2006, 10-17 Study Session MinutesPresent: Councilmembers: Diana Wilhite, Mayor Steve Taylor, Deputy Mayor Mike DeVleming, Councilmember Gary Schimmels, Councilmember Absent: Dick Denenny, Councilmember Bill Gothmann, Councilmember Rich Munson, Councilmember MINUTES CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY CITY COUNCIL STUDY SESSION Tuesday, October 17, 2006 Mayor Wilhite called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m., and welcomed everyone to the meeting. Staff: Dave Mercier, City Manager Nina Regor, Deputy City Manager Cary Driskell, Deputy City Attorney Neil Kersten, Public Works Director Ken Thompson, Finance Director Mike Jackson, Parks & Rec Director Chris Berg, Code Compliance Officer Bill Schultz, Code Compliance Officer Inga Note, Senior Traffic Engineer John Hohman, Senior Engineer Carolbelle Branch, Public Information Officer Chris Bainbridge, City Clerk It was moved by Mayor Wilhite, seconded and unanimously agreed to excuse Councilmembers Denenny, Gothmann, and Munson from tonight's meeting. Mayor Wilhite announced that there will be a "Bridging of the Valley" open house tomorrow, 4:30 to 7:00 p.m. at the East Valley Middle School Cafeteria, located at 4920 N Progress Road. Employee Introductions: Tom Danielson, Maintenance Inspector by Neil Kersten Public Works Director Kersten introduced Maintenance Inspector Tom Danielson, who previously worked for a private firm that did road testing, asphalt, and concrete. Councilmembers welcomed Mr. Danielson. 1. Prism /Plus /Padal (Parcel Data Locator System) — Chris Berg /Bill Schultz Code Compliance Officer Schultz gave a PowerPoint demonstration explaining how Code Compliance uses Prism, Plus and Padal, including the various worksheets, project tracking, entering logs, and reminders. Code Compliance Officer Berg added that our system runs off the County's server; that we perform monthly backups, but there is a large concern having pertinent information on the County's server. Mr. Berg added there are still problems they face in the field, such as not being able to log back on after a dropped call. Mr. Berg he explained that the advantages of PLUS versus the formerly used Eden are that pertinent staff have total records access to all records, there is a standardized format for everything, the operational information is centralized in the system, and a large positive aspect is the increased customer service benefits as any staff who can access the system, can answer citizen questions. Mr. Berg further explained that PLUS is a Microsoft database and is therefore simple to use. He added that it is staff's goal to incorporate GIS into this PLUS system later this year. 2. Pandemic Responses Strategies — Mike Thompson Fire Chief Thompson explained that he and Deputy City Manager Regor started discussing this topic about six months ago to address what we could do locally; and that he invited others such as Liberty Lake, the Police Department, and Fire District #8 to participate in the discussion to share information, training, and determine how to share resources to best support one another. Chief Thompson stated that they developed some administrative procedure manuals; and are working to educate personnel about Meeting Minutes: 10 -17 -06 Page 1 of 3 Approved by Council: 10 -24 -06 personal hygiene, use of masks, and keeping a supply of food and water in all facilities. Chief Thompson said that he also met with EMS Chief Randy Olson who represents interest with Spokane County; the Regional Health District; and the County and Inland Empire Fire Chiefs Association to discuss how to operate in emergencies, particularly if there is an inability to keep all offices open. Chief Thompson then went through his PowerPoint presentation, which is a borrowed framework from Tacoma, which appears to be a very plausible method in dealing with a pandemic situation. 3. Traffic Ordinance Amendments — Neil Kersten Public Works Director Kersten stated that the recent acceptance of the flashing beacon grants from the Washington Traffic Safety Commission, necessitates a change in the City's speed limit ordinance. He added that Broadway Elementary Principal has asked for a 20 mph school zone to be established on Alki Avenue south of the school. In addition, Mr. Kersten mentioned that staff has received a request from Central Valley School District to change their sign to request that we consider a 20 mph school zone from the hours of 7:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. weekdays. Senior Traffic Engineer Note then gave a brief description of the current projects with flashing units and their status, and mentioned that there are two sets at Progress and University which have been in operation since the school year started. Ms. Note stated that a timer controls the flashing and it is easily programmed to accommodate various times. Mr. Kersten mentioned the letter from Broadway Elementary Principal asking for the addition of a new speed zone at Alki; and stated that staff will review those changes as they relate to the flashing units; and also mentioned that the additional letter in Council's packet received from West Valley and East Valley mentioned their desire to establish common traffic signs around the schools. Councilmember DeVleming said that he would like to see the ordinance changed to reflect, "when lights are flashing." Further discussion included staff doing follow up to determine how well these lights are working; maintenance issues such as more time involved to make sure everything is working appropriately. Mr. Kersten said staff could come back perhaps after the first of the year and give an updated report, including a budget of what it would take for further flashing lights. Deputy Mayor Taylor voiced his opposition to having the hours of 7:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.; and Mr. Kersten concurred that he is not comfortable that is the best solution. Councilmember DeVleming mentioned staff might also contact the school districts to see if there are perhaps grants which might help pay for the units. Mr. Kersten said the School District suggested staff use volunteer labor to change the signs, but that likely won't work well. It was Council consensus to have staff move forward to prepare the ordinance for a first reading. The resolution will be brought back at a later date. 4. Street Maintenance Request for Proposals — Neil Kersten Public Works Director Kersten explained that the interlocal agreement for road maintenance services with the County provides that most summer related road maintenance activities are contracted to private providers in 2008; that staff proposes to issue requests for proposals for the highlighted activities on the accompanying spreadsheet; that the proposal is to have the County handle winter street maintenance such as snow removal, traffic signal and sign work, and some stormwater work; and the rest would be handled by private contractors. Senior Engineer Hohman briefed council on what was accomplished this far this summer; he explained that we anticipated approximately $625,000 in various projects and it appears we are on track; that Poe Asphalt continued working on some street repairs, overlays, and straightening out some rough areas; that we are pleased with that contract and their work. Mr. Hohman added that we also have a good working relationship with Geiger Correction facility as they work on litter pick up to keep our City clean. Other contracts still being analyzed include contracts for school crosswalks in certain areas; some concrete work such as ramps at schools; and sidewalk repair at 16 and Pines. Director Kersten said that the current street fund is not fully funded out; adding that it is clear now we can't bid out a long term contract; that he had interest from some companies that specialize in handling all maintenance Meeting Minutes: 10 -17 -06 Page 2 of 3 Approved by Council: 10 -24 -06 activity; and that it would be beneficial to be in a position to get a twenty -year contract with perhaps five - year increments, where one could opt out if needed, and have some buy -out options on equipment; although Mr. Kersten realizes we are not there yet as we need to complete the Street Masterplan. Mr. Kersten brought Council's attention to the spreadsheet and the highlighted sections; and stated they intend to put bids for street sweeping for a year -to -year contract, with renewal options. Other discussion included shouldering work; the continued move toward contracting; desired levels of service; prioritizing the service of street sweeping, swale protection, drywells, etc.; and fostering competitive contracting with continuity of contracts. Mr. Mercier mentioned staff will bring the issue of levels of service to council again next month. 5. Advance Agenda Additions — Mayor Wilhite Councilmember Devleming asked about the department business plan discussed at last June's retreat; and Deputy City Manager Regor responded that staff anticipates doing an update of S.W.O.T. (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) analysis toward the end of this year, with a follow up discussion at the January retreat; and that information will be used to develop the department business plan as part of the 2008 budget, and that staff could report back late spring during the 2008 budget process. Mr. Mercier added that staff will look for validation at the June retreat to compile the strategies for the budget. Mr. Mercier also reminded Council of the January 27 retreat date, and solicited topic ideas for discussion; that one tentative topic will be public information strategies, which will deal with how to complement and expand our communications program, including ideas connected with messages of the month or week; and other alternatives to use as a way to enhance communication values and resources we have now. Mr. Mercier stated he would like to add the topic of legislative agenda to the November 7 meeting. Councilmember DeVleming brought Council's attention to the draft governance manual included as an information item; that there are sections highlighted which are Council reminders, that the review of the Governance Manual is performed annually, and there will be an opportunity for discussion of this topic at the next Council meeting. 6. Information only: Draft Governance Manual 6a Information Only: Draft Proposed Ordinance Amending Requirement for Appeal Fees 7. Council Check -in — Mayor Wilhite: No comments. 8. City Manager Comments — Dave Mercier Mr. Mercier mentioned that recently Council was shown a presentation on the web for a commercial industrial property locator; that staff went to the presenters to get more information, and that information will be included in next week's Council packet. Mr. Mercier said that also next week, Council will receive updated budget pages to reflect changes in the amount granted to outside agencies, and for continued preservation of the street fund based on a decision made a few weeks ago. Mr. Mercier added that Police Chief Cal Walker will be leaving our employ in another month or so, and that Mr. Mercier will have some initial conversations about replacement methodologies, including giving proposed alternatives. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 7:32 p.m. Christine Bainb idge;City Cler Q/01AkcLW t Diana Wilhite, Mayor Meeting Minutes: 10 -17 -06 Page 3 of 3 Approved by Council: 10 -24 -06