2014, 06-24 Regular Meeting • MINUTES City of Spokane Valley City Council Regular Meeting Formal Meeting Format Tuesday,June 24, 2014 Mayor Grafos called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Attendance: City Staff: Dean Grafos,Mayor Mike Jackson, City Manager Arne Woodard,Deputy Mayor Cary Driskell, City Attorney Bill Bates,Councilmember Mark Calhoun,Finance Director Chuck Hafner, Councilmember Erik Lamb,Deputy City Attorney Rod Higgins, Councilmember John Holtman, Community Development Dir. Ed Pace, Councilmember Eric Guth,Public Works Director Ben Wick, Councilmember Mike Stone,Parks&Rec Director Sean Messner, Senior Traffic Engineer Carolbelle Branch, Public Information Officer Chris Bainbridge, City Clerk INVOCATION: In the absence of a pastor, Mayor Grafos asked for a few moments of silence. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Council, Staff, and audience rose for the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL: City Clerk Bainbridge called the roll; all Councilmembers were present. APPROVAL OF AGENDA: It was moved by Deputy Mayor Woodard seconded and unanimously agreed to approve the amended agenda. INTRODUCTION OF SPECIAL GUESTS AND PRESENTATIONS: nla COMMITTEE,BOARD,LIAISON SUMMARY REPORTS: Councilmember Hafner: said the attended the AWC (Association of Washington Cities) conference workshops on various topics such as communication and finance. Councilmember Pace: reported that he attended an STA Special Board meeting on their "moving forward" plan; went to the AWC Conference and mentioned that some cities have a "council/buddy" program with high school students paired with Councilmembers as the student works toward fulfilling some of their government credits; went to the SCRAPS Leash Cutting as well as the Honor Flight fundraiser and car show; and attended a neighborhood watch meeting. Councilmember Higgins: said he also attended the AWC Conference. Councilmember Bates: said this was his first year to attend an AWC Conference and said they had many good workshops and appreciated the contacts he made throughout the conference; said he and Councilmember Hafner attended a SCOPE Board of Directors meeting and learned that approximately twenty-five to thirty people want to start another SCOPE station. Councilmember Wick: explained that as a member on the SRTC (Spokane Regional Transportation Council), he participated in a bus tour and spent a couple hours driving through our city and identifying some of our projects connected with our funding requests, and said he talked about the Pines Underpass and other projects, including Bridging the Valley; said in reference to budget issues, that he heard from people in a "Leadership Think Tank" who encourage elected officials to interact with legislators to give them the message that the State can't keep taking away funding, and said cities were encouraged to keep legislator scorecards to keep track of how funding issues are being voted upon; said he was part of the Minutes Regular Council Meeting 06-24--2014 Page 1 of 6 Approved by Council:07-08-2014 Center of Quality Communities Scholarship Award and helped select a student who lives in Liberty Lake and attends Central Valley High School, as this year's recipient; he noted Spokane Valley was awarded a Well-City Award in recognition of our city's staff taking on the physical fitness challenge, and said part of that award includes a 2% rebate on the benefits package, which saves about $25,000 annually, and in connection with wellness, said he did a 1.5 mile run prior to the conference;he said an ad hoc committee was created to focus on rail movements throughout the state and they met for the first time to examine that transportation system. Deputy Mayor Woodard: said he also went to the AWC Conference, and since there were no mobile workshops in Spokane Valley, he made his own by getting some people together in his car and giving them a tour of Spokane Valley and Liberty Lake; said he attended the SCRAPS Leash Cutting and commented on how beautiful that building is; as a member of the Housing and Development Committee, said he heard a report on projects which were voted on in January and February, and that it appears we will have funding for the three or four additional multi-family housing projects throughout the County, and that one of those projects is located on 4th and Appleway, and lie mentioned that over the last twenty years, that Committee has distributed about$89 million into housing and homelessness. MAYOR'S REPORT: Mayor Grafos said he went to the AWC Conference, and the SCRAPS Leash Cutting and said we are fortunate to have such a beautiful facility as well as the numerous volunteers who give of their time and energy to make that facility a success. PUBLIC COMMENTS: Mayor Grafos invited public comments. Mr. Mike King of Spokane Valley, said that not too long ago, Council approved an amendment to the Use Matrix for professional office buildings with multi-family zoning, and said that it appears that professions such as CPA, other legal professions, and dental and medical businesses were not included and lie requested Council review that issue. Mr. Jackson said staff will check into that and report to Council. L Administrative Report: Mark Calhoun,Erik Lamb Limited Tax General Obligation (LTGO)Bonds, 2003 Refunding Per his June 24, 2014 Request for Council Action form, Finance Director Calhoun explained the proposal to refund the 2003 Limited Tax General Obligation Bonds, which he said is similar to refinancing a home when interest rates drop; he spoke about the bonds which were initially issued in 2003; talked about market rates for new bonds, and explained the savings we could experience in this transactions; he said the money saved would mean we could use more DEET funds to put toward other construction projects; he said the process will culminate with Council considering an ordinance adoption, and that figures can change daily based on what happens in the market. Mr. Calhoun then introduced Mr. David Trageser, with D.A. Davidson & Co. Underwriter; Ms. Angela Trout, Bond Counsel; and Ms. Lindsay Sovde, financial advisor with the company Piper Jaffray. Mr. Trageser explained some of the highlights on his handout, including the schedule on page 1, sources and uses of funds on page 2, prior debt service shown on page 3, CenterPlace's portion shown on page 4, and the City's portion on page 5, and said the rates are about 2% lower now. Ms. Sovde said that her role is to work as the City's financial advisor to look out for the City's best interest throughout this transaction, and review all the documents and on the day of pricing; and said she would be working with Mr. Trageser,who will help us get the Iowest rates possible on the bond sale. Ms. Trout said she her role is to prepare the ordinance and other bond documents and provide an opinion as to the validity of the bonds, and she encouraged Council to read the materials and provide any comment or questions. Mr. Jackson noted that the first reading of the ordinance is scheduled for July 8, the second reading is scheduled for July 15, and that Council will also have opportunities at those meetings to comment and/or ask questions. Council thanked Mr. Trageser, Ms. Sovde and Ms. Trout for coming to tonight's Council meeting. Minutes Regular Council Meeting 06-24.-2014 Page 2 of 6 Approved by Council:07-08-2014 2.PUBLIC HEARING: Browns Park Proposed Master Plan—Mike Stone Mayor Grafos opened the public hearing at 6:42 p.m. and invited Mr. Stone to the podium. After Mr. Stone's PowerPoint presentation giving some of the highlights of the proposed plan, Mayor Grafos invited public comment. 1. Ms. Meredith Coupland, Spokane Valley: spoke in favor of the plan; said she is a volleyball enthusiast and connected with the Regional Volleyball Association; said they are a non-profit organization and part of their plan is to grow within their geographic boundaries, said volleyball is growing, as last year there were 90 participants and this year over 450; said they want the neighborhood to join them and having more courts would allow for more people to participate; said they have to abide by regulations and would like the neighborhood to support them; said they are excited about the planned park improvements. 2. Ms. Danette Garcia, Spokane Valley: said she is concerned with the cost of the improvements as well as the maintenance cost including restroom maintenance and asked how it would be financed; voiced concerns about security and people loitering in the park and parking lots; said she has seen loitering even during daylight hours; said she was unclear if the courts and facility would be open to the public; parking and traffic was also a concern and she said that Pines and 32nd is a traffic hazard and more parking across the street would be another problem. 3. Ms. Lindsay Walter, Medical Lake: is also connected with the Regional Volleyball Association; and shared information about people signing the petition to support the proposed additions; said expansion is a great idea and improving and adding courts would be beneficial and it all would be available for the public's use as well, not just the use of those associated with the Volleyball Association. 4. Mr. Jeff Sclilect, Ponderosa Neighborhood: spoke in support of the plan and encouraged its swift adoption; spoke about his children who compete competitively; said it is a wonderful experience but there's not a lot of available space; said the sport is good for all ages; that in past events, about 40% of those participating came a significant distance, which means it would be an economical benefit to the community. 5. Mr. Wade Benson: said he is the head Volleyball Coach at Eastern Washington University and he spoke in favor of the plan; said that sand volleyball has become a spectator sport and also has a large effect in the college realm; spoke of scholarship possibilities for participants; and said they would be looking to rent space at Browns Park for their events; adding that a lot of money could be made in just having people come here overnight for these events. 6. Ms. Kawal Chester, Spokane Valley: said she has children who participate in the sport and that it is a wonderful sport; kids frequently use the area for pick-up games; that the use of outdoor courts is very economical compared with the cost of indoor courts; and said it would be nice to have the facility. 7. Ms. Seanna Bodholt, Spokane Valley: said she is a volleyball mom and supports the plan; sand her daughter has been participating in Wade Benson's program and some of the tournaments have had to turn kids away due to lack of space; said this is an amazingly growing sport; there are only four courts and they are in use most evenings. 8. Mr. Kyle Twohig: said he is the adult program coordinator for volleyball; that he and his friends have worked to have the courts they have today, and they also work to maintain them; said the first day when they strung up the nets, some of the local neighbors offered to help and play, and said that was encouraging to have happen; said the first two years they didn't have to turn people away, but now that the juniors have showed up, there are about 80 people trying to sign up to play; said they need numerous courts to run an event and the limiting factor is needing more than single courts in one place. 9. Ms. Chaunte Nevers, Spokane Valley: said she has a few concerns, mostly traffic and safety issues; said there are a lot of inexperienced teen drivers and a lot of teens who walk across the street to get to the park; said she attended the March meeting and appreciates that there will be separated areas; said they have their homeowners association meetings at the park so it needs multiple uses; she also questioned the financial aspect and asked if players would be required to pay fees to use the sand courts; said she would like to see funding options or plans, feels this is a great opportunity for a lot of people; and she wants to make sure everyone will be able to use the park. Minutes Regular Council Meeting 06-24--2014 Page 3 of 6 Approved by Council:07-08-2014 10. Ms. Shirley McKinney, Spokane Valley: said she lives three houses away; that she also went to the March meeting and there were some negative comments at that time, such as traffic issues; said no one addressed that it will eliminate the baseball diamond which is used by a lot of people during the summer; and again said that no one addressed funding at the March meeting. 11. Mr. Tyler Davis, Spokane: spoke in favor of the plan and read his prepared letter explaining his personal experience with volleyball; said this is a social activity and the expansion of the park would likely provide that opportunity for thousands of people. There were no further public comments. During Council discussion,Deputy Mayor Woodard said he feels this is needed, but the question remains whether Browns Park is the right place; Councilmember Hafner mentioned that every generation has a park use need, and that he is not opposed to the expansion, but wants to make sure we have parks for the general public as well, and said he is aware of the traffic and safety issues. Councilmember Pace said he feels this would be a favorable outcome for everyone. Councilmember Wick said that we must have a master plan in order to be considered for grants, and he mentioned the previous Lodging Tax Advisory Committee allocation to the Volleyball Association and said that process could be a future funding potential. Councilmember Bates thanked everyone for attending tonight and giving Council an idea of some of the concerns; said this is a tremendous concept and need, acknowledged that there are traffic issues; said there is an obligation to keep the park as a city park, mentioned there is no baseball diamond there, but said there are other issues to consider such as financing and maintenance. Mayor Grafos also thanked the public for coming tonight; said he is undecided; that it is a great concept, but he too questioned if that park is the right location, as well as acknowledged there are other issues to consider. Mayor Grafos closed the public hearing at 7:35 p.m., and called for a ten-minute recess. The meeting reconvened at 7:45 p.m. 3. CONSENT AGENDA: Consists of items considered routine which are approved as a group. Any member of Council may ask that an item be removed from the Consent Agenda to be considered separately. Proposed Motion:I move to approve the Consent Agenda. a. Approval of claim vouchers on June 24, 2014 Request for Council Action Form, Totaling: $1,080,496.18 b.Approval of Payroll for Pay Period Ending June 15,2014: $300,441.58 c.Approval of June 3,2014 Study Session Council Meeting Minutes d.Approval of June 10,2014 Regular Formal Council Meeting Minutes It was moved by Deputy Mayor Woodard, seconded and unanimously agreed to approve the Consent Agenda. NEW BUSINESS: 4. Resolution 14-005 Amending 2014 Transportation Improvement Plan--Eric Guth It was moved by Deputy Mayor Woodard and seconded to approve Resolution No. 14-005 adopting the Amended 2014 TIP as presented. After Mr. Guth gave a brief overview of the proposed changes, and said that there have been no changes since Council previously reviewed the amendment,Mayor Grafos invited public comment. No comments were offered. Vote by Acclamation: In Favor: Unanimous. Opposed: None. Motion carried. 5. Resolution 14-006 Adopting 2015-2020 Six Year Transportation Improvement Plan—Eric Guth It was moved by Deputy Mayor Woodard and seconded to approve Resolution No. 14-006 adopting the 2015-2020 Six-Year TIP as presented. After Mr. Guth gave a brief overview and said that there have been no changes since Council previously reviewed the Plan, Mayor Grafos invited public comment. No comments were offered. Vote by Acclamation:In Favor: Unanimous. Opposed:None. Motion carried. Minutes Regular Council Meeting 06-24--2014 Page 4 of 6 Approved by Council:07-08-2014 6.Motion Consideration: Bid Award Sullivan Road West Bridge Replacement Eric Guth Previously removed from the agenda 7. Motion Consideration: Bid Award Sprague Resurfacing,Vista to Herald—Eric Guth It was moved by Deputy Mayor Woodard and seconded to award the Sprague Street Preservation Project, CIP #0187 to Spokane Rock Products in the amount of$962,566.49, and to authorize the City Manager to finalize and execute the construction contract.Public Works Director Guth explained that the June 20 bid opening had four bidders, and that Spokane Rock Products was the lowest responsible bidder, and that the engineer's estimate was over one million dollars. Mayor Grafos invited public comment; no comments were offered. Vote by Acclamation:In Favor: Unanimous. Opposed:None. Motion carried 8. Motion Consideration: Bid Award 8th Ave Reconstruct;McKinnon to Fancher—Eric Guth It was moved by Deputy Mayor Woodard and seconded to aware the 8" Avenue Reconstruction- McKinnon Road to Fancher Road Project to the lowest responsible bidder, Spokane Rock Products, in the amount of$231,865.51, and authorize the City Manager to finalize and execute the construction contract. Public Works Director Guth explained that the June 20 bid opening had four bidders, all within budget and competitive with each other, but that Spokane Rock Products was the lowest responsible bidder. Mayor Grafos invited public comment; no comments were offered. Vote by Acclamation: In Favor: Unanimous Opposed: None. Motion carried 9. Motion Consideration:Mayoral Appointment of Planning Commissioner—Mayor Grafos It was moved by Deputy Mayor Woodard and seconded to confirm the Mayor's recommended appointment of Sam Wood to the Planning Commission to complete the unexpired terra of the recently vacated position, which term expires December 31, 2016. Mayor Grafos said the decision was difficult as all applicants were qualified and had college degrees. Mayor Grafos invited public comment. Ms. Heather Graham said she was one of the applicants, and that her comments are not "sour grapes" but an observation that this appointment leaves only one female on the Planning Commission, that the demographics have not changed, and she asked Council to keep in mind that women seem to be a bit under-represented on the Commission, and that she looks forward to hearing Mr. Wood's comments as she attends further meetings. There were no further public comments. Vote by Acclamation: In Favor: Unanimous. Opposed:None. Motion carried. PITBLIC COMMENTS: Mayor Grafos invited general public comments;no comments were offered. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS: 10. Highway Safety Improvement Grant Program—Sean Messner As noted on his Request for Council Action form, Mr. Messner explained that the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) issued a 2014 Call for Projects for allocation of Federal Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) funds for safety projects and as he explained the program per his PowerPoint presentation; said applications are due to WSDOT by July 16, 2014, and asked Council to let him know if they have any other safety proposals. There was some discussion about other possible projects, such as the intersection of 27th and Pines, but Mr. Messner said that although that is an awkward intersection, the crash data is surprisingly low. The question came up about the pylons on 16th near Pines Road and whether they had an impact on lessening accidents, and Mr. Messner said he would research that issue. The subject of changing Broadway to one less lane was briefly discussed, and Mr. Messner mentioned that he has seen significant congestion at Broadway and Pines, and at Broadway and Park,which he said is a function of how that signal operates. 11. Local Government Investment Pool—Mark Calhoun As noted in his June 24, 2014 Request for Council Action form, Mr. Calhoun explained the process of participating in the State Treasurer's Local Government Investment Pool (LGIP), and of the need for an Minutes Regular Council Meeting 06-24--2014 Page 5 of 6 Approved by Council:07-08-2014 updated resolution,with language crafted by that office, that authorizes our continued participation in the LGIP. Council concurred to move this forward to consider approval of the Resolution at the next meeting. 12.Advance Agenda-Mayor Grafos none Councilmember Pace asked about adding something concerning enabling small business startups, Iike the BBQ place on Pines. City Manager Jackson said staff is aware of that issue and it is resolved; he also mentioned that the Chamber of Commerce is actively involved in providing assistance to businesses as they start-up; he said we must adhere to City Code and State Regulations as well; that there are always variables with each new business enterprise; that staff watches for matters that could be resolved by a change to our Code, and if any such issues are discovered, they are brought forward to Council. Deputy Mayor Woodard added that a good time to address these might be as Council starts to go through the overall review of the Comprehensive Plan, and Mr. Jackson agreed. INFORMATION ONLY The (13) Department Monthly Reports, and (14) McMillan Road items were for information only and were not reported or discussed. CITY MANAGER COMMENTS Mr. Jackson asked Council's preference concerning Browns Park Master Plan and whether they preferred a motion or an administrative report at the next meeting. After brief discussion, it was determined to keep the scheduled motion for the next meeting, and that additional discussion on the topic could be held at that time. It was moved by Deputy Mayor Woodard, seconded and unanimously agreed to adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 8:47 p.in. A r Dean r�afos, ayor hristine Bainbridge, City Clerk Minutes Regular Council Meeting 06-24--2014 Page 6 of 6 Approved by Council:07-08-2014 1I SPOKANE VALLEY CITY COUNCIL MEETING June 24, 2014 PUBLIC HEARING SIGN-IN SHEET SUBJECT: Proposed Master Plan, Browns Park Please sign below if you would like to speak at the PUBLIC HEARING. PRINT NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD. There may be a time limit for your comments. Any documents for Council consideration should be provided to the City Clerk for distribution. NAME Your City of Residence PLEASE PRINT tvlegePrITH CDV2t4v spoviirk, \f,041,,LN rink s k _ x LinCteLA wo Q.- MitAick OW 5eL4_,s44_0 )<u w Ck r e &Jai e /-07,9„,g Please note that once information is entered on this form, it becomes a public record subject to public disclosure. ERVA Browns Park Petition- Posted ,•niine on Friday, June 20th. Name Date I Comments Andy Olson 6/21/201418:04 4 courts just isn't enough.With all the cainics going on every single weeknight,there is 1never room to play. 2 Jeanne Henderson 6/20/2014 19:58 a great sport. with colleges now forming beach volleyball teams a sand venue is so vital to the younger players. 3 Heather Tuttle 6/23/2014 3:23 ERVA member, Spokane Valley resident 4 Andrew Chester 6/21/2024 20:10 Excellent renovation of Browne's Park for thriving local sand volleyball interest! 5 Shaun Pedersen 6/24/2014 1:25 expansion is needed 6 ZAK Kennedy 6/21/2014 5:32 Go browns 7 John-Henn,/Anderson 6/21/2014 4:35 Great for the area and great for the future of volleyball? 8 Lisa Werner j 6/21/2014 2:02 l am in support of the volleyball court expansion. 9 Daniel Markin 6/23/2014 16:36 l dig it!! Angela Bonnett 6/20/2014 21:24 encourage you to vote yes on this, my daughter&her friends have missed out on volleyball tournaments due of lack of courts. T fully support having more volleyball courts at the park as there is a fairly large 11 Nathan Boettcher 6/20/2014 21:46 contingent of volleyball players in the Spokane area_ D have been corning here for about four or five years now to play volleyball and since, i there has been new nets donated,the sand rototilled,and great tournaments held 12 Kyle Burnett 6/20/2014 19:57 there. My father came to that ven/park when he was my age to play the same game and since then, nothing new has been added as far as an expansion goes_ I think this is a very good idea, as does my father, have to daughters who love and play volleyball in Spokane Valley.We are in desperate j h need of more facilities in this are for people to pHay not only indoors, but outdoors as well. By approving this expansion, it will not only give our local players more 13 Nikole Schafer 6/23/2014 36:47 opportunities to become better players and pursue their dreams to play at the next level, it can also open up many opportunities to increase revenue by offering a great venue to host tournaments. Please vote yes to this expansion!!! 14 Douglas L.Weeks ' 6/22/2014 19:07 l iiive in Spokane Valley, and fully support the expansion of facilities in Brown's Park I regularly visit Browns Park to play volleyball. Most of the time l go to this park we 15 Deven Nickerson 6/20/2014 22:24 have to wait until a court opens upl think that if the courts get expanded it will bring more people to the park and Spokane Valley. 16 Sergei Novikov 6/24/2014 5:29 l would love to see the expansion of the volleyball courts in my neighborhood 17 ! Raechel Allen6/20/2014 17:49 Keep the kids active and they will become contributing members 18 kenny 1 6/22/2014 0:58 looks awesome 19 Jack Maxwell 6/20/2014 23:09 Love this and i believe the volleyball community from the tri-cities would love to travel here to play. 20 Adam Blashill 6/21/2014 0:01 More courts-more income in the long run. My daughter could not play at one of the tournaments because there was no room for 21 Patricia McFarlain 6/20/2014 18:27 her.This really upset her.Volleyball his her life! Please expand so all kids can have a chance to playa 22 Jennifer Neely 6/20/2014 17:48 My daughter is an ERVA member&we Dive in Midilome East near Brown's Park. 23 Maria sillivan 6/21/2014 15:55 Perfect recreation spot and sport for the community of all ages.Thank yiou 24 Mike Self 16/23/201414:05__ Please approve this plan. 25 Ron Poplawski Jr 6/20/2014 18:45 Please support 26_ Sergio Verduci 6/21/2014 14:09 Sand VB is taking off in Spokane. 1 27 Dale Reed 6/20/2014 18:52 Spokane needs more volleyball support! 28 monica Blykowski-May 6/22/2014 22:28 support browns park expansion 29 Veronica Sanchez 6/24/2014 7:09 Thank You Thank you for taking the time to read this.when I started playing volleyball last year l was going through a tough time financially and was starting to cause a bit of depression because that lack of money left doing anying quite costly to do.volleyball was able to solve that by going to the low cost open gyms in the valley.through these open gyms l made some very dear friends and as many of is will tell you volleyball isn't just a sport but a tight knight family. Now that the indoor volleyball season has ended S was excited to learn that we had the sand courts in browns park so E continue to play the sport B have learned to love so much.The unfortunate thing is that there are not enough courts to go around. Everyday during the week the courts are booked by our youth or league play.This l fond to be very good for the sport and shows that the want for more courts is apparent.from an expansion of courts this creates several great things for 30 hank Lunsford 6/23/2014 16:56 Spokane valley. Firstly it will help to infuse more money to the valley. By having a larger number of courts this will open up opportunities like that of the "spike and dig" tournament and create an influx of people from outside of the area for sand tournaments. if you don't think there will be a draw for this then just look at the seaside sand tournament following. But even locally it will bring people from around the county specifically to the valley witch does not have much draw of its own.Another reason why this would be beneficial is to give our youth an activity that is groaning exponentially. Being directly across the street from the high school and situated in such a family oriented neighborhood will offer an outlet for our children to be active in.And lastly E myself being a voting Spokane valley citizen will be very aprecialtive to those who vote in favor•of this expansion and will earn my respect for future elections.thanks again for taking the time to discuss this matter. 31 Jeffery Miller 6/21/2014 4:01 The city is in need for expanded sand courts! 1 The sport seems to be taking off and Browns Park is a nice location.While my kids have participated there this year, I have frequented restaurants,gas stations,grocery stores in the dose proximity and have even purchased furniture in the Spokane Valley. 32 Scott Reid 6/20/2014 22:59 i Tournaments have the potential to bring a considerable number of people to the area. l i also think this park has the advantage of being the forst facility in the door on this sport and an expansion would more than solidify that this is the place to be in the entire Inland NW.Thanks! 33 Georgina Olsen 6/20/2014 22:34 This a wonderful sport for kids. Please provide additional sand courts. This expansion is a GREAT idea. The current courts are unavailable most evenings and 34 Devlin Daniel 6/20/2014 21:33 the Volleyball community in the Spokane area is growing like crazy. x 35 ! Robin Wong 6/20/2014 18:12 This improvement is desperately needed_ 36 Kevin Twohig 6/20/201415:30 This improvement will be good for the neighborhood,the young people of CSV,and the business community especially hotels, restaurants and retail. 37 Kayce Nauditt 6/20/2014 21:57 this is a great location for sand courts and has some if the best sand to play on. 38 Katie Schrnidlkofer 6/20/2014 20:59 This is a wonderful plan 39 Pat Bopray 6/20/2014 22:42 this park would be a fantastic resourse for kids and adults in the Spokane area.the sooner the better as far as i am concerned. 40 Kyle Twohig 6/20/2014 27:31 This will be a great community asset. 41 Ryan Simmons 6/21/2014 1:00 This will be awesome 42 dao Crosby 6/21/2014 1:04 this will be good for spokane 43 Samantha Howard 6/20/201419:19 this would help the surrounding area tremendously and it would also benefit University High School. This year beach volleyball has really expanded to today's adults and especially the 44 Joseph Antonowicz 6/23/2014 22:36 youths. Next year is only going to be bigger and Spokane Valley needs to get ahead of this. 45 Laura Wampler 6/20/2014 19:50 Vball court expansion would be a welcome addition to the activities available in the Spokane Valley. 46 Billy Crawford-Heim 6/20/2014 22:11 Way to take a stand for health &wellness through one of the best sports on Earth! i 47 Brook Reinbold 6/21/2014 4:08 We live in the neighborhood of this park and would love to see these improvements made for the community. 48 Seances 3odholt 6/23/2014 4:11 1 We live near the park.This would be a great revenue boost to the valley to be able to host dubs and tournaments. We live off of Sullivan and Saltese and would LOVE to see this plan take effect. Both our 49 Kim Smith 6/20/2014 20:35 daughters play volleyball indoor and have fallen in love with the sand game this season! 50 ; Pamela Meehan 6/22/2014 16:35' We need more and better sand courts! • 5 Monica Erickson 6/20/2014 21:00 We need more courts! This park is booked constantly and the demand is there. Please support this expansion and the growing sport of sand volleyball. 52 Ann desonia 6/20/2014 23:00 We need these improvements for our community! 53 Kim Wold 6/20/2014 19:58 i We use this park very often and would love to have more court availability We would there to be more sand courts because our club travel over 3 hours from Omak. So far every tournament this summer has maxed out and teams had to be 54 Michael Nesmith 6/20/2014 20:35 dropped because there is not enough courts. Clubs like ours also help by spending money in your community with hotels and food. Please help USAV expand the sport for ail ages. Sand is growing in fact over 70 colleges now have sand teams. This is great opportunity for girls within eastern wa to get a chance to play now and the next level! 55 iVlaree Waggener 6/20/2014 22:29; Yes to the new improved sand courts. courts S 56 Anna Twohig ; 6/23/2014 16:15 Yes, please expand! You get players out there daily for Nealy six months of the year. New leagues are forming all the time and now we have leagues almost every night AND juniors 57 Hope francis 6/21/2014 0:45 practicing daily, including weekend for both practice and league! it would be TREMENDOUS if we had more availability to play,you'd be amazed at the crowd we get during the WlNTER months! imagine what you'd get during spring and summer! 58 Taelor D Braun 6/20/2014 17:30 59 Robyn Dawson ! 6/20/2014 17:43 60 Sandy Fallkner I 6/20/2014 17:46 61 Tim O'Neal 6/20/2014 17:47 62 j Vanessa Zink .I6/20/2014 17:57 63 Heide Wehr 6/20/20/4 18:05 64 , Evergreen Region Volleyball 6/20/2014 18:12 65 Chris Roof 6/20/2014 18:18 66 ErruoDy Mikkelsen r 6/20/2014 18:27 67 Mark Springer 6/20/2014 28:291 68 Jodie Steger 16/20/2014 18:31 69 Alexandria Ealkner 6/20/2014 18:40 70 Caleb DDelbel 6/20/2014 18:40' 71 Cheryl Pease 6/20/2014 18:47 72 Will White 6/20/2014 18:50 73 Lisa Pauli 6/20/2014 18:50 _ 74 Christina SantorsoDa 6/20/2014 18:51 75 _ Kim Kipp 6/20/2014 18:51' 76 Amber Drake 6/20/2014 18:51 77 j Heather S. WEson j 6/20/2014 18:53 78 Lev Tsarev 6/20/2014 19:01 79 3obbo Woodward 6/20/2014 19:16 80 Angela Luma 6/20/2014 19:19 81 Christina 6/20/2014 19:23 82 Jade _6/20/201419:52 83 Hannah Descoteaux 6/20/2014 19:56 84 Cathy DeHart 6/20/2014 19:57' ' 85 Mark DFelchDun 6/20/2014 20:05 86 Samantha 6/20/2014 20:06 , r87Caityn Wood 6/20/2014 20:11 88 Justin Matheson 6/20/2014 20:14 89 ! Amber Troyer 6/20/2014 20:37 90 Daniel Woodman 6/20/2014 20:39 r 91 Jerrilyn Prichard 6/20/2014 20:59 92 Colin Kubik 6/20/2014 21:15 93 j Sarah Carpenter 6/20/2014 21:23 94 ! Lindsay Keck 6/20/2014 21:23 95 Doing Denuston 6/20/2014 21:38 96 ' DVlaura Schauerman 6/20/2014 21:42 97 Bethany Valente 6/20/2014 21:42 98 Lexie Graham 6/20/2014 22:42 99 amber jupoka 6/20/2014 21:54 100Carl Hanson 1 6/20/2014 22:13 1 1011 Vanessa Santorsola 1 6/20/2014 22:13 102 I Trisha Carnahan 16/20/2014 22:32 10311 Kathleen Wright 6/20/2014 22:36 104; Kathleen Wright j 6/20/2014 22:36 1051 Scott Timpe 16/20/2014 23:21 106 Keith Gipe 6/20/2014 23:38 1 1 107 Bart Townsend 16/20/201423:44 108 kim 6/20/2014 23:50 109 Katherine Joyce 6/21/2014 0:10 — 110' Vuliy Vagin 6/21/2014 0:22 1111 Tyler Davis 6/21/2014 0:41 1112 Debra Spray 6/21/2014 0:53 1131 Joni Nagy 6/21/2014 1:03 1 1114� Faith Van Belie 6/21/2014 1:12 1 115; ryan earle 6/21/2014 1:22 !, 116 Amy Herron 6/21/2014 2:19 117; Peter Rinne 6/21/2014 2:31 11181 Brandi 0_evanel 6/21/2014 2:42 119 ICalvin Bruce 6/21/2014 3:01 1 120 Paula Thomas 6/21/2014 3:15 121 Tyler Alvarado 6/21/2014 4:05 122 Carolyn Zacheis 6/21/2014 5:54 11231 Chelsey Pangborn 6/21/2014 7:06 124 Sarah Lemmon 6/21/2014 7:24 1251 Tammy Payton 6/21/2014 13:47 11261 Amy O'Connell l II 6/21/2014 15:47 127 Melani Tackett j 6/21/2014 16:09 128 crim piper 1 6/21/2014 23:41 129, Brian Chester 6/22/2014 2:05 130 Kristen Peterschick 6/22/2014 5:44 11311 Eva Windlin 6/23/2014 0:53 _ 132, Amiee McCabe 6/23/2014 3:43 133' Malone schoesler 6/23/2014 4:42 134, Kate Lopez 6/23/2014 13:58 ' 135' Paul Christiansen 6/23/201416:21 _ 136! David Chapman 6/23/2014 16:23 137 Amelia Alberts 6/23/2014 16:27 138 Eamon Twohig 6/23/2014 16:33 1 , 139 Eric Allison 6/23/2014 16:52 1401 John Guyette 6/23/2014 17:14 1 141; Jeff Ottmar 6/23/2014 17:331 1421 Tyler Jaquish 6/23/2014 17:35 1 143 Deater Butler 6/23/2014 18:31 1144 David Gilbert 6/23/2014 19:11 1451 Katie Hinrichs 6/23/2014 19:25 1146; Abby Tompkins 6/23/2014 19:55 ; 147 Jeni Anderson 6/23/2014 20:06 148; valerie danieis 6/23/2014 20:13 149 Nathan 6/23/2014 20:47 150' Chase Baxter6/23/2014 20:51 151 Alonzo Washington 6/23/2014 22:041 152, DeAnna terry 6/23/2014 22:32! 153 Cindy Chea6/23/2014 23:04 154. Jennifer randall 6/24/2014 0:28 1551 noses timofeye 6/24/2014 0:57 1 156 Stephanie Filice 6/24/2014 1:11 157 I Charles Wiimoth 6/24/2014 4:45 1581 Lisa Bertsch 6/24/2014 5:20 1591 MVliadisen brown 6/24/2014 14:38 160; Elisa Coffins 6/24/2014 15:00 1611 James Dorr III 6/24/2014 16:44 162 Christopher Mackay 6/24/2014 17:15 1163; - Shannon Witherow 6/24/2014 17:29 Date ERVA sted Events Travel 25+ Miles 1 D- Total Participants Percentage Grass Courts Setup 5/17/2014 Net's Up-Adult Sand Doubles I 13 44 30% 5/31/2014 Junior Sand Clinic Session 1 16 36 44% 5/31/2014 Junior Sand Clinic Session 2 ! 12 31 39% 6/8/2014 Beach IMPACT Coaching Clinic 2 10 20% _ 5/28-7/3 Junior Sand/Grass League 13 1 94 14% 3 or 4 grass nets _ 6/2-7/21 Adult Sand Doubles League 4 34 12% 6/6-7/25 Adult Sand Coed 4's League 6 24 25% 6/18/2014 Junior Beach Tour 42 121 35% 2 grass nets 6/21/2014 June Adult/Junior Sand/Grass Tourney 21 64 33% I 4 grass nets 7/26/2014 July Adult Sand Doubles 8/16/2014 August Adult Sand Doa,obies 9/20/2014 September Adult Sand Doubles Spokane ERVA Sanctioned Events 5/12-6/30 CPA Sand Training Program-Juniors 102 6/1/2014 CPA Outdoor Kickoff Sand/Grass-Juniors 76 6 grass courts 5/24/2014 Allen2 Tournament-Juniors 61 6/28/2014 CPA Summer Ring-Juniors 7/19-7/20 The Hat Trick-Adult L7/29-7/30 EWU Sand Clinics - Total Participati.n 2014-697 2013-90 ''' A.'!!!g.•-:...... t .• ' '.1 ,..____...._..........._.....-.--,,-(05,Nv,,,. e• : .... . ..,4::i....;!,-,'. -r,1-f? . • ' '1- % ',..i.-. . r:.V.:'-' r'.--5'1'eV ' - • .V1,1r: -'''-'11•,'ter' -..... .,. 4.71'',• .'", ' ,.-i- '.. i.,f,::'„i..c;- 10:1,"•'..t.).;'.';:if,'",,..-..t ,.,1'; '‘,:lri. 4'. ./''''V.,',4,'''. . , , •,;;-,', '. - -,'":,7:.,/''' '.1.4t:_4;',.'..r...::. .1 '°',i,r, °'''''' 1 ,:.: t-41-121; ,t-, % • 1.* .1,*• ''' 1 .. 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V i r9-. .11 •' ---r, i• i . , ' • LI c s " ' : i' l' r ) . • .i• .'-'• 1 r r • I *.y,A t , , . , I . a . • • .1 1$1 fit itiA • • 41' le ' . _ Spokane ►0Val ey Council Update - June 24, 2014 City of Spokane Valley Limited Tax General Obligation Refunding Bonds 2014 DAVIDSON Davidson i ° iroitig f* R.V. Y 0 COMPANIES & Co ' ORRICK FIXED INCOVE CAPkIAE MARKUS Mr. David Trageser Ms. Lindsay Sovde Ms. Angela Trout Underwriter Financial Advisor Bond Counsel (206) 903-8699 (206) 628-2875 (206) 839-4341 dtrageser@dadco.com lindsay.a.sovde@pic.com atrout@orrick.com 701 Fifth Ave., Suite 4050 1420 Fifth Avenue, Suite 4300 701 Fifth Ave., Suite 5600 Seattle, WA 98104 Seattle, WA 98101 Seattle, WA 98104-7097 def 26 City of Spokane Valley Limited Tax General Obligation Refunding Bonds, 2014 Preliminary Schedule of Events (Revised as of June 18, 2014k) City: City of Spokane Valley (Council meets BC: Bond Counsel (Orrick) Tuesdays @ 6 PM) DAD: D.A. Davidson & Co. (Underwriter) FA: Piper Jaffray _ JUNE - - -- JULY AUGUST SM T W T F S SMTWIF S SMTWIF S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 10 Il 12 13 14 15 16 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 29 30 27 28 29 30 31 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Due Date Event Participants Completed Distribute distribution list, schedule of events, &term sheets to team DAD Completed Distribute first draft of the Preliminary Official Statement ("PUS") DAD Completed Distribute first draft of Delegation Bond Ordinance and legal opinion BC Completed Provide comments on first draft of POS ALL Completed Distribute second drafts of P05 &first draft of purchase contract DAD Completed Provide comments on first draft of legal documents ALL Completed Distribute second draft of Bond Ordinance BC Administrative Report on Bonds and Bond Ordinance June 24 Council Review of draft P05 All _ Send information to rating agency July 8 - - 1st Reading of Bond Ordinance City Council Return comments to draft POS July 10 Rating presentation rehearsal (one hour+) @ 2 PM CITY, DAD, FA July 14 Rating agency conference call (one hour+) @ 10:30 AM DAD, CITY, FA July 15 City Council 2nd reading and consideration of delegation Bond City Ordinance @ 6 pm July 17 Receive Moody's rating DAD,CITY - --- ---- July 18 Final comments due on POS &first draft of purchase contract ALL July 21 Distribute POS to potential investors DAD July 28 Review market conditions/pre-pricing call @ TBD DAD, CITY, FA July 29 Bond Order Period- Lock-in interest rates &savings - DAD, CITY. FA — Aug 12 Bond Closing and defease 2003 bonds ALL *Subject to change. Page 1 SOURCES AND USES OF FUNDS City of Spokane Valley LTGO Refunding Bonds,2014 Dated Date 08/12/2014 Delivery Date 08/12/2014 Sources: REF03A REF03B Total Bond Proceeds: Par Amount 5,810,000.00 1,445,000.00 7,255,000.00 Premium 357,617.75 44,132.65 401,750.40 6,167,617.75 1,489,132.65 7,656,750.40 Uses: REF03A REF03B Total Refunding Escrow Deposits: Cash Deposit 0.98 0.30 1.28 SLGS Purchases 6,070,877.00 1,463,393.00 7,534,270.00 6,070,877.98 1,463,393.30 7,534,271.28 Cost of Issuance: Bond Counsel 27,628.53 6,871.47 34,500.00 Financial Advisor 11,620.00 2,890.00 14,510.00 Rating 8,849.14 2,200.86 11,050.00 Escrow Verification 1,361.41 338.59 1,700.00 Escrow Agent 280.29 69.71 350.00 49,739.37 12,370.63 62,110.00 Delivery Date Expenses: Underwriter's Discount 43,575.00 10,837.50 54,412.50 Other Uses of Funds: Additional Proceeds 3,425.40 2,531.22 5,956.62 6,167,617.75 1,489,132.65 7,656,750.40 Prepared by D.A.Davidson&Co. Page 2 TOTAL SAVINGS City of Spokane Valley LTGO Refunding Bonds,2014 Present Value Prior Refunding Annual to 08/12/2014 Date Debt Service Debt Service Savings Savings @ 2.5519997% 12/01/2014 448,911.25 422,704.90 26,206.35 26,206,35 26,005.91 06/01/2015 173,511.25 108,256.25 65,255.00 63,940.02 12/01/2015 458,511.25 438,256.25 20,255.00 85,510.00 19,596.78 06/01/2016 167,811.25 104,956.25 62,855.00 60,046,22 12/01/2016 467,811.25 449,956.25 17,855.00 80,710.00 16,842.21 06/01/2017 161,811.25 101,506.25 60,305.00 56,167.63 12/01/2017 476,811.25 451,506.25 25,305.00 85,610.00 23,271.94 06/01/2018 155,275.00 98,006.25 57,268.75 52,004.08 12/01/2018 515,275.00 488,006.25 27,268.75 84,537.50 24,449.97 06/01/2019 147,625.00 94,106.25 53,518.75 47,381.91 12/01/2019 542,625.00 509,106.25 33,518.75 87,037.50 29,301.37 06/01/2020 137,750.00 89,956.25 47,793.75 41,253.87 12/01/2020 577,750.00 539,956.25 37,793.75 85,587.50 32,211.21 06/01/2021 126,750.00 85,456.25 41,293.75 34,750.80 12/01/2021 611,750.00 565,456,25 46,293.75 87,587,50 38,467.71 06/01/2022 114,625.00 78,256.25 36,368.75 29,839.79 12/01/2022 639,625.00 588,256.25 51,368.75 87,737.50 41,615.95 06/01/2023 101,500.00 70,606.25 30,893.75 24,712.97 12/01/2023 681,500.00 630,606.25 50,893.75 81,787.50 40,198.72 06/01/2024 87,000.00 62,206.25 24,793.75 19,336.75 12/01/2024 537,000.00 497,206.25 39,793.75 64,587.50 30,644.29 06/01/2025 75,750,00 55,681,25 20,068.75 15,259.79 12/01/2025 565,750.00 520,681.25 45,068.75 65,137.50 33,837.41 06/01/2026 63,500.00 46,381.25 17,118.75 12,690.75 12/01/2026 598,500,00 551,381.25 47,I18.75 64,237.50 34,490.72 06/01/2027 50,125.00 36,281.25 13,843.75 10,005.89 12/01/2027 480,125.00 431,281.25 48,843.75 62,687.50 34,858.16 06/01/2028 39,375.00 27,887.50 11,487.50 8,094.96 12/01/2028 379,375.00 327,887.50 51,487.50 62,975.00 35,824.83 06/01/2029 30,875.00 21,512.50 9,362.50 6,432.32 12/01/2029 325,875.00 271,512.50 54,362.50 63,725.00 36,878.12 06/01/2030 23,500.00 16,200.00 7,300.00 4,889.74 12/01/2030 303,500.00 246,200.00 57,300.00 64,600.00 37,897.52 06/01/2031 16,500.00 11,025.00 5,475.00 3,575.48 12/01/2031 256,500.00 196,025.00 60,475.00 65,950.00 38,995.91 06/01/2032 10,500.00 6,862.50 3,637.50 2,316.01 12/01/2032 200,500.00 141,862.50 58,637.50 62,275.00 36,864.26 06/01/2033 5,750.00 3,825.00 1,925.00 1,194.96 12/01/2033 235,750.00 173,825.00 61,925.00 63,850.00 37,956.22 10,992,978.75 9,560,642.40 1,432,336.35 1,432,336.35 1,144,103.14 Savings Summary PV of savings from cash flow 1,144,103.14 Plus:Refunding funds on hand 5,956.62 Net PV Savings 1,150,059.76 Prepared by D.A.Davidson&Co. Page 3 PFD SAVINGS City of Spokane Valley Refund 2003 LTGO(CenterPlace) Assuming Aa3 rating,BQ Present Value Prior Refunding Annual to 08/12/2014 Date Debt Service Debt Service Savings Savings @ 2.5519997% 12/01/2014 295,760.00 277,561.84 18,198.16 18,198.16 18,058.97 06/01/2015 142,760.00 92,856.25 49,903.75 48,898.12 12/01/2015 302,760.00 287,856.25 14,903.75 64,807.50 14,419.43 06/01/2016 139,560.00 90,906.25 48,653.75 46,479.58 12/01/2016 309,560.00 295,906.25 13,653.75 62,307.50 12,879.27 06/01/2017 136,160.00 88,856.25 47,303.75 44,058.36 12/01/2017 316,160.00 298,856.25 17,303,75 64,607.50 15,913.53 06/01/20I8 132,425.00 86,756.25 45,668.75 41,470.46 12/01/2018 352,425.00 331,756.25 20,668.75 66,337.50 18,532.22 06/01/2019 127,750.00 84,306.25 43,443.75 38,462.18 12/01/2019 377,750.00 354,306.25 23,443.75 66,887.50 20,494.02 06/01/2020 121,500.00 81,606.25 39,893.75 34,434.87 12/01/2020 411,500.00 386,606.25 24,893.75 64,787.50 21,216.68 06/01/2021 114,250.00 78,556.25 35,693.75 30,038.11 12/01/2021 439,250.00 408,556.25 30,693.75 66,387.50 25,504.92 06/01/2022 106,125.00 73,606.25 32,518.75 26,680.95 12/01/2022 466,125.00 433,606.25 32,518.75 65,037.50 26,344.79 06/01/2023 97,125.00 68,206.25 28,918.75 23,133.10 12/01/2023 502,125.00 468,206,25 33,918.75 62,837.50 26,790.92 06/01/2024 87,000.00 62,206.25 24,793.75 19,336.75 12/01/2024 537,000.00 497,206.25 39,793.75 64,587.50 30,644.29 06/01/2025 75,750.00 55,681.25 20,068.75 15,259.79 12/01/2025 565,750.00 520,681.25 45,068.75 65,137.50 33,837.41 06/01/2026 63,500.00 46,381.25 17,118.75 12,690.75 12/01/2026 598,500.00 551,381.25 47,118.75 64,237.50 34,490.72 06/01/2027 50,125.00 36,281.25 13,843.75 10,005.89 12/01/2027 480,125.00 431,281.25 48,843.75 62,687.50 34,858.16 06/01/2028 39,375.00 27,887.50 11,487.50 8,094.96 12/01/2028 379,375.00 327,887.50 51,487.50 62,975.00 35,824.83 06/01/2029 30,875.00 21,512.50 9,362.50 6,432.32 12/01/2029 325,875.00 271,512.50 54,362.50 63,725.00 36,878.12 06/01/2030 23,500.00 16,200.00 7,300.00 4,889.74 12/01/2030 303,500.00 246,200.00 57,300.00 64,600.00 37,897.52 06/01/2031 16,500.00 11,025.00 5,475.00 3,575.48 12/01/2031 256,500.00 196,025.00 60,475.00 65,950.00 38,995.91 06/01/2032 10,500.00 6,862.50 3,637.50 2,316.01 12/01/2032 200,500.00 141,862.50 58,637.50 62,275.00 36,864.26 06/01/2033 5,750.00 3,825.00 1,925.00 1,194.96 12/01/2033 235,750,00 173,825.00 61,925.00 63,850.00 37,956.22 9,176,820.00 7,934,599.34 1,242,220.66 1,242,220.66 975,854.53 Savings Summary PV of savings from cash flow 975,854.53 Plus: Refunding funds on hand 3,425.40 Net PV Savings 979,279.93 Prepared by D,A, Davidson&Co. Page 4 CITY SAVINGS City of Spokane Valley Refund 2003 LTGO(Road&Street) Assuming Aa3 rating,BQ Present Value Prior Refunding Annual to 08/12/2014 Date Debt Service Debt Service Savings Savings @ 2.5519997% 12/01/2014 153,151.25 145,143.06 8,008.19 8,008.19 7,946.94 06/01/2015 30,751.25 15,400.00 15,351.25 15,041.90 12/01/2015 155,751.25 150,400.00 5,351.25 20,702.50 5,177.35 06/01/2016 28,251.25 14,050.00 14,201.25 13,566.64 12/01/2016 158,251.25 154,050.00 4,201.25 18,402.50 3,962.94 06/01/2017 25,651.25 12,650.00 13,001.25 12,109.27 12/01/2017 160,651.25 152,650.00 8,001.25 21,002.50 7,358.41 06/01/2018 22,850.00 11,250.00 11,600.00 10,533.62 12/01/2018 162,850.00 156,250,00 6,600.00 18,200.00 5,917.76 06/01/2019 19,875.00 9,800.00 10,075.00 8,919.73 12/01/2019 164,875.00 154,800.00 10,075.00 20,150.00 8,807.35 06/01/2020 16,250.00 8,350.00 7,900.00 6,819.00 12/01/2020 166,250.00 153,350.00 12,900.00 20,800,00 10,994.53 06/01/2021 12,500.00 6,900.00 5,600.00 4,712.69 12/01/2021 172,500.00 156,900.00 15,600.00 21,200.00 12,962.79 06/01/2022 8,500.00 4,650.00 3,850.00 3,158,84 12/01/2022 173,500.00 154,650.00 18,850.00 22,700.00 15,271.17 06/01/2023 - 4,375.00 2,400.00 1,975.00 1,579.87 I 12/01/2023 179,375.00 162,400.00 16,975.00 18,950.00 13,407.80 1,816,158.75 1,626,043.06 190,115.69 190,115.69 168,248,60 Savings Summary PV of savings from cash flow 168,248.60 Plus: Refimding funds on hand 2,531.22 Net PV Savings 170,779.82 Prepared by D.A. Davidson&Co. Page 5 • City of Spokane Valley,Washington Limited Tax General Obligation Refunding Bonds,2014 Revised Distribution List Issuer: Mr. Mark Calhoun Mr.Mike Jackson City of Spokane Valley Finance&Administrative Services Director City Manager 11707 East Sprague Avenue,Suite 106 Phone:509-720-5040 Phone: (509)720-5200 Spokane Valley,WA 99206 E-mail: mcalhoun@spokanevalley.org E-mail:mjackson@spokanevallev.org Mr.Erik Lamb Deputy City Attorney Phone:(509)720-5030 E-mail erik.lamb@spokanevallev.org Underwriter: Mr. Dave Trageser Ms.Suzanne Eide D.A. Davidson&Co. Phone:(206)903-8699 Phone:(206)903-8690 Columbia Center Fax:(206)389-4040 Fax:(206)389-4040 701 5th Avenue,Suite 4050 E-mail:dtrageser@dadco.com E-mail:seide@dadco.com Seattle,WA 98104 Ms.Crystal Vogl Ms.Kelsey Thomas Phone:(406)791-7214 Phone:(206)903-8694 Fax:(406)791-7346 Fax:(260)389-4040 E-mail:cvogl@dadco.com E-mail:kthomas@dadco.com Bond Counsel: Mr. Douglas E.Goe Ms.Angela M.Trout Orrick,Herrington&Sutcliffe LLP Phone:(503)943-4810 Phone:(206)839-4341 1120 NW Couch St.,Suite 200 E-mail:dgoe@orrick.com E-mail:atrout@orrick.com Portland,OR 97209 Orrick,Herrington&Sutcliffe LLP Mr.Scott Schickli Ms. Lori Ryan 701 Fifth Ave.,Suite 5600 Phone:(503)943-4830 Phone:(503)943-4816 Seattle,WA 98104-7097 E-mail:sschickli@orrick.com E-mail:lrvan@orrick.com Ms.Angie Gardner Phone:(503)943-4826 E mail:agardner@orrick.com Financial Advisor: Ms.Lindsay Sovde Ms.Kristen McQuerry Piper Jaffray Phone:(206)628-2875 Phone:(206)628-2870 1420 Fifth Avenue,Suite 4300 Fax:(206)343-2103 Fax:(206)343-2103 Seattle,WA 98101 E-mail: lindsay.asovde@pic.com E-mail:kristen.c,mcquerry@pic.com Mr.Justin Monwai Phone:(206)628-2899 Fax:(206)343-2103 E-mail:justin.w.monwai@pic.corn Paying Agent/Registrar: Ms. Laurel Waller Ms.Michelle L.Baldwin The Bank of New York Mellon Phone:(214)468-5016 Phone:(214)468-6254 Global Corporate Trust Fax:(214)468-6322 Fax:(214)468-6322 2001 Bryan St,11th Fl E-mail: laurel.waller@bnymellon.com E-mail:michelle.baldwin@bnymellon.com Dallas,TX 75201 Rating Agency: Mr. Patrick Liberatore Moody's Investor's Services Phone:(415)274-1709 1 Front Street#1900 E-mail:patrick.liberatore@moodys.com San Francisco,CA 94111 Refunding Trustee: Ms.Carolyn Morrison,CCTS Ryan Brennan U.S. Bank National Association Vice President Phone:(206)334-4648 1420 5th Avenue,7th Floor,PD-WA-T7CT Phone:(206)344-4678 E-mail:ryan.brennan@usbank.com Seattle,WA 98101 Fax:(206)344-4632 E-mail:carolyn.morrison@usbank.com CPA Verification: Mr.Joe Smith Grant Thornton Phone:(612)677-5237 500 U.S.Bank Plaza North Fax:(612)332-8361 200 South Sixth Street E-mail:joe.smith@gt.com Minneapolis,MN 55402 Page 6 ORDINANCE NO. 14- AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, OF SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON, AUTHORIZING THE SALE, ISSUANCE AND DELIVERY OF NOT TO EXCEED $7,900,000 AGGREGATE PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF ITS CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WASHINGTON, LIMITED TAX GENERAL OBLIGATION REFUNDING BONDS, 2014, TO CURRENTLY REFUND ALL OR A PORTION OF THE CITY'S LIMITED TAX GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS, 2003; PROVIDING FOR PAYMENT OF THE PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST ON THE BONDS BY ANNUAL LEVIES OF TAXES; FIXING THE DATE, FORM, CERTAIN TERMS AND COVENANTS OF SUCH 2014 BONDS; DELEGATING TO THE AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVES OF THE CITY THE AUTHORITY TO ESTABLISH CERTAIN TERMS OF THE BONDS WITHIN THE PARAMETERS OF THIS ORDINANCE; ADOPTING A REFUNDING PLAN; AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF AN ESCROW AGREEMENT; AUTHORIZING THE PURCHASE OF CERTAIN GOVERNMENT OBLIGATIONS; PROVIDING FOR THE CALL, PAYMENT AND REDEMPTION OF THE REFUNDED BONDS; PROVIDING FOR THE REGISTRATION AND AUTHENTICATION OF THE BONDS; DESIGNATING A BOND REGISTRAR; CREATING AND ADOPTING CERTAIN FUNDS AND ACCOUNTS AND PROVIDING FOR DEPOSITS THEREIN; COVENANTING TO COMPLY WITH CERTAIN FEDERAL TAX AND SECURITIES LAWS; AND PROVIDING FOR OTHER MATTERS PROPERLY RELATING THERETO CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Spokane County,Washington LIMITED TAX GENERAL OBLIGATION REFUNDING BONDS, 2014 PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF NOT TO EXCEED $7,900,000 BE IT ORDAINED by the Mayor and the Members of the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley, of Spokane County, Washington, as follows: WHEREAS, the City of Spokane Valley(the "City"), of Spokane County, Washington, is a duly incorporated and existing municipal corporation organized and operating under the Constitution and laws of the State of Washington; WHEREAS, the City is authorized and empowered by RCW 35A.40, 35.37, 39.36, 39.46 and 39.53 to authorize, issue, sell and deliver its limited tax general obligation refunding bonds to refinance the costs of acquisition, construction and installation of improvements and betterments to City facilities; Page 7 . 1'A4.sE.1 Ot- 4- BID TABULATIONAGENDA ITEM#7 m'ra Sprague Street Preservation Project SpQ, CIP 0187 Fed Ald No.:STPUL-3840(010) alleys BID OPENING DATE-June 20,2014 10:00 A.M. Hg Engineers Eetlma10 Sp0kana Rock Producle Inland Asphalt Company Poo Asphalt Paving Shamrock Paving Inc. NUMB51 ER ITEM unit GUAO,TU717V 0011 Price Total Cost Unit Nos Total Cool Unit Price Total Cost Unit Priv) Tolal Cost U9117,100 1010100st SGHEOULCF Roa>_2 cn _ - -m - _ f a- -` a Q_ ^-�' _ flUO2IL VATION � LS 1 $92,000.00 $92,000.00 LS $57.000.00 IS 509.05000 LS $70003.00.v LS $80,03000 CONSTRUCTION SURVEYING LS 1 $ 2,000.03 52,000.00 LS $7,500.00 LS $16,000o0 LI 518,600.00 LS 58,005.00 • SP CC PLAN LS 1 5 500.00 6592.00 LS 52,600.00 LS 5600.00 L6 5500.00 LS 5500.00 PROJECT TEMPORARY TRAFFIC CONTROL LS 1 5 60,000.00 560.000.00 LS 580,000.00 LS $80,260.92 LS 311$000.00 LS 5100.000.00 PORTABLE CHANGEABLE MESSAGE SIGN HR 2,100 $ 200 54,200.00 $3.50 $7,350.00 03.50 57,550.90 53.60 $7,350.00 14.00 58,400.00 502,l0ING AND RESETTING EXISTING PERMANENT BARRIER LF 237 $ 20.00 04,740.00 16 $5,650.00 516.00 $3,65500 012.00 52.84400 014.00 $3,318.00 REMOVE CEMENT CONCRETE MEDIAN CURB AND ISLAND SY 117 5 20.00 22,340,00 $10.70 $1,251.90 $12.00 01,40490 $12.00 $1,404.00 $15.00 $1,765.00 SAWCUT ASPHALT CONCRETE PAVEMENT LF-IN 3,484 $ 2.00 $6,88000 00.40 $1,393.60 5030 01,04520 $0,80 X3560 50.35 5121940 HMA PATCH REMOVAL SY 143 0 0,00 9715.00 010.20 51,458.60 514.50 52,0 _70.0 $2002.05 $30.00 54,250.00 109 REMOVE CEMENT ONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER LF 785 $ 4,00 $3,14000 $3.00 02,355.W $0.00 53026.00 $4.00 140.00 $1000 $7,050.00 110 REMOVE CEMENT CONCRETE SIDEWALK/DRNEWAY SY 602 9 16.00 09,016.00 01076 010.00075 $0.00 83008.00 $090 $360605 01300 57813.00 II CRUSHED SURFACING TOP COURSE.2 EN.DEPTH SY le0 S 15,00 $2,850.W 514,85 $2,821.50 $10.00 $3,040.92 $8.17 $1.652.30 91000 $1,000.00 IP CRUSHED SURFACING TOP COURSE,41N.DEPTH SY 614 $ 15.00 09,21000 $20.35 51249490 $1550 51013100 0738 $463748 912,00 07,360.00 ®CRUSHED SURFACING TOP COUR8B4OIN.DEPTH SY 129 $ 2000 52680.00 $21.20 02,734.00 $20.00 52.58000 010.18 $1.313.22 $20.50 02,60000 114 PLANING BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT.21N.DEPTH SY 4.094 5 1,80 08809.20 53.16 $16,416.10 $3,35 $18394.90 $3.71 0191.74 $4.00 $19,078.00 116 PLANINGBITUMINOUS PAVEMENT,393 IN.DEPTH SY 31,481 $ 1.60 547,221.50 $1.00 $31,401.00 $1.00 55001300 52,13 007,054.53 51.50 $47221.50 110 PLANING BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT,TAPER GRIND $ :.°000 .00 124.622.00 01.10 92,49 020648.40 02.32 20661.52 x$ '777.50 117 HIM CL.172'PG 70.280.17 F1'.DEPTH SY EN S 8.90 9391.612,00 $8.03 7,05 9374383.35 $8.02 '9490,78 $10.00 8489.30003 118 HIM CL,1/2'PG 7028 0.50 FT.DEPTH,PATCH 6Y 128 $ 46.00 56305,0 054.17 $6.897.93 ,00 0845000 066.13 8530.77 052.00 07,99900 119 HIAA CLAW PG 61228 MISCELLANEOUS AREAS SY 13 $ 05.00 965000 533,45 943405 $41,00 $533.20 081,48 91063.08 645.00 058500 ®i tittitEMI FAME1t[0I $7,505.80 $050 $3,052.00 Itititititittttii01 $664400 $0.66 94090.00 51.20 09131.20 121 JOB MIX COMPLIANCE PRICEADJU3Th1ENT CALL 1 $ 1.0 01,00 51.00 91.00 1.00 9100 $100 $1.00 $1,00 51.00 __122 _COMPACTION PRICE ADJUSTMENT CALL 1 $ 1.00 08,00 $1.00 31.00 $1.92 $100 sup() 51.05 six 113 EROSION CONTROL LS 1 $ 2,00000 52,000.0 L5 52,60000 LS 0400500 LS 00000 LS $8,50.0 124 CEMENT CONCRETE TRAFFIC CURB LF 457 $ 30.00 513,710.00 $10.00 $7,312.00 0 07,32200 016.00 $7312.00 $10.80 97677.0 �$ .,.0...%3142 126 CEMENT CONCRETE TRAFFIC CURB AND GUTTER LF 240 $ 30.00 07,20000 526.00 '" $5,76000 025.00 50,0314451 52625 "" efr'"$. fj` 128 CEMENT CONCRETE SIDEWALK SY 307 5 45,00 510,516.0 531.60 2,00 615,414.00 53160 011,69.00 533.50 ,Y�\� OF 4Y'"..�� �,`A. 127 CEMENT CONCRETE CURB RAMP TYPE PARALLEL EACH 120090 000.050950.00 . ,"' 51,20.0 $0005.6 5960,00 $4,760.00 $1,000.00 05.0000 128 000.00 6"0 "0 ' $1,200.00 519,200.00 $76000 5120000 50,000.00 51290000 �Y Q` y.4' `rt, '8Tp Itttttttl CEMENT CONCRETE CURB RAMP TYPE CUSTOM PA EACH 3 S 1,60.00 04,600.00 5960.00 52,860.00 $1,20.0 53000.0 5950.00 02,850.00 51,06.00 53000.00 0 • 0,'" .'` ttttttttt S CEMENT CONCRETE PEDESTRIAN CURB ! F 16.05 0147000 $16,05 3104505 $12.00 $1,470.00 513.00 $1,699,0 / f ®DETECTABLE WARNING SURFACE RETROFIT SF 60 $ 22.6 $1,100.0 $00.0 61,260.00 050,0 02900.0 526,00 01,260.00 $27.00 1.355_0.00 - 1-xi. �/ 1' `' RAISED MEDIAN ISLAND SY 8 $ 00.00 0408.00 5140.60 5849.00 010000 580500 6141.60 0849,00 $150.00 $90000 '0 , 7 ®ADJUST EXISTING MANHOLE EACH 24 $ 100.0 112,000.00 3403.00 59,00000 940.00 $9,600.00 $400.6 6 $9,000.00 56 .00 $12,00000 } -V4-207Z4/4 134 AOJUSTEXISTINGCATCH BASIN ORDRYWELL EACH 22 $ 60,0 511,000.00 940.00 $8,000.0 040000 58,80.0 0409.00 08.800.00 $500.00 511,00000 */ 2757$ 135 ADJUST EXISTING11111.1TY VAULT EACH 7 $ 80000 55.000.00 $400.00 02,830.00 060000 $4,20900 5600.07 $4.20000 055000 53,85004 AONfl5TOA$TI0GWATE5V00VE WATER EACH 16 S 350.00 05,2006 0 00, _ 5376. 85025.00 $18052,850.00 $10.00 52,86000 537000 55,025.00 ,,C. 9FGIcTEOGC s ADJUST EXISTING 3A3 VALVE EACH 2 $ 35000 $700.00 0576.00 9750.00 519000 7380.00 5100.00 $38000 5376.00 9760,00 is ADJUST EXISTING MONUMENT EACH 2 $ 359700.00 $375,6_ 576.00 $2600WOW 06 $250.00 $500.00 5376,6 07600 y' �dNA�- ..; 0.6 000 INSTALLATION SY 3e -$ 20.04 0760.0 918,00 668405 616.6 5554,6 55.00 0100.6 52000 6700.00 - --.: TOPSOIL TYPE0 SY 30 $ 10,00 $360.6 $12.6 $458.00 512.00 $450.6 $5.00 $16.50 $16.00 $67000 141 BARK MULCH SY 11 $ 20.00 5220.03 515.00 $198.00 01520 0100.6 $5.00 355.00 52000 5220.6 142 DELINEATOR MND CORE HOLE EACH 3 $ 160.0 0450.00 590.70 0290.34 $90.713 4200.34 090.73 $299.04 9126.00 0376.6 143 CONDUIT PIPE 11/210.DIA LF W 2 16,00 51,200.0 020.00 $180000 520.00 $1 600.00 520.00 $160.00 021,00 50,080.4 ®JUNCTION BOX,TYPE 2 EACH 3 0 760,00 02,250.00 0950.00 52050.00 595000 52,850.00 0950.00 62650.0 -1,000 5306.00 TRAFFIC SIGNAL SYSTEM MODIFICATION � IIMMLS 547,000.00 LS $45,760.50 10 $45,760.88 LS $48000,6 TEMPORARY PAVEMENT AWIONG $0,26 $76000®" " $0.00 $1,50.00 '65 51,900.20 P100501100 LI 26735 0 1,60 638602.50 50.01 523418.85 $0.91 523410.65 50,91 523418.05 $095 $24,44025 140 PLASTIC NOS LANE LINE LF 12,124 $ 8.00 972,744.00 04,75 257589.00 04.73 557346,62 0973 557,34652 $5.00 56,6206 149 PLASTIC STOP LINE LF 340 $ 20,00 50,109.00 011,60 03,9444 $11.60 93,944,4 $11.60 53,944.00 012.26 '165.50 160 PLASTIC CROSSWALK LINE SF 1904 5 10.00 519.040,0 5 7.69 014,641.70 37.09 $14,941.70 6 7.68 014941.76 :0 015232,00 151 PLASTIC BICYCLE I ANE SYMBOL EACH 9 5 300.00 92,74.0 $185.611 51,869.60 $185.50 $1,669.00 •' 51,889.60 52006 51,8004 162 71' 0' LS 1 $ 2,00.50 $2,001.00 10 1532.4 LS 0522,6 LS 5522.00 LS 55504 iTon notb-TiA - -- �, _ - d. 9 o.mmLn9- ire- .,.$ 0$$s�zscts3asi7g- fir: 4elt*. Ir._,.,._ ,.'"< i-iretA6Z_o BID TABULATION Sprague Street Preservation Project on•erSp0 e CIP 0187 Fed Ald NO.1 STPUL-3840(010) • a11e3' BID OPENING DATE-Juno 20,201410:00 AM. Sprague Street Preservation ProjectShamrock Pavin8lnc, EnOtneer'e Estimate Spokane Rook Prodee% Inland Asphalt Company Poe Asphalt Paving CIF 3187 Fad Aid No.:STPUL4840(010) NUITEM MBER ITEM Unit QUANTITY UnitPdce Total Cost Unit Price Total Cost Unit price Total Cost Unit Price Total Cost UnitPriOn Total Coat S ED-ULCB _6fm_B7ln�! �,. �- - l -t` 3,`:- .rcJ' - -..a,-----7.,,.-& -151--3-7M Sa a- icl 200 TRENCH EXCAVATION SAFETY SYSTEM LS 1 5 500.00_0 600.00 LS $500.00 LS $160000 LS $1600.00 LS $500'00 201 SAWCIITASPHALT CONCRETE PAVEMENT LF-IN 2.276 $ 2.00 $ 4,652.00 5040 5010.40 50.30 $882.80 $0.90 52045.40 $0.35 $756.80 202 REMOVE CEMENT CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER LF 166 $ 4.00 S 680.00 53.00 5485.00 54,00 5060.00 $4.00 $880.00 510.00 $1,850.00 203 51000WATE8PATCH REMOVAL SY 101 5 6.00 0 505.0 $10.20 51.846.20 510.00 $1510.00 510.00 51810.00 530,00 $5,430.00 204 REMOVE CEMENT CONCRETE SIDEWALK/DRIVEWAY SY 60 0 16.00 $ 750.0 $35.00 01,750.00 56.00 $30.00 56.0 5300.00 513.00 5860.0 205 ABANDON EXISTING DRYWELL EACH 7 S $0,00 5 3,600.00 5600.0 54,200.00 8800.00 05,00.00 $80.00 55.600,00 5850.00 55.950,00 20 REMOVE 04107 EACH 1 $ 30-00 5 300.00 5185.00 5185.00 5500.00 550.00 5500.00 550,00 $300'0 $30.50 h 207 PLUGGING POSTING PIPE EACH 2 S 10.00 5 200.00 5160.00 $300.00 530.00 500.0 5300.00 000,00 0250.00 $50000 a vo•ALL8f4 208 CRUSHED SURFACING TOP COURSE,2IN.DEPTH 5Y 39 5 15.00 5 685.00 552.05 52,043.21 51800 570200 014.60 5500.40 5100 $39000 CG FWAY' (, • SY 60 5 16-00 $ 760.00�� 51660 5925,00 526.0 $1,263.00 512,00 560.0 4Y- O 4r't'?, gA, 200 CRUSHED SURFACING SY 181 $ 20.0 $ 3820.0 20.0 53.020.06'IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII $1,762.08 $20.00 53,620.110 ' `� ANS �`�O .i0 211 HMA CL.1(2e PG 70-280,60210 CRUSH50 SURFACING -COURSE,O - SY 181 S 45.00 $ 8,145.00 580.00 516.666.00 $50.00 59.050 00 r $10,716.20 $62.0 $11,222.00 . �•' =3© • - • 1 $ 1.00 L P.11=NEM] $1.00 $1.00 51.00 51.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 ` //. 213 COMPACTION CALL 5 1.0 $IAO $1.0 51.0 $100 $1.00 $1.00 $1.0 $1.00 / I 214 CONN CTION TCSASTING W50PIPE 10IN.UN. IF O $ 1,800 00 550.00 54,60.0 522.00 51,900.0 $22.00 $1,580.0 548.00 54,320.00 .d 0 70 aao 216 CONNECTION TO EXISTING DRYWELL EACH 4 5 600.0 H 240.0 $606.00 $2,40.0 5500.0 52,00.0 360.00 02.00,0 $7.60.0 $8.00.00 `.A = -,,•OZt, 210 CONNECTION TO DRAINAGE STRUCTURE EACH 2 5 600.00 5 1000,00 860.0 01,20.00 $50.0 51,00.0 $500.00 $1,00.0 $850.00 51`.0 - t4 27570 ���1111 217 PRECAST CONCRETE DRYWELL TYPE AWTH SOLID COVER EACH 1 5 3,000.00 $ 3,000.00 52,80.0 $2,60.00 $2,600.0 $2.50'0 $2,600.00 52.50.00 53.900'00 53,00.0 4k. ..,*.0 '1. j 218 PRECAST CONCRETE DRYWELL TYPE 500TH SOLID COVER EACH 1 S 4,000 00 5 4,000 00 53,200 00 53,20000 5360.0 5000'0 836080 53.500.0 54'80000 $4'800 '`s.a 0a_ 215 CATCH BASIN TYPE 1 EACH 4 $ 1,30.0 $ 6,2006 01,30.00 55,200.00 $700.00 52,00.00 -5700,0 52,6080 $2000 55000.00 ",..S/QN4`'.- 220 TYPE 4 FRAME AND SOLID COVER EACH 3 $ 60.00 5 5,O,,0 550,0 51603.00 700.00 02,100.0 $700.00 $2,10.00 7760.00 52260.0 = - 221 SPILL CONTROL SEPARATOR EACH 4 5 900.00 5 1,200,00 530.0 81,400.00 8110000 $4.400 $7100.00 54,40.0 520.00 $1,00.0 222 CE1ME0T 0000001E TRAFFIC CURB IF 88 0 30.00 S 2640.00 $18.00 $1,40.00 518.00 01 55.00 $10.00 1408.00 $17.00 51 456.00 i 223 CEMENT CONCRETE TRAFFIC CURB AND GUTTER LF 77 $ 30.00 $ 2,310.0 525.0 $1,526.00 32400 51,84800 826.0 01,025.0 527.00 02,070.0 IIIIII IFIM CEMENT CONCRETE SIDEWALK 6Y 50 • •' $11676.00 542.00 02,100.00 531.0 $1,676.00 533.00 1850.00 226 SOD INSTALLATION 1640,00 226 TOPSOIL,TYPE C 8 82 ® $1547600 1800 ® 54100 82 $ 1 8200 51200 598400 $1200 598400 5500 541000 615,0 ''' r=64z $zA s14 X6411 i_..:-= s -w 7 6, - ii0reP 1+20 rike `$Ree818 _.:c.�-s- .- 9 496321 '.tael = lte$5570 16'' DBE Goal 0% 6% 0% 6% 6% Dedared DBE Amount $58,200.05 $85,00.00 552,400.00 80.000'0 OBE% 6.0% 85% 6.0% 6.2% Addendum ecknm4edgod YesYes Yes No Yos Yes Yes Yee Bid deposi sureybond M005eeeon%611081 6.9% 7.0% 8.7% 0.2% 'Bidder addition error Agenda Item#8 BID TABULATION Spokane ,_.Vafley 8th Ave Reconstruction-McKinnon to Fancher Project CIP No.0196-Bid Opening Date 06/20/2014 _ Engineers Estimate Spokane Rock Products ,Inland Asphalt Co. - Poe Asphalt Paving Shamrock Paving,Inc. Item it Units Quantity Unit Price Total Cost Unit Price Total Cost Unit Price Total Cost Unit Price Total Cost Unit Price Total Cost Sched A-Road Work 101 MOBILIZATION L.S. 1 $27,000.00 $27,000.00 $22,000.00 $22,000.00 $34,730.00 $34,730.00 $40,000.00 $40,000.00 $30,000.00 $30,000.00 102 PROJECT TEMPORARY TRAFFIC CONTROL L.S. 1 $10,000.00 $10,000.00 $12,000.00 $12,000.00 $25,000.00 $25,000.00 $21,500.00 $21,500.00 $30,000.00 $30,000.00 103 CONSTRUCTION SURVEYING L.S. 1 $5,000.00 $5,000.00 $3,000.00 $3,000.00 $6,800.00 $6,800.00 $17,000.00 $17,000.00 $10,300.00 $10,000.00 104 SPCC PLAN L.S. 1 $500.00 $509.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $750.00 $750.00 $500.00 $500.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 105 INLET PROTECTION EACH 2 $150.00 $300.00 $200.00 $400.00 $100.00 $200.00 $100.00 $200.00 $125.00 $250.00 106 SILT FENCE L.F. 450 $6.00 $2,700.00 $5.00 $2,250.00 $4.50 $2,025.00 $3.00 $1,350.00 $9.00 $4,050.00 107 SAWCUT ASPHALT CONCRETE PAVEMENT LF-IN 1200 $2.00 $2,400.00 $1.00 $1,200.00 $0.40 $480.00 $2.25 $2,700.00 $1.00 $1,200.00 108 PULVERIZATION,14 IN.THICK S.Y. 4914 $4.00 $19,656.00 $0.89 $4,373.46 $1.25 $6,142.50 $2.35 $11,547.90 $1.50 $7,371.00 109 FDR ROADWAY EXCAVATION INCL.HAUL C.Y. 636 $30.00 $19,080.00_ $25.00 $15,900.00 $22.75 $14,469.00 $15.00 $9,540.00 $35.00 $22,260.00 110 PORTLAND CEMENT TYPE 2 TON 92 $160.00 $14,720.00 $140.00 $12,880.00 $145.00 $13,340.00 $133.00 $12,236.00 $150.00 $13,800.00 111 CEMENT TREATED BASE,9 IN.DEPTH S.Y. 4914 $3.00 $14,742.00 $4.75 $23,341.50 $4.25 $20,884.50 $7.62 $37,444.68 $7.00 $34,398.00 112 CRUSHED SURFACING TOP COURSE,2 IN.DEPTH S.Y. 628 $2.00 $1,256.00 $8.00 $5,024.00 $7.00 $4,396.00 $11.58 $7,272.24 $15.00 $9,420.00 113 HMA CL.1/2"PG 70-280.33 FT.DEPTH S.Y. 4926 $28.00 $137,928.00 $18.85 $92,855.10 $20.60 $101,475.60 $17.84 $87,879.84 $24.00 $118,224.00 114 JOINT ADHESIVE L.F. 1650 $1.00 $1,650.00 $2.00 $3,300.00 $1.00 $1,650.00 $0.74 $1,221.00 $1.50 $2,475.00 115 ANTI-STRIPPING ADDITIVE EST. 1 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 116 COMPACTION PRICE ADJUSTMENT CALC 1 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 117 DURABLE INLAY TAPE TYPE C-1,LANE LINE L.F. 5879 $1.75 $10,288.25 $2.55 $14,991.45 $2.65 $15,579.35 $2.53 $14,873.87 $3.25 $19,106.75 118 ADJUST EXISTING MANHOLE EACH 6 $550.00 $3,300.00 $600.00 $3,600.00 $520.00 $3,120.00 $450.00 $2,700.00 $700.00 $4,200.00 119 ADJUST EXISTING GAS VALVE EACH 1 $250.00 $250.00 $300.00 $300.00 $390.00 $390.00 $450.00 $450.00 $550.00 $550.00 120 MONUMENT CASE AND COVER EACH1 $500.00 $500.00 $300.00 $300.00 $470.00 $470.00 $380.00 $380.00 $550.00 $550.00 121 JOB MIX COMPLIANCE PRICE ADJUSTMENT CALC1 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1,00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 Total Sched A-Road Work $271,273.25 $218,718.51 $251,904.95 $268,798.53 $308,857.75 Sched B-Stormwater Work 201 CURB INLET TYPE EACH 1 $750.00 $750.00 $1,800.00 $1,800.00 $800.00 $000.00 $2,000.00 $2,000.00 $450.00 $450.00 202 SOLID WALL PVC STORM SEWER PIPE 10 IN.DIA. L.F. 47 $35.00 $1,645.00 $68.00 $3,196.00 $58.00 $2,726.00 $52.00 $2,444.00 $45.00 $2,115.00 203 QUARRY SPALLS S.Y. 2.5 $75.00 $187.50 $300.00 $750.00 $250.00 $625.00 $80.00 $200.00 $100.00 $250.00 204 ASPHALT CURB,TYPE C L.F. 536 $45.00 $24,120.00 $5.00 $2,680.00 1 $2.50 $1,340.00 $3.63 $1,945.68 $5.00 $2,680.00 205 SWALE EXCAVATION INCL.HAUL S.Y. 16 $50.00 $800.00 $56.00 $896.00 $70.00 $1,120.00 $40.00 $640.00 $25.00 $400.00 206 CONNECTION TO DRAINAGE STRUCTURE EACH 1 $500.00 $500.00 $225.00 $225.00 $500.00 $500.00 $550.00 $550.00 $250.00 $250.00 207 REMOVE INLET EACH 1 $300.00 $300.00 $350.00 $350.00 $570.00 $570.00 $200.00 $200.00 $250.00 $250.00 208 CATCH BASIN TYPE 1 EACH : 1 $2,500.00 $2,500.00 $2,100.00 $2,100.00 $2,350.00 $2,350.00 $1,300.00 $1,300.00 $1,500.00 $1,500.00 209 SPILL CONTROL SEPARATOR EACH 1 $300.00 $300.00 $150.00 $150.00 $300.00 $300.00 $375.00 $375.00 $150.00 $150.00 210 TRENCH EXCAVATION SAFETY SYSTEM L.S. 1 $1,500.00 $1,500.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $600.00 $600.00 $100.00 $100.00 Total Sched B-Stormwater Work $32,602.50 $13,147.00 $11,331.00 $10,254.68 $8,145.00 TOTAL(All schedules) $303,875.75 $231,865.51 $263,235.951 $279,053.21 $317,002.75 Addenda Acknowledged V V V ✓ No.1 V V V I Contractor's Administrative Information ✓ V V ✓ Bidder Qualification Statement V ✓ V ✓ Bid Deposit Declaration V ✓ f ✓ Bid Deposit Surety Form V V V I Surety Power of Attorney ✓ V V V Representations and Certifications V V V ✓ Footnote: '1 Bidder entered"896.00" Tyler C R Davis An Open Letter to the Members of the City Council of Spokane Valley Mayor Grafos, Deputy Mayor Woodard, gentlemen of the City Council of Spokane Valley: thank you for taking the time to hear from me on the subject of the Brown's Park Conceptual Master Plan. First and foremost I would like to express my strong support for the expansion of volleyball facilities at Brown's Park, as well as throughout the greater Spokane area, the State of Washington, and the Pacific Northwest. While you likely know and have heard from many sources, there are substantial social and economic benefits to the immediate community and surrounding municipalities; however, I would like to speak to you about the impact this expansion could have on a personal level.To that end please allow me to share this brief anecdote. Five years ago I moved to Spokane and began attending classes at Gonzaga University. I quickly grew to love my school and the community surrounding it, and after my second year I made the decision to reside here full time rather than return to my native Oregon. After my third year at Gonzaga I decided to take time away from my academics in order to work full time, so when May 2013 came around, my closest friends graduated and moved away while I stayed here. Even in this age of digital communication,facebook and text messages are a poor substitute for genuine human interaction, and in the months following I found myself very alone, and very sad. Whereas before I had had a rich social life, I now spent the majority of my time with only myself as company and I soon slipped into a crippling depression. It was during this low point in my life that one of my few remaining friends invited me to attend a volleyball open gym, where I was first introduced to the volleyball community of this area. Subsequently, I began attending more volleyball functions and people who at first were mere acquaintances soon became friends, and those friends soon became some of my best friends, even outside of volleyball. In fact, some of those people—whom I hold very dear—are in attendance today. Volleyball itself is inherently a social activity, one where you are incapable of succeeding or even playing without the support of a team; this is true of the sport for every age, at every skill level, and for players from every walk of life. Several months after that first fateful open gym I found that I was no longer lonely, and no longer sad. I had become part of something bigger, a community, a family,for that's what we really are: one big diverse family all connected by a common love for this great sport. And so I beseech you, members of the council, please help our family grow so that others may profit from the physical, social, and emotional benefits that volleyball affords.The expansion of Brown's Park is likely to provide that opportunity for thousands of people, but if it can provide what I experienced for even one individual it will have been worth it. You have in your hands the power to help make that happen. Thank you for your time and kind attention. Sincerely yours, Tyler C R Davis r ��