1992, 12-03 Permit: 92010606 ReroofSPOKANE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF BUILDINGS W. 1303 BROADWAY AVENUE SPOKANE, WASHINGTON 99260 (509) 456-3675 I certify that I have examined this permit/application, state that the information contained in it and submitted by me or my agent to compile said permit/application is true and correct, and authorize Spokane County to proceed with processing. In addition, I have read and understand the INSPECTION REQUIREMENTS/NOTICE provisions included herein and agree - omply with same. All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with whether specified herein or not. I understand that the . ce of this permit/applicatio. nd any subsequent inspection approvals or Certificates of Occupancy shall not be construed to give authority to violate or cancel . . isions of any state or loca w regulating construction, or as a warranty of conformance with the provisions of any state or local laws regulating construction. SIGNATURE OF /�� APPLICATION OWNER OR AGENT i/ . DATE PROjECT NUMBER= 92010606 VOID ISSUED PERMIT DATE= 12/03/92 PAGE 7 ! } 3 9 Nit3 3ri337t i p 3 ¢ { 3 9 A * * 3 ! }pfi Mi-INFORMATION h3P}9ik i!t 3: 9 i i k H i 3 1!ial9 : PPP SITE E SIRE{ T•= 220 N BOWD.I.SH RD ADDRESS= SPOKANE WA 99206 ' PERMIT USE= REROOF RESIDENCE pi...A T 4= BLOCK= AREA= :n: OF ;'":I i... D(:r s:::: OWNER= /STREET-:: ADr ft E»:Sj= PARCEL::. 45164.0414 001852 PLAT ,..?# + c:lRrUNITY(TR..'1•-•142..1:N? .143....35 i...(:OT'::::ZONE:::: UR -3.5 D:i;ST:G::::: I:: F A= f' WIDTH= iiEi:,T•.1:::: .,i.:-. DWELLINGS= 1 WATER DIS :::: PAL..I...MER : JON T P 0 BOX 141 SPOKANE WA CONTACT JAMf:::::: SIERRA CONST. T:. PHONE t.tBE{=509 483 BUILDING .EizfA'I.:iCc': FRONT= NA i...EF.;:::: NA R.fGHT::.. NA REAR= = ',r Hk 3 k )M3G 3 3 3 k k L 3 Ai P3P)9 * 3 9 ) R 9 l i k BUILDING PCR ". ***************************.K 5904 'CONTRACTOR= STREET= NEW= DWELL UNITS= BLDG wi X T :::. REQ PARKING= SIERRA i::ONS• I RUC I ON ilio I::. 11s»? i...'f' O K. l AVE D SPOKANE WA 99207 REMODEL= x. OC:CI..tF` i.»(:3:::: SO F T = :H:Hfli`'j)''.Lc:(.AiP:::: DESCRIPTION GROUP REROOF RES R-3 ITEM DESCRIPTION ---------- RESIDENTIAL VALUATION STATE SURCHARGE RESIDENTIAL SURCHARGE ********K********************** PAYMENT DATE E 12/03/92 TOTAL Dt E= T'Yf:1E: VN PAYi'ENT. PHONE= 509 433 }5 '4 ADDITION= Bi..Dit I Ii.s i :::• SPRINKLER= N CRITICAL MAT= N CHANGE OF USE= STORIES= - SQ FT QUANTITY SUMMARY VALUATION 1274.00 FEE AMOUNT 4.50 6.30 1• * * 3+. * 3k 3C 3+.3.3i• ii ...3.3t• .,: h: i+:. it• h:• §i * i+: W*** RECEIPT:: 887 .00 T•t.)TAi... PAID= AMOUNT PAID 45.80 45.80 PERMIT TYPE FEE AMOUNT --------------- BUI.L_i>ING PERMIT 45.80 ---------- 45.80 PAYMENT AMOUNT 45.80 45.80 A!"#i;i%.jNT OWING 00 00 PROCESSED BY: BARRY HU 'F L.OE : PRINTED BY: BARRY HUSFL..OE,? 4* ){ " 3+.3k 3..... ;d• 3k .. 3+. •3+. *• 3+... 3t• 3+:• 3+. 3+. •3+.3+.3{ 3.3F 3{• :* •3i 3{ 3t• THANK YOU •3t• ii• 3t• a. 3i . 3i,• 3c 3t• .:. 3i 3+. * * :H 3!i 3i• 3 . * 3c 3{ 3E 3k 3}• 3+. 3e 3(• 3+. 3i .3;:.. 3r �: f