2007, 09-04 Study Session MinutesMayor Wilhite called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m., and welcomed everyone to the meeting. Present: Councilmembers: Diana Wilhite, Mayor Steve Taylor, Deputy Mayor Dick Denenny, Councilmember Mike DeVleming, Councilmember Bill Gothmann, Councilmember Rich Munson, Councilmember Gary Schimmels, Councilmember MINUTES CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY CITY COUNCIL STUDY SESSION Tuesday, September 4, 2007 Staff: Dave Mercier, City Manager Mike Connelly, City Attorney Greg McCormick, Planning Manger Scott Kuhta, Senior Planner Nina Regor, Deputy City Manager Ken Thompson, Finance Director Carolbelle Branch, Public Information Officer Rick VanLeuven, Police Chief Chris Bainbridge, City Clerk Employee Introductions: Planning Manager McCormick introduced the following new employees: Darla Arnold, Office Assistant; Joe Gilbert, Engineering Tech; Patty Romero, Office Assistant; and Marty Palaniuk, Planning Technician. Council welcomed and greeted the new employees. 1. Uniform Development Code Deliberation — Greg McCormick & Scott Kuhta Council discussion began with Title 22, section 120 Wireless Communication Facilities. Although there was discussion on several aspects of Title 22, the following are the agreed upon changes: 22.130. Streets, Sidewalks and Public Places 22.130.010. Purpose and Intent. — no change [editor's note: typographical error, last sentence: "(4) Clarify the authority of the Development Services Senior Engineer in regards to the future location..." omit "s" from word regard.] 22.130.050. Regional Pavement Cut Policy. Consensus to include table title under table 22.130 -1. 22.130.080. Modification of Standards. Consensus to strike the entire paragraph except the last sentence; new paragraph to now read: "Council shall periodically review the standards for road and sewer construction and modify and amend the same from time to time as necessary." 22.140.020. Initiation of Vacation It was mentioned that #4 and #6 mentions 60 and 20 days, and item #5 refers to calendar days. City Attorney Connelly will check and make changes as appropriate. 22.140.040. City Council Decision. City Attorney Connelly suggested omitting the last sentence of #4 so that we are not obligated to have every title transfer performed by quitclaim deed as there are other means. Council concurred. There were no other suggested changes to Title 22. Meeting Minutes: 09 -04 -07 Page 1 of 3 Approved by Council: 09 -25 -07 Mayor Wilhite mentioned that there were comments about the airport overlay including concerns of the water district, and she asked if there was Council consensus to ask staff to go to the Planning Commission and Review that issue to see if any alternatives could be considered. There followed brief discussion concerning the airport overlay ordinance and it was ultimately agreed that staff will prepare a future administrative report assessing the potential risk and range of discretion council has in that regard. August 28, 2007 Memorandum re Proposed Changes to Titles 19, 20 & 22 UDC Mr. Kuhta explained that he and Mr. McCormick put this memorandum together to address outstanding questions on all titles. There was discussion on adding "electric substations" and "transmissions lines" to the community facilities definition to fully address Avista's concerns; and Mr. Kuhta remarked that public utility transmission and local distribution facility are defined but not in the permitted use matrix, and that staff will research further to determine the most appropriate place to add that. Subdivision Exemption: 20.10.020 Exemptions: The memorandum mentions that Avista's concerns appear to be covered by the noted exemption from subdivision rules; however, it was council consensus to change "consumer or investor owned" to "public or privately owned." Rezone Criteria: 19.30.030 Site Specific Zoning Map Amendments After brief discussion on this section, there was Council consensus that in order to be consistent with concurrency, that "f' would be deleted from #2. There was no consensus to include the "possible additional criteria." 19.110.040 Pipeline Hazard Overlay Council consensus to add the following suggested language: "The following regulations shall only apply to the pipeline facilities identified in Section 3.7 of the City of Spokane Valley 's Comprehensive Plan. " 22.70.020 General Provisions - Fencin Council consensus to accept the suggested changes in #2. Outdoor Lighting Standards There was brief discussion concerning lighting affecting residential areas, rights -of -way, transition zones, and buffers, but there were no further suggestions to add to this section. Mayor Wilhite called for a recess at 7:22 p.m., and reconvened the meeting at 7:30 p.m. Appendix A Schedule of Permitted Uses Planning Manager McCormick and Senior Planner Kuhta explained the proposed changes on the use matrix. The following changes are those proposed by Council in addition to those already noted on the use matrix: Assisted Living Facility: Council consensus to delete City Center use, and add Garden Office use. Bee keeping: staff will add the specific subsection reference 150(3) Brewery, winery and /or distillery: consensus to add City Center Exercise facility /gym athletic club: staff will add conditions as it appears they were omitted; and will re- examine including the suggestion of also adding manufacturing. Meeting Minutes: 09 -04 -07 Page 2 of 3 Approved by Council: 09 -25 -07 Hazardous waste treatment and storage: Mr. McCormick said this item needs further research. Kennels: Lengthy discussion on this item included a comment from Mayor Wilhite who said that Nancy Hill (SCRAPS Manager) has a list of people who have commercial kennels with outdoor runs and that the Mayor will provide that list to Mr. McCormick; comments connected with outside runs and the SCRAPS facility; and that animal shelters are listed separately as permitted in both industrial zones and that SCRAPS is an animal shelter. Mr. Kuhta said that if commercial kennels and veterinarian clinics should be separate, a determination needs to be made to decide where those are allowed and under what conditions. Mr. Kuhta also mentioned there is an incorrect reference in kennels and he will correct that. Mr. Connelly said that if the intent is to restrict puppy mills, there needs to be a restriction on the number of allowed pets spayed or unspayed. It was determined that topic will be a topic for future discussions. Storage, general- indoors: consensus to delete this since this category is covered under "warehouse." No further changes were suggested for Appendix 19 -A. Mr. Mercier said there appears to be four outstanding issues for Title 19: definition of transmission line, and the remaining to deal with use matrix on hazardous treatment and storage; additional information for kennel and for storage for above - ground. Mayor Wilhite mentioned council received a copy of the zoning neap and tomorrow will receive a larger copy. Advance Agenda Brief mention of animal control and the suggestion of creating an ordinance to require dog and /or cat license upon sale of animals; and the idea of requiring veterinarian or pet owners to report animal purchase or during vet visits; that Spokane is considering higher fees than what SCRAPS suggested; and that more research is needed before requiring veterinarians to send animal info. The topic was brought up of the parking issue with the high school as mentioned by a member of the public during public comment, and it was mentioned that perhaps this issue should be presented to the School District to see if the resource officer can assist. Council check —in Mayor Wilhite asked if Council feels the need to schedule a September 10 meeting, or if Council feels everything can be completed by tomorrow night. The consensus was not to hold a September 10 meeting, and that in the interim, Councilmembers will review again the May 25 letter from Dullanty. City Manager Comments Mr. Mercier said staff continues to work toward the September 25 UDC adoption date; and that the last public hearing is set for September 11, and if any substantial changes are to be made after the last public hearing, another public hearing would need to be scheduled. He also mentioned that all UDC titles as well as the land use map and matrix will be made available to Council as soon as possible. It was moved by Councilmember Schimmels and seconded to adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 8:44 P.m. ATTEST: ffristine Bainbridge, ity Clerk Meeting Minutes: 09 -04 -07 Approved by Council: 09 -25 -07 1 Diana Wilhite, Mayor Page 3 of 3 S6I 'a ••\ ne ley 11707 E Sprague Ave Suite 106 • Spokane Valley WA 99206 509.921.1000 • Fax: 509.921.1008 • cityhallTspokanevaltey.org Memorandum To: City Council; Dave Mercier, City Manager From: Scott Kuhta, Senior Planner; Greg McCormick, Planning Manager Date: August 28, 2007 Re: Proposed changes to Titles 19, 20, & 22 Spokane Valley Uniform Development Code During deliberation on Titles 19 and 22 of the Uniform Development Code, Council directed staff to address a few issues and to recommend alternative language. Please consider the following recommendations. AVISTA UTILITIES COMMENTS Permitted Uses Avista is concerned that Title 19 does not allow gas distribution, electncal distribution, electncal substations or transmission line facilities in any zone. In fact, the Schedule of Permitted Use chart lists "Community Facilities" as a permitted use in all zones. Community Facilities is defined as follows: Community Facilities The facilities of a local government, other public agencies or non- profit organizations including but not limited to police stations, fire stations, goverment offices, court rooms, water/wastewater storage and treatment facilities, electric and other utility distribution/collection lines, transit stations, churches and schools. Staff recommends adding "electric substations" and "transmission lines" to the above definition to fully address Avista's concerns. Subdivision Exemption Avista also requests an exemption from the subdivision rules for parcels that will be used by utilities regulated by the public utilities commission. Title 20 provides the following exemption' 20.10.020 Exemptions 7. A division of land into lots or tracts of less than three acres that is recorded in accordance with RCW 58.09 used or to be used for construction and operation of consumer or investor owned electric utilities to meet the electrical needs of a utility's existing and new customers as set forth in RCW 58.17 040(9) C: \Documents and Sc nings 1C5ainbridgt .SPOKANEVALLEY`,Local Sitinr3'.Tempuruy Intunct Filcs\OLK4'Staff racommended UDC changes to Council 9-4-07 (2 ).4Qc Av:sta's concerns appear to be addressed by this exemption from subdivision rules REZONE CRITERIA 19.30.030 Site Specific Zoning Map Amendments 1. Site specific zoning map amendment requests may be submitted at any time Site specific zoning map amendments are classified as Type III development applications and shall be processed pursuant to SVMC 17,40. 2. All site specific zoning map amendment requests must meet all of the following cnteria a. Meet the requirements of SVMC Section 22.20, Concurrency, b. The requested map amendment is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, c. The map amendment bears a substantial relation to the public health, safety and welfare; d. The map amendment Is warranted in order to achieve consistency with the Comprehensive Plan or because of a need for additional property in the proposed zoning district classification, or because the proposed zoning classification is appropriate for reasonable development of the subject property, e. The map amendment will not be materially detrimental to uses or property in the immediate vicinity of the subject property; f. The property will be served by adequate public facilities Including roads, potable water, fire protection, public sewage disposal facilities and storm drainage facilities for the intensity of the proposed zoning district classification (City of Bainbridge Island); g. Circumstances have changed substantially since the establishment of the current zoning district to warrant the requested map amendment; and h. The map amendment has merit and value for the community as a whole. Possible additional cnteria: City of Issaquah rezone criteria — Growth Controls: if the requested rezone results in increased housing unit density, the additional density shall only be allowed if the Growth Management Act housing growth targets have not been met, unless the City Council approves a development agreement as part of the rezone proposal, and OPEN SPACE IN THE MUC ZONING DISTRICT Council questioned the source for the requirement for 210 square feet of open space per dwelling unit in the MUC zoning district as stated below 19.060.070 MUC, Mixed Use Center 3, Projects with residential component shall provide 210 square feet of open space per dwelling unit . Marina indicated that this figure was based on the City's level of service (LOS) for parks at 1.92 acres /1000 population. Marina could not remember the exact numbers that she used in this calculation, however given the parks LOS and the 210 square feet per unit, this calculation looks something like the following 1.92 ac/1000 population = 83.6 sglft per person 2.5 persons per unit x 83.6 = approximately 210 square feet per unit 'J) xcanaits and Seamg;'CIIanrxidge SPOKANEVALLEY\Local Sepmp ,remponey Internet HIa'•OLK4'S.agrccomrtunded lJDC changes to Council 9.4 -07 (2I doe PIPELINE HAZARD AREAS Council requested clarification regarding which pipelines were subject to the Pipeline Hazard Overlay regulations Marina indicated in an email that the intent was to apply the regulations to the large transmission lines (Yellowstone). Staff suggests that the following applicability section (underlined) be added to the Pipeline Hazard section: 19.110.040 Pipeline Hazard Overlay The following regulations shall only apply to the pipeline facilities Identified in Section 3.7 of the City of Spokane Valley's Comprehensive Plan: FENCING 1 The regulation of development including construction Council raised the Issue of fencing on double frontage lots and requested staff to propose language that would allow a perimeter fence on the property Tine around the back yard. Staff suggests the following revisions for Council's consideration. SCHEDULE OF PERMITTED USES MATRIX (APPENDIX 19-A1— Staff incorporated changes to the Use Matrix (attached) based on City Council input and areas that required clarification 22.70 FENCING. SCREENING & LANDSCAPING 22.70.020 General Provisions — Fencing 2. Any fence or -wall, Ifv+Rg- s#ar+t- screen- or --aciy- combination thcreef, erected or placed behind the minimum required front yard line, may be erected or maintained to a maximum height of eight feet (8'0') above the adjacent grade in residential zoning districts. Lots with double street frontage !lots running through from one street to another) may have a fence constructed on the property line around the yard not used as the main point of access (the apparent back yard). OUTDOOR LIGHTING STANDARDS City Council inquired about the current requirement for lighting and photometric plans. The Interim Zoning Code requires a lighting plan for any proposed outdoor lighting. Given the technical nature of this requirement these plans have been prepared by a lighting engineer The current code also requires that any Tight produced on a property be contained on the property and not allowed to spill over onto adjacent properties The only way to ensure that this requirement is being met is to have a qualified professional prepare a photometric plan that demonstrates that this code requirement is being met. The draft UDC codifies these requirements that are currently being administered due to the nature of the issue of outdoor lighting Outstanding items will be researched and information provided to Council as soon as possible. C;-.Documcnts and Scaings■CBalnbndge .SP'OKANEVALLEY'l.ocal Segingaemporarr Internet FifesNOLX4 \Staff recommended UDC changes In Council 9-4-07 (2).doc • Pernutted Use • Regional Siting Conditions Apply Appendix 19 -A 1 A Accessory Only T loniporany F'ornnnl l: Conditional nal Use Permit n M I-a 11 1•Vi NAILS S SJIVN tnluo 1 osn pox, os paxtyj Jop)iJo Jomeo ODWO uap11101 e)tuoI ietaeoutu,o pooLpoggtle ommuntty I ommorriiI 1 itptouuuo, icuoit3e AlMor liiuntuuto) Put tqS„ t I l Pul Z - I I Refinance Condldnns 11 4 711 453 Athll Entertainment Establishment Adult Retail Use Establishment ti svM% 1 J 15U • Ste% 19 80 31 311 Agncuiurnl processing plant, warehouse • • 33 33!1411 Aircraft manufacturing • 48 481219 Arratnp. pnvato • • 62 67.191 Ambulance service • • • • • • • • III 54 54194 Animal clinic/veterinary • •} • • • SVMC 1960 030 31 311613 Animal Processing Facility • v •i 11 112 Animal raising and/or keeping •f f. xchnfug NAILS 1122 ;;ww►e ,VMI 19 40 1! 81 31 81201 Nutria! Shelter • • 31161 Animal Slaughtering & Processing • d`) 45392 store M16que store • • • • • • 44 448 Amami/tailor sting • • • • • • • • 44 443111 gppd nco salesl;�ttv • • • • A A Only 8 manufactured/ assembled on promisor 33 33522 Appliances manufacturing • • 45 45392 Ar10aferyfotudw • • • • • • • • 32 32412 Asphalt plantimanuflrcluriri9 • 33 333 Assembly • heavy • 33 334 Asserntly - light • • • • • • • • • 62 623312 Assisted Living Facility • • • • • 45 4533 Auction House • • • 45 4533 Auction yard (excluding livestock) • • 11 33 1152 3361 Auction yard livestock Automobile assembly plant S • • `111 92 4-4 922 Automobile impound yard ■ • • 441 Autumoblk butt! sak!s 0114 service! • ■ • • • .1111 ..■� ---- 48 111 44 31 4853 811 121 4413 31181 Automth8e/lrtxi rental Automrsbitettnrck lFYVhrwiarcyCio painting, repair, body and fender works Automotive parts. accessories & tines Bakery Products manufacturing • ■ • • ■ _-_ • • • • • • • • • • a 5VMG 19.60.0110 (1) [Jiangxi stiudure • • • • 44 445291 Bakery, retail • • • •y v • • • A A 1 irwr,ares limited lo 107bu1 GLF/A nog to exceed 1,000 s1 I 52 52211 gsan and other financial Bank, SttvmRo insbtutionn • • • • • • • • • • • Pernutted Use • Regional Siting Conditions Apply Appendix 19 -A 1 A Accessory Only T loniporany F'ornnnl l: Conditional nal Use Permit �I iL f n 5 SOIVN ixod Uso �1 'ontrr es perm Jopp.ao II ;cruap k).101 1 aot};;O uop;e91 l( 074;01 irralowtuo po toogtiBi9N ommuntty ommorcial lan;Owwo. lauoe6na Community acili:y pul;On 4'1I 1 1 -2 Heavy 1rtd Ratoronco Conditions o) 81 8121 13:►rtx:tllwa;uly shop • • • A • • • • • 33 33591 Battery retxnktinghnancrfaciunng • • • • • • • • 72 721191 Bed and Breakfast • • • 11 11291 Beekeeping, commercal • 4 4 v 11 11201 Bee- keeping, hobby :,'VMC 19 40 15ti 45 4511 Bicycle saleff5enece • • • • • • • • • :13 336611 Heal building. repair and maintenance • • 44 441722 Boat Sales and Seneca • • 45 4512 Bookfritationery store • • • • • • • • 31 3121 Bottling plant • • 71 71395 Howling alley • • • • • 72 T22 Brewery, micro • • • • • • • • • 31 3121 Brewery winery amber distillery • • • • • • 33 339994 Broom manufaclunng • • 44 4441 Budding supply It Home Improvernenl • • • 44 445292 Candy and confectionery • • • ._ • • • • • 71 71399 Carnival, Circus 1 T 1 T 1 T I T 32 3219 Carpenter Stop • • • • 56 561740 Carpet and nay cleaning plants • • 81 811192 Carwash • • •: • • • • I , „ 71 7132 Casino • • • • • 45 454113 Calakiq and mall order houses • • • • • • • 72 72232 Catering Services • • • • • • • • • • • 81 0122 Cemetery and Cranularles • 45 451112 Ceramk . Shop • • • • • • • 32 325 Chemical manufacturing, • • • • • • • 81 813 Church,lemplo, mosque, synagogue and parsonage • • • • • • • • 44 4481 Clothes. retail sales • • • • • 49 49312 Cold storageAood locker • • 01 6113 College or uruvcrsity • • • • • • • • 51 517 Communication service/sales • • • • • • • • 33 3342 CornmunivaUons Equipment Manufacturing • • • • • • • • • • 92 921 -922 Cornmlxuty Facilities • • • • • • • • • • • •, f, JJ • • • lit 8134 Community hall, dub, lodge or reueatiwial facility • • • • • • • • • Permitted Use k9 Regional Siting v GG s Apply Appendix 19-A Schedule of Permitted Uses A Accessory Ointy 1 Temporary Pennd C Coriddior • Permit �=a n tr r[ II ra fl z =j-w s S3IYN SDIYN :t Jesup irsn �>n orridor Mixed ! sn ie;uoa 14131 F*n0ic0 1 0 l IRI^.JOLLJWO poogogii5fa omrnunity rnmarcial gional ommercial I acillty • 1 put lti5l1 1-11 pul Anasv z- Raroronco CondIbona • • • 62 6232 Community residential Iucd ily (.Q or lens residents) • • • • 67 6232 Community residential Malay, greater than 6 residents, no more than 25) • 56 56173 Composting sluragehtrocessutg ,rxinurtercr;tr • 54 54151 Computer srrvrces • • • • • • • • • • 23 2373 -238 Contractor's yard • • • • • 62 623 Convalescent home, Nursing home • • 44 44512 Convergence Store • • A A • • • • • 33 339 Cosmetic & Miscellaneous manufacturing • • • • • • • • 62 6233 Day Care, Adult • • • A • • • A A A C C C C • • 62 624410 Day pre, Child (13 children or more) • • A A • A A A • • • • • • 62 624410 Day care, Child(12 children or fewer) • • • A A • • • A A A 45 4571 DepaArnt r fvanety store • • • • • 44 44611 Drug Store • • • A • • • • A • Bt 8123 Dry cleaners • • • A • • • • 81 812332 Dry leaning. laundry, linen supply plant. • • .lmm erl'.ral 32 3211114 Dry Kiln • : 81 814 Dwelling, acs essay apartments '- VMH: 19. 40 100 81 814 Dwelling, Caretaker's residence <• • ' , v mi. 11360 060(11 • • 72 7213 Dwelling, Congregate • • • • • • • • • 81 814 Dwelling, Duplex , • • • 81 814 Dwelling, Multifamily • • • • v ;7 19 60 070(7) • • • • • • 81 814 Dweling. single family v ::VMr. 19110 020(21 • • • 81 814 Dwelling. Townhouse • • • • 33 334-335 ElectrrcaUelectron'cicomputer compunenrl & system r • • • • • • • 32 322226 Casey ck tlr and sandpaper manufacturing • • 71 713 EntertainmenUrecreatxrn facilities, indoor • • • • • 71 7139 EntertanimertUreamition facifities,ouldaar • • • • • • 53 5323 Equipment Rental stop • • • • • 81 8113 Egtrgtntrxnt WOOS, repair. and maintenance • • • • • 72 7222 Espresso/Latin Retail Service • • • • • • • • • • • rii 04 a, ■ Psi 92 92 Essential Public Facilities w w co i4 w :'• • NVMC 10 090 71 71394 Exercise fodltylgym athletic club • • • A A • • • Y v 32 32592 Explosive martulaclratng • • Permitted Use 4+ Regional Slung ✓ Conditions Apply Appendix 19 -A Sche. I Permitted Uses J A Acrras on ly 1 1 erntxxary Permit C Corxlil' x ul Use Permit G = a i SOWN S SOWN ;n1un:) 4 ssrl paxlW 1 earl poxiyy 20pwo3 3oluoo 111I� e1U4O uopie I l e,!JJO C Iapiowwo3 poolpogyf3leN Community Commercial IV1112tuWOj l euolt}oa Community Facility III pul 1461 vi Put 4 / 4 mM ell Rotenone* Conditions • ce • — ---- • • • • 49 81 493-190 Exptoswve storage • • 814 Family Home, Adult • • • • • • • • • • 81 814 Family 1•lome, Child • • • 44 441222 Farm machinery sales & repair • • • 11 112112 Feed Int • 31 311211 FeedWCereaUFlorr mill • • 32 3253 Fertilizer manufacturing • 81 81202 Film developing • • • A • • • ---� --- 44 44313 Fllm /camora sales/rervioe • • • A • • • 45 4531 Florist Shop • _ — ' _ • • • • • A • • • • • • • -- :11 44 311 Food produr..1 manufacturing/storage 44521 peoy/8ulcher shoplmcal Food sale}, 7 alt SVM(: 1 11 60 04013) rrarkol/rpecwlty fonds 48 484 Freight forwarding • • 44 447 Fueling Station • • • A • • • • 8 1 81271 1 uneral home • • • 33 337 Uumilure manufacturing • • 31 315 Gannenl manufacturing • • 45 453 Gilt shop • • • A A • • • A 1:VMC 1440 030(6) • • • • • • 11 71391 Gott course • • • • C C C C C C 71 71391 Gad shoving range /training center • C • • • ■■..■.. 49 44 49313 Grain elevator • • • ■.� • • • • • • 44422 Greenhouse, rummy. garden render. retail Greenhouse, nursery, Harden center, Retail 11 1114 Gleanhousernureery - cnmmer v SVMC 1960 050(7) 44 4451 Grocery olae • • • : • • SVMC 19.00 030(3) 44 4441:1 hardware stole • • • ■� ■ 1 54812 clnl and stoye Heza s waste Itealtn n Hazardous 111111 --- 8 ■�■ C C ' C C • 48 4812 Flellatop 45 45112 Hobtry stilt) • • • A • • • 44 442 Horns Furnishings retail sale • • • • 62 6221 Hospital • • • • • • 19 l9 M a; t, ,4 62 622210 Hospital. tal. Pnychiattie and Substance Abuse ti?: A, .a ,.r, _, ‘ U 62 622310 Hospital, SpedaNy • • • • • • • A A • Perinitted Use t9 Regional Siting • Cr c Apply Appendix 19-A Schedule of Permitted Uses A Accessoty Only 1 Temporary Permit C Conddiar ._' ' '- - Permit �-8 c■ r4 CC, 1I W NAICS s S SOnfN Jarlu osil pa=t lcorridor Mhiad J02uo3 A1:31 n�rwo uoparl 1Cpi,ww0 pooy4Jog4610 amm unity ommorclal Ielwowwo Ivuoi5 Community acility 1 Pul U1 L l PuiH Z I Reference Conditions 72 1211 Hotelhnetcl • • • • • • • • 31 312113 Ice plant • • 32 32591 Ink manufaclururg • 45 45322 Jewelry, dock, musical instniment assembly, sales/service • • • • A • • • • • 81 81291 Kennel 4. •r 4. 4 I3IAI(- 10W0 U40 See toning districts Ira conditions 54 54138 Laboratories (190 Safety level 2) • • • 54 54138 Laboratones (Om Safety Level 3) • • • • — 54 54138 1 aboratories (Elio Safety t eve' 4) • • fit 62151 Laborator rnodical 8 diagnostic • • • • • • 44 44419 Landscape Materials Sales • • • • 4 4 v 81 812310 Laundromat • • A • • • • 44 4453 Liquor Store • • • A A • • 513 561622 locksmith • • • A A • • • 32 3211 Lumbennill rawrnill, shingle milt, plywood mill • 33 33271 Mach shop • r • • 33 333 Machine/rnar:hinory man utactunng • • 23 236115 Manufactured hurno fabrication • • • v 4 v •} 81 814 Manufactured home park 45 45393 Manufactured home sales • • • 32 327 Manufactumg, Noe- mutallIc Metal Products • • 45 453998 Markel, Outdoor T T T T T T 62 621498 Massage therapy • • • • • • • • + 31 3110.3117 Meatliiiih canning, cutting, curing and ranokira • • :1'J 3391 Medical and laboratory uisinunrmVappratun manufacture • • • 42 42345 Medical, , dental, and hospital equipment supptytaalcs • • • A • 62 6214 Medical/dental clinic • • • • • • • • 62 621 Mods d/dantal Office • • • • • • • • • 33 332 Metal fabrication • • :13 332 Metal Plating • 33 332 Metal Processes, Hot • Appendix 19 -1 Sche ,f Permitted Uses • Penndled Use P4 Regional Siting 4 Conditions Apply A Accessory Only T Temporary Permit C Conditional Unc Permit .■ rH' 0 4I 1 1 . r'I ta_. li r', LL ti w N U Q Z 21 5 S3IVN , fixed Use ontor es pow Jop io 17140 1101JfD1 • elm l flalowulo, poo yxJg1i61A ommunfty mmurcial ft7u! t'• /yIunwwo3 mil 74F,1 L II 1 pui Jt AV9H z.11 Reference Conditions Mineral Product Manufacturing. Non-metallic n .■ • 212 Mining • 72 f22330 Mobile rood Vendors C. C. SWAG 19,60,9104 4) :;ea nuiant lhr,tiw.t:1 14. euniliterur T 1 T T 1 23 236115 Model Home units 71 71211 Museum • • • • • • • • 45 45114 Music store • • • A • • • 4 ♦ 56 561 Office • • • • • • • • C. • • 45 45321 Office and computer supplies • • • A • • • • 99 999 Off-road Recreational Vehicle Use • • 11 1 1 13 Ot chard, tree fanning,commernal • • 32 32211 Paper /pulp hills • 4 48 4059 Park-arid-ride fadity • • • • • • • • • 45 522298 Pawnshop • • • • 81 812 Personal service • • • • • • • • 45 45391 Pet shop • • • A • • • 32 32411 Petroleum and coal products manufacture • 54 54192 Photographic studio • • • A A • • • 32 32511 Plastic and rubber product manufacturing • 32 326199 Plastic injection molding, thermoset 32 325199 Plastic injection molding thermoplastic. • • • • • 32 326199 Plastic Injection Solvent Molding • 49 491 Pont office. Postal Center • • • • • • • • • • .... ---- 22 56 32 221 50143 Power plant (excluding public utility hr crhhes) Print .hop .■.■.■■■■ • • • A • - • • • • 323 Printing. roprograpturs, bookbinding services, rnmmtrmxrl • 48 48849 Public pay parking garage/lot • • • • • • 71 713 Rac curse • • • • 71 711712 Racetrack • • 51 5151 Radro/1V broadcaslxig studio • • • • • • 48 72 4821 7212 Railroad yard, repair shop and roundhouse C v • SVMC 19 N. U60 Recreahrxul vehicle park/campground • Permitted Use Regional Siting • CI s Appty Appendix 19-A Schedule of Permitted Uses A Mammy Only 1 Temporary Pemnit C Caxlitirn - - - Permit t3 IPA 4 . i , p r 4Fr ' Chian 4 s -, I .. 2 (T7 o i" rt at Offic "WO f rp1Cwili _\ pocriporztl No N Ma__ 1 in nu _/ 1 : 1 1 1 ] n 1 . 1a s RAI tonoII Conditions --- ii 44121 keuentftraral voltec1 tsatfi! service • MI * • • • • 51 Repeater fealty • # • • r • 7 7 7222 R€1staceonl, drIve -ra • * • • • El �r .,. -. 72 7222 FilesWurauril drivve- 11llatugh • * 72 722 Reslauttunl. Bull servim • • • A • • • • • rl 45 4 -4j i Retail sales • • • A • • ■ i 1111.44 1[a 011 I.& rrusnrrfaactur'd an ltn:e parsaises 71399 Riding slr • • 33122 1-1 1111@ rfish 31 Repo marnrfacturrn4 —__ • • 1 • LIEN .� 1 •• a 32 • E1 • ilil 325212 6111 6114 Rubber ree livnal►urr, mcanulalelurinpf1n Salads - putrlis anal privale - K 111411 12 l'Ir3fi*E�a'tlI, uraca1ioraol lrear5e schools • • • • • • • • • • • * • • • • Ci 4513 F,�mrlrltr4lrad 11rxn, axarasil7�nrfaeraC :s3lri5 • • EI • • • • 0 33 � • • ©�� ' * 3 330195 R�lirt � P 1 15 s r ealairy r c n ourrd rraaarrula luain9 * - It� Ma 71 r1C 19.601360(211 32 1 32511 ala 5592 5a: a4V war*atrl rcry firag trrni arsils P. 61 61/6 :+ iar.reii lrsarairlr�f1Caraurl 400.134s Of sludlos • • • • • • • Iar1���laare awe el a asluMi a aralasaa tr :xla , a a lmovant • 4'9 4931 & wage trait -sr e. . laaa lily • • `� • • N M 40 49 493 Starup. general - indoors 6i A A 11 ' • I 0 NErDf D ' 493 Siharnite. gaaalrfPal - until curs + 0 • .01: i eicalrICtn, fur cormii Jaar ' �- Teak ntoraa atxave gruurt[1 LI't a # e1� ¢ i; # 1,40 II 21 21 213112 �a1s st ®FdiaE° �F1aC�t rraatefaal abcvo 4 Pa191n[t ' 4o 61,041 20,112 lank start N> ttl tnrllat4lal laaluvV adr nr1 � ONO =-� . SVM 1.4€l - - 31 161 1rualnP�, caring ni ltarla� raaui s3kir�5 e • 72 7Z. T:avem 4 4P • Rermilltod Use O Regional 4 Grind Ap#14 Appendix 19 -A Soho 7 ar Permitted Uses A AmassoryOnty t Temporary Pannii C Conaitianat Use Perm 0mkr Liss �{ JIO3 - o J1O . � '11L. W ] 0 1 y> c1) @m I DEAD LIN) .. %u_uo \ a mid ma • R5 kU } 6 _,O | { p wb {+ 1 Crn0J1karka SV)AC 2? 12 •• • ] ' \ 1 I • • • .__ + • ® Q • 0 o • 1:0 1. 1 |° ! ']' • • IS = K • • • - : - . 0 .1.. ■ \ 0 NVVIC 22.12 SVMC.; 10.40.1101J.1} •. SVMC 10.4O.0E4)(2) • _ irpO'fli I IJire ul existing &tlUttUniS 91ra iex11i1rISra11I ellowoil VMC 1'O.frtl. (2) 32 X42 Telecommunication Wireless Anleur Array Tetacomm{rnicadigts Wireless Sapp r1 Tnnwt r Textile rnarlirl rc ure I heeler_ war Theater, ou1dUUr Tire. Teo arid' retread m:rnufarrltelrlg Tourer. t•lam Operator lower, WWI lumina support Trawl center Trartsitirmal Hauming Truck- sales, rental, repair and rnalrrIcrrarlem Tru Stop Weed Preduci Marit.la loan Wrecirllrg, recycling, unk nod salvage yards 111 M 31 MM. MMIMINEMMEN MIMEMIMI MIMEMINIMM • Porn-oiled Use • Regional Si!' trig fr C es Apply Appendix 19 -A Schedule al Permitted Uses w -1 1a • A A fticamsrny Oniy . 11 Temporary Permit C Curlditie Permit