1998, 10-08 Title CertificationTITLE COMPANY CERTIFICATION I certify That the legal description of the land and ownership is true and correct per the real property records. NAME TITLE COMPANY/PHONE NUMBER SIGNATURE / POSITION DATE Finalize this application with a Licensing Agent within 10 calendar days of the date Title Com an R resentative signs. 6 BUILDING PERMIT OFFICE CERTIFICATION R - I certify that the manufactured home has been affixed to the real property as descrl ed, OR a building permit has been issued for this purpose and the attachment will be inspected upon cornpletion oit SPOKANE COUNTY BLDG PERMIT OFFICE/PHONE k .' 3 A _ - I f l SIGNA 6.' 'OSITION ---------7.DATE] O _ ' rYg DIVISION OF BUILDINGS ��� INSTRUCTIONS COMPLETE THE APPROPRIATE BOXES ON THE FORM AS INDICATED BELOW, DEPENDING UPON THE TRANSACTION YOU WISH TO PROCESS. A. Manufactured Home Title Elimination Application (complete boxes 1, 2, 3, 4 and 6). Use to eliminate a title for a manufactured !Ionia wliiclt is to become real property. B. Manufactured Home Transfer In Location Application (complete all boxes). Use only when a manufactured home (whose line has been eliminated) Is being moved to land with a different legal description AND will become part of the real property to which it will be moved and affixed. If the transfer In location is between two different counties, prepare this form in duplicate and have each recorded in its respective county, C. Manufactured Home Removal From Real Property Application (complete boxes 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5). Use when tilling a manufactured home whose title has been previously eliminated. Once properly completed and recorded, this application becomes a supporting document along with others required to apply for a Certificate of Title for the manufactured home. IMPORTANT: SIGNATURES OF THE OWNERS ON THE MANUFACTURED HOME APPLICATION INDICATE TERMINATION OF INTEREST IN THE MANUFACTURED HOME THROUGH TITLE PROVIDED BY CHAPTER 46.12 RCW AND INDICATE INTENT TO PERFECT INTEREST IN THE MANUFACTURED HOME AS REAL PROPERTY WITH THE LAND HE/SHE/THEY OWN AND TO WHICH IT IS/WILL BE AFFIXED. IF THE MANUFACTURED HOME IS BEING REMOVED FROM REAL PROPERTY, SIGNATURES OF THE OWNERS PER THE REAL PROPERTY RECORDS INDICATE CONSENT TO THE REMOVAL. THE FORM MAY THEN BE USED FOR MAKING APPLICATION FOR TITLE WITH THE DEPARTMENT OF LICENSING AS PROVIDED BY CHAPTER 46.12 RCW. Note: Owners of the manufactured home must own the land when the application is for a Manufactured Home Title Elimination or a Manufactured Home Transler In Location, as provided by Chapter 65.20 RCW. SECTION 1 Enter lire description of the manufactured dome. SECTION 2 Place an "X" in the appropriate box and enter the property tax parcel number, lot, block, plat number and seclion/township/range, when applicable. Write a legal description in the space provided. If there is nol enough room, use the Title Application Attachment (TD0420-732). When processing a 'Transfer in Location Application,' both boxes should be checked. The application must then be accompanied by Iwo separate land descriptions. SECTION 3 This area must be signed by all registered owners of the manufactured home when processing a line elimination. If the manufactured home has been sold and Is being removed from the real property, the owners per the real property records must complete this portion to obtain a Certificate of Title. Signatures of the owners must be notarized or crnrtified by the selling dealer or a vehicle licensing agent. Fees will include a Tiling and application lee plus sales or use lax due. Additional lees may include: a title elimination lee and a Mobile Home Affairs Fee. Subagents will charge an additional service lee. (Fees are subject to change without notice.) SECTION 4 'Take the properly completed Manufactured Home Application and all necessary supporting documents to the County Auditor/Licensing Agent Office for approval. Supporting documents may include but are not limited to: proof of ownership or a Manufacturer's Statement oI Origin (MSO), prool of taxes paid, and applicable release(s) of interest. Subagents may not complete the approval portion of this form. SECTION 5 The 'Title Company Cerlilication" box must he completed when processing a 'Transfer In Location" or a "Removal From Real Properly' application. Important: The final recorded application form must be submitted to a vehicle licensing agent within 10 days of the title company's certification. SECTION 6 When processing an "Elimination' or 'Transfer In Location" application, a city or county ollice (depending upon the location of the manufactured home) must certify That the home is affixed to the land;or, issue a building permit Io affix Ilia manufactured home to the land, inspecting the completed attachment. The issuing office must sign the application, adding the permit number if the inspection has not yet occurred. IMPORTANT: Once the application has been approved by the Comity Auditor/Licensing Agent Office, lake your application form to the County Recording Office, Retain proof of the recording lees paid. II the Recording 011ice retains your original application form, obtain a certified copy of the recorded form. APPLICANTS: Once recorded, you must return to a Vehicle Licensing office to file the Manufactured I tome Application, paying all required fees. The Department of Licensing has a policy of providing equal access to its services. If you need special accommodation, please call (360) 902-3600 or TDD (360) 664.8885. TD 420.729 MANUF HOME APPL (R/12/96)OR Page 1 of 2