14-115.00 WSDOE: Comprehensive Shoreline Master Program Update kr;" DEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY State of Washington Amendment 3 to SMA Grant G1200043 between the State of Washington Department of Ecology and CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Project: Comprehensive Shoreline Master Program (SMP) Update Purpose: In accordance with the original agreement, this grant is formally amended to revise the budget. IT IS MUTUALLY AGREED THAT THIS GRANT IS AMENDED AS FOLLOWS: 1. This amendment is effective on April 1, 2014. 2. The budget is revised per the following matrix: Maximum Grant Amount: Years 1 &2 (Biennium Years 7/1/2011 —6/30/2013): $113,148.13 Maximum Grant Amount: Year 3 (Fiscal Year 2014; 7/1/2013—6/30/2014): $ 6,290.00 $119,438.13 Years 1 &2 Year 3 Total Phase/Task FY12&13 FY14 Project 7/1/11 -6/30/13 7/1/13-6/30/14 Tasks Common to All Phases: A.Project Coordination 26,824.00 - 26,824.00 B.Secure Contracted Services - - - C. Implement Public Participation Plan - - - Phased Work: 1.Prelim.Assmt./Pub.Participation Plan - - - 2.Shoreline Inv.,Analysis&Characterization - - 3.Shoreline Policy,Env.Designation 72,507.00 1,290.00 73,797.00 4.Cum.Impacts,Restoration Ping,Revisit Ph 3 13,817.13 5,000.00 18,817.13 5.Local Adoption Process - - - Total $113,148.13 $6,290.00 . $119,438.13 Page 1 of 2 A, Amendment 3 to Ecology Grant G1200043 between the Washington State Department of Ecology and the City of Spokane Valley Except as expressly provided by this amendment all other terms and conditions of the original agreement including any amendments thereto remain in full force and effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereby sign this amendment. State of Washington City of Spokane Valley Department of Ecology �/ 4PD//4 6/4 G don White, Program Manager Date Signature, horized O icial Date Shorelands and Environmental Assistance Program ie'ccsox, ‘(//,'Ae int Name Title Approved as to Form Assistant Attorney General 647 AL/ Print Title of Authorized Official Page 2 of 2