VE-108-80 ~ At s'a'id time and place any interested person inay appear for, or against, the granting of ; this application. ~ ~ SPOKANE COUiJTY PLFNNING DEPARTMEilT i ZONING ADJUSTOR HEARIiIG TELEPHOPIE iJO: 456-2274 Ti;4E: Wednesday, July 30, 1980 1:15 P.M. PLACE: N. 721 Jefferson, Broadway Centre Bldg. ; - Conference Room 2nd floor VA RIFPICE ; VE-108-80, Relaxation of Setback P.eauiremeni a. Location: Section 16, Township 25, Ranae 44 E1,44 OPP REGO PT of L1-11-12 B2 'd 63.5 ft. L1; N 37ft. L11; ALL L 12 Parcel: 16541-0817 b. Applicant: Rev. John W. Ickes P.0_ Box 14423 Spokane, WA 99214 c. Proposed Use: Conversion or" existino accessory building to a place of worship with an addition to be added to said existing building. d. Site Size: 16000 sq. ft. e. Existing Zone: Agricultural Suburban f. Variance Requested: The Spokane County Zoning Ordinance requires a?.0 ft. side yard setback in this zone whereas the applicant proposes a 6 ft. side yard setback. g. Application of Zoning Ordinance: 4.05.110 (c2) . , . ;A OFFICE OF COUNTY ENGINEER Spokaae Councy, lJashingcon T0: 7.ONING AD;JUSTOR ~ FROM: Bob Brueggeman, Engineers Oifice SUBSECT: County Engineer's Recommenda[ions DATE: July 28, 1980 CUa-21-80 If approved: VS-111-80 Applicant shall dedicate the north 15' ui the advertised property adjacent to Thorpe Road for roadvay purposes. , Applican[ shall agree to participate in any future RID or CRP involving applicant's proper[y. VN-106-80 If approved: Applicant shall dedicaee the south 30' of the advertised proper[y for future zoadway purposes. Applicant shall agree to participate in any future RID for improvements to Little Deep Creek Road. Appllcanc shall execu[e notlce ta the public that Little Deep Creek Road 1s an unmein[ained councy right-uf-way and vill no[ be maia- tained until it is built to minimum county standards. VW-113-80 If approved: Applicant shall axecute notice to the public thac this property is served by a private road. VE-109-80 No conditions at chis cime. VE-108-80 If approved: Appllcant shall cake care so as noc to obseure the sight dietance at the intersection of tha county roads adSecent [o this property. Applicant shall agree to participace in any fucure RID or CRP involving appiicants proper[y. VN-107-80 If approved: Applicant -,hail execute notice [o the public that this property Ls served by a privace road. VE-110-80 If approved: Applicanc shall be subject to all the condi[ions of the zone change hearings.