2007, 01-30 Study Session Minutes MINUTES
Tuesday,January 30,2007
Mayor Wilhite called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m., and welcomed everyone to the meeting.
Councilmembers: Staff:
Diana Wilhite, Mayor Nina Regor, Deputy City Manager
Steve Taylor, Deputy Mayor Mike Connelly, City Attorney
Dick Denenny, Councilmember Marina Sukup, Community Development Dir
Mike DeVleming, Councilmember Greg McCormick, Planning Manager
Bill Gothmann, Councilmember Mike Jackson,Parks &Recreation Director
Rich Munson, Councilmember Neil Kersten,Public Works Director
Gary Schimmels, Councilmember Carolbelle Branch, Public Information Officer
Greg Bingaman, IT Specialist
Chris Bainbridge, City Clerk
City Clerk Bainbridge called roll; all councilmembers were present.
1. Convention Visitor's Bureau/Tourism Promotion Area Update—Harry Sladich
Convention Bureau President and CEO Harry Sladich gave a presentation which focused on the Bureau's
marketing and tourism, explained the 2007 proposed budget and highlighted some of the 2006 successes
concerning national visibility. Mr. Sladich distributed copies of some of their marketing materials, as
well as a copy of the new in-flight magazine for Alaska Airlines, which will be used for the entire month
of February.
2. Re-review Uniform Development Code (UDC) Titles 17 and 20—Marina Sukup/Greg McCormick
Community Development Director Sukup explained that this is a re-review of UDC Title 17 and 20, with
the suggested changes shown in red-line format.
Title 17: Council was satisfied with the changes shown for Title 17 and gave consensus to move forward
with that title for formal approval as changed.
Title 20: Council was satisfied with the changes shown, but discussed several other possible changes.
Concerning page 10, #15, Councilmembers asked if the Fire Department was going to be added to that
list, to which Mr. McCormick replied that he spoke with Fire Marshall Kevin Miller who responded to
Mr. McCormick just yesterday that having the Fire District on as a signer would be advantageous for
them. It was Council consensus to add the fire department to the list on page 10, #15. Mr. McCormick
added that the district responding would be either District#1 or District#8.
20.10.080 General Design,#2-b-iii: much discussion ensued regarding this statement and of the statement
under 20.30.20, #9: Street addresses for each lot shall be shown. Questions arose concerning residents on
more than one lot, or on corner lots. Ms. Sukup mentioned that the address generally shown is where the
front door would be, which generated further discussion concerning an unimproved lot and not knowing
where a front door might be located; although Ms. Sukup mentioned the front of the lot is generally
known, that it is a design issue of not having addresses perpendicular to each other, and there are setbacks
and fencing requirements to take into consideration; which lead to further discussion about homes with
four or more backyards against a side yard; aesthesis; house orientation being the property owner's
choice; layout tied to driveways and utilities; allowing people to encroach on neighbor's property; and
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Approved by Council: 02-27-07
that it the house orientation doesn't cause problems with fire safety, utilities or traffic flow, the City
should not dictate which way the front of the house would face. It was also mentioned that if the owner
wants to change the resident's orientation, there is no fee involved with doing such a change of address.
It was moved by Councilmember DeVleming and seconded to eliminate #2-b-iii under section 20.10.080.
Vote by Acclamation: In Favor: Mayor Wilhite, Deputy Mayor Taylor, and Councilmembers Schimmels,
Denenny, DeVleming, and Munson. Opposed: Councilmember Gothmann. Abstentions: None. Motion
20.20.020 Contents of Application: #1e: consensus to add"or format approved by the director."
20.30.010#4: consensus to add"or format approved by the director."
20.30.20 Contents of Final Plat: #15 h: Consensus to add: "Hearing Examiner for final subdivision plats
Other matters discussed included emergency evacuation; that the issue likely belongs in design and
development standards (Title 22); that new Building Official Martin is researching for examples of cities
that deal with that issue, specifically for wild fire; and that Association of Washington Cities may have
such example cities.
There was Council consensus to move Title 20 forward for formal approval as changed.
Mayor Wilhite called for a recess at 7:14 p.m. and reconvened the meeting at 7:19 p.m.
3. Continued Review UDC Title 21 and Shoreline Masterplan—Marina Sukup/Greg McCormick
Community Development Director Sukup explained that the Planning Commission held a public hearing
last Thursday on this matter, which hearing was a continuation of a public hearing held earlier; that in
connection with the critical areas and shoreline master program, the Department of Ecology
representative said at that meeting last week, that they didn't think the shoreline section was ready;
subsequently, the Planning Commissioners asked City Attorney Connelly if, in the event the City adopts a
new shoreline master program and the Department of Ecology doesn't approve it, does that mean there is
no shoreline master program? Attorney Connelly explained that if we were to pass the shoreline
management act which would later be declared invalid, we would have to repeal that and reapply the old
shoreline management act ; not doing so would present other problems in having one set of rules, and
then having to go back to apply a different set of rules which also means tremendous enforcement issues.
Mr. Connelly said that this just occurred last week and staff should know more later; and that Ms. Sukup
asked for but has not yet received from DOE, a detailed list of concerns. Ms. Sukup said the Planning
Commission would continue the public hearing and hope to hear from the DOE. Mr. McCormick
mentioned some of the flexible thresholds mentioned on pages 1 and 2 under section 21.20.040; and
added that the Planning Commission has not yet formed their recommendation to Council.
Further discussion included the floodplain hazard and that the proposal includes updates incorporated in
the Washington Model Ordinance as well as special provisions for flood storage resulting from the recent
completion of the Chester Creek re-study; and added that the proposal has been reviewed by FEMA and
the Washington Department of Ecology; wetlands buffer areas and the chart on page 20 were briefly
discussed; and it was mentioned that staff has identified the need for a footnote concerning the site classes
shown at the top of page 29. Deputy Mayor Taylor asked about the Spokane River being a shoreline of
statewide significance (page 31 #4); and Ms. Sukup added that the sentence is not accurate as it should
state that 200 feet is a area of shorelines jurisdiction; and that she will revise that sentence.
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Councilmember Munson commended staff for putting this together; and stated that Council recognizes
and appreciates the magnitude of work on these regulations.
4. Advance Agenda Additions—Mayor Wilhite
Mayor Wilhite reminded Council that there would be no meeting February 13 as councilmembers attend
the AWC (Association of Washington Cities) Legislative Conference; that there will be a special study
session Wednesday, February 21 to discuss the UDC titles; and the March 1 meeting has been changed
from 6 p.m. to 5 p.m. The June retreat was also mentioned and it was Council consensus to have the
retreat June 2, and Councilmember Denenny has once again offered the use of his cabin.
5.Information only: The following items were for information only and were not discussed.
a. Sign Code Committee Update—Marina Sukup
b.Senske Contract Update—Mike Jackson
6 Council Check in—Mayor Wilhite
Mayor Wilhite mentioned she e-mailed councilmembers a message containing her recap of her recent
Chamber trip, and she indicated councilmembers are welcome to come borrow the "briefing book" she
received during that trip. Councilmember Munson mentioned the agenda for AWC "City Legislative
Action Conference" (CLAC) meeting, that members of the AWC said we would be scheduled to meet
with Chris Marr (vice chair of the Senate Transportation Committee) concerning transportation
committees and chairs, but that Mr. Munson has not received anything further regarding specific
meetings, and asked if Council should ask the Mayor to follow up with this. Mayor Wilhite said she will
contact the appropriate parties to determine which chairs to meet with during the February 14-15 AWC
Legislative Action Conference in Olympia.
7. City Manager Comments—Nina Regor
Deputy City Manager Regor had no additional comments.
EXECUTIVE SESSION: Litigation It was moved by Deputy Mayor Taylor, seconded, and unanimously
approved to adjourn into executive session for approximately thirty minutes to discuss litigation; and that
no action will be taken upon their return to regular session. Council adjourned into executive session at
8:15 p.m. At 8:39 p.m. Mayor Wilhite declared Council out of Executive Session. It was moved by
Councilmember Denenny, seconded by Councilmember Munson, and unanimously agreed to adjourn.
The meeting adjourned at 8:40 p.m.
Diana Wilhite, Mayor
4 :3
-Tistine Bainbridge, CI 'Clerk
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Approved by Council:02-27-07