2005, 12-06 Study Session MinutesAttendance: Councilmembers: Diana Wilhite, Mayor Dick Denenny, Councilmember Mike Flanigan, Councilmember Dick Denenny, Councilmember Steve Taylor, Councilmember Absent: Deputy Mayor Munson Councilmember Mike DeVleming Councilmember Gary Schimmels MINUTES CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY STUDY SESSION Tuesday, December 6, 2005, 6:00 p.m. Staff: Nina Regor, Deputy City Manager Mike Connelly, City Attorney Neil Kersten, Public Works Director Mike Jackson, Parks & Recreation Director Ken Thompson, Finance Director Tom Scholtens, Building Official Cal Walker; Marina, Steve Worley Mayor Wilhite called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m., and welcomed all in attendance. Employee Introductions: Public Works Director Kersten introduced Tim Klein, Maintenance Superintendent; who was then greeted by members of Council. It was moved by Councilmember Denenny, seconded by Councilmember Taylor, and unanimously agreed to excuse Deputy Mayor Munson, and Councilmembers DeVleming and Schimmels from tonight's meeting. 1. Wa. Economic Development Finance Authority Revenue Bond Program — Mike Connelly for Dave Mercier City Attorney Connelly explained that the Washington Economic Development Finance Authority (WEDFA) has taken official action to issue non - resource economic bonds for a specific business here in the valley; that a step they go through as part of their requirements is to get concurrence from the local community to determine if such development is welcomed by City; that they asked for a resolution that states we agree with the action and don't object to the placement of the business within the city's jurisdiction; that he had concerns about the financial responsibility and inquired of Bond Attorney Mike Ormsby who concurred that this action would not obligate the City to have any financial responsibility for the bond, but merely states we have no objection. Mr. Connelly then introduced Jonathan Hayes, WEDFA Executive Director, and Phillip Brook, General Legal Counsel for the owner of the project, Four - Corners, LLC. Mr. Hayes and Brook discussed the background of the proposal, that they are required by Board policy to ask the local jurisdiction if this project would be a welcome project; that Four - Corners Capital LLC owns the site and entered into a lease agreement at the site with Pristina Pine; that the bonds are fully backed by General Electric Capital; and that the company makes parts out of wood for windows. After brief council discussion, it was Council consensus to place this item on the next council consent agenda for council approval. 2. Lodging Tax Advisory Committee Grant Recommendations — Councilmember Flanigan Councilmember Flanigan and Liz Beck gave a brief overview of the structure, function and purpose of the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee, adding that the structure is determined under state law. Councilmember Flanigan stated that the committee met three times to review the proposals to determine how best to meet funding requests; that there was much discussion before the committee members came to conclusion; and that these committee recommendations are then presented to Council for approval. Study Session Minutes: 12 -06 -05 Page 1 of 4 Approved by Council: 12 -13 -05 There was brief discussion concerning the entities and their requests and proposals. Councilmember Flanigan added that the $20,000 request for CenterPlace could be raised up to $40,000 if funds are available after all allocated amounts have been determined. Because other absent councilmembers may want to comment on these recommendations, it was determined that this issue will be brought back as a regular agenda item on the next council agenda. 3. Board /Commissions /Committee Appointments (Planning Commission, etc) — Mayor Wilhite Mayor Wilhite said that she proposes very little re- shuffling of councilmembers and committees, as she is cognizant of the amount of time and work it takes to get familiar with each entity. Proposed changes include: (1) appointment of Bill Gothmann to the Chamber of Commerce, Health District Committee, and the Housing and Community Development Advisory Board; (2) and Steve Taylor to the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee; and (3) unless she hears otherwise, all other appointments will remain the same. Councilmember Taylor mentioned there will be a need for Mr. Gothmann to complete a housing application for that new appointment. It was Council consensus to place these appointments on the next council consent agenda. Mayor Wilhite also proposed the re- appointment Fred Beaulac and Gail Kogle to the Planning Commission for a three -year term each. It was Council consensus to place these appointments on the Council consent agenda. Mayor Wilhite also proposed appointing Marcia Sands to the Planning Commission to complete Bill Gothmann's term. It was determined that this appointment will be placed on the next council agenda as a regular agenda item 4. Cost Allocation Plan — Ken Thompson Finance Director Thompson explained that as part of the 2005 work plan, it was agreed to put together a cost allocation plan, and tonight Tracey Dunlop, a principal with Financial Consulting Services Group from Redmond, Washington, is here to explain the proposal. After Ms. Dunlop went through the PowerPoint presentation, followed by some council discussion concerning various aspects of the plan, including grant recovery and the Barker Road Bridge ongoing process, it was Council consensus to place this item on the next council consent agenda for council approval. 5. Communication Infrastructure — Cal Walker Police Chief Walker explained the issue as per his November 29, 2005 Request for Council Action, and added that our participation would be approximately $198,000; but that figure could change depending on the number of fire districts and other entities' participation. Chief Walker also spoke about cost allocation and the community -wide need for communication and of the need for all entities to participate. Chief Walker stated that the $198,000 would be over a three- year period and we would choose how to pay that; and mentioned that the City of Spokane is the grant administrator. Chief Walker said that regarding funding, we can choose when in the budget cycles to allocate those funds; that it was not done for 2005 so could be addressed in a supplemental budget for 2006 or wait until budget process for 2007. 6. Montgomery Avenue Overlay Project Final Costs Engineer Worley explained the project as per his December 6, 2005 Request for Council Action; and said that during the Montgomery Avenue project, they discovered there were some things that caused the project to overrun; there was a concern about the pavement, in that when it was removed, it was determined that the subgrade was in poor condition. Engineer Worley stated that also they underestimated required traffic control labor hours. Director Kersten said that there are funds within this year's budget as not all projects have been completed; as they tend to focus first on projects that get matching funds; but that overall this will take about $180,000 from the budget balance to cover future projects. Councilmember Denenny mentioned the gas tax was not included in the budget so perhaps that could Study Session Minutes: 12 -06 -05 Page 2 of 4 Approved by Council: 12 -13 -05 assist in this case. It was Council consensus to place this item on the next council consent agenda for council approval. Mayor Wilhite called for a recess at 7:32 p.m., and reconvened the meeting at 7:40 p.m. 7. Parks & Recreation MasterPlan - Mike Jackson Parks and Recreation Director Jackson introduced Jerry Dragoo from MIG (Moore, Iacofano and Goltsman). Mr. Jackson explained that Mr. Dragoo is working on revisions after receiving a number of comments from citizens during "Conversations with the Community," and also as a result of the recent public hearing. Mr. Dragoo explained that they are looking at the current perceived demand of new park facilities; that this is the sixth plan he has done for new cities, and then went on to explain some of the issues to take into consideration, including current parks, future parks and what to offer in those parks; does Council want to plan for what is needed now or what is needed in the future; that the recent survey said 54% said no more parkland is needed; but his experience is in the future, citizens will complain about the lacking of planning if there are inadequate parks; what to do with Valley Mission Park and with the aquatic facility including parking issues; how to improve the pools; Greenacres neighborhood and need for parks there; funding and capital facilities plan; whether those living here or those moving here pay for future park improvement; the possibility of using obligations bonds for some projects; impact fees; and parks districts, parks and recreation advisory committee, and metropolitan park districts - which have a permanent tax base. Council discussion included mention of Dishman Hills and Plantes Ferry Park; the need to keep current facilities well maintained; open spaces; city center; and pool use and expansion. Director Jackson mentioned there is one pool that doesn't get the number of participants the other pools gets, but there are ways to maximize pool capacity by expanding shade and concrete without increasing the number of those actually in the pool; and that expanding Valley Mission would increase capacity; ending by stating that further details will be addressed as we move through the process. 8. Official Newspaper —Chris Bainbridge After City Clerk Bainbridge explained the pros and cons of use of either the Spokesman Review or the Valley News Herald, Council determined that we would keep the Valley News Herald as the official newspaper. Since there is no change, no further action is required. 9. Spokane Transit Authority Information — Councilmember Denenny As a precursor for the next council agenda item, Councilmember Denenny and Steve Blaska gave a quick update in changes in the STA routing in the Valley, as shown in the accompanying PowerPoint presentation. 10. Bus Shelter Request — Neil Kersten and /or Steve Worley Engineer Worley explained that this issue came before council previously, concerning STA's request to construct a bus shelter in front of the mall; and that Council asked for additional information. Mr. Worley mentioned that Steve Blaska is also present to answer further questions. After Mr. Blaska gave his PowerPoint presentation, explaining where the shelters are to be located; he added that it will be STA's responsibility to handle shelter maintenance; that they looked at other options, but these are the best, near - term solutions. Council discussed possible other routes, the walk from Indiana to the mall; and ridership. Councilmember Denenny recommended allowing the shelters now, and that lighting or other enhancements could be added later. It was council consensus to place this item on the next council consent agenda, adding that council prefers option #1 as stated in the November 18, 2005 letter to Mr. Worley from Gordon Howell. 11. Advance Agenda Additions — Mayor Wilhite Mayor Wilhite asked that Councilmembers review the advance agenda as there are some pre - scheduled Thursday meetings, and to please check calendars for availability. After brief discussion concerning Study Session Minutes: 12 -06 -05 Page 3 of 4 Approved by Council: 12 -13 -05 whether and when to have further public hearings, it was determined to set the next public comprehensive plan hearing for January 24, 2006. 12. Council check -in. No items were discussed. 13. City Manager Comments — update council photos? Nina Regor for Dave Mercier Deputy City Manager Regor mentioned some housekeeping items concerning the Comprehensive Plan; and that public works is doing a review of some of the tables to incorporate changes resulting from the traffic model from SRTC, and that staff will bring those proposed changes for council consideration as part of capital facilities chapter. She also mentioned that arrangements have been made for Bill Gothmann to have his photo taken, and asked if other Councilmembers wanted to have an updated photo taken, to place let Ms. Regor know so that arrangements can be made. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 8: 45 p.m. I L, / - ,a-z",‘ Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk Diana Wilhite, Mayor (AJ ci.\, Study Session Minutes: 12 -06 -05 Page 4 of 4 Approved by Council: 12 -13 -05