2004, 10-19 Study Session MinutesAttendance:
Michael DeVleming, Mayor
Diana Wilhite, Deputy Mayor
Dick Denenny, Councilmember
Mike Flanigan, Councilmember
Rich Munson, Councilmember
Gary Schimmels, Councilmember
Steve Taylor, Councilmember
Tuesday, October 19, 2004, 6:00 p.m.
Nina Regor, Deputy City Manager
Cary Driskell, Deputy City Attorney
Ken Thompson, Finance Director
Neil Kersten, Public Works Director
Cal Walker, Police Chief
Marina Sukup, Community Development Director
Tom Scholtens, Building Official
Greg McCormick, Long Range Planning Manager
Bing (Greg) Bingaman, IT Specialist
Steve Worley, Senior Engineer
Chris Berg, Code Enforcement Officer
Sue Pearson, Deputy City Clerk
Chris Bainbridge, City Clerk
Mayor DeVleming opened the meeting at 6:00 p.m., welcomed all in attendance, reminded everyone
that this is a study session, and requested that all electronic devices be turned off for the duration of
the meeting.
1. PUBLIC HEARING: 2005 - 2006 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Projects — Greg
Mayor DeVleming opened the public hearing at 6:05 p.m. Long Range Planning Manager McCormick
explained that this hearing is a required step in order to be eligible to receive CDBG funding. After
giving a brief explanation on the background of the program, and the statutory funding limits on what the
funding can be used for, Mr. McCormick explained the funding priorities which are established county-
wide as a result of a survey conducted by the County: street improvements are high priority; sidewalks
were not rated; sewer improvements were high priority; and planning or economic development were
high priority. Mr. McCormick reviewed the projects for consideration: (1) street project on Montgomery
from UPRR Crossing to SR 27 (Pines): a grind and replace, not a full reconstruction, with an estimated
cost to the city of $464,400; (2) second portion of that project, from Hutchinson to UPRR Crossing, with
an estimated cost of $461,700; and (3) an economic development planning project: Urban Design Action
Team (R /UDAT) which is a grass -roots type of approach to help communities identify actions that would
increase livability, with an estimated cost of $25,000. Mr. McCormick then explained the next steps in
the process.
Mayor DeVleming invited public comment. Mary Pollard, Greenacres, Wa: in order to assist those
interested in participating in this process, she asked if materials might be made available (in the future), to
help members of the public understand what is at issue, and that it would help if Council explain what
CDBG stands for. At Council direction, Mr. McCormick explained what CDBG stands for, and said that
the County has all the program information which can be found at their website. Mayor DeVleming
invited further public comment, no further comments were offered.
Council discussion continued regarding the Mansfield interchange that affects Montgomery road. Mr.
Worley explained that Spokane County Public Works determined which are the worst streets which
Study Session Minutes of 10 -19 -04 Page 1 of 4
Approved by Council: 10 -26 -04
would qualify under this program, and that this road came up high in terms of needing to be replaced due
to road condition and amount of traffic. There being no further discussion, Mayor DeVleming closed the
public hearing at 6:16 p.m.
2. Motion Consideration: CDBG Project Selection — Greg McCormick
It was moved by Mayor DeVleming and seconded by Councilmember Denenny to approve the list of
project applicants. Mayor DeVleming invited public comment; no comments were offered. Vote by
Acclamation: In Favor: Unanimous. Opposed: None. Abstentions: None. Motion carried.
3. First Reading Proposed Street Vacation Ordinance — Marina Sukup
After City Clerk Bainbridge read the ordinance title, it was moved by Mayor DeVleming and seconded by
Councilmember Schimmels to advance Ordinance 04 -043 to a second reading. Community Development
Director Sukup went over the background including information about the public hearing held by the
Planning Commission. She explained that a portion of that road is still under jurisdiction of Washington
State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) so the request had to be amended; she explained that the
Sprague Avenue right -of -way and a portion of David Road 20 feet south of the Sprague Avenue right -of-
way were conveyed to WSDOT for the same project; that the applicant wants to acquire the property to
construct 208 - swales; and that portion must be declared as surplus as shown on the map. Discussion
ensued regarding easements, utilities, wastewater interceptors, and procedure to declare the property (or a
portion of it) surplus. Mayor DeVleming invited public comment; no comments were offered. Vote by
Acclamation: In Favor: Mayor DeVleming, Deputy Mayor Wilhite, and Councilmembers Schimmels,
Munson, Flanigan and Denenny; Opposed: Councilmember Taylor. Abstentions: None. Motion carried.
4. Budget Discussion, Outside Agency Funding - Nina Regor
Deputy City Manager Regor explained the background concerning these outside agency funding requests
for the 2005 budget; and went over what the 2004 funding results were; she said that staff seeks direction
on the 2005 allocation to include in the budget. Ms. Regor also mentioned that regarding comments made
last week from members of the Economic Development Council (EDC), that they were speaking about
the value of the EDC in the business community, with the tax rate of about $17, and that a ten million
dollar value would produce about $180,000 in tax revenue for Spokane Valley; but that actually $17 is the
consolidated tax rate for this area which includes the school and fire districts; so the revenue figure would
be closer to $16,000 to $20,000. Concerning these outside agency requests, $100,000 has been proposed
for the 2005 budget, and request totals came to about $267,483. After examining and discussing the chart
and figures showing each councilmember's suggested allocation for each agency, it was suggested to
allocate funds the same as those allocated during 2004, except move $1,000 from the Chase Youth
Foundation to the Spokane Valley Meals on Wheels. Deputy Mayor Wilhite said she feels many of these
social agencies should not be competing with the EDC and ITA for the same funding, and it was Council
consensus to include a separate line item for the EDC and ITA in future budgets.
5. Code Enforcement Update - Tom Scholtens /Chris Berg
Building Official Scholtens and Code Enforcement Officer Berg explained some of the history
concerning code enforcement, and how it has been helping citizens understand and comply with the
various civil laws Council has provided. Mr. Scholtens and Berg gave their PowerPoint presentation
showing numerous examples of "before" and "after" pictures in dealing with general nuisance complaints,
environmental /hazardous complaints, solid waste complaints, etc,; and mentioned we have no ordinance
yet on weed control. They discussed how the number of pending cases was steadily increasing until the
hiring of the second code enforcement officer, and how she has made a direct impact on those numbers;
that all abatements that have taken place thus far are voluntary; and they ended with an explanation of the
mobile automation system and how it dramatically increases productivity. Deputy City Manager Regor
commended staff for their work and added that staff has been building cooperative arrangements and
Study Session Minutes of 10 -19 -04 Page 2 of 4
Approved by Council: 10 -26 -04
partnerships with other agencies like the police and fire departments, Health District, and Department of
Ecology. It was mentioned that since incorporation there have been approximately 1100 cases abated.
6. Scooters (safety, nuisance) Cary Driskell
Deputy City Attorney Driskell, Legal Intern Josh Leonard, and Police Chief Walker went over the
background concerning motorized foot scooters and that staff was directed to address the issue of scooters
from a safety and nuisance stance, and to review and perhaps incorporate into our own ordinance, some of
the City of Spokane's draft scooter ordinance Mr. Driskell also mentioned the issue of parental
responsibility needs to be resolved concerning underage use of scooters, and the issue of confiscation.
Chief Walker added that there is always the option of using the juvenile referral process for underage
users of motorized scooters. Discussion ensued regarding the operation of scooters on sidewalks, and use
of radar to track the speeds of the devises. It was decided to move forward to include parental
responsibility and confiscation, and to examine the language concerning not allowing any modification to
the device as that might mean no one could add brakes to a scooter if they did not come so equipped.
Attorney Driskell added that once more information becomes available on statistics and actual use, the
ordinance can be modified later as needed. It was Council consensus to proceed.
7. Panhandling Research Report Cal Walker /Cary Driskell
Chief Walker summarized his October 11 report, and showed several slides of areas of concerns; he
mentioned that he met with several individuals from various social agencies to discuss ways to work
together in contacting the homeless to assist them in their situation and to also aid in criminal prevention;
he mentioned that at I -90 and Sullivan next to the Mirabeau Hotel, there have been about fifteen to twenty
people camping regularly in a spot near the freeway; that most businesses don't want the transients using
their facilities; and with the people camping in that and other areas, human waste is a problem; that some
of these people are mentally impaired, and he asked how Council desires to address this in the
community. Discussion turned to the issue of people passing money from their cars to the panhandlers
which at times infringes on the flow of traffic; and along with this to perhaps set some guidelines about
people volunteering their time to solicit donations for valid charities. Mayor DeVleming asked what we
can do to help protect businesses in the community and those who are being victimized by those campers.
Chief Walker will direct his staff to work on camping issue, and Attorney Driskell said he will also check
to see the approach used by other Cities facing these similar issues
8. Special Events Ordinance Amendments - Cal Walker
Chief Walker summarized his October 19, 2004 memo concerning the coordination of special events, and
of perhaps further refining the city's ordinance He mentioned that these special events raise many
concerns such as noise, traffic congestion, and other public safety issues; that we presently to not have the
tools to handle a large influx of people; that perhaps a fee should be associated with these permits to
cover costs, and that some process must be in place to coordinate all efforts from the various departments
who will need to be involved. Council gave consensus for staff to work toward creating something more
9. Massage Parlors /Bath Houses Regulations - Cal Walker
Chief Walker explained that this is the first touch on this issue, and wanted to generate discussion on the
licensing procedure; that there are three bathhouses /massage parlors within our city limits, and apparently
there is no ordinance regulating these establishments; and that he requests Council consider establishing
an ordinance that mirrors the existing County requirements for licensing establishments and employees,
adding that he has received numerous phones calls concerning this subject. Attorney Driskell said he
examined the County's ordinance which was enacted in 1973, and that he has some suggestions for
change. There was no objection for staff to move forward with this issue, to review the complete
application process and tie it in to cost recovery.
Study Session Minutes of 10 -19 -04 Page 3 of 4
Approved by Council: 10 -26 -04
10. B3 Uses in 12 Zones - Marina Sukup
Community Development Director Sukup explained that during the next several months, the Planning
Commission will be working on implementing regulations for the Comprehensive Plan, and that part of
that will entail reviewing the schedules of permitted and accessory uses included in the matrices, as well
as the definitions associated with those uses; that in reference to Ordinance 03 -053, Council added back a
number of uses that had been deleted, and that the same ordinance amended the provisions relating to
nonconforming uses but only as to those deemed nonconforming as a result of our adoption of the
ordinance. As an example, Ms. Sukup said when the County adopted their ordinance, they got rid of
slaughterhouses, but failed to get rid of animal processing and stockyards plants. Councilmember
Denenny said he would like to see some examples of situations we would be dealing with or examining to
change, and discussion included future land use, land use in terms of existing uses, and consistency.
Director Sukup said this is a first touch on this subject and is brought as an information item that the
Planning Commission will be working on this including the definitions.
It was moved by Councilmember Munson, seconded, and unanimously agreed upon to extend the meeting
fifteen minutes.
11. Advance Agenda Additions — Mayor DeVleming
Councilmember Taylor brought up the topic of the upcoming proposed utility tax proposal and of the
importance of hearing from the public on this topic; and that although Council has been discussing this
issue for several weeks, it does not want the public to perceive that next week will be the first real
discussion. Deputy City Manager Regor said that based on next week's discussion, she can put some
information on our website. Councilmember Munson said probably in the fall of next year, a decision
should be made about being an entitlement city for community development grants, and feels the need for
discussion to develop consensus on how much funding we get and what to do with those funds and that he
would like to get that discussion started. Mayor DeVleming asked staff to get the schedule from Mr.
McCormick and work backward in putting those dates on the advance agenda. Mayor DeVleming
mentioned that the Student Advisory Council has been working on their by -laws, and that Council must
approve them, and that a presentation is set for December 7 with approval consideration set for December
14, and that he expects some or all of the students present at the December 7 study session.
12. Council Check -in — Nina Regor
Deputy City Manager Regor asked if Council had any other issues to address and they indicated there
were none.
There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 9:10 p.m.
4, /
- 6hristine Bainbridge, City Clerk
Study Session Minutes of 10 -19 -04
Approved by Council. 10 -26 -04
Michael DeVleming, May
Page 4 of 4
2005 -2006 Community Development Block
Grant (CDBG) Projects
DATE: October 19, 2004
All persons wishing to speak at a PUBLIC HEARING must sign in with your name and
address for the record. There may be a time limit for your comments. A copy of any
written comments relating to the public hearing subject must be provided to the City
International Trade Alliance $14,000 $35,000
Chase Youth Commission 2,000 10,000
Economic Development Council 55,000 175,000
Project Access 25,000 25,000
Valley Community Center 4,000 14,283
SV Meals on Wheels 0 8,200
Amount Proposed in 2005 Budget: $100,000
Outside Agency Requests
2005 Proposals
2004 2005 2005
Allocation Request Allocation
$100,000 $267,483 $0
Meeting Date: October 19, 2004
Item: Check all that apply E =l consent [I old busyness ® new business CI public heanng
information [1 admen report ® pending legislation
AGENDA ITEM TITLE: CORRECTION First Reading of an Ordinance vacating a portion of
David Road located between Sprague Avenue and Appleway Boulevard, west of Thierman
Road. (Street Vacation Request STV- 03 -04)
PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: City Council adoption of Ordinance No 04 -001
(Street Vacations) in January 2004 On July 27'", 2004 by Resolution 04 -022 City Council set
August 26"', 2004 as the date for a public hearing on the proposal
Planning Commission held a public hearing on the vacation on August 26, 2004. The
Washington Department of Transportation ( WSDOT) retains a portion of David Road extending
20 feet south of the Sprague Avenue right -of -way Applicant amended the request to exclude
that portion of David Road Planning Commission held a public hearing on the amended
request on October 14, 2004.
Chris Linc Properties L.L.0 , 2320 North Atlantic Street, Spokane WA 99205 the owner of
abutting Parcel No 35242.0102 amended the request for the vacation of a remainder of David
Road, onginally acquired by Spokane County for the Appleway Extension. The amended
request does not include the portion of David Road extending 20 feet south of the Sprague
Avenue right -of -way which remains within the jurisdiction of WSDOT. Spokane Utilities will
require a 25 -foot easement for a 54 inch wastewater interceptor current located on the adjacent
property to the east The sewer interceptor extends to the centerline of David Road and then
proceeds in a southerly direction Spokane Water Distnct No 3 will require a 20 -foot easement
to allow for the repair, maintenance and replacement of an existing water line. Drywells will
need to be located not less than ten feet from the water line, while maintaining five feet of cover
over the line itself. In addition Avesta will require a ten foot easement five foot from the
centerline of existing power lines along the east boundary of the property and a ten foot
easement along the west side of David Road located five feet from the centerline of a two inch
natural gas line extending between Sprague Avenue and Appleway The gas line will require a
minimum of 30 inches of cover
f ;r..,, i " l.'» and prohibition of asphalt paving
• - _ -== and/or the traffic of srIM equipment exceeding 30,000
pounds /axle over the
Request for Council Action
Any future vacation of that
portion of David Road currently
within the jurisdiction of WSDOT
will require reservation of a
seven foot easement adjacent to
the right -of -way of Sprague
Avenue for Avista
WSDOT Jurisdiction
gy m•„ e;:244w
David Street ROW
1f1 VIM t&,z r. rrn
, sg„9.110; at.Mrwaa
OE IS j!
_ # a ]at J UX-LZ4 PAIN CZNIERJ €
STAFF CONTACT Marina Sukup, ACP, Community Development Director
Applicant also requested the vacation of the remainder of the Appleway extension acquisition be
vacated. This requires notice to City Council of the proposal to declare the property "surplus"
and a determination by a Department Director that the property is indeed surplus. The Finance
Director will sure an appraisal and the property will be sold to the highest bidder pursuant to
Section 3.40.070 § 4. 5 of the Spokane Valley Municipal Code
OPTIONS: Advance the ordinance vacating a portion of David Street to second reading, amend
the ordinance, deny the request or take no action
RECOMMENDATION: Approval, subject to meeting the requirements for reservation of
easements by public and private utilities, and conditions associated therewith
WHEREAS, the City Council by Resolution 04-022 initiated vacation proceedings for a
portion of David Road located between Sprague Avenue and Appleway Boulevard. west of
'Ihierrnan Road. by providing that a hearing on the proposal would be held before the Planning
Commission on the 26th day of August, 2004.; and
WHEREAS; the Washington Department of Transportation (WSDOI) retains that
portion of David Road located south of the Sprague Avenue right -of -way pursuant to deeds
recorded on January 11, 2000 (Recording Nos. 4446885 through 4446897); and
WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on August 26, 2004 on the
proposed vacation, and subsequently held a public hearing on October 14, 2004 to consider an
amended request excluding that portion of David Road currently owned by WSDOT; and
WIIEREAS, following a hearing before the Planning Commission, it has been fintnd and
determined that the vacation of the above referenced street complies with City Ordinance 04-
002, Section 11(SVMC Chapter 10.05) and include one or more of the following findings:
(1) The change of use or vacation will serve the public interest;
(2) The Street or Alley is no longer required for public use or access; or
(3) An alternative public way or private access would be more useful to the public and
adjoining land owners;
WIIEREAS, the Planning Commission findings and/or minutes have been tiled with the
City Clerk as pars of the public record supporting the vacation;
WHEREAS, fifty percent of the property owners abutting the property to he vacated did
not file a written objection to the proposed vacation with the City Clerk;
WHERF.AS. through ordinance the City shall provide that the vacated property be
transferred to the abutting property owners, one -half to each. unless circumstances require a
different division of property, that the zoning district designation of the properties adjoining each
side of the street shall attach to the vacated property; that a record of survey shall be submitted to
the Director of Community Development and that all direct and indirect costs of title transfer to
the vacated street be paid by the proponent or recipient of the transferred property;
Ordinance 04 -143 Starbucics Vacation Pagc 1 of 4
WHEREAS, the City Council pursuant to RCW Chapter 35.79 and City Ordinance No.
04002 (SVMC Chapter 10.05) desires to vacate the above street as set forth herein.
NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley, Spokane County,
Washington, do ordain as follows:
Section 1. Findings of Fact. The City Council makes the following findings of fact:
(1) the City Department of Public Works has reviewed the right -of -way to be vacated and
determined that the property adjacent to the vacated property is otherwise served by public or
private access; (2) a public hearing on the proposed vacation has been held in accordance with
State Law and City Ordinance before the Planning Commission with the record of such hearing
and proceedings lodged with the City Clerk; (3) a written protest has not been filed with the City
Clerk by at least fifty percent of the abutting property owners; and (4) vacation of the street or
alley serves the public interest.
Section 2. Property to be Vacated. Based upon the above findings and in accordance
with this ordinance, the City Council does hereby vacate thc street or alley described on the
attached Exhibit "A" which is incorporated herein by reference.
Section 3. Zon . The Zoning designation for the vacated property shall be the
designation attached to the adjoining properties as set forth within the respective property or lot
lines. The Director of Community Development is authorized to make this notation on the
official zoning map of the City.
Section 4. Conditions of Vacation. The following conditions shall be fully satisfied
prior to the transfer of title by the City.
1. A record of survey shall be submitted to thc City in accordance with City
Ordinance 04 -002, Section 16 (SVMC Chapter 10.05).
2. Fees and Costs associated with the transfer of title to the vacated property shall he
paid by the recipient (or grantee) of such property. The tees and costs include all direct and
indirect costs of title transfer to the vacated street.
3. A reservation in the form of an easement providing for private and public utility
services subject to such conditions shall be made in the vacated area.
Section 5. Closing. Following satisfaction of the above conditions, the City Clerk
shall record a certified copy of this Ordinance in the office of the County Auditor and the City
Manager is authorized to execute all necessary documents, including a Quit Claim Deed, in
order to complete the transfer of the property identified herein.
Section 6. Severability. If any section, sentence, clause or phrase of this Ordinance
shall be held to be invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, such
invalidity or unconstitutionality shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of any other
section, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance.
Ordinance os -oi:1 Starhucks Vacation Page 2 of
Effective Qate. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect five (5)
days aRer publication of this Ordinance or a summary thereof in the official newspaper of the
City of Spokane Valley as provided by law.
PASSED by the City Council this day of 2004.
City Clerk, ChristineBainbridge
Approved As To Form:
Deputy City Attorney Cary P. Driskell
Date of Publication:
Effective Date:
Mayor, Michael DeVleming
Ordinance 04-043 Starfwcks Vacation Ptgc 3 of 4
Exhibit "A"
3cte wok min" erm
x4ufittio mtuermia
et 1114.7 A!IM CENTULIE
Property Description
A portion of David Road located between Sprague Avenue and Appleway Boulevard, west of
Thierman Road.
Ordinnece 04-043 Sitarbucks Vacalion Pegs 4 (1114
Meeting Date: October 19. 2004
Request for Council Action
Item: Check all that apply ❑ consent ❑ old business n new business ;] public heanng
L� information ❑ adman report E pending Iegistabon
AGENDA ITEM TITLE: CORRECTION First Reading of an Ordinance vacating a portion of
David Road located between Sprague Avenue and Appleway Boulevard, west of Thierrnan
Road. (Street Vacation Request STV- 03-04)
PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: City Council adoption of Ordinance No 04 -001
(Street Vacations) in January 2004. On July 2r, 2004 by Resolution 04 -022 City Council set
August 26 2004 as the date for a public hearing on the proposal_
Planning Commission held a public hearing on the vacation on August 26, 2004. The
Washington Department of Transportation (WSDOT) retains a portion of David Road extending
20 feet south of the Sprague Avenue right -of -way. Applicant amended the request to exclude
that portion of David Road Planning Commission held a public heanng on the amended
request on October 14, 2004
Chns Linc Properties L.L.C., 2320 North Atlantic Street, Spokane WA 99205 the owner of
abutting Parcel No 35242.0102 amended the request for the vacation of a remainder of David
Road, originally acquired by Spokane County for the Appleway Extension. The amended
request does not include the portion of David Road extending 20 feet south of the Sprague
Avenue right -of -way which remains within the jurisdiction of WSDOT. Spokane Utilities will
require a 25 -foot easement for a 54 inch wastewater interceptor current located on the adjacent
property to the east The sewer interceptor extends to the centerline of David Road and then
proceeds in a southerly direction. Spokane Water District No 3 will require a 20 -foot easement
to allow for the repair, maintenance and replacement of an existing water line Drywells will
need to be located not less than ten feet from the water line, while maintaining five feet of cover
over the line itself In addition Avista will require a ten foot easement five foot from the
centerline of existing power lines along the east boundary of the property and a ten foot
easement along the west side of David Road located five feet from the centerline of a two inch
natural gas line extending between Sprague Avenue and Appleway The gas line will require a
minimum of 30 inches of cover
and prohibition of asphalt paving
and/or the traffic of heavy
equipment exceeding 30,000
pounds /axle over the
Any future vacation of that
portion of David Road currently
within the jurisdiction of WSDOT
will require reservation of a
seven foot easement adjacent to
the right -of -way of Sprague
Avenue for Avista
$_I 3311
WSDOT Jurisdiction
40/11.714 $ &
David Street ROW
�>• v 13
if Fa
A �1► t -_.___ 1111 os �, ,�
lit AVE
IANY:. IRA .--_
ASSE MIK DOC%P''." 4b5et.se
4tcMClf o• . irG1
MIDI PAM CfM logic
Applicant also requested the vacation of the remainder of the Appleway extension acquisition be
vacated. This requires notice to City Council of the proposal to declare the property "surplus"
and a determination by a Department Director that the property is indeed surplus The Finance
Director will secure an appraisal and the property will be sold to the highest bidder pursuant to
Section 3.40 070 § 4, 5 of the Spokane Valley Municipal Code
OPTIONS: Advance the ordinance vacating a portion of David Street to second reading, amend
the ordinance, deny the request or take no action
RECOMMENDATION: Approval, subject to meeting the requirements for reservation of
easements by public and pnvate utilities, and conditions associated therewith
STAFF CONTACT. Marina Sukup, AICP, Community Development Director
WHEREAS, the City Council by Resolution 04 -022 initiated vacation proceedings for a
portion of David Road located between Sprague Avenue and Appleway Boulevard, west of
Thiernutn Road. by providing that a hearing on the proposal would be held before the Planning
Commission on the 26th day of August, 2004.; and
WHEREAS; the Washington Department of Transportation (WSDOT) retains that
portion of David Road located south of the Sprague Avenue right -of -way pursuant to deeds
recorded on January 11, 2000 (Recording Nos. 4446885 through 4446897); and
WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on August 26, 2004 on the
proposed vacation, and subsequently held a public hearing on October 14, 2O04 to consider an
amended request excluding that portion of David Road currently owned by WSDOT; and
WHEREAS, following a hearing before the Planning Commission, it has been found and
determined that the vacation of the above referenced street complies with City Ordinance 04-
002, Section 11(SVMC Chapter 10.05) and includes one or more of the following findings:
(1) The change of use or vacation will serve the public interest;
(2) The Street or Alley is no longer required for public use or access; or
(3) An alternative public way or private access would be more useful to the public and
adjoining land owners;
WIIEREAS, the Planning Commission findings and/or minutes have been filed with the
City Cleric as part of the public record supporting the vacation;
WI IEREAS, filly percent of the property owners abutting the property to be vacated did
not file a written objection to the proposed vacation with the City Clerk:
WHEREAS, through ordinance the City shall provide that the vacated property be
transferred to the abutting property owners, one -half to each. unless circumstanccs require a
different division of property, that the zoning district designation of the properties adjoining each
side of the street shall attach to the vacated property; that a record of survey shall be submitted to
the Director of Community Development and that all direct and indirect costs of title transfer to
the vacated street be paid by the proponent or recipient of the transferred property;
Ordinance 04-443 Starbucks Vocation Page 1 of 4
WHEREAS, the City Council pursuant to RCW Chapter 35.79 and City Ordinance No.
04-002 (SVMC Chapter 10.05) desires to vacate the above street as set forth herein.
NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley, Spokane County,
Washington, do ordain as follows:
Section 1. Findings of Fact. The City Council makes thc following findings of fact:
(1) the City Department of Public Works has reviewed the right -of -way to be vacated and
determined that the property adjacent to the vacated property is otherwise served by puhlic or
private access; (2) a public hearing on the proposed vacation has been held in accordance with
State Law and City Ordinance before the Planning Commission with the record of such hearing
and proceedings lodged with the City Clerk; (3) a written protest has not been filed with the City
Clerk by at least lilty percent of the abutting property owners; and (4) vacation of the street or
alley serves the puhlic interest.
Section 2. Property to be Vacated. Rased upon the above findings and in accordance
with this ordinance, the City Council dots hereby vacate the street or alley described on the
attached Exhibit "A" which is incorporated herein by reference.
Section 3. Zoning. The Zoning designation for the vacated property shall be the
designation attached to the adjoining properties as set forth within thc respective property or lot
lines. The Director of Community Development is authorized to make this notation on thc
official zoning map of the City.
Section 4. Conditions of Vacation. The following conditions shall be fully satisfied
prior to the transfer of title by the City.
1. A record of survey shall be submitted to the City in accordance with City
()rdinancc 04 -002, Section 16 (SVMC Chapter 10.05).
2. Ices and Costs associated with the transfer of title to the vacated property shall be
paid by the recipient (or grantee) of such property. The fees and costs include all direct and
indirect costs of title transfer to the vacated street.
3. A reservation in thc form of an casement providing for private and public utility
services subject to such conditions shall be made in the vacated area.
Section 5. Closing. Following satisfaction of the above conditions, the City Clerk
shall record a certified copy of this Ordinance in the office of the County Auditor and the City
Manager is authorized to execute all necessary documents. including a Quit Claim Deed, in
order to complete the transfer of the property identified herein.
Section 6. Scverability. If any section, sentence, clause or phrase of this Ordinance
shall be held to he invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, such
invalidity or unconstitutionality shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of any other
section, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance.
()dinner 04.043 Starfiucka Vacation Page 2 of 4
1)RAi I
Section 7. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect five (5)
days after publication of this Ordinance or a summary thereof in the official newspaper of the
City of Spokane Valley as provided by law.
PASSED by the City Council this day of 2004.
City Clerk. Christincf3ainbridgc
Approved As To Form:
Dcpuly City Attorney Cary P. Driskcll
Date of Publication:
Effective Date:
Mayor, Michael D Vleming
Ordinance 04-043 Starhucks Vacation rage 1 of 4
Exhibit "A"
WOW 7:r• i•JOS
tet IUD, rim anoleaart
Property Description
A portion of David Road located between Sprague Avenue and Applcway Boulevard. west of
Thicrman Road.
Ordinance 04-043 Starbucks Vacation Page 4 of 4
Chris Linc Properties LL.C., 2320 North Atlantic
Street, Spokane WA 99205 ,
October 19, 2004
• Appleway right -of -way acquisition remainder and a
portion of David Road located between Sprague Avenue
and Appleway. west of Thierman Road.
• Planning Commission held a public hearing on August
26, 2004 and tabled the decision pending information
conceming WSDOT's ownership of 20 ' for David Road
south of the Sprague ROW
• A second hearing was held on the amended request on
October 14. 2004
• Spokane County acquired Blocks 5 and 6 of the Miller
Park Addition for the Appteway extension
• The Sprague Avenue right -of -way and the portion of
David Road 20 feet south of the Sprague Avenue right -
of -way were conveyed to WSDOT for the same project.
• Spokane County installed a 54" wastewater interceptor
though Block 5. The interceptor is actually located six
feet north of the south easement line
• Spokane County subsequently sold the remainder of
Block 5 to applicant
Original Reque t
1 4
▪ a . - rEiectric Distribution
• Applicant proposes to acquire the
property for the purpose of cloak.
constructing required 208 swales
�.. ,� .. m v.. aPlea.aw
Easements /Conditions
• Spokane Utilities will require a 25 -foot easement for a 54 inch
wastewater interceptor
• Spokane Water Distnct No 3 requires a 20 -foot easement to allow
for the repair. maintenance and replacement of an existing water
line Drywells will need to be located not Tess than ten feet from the
water line, while maintaining five feet of cover over the line itself.
• Avista requires a a 10 foot easement five foot from the centerline of
existing power lines along the east boundary of the property and a
10 foot easement along the west side of David Road located five
feet from the centerline of a two inch natural gas line with a
minimum of 30 inches of cover and prohibition of paving and /or the
traffic of equipment exceeding 30.000 pounds !axle over the
• A different process is required for disposition of "surplus' property
• Approval of the vacation of the David Street right -
of -way subject to meeting requirements for a
survey and reserving the necessary easements
for public/private utilities and the conditions
associated therewith