2007, 07-17 Study Session MinutesMINUTES CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY CITY COUNCIL STUDY SESSION Tuesday, July 17, 2007 Mayor Wilhite called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m., and welcomed everyone to the meeting. Present: Councilmembers: Diana Wilhite, Mayor Steve Taylor, Deputy Mayor Dick Denenny, Councilmember Mike DeVleming, Councilmember Bill Gothmann, Councilmember Rich Munson, Councilmember Gary Schimmels, Councilmember (arrived 6:45 p.m.) Staff: Dave Mercier, City Manager Cary Driskell, Deputy City Attorney Mike Jackson, Parks & Rec Director Neil Kersten, Public Works Director Steve Worley, Senior Engineer Greg McCormick, Planning Manager Carolbelle Branch, Public Information Officer Rick VanLeuven, Police Chief Greg Bingaman, IT Specialist Chris Bainbridge, City Clerk Employee Introductions: Parks and Recreation Director Jackson introduced Becky Gilbreth as the new Administrative Assistant for CenterPlace, and Evan Pollack, Park Ambassador for the summer Mr. Jackson then introduced Recreation Coordinator Jennifer Cusick who introduced her staff; followed by Carol Carter, Customer Relations Facilities Coordinator who introduced her staff; followed by Senior Center Specialist Karen Parsons who introduced volunteers for the Senior Center; and ending with Maintenance Worker Brian Moat introducing his staff members. Council welcomed and greeted all new staff. 1. Draft Street Master Plan — Steve Worley /J -U -B Representatives Senior Engineer Worley explained that tonight's draft is the result of over one and one -half years effort in putting together one of Council's top 2006 goals; i.e. to develop a comprehensive street masterplan for the City. Mr. Worley then introduced J -U -B Engineers Chuck Larson who will give the Pavement Management Program (PMP) presentation; and Spencer Montgomery who will explain the Transportation Improvement (TIP) part of the plan; and said the presentation will end with Public Works Director Kersten and Mr. Worley giving a few more details and opening the floor for discussion. Mr. Worley also distributed updated material replacing slide 9, and maps 1 -5 and 1 -25. Mr. Larson began the PowerPoint presentation by explaining that this is not the completion, but rather a culmination of the program; he recapped the purpose of the program, i.e., to provide well - maintained, high quality streets at the lowest reasonable cost; explained the components of the program; the pavement condition; the reasons for preventative maintenance; and the software selection called CarteGraph. Mr. Larson said that programs could be imported and exported with this software as needed. He added that the street network inventory includes about 437 centerline miles; and explained the street condition by classification, and said that many local roadways, especially in residential neighborhoods, are in very good condition. Mr. Larson continued with the remainder of the first segment of the PowerPoint presentation. [Councilmember Schimmels arrived at 6:45 p.m.] Regarding the Septic Tank Elimination Program (STEP), Mr. Larson said that these roads are not included in the PMP, but they are in the long- term budget. Mr. Larson also explained that some roads are showing premature wear and he's not sure what that results from, but they have selected some roads to perform a geotechnical evaluation to determine what's causing this premature wear. Councilmember DeVleming asked if staff will come back and explain the repairs to those roads (as shown on slide 12), and Mr. Worley responded that staff can do Meeting Minutes: 07 -17 -07 Page 1 of 5 Approved by Council: 08 -14 -07 that if that is Council's desire; and he said that the road's have not failed yet, but they are starting to see some signs of premature deterioration and they want to understand why in order to prevent that from happening in the future. Mr. Mercier said that the math doesn't show a significant annual escalation of cost between year one and year six, as asphalt and other products price increase, as he would have assumed year six of the annual budget would have been significantly higher than year one. Mr. Larson explained that he could run alternative scenarios, but in this one (shown in slide 18), they held the budget at a constant number as less work would be done each year, so to some extent, they are front loading the option 1 recommended six - year maintenance and rehabilitation budget. Some discussion ensued regarding having the actual budget number in year one; other possible scenarios with inflation factored in; spending more on preservation then on rehabilitation; or more balanced between the two; or more in earlier years for preservation. Mr. Worley said that because we have many roads in good condition, it might be a good time to continue with the preservation. Mr. Larson explained Option 2 and said that the challenge for Council would be to define a budget to work with. Mr. Mercier said that two weeks from tonight, Council will have the preliminary 2008 budget, and said that if we ask for a six -year plan that begins in fiscal year 09, that perhaps we should think about when would be a beginning year on this multi -year program. Deputy Mayor Taylor mentioned we still need to have this go through the public process; that public safety and roads are top priorities for Council, and there needs to be a case made to the public as to the importance of maintaining the quality of our roads. Other discussion included mention of the difference between option 1 and 2; to look at funding versus spending; that Council might want to consider some compromise between option 1 and option 2; and that funding options need to be analyzed. As an aside, it was mentioned that with this particular software, citizens would have the possible ability to insert a particular address on the website to see what needs to be done on that street segment; and Mr. Larson said that the information is as good as the GIS mapping; that it could possibly be done through the GIS system and have it linked to the PMP to tie in all information. Mayor Wilhite called for a recess at 7:52 p.m., and reconvened at 8:00 p.m. Mr. Worley asked if Council wished to see the second PowerPoint on the TIP (Transportation Improvement Plan), which was previously shown to Council last December; or just have staff answer questions. Council stated a preference not to go through the second PowerPoint, but to have the PMP again placed on an upcoming Council agenda to more thoroughly cover the CIP (capital improvement project) portion. Public Works Director Kersten then explained the accompanying spreadsheets and said that we have an estimated $2.5 million shortfall; that the current capital improvement program funding is based on what we know today; and with what is currently in the TIP today, the balance through the year 2013 would leave us with an estimated half - million dollar shortfall. Mr. Kersten said that if we went with option 2, the capital fund would be in serious trouble in 2011 or 2010. This matter will be brought back to Council again later. 2. Uniform Development Code Deliberation (UDC) Title 19 — Greg McCormick Planning Manager McCormick began review and discussion of Title 19, the zoning chapter of the UDC. He explained that the Planning Commission reviewed the materials over the course of several evenings, and put together their recommendation. He said that the major components of the title include the first part which is the regulatory part, the second part which has the matrices listing all the uses, and the third part which is the definitions section, and added that the definitions are universal throughout the entire UDC. Discussion included that this title is more of a traditional type zoning code; the idea of starting with this again once the sub -area plan is adopted, we could transition to a more form -based zone throughout the City; and that much like the Comprehensive Plan, this will be reviewed for periodic Meeting Minutes: 07 -17 -07 Page 2 of 5 Approved by Council: 08 -14 -07 updates perhaps twice a year. Mayor Wilhite suggested reviewing the title page by page, and said that any scrivener's errors should be reported to City Clerk Bainbridge later. Section 19.20.050: New and Unlisted Uses Council and staff discussed the possibility of charging an administrative fee for reconsiderations or having a formal appeal process; and mentioned that the current Council policy is to recover costs. Mr. Mercier said that he knows of no informal process to appeal an administrative decision as it would be difficult to sort out which to charge; and that he is not aware of any other municipality doing so. Deputy Mayor Taylor said that perhaps some unique circumstances would warrant a fee. Section 19.20.040: Newly Annexed Territory Deputy Mayor Taylor asked about annexation regulations or policies, and Mr. McCormick said those are now in the comprehensive plan, but we need to work through the UGA process with the County to get those areas identified and have the County agree to those areas; and that hopefully there will be an interlocal agreement detailing how we work with each other within the UGA, adding that state annexation laws are straightforward. Deputy Mayor Taylor suggested holding the annexation discussion at a different time. Section 19.20.060(2)(c)(ii) In response to a question concerning the NAICS codes, Mr. McCormick explained that that is the North American Industrial Classification System which is used to identify categories. Section 19.20.060(2)(d)(i) Other discussion touched on nonconforming uses and determining factors or criteria for such; that a determination that any nonconforming use would be an additional burden on the transportation system; that most jurisdictions try to have the property transition to appropriate uses over time; how such nonconforming use would affect the nearest intersection and level of service; other issues concerning concurrency; what other services would be degraded and how to determine that, i.e. water and sewer; and the suggestion to state that such expanded use would not degrade the transportation level of service greater than the original use. No decision was made on any change to this section. Section 19.30.010: Comprehensive Plan Text & Map Amendments Mr. Mercier questioned why the amendment to the budget would be a trigger to update the Comp Plan; and Mr. McCormick said this refers to the capital facilities chapter as we would want to match the amendment cycle of the comp plan to pull in the newly adopted TIP. To make this specific to the amendment to the capital facilities chapter, Mr. McCormick said he would re- examine this language. Mayor Wilhite suggested changing the language to read "or concurrent with the annual adoption of the City budget" (taking out the amendment). Mr. McCormick indicated that would work well, and Council concurred with the change. Section 19.30.030: Site Specific Zoning Map Amendments Deputy Mayor Taylor suggested omitting the entire #2 addition, but there was no consensus on that suggestion. Discussion included maintaining the neighborhood character and uniform lot sizes; the comp plan policy concerning developing criteria for rezones; that the Planning Commission requested staff work on some rezone criteria that deals with low density residential; the process to rezone within a category and remain consistent with the UGA; that some residents object to having a UR -7 in the midst of a 3.5; and that perhaps Council would skip item c and d but would go back and review the comp plan. Deputy Mayor Taylor said he would like to discuss this chapter again, and would like some public comment on these proposed changes. It was agreed this section will be discussed again later. Meeting Minutes: 07 -17 -07 Page 3 of 5 Approved by Council: 08 -14 -07 It was moved by Councilmember Munson, seconded, and unanimously agreed to extend the meeting to 9:30 p.m. Section 19.40.010: General Provisions Mr. McCormick reported that the R -1 lot area per dwelling unit was changed to read 40,000 square feet rather than 25,000; and that this was corrected on the master copy. Deputy Mayor Taylor requested an updated electronic copy, and mentioned the need to get this up on the website as the current website version is from February. Mr. McCormick stated he would work with Deanna Griffith to accomplish that. Discussion continued on this section including the mention that there has been numerous debates on dimensions, standards, and density; that acreage limits should be determined whether 10,000 or 7500 square feet for R2; the idea of six units per acre; a reminder that the 10,000 square feet is a minimum not a maximum; whether there are ample lots within the City limits; and the question of how to handle growth for the next thirty years. There was no consensus on this section concerning leaving it as is or amending the section. Table 19.40 -1 Table. Deputy Mayor Taylor suggested removing the R2 designation; and there was Council consensus to do so; thus the R -3 and R -4 would change to R -2 and R -3. Discussion stopped at the residential standard chart. 3. Advance Agenda Additions Mayor Wilhite explained that concerning the information item on tonight's agenda, the developer agreement for Keller Road, that the developer has asked if we could have a motion on the July 24 meeting, and Mayor Wilhite asked Council's preference on whether to adhere to the three -touch rule. City Manager Mercier added that the question would be to consider a motion July 24 as opposed to August 14; and that the developer has made this request for July 24, and staff recommends moving this forward for action. It was determined to place the matter on the July 24 consent agenda. Mr. Mercier also noted that there are two upcoming perspective appointments: one to the Local Redevelopment Authority, and another as a council liaison to the City Center core team. It was mentioned that Councilmember Munson expressed his desire to be appointed to the LRA; and Councilmember Denenny to the Core Team. These appointments will be scheduled for the next council meeting. It was moved by Councilmember Munson and seconded to extend the meeting to 9:40 p. m. Vote by Acclamation: In favor: Mayor Wilhite, Deputy Mayor Taylor, and Councilmembers Schimmels, Denenny, Munson, and Gothmann. Opposed: Councilmember DeVleming. Motion carried. After further brief discussion concerning the UDC and title 19 in particular, it was Council consensus to schedule a "public comment" opportunity for UDC Title 19. 4. Information Only: The Developer Agreement for Keller Road Short Plat SHP 04 -07, and the Position Reclassifications were "information only" items and were not reported or discussed except as mentioned above. 5. Council Check -in — Mayor Wilhite Councilmember Gothmann mentioned the recent "Pring" land proposal; and if Council should ask staff to make comments or have the request go through the regular process, as Councilmember Gothmann said he feels we owe Mr. Pring a response. Deputy Mayor Taylor said all proposals are being reviewed by staff. Mr. Gothmann said that Mayor Wilhite said that she wanted to talk to Council about Mr. Gothmann writing an article; and Mayor Wilhite said she hasn't had a chance to read the article concerning this topic, and that she will send Council an e -mail afterwards. Mr. Taylor said he sent back his comments and thought the article looked great. 6. City Manager Comments — City Manager Mercier Meeting Minutes: 07 -17 -07 Page 4 of 5 Approved by Council: 08 -14 -07 In response to questions about the wastewater plant update, Mr. Mercier mentioned that Mr. Rawls is in the room, and he asked Mr. Rawls for his input. Mr. Rawls said that he has a final draft report summary which includes all the suggested rate changes in each category; and that the County's public hearing is scheduled for August 14. Mayor Wilhite also mentioned that she and Commissioner Richard have been discussing scheduling another joint meeting for next Monday, and exchanging information about each entity's capital needs; and that she will again meet with Mr. Richard this Thursday. Mr. Mercier stated that there are several pending administrative policies which have been submitted to the collective bargaining unit, and that no changes have been proposed by the labor unit; that the policies include a broad array of topics and if interested, copies will be available. Councilmember Munson stated that he would like a copy. There being no further business, Mayor Wilhite adjourned the meeting at 9:39 p.m. Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk "..________ D-ut\,,K., U 3J Diana Wilhite, Mayor Meeting Minutes: 07 -17 -07 Page 5 of 5 Approved by Council: 08 -14 -07