1991, 06-12 Permit: 91002526 GarageSPOKANE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF BUILDINGS W. 1303 BROADWAY AVENUE ,SPOKANE, WASHINGTON 99260 (509) 456-3675 I certify that I have examined this permit/application, state that the information contained in it and submitted by me or my agent to compile said permit/application is true and correct, and authorize Spokane County to proceed with processing. In addition, I have read and understand the INSPECTION REQUIREMENTS/NOTICE provisions included herein and agree to comply with same. All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with whether specified herein or not. I understand that the issuance of this permit/application and any subsequent inspection approvals or Certificates of Occupancy shall not be construed to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any state or local law regulating construction, or as a warranty of conformance with the provisions of any state or local laws regulating construction. SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR AGENT , YiC.J?::. .: , ?44.%?+IAA:..R::.: 91002526. .i. n. .. *****;**********************w. t.`I-I r"- STREE a t, - ADDRESS= ,.,,POKANf:. WA �:::::: 99206 PERMIT USE= ATTACHED Gf••IR1A•!.vE 001835 PLAT NAME= T .. L) ilei::. L.....?. r ....... .. OWNER= KOCH a I_.•?..4CF ,.}. yi 1, i til !` E '4::1'1.)E- CONTACT �'I �4 i.. r -r, h BUILDING- .> IRIGHT=FRONT— , ? irLEFT= �- n t-# REAR= 24h :!. * •x >': •x• x •re • * a:• ac •at ii i!: •;': )!: it• it ii * i!: i!; •x• * *iii!: •b' )e T.i,UILDING PERMIT ........................k •b: * n: ih ii• .n: R i!:.. i!; ;!. APPLICATION DATE / — IiIVL"= f..lt5" . Vt„!TER D.„ ,.,.3. 37:c PHONE a;- • UM BE:R: 509 535 C:'.,TRf"•';. r'T 0R . ETF :t"i'•`.K ?.Nis::.. T O W N 5918 ;'+POKAi COUNTRY -BUILDERS -INC TRENT EN AVE $A 99212 REMODEL= OCCUR. LD= .y: • S+( FT = - 3040 :p: h' f` F� D 1. 1..1'9 -x „;;. L+!::. L{,L.:.l. i . .I.:_? f v.Y 2'•. t.i ITEM ,.)E s t: R r. 1 `' ? :i. i..l N• F s::: ,'" •i. D E:` i' f .'. A i... ..:?_I.)f'k t si �itfii:l»?h§I'`ls l: TYPE VN PHONE= CRIT: 3040 QUANTITY TON= CHANGE IGT= N MAT= N FEE AMCT 4!L50 36,00 :; )* * :!: ;'; .;:. !i '-:+) 14 ii ii• ' it ii 1i K R• '.':' • i'[r !:.. _' I H H '•. R ':: :.. l.: '.:n: ii• ii * ii ii,it:• ix• •r: ii ii ii• * ii ii 4(• ai ie ii• ii ii * i!: ..1'M?::.r `9I.... 06/12/91 Fi:::i::: 1:i'T4 3702- •. TOTAL { tAYL i• A:.. . r;YMENT AMOUNT 265,.50• TUN -11—'91 07:26 ID: HEALTH SPO TEL NO:94582243 #134 P01 JUN -10—'91 i1117 ID DEPT OF BUILDIN35 TEL NO:509-456-470'J ii660 P01 PFII'),IE(":'T' t4I.lMr:1rA 9,10(7*5 41 Fir;V:ESEr) PF.:RM11 TNr'C1 1)41TF:an 06/10,9, RAGE= Al 444*•k** pip Ss NOT A PERMIT ots0 1-t PENALTIES: WILL, NE ASST..:s[".i) rove COMMENCING WORK W1:TI-Icur A PERMIT r'r PARCEL**, 16541-0612 SITl,. STREET* 1100? M: BOfONE Ave AY)X;t Egg,.. .0'1:W NE WA x"9206 F'F:'F'1M:rT I,J,tiF:m ATTACHED GARAGE 4lLOL:K 4.4• '" 0010g5 PLAT WiiMl':,:•: � L.t'LT..A Are A::: r/41. OE BI r) Sk 4 * IIF'L..L.1FJG„i- 4dNF P... �.t0C1� "_A=LC STREET.. EA( E 6F)t.i5POKAN W9206 III.P, 5.6 :: ifA...3,5 DISTJ �;. R Um 410 F" 1 Wll)TArF Ft "UST DPI 4" PHONE & CONTACT NAME= CAREY FRANCIS PHONE NUMBER.. 509 525 9016 }UJTLT)t'NG ;rt TBACKS: FRONT* 100 LEFim 5 F?]:CHT.4 30 REAR= 246 0,0**k0149a Mlk4r4616. *w4k41*0**1iir4G*4F REVIEW INFORMATION 460***4kl+G4*K4k44***k•kiN'k'4fNr<4ii * DIEPAiRTMI,IN I BUILDING HFAL,1FU)I 'T l EVii":w COMMENTS SE;;TEIACIK RE:V:r:f:W I: ti::W1Ri:'C> INCREASE IN LCU' COVERAGE 4A:i!•if* Iro(NK k**K**,** ** x•rcat**+ E744 ** BUILDING rE:'$ MIT **No***xEuOrlWookvus(tioi xa1KgR4tw* APPI+L:IVAL, COMMENTS (::Dt•TFL'AC"1OR., 1ClWN !v COUNTRY BUILDERS TI(' �FiSTr)F �..S 5 �. SPO KANt TRENT 41' NEW*, A rEt4f)DF;:I, DWELT. UNITS= ()Myr. I.D�yy 1:41_.DL'; W X l) m X gu 1' REQ RARK1NGt 1MANr?1'(;AP,0, ht+", RIPT1:0ii GARAGE GROUP TYPE',: H-1 Vtd 7)t;:M DESCRIPTION I {,,,, . >F'i�T'iAL. V+ar_L.I,T:L(?t� SURCHARGE T..r{, RGGE COUNTY SURCHARGE PHONE', 509 5.Z5 9016 6 AND'I:TTONn CrHAN('I' F' L',t'F''R BLDG MGTm 3040 SPRINKLER= N CRITICAL MAT;;; N NN FT r" T 40 QUAN'T'ITY PERMIT TYr'{'F+'I C' I�lh(L'11,1NL 4 MC)t1NT PMI) BUILDING PERMIT :365.50265,50 ,00 "Pki6H 1H40 VALE,}A1' :CC1N r"I"E',; AMOUNT 225.00 4."i � 6.0#) AMOUNT £)IJTN( 265.50 *KxN4X1t*k*o4CA*oK*4414***NatK**N.X*EK TH(NN. Y(1LI o*ar444044*44t4t400k*k4d4aii•4E•twKk>fi6**4(k4fK4r4e4f