1983, 04-01 Permit: 82A-5707 Inspectf.ARRVM*ER APPLICATION/PERMIT SPOKANE COUNTY — BUILDING CODES DEPARTMENT NORTH Ell JEFFERSON f Pro1AN1, WAan.NOTON OMR f NNW 414307* APPLICANT: COMPLETE NUMBERED SPACES.. PRESS HARD TO MAKE 3 COPIES J011 ADDRESS7519I3 5 I. Beverly LEGAL DESCRIPTION - SEE ATTACHED L751LOCX LOT s s r N PARCEL HVRre[w.R D. ""Bober, Poore ] MON[ • 92e-y3ea ADDRESS E 7519 Beyer]v SI• 99206 A.INei EN In FITS ,Ny_n7 ' 11.o,n lw. CONTRACTOR Ser0soft Systems PHON 32r8—db51 MPARA Pen•CANDRAINA •. AD aRrN. 507 Indiana ZIP 99205 TINA CO.. 1 Orcu0.n*v fwInDINN ay.. ONe 0Asev. DESIDNER PHONE vNmnen Ounalns MN in SA. FL 5. ADDRESS TO IIP N.in Flan I Donor Fi«Pr Dove AN. I UNPOn e1 At. Dock. 1 Fe:NN .am s.e..1 uas::.., li CNAN0 use reou a. tort. eNtro 0 ALT, 0 *OTC 0 RPL_ 0 AWL. OF 0 PLO. QPLMP. 0 NECK. 0 N.N. 0 POOL O OTHER ,,,,,,,t,eI ...RNA* I No. HNI.* No. Room. re. el 00.111n.J. CERTIFICATE A•¢ a. j #N1 cep e. EXEMPTION li OESCRINE WORN Soft Hater B. E«m O4L L*.aaen 70...) PEESCOttocrzo 3'm4 It VALUATION SDURC[ DAS ELECTAICT ATER 50010 g uTIin14s } D.Imnnl• VSE COOS MIN Dxnare O I hereby certify that 1 he.a reed end examined *hie epplwelion and have read the 'NOTICE.' reverseon Ude, oral know the same to be me and correct, All Orovisions of Iowa Npeofwork will be complied with whetter specified herein or not. it.granting to give authority to viols,. or oneel the provisions of any other state or local law performance of constriction. SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR REQUIRED INSPECTIONS provisions included and ordinance governing this of a permit does not presume regulating construction or the e u+W,q Mumble. 5.00 DATE OF APPLICATION 6/10187 SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT ANSR. SPECIAL APPROVALS NAME DATE SPECIAL CONOtTIONS: P, CR 1 SEP* D..ch.nt Nobat tem. C. Free*, Clow ,*.Wel Jr I N TOTAL t 5.00 INSPECTION RECORD ;Views NUMPER 57m 03• .500 • 5002 R •0LC E 57037 07-06-e2 F 0071 OWNER LOCATION CONTRACTOR N S E SET BACKS TYPE OF WORK FINAL INSPECTION: LI -('g-3 DATE REMARKS: / ki.B