&Maintenance Supplies 0 98,841 68,411 50,000 50,000 Operating Supplies 0 262,866 233,449 220,000 220,000 Winter Snow Services 562,289 0 0 0 0 587,427 691,390 485,719 520,000 520,000 Intergovernmental Services Taxes and Assessments 3,372 618 0 1,000 1,000 Street Maintenance-County 541,371 573,504 620,997 632,000 582,000 WSDOT Maintenance Contract 168,176 149,183 176,278 165,000 165,000 712,919 723,305 797,275 798,000 748,000 Interfund Payments for Service IF Transfer to 001 0 39,600 39,700 0,10 IF Transfer to 001 25,000 0 0 39,700 39,700 IF Transfer to 311 0 0 282,000 282,000 206,618 25,000 39,600 321,700 321,700 246,318 Total Recurring Activity 4,492,518 4,562,202 4,620,608 4,611,466 4,438,000 !NONRECURRING ACTIVITY Capital Outlays and Interfund Payments for Service Pavement marking Grinder-Equipment 0 0 0 0 8,000 Professional Services 178,192 18,409 9,819 0 0 Prof.Svcs.Mat.Testing 0 711 363 0 0 Advertising 1,191 1,054 0 0 0 Vehicle Rental 0 0 68 0 0 Printing&Binding 540 243 0 0 0 Traffic Control Devices(Construction) 194,556 26,968 176,537 0 0 Building and Structures 493,237 0 0 0 0 Construction 274,974 D 0 0 0 Traffic control improvements 0 0 0 25,000 0 Transportation 16,900 18,000 0 0 0 Capital Equipment 236,909 D 5,979 30,000 0 Computer Hardware-Non Capital 0 0 0 6,750 0 IF Transfer to 303 13,105 465,453 138 0 0 Transfers out 9,100 0 0 0 0 Nonrecurring IF transfer to 501 0 0 0 15,000 0 Total Nonrecurring Activity 1,418,704 530,835 192,904 76,750 8,000 Total Street Fund 5,911,222 5,093,040 4,813,512 4,688,216 4,446,000 Page 2 of 2 P:11. General GovernancelBudget12015 Budget\Public Works Dept\PW.ST.SW budget worksheets 2015 STREET FUND#101 2015 Line Item Detail Proposed Budget 000.542.10.10.00 Wages 442,330 000.542.10.20.00 Payroll Taxes and Benefits 191,018 FICA, medicare, L&I, PERS 000.542.10,10.99 Overtime 15,000 000.542.10.10.01 Temp/Seasonal -Wages 26,000 000.542.10.20.01 Temp/Seasonal - Payroll Tax & Benefits 2,949 Per the auditors direction we are required to track employee time to specific funds. Mike B. has been budgeted at 50% St150%SW His actual time charged is about 80% street, 20% SW. Brant is also charging to the Street fund when working on winter operations, he is budgeted at 100% SW. We may need to update the wages to account for the differences from budgeted to actual. We also might want to add in the temporary snow plow drivers. 000.542.10.31.04 Operating Supplies 1,500 Misc supplies for maintenance crew, including marking paint and other supplies for marking jobsites. 000.542.10.32.01 Fuel 10,000 Fuel for 5 vehicles Shane,Traffic, Tom, .5 backhoe, .5 F550, .5 Bergen, .5 New 000.542.10.35.01 Small Tools& Minor Equipment 20,000 Tools to outfit a mechanic for winter snow operations, saws and weed eaters for city staff/geiger crews,welding equipment, etc. 000.542.30.31.08 Repair& Maintenance Supplies 80,000 Supplies including coldmix for potholes, rental equipment, street markers, welding gasses, cones, safety equipment,truck parts, crack sealing Increase of$20,000 to purchase more crack sealing material for redidential roads. This line item also purchases cold mix 000.542.66.31.04 Operating Supplies -Snow Removal 220,000 Mag, Sand Etc 85,000 Ice slicer 125,000 000.542.66.31.04 Repair& Maintenance Supplies -Snow Removal 50,000 Misc. items related to fixing snow plows 000.542.66.32.01 Fuel -Snow Removal 20,000 Fuel for 9 snow plows and 1 backhoe for an average snow fall winter 000.542.66.35.01 Small Tools& Minor Equipment- Snow Removal 5,000 Small tools needed to repair snow plow fleet 000.542.10.41.02 Engineering &Architectural 225,000 County Engineering Contract 25,000 Traffic Engineering Services (DEA) 10,000 Contingency 0 Bridge Engineering Repair 25,000 Street Master Plan TIP 85,000 Street Master Plan Pavement Mgmt 80,000 Page 1 of 4 P:11. General Governance\Budget12015 Budget\Public Works Dept1PW.ST.SW budget worksheets 2015 STREET FUND #101 2015 Line Item Detail Proposed Budget The increase of$45k is due to the fact that the PMP is updated every other year. We reduced the amount in 2014 and we expected to increase in 2015. We reduced Bridge Engineering by$25k as the 2015 Bridge project is currently in design. 000.542.10.42.02 Telephone Service 350 Fax phone line @ Maint Facility 57.94 Per month 350 50%street/50%storm-Centurylink The reduction from the 2014 budget is because the internet service is charged to a different bars account 000.542.1042,07 Internet Service 2,435 Dark Fiber for Traffic Engineer Connection 1,884 156.98 Per month -Zayo Wind Wireless$84.95 per month Euclid 50/50 550 New budget line of$2435 to include internet services at the Euclid Facility and Fiber connection at City Hall 000.542.10.42.03 Cell Phones 3,760 5 Cell Phones 2,320 2 Ipad internet connections 1 Wireless Data 960 $37.13 per cell phone, 40.01 per Ipad 480 Mike,Tom, Shane, Shane Ipad,Traffic Ipad Increased by$460 to account for unbudgeted WI-Fi connections 000.542.10.45.03 Rental Equipment 1,000 Rental Equipment-crack sealers, compressors, etc 000.542.10.47,04 Waste Disposal 2,000 Dumping fees at the local transfer stations for all garbage picked up by city crews. 000.542.10.48.01 Equipment Repair& Maintenance 3,500 Oil Changes, Tires, Misc Repairs on 4.5 Vehicles Estimated$750 per vehicles 000.542.20.43.01 Travel/Mileage 4,000 Mileage 280 Airfare ($300 x 3) 900 Car Rental ($100 x 3) 300 Lodging & Meals ($280 x 3 x 3 nights) 2,520 000.542.30.41.10 Contracted Street Maintenance 1,349,911 AAA Sweeping (490199.94 *4%) 19,608 1,266,663 Street and Stormwater Maintenance Emergency Callout-Senske(50%Street 50%storm) 10,000 Landscaping Right of Ways-Ace Landscaping 2012 21,140 $82,902.72*25% _ $20,725.68 Geiger Work Crew($60,000*25%) 15,000 Dead Animal Removal-City Streets 15,000 On-Call Emergency Cleanup(25% Street/75% SW) 2,500 Contingency Increase of$13,512. This includes the addition of the On-Call Spill Cleanup contract with Able Cleanup and contract increases. Page 2 of 4 P:11. General Governance\Budget12015 Budget\Public Works Dept1PW.ST.SW budget worksheets 2015 STREET FUND#101 2015 Line Item Detail Proposed Budget 000.542.30.41.12 Winter Snow Services Budgeted under specific line items in 2014 000.542.50.48.01 Bridge/Street Maintenance 40,000 The City submitted a grant application for the Fancher Bridge Joint Replacements. The project cost is estimated at about 200k. The match for the project could be up to 40k. 000.542.63.47.01 Street Lighting 425,000 increase due to higher costs of electricity and added street lights due to capital projects 000.542.63.47.02 Water& Sprinkler 12,000 This is the water services for all grassy areas that the city maintains such as Sprague, appleway This line item was reduced by$8,000. Water& Sprinklers are typically paid for by the street fund but service many stormwater swales or ponds. The street fund will pay for 50% of the water fees. 000.542.66.41.12 Winter Snow Services 140,000 Poe Asphalt Winter Contract Drivers 70,000 Road Graders (full city plow costs about$70k) 70,000 We expect in 2015 to reduce the contracted labor as we start to use City hired On-Call Drivers for snow removal 000.542.66.41.15 WSDOT Winter Snow Services 50,000 Snow removal and treatment on Pines and Trent 000.542.66.48.01 Equipment Repair& Maintenance- Snow Removal 20,000 Outside shop repairs 000.542.66.49.01 Subscriptions - Snow Removal 15,000 Weather Reports & Misc 3,000 E-Road Track- Plow Tracking System 12,000 000.542.90.49.00 Memberships/Professional Licenses 37,552 Various Ecology, Chemical Handlers, Water Works 2,200 Operator, Flagging Certifications, Hazardous memberships Inland Empire Utility Dues 1,000 Institute of Traffic Engineers($250 x 2) 500 American Society of Civil Engineers 250 SRTC Membership 18,000 SRTC Management Fees 15,000 2 PE Licenses 302 1 PTOE License 300 000.542.90.49.01 Conference Registrations 1,000 APWA Snow Conference 500 Misc. training in area (4 x$125) 500 Rd&St Conference, WSDOT, Flagging, Chemical, Street Safety,etc., APWA Snow Conference Page 3 of 4 P:\1. General Governance\Budget12015 Budget\Public Works Dept\PW.ST.SW budget worksheets 2015 STREET FUND#101 2015 Line item Detail Proposed Budget 000.542.90.95.07 Plow Replacement Money set aside each year to provide funding for a new Snow Plow each year. 000 597.60.95,03 Vehicle Replacement 12,077 Vehicle replacement program,yearly amount of 10,777 money set aside for future replacement for all 1,300 street fund vehicles-Added .5 new vehicles Increased by$1,300 to include half the new truck 000,543.50.47.01 Electricity- Euclid Facility 7,000 This is a estimate of the charges for electricity at the Maintenance Facility at 17002 E. Euclid. Reduced by$650 after looking at actual usage This is paid by 1/2 Street and 1/2 Storm 000.543,50.47.03 Sewer- Euclid Facility 300 Sewer charges at the Maintenance Facility located at 17002 E. Euclid. The cost is$50 per month and is paid for 1/2 by street and 1/2 by stormwater Waste Disposal - Euclid Facility 700 Garbage Service Television Service- Euclid Facility 300 000.543.50,48.04 Repair& Maintenance- Euclid Facility 7,000 All expenses are 50/50 with the Stormwater Fund Building Cleaning 2X Monthly$350 per month 2,100 Industrial Park Dues 1,110 Yearly Furnace Cleaned 500 Building Maintenance 3,290 000.543.50.44.03 Taxes &Assessments 1,000 000.542.30.51.01 Street Maintenance-County 582,000 Traffic Signal Maintenance, Street signs, Pavement markings. Year end totals for signal, sign, markings 000.542.30.51.02 WSDOT Maintenance Contract 165,000 Signal Illumination 45,531 Roadway Maintenance 117,000 Reduced specific line item by$50,000 and put in snow Contingency 2,469 000.597.00.00.10 Transfer to General Fund -OH 39,700 000.597.31.00.10 Transfer to Fund 311 - Pavement Preservation 206,618 Capital Outlays Pavement marking Grinder 8,000 COSV Traffic Management Center 0 Total Street Fund 4,446,000 Page 4 of 4 P:\1.General Governance\Budget\2015 Budget\Public Works Dept\PW.ST.SW budget worksheets 2015 Public Works Department 2015 Fund#402-Stormwater Management Fund 2011 2012 2013 2014 Proposed Actual Actual Actual Budget Budget RECURRING ACTIVITY Wages I Payroll Taxes/Benefits 000.531.36.10.00 Wages 302,238 274,272 313,067 346,410 336,395 000.531.36.10.01 Temp/Seasonal-Wages 0 0 0 17,333 17,333 000.531.36.10.99 Overtime 7,443 1,683 403 2,000 2,000 000.531.36.20.00 Payroll Taxes and Benefits 108,179 97,869 116,383 137,506 130,087 000.531.36.20.01 Temp/Seasonal-Payroll Tax&Benefits 0 0 0 2,286 2,286 417,860 373,824 429,853 505,535 488,101 Supplies 402.000.193 531.36.31.04 Operating Supplies 0 0 98 0 0 402.402.000 531.36.31.01 Office&Operating Supplies 0 5 123 0 0 402.402.000.531.36.31.03 Publications 792 0 270 800 800 402.402.000531.36.31.04 Operating Supplies 2,656 5,074 1,053 3,000 3,000 402.402.000531.36.31.06 Safety Equipment 183 0 68 600 600 402.402.000.531.36.31.08 Repair&Maintenance Supplies 122 20 1,912 0 0 402.402.000.531.36.32.01 Fuel 5,557 4,784 5,387 6,500 6,500 402.402.000.531.36.35.01 Small Tools&Minor Equipment 4,117 2,275 2,043 5,000 5,000 13,427 12,158 10,954 15,000 15,900 Other Services&Charges 402.000.000.531.36.42.01 Postage 0 0 57 0 0 402.000,000.531.36.48.03 Software Licenses&Maintenance 0 0 0 0 0 402.402.000.531.36.41.03 Spokane County GIS 6,749 6,358 8,352 10,000 7,500 402.402.000,531.36.41.04 Legal 0 0 206 0 0 402.402.000.531.36.41.05 Professional Services 43,126 100,502 21,240 68,500 68,500 402.402.000.531.36.41.10 Private stormwater maintenance 769,759 846,816 1,033,991 928,776 948,026 402.402.000.531.36.41.17 Advertising 0 1,037 641 0 0 402.402.000.531.36.42.01 Postage 0 0 6 0 0 402.402.000.531.36.42.02 Telephone Service 0 0 582 1,200 350 402.402.000.531.36.42.03 Cell Phones 1,506 1,266 1,371 1,400 1,400 402.402.000.531.36.42.08 Internet Service 0 0 510 0 550 402.402.000.531.36.43.01 Travel/Mileage/Meals 2,804 3,049 877 3,150 3,150 402.402.000.531.36.44.03 Taxes and Assessments 0 209 1,029 500 500 402.402.000.531.36.45.03 Equipment Rental 0 5,274 3,582 0 0 402.402.000.531.30.45.07 Interfund Vehicle Lease 0 0 1,567 1,567 4,167 402.402.000.531.36.47.01 Electricity 6 0 5,671 7,650 7,000 402.402.000.531.36.47.02 Water&Sprinkler 0 0 0 0 12,000 402.402.000.531.36.47.03 Sewer 0 93 262 300 300 402.402.000.531.36.47.04 Waste Disposal 27,012 38,837 35,777 30,000 25,000 402.402.000.531.36.47.05 Television Services 0 0 283 0 300 402.402.000.531.36.47.06 Sweeping-Grant Reimbursed 50,000 0 0 0 0 402.402.000.531.36.48.01 Equipment Repair&Maintenance 0 96 391 2,000 2,625 402.402.000.531.36.48.03 Software Licenses&Maintenance 0 0 775 2,500 2,500 402.402.000.531.36.48.04 Repairs&Maintenance 182 3,000 26,616 7,000 7,000 402.402.000.531.36.49.02 Memberships 155 139 221 600 600 402.402.000.531.36.49.04 Registrations 0 130 1,701 2,000 2,000 402.402.000.531.36.49.05 Filing and Recording Fees 0 0 184 0 0 402.402.000.531.36.49.07 Training 0 1,699 0 0 0 402.402.000.531.36.49.09 Petty Cash Reimbursment 110 20 143 0 0 402.402.000.531.36.49.50 Facilities Operating Rent&Leases Bldg 25,023 6,293 0 0 0 926,432 1,014,818 1,146,035 1,067,143 1,093,468 Page 1 of 2 P:\1.General Governance\Budget 12015 Budget\Public Works Dept\PW.ST.SW budget worksheets 2015 Public Works Department 2015 Fund#402-Stormwater Management Fund 2011 2012 2013 2014 Proposed Actual Actual Actual Budget Budget Intergovernmental Services 402,402,000.531.36.51.01 Spokane County-Contract Services 0 189 0 0 0 WSDOT Decant Facility O&M Fee 0 0 0 0 15,000 402.402.000.531.36.51.20 Ecology Permit 23,076 24,422 25,726 26,000 27,000 23,076 24,611 25,726 26,000 42,000 Interfund Payments for Service 402.402.000.597.00.00.10 IF Transfer to 001 0 15,000 13,400 0 0 402.402.000.597.55.95.02 IF Transfer to 001 13,386 0 0 13,400 13,400 402.402.000.597.55.95.03 Vehicle Replacement Costs 0 1,557 0 0 0 13,386 16,567 13,400 13,400 13,400 Total Recurring Activity 1,394,181 1,441,978 1,625,968 1,627,978 1,652,869 NONRECURRING ACTIVITY Capital Outlays 402.402.000.594.38.62.00 Capital Purchases-Buildings 0 0 0 250,000 0 402.402.000.594.38.63.05 Stormwater Improve-Capital Outlays 0 (365,516) 0 900,000 600,000 402.402.000.594.38.64.05 Heavy Duty Machinery&Equipment 0 0 0 16,000 16,000 402.402.000.597.50.00.10 IF Transfer to 501 0 0 0 30,000 0 402.402.150.595. #150-Sullivan Rd.Bridge Drain Retrofit 0 32,571 280,320 0 0 402.000.179.595. #179-2013 Street Preservation-Phase 2 0 0 6,230 0 0 402.000.000.595. Construction-Drainage 0 0 197,358 0 0 402.000.168.595. #168-Wellesley&Adams sidewalks 0 0 110,566 0 0 402.000.180.595. #180-Carnahan,Indiana&Sprague,St Pres 0 0 79,213 0 0 402.000.184.595. #184-2013 Street Pres.Phase 2 0 0 161,254 0 0 402.402.000.597.10.00.10 Interfund Transfer to:Street Fund 90,750 0 0 0 0 402.402.000.597.30.00.30 Interfund Transfer-Street Cap Proj 56,863 113,014 0 0 0 402.402.000.597.10.00.10 IF Transfer to 101 90,750 0 0 0 0 402.000.000.597.30.00.30 IF Transfer to 303 0 113,014 423 0 0 402.402.000.597.30.00.30 IF Transfer to 303 56,863 0 0 0 0 Total Nonrecurring Activity 295,226 (106,917) 835,364 1,196,000 616,000 Total Stormwater Fund 1,689,407 1,335,061 2,461,332 2,823,978 2,268,869 Page 2 of 2 P:11. General GovernancelBudget12015 Budget\Public Works Dept\PW.ST,SW budget worksheets 2015 STORM WATER FUND#402 2015 Line Item Detail Proposed Budget 000.531.36.10.00 Wages 336,395 000.531.36.20.00 Payroll Taxes and Benefits 130,087 FICA, medicare, L&I, PERS 000.531.36.10.99 IOvertime I 2,000 000.531.36.10.01 (Temp/Seasonal-Wages _ I 17,333 000,531.36.20.01 (Temp/Seasonal- Payroll Tax & Benefits I 2,286 000.531.36.31.03 I Publications I 800 Includes misc. items where the public will be _ I notified by newspaper _ 0.00.531.36.31.04 Operating Supplies 3,000 I Includes all testing equipment 000.531.36.31.06 Safety Equipment 600 'Safety equipment for personell and truck - items include any traffic control devices needed and I safety devices for trucks. I _ 000.5313632.01 Fuel I I 6,500 Fuel for 3.5 vehicles ' 6,500 _ 000.531.36.35.01 Small Tools & Minor Equipment I I _5,000_ Includes testing equipment, spill cleanup supplies, signs, _ and misc tools 000,531.36.41.03 IT Support 7,500 -- _. GIS License(50%of city's cost for license) 5,500 Scimap$70 each per month(1 user, Brodwater) 852 Contingency 1,148 _ Reduced by$2,500. There was an item accounted for in another part of the budget. 000.531.36.41.05 Professional Services 68 500 Surveying 25,000 Material Testing 25,000 Design 18,500 I _ 000.531.36.41.10 Contracted stormwater maintenance I 948,026 Street Sweeping(2012 contract$490,199.94*96%) 470,592 - Poe Asphalt Street Repair&Maintenance _ I 100,000 Landscaping Right of Ways-Ace Landscaping 2013 63,750 $82,902*75%+2% I 'Emergency Callout(50% Street/50°/0 stormwater) 10,000 I IVactoring(Drainage structure cleaning) 200,000 I On-Call Emergency Cleanup (25%Street/75%SW) 7,500 Emergency Cleanup Contract-Able Spill Response 10,000 Contingency(10%of total) I 86,184 _ Increase of$11k due to the addition of the On-Call Emergency Spill Cleanup Contract and annual increases to current contracts 000.531.36.42.02 Telephone Service I 350 Fax phone line @ Maint Facility 57.94 Per month I 350 50%street/50%storm-Centurylink I __ I Internet services were moved to a different Bars account 000.531.36.42.03 Cell Phones I 1,400 2 Phones-Brant, SW Floating, data card $37.13 per phone+ 1 wireless access point 40.01 I Page 1 of 3 P:11. General Governance\Budget12015 Budget\Public Works Dept\PW.ST.SW budget worksheets 2015 STORM WATER FUND#402 2015 Line Item Detail Proposed Budget 000.531.36.42.08_ lInternet Service I 550 Wind Wireless$84.95 per month Euclid 50/50 I T I New budget of 550 to include the seperated Internet expense - that was previously budgeted under telephone services. _ 000.531.36.43.01 Travel/Mileage f 3,150 Car Rental ($100 x 5) 1 500 Lodging and meals($280 x 3 x 2 nights) 1,660 'Airfare($300 x 3) 900 000.531.36.44,01 Taxes and Assessments 500_ (Yearly Propetry taxes _ 000.531.36.45.07 Vehicle Replacement Fund ; 4,167 'The increase includes the new vehicle purchased I I in 2014 J� 000.531.36.47.01 Electricity- Euclid Facility 7,000 (This is a estimate of the charges for electricity _ 'at the Maintenance Facility at 17002 E. Euclid, 112 month average of$1275 per month or$15,300 _ (per year. This is paid by 1/2 Street and 1/2 Storm 000.531.36.47.02 Waster& Sprinker _ _ _L 12000 Water in irrigated swales around the City _ New budget includes 50% the fees the City pays for all the irrigated ROW and Swale areas. The Street fund funds 50% 000.531.36.47.03 Sewer- Euclid Facility 1 300 'Sewer charges at the Maintenance Facility 'located at 17002 E. Euclid. The cost is$50 per 'month and is paid for 1/2 by street and 1/2 by stormwater _ 000.531,36.47.04 Waste Disposal _ 25,000 IDisposal of sweeping and vectoring debris from 'the MA Sweeping and Vectoring Contract. This is for dumping fees associated with Graham Road Waste Disposal costs should declise with the use 'of the new Decant Facility that will be online in 2015. 000.531.36.47.05 Television Service @ Euclid Facility I 300 Service provided to the Euclid Facility that gives employees access to the latest news and weather reports. I 000.531.36.48.01 Equipment Repair& Maintenance I _ 2,625 1750 Per vehicle- 3.5 Vehicles Oil changes+Misc repairs 'Increased to include the new SW vehicle 000.531.36.48.03 Software Licenses & Maintenance I 2,500 Esri Online Mapping I 000.531.36.48.04 Repair and Maintenance - Euclid Facility I 7,000 All expenses are shared 50/50 with the Street Fund I Building Cleaning 2X Monthly$300 per month 2,100 Garbage Service 1,068 Industrial Park Dues 1,110 1 Yearly Furnace Cleaned 500 (Contingency 2,222 I 000.531.36.49.02 Memberships/Professional Licenses I 600 IAPWA(3 x$133) 399 'Wastewater Operator Certificate 50 ' 11 PE license +Misc 109 Page 2 of 3 P:11. General Governance\Budget12015 Budget\Public Works Dept1PW.ST.SW budget worksheets 2015 STORM WATER FUND #402 2015 Line Item Detail Proposed Budget 000.531.36.49.04 'Conference Registrations I I 2,000 'GIS or Python Related Training Seminars)4 x$400) I 1,600 IAPWA Conference ' 400 000.531.36,51.xx WSDOT Decant Facility 0 & M Fee — I 15,000 New budget item for 2015. This fee will be paid to WSDOT for Operation and Maintenance of the new 'decant facility for our use. 000.531.36.51.20 Ecology Permit 27,000 'Yearly cost of operating under the DOE _ I 000.597.00.00.01 Interfund Transfer- General Fund OH I 13,400 I Capital Outlays I I I 000.594.38.63.05 Stormwater Improve- Capital Outlay I 600,000 I 'This is the estimate for the Small Works Projects I 300,000 Ito be completed in 2013. This will repair multiple I G 'drainage problems throughout the city based on I ISAREF score. 'Pavement Preservation Retrofit- Update SW 300,000 'structures in current preservation projects I 'Variable Message System (VMS)Trailer ' I 16,000 This would be used for advanced warning notifications of upcoming projects or for emergency situations Total Stormwater 2,268,869 Page 3 of 3 P:\1.General Governance\Budget\2015Budget\Public Safety\Public safety budget worksheets 2015 Tab 119: Public Safety 001 General Fund 016 Public Safety Budget Reduction Exercise (Does not reflect recommended course of action) 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2015 Budget with 2015 Bud et-Line Item Changes Actual Actual Actual Budget Proposed 3% 6% 9% 3% 6% 9% Budget Reduction_ Reduction Reduction Reduction Reduction Reduction Non-Departmental 000.586.82.00.16 State Remittance-Vehicle License Fraud 0 19 403 1500 500 0 0 0 (500) (500) (500) 000.586.83.00.00 State Remittance-Emerg.Med.&Trauma Care 33,809 27,603 25,771 30,000 26,000 0 0 0 (26,000) (26,000) (26,000) 000.586.83.04.00 Crime Victims Fund-Spokane County 10,320 9,940 9,802 11,000 11,000 0 0 0 (11,000) (11,000) (11,000) 000.586.83.07.00 Law Library-Spokane County 40 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000.586.87.00.02 State Remit Judicial Stabilization Trust 40 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000.586.89.00.09 State Remittance-WSP Hiway Account 1,737 7,699 5,605 5,000 7,000 0 0 0 (7,000) (7,000) (7,000) 000.586.89.00.12 State Remittance-Accessible Communities 3,168 2,467 2,836 3,000 3,000 0 0 0 (3,000) (3,000) (3,000) 000.586.89.00.13 State Remittance-Multimodal Transport. 3,169 2,468 2,837 3,000 3,000 0 0 0 (3,000) (3,000) (3,000) 000.586.89.00.14 State Remittance-Highway Safety Acct 264 708 1,568 1,500 2,000 0 0 0 (2,000) (2,000) (2,000) 000.586.89.00.15 State Remittance-Death Investigation 138 1,358 988 1,000 1,000 0 0 0 (1,000) (1,000) (1,000) 000.586.92.00.03 State Remittance-PSEA 2 173,787 164,085 292,473 180,000 300,000 0 0 0 (300,000) (300,000) (300,000) 000.586.91.00.04 State Remittance-PSEA 1 318,681 299,622 161,195 330,000 200,000 0 0 0 (200,000) (200,000) (200,000) 000.586.88.00.05 State Remittance-PSEA 3 3,116 3,687 4,021 4,500 5,000 0 0 0 (5,000) (5,000) (5,000) 000.586.96.00.00 State Remittance-Crime Lab Analysis Fee 61 0 3,578 4,500 5800 0 0 0 (5,000) (5,000) (5,000) 000.586.97.00.00 State Remittance-Lab Breath/State Patrol 5,178 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000.586.97.00.01 State Remittance-Judicial IS Systems 114,249 93,725 87,347 100,000 100,000 0 0 0 (100,000) (100,000) (100,000) 000.586.83.00.31 State Remittance-Auto Theft Prey 63,353 51,620 47,924 55,000 50,000 0 0 0 (50,000) (50,000) (50,000) 000.586.83.00.32 State Remittance-Trauma Brain Inj 5,713 4,674 4,468 4,500 5,000 0 0 0 (5,000) (5,000) (5,000) 000.586.99.00.00 State Remittance-School Zone Safety 15,039 12,338 13,865 30,000 15000 0 0 0 (15,000) (15,000) (15,000) 751,862 682,014 664,681 764,500 733500 0 0 0 (733,500) (733,500) (733,500) Wages/Payroll Taxes/Benefits 000.521.50.10.00 Salaries&Wages 3,115 1,321 1,984 2,500 2,500 0 0 0 (2,500) (2,500) (2,500) 000.521.50.10.99 OT 937 290 660 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000.521.50.20.00 Employee Benefits 2,081 778 998 1,000 1,300 0 0 0 (1,300) (1,300) (1,300) 6,133 2,389 3,642 3,500 3,800 0 0 0 (3,800) (3,800) (3,800) Supplies 000.521.20.31.01 Operating Supplies 5,630 6,497 3,980 3,500 5,000 0 0 0 (5,000) (5,000) (5,000) 000.521.20.31.08 Repair&Maintenance Supplies 1,412 693 2,343 3,500 3,000 0 0 0 (3,000) (3,000) (3,000) 000.521.20.31.09 Janitorial Supplies 1,083 1,062 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000.521.20.32.01 Fuel 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000.521.20.35.01 Small Tools&Minor Equipment 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000.521.20.35.04 Non-Capital Equipment for JAG Grant 44,524 16,253 3,272 20,000 20,000 0 0 0 (20,000) (20,000) (20,000) 000.521.20.35.05 Non-Capital Equip for ARRA JAG Grant 93,462 26,099 203 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000.521.20.35.06 Non-Capital Equipment for 2011 JAG Grant 0 0 9,297 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000.521.20.35.07 Non-Capital Equipment for 2012 JAG Grant 0 0 23,978 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000.521.20.35.08 Non-Capital Equipment for WASPC Grant 0 0 4,771 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 146,111 50,604 47,844 27,000 28,000 0 0 0 (28,000) (28,000) (28,000) Other Services&Charges 000.521.20.41.00 Professional Services 1,765 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000.521.20.42.05 ARRA JAG-Wireless Cards 498 488 40 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000.521.20.42.06 2009 JAG-Wireless Cards 9,964 6,334 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000.521.20.42.07 2011 JAG-Wireless Cards 0 3,213 10,079 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000.521.20.43.01 Travel/Mileage 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000.521.20.47.01 Electricity/Gas 29,266 21,603 21,865 30,000 25,000 0 0 0 (25,000) (25,000) (25,000) 000.52120.47.02 Water 1,804 1,385 1,210 1,750 1500 0 0 0 (1,500) (1,500) (1,500) 000521.20.47.03 Sewer 847 849 851 900 900 0 0 0 (900) (900) (900) 000.521.20.47.04 Waste Disposal 3,423 3,504 3,460 4,000 3500 0 0 0 (3,500) (3,500) (3,500) 000.521.20.48.02 Copier Maintenance 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000.52120.49.06 Miscellaneous Srvs/Contingency 0 0 0 500,000 350,000 0 0 0 (350,000) (350,000) (350,000) 000.521.20.49.07 Cry Wolf Charges&Fees 33,314 45,568 44,412 48,000 50800 0 0 0 (50,000) (50,000) (50,000) 000.52120.49.21 Sterling Bank Fees 4,365 5,057 5,111 7,000 5500 0 0 0 (5,500) (5,500) (5,500) 000.521.20.49.22 CryWolf Refunds 1,769 0 0 2,000 500 0 0 0 (500) (500) (500) Page 1 of 2 P:\1.General Governance\Budget\2015 Budget\Public Safety\Public safety budget worksheets 2015 001 General Fund 016 Public Safety Budget Reduction Exercise (Does not reflect recommended course of action) 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2015 Budget with 2015 Budget-Line Item Changes Actual Actual Actual Budget Proposed 3% 6% 9% 3% 6% 9% _ Budget Reduction Reduction Reduction Reduction Reduction Reduction 000.521,5044.03 Taxes and Assessments 0 358 715 400 750 0 0 0 (750) (750) (750) 000.521.50.48.01 Law Enforcement Building Repair&Maint 50,940 59,194 80,283 77,400 _ 55,000 0 0 0 (55500) (55,000) (55,000) 137,955 147,553 168,026 671,450 492,650 0 0 0 (492,650) (492,650) (492,650) Intergovernmental Services 000.512.50.51.02 District Court Contract 1,098,465 792,455 868,861 891,304 902,201 0 0 0 (902,201) (902,201) (902,201) 000.515.31.51.01 Public Defender 705,375 769,295 617,999 852,965 813,554 0 0 0 (813554) (813,554) (813,554) 000.515.31.51.02 Prosecutor 484,799 421,087 406,875 406,777 420,151 0 0 0 (420,151) (420,151) (420,151) 000.515.31.51.03 Pretrail Services 144,713 102,300 108,655 102,894 117,738 0 0 0 (117,738) (117,738) (117,738) 000.515.31.51.04 Prosecutor-Funded by JAG Grant 97 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000.515.91.52.00 Intergovernmental Payments 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000.521.20.51.01 Law Enforcement(Sheriff) 16,885,482 16,853,600 17,701,607 17,794,552 18,896,608 0 0 0 (18,896,608) (18,896,608) (18,896,608) 000.521.20.51.10 2010 Settle&Adjust 0 0 118,273 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000.521.71.52.01 Nighttime Seatbelt Patrol Overtime 3,000 1,783 1,611 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000.521.71.52.02 Hwy 27 Traffic Safety Overtime 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000.521.71.52.03 X-52 DUI Overtime 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000.521.71.52.05 Drive Hammered-get nailed grant 6,943 5,876 10,811 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000.521.71.52.06 Traffic Safety Emergency 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000.521.71.52.07 Child Car Seat Overtime 2,436 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000.521.71.52.08 Slow Down or Pay Up 2,734 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000.521.71.52.09 Stickman Knows 0 3,992 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000.523.20.51.04 Work Release(Geiger) 795,160 429,420 508,704 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000.523.60.51.02 Jail:Geiger County Contracted Services 689,636 976,681 713,292 1,501,222 1,368,475 0 0 0 (1,368,475) (1,368,475) (1,368,475) 000.523.60.51.04 Jail-Geiger Corrections Center 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000.525.60.51.03 Emergency Management 59,622 80,877 80,428 81,398 84,892 0 0 0 (84,892) (84,892) (84,892) 000.528.60.51.05 Communications 190,738 206,445 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000.554.30.54.02 Animal Control 306,923 284,926 295,556 287,081 291,923 0 0 0 (291,923) (291,923) (291,923) 21,376,123 20,928,737 21,432,672 21,918,193 22,895,542 0 0 0 (22,895,542) (22,895,542) (22,895,542) Interfund Payments for Service 000.597.20.95.04 Building Replacement Costs 77,600 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000.597.12.00.30 Interfund Transfer to 123 0 80,00D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 77,600 80,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total Recurring Expenditures 22,495,784 21,891297 22,316,865 23,384,643 24,153,492 0 0 0 (24,153,492) (24,153,492) (24,153,492) Total budget increase= 329% (100.00%) (100.00%) (100.00%) Nonrecurring Items 000.521.20.51.01 Law Enforcement(Sheriff) 0 0 0 350,000 0 Small Tools (2) 0 0 0 12,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Maintenance(3) 0 0 0 12,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total Nonrecurring Expenditures 0 0 0 374,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total Public Safety 22,495,784 21,891,297 22,316,865 23,758,643 24,153,492 0 0 0 (24,153,492) (24,153,492) (24,153,492) Page 2 of 2 016- Public Safety 2015 Proposed Department Explanation Budget Non-Departmental Pass Through State Rev. for Court Fines 733,500 Wages/Payroll Taxes/Benefits Parks/Centerplace Staff for Maint.. of Precinct Building Salaries and Wages [ _ 2,500 IpT = — — - --- I 0 Employee Benefits I 1,300 Supplies Operating Supplies I 5,000 Repair& Maintenance Supplies I 3,000 Non-Capital Equipment for JAG Grant I 20,000 Cell $360, Gov. Emergency phone cards ,$40. Other Services and Charges Electricity/Gas 25,000 Water 1,500 Sewer 900 Waste Disposal ! 3,500 Miscellaneous SrvsfContingency Account for potential impact of collective 350,000 bargaining with DSA and potential impact on Criminal Justice system costs due to additional deputies. Cry Wolf Charges & Fees I 50,000 Sterling Bank Fees 5,500 CryWolf Refunds 500 Taxes and Assessments 750 Law Enforcement Building Repair& Maint Reduced as larger projects were moved to 55,000 Capital requests. Intergovernmental Services District Court 902,201 Add +3 Attorneys for County for caseload limits, Public Defender 37% to SV(+149,160) i 813,554 Prosecutor 420,151 Pre-Trial Services 117,738 Add +2 Patrol Deputies, Promote 3 Corporals to Law Enforcement Sergeants (+320,557) 18,896,608 Detention Services (Jail) 1,368,475 Emergency Management 84,892 Animal Control 291,923 Total 24,153,492 Tab#10: Parks & Recreation P75.General GovernancelBudget12015 Budget''Parks&Recreation Dep0&R budget worksheet 2015 001 General Fund 076 Parks&Recreation Budget Reduction Exercise 000 Admin Division (Does not reflect recommended course ofaction) 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2015 Budget with 2015 Budget-Line Il m Changes Actual Actual Actual Bud0e1 Proposed 3% 6% 9% 3% I 8% 9% Budget Reduction Reduction Reduction Reduction Burt Reduction W8065)Pa rr011 TaxesIBene_hils 00057600.10.00 Wages 148,759 154,825 160,403 166,512 173,472 173.472 173,472 173.472 0 0 000.576.80.10.01 Temp/Seasonal-Wages 0 0 0 6,000 6,000 6.000 6,000 C 0 000.576.80.10.99 Overtime 245 120 345 0 0 0 0 0 0 000.576.80.20.00 Payroll Taxes and Benefits 46,304 49,417 51,319 55,631 48,286 48,286 48.286 46266 0 0 000.676.80.20.01 Temp/Seasonal-PR Tax&Benefits 0 0 C 0 939 939 939 939 0 0 195,308 204.362 212,067 222,343 228,697 228,697 228,897 228,697 0 0 Supplies 000.676.00.31.01 OM.&Operating Supplies 1,513 1,744 1,220 1,800 1,800 1,800 1,800 1,800 0 0 0 000.576.80.31.07 Clothing&Uniforms 45 51 51 150 150 0 0 0 (150) (1501 (150) 000.576.80.31.08 Repair&Maintenance Supplies 0 47 24 2,500 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 0 0 0 000.576.80.32.01 Fuel 3,050 2,824 2,586 3,000 3,000 3,000 9,000 3,000 0 0 0 000.576.80.35.01 Sma:i Tools&Minor Equipment 0 842 2,544 1,000 2.500 2.500 2,500 2,500 0 0 0 9,608 5.508 6,427 8,450 8,450 8,300 8,300 8,300 (150) (150) (150) Other Services&Charms 000.576.80.41,03 Spokane County GIS 9,641 1.435 1,157 2,000 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 0 000.57680,41.04 Legal 5050e6 0 0 0 500 500 500 500 500 0 000.576.80.41 05 Professional Services 6,892 18,213 2.596 12.500 20.000 20,000 20,000 20,000 0 000,576.80.41.17 Advertising 0 0 510 0 500 500 500 500 0 000.576.80,42.01 P05500e 425 451 555 500 600 600 600 600 0 000.576.80.4202 Telephone Services 508 523 527 600 600 600 600 600 0 000.576.80.43.01 Travel/Mileage 2,512 1,785 1,638 2,250 2,200 2,200 2,200 2,200 0 000.576.80.44.03 Taxes and Assessments 0 0 10,161 0 0 0 0 0 0 000.578.80.45.07 Intedund vehicle lease 0 0 7,000 7.000 7,000 7.000 7,000 7,000 0 000.576.80.48.02 Copier Maintenance 1,246 1,573 1,366 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 0 000.576.80.46.03 Software Licenses and Maint 0 0 559 0 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 0 000.578.80.49.01 Subscriptions 192 312 192 300 200 200 200 200 0 000,576.80.49.02 Memberships 886 630 1,306 700 600 600 600 600 0 000,576.80.49.03 Printing&Binding 915 2,643 876 1,500 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 0 000.57690.4904 Conference Registrations 0 0 479 1.100 1.100 1,100 1,100 1,100 0 000.576.80.49.06 Miscellaneous Services 218 4370 500 500 500 500 500 0 18,436 28,002 29,021 30,950 __.381110 08,800 38,800 88,800 0 19terg6v0rnmentel Services 000.576.80.51.02 6tormwatef Fees 10,208 12,550 C 13,000 11,000 11,000 11,000 11,000 0 0 0 000.597.10.95.05 IF Transfer IN ER&R Equipment Rapist 7,000 7,000 0 0 0 0 _ 0 0 - 0 0 0 17,208 19,5500 13,000 11,000 11,000 11,000 11,000 0 0 0 Total Recurring P&R Admin Division 235,560 257,422 247,515 274.743 286,947 286.797 286,797 286,797 (150) (1501 (150). Total budget Increase= 4,44% (0.05%) (0.05%) (005%) Combined nonpayroll increase= 11.16% Nonfacurrine Items Office&Operating Su,rylos 0 0 0 11,350 0 0 0 0 0 0 099,576.10.35.01 Sma!I Tools&Minor Equipment 0 0 2,404 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 099.576.10.41.05 Professional Senrices 0 0 40,415 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 069.594.76.64.05 Heavy Duly Machinery&Equipment 0 0 19,268 0 0 0 0 _0_ 0 0 Total Nonrecurring P&R Ad min Divisi 0 0 62,087 11.350 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total PAR Adonis Division 235 560 757 472 309 602 286.093 286.947 .-286 79 286 797 286 797 (1501 11501 (150) Total Recurdno for All Divisions Admin 274,743 286,947 286,797 286.797 286,797 (150) (1501 (150) Mein 796,200 824,642 809,642 809,842 809,642 (15,000) (15,000) (15,000) Rey 229.152 228.174 218,674 218,674 218,674 (7,500) (7,500) (7,500) Aquatics 490,400 496,200 461,200 331,200 331,200 (35,000) (165,000) (165,000) Senior 89,882 91,985 91,955 91,985 91,955 0 0 0 CP 828.842 824,997 814.997 814,997 768,624 (100001 (10,000) (58,373) 2 709 219 2.750 945 2 683 295 2 553.295 2 506.922 (67.6501 (197.6501 1244 0231 1,54% (2.48%) (7.18%) (8.87%) I 2014 I I 2515 NortPavr011 Admin 52,400 58,250 Malnt 796,200 824,642 Rec 72450 72,250 Aquatics 490,400 496,200 Senor 8,200 7,700 CP 408,727 389,388 1.828.377 1.848 430 Combned nonpayroll increase f01 all divisions= 1.10% Page 1 of 1 P:11.General GovernancelBudget12015 Budget\Parks&Recreation Dept1P&R budget worksheet 2015 General Fund 2015 P&R Detail Worksheet _ Proposed -- — Budget 76 ADMINISTRATION DIVISION 000.575.80.10.00 Salaries&Wages 173,472 000.576.80.10.01 Temporary/Seasonal Wages 6,000 000.576.80.20.00 Payroll Taxes and Benefits 48,286 IFICA,medicare,L&t,PERS 000.576,80.20.1 Temporary/Seasonal Payroll Taxes and Benefits _ 939 000.576.80.31.01 Office&Operating Supplies 1,800 Items printed&mounted 150 Office Depot and/or Staples: Printer Cartridges:2@$86,2@$58 288 Misc.Supplies: Post-it Notes,calendars, 1,362 labels,paper clips,binder clips,staples paper,letterhead,pens,pencils/leads, I sheet protectors,binders,folders,etc. 000.576.80.31.07 Clothing&Uniforms 150 000.576.80.31.08 i Repair&Maintenance Supplies 1,000 Car Supplies,office repairs,replacement items 1,000 000.576. Fuel 3,000 Department vehicles-3 3,000, 000.576.80.35.01 Small Tools&Minor Equipment j 2,500 I 'Labeler,printer,etc. 1,000 I 'Misc.Equipment 1,5001 000.576.80.41.03 Spokane County GIS 1,500 000,576,80,41.04 Legal Notices 500 000,576.80.41.05 Professional Services 20,000 Consultant work for Sand Volleyball courts 10,000 Misc,consultant work 10,000 000.576.80.41.17 `Advertising 500 000.576.80.42.01 Postage 600 000.576.80,42,02 Telephone Services 600 —— —'Alarm monitoring at Mira beau Meadows 800 000.576.80.43.01 Travel/Mileage 2,200 WRPA Conference April Tacoma 500 NRPA Conference Sept. 15-17 Las Vegas 1,750 000,576.80.45.07 IInterfund Vehicle Lease 7,000 000.576.80.48.02 'Copier Maintenance 1,500 000.576,80.48.03 Software Licenses and Maintenance 1,000 000,576.80.49.01 Subscriptions 200 000.576.80.49.02 Memberships 600 Director-WA Recreation and Parks Assoc(WRPA) 250 Director-Nall'Recreation and Parks Assoc(NRPA) 150 Administrative Staff 200 000.576.80.49.03 Printing&Binding 1,000 Brochures,fryers 1,000 000.576.80.49.04 Conference Registrations 1,100 I Staff Training 200 NRPA Conference Sept.15-17 Las Vegas 600 WRPA Conference April Tacoma 300 000.576.80.49.06 Miscellaneous Services 500 000.576.80.51.02 Stormwater Fees 11,000 000.597.10.95.05 IF Transfer to:ER&R Equipment Replacement Total 286,947 I_ Page 1 of 8 P:\1.General Governance\Budget\2015 Budget\Parks&Recreation Dept\P&R budget worksheet 2015 001 General Fund 076 Parks&Recreation Budget Reduction Exercise 300 Maintenance (Does not reflect recommended course of action) 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2015 Budget with 2015 Bud et-Line Item Changes Actual Actual Actual Budget Proposed 3% 6% 9% 3% 6% 9% Budget Reduction Reduction Reduction Reduction Reduction Reduction Supplies 300.576.80.31.01 Office&Operating Supplies 0 0 116 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 300.576.80.31.08 Repair&Maintenance Supplies 27,801 6,881 1,208 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 0 0 0 300,576.80.35.01 Small Tools&Minor Equipment 65 5,252 244 5,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 0 0 0 27,866 12,133 1,568 10,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 0 0 0 Other Services&Charges 300.576.80.41.05 Parks Maintenance Contract 606,478 701,060 726,676 735,000 736,442 721,442 721,442 721,442 (15,000) (15,000) (15,000) 300.576.80.41.06 Trail Maintenance Fund-County 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 300.576.80.44.03 Taxes and Assessments 0 0 0 3,200 3,200 3,200 3,200 3,200 0 0 0 300,576.80.47.01 Electricity 11,161 10,680 10,006 13,000 12,000 12,000 12,000 12,000 0 0 0 300.576.80.47.02 Water 17,075 18,976 17,948 19,000 19,000 19,000 19,000 19,000 0 0 0 300.576.80.47.03 Sewer 13,591 5,689 5,482 10,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 0 0 0 300.576.80.49.06 Miscellaneous Services 3,286 2,231 2,502 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 0 0 _ 0 651,591 738,636 762,614 786,200 804,642 789,642 789,642 789,642 (15,000) (15,000) (15,000) Capital Outlays 300.594.76.63.02 Discovery Playground Improvements 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 300.594.76.63.06 Park Structures-Capital 0 6,545 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6,545 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total Maintenance 679,457 757,314 764,182 796,200 824,642 809,642 809,642 809,642 (15,000) (15,000) (15,000) Total budget increase= 3.57% (1.82%) (1.82%) (1.82%) Combined nonpayroll increase= 3.57% P:11.General Governance\Budge112015 Budget\Parks&Recreation DeptlP&R budget worksheet 2015 General Fund 2015 P&R Detail Worksheet Proposed --- - -- - Budget 300 MAINTENANCE DIVISION _ 300.576.80.31.08 Repair&Maintenance Supplies 5,000 Items not covered under maintenance contract 300.576.80.35.01 Small Tools&Minor Equipment 15,000 Signage,kiosks,etc. 300.576.80.41.05 Park Maintenance Services 736,442 I Senske Contract that includes:moving,watering, i litter control,vegetation management,shelter& restroom maintenance,snow removal,play I equipment repair,reservations,eta 300.575,80,41.06 Trail Maintenance Fund County 20,000 300,576.80,47.01 I Electricity 12,000 300.576.80.47.02 (Water I 19,000 300.576.80.47.03 (Sewer I - — 8,000 300.576.80.49.06 I Mlscelianeous Services 6,000 I Sulrivan Park-water testing 500 Inept of Health-permits 300 !Honey Buckets-Mirabeeu Trailhead 1,200, !Spokane Regional Health-permits 3,000 Misc.Services taco] 300.576,80,44.03 Taxes and Assessments 3,200 Aquifer Assessments 5,200 Total I 824,642 Page 2 of 8 P:\1.General Governance\Budget\2015 Budget\Parks&Recreation Dept\P&R budget worksheet 2015 001 General Fund 076 Parks&Recreation Budget Reduction Exercise 301 Recreation (Does not reflect recommended course of action) 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2015 Budget with 2015 Bud et-Line Item Changes Actual Actual Actual Budget Proposed 3% 6% 9% 3% 6% 9% Budget Reduction Reduction Reduction Reduction Reduction Reduction WaaeslPavroll Taxes/Benefits 301.571.10.10.00 Wages 57,455 59,008 60,543 62,856 64,740 64,740 64,740 64,740 0 0 0 301.571.10.20.00 Payroll Taxes and Benefits 27,198 29,356 29,935 32,882 33,602 33,602 33,602 33,602 0 0 0 301.571.20.10.01 Temp/Seasonal-Wages 48,066 38,377 53,099 56,000 51,000 51,000 51,000 51,000 0 0 0 301.571.20.10.99 Overtime 236 246 11 200 200 200 200 200 0 0 0 301.571.20.20.01 Temp/Seasonal-PR Tax&Benefits 4,424 4,231 7,496 4,764 4,382 4,382 4,382 4,382 0 0 0 137,379 131,218 151,084 156,702 153,924 153,924 153,924 153,924 0 0 0 Supplies 301.571.20.31.01 Office&Operating Supplies 3,372 2,722 4,889 4,200 5,500 5,500 5,500 5,500 0 0 0 301.571.20.31.06 Safety Equipment 501 128 247 250 250 250 250 250 0 0 0 301.571.20.31.07 Clothing&Uniforms 815 1,370 624 900 900 900 900 900 0 0 0 301.571.20.35.01 Small Tools&Minor Equipment 1,100 1,100 1,100 1,100 4,688 4,220 5,760 5,350 7,750 7,750 7,750 7,750 0 0 0 Other Services&Charges 301.571.20.41.05 Professional Services 27,184 28,770 22,204 27,500 26,000 18,500 18,500 18,500 (7,500) (7,500) (7,500) 301.571.20.41.17 Advertising 9,919 10,341 663 800 900 900 900 900 0 0 0 301.571.20.42.01 Postage 2,378 2,069 2,365 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 0 0 0 301.571.20.42.03 Cell Phones 745 499 219 300 150 150 150 150 0 0 0 301.571.20.43.01 Travel/Mileage 2,540 2,151 486 700 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 0 0 0 301.571.20.48.02 Copier Maintenance 1,246 1,573 1,366 1,400 1,400 1,400 1,400 1,400 0 0 0 301.571.20.48.03 Software Licenses and Maintenance 0 2,813 559 0 900 900 900 900 0 0 0 301.571.10.49.01 Scholarship expense 895 464 513 1,000 650 650 650 650 0 0 0 301.571.20.49.02 Memberships 220 120 328 500 400 400 400 400 0 0 0 301.571.20.49.03 Printing and Binding 0 0 4,768 8,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 0 0 0 301.571.20.49.04 Conference Registrations 199 0 0 700 1,800 1,800 1,800 1,800 0 0 0 301.571.20.49.06 Miscellaneous Services 11,175 11,864 11,976 14,200 13,400 13,400 13,400 13,400 0 0 0 301.571.10.49.23 Discount Expense 0 1,876 2,440 0 2,400 2,400 2,400 2,400 0 0 0 301.588.10.01.00 State Remittance-Leasehold Excise Ta 8,586 10,038 6,494 10,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 0 0 0 65,067 72,578 54,381 67,100 64,500 57,000 57,000 57,000 (7,500) (7,500) (7,500) Total Recreation 207,154 208,016 211,225 229,152 226,174 218,674 218,674 218,674 (7,500) (7,500) (7,500) Total budget increase= (1.30%) (3.32%) (3.32%) (3.32%) Combined nonpayroll increase= (0.28%) P:11.General Governance\Budget12015 Budget\Parks&Recreation DepttP&R budget worksheet 2015 General Fund _ 2015 P&R Detail Worksheet Proposed I - Budget 301 RECREATION DIVISION 301.571.10.10.00 Salaries&Wages 64,740 301.571.10.20.00 Payroll Taxes and Benefits 33,802 I FICA,medicare,L&l,PERS 301.571,20.10.01 Temporary/Seasonal Wages _ 51,000 'Recreation Interns 2,500 Ree. Temp Seasonal Staff 48,800 301.57t20.10.99 Overtime' 200 Rec. Temp Seasonal Staff 200 301.571.20.20.01 Temporary/Seasonal Benefits 4,382 301.571.20.20,99 Employee Benefits OT i 301.571.20.31.01 _Office&Operating Supplies El 5,500 Recreation Program Supplies 2,000 Summer Camp T-shirts 1,100 I Rec.Coord.Office Supplies 200 Haunted House/Special event supplies 2000 Business Cards 2001 301.571.20.3.1,06 Safely Equipment 250 'First Aid Supplies 250 301.571.20.31.07 Clothing&Uniforms 900 IRec.Temp Seasons Staff T-shirts 900 301.571.20.35.01 Small Tools&Minor Equipment 1,100 Additonal Desk for Recreation Office 1,100 301.571.20.41.05 Professional Services 26,000 First Student Field Trip Transportation for Camps 5,000 Insfructor/PresenterFeas 13,500 Summer Outdoor Movies Screen&License 7,5 00 301.571.20.41.17 Advertising - - - 900 —— — — 'Brochure distribution through media outlet , 400 iNewspaperAdvedisernents 301.571.20.42.01 Postage I 2,000 Rec guides,flyers,brochures,refunds,etc. 2,000 301.571.20.42.03 [ II Phones — — 150 301_571.20.43.01 ITravellMlleage _ 1,500 NRPA Supervisor Management School 1200 4VPRA Annual Conference 300 301.571.20.48.02 Copier Maintenance 1,400 301.571.20.48.03 Software Licenses and Maintenance 900 301,571.10.49.01 Scholarship Expense I _ 650 I ;Recreational program scholarships 650 301,571,10.49.23 'Discount Expense _ 2,400 301.571.20.49.02 Memberships 400 I WRPA Annual Membership 250 1 NRPA Annual Membership 160 301.571.20.49.03 Printing&Binding I 5,000 ' 'Recreation Brochure(2 times a year) 6,000 301,571,20.49.04 (Conference Registrations 1,800 - I I NRPA Supervisor Management School 1,450 I1 WRPA Annual Conference 350 301,571.20.49.06 'Miscellaneous Services 13;400 I Summer Day Camp Field Tsps 9,300 Program Scharships 800 Program Banners 700 Dog Srvnin/Parents Night 500 First Aid/CPR Training for Summer Staff 1,100 J Family Special Events 1,000 301.586.10.01.00 State Remit-LH Excise Tax 8,000 ForSplashDown&Western Dance Hall 8,000 Total 226,174 Page 3 of 8 P:\1.General Governance\Budget\2015 Budget\Parks&Recreation Dept\P&R budget worksheet 2015 001 General Fund 076 Parks&Recreation Budget Reduction Exercise 302 Aquatics (Does not reflect recommended course of action) 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2015 Budget with 2015 Bud et-Line Item Changes Actual Actual Actual Budget Proposed 3% 6% 9% 3% 6% 9% Budget Reduction Reduction Reduction Reduction Reduction Reduction Supplies 302.576.20.31.01 Office&Operating Supplies 1,947 0 2,124 2,000 2,200 2,200 2,200 2,200 0 0 0 302.576.20.35.01 Small Tools&Minor Equipment 0 5,053 6,957 500 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 0 0 0 1,947 5,053 9,081 2,500 7,200 7,200 7,200 7,200 0 0 0 Other Services&Charges 302.576.20.41.01 Merchant Charges(Bankcard Fees) 1,458 1,600 1,507 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 0 0 0 302.576.20.41.05 Professional Services 385,965 374,424 380,485 389,000 391,400 391,400 261,400 261,400 0 (130,000) (130,000) 302.576.20.41.17 Advertising 0 0 366 500 500 500 500 500 0 0 0 302.576.20.42.02 Telephone Service 4,018 4,301 4,286 4,100 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 0 0 0 302.576.20.44.03 Taxes and Assessments 3,204 3,183 2,590 0 2,600 2,600 2,600 2,600 0 0 0 302.576.20.47.01 Electricity 25,481 23,916 24,749 26,000 26,000 26,000 26,000 26,000 0 0 0 332.578.20.47.02 Water 11,572 12,177 10,141 16,500 13,000 13,000 13,000 13,000 0 0 0 302.576.20.47.03 Sewer 11,396 10,091 9,091 11,000 11,000 11,000 11,000 11,000 0 0 0 302.578.20.48.01 Equipment Repair&Maintenance 0 1,562 32,655 35,000 35,000 0 0 0 (35,000) (35,000) (35,000) 302.576.20.49.03 Printing&Binding 420 473 980 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 0 0 0 302.576.20.49.06 Miscellaneous Services 2,338 2,110 2,635 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 0 0 0 302.576.20.49.23 Scholarship Expense 215 405 280 800 500 500 500 500 0 0 0 446,067 434,242 469,765 487,900 489,000 454,000 324,000 324,000 (35,000) (165,000) (165,000) Total Aquatics 448,014 439,295 478,846 490,400 496,200 461.200 331,200 331,200 (35,000) (165,000) (165,000) Total budget increase= 1.18% (7.05%) (33.25%) (33.25%) Combined nonpayroll increase= 1.18% P:11.General GovernancelBudget12015 Budget\Parks&Recreation Dept1P&R budget worksheet 2315 General Fund 2015&R Detail Worksheet - Proposed Budget 302 AQUATICS DIVISION 302,576.20.31.01 !Office&Operating Supplies _ _ 2,200 302.576.20.35.01 (Small Tools&Minor Equipment 5,000 302.576.20.41.01 Merchant Charges(Bankcard Fees) 1,500 302.576.20.41.05 Professional Services 391,400 'YMCA Maintenance&Management contract 391,400 302.576.20.41.17 Advertising 500 302.576.20.42.02 Telephone Service 4,000 lame&Data lines for three pools 4,000 302.576.20.44.03 Taxes and Assessments 2,600 302.576.20.47.01 (Electricity — — 26,000 302.576.20.47.02 Water 13,000 302.576.20.47.03 Sewer � 11,000 302.576.20.48.01 Equipment Repair&Maintenance 35,000 Repaint Valley Mission Pool Tank 35,000 302.576.20.49.03 Printing&Binding 1,000 I-Development&printing of aquatics brochure _ 10001 302.576.20.49.06 (Miscellaneous Services 2,500 302.576.20.49.23 (Scholarship Expense 500 Scholarships for swim lessons&swim team 500 Tota I I 496,200 Page 4 of 8 P:\1.General Governance\Budget\2015 Budget\Parks&Recreation Dept\P&R budget worksheet 2015 001 General Fund 076 Parks&Recreation Budget Reduction Exercise 304 Senior Center (Does not reflect recommended course of action) 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2015 Budget with 2015 Bud et-Line Item Changes Actual Actual Actual Budget Proposed 3% 6% 9% 3% 6% 9% Budget Reduction Reduction Reduction Reduction Reduction Reduction Wages/Payroll Taxes/Benefits 304.575.50.10.00 Wages 57,408 59,070 60,006 62,832 64,716 64,716 64,716 64,716 0 0 0 304.575.50.10.01 Temp/Seasonal-Wages 0 2,564 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 304.575.50.10.99 Overtime 83 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 304.575.50.20.00 Payroll Taxes and Benefits 15,110 16,174 17,012 18,850 19,569 19,569 19,569 19,569 0 0 0 304.575.50.20.01 Temp/Seasonal-PR Tax&Benefits 0 401 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 72,601 78,209 77,018 81,682 84,285 84,285 84,285 84,285 0 0 0 Supplies 304.575.50.31.01 Office&Operating Supplies 908 529 252 500 500 500 500 500 0 0 0 304.575.50.31.08 Repair&Maintenance Supplies 52 50 19 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 304.575.50.35.01 Small Tools&Minor Equipment 0 2,276 1,886 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 0 0 0 960 2,855 2,157 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 0 0 0 Other Services&Charges 304.575.50.41.17 Advertising 463 446 411 500 500 500 500 500 0 0 0 304.575.50.42.01 Postage 0 0 0 100 100 100 100 100 0 0 0 304.575.50.43.01 Travel/Mileage 0 0 0 500 500 500 500 500 0 0 0 304.575.50.48.01 Equipment Repair&Maintenance 0 0 0 1,000 500 500 500 500 0 0 0 304.575.50.48.02 Copier Maintenance 1,246 1,573 1,366 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 0 0 0 304.575.50.49.02 Memberships 80 45 35 100 100 100 100 100 0 0 0 304.575.50.49.04 Conference Registrations 20 20 0 500 500 500 500 500 0 0 0 304.575.50.49.06 Miscellaneous Services 0 3,049 85 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 0 0 0 1,809 5,133 1,897 5,700 5,200 5,200 5,200 5,200 0 0 0 Total Senior Center 75,370 86,197 81,072 89,882 91,985 91,985 91,985 91,985 0 0 0 Total budget increase= 2.34% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% Combined nonpayroll increase= (6.10%) P:11.General GovernancelBudget12015 Budget\Parks&Recreation Dept\P&R budget worksheet 2015 General Fund 2015 P&R Detail Worksheet Proposed Budget 304 SENIOR CENTER DIVISION 304.575.50.10.00 Salaries&Wages 64,716 304.575.50,20,00 Payroll Taxes and Benefits 19,569 FlCA,medicare,L&I,PERS 304._575. Office&Operating Supplies 500 'Paper;Ink cartridges,folders,etc. 500 304.575.50,35.01 1Small Tools&Minor Equipment 2,000 replace card tables and class mom tables _ 2,000 304.575.50.42.01 'Postage _ 100 304.575.50.43.01 Travel/Mileage 500 Value Summit,Dovia,etc. 500 304.575.50,41,17 Advertising 500 'Spokesman Review,Senior Directory,Dex Directory 500 304.575.50.46.01 Equipment Repair&Maintenance 500 'Service Kilns&clean greenhouse windows 500 304.575.50.48.02 Copier Maintenance 1,800_ 304.575.50.48,03 Software Licenses and Maintenance 304.575.50,49.02 Memberships 100 LWSASC Membership 100 304.575.50.49.04 Registrations 500 1 Mlsc Trainings-Fall Prevention,Davie,etc. 500 304.575.50.49.06 'Miscellaneous Services _ _ 1,500 Professional speakers/seminars 1500 Total 91,985 Page 5 of 8 P:\1.General Governance\Budget\2015 Budget\Parks&Recreation Dept\P&R budget worksheet 2015 001 General Fund 076 Parks&Recreation Budget Reduction Exercise 305 CenterPlace _ (Does not reflect recommended course of action) 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2015 Budget with 2015 Bud et-Line Item Changes Actual Actual Actual Budget Proposed 3% 6% 9% 3% 6% 9% Budget Reduction Reduction Reduction Reduction Reduction Reduction Wanes/Pavroll Taxes/Benefits 305.57120.10.01 Temp/Seasonal-Wages 42,676 49,949 44,453 50,000 50000 50000 50,000 50,000 0 0 0 305.571.20.20.01 Temp/Seasonal-PR Tax&Benefits 3,767 6,022 6,699 4,305 4,305 4,305 4,305 4,305 0 0 0 305.575.50.10.00 Wages 200,431 227,942 234,471 248,076 257,088 257,088 257,088 210,715 0 0 (46373) 305.575.50.10.99 Overtime 2,203 3,938 2,650 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 0 0 0 305.575.50.20.00 Payroll Taxes and Benefits 90,670 101,696 105,010 115,234 121,716 121,716 121,716 121,716 0 0 0 339,744 389,547 393,283 420,115 435,609 435,609 435,609 389,236 0 0 (46,373) Supplies 305.575.50.31.01 Office&Operating Supplies 7,512 8,416 10,407 8,256 10,494 10,494 10,494 10,494 0 0 0 305.575.50.31.04 Linens 7,264 15,743 16,959 15,975 17,298 17,298 17,298 17,298 0 0 0 305.575.50.31.05 Meeting Supplies 835 176 81 735 1,050 1,050 1,050 1,050 0 0 0 305.575.50,31.06 Safety Equipment 111 0 0 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 0 0 0 305.575.50.31.07 Clothing&Unilarms 1,761 246 1,612 2,066 2,066 2,066 2,066 2,066 0 0 0 305.575.50.31.08 Repair&Maintenance Supplies 10,121 17,384 10,766 13,300 13,300 13,300 13,300 13,300 0 0 0 305.575.50.31.09 Janitorial supplies 26,026 15,205 10,907 18,755 17,655 17,655 17,655 17,655 0 0 0 305.575.50.35.01 Small Tools&Minor Equipment 5,905 25,664 9,262 4,100 4,100 4,100 4,100_ 4,100 0 0 0 59,535 82,834 59,994 64,187 66,963 66,963 66,963 66,963 0 0 0 Other Services&Charges 305.575.50.41.01 Merchant Charges(Bankcard Fees) 5,348 6,400 6,602 6,000 6,700 6,700 6,700 6,700 0 0 0 305.575.50.41.03 Spokane County GIS 133 0 0 250 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 305.575.50.41.05 Professional Services 14,865 13,862 14,785 14,055 14,055 14,055 14,055 14,055 0 0 0 305.575.50.41.06 Janitorial services 77,464 92,702 91,559 91,590 91,590 91,590 91,590 91,590 0 0 0 305.575.50.41.17 Advertising 31,540 56,485 54,059 63,000 60,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 (10,000) (10,000) (10,000) 305.575.50.42.01 Postage 5,177 242 4,618 5,200 4,600 4,600 4,600 4,600 0 0 0 305.575.50.42.02 Telephone Service 8,194 11,012 5,018 10,600 7,000 . 7,000 7,000 7,000 0 0 0 305.575.50.42.03 Cell Phones 1,536 960 891 900 900 900 900 900 0 0 0 305.575.50.43.01 Travel/Mileage 912 1,041 3,164 6,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 0 0 0 305.575.50.47.01 Electricity 84,560 90,762 86,380 85,000 86,505 86,505 86,505 86,505 0 0 0 305.575.50.47.02 Water 506 2,890 2,345 15,000 7,000 7,000 7,000 7,000 0 0 0 305.575.50.47.03 Sewer 1,997 2,162 2,674 10,500 4,500 4,500 4,500 4,500 0 0 0 305.575.50.47.04 Waste Disposal 8,910 9,547 9,284 9,495 9,495 9,495 9,495 9,495 0 0 0 305.575.50.48.00 Equip Rental Maint-Contracted 0 230 0 500 500 500 500 500 0 0 0 305.575.50.48.01 Equipment Repair&Maintenance 10,621 14,786 20,457 11,000 12,000 12,000 12,000 12,000 0 0 0 305.575.50.48.02 Copier Maintenance 1,246 1,573 1,366 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 0 0 0 305.575.50.48.03 Software Licenses and Maintenance 1,200 4,663 0 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 0 0 0 305.575.50.49.01 Subscriptions 790 0 0 800 300 300 300 300 0 0 0 305.575.50.49.02 Memberships 1,750 2,485 2,843 2,275 3,285 3,285 3,285 3,285 0 0 0 305.575.50.49.03 PrintIng&Binding 1,145 1,225 1,678 1,155 1,700 1,700 1,700 1,700 0 0 0 305.575.50.49.04 Registrations 0 0 305 2,450 2,450 2,450 2,450 2,450 0 0 0 305.575.50.49.06 Miscellaneous Services 3,098 3,937 3,475 6,070 2,145 2,145 2,145 2,145 0 0 0 260,998 316,954 311,503 344,540 322,425 312,425 312,425 312,425 (10,000) (10,000) (10,000) Capital Outlays 305.594.73.64.02 Computer Software/Hardware 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 305.594.73.64.07 Update sound system in great mom 11,311 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11,311 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Interfund Payments for Service 305.597.12.00.30 Interfund Transfer to 123 0 317,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 305.597.50.95.01 Building Costs 317,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 305.597.50.95.02 Vehicle Replacement Costs 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 317,000 317,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total CenterPlace 988,588 1,106,335 764,780 828,842 824.997 814,997 814,997 768,624 (10,000) (10,000) (56,373) Total budget increase= (0.46%) (1.21%) (1.21%) (6.83%) Combined nonpayroll Increase= (4.73%) P:11.General GovernancelBudgetl2015 BudgetPParks&Recreation Dept1P&R budget worksheet 2015 General Fund 2015 P&R Detail Worksheet Proposed I _ Budget 305 CENTERPLACE DIVISION 305.571.20.10.01 Temporary/Seasonal Wages 50,000 305.571.20.20.01 Temporary/Seasonal Payroll Taxes and Benefits 4,305 305.675.50.10.00 Salaries&Wages 257,088 305.575,50,10.99 Overtime; 2,500 305.575.50.20.00 1Paymil Taxes and Benefits 121,716 ]FICA,medicare,L&I,PERS 305.675.50.31.01 {Office&Operating Supplies 10,494 File Folders(20 boxes @$15/box) 300 juanging File Folders(2 boxes @ 322/b ox) -- 88 ILetterhead(100 sheets) _ 500 _ (Envelopes(8 boxes @$50/box) 9001 k Pens(24 boxes @$6.50/box) 156 Misc.office Supplies(white out,binders,post-it notes, 550' T Kitchenware(pumper pots,water tchers,dish teplac 3,500 _ !Coffee&Coffee Supplies(creamer,stir sticks,cups,s 15701 IKleenex(5pack @$9/pk) - i4o1 Flags(4) 225 Labels(address labels,folder labels,etc) 225 Batteries(for cordless microphones) 300 Taps - --�- _ 2e0 _ 'Business cards - - 560 - 'Replacement AV Equipment 000 305.575.50.31.04 Linens I 17,298 _ I I Table linens&napkins for over 234 events 17,298 305.575.50.31.05 I Meeting Supplies 1,050 Easels,white board replacement, 450 Projectorbutb-s - -- 600 305,575,50,31,06 (Safety Equipment 1,000 Servicing fire extinguishers 1000 305.575.50.31.07 (Clothing&Uniforms 2,066 40 staff shirts(2 per person)@$36/shirt 1,440 15 staff zip jacket or pullover(1/pp)@ 41.71/ea 626 305.575.50.31.08 Repair&Maintenance Supplies 13,300 Filters 4,300 Light bulbs 1,500 Mise(nuts,bolts,glue,wood) 4,000 Paint&supplies 2,000 Etectricalsuppfies 1,500 305.575.50.31.09 Janitorial supplies 17,655 -- - Cleaning supplies 2500 Paper products&garbage bags s 7655 Diswesher/cleaning supplies 4,000 Carpet Cleaning 2,000 - Floor waxing 1,500 305,575.50,35.01 Small Tools&Minor Equipment 4,100 1 (Nand tools,extension cords 1,050 - lMisc.Equipment 3,100 305.575.50.41.01 Merchant Charges(Bankcard Fees) 6,700 305.575,50.41.03 IT Support - -- - -^ 305.575.50.41.05 Professional Services 1.4,055 I Window washing 3,000 Alarm(monitoring agreement),repair&keys 870 ` Elevator 1,695 'Life Safety Testing(sprinklers,backflows) 2,350 I Rotor Rooter 500 Misc.services(answering service) 1,490 Event Catering to be reimbursed by customers 4,200 Page 6 of 8 P:11.General Governance\Budget12015 Budget\Parks&Recreation Dept\P&R budget worksheet 2015 IGeneral Fund 2015 IP&R Detail Worksheet Proposed Budget 305.575.50.41.06 ;Janitorial services 91,590 !Contract with(SS Facility Services 85,000 !Add/tonal Room Set Up 5,590 305.575.50.41.17 Advertising 60,000 Dex Advertising 5,500 Brochures&otherprinted materials 3,450 Marketing folders 2,200 DerelopiPrinf ads 18,000 !Website update&hosting renewal 600 lHagadone Black Book 1,200 !Regional Advertising(billboards or other media) 24,325 _ INBTA Business Fair Booth 400 INBA Business Fair Booth 300 Gill Business Fair Booth 450 I Post Pals Business Fair Booth 175 'Bridal Festival Booth(Jan&Sept) 3,400 305.675.50.42.01 Postage I 4,600 Brochures,flyers,reservation quotes,refunds,etc. 4,600 305.575.50.42.02 !Telephone Service LL� 7,000_ Five analog phone lines for alarms,fire,911, 7,000 elevator&credit card machine 305.575.50.42.03 Cell Phones 900 I4 Cell phones(2 main!.and host) 900 305.575.50.43.01 Travel/Mileage 5,000 Attend NRPA Venue Management School Year 3 2,000 !Attend WRPA Conference in Tacoma 1,000 !Mileage for various meetings 500 'Maintenance Training 1,500 305.575.50.47.01 'Electricity _ _ 86,505 305.575.50.47.02 Water ! 7,000 305.575.50.47,03 Sewer I 4,500 305.575.50.47.04 !Waste Disposal 9,495 (Waste Disposal 8925 Recycling - 570 305.575.50.48.00 Equip Rental Malnt-Contracted 500 305.575.50.48.01 Equipment Repair&Maintenance 12,000 HVAC contract 7,600 Misc.Equipment Repair 3,500 Elevator Repair/maintenance 500 Refrigerator repair 500 305.575.50.48.02 Copier Maintenance 1,500 305.575.50.48.03 Software Licenses and Maintenance 1,200 305.575.50.49.01 Subscriptions 300 305.575.50.49,02 Memberships 3,285 'Greater Spokane Incorporated 7E0 Post Falls Chamber of Commerce 225 Spokane Valley Chamber of Commerce 650 National Park&Recreation Association 130 Washington Recreation&Park Association 110 'AVM 445 lnpro 125 Spokane Hotel Motel Association 300 lnt'1Assoc.of Business&Travel Professionals 150 Inland Northwest Business Alliance 150 West Plains Chamber 300 305.575.50.49.03 Printing&Binding 1,700 IBrochures&other printed material 1,700 305.575.50.49.04 Registrations 2,4.5.0 NRPA Venue Management School Year 3 950 Page 7 of 8 P:11,General Governance\Budget12015 Budget\Parks&Recreation Dept\P&R budget worksheet 2015 General Fund 2015 P&R Detail Worksheet Proposed Budget WRPA Conference in Seattle 500 Misc. Trainings 1,000I 305.575.50.49.06 Miscellaneous Services 2,145 j Motion Picture License 530 Chamber Business Fair Booth 300 Spokane Valley Chamber meetings 200 Hotel Motel meetings 205 Piano Tuning 300 I Elevator Permits 110 !Boiling and operating permit-L&t 500 305.597.12.00.30 IF Transfer:Civic Facil. Replac Fund Total I 824,997 PR Budget Grand Total 2,750,945 Page 8 of 8 P:\1 General Governance\Budget\2015 Budget\Community Development Dept\CD budget worksheets 2015 Tab (111: Community Development 001 General Fund 058 Community Development Budget Reduction Exercise 050 Admin Division (Does not reflect recommended course of action) 2011 2012 2013 r2014 2015 2015 Budget with 2015 Budget-Line Item Changes Actual Actual Actual Budget Proposed 3% 8% 9% 3% Ir 6% 9% Budget Reduction Reduction Reduction Reduction Reduction Reduction Wages/Payroll Taxes/Benefits 050.558.60.10.00 Wages 209,432 192,309 164,726 172,800 177,684 172,353 167,023 161,692 (5,331) (10,661) (15,992) 050.558.60.10.99 Overtime 4,130 6,919 298 5,000 3,000 2,910 2,820 2,730 (90) (180) (270) 050.558.60.20.00 Payroll Taxes and Benefits 66,666 70,000 50,513 54,883 56,710 55,009 53,307 51,606 (1,701) (3,403) (5,104) 280,228 269,228 215,537 232,683 237,394 230,272 223,150 216,029 (7,122) (14,244) (21,365) Supplies 0 0 0 050.558.60.31.01 Office&Operating Supplies 1,405 1,823 1,421 1,500 1,500 1,455 1,410 1,365 (45) (90) (135) 050.558.60.31.03 Publications 0 0 0 200 200 194 188 182 (6) (12) (18) 050.558.60.31.05 Meeting Supplies 67 181 94 400 400 388 376 364 (12) (24) (36) 050.558.60.35.01 Small Tools&Minor Equipment 16 1,850 884 1,000 1,000 970 940 910 (30) (60) (90) 1,488 3,854 2,399 3,100 3,100 3,007 2,914 2,821 (93) (186) (279) Other Services&Charges 050.558.60.42.03 Cell Phone(Ipad) 0 0 480 600 600 582 564 546 (18) (36) (54) 050.558.60.41.03 Spokane County GIS 16,808 29,206 1,400 35,000 1,000 970 940 910 (30) (60) (90) 050.558.60.42.01 Postage 0 8 0 100 100 97 94 91 (3) (6) (9) 050.558.60.43.01 Travel/Mileage 4,511 548 2,289 3,500 3,000 2,910 2,820 2,730 (90) (180) (270) 050.558.60.48.02 Copier Maintenance 1,365 1,793 710 4,000 4,000 3,880 3,760 3,640 (120) (240) (360) 050.558.60.48.03 Software Licenses&Maintenance 1,076 580 5,500 9,500 9,500 9,215 8,930 8,645 (285) (570) (855) 050.558.60.49.01 Subscriptions 0 148 245 200 200 194 188 182 (6) (12) (18) 050.558.60.49,02 Memberships 713 766 740 700 700 679 658 637 (21) (42) (63) 050.558.60.49.04 Registrations 2,910 1,885 1,085 1,500 1,500 1,455 1,410 1,365 (45) (90) (135) 050.558.60.49.07 Training 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 27,403 34,934 12,449 55,100 20,600 19,982 19,364 18,746 (618) (1,236) (1,854) Intergovernmental Services 050.558.60.51.01 Spokane County Contracts 10,645 0 0 0 0 0 # 0 0 0 0 Total Comm.Develop Admin Division 319,764 308,016 230,385 290,883 261,094 253,261 245,428 237,596 (7,833) (15,666) (23,498) Total budget increase= (10.24%) (3.00%) (6.00%) (9.00%) Combined nonpayroll increase= (59.28%) Total Recurring for All Divisions Admin 290,883 261,094 253,261 245,428 237,596 (7,833) (15,666) (23,498) Econ Dev 0 204,547 198,411 192,274 186,138 (6,136) (12,273) (18,409) Engineering 807,114 702,808 681,724 660,640 639,555 (21,084) (42,168) (63,253) Planning 928,906 823,930 799,212 774,494 749,776 (24,718) (49,436) (74,154) Building 1,267,656 1,380,902 1,339,475 1,298,048 1,256,621 (41,427) (82,854) (124,281) _3,294.559 3,373,281 3,272,083 3,170,884 3,069,686 (101,198) (202,397) (303,595). 2.39% (3.00%) (6.00%) (9,00%) 2014 II 2015 I NonPayroll Admin 58,200 23,700 Econ Dev 0 23,500 Engineering 97,150 63,150 Planning 151,550 239,150 Building 130,700 92,000 437,600 441,500 Combined nonpayroll increase for all divisions= 0.89% P:11,General GovernancelBudget12015 Budget\Community Development Dept1CD budget worksheets 2015 General Fund 2015 Community Development Proposed Administration Division .050.558 Budget Wages 1 Director, 1 Administrative Assistant- 177,684 Overtime administrative staff covers off hours meetings 3,000 Payroll Taxes and Benefits FICA, medicare, L&I, PERS 56,710 Office&Operating Supplies general office supplies 1,500 Publications American Social Civil Engineers 150 200 Roberts Rules of Order-newest edition 25 Parliamentary Journal 25 Meeting Supplies Developer's Forum 200 400 Planning Commission 200 Small Tools&Minor Equipment Planning Commission Thank you awards x 300 1,000 Replacement chair 700 Cell Phone(Ipad) iPad connection for the director.Assists director in being more productive 600 Spokane County GIS GIS Services,SCIMap, other contracted services with Spokane County 1,000 The majority of the charges for these services are used by the planning div. The majority of the budget for this line item has been moved to that division Postage Covers all required and necessary mailed correspondence 100 Travel/Mileage NW Economic Development Council 1,500 3,000 Northwest Regional Floodplain Conference 2 X 3 nights 1,500 Continuing Education Credits for Certification for CFM 500 Copier Maintenance Based on actual charges to repair department machines 4,000 Software Licenses&Maintenance SMARTGov Maintenance 7,500 9,500 upgrade to Adobe 2,500 Subscriptions Engineering Professional Journal, 150 200 Parliamentary Law Review 50 Memberships American Association of Civil Engineers(ASCE) 235 700 Inland Northwest Chapter of the National Association of Parliamentarians(INPLU) 25 American Institute of Parliamentarians(AIP)-Alyce Baker 10 Washington Association of Floodplain Managers(WAFM) 30 Northwest Regional Floodplain Managers Association (NORFMA)X 2 50 Association of State Floodplain Managers(ASFPM)X 2 250 International Association of Administrative Professionals 100 Registrations NORFMA(floodplain)conference x 2 800 1,500 Parliamentary Law conference 200 Economic Development Seminar 300 floodplain management training(CEC) 200 261,094 Page 1 of 1 001 General Fund 058 Community Development Budget Reduction Exercise 051 Econ Dev (Does not reflect recommended course of action) 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2015 Budget with 2015 Bud et-Line Item Changes Actual Actual Actual Budget Proposed 3% 6% 9% 3% 6% 9% Budget Reduction Reduction Reduction Reduction Reduction Reduction Wages/Payroll Taxes/Benefits 051.558.70.10.00 Wages 133,770 129,757 125,744 121,731 (4,013) (8,026) (12,039) 051.558.70.10.99 Overtime 0 0 0 0 0 0 051.558.70.20.00 Payroll Taxes and Benefits 47,277 45,859 44,440 43,022 (1,418) (2,837) (4,255) O 0 0 0 181,047 175,616 170,184 164,753 (5,431) (10,863) (16,294) Supplies 0 0 0 051.558.70.31.03 Publications 500 485 470 455 (15) (30) (45) 051.558.70.31.05 Meeting Supplies 500 485 470 455 (15) (30) (45) O 0 0 0 1,000 970 940 910 (30) (60) (90) Other Services&Charges 051.558.70.42.01 Professional Services 18,000 17,460 16,920 16,380 (540) (1,080) (1,620) 051.558.70.48.02 Travel/Mileage 1,500 1,455 1,410 1,365 (45) (90) (135) 051.558.70.49.02 Subscriptions 500 485 470 455 (15) (30) (45) 051.558.70.49.04 Memberships 1,000 970 940 910 (30) (60) (90) 051.558.70.49.07 Registrations 1,500 1,455 1,410 1,365 (45) (90) (135) O 0 0 0 22,500 21,825 21,150 20,475 (675) (1,350) (2,025) Intergovernmental Services Spokane County Contracts 0 0 # 0 0 0 0 Total Comm.DevelopEcon Dev Division 0 0 0 0 204,547 198,411 192,274 186,138 (6,136) (12,273) (18,409) Total budget increase= #DIV/0! (3.00%) (6.00%) (9.00%) Combined nonpayroll increase= #DIV/01 General Fund 2015 Community Development Proposed Economic Development Division .051.558 Budget Wages 1 Economic Development Coordinator, 0.50 Development Engineer 133,770 Payroll Taxes and Benefits FICA, Medicare, L&I, PERS 47,277 Publications American Social Civil Engineers 500 Economic Development solutions publications Meeting Supplies Regional Partner meetings 250 500 Business community meetings 250 Consultant for Marketing/Graphics design work for Professional Services marketing collateral to create a consistent marketing theme for Economic Development promotion 18,000 Travel/Mileage Washington State Dept of Commerce Economic Development seminars 500 1,500 International Council of Shopping Centers (ICSC) conference 500 International Economic Development Council (IEDC) 300 GSI, Visit Spokane and other regional partner meetings 200 Subscriptions National Association of Development Organization 200 500 International Council of Shopping Centers 300 Memberships American Association of Civil Engineers (ASCE) 400 1,000 International Economic Development Council (IEDC) 300 Washington Economic Development Association (WEDA) 200 International Council of Shopping Centers (ICSC) 100 Registrations Washington State Dept of Commerce Economic Development seminars 500 1,500 International Council of Shopping Centers (ICSC) conference 500 International Economic Development Council (IEDC) 300 GSI, Visit Spokane and other regional partner meetings 200 204,547 P:\1.General Governance\Budget\2015 Budget\Community Development Dept\CD budget worksheets 2015 001 General Fund 058 Community Development Budget Reduction Exercise 055 Development Engineering Division (Does not reflect recommended course of action) 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2015 Budget with 2015 Bud et-Line Item Changes Actual Actual Actual Budget Proposed 3% 6% 9% 3% 6% 9% Budget Reduction Reduction Reduction Reduction Reduction Reduction Wages/Payroll Taxes/Benefits 055.558.50.10.00 Wages 388,167 410,553 537,655 501,408 455,004 441,354 427,704 414,054 (13,650) (27,300) (40,950) 055.558.50.10.99 Overtime 1,180 114 159 1,000 500 485 470 455 (15) (30) (45) 055.558.50.20.00 Payroll Taxes and Benefits 138,042 157,317 214,345 207,556 184,154 178,629 173,105 167,580 (5,525) (11,049) (16,574) 527,389 567,984 752,159 709,964 639,658 620,468 601,279 582,089 (19,190) (38,379) (57,569) Supplies 055.558.50.31.01 Office Supplies 4,484 940 2,448 3,000 3,000 2,910 2,820 2,730 (90) (180) (270) 055.558.50.31.03 Publications 131 54 388 400 400 388 376 364 (12) (24) (36) 055.558.50.31.05 Meeting Supplies 17 0 0 200 200 194 188 182 (6) (12) (18) 055.558.50.31.06 Safety Equipment 45 0 57 200 200 194 188 182 (6) (12) (18) 055.558.50.32.01 Fuel 2,478 2,244 4,120 5,000 5,000 4,850 4,700 4,550 (150) (300) (450) 055.558.50.35.01 Small Tools&Minor Equipment 784 13 2,816 1,000 1,000 970 940 910 (30) (60) (90) 7,939 3,251 9,829 9,800 9,800 9,506 9,212 8,918 (294) (58B) (882) Other Services&Charges 055.558.50.41.03 Spokane County GIS 29,414 50,691 8,609 35,000 2,000 1,940 1,880 1,820 (60) (120) (180) 055.558.50.41.05 Professional Services 17,640 42,589 29,205 30,000 30,000 29,100 28,200 27,300 (900) (1,800) (2,700) 055.558.50.41.18 Legal Notices 0 0 0 200 200 194 188 182 (6) (12) (18) 055.558.50.42.01 Postage 3,243 2,674 3,139 400 400 388 376 364 (12) (24) (36) 055.558.50.42.03 Cell Phones 2,578 461 1,851 1,000 2,000 1,940 1,880 1,820 (60) (120) (180) 055.558.50.43.01 Travel/Mileage 1,952 4,167 1,008 3,700 3,000 2,910 2,820 2,730 (90) (180) (270) 055.558.50.48.01 Equipment Repair&Maintenance 60 1,329 351 1,000 1,000 970 940 910 (30) (60) (90) 055.558.50.48.02 Copier Maintenance 2,423 2,145 710 1,000 1,000 970 940 910 (30) (60) (90) 055.558.50.48.03 Software Licenses&Maintenance 4,472 4,521 9,613 8,500 8,500 8,245 7,990 7,735 (255) (510) (765) 055.558.50.49.02 Memberships 360 897 865 1,300 1,000 970 940 910 (30) (60) (90) 055.558.50.49.03 Printing&Binding 0 0 0 500 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 055.558.50.49.04 Registrations 2,195 2,527 1,107 4,500 4,000 3,880 3,760 3,640 (120) (240) (360) 055.558.50.49.05 Filing&Recording Fees 0 0 0 250 250 243 235 228 (8) (15) (23) 055.558.50.49.06 Miscellaneous Services 0 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 055.558.50.49.07 Training 0 478 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 055.558.70.49.09 Petty Cash Reimbursement 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 64,346 112,499 56,458 87,350 53,350 51,750 50,149 48,549 (1,601) (3,201) (4,802) Intergovernmental Services 055.558.50.51.01 Spokane County Contracts 37,410 7,764 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total Development Engineering Division 637,084 691,498 818,446 807,114 702,808 681,724 660,640 639,555 (21,084) (42,168) (63,253) Total budget increase= (12.92%) (3.00%) (6.00%) (9.00%) Combined nonpayroll increase= (35.00%) P:11. General Governance\Budget12.015 Budget\Community Development Dept\CD budget worksheets 2015 General Fund 2015 Community Development Proposed Engineering Division .055.558 Budget 1 Dev Sery Manager, 1 Engineer, 1 Asst. Engineer, 0.5 Engineering Technicians, 1 Salaries &Wages Development Inspector, 1 ROW Inspector MOVED 1.0 Office Assistant to BLDG, 0.5 Engineer to ED 455,004 Overtime Construction Inspector to attend meetings with contractors and emergency call-outs 500 Payroll Taxes and Benefits FICA, medicare, L&I, PERS 184,154 Office Supplies standard office supplies 3,000 Publications AASHTO Standards 400 Meeting Supplies Developer's Forums 200 Safety Equipment Safety Yellow work shirts and Vests 100 200 caution tape, marking paint, hard hats 100 Fuel fuel for 2 vehicles 1 ROW inspector and 1 Construction Inspector 5,000 This category includes items that are purchased to last longer periods of time than Small Tools & Minor Equipment traditional office supplies. Examples: tape measures, extra long levels, staplers and staples (construction grade for notices), GPS unit(shared), calculators, measuring wheels 1,000 Spokane County GIS GIS Services, SCIMap, other contracted services with Spokane County 2,000 The majority of the charges for these services are used by the planning div. The majority of the budget for this line item has been moved to that division Professional Services David Evans, survey Contract. (code requirement) 30,000 Postage Covers all required and necessary mailed correspondence 400 Cell Phones phone and lap top wireless connection for 2 Inspectors 2,000 Travel/Mileage 3,000 NORFMA Floodplain conference 600 Traffic Control 400 GIS Training 700 Stormwater- Detention Pond Design 100 Construction Inspection Training 500 Principals of Hot Mix Asphalt 150 Communications Training 150 Page 1 of 2 P:11, General Governance\Budget12015 BudgetiCommunity Development Dept\CD budget worksheets 2015 Concrete Pavement Inspection 150 Traffic Engineering Training 100 Project Inspection mileage 100 General meeting mileage 50 Legal notices are required for Development Legal Notices Engineering requirements, drainage easements, ROW easements 200 Equipment Rental Maint-Contract Vehicle Maintenance on 2 vehicles, one is and older S-10 PU and being driven considerable 1,000 Copier Maintenance Actual charges as the copier and plotter need to be maintained 1,000 Software Licenses & Maintenance SMARTGov Maintenance 7,500 8,500 FEMA floodplain software upgrade 1,000 Memberships Members of American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) 600 1,000 Association of State Floodplain Managers (ASFPM) 100 RoadBuilders Association 100 Northwest Regional Floodplain Managers Association (NORFMA) 200 Printing & Binding printing new street standards and standard plan updates Registrations 4,000 NORFMA Floodplain conference 400 Traffic Control 500 GIS Training 800 Stormwater- Detention Pond Design 500 Construction Inspection Training 500 Principals of Hot Mix Asphalt 400 Communications Training 150 Concrete Pavement Inspection 400 Flagger Training 50 Misc Local Training 300 Filing & Recording Fees Filing & recording fees are the fees charged by Spokane County to record easements and requirements for Development Engineering 250 Total Engineering 702,808 Page 2 of 2 P:\1.General Governance\Budget\2015 Budget\Community Development Dept\CD budget worksheets 2015 001 General Fund 058 Community Development Budget Reduction Exercise 056 Planning Division/Code Enforcement (Does not reflect recommended course of action) 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2015 Budget with 2015 Budget-Line Item Changes Actual Actual Actual Budget Proposed 3% 6% 9% 3% f 6% 9% Budget Reduction Reduction Reduction Reduction Reduction Reduction Waqes/Pavroll Taxes/Benefits 056.558.60.10.00 Wages 479,284 514,355 539,553 560,580 424,980 412,231 399,481 386,732 (12,749) (25,499) (38,248) 056.558.60.10.99 Overtime 13 0 780 1,000 500 485 470 455 (15) (30) (45) 056.558.60.20.00 Payroll Taxes and Benefits 169,263 182,741 195,776 215,776 159,300 154,521 149,742 144,963 (4,779) (9,558) (14,337) 648,560 697,096 736,109 777,356 584,780 567,237 549,693 532,150 (17,543) (35,087) (52,630) Supplies 056.524.60.32.01 Fuel 0 9 2,116 4,000 4,000 3,880 3,760 3,640 (120) (240) (360) 056.524.60.35.01 Small Tools&Minor Equipment 0 0 229 0 0 0 0 056.558.60.31.01 Office Supplies 3,073 1,311 3,126 3,200 3,200 3,104 3,008 2,912 (96) (192) (288) 056.558.60.31.02 Forms 0 0 140 0 0 0 0 056.558.60.31.03 Publications 368 192 342 400 400 388 376 364 (12) (24) (36) 056.558.60.31.05 Meeting Supplies 738 206 32 1,000 1,000 970 940 910 (30) (60) (90) 056.558.60.31,06 Safety Equipment 0 90 0 150 150 146 141 137 (5) (9) (14) 056.558.60.35.01 Small Tools&Minor Equipment 940 2,080 16 2,500 2,500 2,425 2,350 2,275 (75) (150) (225) 5,119 3,888 6,001 11,250 11,250 10,913 10,575 10,238 (338) (675) (1,013) Other Services&Charges 056.524.60.42,03 Cell Phones 0 0 1,596 1,200 2,000 1,940 1,880 1,820 (60) (120) (180) 056.524.60.4301 Travel/Mileage 0 0 368 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 056.524.60.48.01 Equipment Repair and Maintenance 0 0 779 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 056.524.60.49.02 Memberships 0 0 40 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 056.524.60.49.04 Registrations 0 0 625 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 056.524.60.49.08 Code Enforcement Abatement 0 3,397 14,257 10,000 10,000 9,700 9,400 9,100 (300) (600) (900) 056.558.60.41.01 Accounting&Auditing 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 056.558.60.41.03 Spokane County GIS 29,414 50,691 117,801 35,000 135,000 130,950 126,900 122,850 (4,050) (8,100) (12,150) 056.558.60.41.05 Professional Services 15,541 58,409 21,467 50,000 40,000 38,800 37,600 36,400 (1,200) (2,400) (3,600) 056.558.60.41.18 Legal Notices 7,123 7,247 5,832 8,000 8,000 7,760 7,520 7,280 (240) (480) (720) 056.558.60.42.01 Postage 0 789 0 3,000 3,000 2,910 2,820 2,730 (90) (180) (270) 056.558.60.43.01 Travel/Mileage 2,158 5,546 3,702 4,500 4,000 3,880 3,760 3,640 (120) (240) (360) 056.558.60.48.01 Equipment Repair and Maintenance 0 0 30 3,000 3,000 2,910 2,820 2,730 (90) (180) (270) 056.558.60.48.02 Copier Maintenance 2,423 2,145 710 1,000 1,000 970 940 910 (30) (60) (90) 056.558.60.48.03 Software Licenses&Maintenance 0 0 9,333 9,500 9,500 9,215 8,930 8,645 (285) (570) (855) 056.558.60.49.01 Subscriptions 129 350 176 200 200 194 188 182 (6) (12) (18) 056.558.60.49.02 Memberships 2,982 3,176 2,380 2,900 2,200 2,134 2,068 2,002 (66) (132) (198) 056.558.60.49.03 Printing&Binding 462 1,471 0 2,000 500 485 470 455 (15) (30) (45) 056.558.60.49.04 Registrations 2,622 4,408 2,913 4,000 3,500 3,395 3,290 3,185 (105) (210) (315) 056.558.60.49.05 Filing&Recording Fees 7,143 6,193 7,715 6,000 6,000 5,820 5,640 5,460 (180) (360) (540) 056.558.60.49.09 Petty Cash Reimbursement 30 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 70,027 143,822 189,724 140,300 227,900 221,063 214,226 207,389 (6,837) (13,674) (20,511) Intergovernmental Services 056.558.60.51.01 Spokane County Contracts 16,629 0 8,287 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total Planning/Code Enforcement Division 742,335 844,806 940,121 928,906 823,930 799.212 774,494 749,776 (24,718) (49,436) (74,154) Total budget increase= (11.30%) (3.00%) (6.00%) (9.00%) Combined nonpayroll increase= 57.80% P:11. General GovernancelBudget12015 Budget1Community Development Dept1CD budget worksheets 2015 General Fund 2015 Community Development Proposed CD/Planning Division .056.558 Budget Salaries &Wages 1 Planning Manager, 2 Senior Planners, 2 Planners, 424,980 2 Code Enforcement officers, 1 Office Assistant Overtime cover after hours meetings 500 Payroll Taxes and Benefits FICA, medicare, L&I, PERS 159,300 Office Supplies general office supplies 3,200 Publications Spokane County Real Estate Forum 75 400 New Urban News 195 Congress of New Urbanism 130 Meeting Supplies Planning Commission Meetings 500 1,000 Shoreline Master Program Open Houses 500 Safety Equipment posting stakes, caution tape, gloves, inhalation filters, 100 150 breathing masks safety vests 50 Fuel Fuel for two Code Enforcement officers 4,000 Small Tools & Minor Equipment replacement label maker 600 2,500 replacement chair 600 desk scanner 1,200 misc 100 Spokane County GIS GIS Services, SCIMap, other contracted services 135,000 with Spokane County (Total paid to Spokane County for GIS is estimated at $150,000 including$140,000 in Community Development and$10,000 in Public Works. A majority of the services are used by the planning div so the budget$have been moved to this division) Professional Services GordonDerr-SMP special counsel 40,000 Filing & recording fees are the fees charged by Spokane County to record such things as final short plats, long plats and binding site plans. This is a Legal Notices revenue/expenditure neutral item given the applicant 8,000 is responsible for the recording fees, which are paid to the City to cover all of the costs associated with filing or recording Covers all required and necessary mailed Postage correspondence - public meeting mailings - has been 3,000 charged to another division Cell Phones 2 code enforcement officers, phones and laptop 2,000, wireless connections Page 1 of 2 P:11. General GovernancelBudget12015 Budget\Community Development Dept1CD budget worksheets 2015 Travel/Mileage State APA Conference 500 4,000 Inland Empire APA conference 1,000 Shoreline Conference 200 WA State Planning Managers Conference 300 Attendance at 2 State Code Enforcement 800 Conferences 500 @ Spokane River Forum 200 Misc travel for PTAC, SCEO, Site Selector and other 1,000 local meetings Equipment Repair and Repair costs for the two vehicles driven by the code 3,000 Maintenance enforcement officers Copier Maintenance actual charges to repair copier, plotters, desk printers 1,000 Software Licenses & Maintenance SMARTGov Maintenance 9,500 upgrade to Adobe Subscriptions Planning Commissioners Journal 150 200 West zoning review 50 Memberships American Planning Association/AICD x 5 1,100 2,200 Planning Association of Washington 350 APA= planning commission 450 Washington Association of Code Enforcers two 300 individual memberships Printing & Binding Printing sign brochures, clearview brochures, 500 Registrations Inland Empire Section -APA x 3 700 3,500 State American Planning Association Conference 500 Code enforcement Customer Interface training: 300 WACE sponsored training-Code Enforcement 300 Shoreline Conference 400 WA State Planning Managers Conference 300 Spokane River Forum 200 APA Certification credits - seminars 500 Misc. Workshops such as: Complete Street , Bike 300 and Ped , Airport Compatibility , Sustainability, Filing &recording fees are the fees charged by Spokane County to record such things as final short plats, long plats and binding site plans. This is a Filing & Recording Fees revenue/expenditure neutral item given the applicant 6,000 is responsible for the recording fees, which are paid to the City to cover all of the costs associated with filing or recording Code Enforcement Abatement this amount could possibly cover 1 abatement per 10,000 year. Total Planning 823,930 Page 2 of 2 P:\1.General Governance\Budget\2015 Budget\Community Development Dept\CD budget worksheets 2015 001 General Fund 058 Community Development Budget Reduction Exercise 057 Building Division (Does not reflect recommended course of action) 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2015 Budget with 2015 Bud et-Line Item Changes Actual Actual Actual Budget Proposed 3% 6% 9% 3% 6% 9% Budget Reduction Reduction , Reduction Reduction Reduction Reduction Wages/Payroll Taxes/Benefits 057.558.50.10.00 Wages 729,771 743,340 668,262 791,430 885,504 858,939 832,374 805,809 (26,565) (53,130) (79,695) 057.558.50.10.99 Overtime 285 1,308 0 500 500 485 470 455 (15) (30) (45) 057.558.50.20.00 Payroll Taxes and Benefits 263,211 276,651 264,399 345,026 402,898 390,811 378,724 366,637 (12,087) (24,174) (36,261) 993,267 1,021,199 932,661 1,136,956 1,288,902 1,250,235 1,211,568 1,172,901 (38,667) (77,334) (116,0011 Supplies 057.558.50.31.01 Office&Operating Supplies 2,876 5,999 3,243 3,000 3,000 2,910 2,820 2,730 (90) (180) (270) 057.558.50.31.02 Forms 1,860 0 0 3,000 1,000 970 940 910 (30) (60) (90) 057.558.50.31.03 Publications 346 851 5,712 7,000 9,000 8,730 8,460 8,190 (270) (540) (810) 057.558.50.31.06 Safety Equipment 9 140 49 200 200 194 188 182 (6) (12) (18) 057.558.50.32.01 Fuel 16,902 10,992 6,382 12,000 12,000 11,640 11,280 10,920 (360) (720) (1,080) 057.558.50.35.01 Small Tools&Minor Equipment 522 1,511 4,753 3,000 3,000 2,910 2,820 2,730 (90) (180) (270) 057.558.70.35.03 Non Capital Office Furniture&Equipmei 0 2,152 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 22,515 21,645 20,139 28,200 28,200 27,354 26,508 25,662 (846) (1,692) (2,538) Other Services&Charges 057.558.50.40.01 Credit Card&Bankcard Fees 0 13,166 14,873 17,000 16,000 15,520 15,040 14,560 (480) (960) (1,440) 057.558.50.41.03 Spokane County GIS 29,414 50,691 2,871 35,000 2,000 1,940 1,880 1,820 (60) (120) (180) 057.558.50.41.05 Professional Services 2,721 2,187 42,506 3,500 3,500 3,395 3,290 3,185 (105) (210) (315) 057.558.50.41.18 Legal Notices 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 057.558.50.42.01 Postage 2,514 1,772 284 1,000 1,000 970 940 910 (30) (60) (90) 057.558.50.42.03 Cell Phones 7,407 7,425 4,515 8,000 4,800 4,656 4,512 4,368 (144) (288) (432) 057.558.50.43.01 Travel/Mileage 3,115 1,408 1,859 3,800 3,300 3,201 3,102 3,003 (99) (198) (297) 057.558.50.45.07 Interfund Vehicle Lease 8,400 0 8,400 8,400 8,400 8,148 7,896 7,644 (252) (504) (756) 057.558.50.48.01 Equipment Repair&Maintenance 626 6,043 4,102 3,000 3,000 2,910 2,820 2,730 (90) (180) (270) 057.558.50.48.02 Copier Maintenance 5,869 5,514 6,501 7,500 7,500 7,275 7,050 6,825 (225) (450) (675) 057.558.50.48.03 Software Licenses&Maintenance 0 50,721 8,580 9,500 9,500 9,215 8,930 8,645 (265) (570) (855) 057.558.50.49.01 Subscriptions 99 350 99 100 100 97 94 91 (3) (6) (9) 057.558.50.49.02 Memberships 585 950 225 1,700 1,200 1,164 1,128 1,092 (36) (72) (108) 057.558.50.49.04 Registrations 1,918 1,318 1,210 2,500 2,000 1,940 1,880 1,820 (60) (120) (180) 057.558.50.49.05 Filing&Recording Fees 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 057.558.50.49.06 Miscellaneous Services 133 320 1,947 1,500 1,500 1,455 1,410 1,365 (45) (90) (135) 62,803 141,865 97,772 102,500 63,800 61,886 59,972 58,058 (1,914) (3,828) (5,742) Intergovernmental Services 057.558.50.51.01 Spokane County Contracts 18,629 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Capital Outlays 057.558.50.64.02 Computer Software/Hardware 0 155 0 0 0 0 0 057.594.58.64.15 SmartGov Permit System Software 64,308 35,508 0 0 0 0 0 64,308 35,683 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Interfund Payments for Service 057.558.50.95.01 Workstation Costs 0 3,668 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total Building Division 1,161,522 1,224,040 1,050,572 1,267,656 1,380,902 1,339,475 1.298.048 1,256,621 (41,427) (82,854) (124,281) Total budget increase= 8.93% (3.00%) (6.00%) (9.00%) Combined nonpayroll increase= (29.61%) P:11, General GovernancelBudget12015 Budget\Community Development Dept\CD budget worksheets 2015 General Fund 2015 Community Development Proposed Building Division .057.558 Budget 1 Building Official, 1 Sr Plans Examiner, 1 Plans Examiner, 3 Building Inspectors, 1 Dev Sery Salaries &Wages Coordinator, 2 Permit Facilitators, 2 Planners, 2 Office 885,504 Assistants, 1 Engeering Technician Overtime inspectors to meet contractors at job site beyond hours 500 if necessary Payroll Taxes and Benefits FICA, medicare, L&I, PERS 402,898 Office & Operating Supplies general office supplies 3,000 Forms Inspection Tags 500 1,000 Target Date sheets 500 Code books and update publications for 10 employees- Publications this is not a code year, however next year is a code 9,000 year and new books will need to be purchased for everyone safety vests, safety glasses, hard hats, flashlights, Safety Equipment safety kits for the vehicles, yellow caution tape, dust 200 masks, water jugs for vehicles, Gas &Oil fuel for inspectors trucks 4 vehicles 12,000 Small Tools & Minor Equipmen Replacement chairs x 2 1,200 3,000 replacement label printer x 2 1,200 caution tape, safety gloves, shoe covers, permit cover 600 bags, construction grade staplers. Credit card fees charged by banks -cannot calculate Credit Card & Bankcard Fees the amount, varies by bank, by card, by charge, by 16,000 bank holder state. Finance has not charged the CC fees however have said they will be doing so. GIS Services, SCIMap, other contracted services with Spokane County GIS Spokane County 2,000 The majority of the charges for these services are used by the planning div. The majority of the budget for this line item has been moved to that division Professional Services GPS Services-Seattle Public Utilities 1,900 3,500 Some projects require professional expertise that we do not have on staff Among these services we could need outside review by professionals such as engineers, architects, industrial hygienists or other 1,600 specialty professionals for projects proposing complex structural systems; or large important buildings like assemblies and hospitals; or alternate construction materials. Postage Covers all required and necessary mailed 1,000 correspondence, certified mail Page 1 of 2 P:11. General Governance\Budget12015 Budget\Community Development Dept\CD budget worksheets 2015 Cell Phones 6 phones, 1 for GPS connection and 4 laptop wireless 4,800 connections Travel/Mileage WABO-four in-state technical/professional meetings; 800 3,300 one person each meeting, two-day meeting Planner to APA Conference 400 WSAPT Meetings-two in-state technical/professional 400 meetings; one person each meeting; one-day meeting Inland Empire APA conference 200 Certifications-one per year 450 Certification Renewals-one per year 450 Inland Empire Chapter in-state code training; one 500 person, three-day training AICP Certification 100 Vehicle Replacement Costs accrue to account for replacement of vehicles. Need 8,400 Equipment Repair and Mainten repair and maintenance of inspectors trucks x4 3,000 Copier Maintenance actual charges to maintain 2 printers, 2 large format 7,500 copier scanners, plotter Software Licenses & Maintenar SMARTGov Maintenance 8,500 9,500 update sign calculating software 1,000 Subscriptions Building Law Bulletin 100 Memberships International Code Conference (ICC) governmental 100 1,200 membership APA memberships for 2 planners 400 American Planning Association (APA), American Institute of Certified Planners(AICP), eng tech 400 Inland Empire Chapter, ICC-five individual 210 memberships Washington Association of Building Officials 40 governmental membership Washington Association of Permit Technicians three 50 individual memberships Registrations - WABO-four in-state technical/professional meetings; 800 2,000 one person each meeting, two-day meeting Inland Empire APA conference eng tech 200 AICP Certification 200 State Building Code Council meetings-four-eight per year state code development; one-day meeting; no 400 travel or meal charges to City Planner attend APA Conference 400 Miscellaneous Services rug service for Permit Center, shreading services 1,500 Total Building 1,380,902 Page 2 of 2 Tab #12: Supplemental Budget P:\1.General Governance\Budget\2015 Budget\Finance Dept\supplemental requests,xlsx Requests CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY,WA 6/10/2014 2015 Budget Supplemental Requests Account Number Account Title I Description Amount #001 -General Fund City Manager r Wage/PR Tax/Benefit create executive assistant position 2,997 &001,013.000.513.10.35.01 Supplies 2 scanners for document management 3,000 Total city manager 5,997 Public Safety • 001.016,099. construct offices for traffic unit supervisors 25,000 Total public safety 25,000 HR r 001,018.016. points based exercise incentives 1,000 r001.018.016. mobile apps maintenance 1,000 Total human resources 2,000 Community and Economic Development r,xx Wage/PR Tax/Beneifts add 1.00 FTE development engineer 100,834 n Professional Services comp plan update 150,000 Total community development 250,834 Parks&Recreation r,r 001.076.300.576.80.41.05 Professional Services Appleway Trail-Univ to Pines maintenance 20,000 n 001.076.302. upgrade dial-up modern at 3 swimming pools 10,000 n 001.076.305. replace lounge area carpet-CenterPlace 8,000 n 001.076.305. CenterPlace 10yr anniversary celebration 7,374 Total parks&recreation 45,374 Total General Fund 329,205 recurring r 125,831 nonrecurring n 203,374 329,205 Page 1 of 2 P:\l.General Governance\Budget\2015 Budget\Finance Dept\supplemental requests.xlsx CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY,WA 6/10/2014 2015 Budget Supplemental Requests Account Number Account Title Description Amount #101 -Street Fund, Equipment pavement marking grinder 8,000 Total Street Fund 8,000 #309-Parks Capital Grants Fund 309.000.000.594. Capital outlay 4 volleyball courts at Brown's Park 100,000 309.000,000.594. Capital outlay design and build a pocket dog park 75,000 Total Parks Capital Grants Fund 175,000 #402-Stormwater Mgmt Fund 402.000.000.594. Equipment variable messaging system(VMS)trailer 16,000 402.000.000.595. Capital Outlay stomiwater and pvmnt prsvtn projects 600,000 Total Stormwater Mgmt Fund 616,000 #501 -Equipment Rental &Replacement Fund 501,000.000.594.24.64.06 Vehicle Purchase replace two 2003 Chevy S-10 pick-ups 60,000 for Community Development inspectors Page 2 of 2 BUD-1 JUSTIFICATION FOR PERSONNEL OR WORK PROGRAM CHANGES Department Name Program Fund No. City Manager Reason for changes in personnel or work program The required duties of the Administrative Assistant position supporting the City Manager have developed over time. Higher level duties and responsibilities critical to the operation of the City have been assigned to this position that are dissimilar to the current Administrative Assistant position description. These duties are typically performed by higher level positions in similar organizations. Therefore it is requested to establish a new position description of"Executive Assistant"at Grade 13, one grade higher than that of the current grade of the Administrative Assistant position classification. Total Cost of Change (Itemize by line-item detail only) Budget Personnel. Services BARS Number Year Estimated Cost Creation of"Executive Assistant"Position 2015 2,997 2016 3,117 2017 3,242 2018 3,372 2019 3,507 TOTAL 16,235 Materials and Services 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 TOTAL 0 Equipment 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 TOTAL d Other 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 TOTAL 0 R eve_nue Offset Budget Year 2015 _ Total Cost $ 16,235.00 2016 - 2017 Less Revenue Offset $ - 2018 2019 Net Cost $ 16,235.00 TOTAL 0 City of Spokane Valley 5127/2014 BUD-I JUSTIFICATION FOR PERSONNEL OR WORK PROGRAM CHANGES Department Name Program Fund No. Executive/Legislative City Clerkldocument management Reason for changes in personnel or work program The City Clerk's office is responsible for the Document Management Program. This entails scanning City documents into Laserfiche. The numerous amounts of documents scanned to date has worn out the life of the existing scanners orginally purchased for this program. We are requesting funding to replace two scanners in 2015. IT has provided the cost to replace these scanners. Total Cost of Change (Itemize by line-item detail only) Budget Personnel Services BARS Number Year Estimated Cost 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 TOTAL 0 Materials and Services 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 TOTAL 0 Equipment 2 Scanners for document management 2015 3000 2016 2017 2018 2019 TOTAL 3000 Other 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 TOTAL 0 Revenue Offset Budget Year 2015 Total Cost $ 3,000.00 2016 2017 Less Revenue Offset $ 2018 2019 Net Cost $ 3,000.00 City of Spokane Valley 5/27/2014 BUD-2 CAPITAL OUTLAY REQUEST Department Name Program Fund No. Public Safety Precinct Building Maintenance 16 Description Constuction of a walled three-office space along the south wall of the holding area inside the Precinct Building. These offices would house supervisory staff of the traffic unit that were relocated from the training center. The relocation provides greater interaction with other dedicated Spokane Valely units and suprevisory and administrative staff. Section 1: Capital Equipment Request Circle one Replacement Addition Unit Cost X Quantity Total Cost Impact on Operating Budget 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 TOTALS Equipment Cost 0 Personnel Cost 0 Materials & Svcs 0 TOTALS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Section 2: Capital Improvement Request Example: Building remodel, new sidewalks, parks benches, etc. Total Cost $ 25,000,00 Impact on Operating Budget 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 TOTALS Equipment Cost 0 Personnel Cost _ - 0 Materials &Svcs 0 TOTALS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 City of Spokane Valley 5/27/2014 BUD-1 JUSTIFICATION FOR PERSONNEL OR WORK PROGRAM CHANGES Department Name Program Fund No. HR Wellness Reason for changes in personnel or work program In 2015 it is estimated that the wellness program will reduce healthcare premiums by 2%or approximately $25,000 by achieving the WellCity Award through the Association of Washington Cities. The additional expenditure below of$1,000 would allow for the introduction of a new wellness activity with the goal of increasing the frequency of exercise by City employees. The increase in professional services for the 2015 budget year in the amount of$1,000 is for ongoing maintenance of the City's Mobile Apps. Total Cost of Change (Itemize by line-item detail only) Budget Personnel Services BARS Number Year Estimated Cost 2015 2016 _ 2017 2018 2019 TOTAL 0 Materials and Services Points bases exercise incentives(Gym Memberships etc) 2015 1,000 Mobile Apps Maintenance 2015 1,000 TOTAL 2,000 Equipment 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 TOTAL _ 0 Other 2015 2016 2017 2018 • 2019 • TOTAL 0 Revenue Offset Budget Year WellCity Award which results in a health 2015 25,000 Total Cost $ 2,000.00 insurance premium reduction. 2016 2017 Less Revenue Offset $ 25,000.00 2018 2019 Net Cost $ (23,000.0. 0) TOTAL 25000 City of Spokane Valley 5/27/2014 BUD-1 JUSTIFICATION FOR PERSONNEL OR WORK PROGRAM CHANGES Department Name _Program Fund No. Community Development Development Engineering 058 Reason for changes in personnel or work program The 2015 proposed budget includes the reassignment of 0.50 FTE Engineer to the newly created Economic Development Division. Previous impacts to Development Engineering over the past two years were the reassignment of the 1.0 FTE Engineering Tech position to the Building Division to process and review Right-Of- Way permits and the reallocation of the 0.50 FTE Engineering Tech to create a 1.0 FTE Plans Examiner in the Building Division. This new position will predominately handle civil plan reviews and be involved in more technical aspects of Development Engineering such as responding to construction related issues and assisting with the preparation of floodplain studies. By adding this position,we will also be able to focus the Assistant Engineer position on customer service activities such as attending pre-application meetings and responding to inquiries at the public counters. This will significantly increase our ability to maintain our high standards for customer service Total Cost of Change (Itemize by line-item detail only) Budget Personnel Services BARS Number Year Estimated Cost Development Engineer 2015 $ 100,834.00 2016 $ 104,867.36 2017 $ 109,062.05 2018 2018 TOTAL Materials and Services 2015 2016 2017 2018 2018 TOTAL Equipment 2015 2016 2017 2018 2018 TOTAL Other 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 TOTAL Revenue Offset Budget Year 2013 Total Cost $ 2014 2015 Less Revenue Offset $ 2016 2017 Net Cost $ City of Spokane Valley 5/27/2014 BUD-I JUSTIFICATION FOR PERSONNEL OR WORK PROGRAM CHANGES Department Name Program Fund No. Community Development Planning 058 Reason for changes in personnel or work program The Washington State Growth Management Act(GMA)requires the City to review and update its Comprehensive Plan and development regulations on or before June 30, 2017(see RCW 36.70A.130). The update will require a thorough public engagement process and a significant devotion of staff time. The Community Development Department needs planning resources to accomplish the update within the required timeline. The planning consultants main responsibility will be to advise the City Council on GMA requirements to guide the public participation efforts in order to meet GMA requirements. Total Cost of Change (Itemize by line-item detail only) Budget Personnel Services BARS Number Year Estimated Cost 2015 2016 2017 2018 2018 TOTAL Materials and Services Consultant 2015 $ 150,000,00 Consultant 2016 $ 75,000.00 Consultant 001.058.056,558,60.41..05 2017 2018 2018 TOTAL Equipment 2015 2016 2017 2018 2018 TOTAL Other 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 TOTAL Revenue Offset Budget Year 2013 Total Cost $ 2014 2015 Less Revenue Offset $ 2016 2017 Net Cost $ BUD-2 CAPITAL OUTLAY REQUEST Department Name Program Fund No. Parks & Recreation Maintenance 076.300 Description Phase 2A of the Appleway Trail is from University to Pines. This section of the trail was constructed in 2014. The Parks& Recreation Department will need to maintain this section in 2015. This section is one mile long and contains numerous improvements including an entry plaza. Section 1: Capital Equipment Request Circe One Replacement Addition Unit Cost X Quantity = Total Cost Impact on Operating Budget 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 TOTALS Equipment Cost Personnel Cost _ Materials & Svcs TOTALS Section 2: Capital Improvement Request Example: Building remodel, new sidewalks, parks benches, etc. Total Cost $20,000 Impact on Operating Budget 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 TOTALS Equipment Cost Personnel Cost Materials&Svcs 20,000 20,000_ TOTALS $20,000 City of Spokane Valley 5/28/2014 BUD-2 CAPITAL OUTLAY REQUEST Department Name Program Fund No. Parks & Recreation Aquatics 076.302 Description We are requesting funding to replace the existing modum and dial-up communication system at our three outdoor pools. Our current technoligy is outdated and extremely difficult to service and repair. This has caused numerous problems and customer service issues with the payments of our pool patrons. IT is exploring various options including: --Installing a 50 MB down/10 Upload speed Internet service that would provide Wi-Fi to our guests. There would be initial build cost of$8,000 per pool due to their locations. Additionally,there would be t a $199 install charges per pool. The service cost would be approximately$140/month per pool. Additionally, we would also need to replace the cash registers and modums at each pool at approximately$3,000 per pool. New software would run $1,000. Total of all costs would be$34,600. --Brining in DSL which►would also provide internet service (but no Wi-Fi to our guests) and replacing cash registers and modems. Estimated cost is $10,0000. --A cellular option which would provide internet service (but no Wi-Fi to our guests) and replacing cash registers and modems. Estimated cost is$10,000. Section 1: Capital Equipment Request Circle One Replacement Addition Unit Cost X Quantity -- Total Cost Impact on Operating Budget 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 TOTALS Equipment Cost _ Personnel Cost Materials & Svcs TOTALS Section 2: Capital Improvement Request Example: Building remodel, new sidewalks, parks benches, etc. Total Cost $10,000 Impact on Operating Budget 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 TOTALS Equipment Cost 10,000 $10,000 Personnel Cost Materials& Svcs TOTALS $10,000 City of Spokane Valley 6/10/2014 BUD-2 CAPITAL OUTLAY REQUEST Department Name Program Fund No. Parks & Recreation CenterPlace 076305 Description We are requesting the replacement of the carpet in the Lounge area at CenterPlace. The carpet is almost 10 years old and it is in need of replacement given the heavy use of this space. New carpet would be durable and installed in squares to minimize replacements in the future due to food spillages, etc. Section 1: Capital Equipment Request Circle One Replacement Addition Unit Cost X Quantity -- Total Cost Impact on Operating Budget 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 TOTALS Equipment Cost Personnel Cost Materials &Svcs _ TOTALS Section 2: Capital Improvement Request Example: Building remodel, new sidewalks, parks benches, etc. Total Cost $ 8,000.00 Impact on Operating Budget 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 TOTALS Equipment Cost Personnel Cost 3,000 _ 3,000 Materials&Svcs 5,000 5,000 TOTALS $8,000 City of Spokane Valley 6/10/2014 BUD-2 CAPITAL OUTLAY REQUEST Department Name Program Fund No. Parks &Recreation CenterPlace 076.305 Description In 2015,CenterPlace will celebrate its tenth (10)anniversary. These funds would for materials and supplies to create a birthday party for the community to celebrate CenterPlace and our City. Cost includes : -cake $74 -Catering(200@$20/person) $4,000 -Progra ms/Invitations $100 -Banners/Pictures $400 -Postage $100 -Cookbook Souvenier(125) $650 -Entertainment $1000 -10 yr. CP Lapel Lin (200) $300 -Commemorative Poster(200) $450 -Design Poster Contest $300 -Sponsorhips/Donations $3,000 We anticipate collecting$3,000 in sponsorhips/donations to reduce the overall cost to$4,374. Section 1: Capital Equipment Request Circle One Replacement Addition Unit Cost X Quantity _ Total Cost Impact on Operating Budget 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 TOTALS Equipment Cost Personnel Cost Materials &Svcs TOTALS Section 2: Capital Improvement Request Example: Building remodel, new sidewalks, parks benches, etc. Total Cost $7,374 Impact on Operating Budget 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 TOTALS Equipment Cost Personnel Cost Materials &Svcs 7,374 7,374 TOTALS $7,374 City of Spokane Valley 5/28/2014 BUD-2 CAPITAL OUTLAY REQUEST Department Name Program Fund No. Public Works- Street Fund Street Fund 101 Description: Pavement Marking Grinder-County maintenance and City Maintenance would use to remove pavement markings on City Projects.This will help facilitate striping removal to minimize impact to the surrounding pavement for replacing striping Section 1: Capital Equipment Request Circle One Replacement Addition Grinder Unit Cost $ 8,000.00 X Quantity 1 — Total Cost $ 8,000,00 Impact on Operating Budget 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 TOTALS Equipment Cost $ 8,000.00 $ 8,000.00 Personnel Cost _ $ Materials & Svcs $ - TOTALS $ - $ - $ 8,000.00 $ - $ - $ - $ 8,000,00 Section 2: Capital Improvement Request Total Cost $ - Impact on Operating Budget 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 TOTALS Equipment Cost $ - Personnel Cost $ Materials & Svcs TOTALS $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ City of Spokane Valley 6/10/2014 BUD-2 CAPITAL OUTLAY REQUEST Department Name Program Fund No. Parks& Recreation Maintenance 076,300 Description We are requesting funding to continue the development of Browns Park as per the master plan. The master plan calls for the development of Browns Park as a northwest destination for hosting weekly sand volleyball tournaments. The funding requested would construct four new sand volleyball courts at$25,000 per court. Ultimatley we would be looking to have a total of sixteen courts for the complex. Section 1: Capital Equipment Request Circe One Replacement Addition Unit Cost X Quantity = Total Cost Impact on Operating Budget 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 TOTALS Equipment Cost Personnel Cost Materials&Svcs TOTALS Section 2: Capital Improvement Request Example: Building remodel, new sidewalks, parks benches, etc. Total Cost $100,000 Impact on Operating Budget 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 TOTALS Equipment Cost Personnel Cost Materials&Svcs $100,000_ _ $100,000 TOTALS $100,000 City of Spokane Valley 5/28/2014 BUD-2 CAPITAL OUTLAY REQUEST Department Name Program Fund No. Parks & Recreation Maintenance 076.300 Description Design and develop a pocket dog park at Valley Mission Park on the former senior center site. This development would fulfill one of our top priorities within the Parks and Recreation master plan. Existing parking, restrooms and other park elements would be utilized by patrons of the dog park to reduce expenditures. Features would include decomposed granite, fencing, small shelter, landscaping, irrigation, dog water fountains,trash cans,dog bag dispensers, benches and obstacle course components. Section 1: Capital Equipment Request Circle One Replacement Addition Unit Cost X Quantity = Total Cost Impact on Operating Budget 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 TOTALS Equipment Cost Personnel Cost Materials &Svcs TOTALS Section 2: Capital Improvement Request Example: Building remodel, new sidewalks, parks benches, etc. Total Cost $75,000 Impact on Operating Budget 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 TOTALS Equipment Cost Personnel Cost Materials&Svcs 75,000 75,000 TOTALS $75,000 City of Spokane Valley 5/28/2014 BUD-2 CAPITAL OUTLAY REQUEST Department Name Program Fund No. Public Works-Stormwater Fund Stormwater 402 Description: The requested VMS trailer will be used for notification of construction and maintenance activities. The City will pay for the cost of these trailers under a construction project. Having our own VMS will reduce costs and be available for emergency situations. See attached for more detail. The $600,000 capital improvement requests are for additional small works projects and SW Upgrades related to City Preservation Projects. Section 1: Capital Equipment Request Circe One Replacement Addition VMS Unit Cost $16,000.00 X Quantity 1 Total Cost $ 16,000.00 Impact on Operating Budget 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 201.8 TOTALS Equipment Cost $ 16,000.00 $ 16,000.00 Personnel Cost $ - Materials&Svcs TOTALS $ - $ - $ 16,000.00 $ - $ - $ - $ 16,000.00 Section 2: Capital Improvement Request Example: Building remodel, new sidewalks, parks benches, etc. Total Cost Impact on Operating Budget 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 TOTALS Equipment Cost $ Personnel Cost _ $ - Property $ - Materials&Svcs $ 600,000.00 $ 600,000.00 TOTALS $ - $ - $ 600,000.00 $ - $ - $ - $ 600,000.00 City of Spokane Valley 6/10/2014 BUD-2 CAPITAL OUTLAY REQUEST Department Name Program Fund No. Community Development Vehicles Description The remaining two 2003 Chevrolet S-10 pick-up trucks which the building inspectors have been driving have reached the end of life for them to be able to use them, in their environments. They also need to be able to carry their tools and code books under cover and out of the elements to maintain them in good working order. The maintenance costs for these trucks rises every year. We spend an average of$4000 per year to maintain them these for the last three years and the cost to do so is increasing every year. The Escapes are SUVs which allow for the cover of code books, tools and necessary equipment, and allowing for it to be secured. Section 1: Capital Equipment Request Circle One Replacement Addition Unit Cost $30,000.00 X Quantity 2 = Total Cost $ 60,000.00 Impact on Operating Budget 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 TOTALS Equipment Cost Personnel Cost Materials&Svcs TOTALS Section 2: Capital Improvement Request Example: Building remodel, new sidewalks, parks benches, etc. Total Cost Impact on Operating Budget 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 TOTALS Equipment Cost Personnel Cost _ Materials &Svcs - TOTALS - City of Spokane Valley 5/2712014 Tab 1113: Potential Capital Projects P:\1.General Governance\Budget\2015 Budget\Finance Dept\potential and pending projects CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY,WA I 6/10/2014 Pending I Potential Projects Worksheet Project Financing Estimated Grant Financed City Financed Total Potential/ Fund 001 Fund 310 Fund 312 Fund 301/302 Project Secured Anticipated General Civic Buildings Capital Bond Cost Grants Grants Fund Capital Projects Reserve REET Financed Total Unfunded Capital Protects -. .. •-- -.•.-•-• 15,358;000 15,350,000 43,930,000 0 0 0 2,,320,000 8 0 45,250,090 0 0 -Balfour Park development 3,866,000 3,866,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3,866,000 3,866,000 -Phase 2A-Appleway Trail-University to Pines 1,400,000 1,400,000 0 0 0 0 1,400,000 0 0 1,400,000 0 0 -Phase 2B-Appleway Trail-Pines to Evergreen 1,685,704 1,685,704 642,852 842,852 0 0 200,000 0 0 1,685,704 0 0 -Phase 3-Appleway Trail-Evergreen to Corbin 2,593,680 2,593,680 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,593,680 2,593680 -Phase 1-Appleway Landscaping(Dora to Park) 268;000 268,000 0 0 0 0 268,000 0 0 268,000 0 0 -Phase 2&3-Appleway Landscaping(Park to University) 2,400,000 to 3500,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,400,000 to 3,500,000 -c c Ro to Signage 60,000 60,000 0 0 0 0 60,000 0 0 60,000 0 6 42,150 42,150 0 0 0 0 42450 0 0 4250 0 0 -City Hall 14,400,000 14,400,000 0 0 2,443,507 1,100,000 2,836,057 0 0 6,379,564 8,020,436 8,020,436 -Barker Road I BNSF Grade Separation* 29,000,000 29,000,000 5,800,000 20,300,000 0 0 700,000 2,200,000 0 29,000,000 0 0 -Sewer and roads at industrial property east of Flora Rd. 10,500,000 10,500,000 0 2,500,000 0 0 0 0 0 2,500,000 8,000,000 8,000,000 -Park land acquisition 900,000 to 1,100,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 900,000 1,100,000 Total of Capital Projects 82,465,534 to 83,765,534 19,472,852 23,642,852 2,44,07 1,10$500 7,826,207 2,200,000 , 0 56,685,418 25,780,116 to 27,080,116 *also included in 6-year TIP Potential City Sources to Cover Costs of City Hall ////---- -Fund#001-General Fund transfers(2012 fund balance>50%) 2,443,507// -Fund#310-Civic Buildings Capital Projects Fund 1,100,000 / -Fund#312-Capital Reserve Fund 2,836,057— ($7,626,207 was set aside in 2013. Of this amount$4,990,150 has been committed between 2013 and 2017) 6,379,564 Convert City Hall Lease Payment to a Bond Payment -Convert annual lease payment for City Hall to an LTGO bond issue for the construction of a City Hall(assumes the$434,600 annual lease payment for City Hall space is converted to a bond payment with bonds issued for 30-years at 4.50%with an issue cost of 2%) This won't bean option for the City before April 1,2016 which is the first opportunity the City will have to exit its'current lease. 6,940,000 Future Potential Recurring General Fund Expenditures -Balfour Park maintenance 211,000 (3 acres @$15,000 each+8.3 acres @$20,000 each) -Appleway Trail maintenance(approximately$20,000 per mile) Phase 2-University to Evergreen(2 miles) 40,000 Phase 3-Evergreen to Corbin(2 miles) 40,000 -Appleway Landscaping maintenance 9,500 (Per acre estimate) 300,500 -Future bond payments(cost per$1 million issued) 62,650 (assumes a 30-year LTGO issue at 4.50%with an issue cost of 2%) 2014 06 10