1990, 09-24 Radon Detector Letteric• •-e-1{".+"
west 1101 C0ege SpcKa le, v‘lashington 99201-2095
September 24, 1990
Greg Fry
P.O. Box 422
Veradale, WA 99037
Dear Mr. Fry:
S. 3(Y21 Boi,i\MR
You have elected to receive thi5 radon ,::.eetor and to pursue monitoring of
your home which was built under the redrements of the Northwest Energy
Code, The radon detectors and tbe av1uz'r of such detector are provided by
the Bonneville Power Adranistration at Bo- Hville's expense and at no cost to
you on a -one detector per dwelling L HA." basis. The pursuit of radon
reduction measures or additional dotaile,'; Aonitoring is your rseponeibility
and is at your expense.
The following procedures shall be ',Iced the inatallation and handle, of
your radon detector;
1. The radon detectol- shell be place-' .71 the dwelling in acordncaccordance with
the following guidelines:
(a) Remove the detector from t17,
package Ti,ey beh1.-4nt; with the
shield the detector itself.)
(b) Th detector 0'401 be pieced
living room, dining room, kit
(c) The monitorint 1oation
completely above grade level.
(d) The detector shall te le,e1g. on
suspended from the ceiling 4 f
from windows and doers, and eie,
or cooling vents.
2. At the time the radon detector i
should be written on the tag wher,
456-3630 Pio•vinc:,1s&
456-3640 Vo! Statistics
slum/num packet. tThe detector
ector tag as long as it does not
centralized living space, such as
den, family room, or hallway,
;n the first floor of the dwelling
a 1, placed on an open shelf, or
to 7 feet above the floor, away
from possible drafts from heating
placed in the dwelling, the date
rldiceted, denoted as Section 1.
456-3613 Er- -14mtai Hauith 456-6040
456-3670 lick 456-3667
r Eqia C..)d,r.v.--;:::rtt.hrli,. •rpoyer
AIDS. Progeorn 455-2580
AIDSNET R•gion 450-6418
Page 2
Radon Detector
Similarly, the date of remcval shall be written in Section 4 of the
tag. DC fill out the monitor tag blanks pertaining to starting and
ending dotes. DO NOT fill out the remainder of the tag. This area is
for agency use only.
3. The radon detector uhell :•emAir. in place for at least three months
during the period September through March, but should not remain in
place longer than 12 months.
4. When the monitoring period is cmpleted, the radon detectors shall be
placed back in the a1u,inJc, pc,14et, that they came in. The top af the
foil packet shall be foldedovarc! tad or held shut by similar
means. If U foil paoet bee lost, then wrap the delector in
heavy aluminum fo!1 tc help ruce additional alpha particle
contamination during shipment, Mai: or deliver the radon detector with
the tag to the Spo1Nane Co-xity itt. nstrict.
5. At least once a month, tte Eealth District will submit all detectors
received fr,= cons-inc.ro to a p7.:asirig agency. Results will be
returned tc the Pint District, a-,! you will be notified by a -radon
results notification letter-.
Por r:ore information, please call 456-6040.
Daryl Y. R.S.
c! George Webstev, Spokane Pcperty Dovelcint, City Hell
Marty Robinson, Energy Code C:iordisto, 7;C Building & Safety