2007, 10-02 Study Session MinutesPresent: Councilmembers: Diana Wilhite, Mayor Steve Taylor, Deputy Mayor Dick Denenny, Councilmember Mike DeVleming, Councilmember Bill Gothmann, Councilmember Rich Munson, Councilmember Gary Schimmels, Councilmember MINUTES CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY CITY COUNCIL STUDY SESSION Tuesday, October 2, 2007 Mayor Wilhite called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m., and welcomed everyone to the meeting. Staff: Dave Mercier, City Manager Mike Connelly, City Attorney Neil Kersten, Public Works Director Greg McCormick, Planning Manager Karen Kendall, Assistant Planner Steve Worley, Senior Engineer Nina Regor, Deputy City Manager Kathy McClung, Community Development Dir. Mike Jackson, Parks & Recreation Director Ken Thompson, Finance Director Rick VanLeuven, Police Chief Mike Basinger, Assistant Planner Joe O'Brien, IT Specialist; Chris Bainbridge, City Clerk Employee Introductions: City Manager Mercier introduced new Community Development Director Kathy McClung, most recently from Federal Way, Washington; and Administrative Assistant Sue Passmore introduced Roxanne Wyatt, new office assistant to central reception; and mentioned that she and Ms. Wyatt were cohorts during their tenure with ESD 101. Councilmembers greeted and welcomed the new employees. Mayor Wilhite then mentioned that Deputy City Manager Regor is leaving to accept a position as a City Manager in Cloverdale, California; and to express appreciation to Ms. Regor for all her hard work, Mayor Wilhite presented Ms. Regor with a commemorative plaque. Councilmembers as well as staff congratulated Ms. Regor on his new assignment as well as thanked her for her work as Spokane Valley's Deputy City Manager. ACTION ITEM: 1. Appleway Avenue Bid Award — Steve Worley Engineer Worley said that he is pleased to bring forward bid tabulations for this reconstruction project; and mentioned that the handout is in small type which is indicative of the seven bidders on this project; which is a large quantity of bidders compared with other projects; that he feels there was good reception to the bid, and stated that Knife River was the low bidder on the project, which bid was even lower than the engineer's estimate. It was moved by Deputy Mayor Taylor to approve the Appleway Avenue Bid award for the lowest bid to Knife River, in the amount of $4,565,859.95. Mayor Wilhite invited public comment; no comments were offered. Vote by Acclamation: In Favor: Unanimous. Opposed: None. Abstentions: None. Motion carried. REGULAR STUDY SESSION ITEMS: 2. Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Project List for 2007/2008 — Greg McCormick Mr. McCormick explained that the County will receive an estimated $1.5 million in CDBG funding for the 2008 program year; that there are statutory limits on the administration and planning allocation of Study Session Meeting Minutes: 10 -02 -07 Page 1 of 4 Approved by Council: 10 -23 -07 20% of new funds; and the limit for the human service allocation is 15% of available funds; that deducting those funds from the estimated $1.5 million available results in approximately $975,000 for capital projects. Mr. McCormick added that staff looked at the two sewer projects, e.g. Rockwell and Summerfield, and noted that those projects fall within low and moderate income and are eligible projects; and that regarding the various sidewalk projects, whose would include the ADA upgrades; and in speaking with Tim Crowley of Spokane County, Mr. McCormick said that Mr. Crowley reported that ADA improvements are a high priority, especially where there are no sidewalks. Mr. McCormick said he is working with public works to get those sidewalks more clearly identified, and anticipates having that information available at the next council meeting. There was Council consensus for staff to proceed with the scheduled public hearing next week; with Mayor Wilhite adding that she would like to know what criteria would be used to decide which sidewalk project would receive funding. 3. Shannon Avenue STV 02 - 07, Ordinance Amendment Proposal — Karen Kendall Assistant Planner Karen Kendall explained that this proposed change is as a result of a scrivener's error to correct item #c as noted in the redline version of the ordinance; and that staff felt it was not necessary to require full construction of Mansfield, as that could be handled at a future time. Mr. McCormick added that requiring construction is typically not handled with a right -of -way dedication, and that improvements can be done at a later stage. Council concurred that staff proceed forward for next week's first reading of the ordinance. 4. Appleway Auto Vacation Request — Greg McCormick /Mike Basinger Associate Planner Mike Basinger reported that this is a proposal for the vacation of approximately 750 lineal feet of First Avenue; and 265 lineal feet of Sipple Street; and that the two petitioners are Appleway Chevrolet, and Gus Johnson Ford, and said that the Planning Commission has recommended conditions of vacation as shown in his accompanying documents. Via his PowerPoint presentation, Mr. Basinger showed the location of the areas in question. Mr. Basinger also mentioned that the recommended Findings 9 and 10 should be changed so that #9 and #10 would read as follows: 9. "The Planning Commission determined that the general public would be in favor of the street vacations. and further stated that they had not heard anyone object to the proposed vacations." 10. "No objections have been received to the proposed vacation from the notice of public hearing and /or routing to staff and agencies." Council /staff discussion ensued regarding a September 13, 2007 letter from Mr. Dullanty that if such vacation were not to occur, that the petitioner would move their business elsewhere. Mr. Basinger said that staff feels Sipple should be extended as the comprehensive plans and goals support more connections, and this would be a connection through Appleway and Sprague. Mayor Wilhite mentioned that she spoke with Mr. Johnson who said we need to examine the property on Appleway and perhaps put in some type of catch basin pond on that corner; that we need connectivity, but we might try to vacate this if we don't have to go too far to get around, and perhaps Sargent would be an option. Councilmember Denenny said he feels that coming off Sprague into Sipple has the feeling that one is turning in a business as there are bays there, and it is very unsafe for anyone to think that is a public road. Councilmember Gothmann suggested delaying the decision until council can get a report concerning the corridor and what that will create within the Appleway Corridor as we don't want to box ourselves in a corner. Mr. Basinger said that he discussed extending Sipple with the requestor, and that representatives of the applicant attended the public hearing and said that would not be a viable option. Further discussion ensued regarding this issue, and whether Sipple would be wide enough, and it was determined that staff should discuss these issues directly with the applicants. Attorney Connelly said that criteria to vacate should focus on whether the public interest would be served by this vacation; and if the idea of whether it fits with development plans of the property, or threats to leave the premises should be used as criteria, that perhaps Council should look at previous vacations as Study Session Meeting Minutes: 10 -02 -07 Page 2 of 4 Approved by Council: 10 -23 -07 Council's actions need to be consistent so as not to be judged arbitrary and capricious; and the evaluation of a road should be as they currently stand and are used by the public, and that decisions should have factual basis and not made on impressions. Councilmember Munson said he would like the question directly asked if it is possible to punch the road through on Sipple, would that be a "dealer killer" and make them want to move their business; and he agreed he wants that information prior to making a final decision on this issue. Deputy Mayor Taylor asked if it is inappropriate to talk to the applicants about getting value for an improved road, and Mr. Connelly said the policy is to charge one -half the appraised value, less the cost of the actual application process, such apprised value based on the assessor's land value of the adjacent property; and that Council can deviate from policy with specific findings, such as recognition of dedication or requirements of further dedications which would result in no costs, but that staff will need to research those possibilities. It was determined that this item will remain scheduled as is for the first reading of the ordinance to vacate. 5. Spokane Valley Library Capital Facility Area — Mike Connelly City Attorney Connelly explained that this is the first step in a series of steps necessary for the Library District to take in order for them to place the issue of establishing a Capital Facility Area on the March ballot, and that this draft resolution states that we don't disagree with the library creating such a district. It was council consensus that staff place the resolution on the next council agenda for approval consideration. 6. CIP Organizational Model — Nina Regor Deputy City Manager Regor explained that staff regularly reviews operations to make sure we're organized in the most effective way; that as noted in the October 2 memorandum (which was also submitted to council as an information item September 18), the six -year Transportation Improvement Plan is supported with only a Senior Engineer and three FTE's to manage the program; and that the "pending ideas list" of the draft business plan identified the addition of a capital project design and inspection team, which would increase the four - person CIP division to eight positions. Ms. Regor said there would be no net increase to the General Fund to implement this program as the increased cost would be funded by the scheduled capital projects. Ms. Regor added that the Finance Committee discussed the proposal at its September 7 meeting and voiced unanimous support. There was council consensus to place this item for approval consideration on the next Council's consent agenda. 7. Levy Lid Lift — Mike Thompson Fire Chief Thompson went through his PowerPoint presentation giving an overview of the regular tax levy lid lift information, which the Board of Fire Commissioners decided to place on the November 6 ballot. Chief Thompson explained that the regular tax levy is dropping and that the Spokane Valley Fire Department (SVFD) relies on property taxes for revenue; and that the SVFD regular tax levy is limited to a maximum of $1.50 per thousand dollars of assessed value but that has dropped to $1.23 in 2007; and the SVFD projects $11 million needed for capital facility projects. He explained that the levy lid lift would restore the rate to the $1.50 and with the average cost of a home in their service area of $250,000, the cost to a homeowner with a property valued at $250,000 would be approximately $5.63 a month. 8. General Budget Discussion — Dave Mercier City Manager Mercier explained that the blue pages are inserts for the previously distributed 2008 preliminary budget; that there were some mid -year budget adjustments and that probably the most significant change is on the first sheet in the introduction of goal #7, which was reworded since the June retreat; and that we have since learned we were not successful in acquiring the grant so it was suggested re- naming that goal to a shoreline master program rather than shoreline master "plan." Mr. Mercier said we will re- submit an application for funding later once all the relevant rules have been adopted by the State, which has not yet been done. Mr. Mercier also mentioned that he met with the Finance Committee Study Session Meeting Minutes: 10 -02 -07 Page 3 of 4 Approved by Council: 10 -23 -07 and we are not aware of any outstanding questions or concerns. There was brief discussion of pages 24, 25, and 29, and mention of the recreation program charges and revenues for CenterPlace. 9. Advance Agenda Additions — Mayor Wilhite Mayor Wilhite mentioned that during the October 9 Council meeting, Council will consider whether they would like to support the County's ballot proposition concerning the 1/10 of 1% sales tax for emergency communication systems and facilities. Deputy Mayor Taylor said that Commissioner Richard asked Council to consider supporting the ballot measure. The procedure for placing such an issue before Council was discussed, such as whether a public hearing would be necessary, and Council mentioned they would like to know the pros and cons of the issue, adding that if Council were to consider this ballot measure, Council must do so at the October 9 meeting in order to timely address the issue. City Attorney Connelly said he would check the statutes to see if a public hearing is required and will have an answer to Council tomorrow morning, as staff must have ample time (14 -days) to publicize notice of a public hearing. [Note: it was later determined that a public hearing for these matters is not necessary, but giving opportunity for equal time for presentation for and against the issue must be allowed]. Council also determined they would like a presentation next Tuesday regardless of whether a public hearing is needed. Mayor Wilhite mentioned that Governor Gregoire will be in town October 30 and asked if Council would like to hold their regular study session meeting, or attend the governor's meeting at University High School. Mr. Mercier mentioned that Councilmembers DeVleming and Munson informed him of their preference to attend the Governor's meeting; and Councilmember Gothmann indicated he preferred to hold the council meeting as usual. Mayor Wilhite asked Councilmembers to let her know of their preference at their early convenience. Other upcoming issues were briefly discussed, including the a letter from the TPA concerning the Tourism Promotion Area funding model which is scheduled to "sunset" at the end of 2008, and the Mirabeau Parkway speed limits, and the possibility of discussing the traffic lights at the railroad tracks which are confusing to many citizens. 10. Council Check —in Councilmember Denenny said he had a conversation with the media regarding the sewer issue, and asked if Councilmembers were interested in receiving an update. Councilmembers Munson and DeVleming mentioned that perhaps a one -page perspective would be helpful. Deputy Mayor Taylor mentioned the upcoming National League of Cities Energy, Environment & Natural Resources Steering Committee fall meeting held at Centerplace during the last week of September; and said that participants were very impressed with the facility as well as the meeting; and he thanked Council and staff for their assistance. 11. City Manager Comments City Manager Mercier said he had no further comments. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 7:55 p.m. L Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk Pt-amAK) 6\at Diana Wilhite, Mayor Study Session Meeting Minutes: 10 -02 -07 Page 4 of 4 Approved by Council: 10 -23 -07 BID TABULATION SCHEDULE A - Appleway Avenue Reconstruction Project (Tschirly Road to Hodges Road Project No- 07 -015 ISTP U L-3842(002)] SCHEDULE B - Greenhaven Phase 1 Project No. 093A, Phase 1 BID OPENING DATE - September 2A, 2007, 11 .200 70$5. 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O $18,86 $2;994.84 52;614.65 $1325 82.3.475,25 32 734.11 5445 4 PLASTIC TRAFFIC ARRE }'S'2 - - --- - - -- FA d8 5536.00 54.1 90.54 5123.43 $5103.90 $11$.40 $120..86 '5147 - 33 .. 937.13 151194 $$120.01 2111,06 244.65 5155.56 $3 4$$.554 © PLASTIC 6ICYCLc' LANE 5YM601. 1 E/ 10 512304 Si 5307 3182.96 51 1211132 51'3010 51 ODA] 514CA9 51 5124,130 $ 1,248.36 51' 740.4 51 ram 3133,03 $1 336.E0 !9.516 5990.06 PLASTIC CROSSWALK K LIME SF 5= 37,08 57 : 18,42 57.7D .: 377.35 57.65 37 816 - TIMISCI ® $7 3 "U,[d 37,40 +5 ] $7 $N,$4 5155 50 050,40 EKON PLASTIC TRAFFIC LETTER MEIM- mAFFY: SIGNAL 'YSTE -M EA S95.10 Si 88,00 255,42 $1 050,10 58.64 51 066.07 560.46 31 oak 133 546-59 SW 1.24 $5126 _ 81, 2403 55404 51,404.00 $4 %55 5399.06 5212 339A0 012' 11174 : .' 101.00 534. 101..W1 21 014.00 5'441 01 511 $. +13` '84.46 531' 06090 '9 7517.60 5329 756.00 S , 72'100 $ i' 775,67 i350 604.016 53:A MUDD 53E5 022_50 MG 872.58 MEM HEMO'RE SIGN LS MOPEN= 1 3.7 000-04 590 MOD 11P 51 64E03 54 000.03 59 +•0104 5:6&.60 St$6.90 545 676,00 - 490.,50' 30-00.00 55011,10 53 670,66 53 520.12.2 5€55 - 01) 56%290 IMIall fROJEC7 TuapcemyTK.A IC CONTROL L& 3111475 -137 31 •I 000.60 51E909E00 51 03.715513D 510 76003 $17$.400.03 5175904,66 912844004 512. 4101CIIII IIIEEI sne.E.4. 11.422 5E9.51 IMME:=I TEMPORARY PAVEMENT M,4RK1413 1 PO.RTAE3LEc14 NGEA9LE MESSAGE SIGN 69 OtO 2 16.0-70244 532,3.476 - 07 30.45 829,446.02 #0.42 # 2&,060.4} 55. 45 97,440.03 =.4G 520.644.44 $605 * - 390.69 525E-04.07 $6,4 •. 16002 51200000 54 27106 53 252.05 $.4564,156 53 • 96 $4870913 ; 7.3460 34,25015 20.27467 El .133 38.964.717 .7,262.40 34.675,tO 51.14 *` 858.69 57 $20.44 :.. 506.66 51.20 58.060.150 ' ; 61:.06 (4.717,34 51.11 34,.425164 57,£93.514 0 OPERATION OF PORT'APLE eRANGEAB.E MESS E SIGN MM OONSTPUCTION 6oOsiS CLASS A FIR ;F 7 •I • 330 3350 :70244.432 $9.15 $0280,43 $1,04 57.964,00 $1.55 815-96 34.30404 51130 38.530.013 510.69 53360.04 311.4$ $ 064,01 81060 23 207130 33 520.04 $ 41,40 53,:¢4.06 511.14 53 52.03 WM TEMPORARY 'maimC SIGNAL SY4TEM LS 1 $79 656,98 525090.017 39_ 063-96 ' 663.65 527 61 327 mom .' 1 ui.00 {00.02 57.5 950.00 8+!$ 654,06 $25.246.66 52: 20006 310 50100 $10.1560,68 $29 471.56 3 •; '7:.50 NEM TRAFFIC COFSTIOL SUP ERti•IS SOD INSTALLATION L5 1 =En= 527tl08.08 51000 527.0011}] s82:,53ELE6 -: 595.06 20500.01} 2 2510 .: 44504 56'510.40' $*19910.817 WEEMIEI S_ 950.00 S60 1302.171) 594.644,44 WO 5D2,10 .o-• 2:.16 51.613110.43 $5,36 $98.122,78 55.7 '=' 609.257 576 422.50 I $175 879,40 58.56 St • 771.50 ' 'worSia 4 55.54 52 417.55 L 393 119.41 5: 747,26 ® SEEDING FERTILIZING AND MULCHING ® Topsoil_ r el A CY IMIlltrEM 52 500.02 #35.43] 53 575.4 160': :0 5 %344.00 $3.3.$0 V 075,0$ 5E1 2 52.660,113 €72.52 5192.00 31EMEI 3.1 3,510.00 MEI ® 57+1.06 564.393.07 1 85990906 52•404.3.0 $3 720,00 «00.16 534.65 5591216.40 $:15,3.0 512: .00 SWAL_ CHECK D. 1 1 EA 89 5156.04 51 L 3556.54 590-06 54140.65 10ECO 550.40 $3 49106 .- 7615.06 5106.0 96.640,84 555,50 IRRIG4T1025 5Y51E41 1 LS 1 $25 056,68 175.200.30 $2513 716.00 425: 710.05 5235 007.011 525 a 1 . 0 ..DC K4 00.0D ,$246,40103 2225 5C9.6D 6225 56163.00 4$.444,881 3248 005CH) Y •i 533.06 50 5E5:314.99 5 314.99 Mane MOFdULAENTCA5 COVER AND PIPE BOLLARD TYPE 1 EA 9 $70.01 $2.2.56,68 - 5126 00 5200,06 5525,69 $1.575,03 $560.06 51,504050 3400.06 57243.017 5#34.041 $1.290,40 . MOO 32.16.00 $416,251 $1.246,74 EA 1 11.200.0 51.204,00 t1: _c0 4:3.:x.00 S: $50,43 $1.53$8AC 61.190.06 ,&1.596,67 $1 698.63 $78 5518,85 51.557.66 57460106 51,70016 S90 2:4.0,5 51,70100 6-o 200.00 52,88056 51 MOM 57 $525 1 55,08 Si 110.46 NW 605.05 $5.110,40 3917068.176 ® RQ cC'Jdf57 8URVE IND LS 1 EEO ORD.D4 396-452415 566945.94 2661 635.06 560.006.47 $$$ 5 55 .42 331 9O/U64 1'51 TAM ® LJCEN5c'a 6J 1 LS 1 58 66630 ' : 0:0.65 i 557 350.66 5B 392-03 313' ' 05 3' '66.04 59 301704 531700.0:1 x BlYj,00 x 304.00 ,43 3[5].06 53 56-.04 $3 E00.e8 -i 991.68 E6 337.131} C6111EFET CONCSIETE FAVENiarr- INCLUDIM{3 EXTINELS 1 CY 1 028 425004 540.64 $270 30 3270 750.40 $11,52a56 8220.46 � �'�. s-. 1 �Q 3253 • • 06 2. - '17 I 5250.04 5279 6500.572 169.00 - .1- . 5719,92 v4 551,848.:6 32'28,00 359.03 37 3D].46 313 215.00 5253.04 5278. fix $15.20.1:6 _ 4 57.44,21) 325923 $263 738.69 4' - 1 A . -' .xr.�':$i 1 5Y 224 ��s`= _� t - -��- �"3� -rr. : w ass�'I x `5'' Ike. '..? F� Jt � --- t �"�. . � r ' - - 7$,95,871 4 � q!•,� "'_ ?4�°Y6�y'a. F, ,- - �4_. - .�5 BID TABULATION SCHEDULE A - Appleway Avenue Reconstruction Project (Tschirly Road to Hodges Road Project No- 07 -015 ISTP U L-3842(002)] SCHEDULE B - Greenhaven Phase 1 Project No. 093A, Phase 1 BID OPENING DATE - September 2A, 2007, 11 .200 70$5. Ersis !mire Estimate KNIFE RIVER - - -- INLAND ASPHALT 1-1.5LEA ? GGNSTRUCTICIN SPORA✓';n RUCK PRODUCTS 9LLER C4RPORATL6H R=0 01.0.00.{7110 CONSTRUCTION POE ASP -IAL7 ITFA1 ITEM NUMBER Und T QU Tl AN UN! Rica Toni! Coat Coll price rota! na! T°13 Cbsl ry, t] `is F h- 2 �+ b �k�+, •Y. x�• - = yS . - 'xr,�` 14,15a D]. 530LD3 UnGi Prim W-1.2.-• -s .� -cy`,6 }�. S' ^ x ` ;?s 56.500.00 5154.€0 Total cowl {_ 6.G -,,c,. - .f:? '1. y . I-'. O v�.'i - st Total' Cosa Unit PrieL1 Told OA . -v 7 Ye-R �i C 81 1 470.€0 175403 i t s J• t ._ G" F". '�Y - � - . _ S11 000.00 1754.67 �4 ;' - , -. V, x� a, _ }• _ rq ? s - 314400 Y -n -. -. M. �p °:,e.` �1 } • t 4 � '' _, -6. _ ' .. 561 253.73 555810 - - ._ •x "95:9[:5 - S�" N .. �..'T• y T. ?}i`] .r+ � �• { k;8 i 4-: 4- ♦iCr 3'k' *? 1....,.-., . '� . ' J`. _.' i1 "'r• ". _ s ��.. rC`�.�` - a . >.= 3 ..- ..{.= - .'�' ^"'`- �ir.,. 2.. iL 42 CALL SY 5 •S' . -'O 2 - - - w �( �.y} [y,yJ YQ1 '�' y -:+ 1L < ,S '! 7 C 111111111111 1 X136 826.3 396 � f4 S� , ck[_ .. _ t +`d 11 ` 700.00 8160.07 $1.4 93.04 521.00 IG3. , .}:v. Yr ti r.: r r.- ".'" ' '; G r '�'l I $1'2 5160.07 ..±� Sri= a-A�• v'T _ " ?vT - T ¢5,2510,46 S30100 • kt ` - - .. , -- '._cs ==fit: r.s f,5,2C4,136 =MOO .. 4-' l s, .i2: �. � r?`- 1{.570.04 1815.00 Y; g ' r " ". ` s f " Y - .%� ?.� -�C k 14,904.40 S3 X5.06 _ P ' �- - ' �k{ , r 6 ;c; i; x^. 540.50.40 $146.03 -s '_ ,� ..Z•. . R R 4 • c.rak i °.;. L - ,. v - . Y. x. f,+' ;}J �: _ . +4F._ r ~ �x . : -_ s: F � ' 590 660.x] $5,030.01 ° k . 3 .� y � "y r. : iii � _ � 5 .;4; 9 ❑. it _ £` �aE...��_,._�:L _.t� 7 MOE7I,I�AT[:7N 160 664.36 55 0134.06 $H .9:41al 575010 2 COST pF ?f J7h9T5 8 .U�SC fEE $1.07 $1.204.43 5-068.00 0".,41} 5+1.25 516.09 51.06 50,46 5762'5,56 53K6 06 $O.04 S CO ®IEEM®■114:611M agl fQ.46 Stai.I.001 9007 $1.110 I■EZERI 1111:11 ®® 5433.63 5416 I $1.06 575904 10.03 3174.04 Si 337.46 52.503 06 SS 112.50 50.07 . .117 ® 51.93 328.06 5;1.90 5129503 52.905.15 $0.+O 5.7_03 59.50 #0.017 50.47 $3 MOO I 37 1`9.:13 5535.06 5123 1.304.64 f• 5 MMIIIIIIMEI $8,230,31 ?, F.1INORGHaAdGES 4 I. 43P�.AiTC MC TEPAVF- Fd.FNTREh1a1+A rts< "111014 ASPHALT COt9Ct siEPP.:'Elf "THICK SY 529;04 51.54 D% ASPHALT PAVEMENT .- 4 ICI[ 5563.90 ® 546.133 #5 124.0.9 59 $16.04 $.40,23 7 RAWCl/T PAI'E JEkri ' . 4F C e 944 $4,56 204.5 544.44 12.980.0.7 S -$0.0 59.40 :7,"9.00 51,B20.04 55142.54 - __ 53.30 EOM 52,363,00 6B 70.50 SLR' .537 57.930.66 57 666.50 6 CRLIS -ED SURFACL/4 3.01E COURSE 3 !HIM CL 112 !t1_ Pe 70-29 TON 5703 #545.06 52Q 366.53 €93.00 513.6a5.0-D 55 824 439.dD $7500 568.40 $2 .4.049.80 3913.50 534 923.45 573.03 527.431.96 543541 521453,67 1.0 MANHOLE, TYPE 1 -0d E/ S2 {40.64 430.46 . 523.CD 152 4'7.00 53 50.136 S Y 56100 53 2 549 600.40 53346.06 S45 .500.011 V. 947.13h 5:5546.70 53 6137.06 545 060.06 59 4.1.44 581.615.01. 11 m•1RA DEPTH 1.1 E. TYPE I EA 191.96 $ 11.14 85,173.0.0 $i $44,40 50010 $'005,40 59 44.06 $1 49403 510507 5265.04 81,23400 1795.40 5140.€4 925.00 51,11 .5935.00 S4E6.413 52 1 00 51.169.00 575400 50606 54307.06 $1.014.$0 52.760.94 5140 .04 51 186.49 5111.03 $7.94 =.40. Unati9 31 3116,96 %SSW 12 MkNI1OLS TEGT 13 F'IC SANITARY $DINER PIPE 8 G4- DIAM LF 4.511 532.93 460 534.93 sir4507.5A 115 574.56 #2:5.75 5,26.50 5157,136.75 512197.00 =D a. 524.03 $O6,2221.114 512 190.013 $1 9.0 525A0 S+5 769.1~7 511.060.00 j19.64 525.00 385,705.80 514.30$.00 4 134.V) 81 12775.43 515,87034 341.70 147.46 51.M.1.r4,_70 $40.OY 321.626.70 567.71 SiIi0,755,77 531 145410 � PVC. SANITARY SEWER PIPE 1.1 IN DAM PVC SANITARY SEWER P:FE 12 IN 01454 LP 167 537.0 85.419.00 33250 Sa.M.80 32154 54336.54 528.€4 54 116.00 526.04 54.116.€4 $52.54 $7.747.510 #&146 55 5127.65 516 76455 I3 PVC : 1 1 E SEWER SIR DM V 1 014 $37.90 5`- 99.989.6'3 $27,90 2 59.3.66 575.50 N ` CO CO 128 136.00 75.64 557 71920 566 .' . 70 594.51 S &5.7# 17 [e0. GZAIER RIS • B IN O64M - EA 5157.00 115:110.133 8101.04 19.130.60 1113.43 S1.CSACO 893.04 S5 825.40 395100 SS "_2110 $1.193.06 5175.96 EIZEEEI■ 54. -0615.50 i0 !BCC S£WwR 81}174- 0 I TEE EA EA 42 $220.03 1 5276_€4 9U.214.O1i 3370.46 17!.0O 319304 53.23+1.00 5133.06 5&].6} 320 5:0 S7fi34.04 5i3LU4 St'a0.1;0. 51 2a.ro 5?.5 112 ;A4 =OS 3125p 0 52.520,€0 5.525.00 $46.06 4_{7 5:4] $1,690.49 3107.06 337:.60 #448.46 S1 532, - 1445.34 4 I :4 5100' SEWZR 1.3 IN $ IN 7P _ MEM SE =LEANC7'J7 C IN blArh . 31 744.46 81 . €0 Si 305.60 5374.0E 557443 5397.04 135000 5350.03 - - - 5:56 LO -- SE.A13110 $640.011. $1_ %5484 Sl 2•0.34 IIIIIIIIMIIMMEMIMMIta TRENCH EKCCAVATION SAFETY SY51 EM LF 0 992 $.992 $2.75 ' 499.0 $19.548.04 1 1w.95 SS.1 9.40 5 41Lf1,40 54.25 ILIESIITII 529,711,04 ¢3.70 .. ! 6260 525 874,40 S1.03 EA $5 MOO $27_W.C6 &SAO 563124 525 maci 5436 5;.24 32 :4.47.717 56.570.0b $4370 $12,069.06 ®IMP7• ■ - h ■ L,:� 23 CONKECTION TO FxiST 140 MA1.94JLE EA EA LB 3 412,0]0.0] 12 Si 1330.€0 15 000.€0 55,000.010 51 076.06 _ S `- . 470.46 51,10003 360000 R _1�€00.90 ' 100.04 Ruin00 57_24300 00 -17 4.1.00 54 1.00..00 51.374.00 5533.00 510 90600 511 206.06 34.110.[4 5 510 6x0.04 $11.200.56 $d4O.00 53.563.00 110597.08 512 607.06 $5.444.00 542 .1 I LAO 510 - +_917 51251455_€0 51.2 552$.05 59700.07 536.D30.00 33.COO.CO 56 900.44 #S 700.04 135 064.46 $1,944•LO 557 33 570.:.0 5S 564.00 55,806.06 $6.904.0 S9 $70.04 55.`"06.0 El caw 5750 04 $24 000.04 57.500.07 5/4 200.06 1316.70 $9 006.04 593235 no 000.00 512 432.[6 57 503.00 55 554.07 ; 024.30 56.re3.0 43206 s 60.094 TRAFPIM PC LOOS DDNiPAGTOR SLIRVE':103 SANITARY E'ER PR6.1 CT " MPORARY TRAFFIC CONTROL SArarrA Y SELrs'Efi L5 0 55 040.94 - 5 0. SUBTOTAL 341 -,244.1€ SALES TAX 5.541 _ _ 535.62 4.65 53�qR g5 7311,737.10 526. 766.35 5333.60&43 528,69072 5970.220.43 597.529.133 L756,r03.70 529.07156 U95,254.79 542,1031S 5497.731136 $77 635.53 531 .253.66 root ad lUrioodod Amount for Sshcdulc B - - 5 49,1.75 - -- 5395,127.56 _ 5336 -- - - - - 5367,Rg4.7s 5410,747.33 $3 .53 67 5=32,311.02 5540,544,31 Total of COMBINED EAlimialuel nat t for St-heCILM#9 A and 9 {P reauelag nazis Eax] $21.,9'32,1113.69 55S $4,255.h39.5 a $4.667,421.6.9 $9 066 6$7.34 $2061 G7B_42 L5,4652127A6 $ _5134 370.61 Note_ TabLial)arsirOu11¢S rro1j 1ol @1,irX•r E ra Eno. s Fo; 3U Pier s 'r1A, mil prib icy Tamp:1agTrA}IFGConlyd tar RL Diamond COn50111%0RWaaI91tNHISL - - - - -- -- - -- - - 9000 8000 7000 8000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 2000 2001 Spokane Valley Calls for Service 2002 2003 2004 2005 2008 2007 YTD , ). ..1-e2