PC APPROVED Minutes 09-25-14 Minutes Spokane Valley Planning Commission Council Chambers—City Hall, September 25,2014 Chair Stoy called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Commissioners, staff and audience stood for the pledge of allegiance. Ms. Horton took roll and the following members and staff were present: Kevin Anderson Lori Barlow, Senior Planner Christina Carlsen Cary Driskell, City Attorney Robert McCaslin Martin Palaniuk,Planner Mike Phillips Steven Neill Joe Stoy Sam Wood Deanna Horton, Secretary Commissioner Carlsen moved to approve the September 25, 2014 agenda as presented. Motion passed seven to zero. Commissioner Neill moved to approve the September 11, 2014 minutes as presented. Motion passed, six to zero. Commissioner Carlsen did not vote because she was absent from the September 11, 2014 meeting. COMMISSION REPORTS: Commissioner McCaslin reported he had attended the HUB All-Star Breakfast and the WSU Spokane 25th' Anniversary celebration. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT: Sr. Planner Lori Barlow stated Director Hohman updated the City Council on the Comprehensive Plan processes at the last Council meeting. The deadline for the annual Comprehensive Plan amendment process is November 1st. Staff has held three pre-application meetings, but no actual applications have been submitted. City Council has directed staff to begin the legislative Comprehensive Plan update which must be completed by 2017. PUBLIC COMMENT: There were no public comments. COMMISSION BUSINESS: Findings of Fact— CTA-2014-0003, Code text amendments to sections of Title 19, Title 22 and Appendix A of the Spokane Valley Municipal Code(SVMC): At the August 28, 2014, meeting the Commission conducted a public hearing on the proposed amendments to the SVMC. On September 11, 2014 the Commission continued their deliberations on the proposed amendments. Planner Marty Palaniuk began by discussing the amended language with the Commissioners. • Appendix A changing the Recreational Facility definition specifying indoor gun ranges; this amendment was passed as proposed. • Sections 19.40.010, 19.60.010, 19.70.010, and 19.70.020 removing screening requirement for community facilities and public utilities; this amendment was passed as proposed. • Section 19.60.010 removing the shared access requirement for new development; this amendment was passed as proposed. • Sections 19.60.040, 19.60.060, 19.60.070, 19.60.080, 19.70.010 modifying outdoor storage requirements, this proposal passed with the change to remove the requirements for front and flanking yards and add requirements for no storage in drainage easements and for meeting the requirements of the clearview triangle regulations. • Section 19.120.050, permitting Outdoor storage as a use, this amendment passed as proposed, • Section 19.120.050, allowing automobile/truck repair as a permitted use in Corridor Mixed Use and Community Commercial zones,this amendment passed as proposed. 09-25-14 Planning Commission Minutes Page 1 of 3 • Section 19.40.130 modifying development standards for Manufactured Home Parks; this amendment passed with a modification to the setback on the carport based on which side the car would access. • Section 19.120.050 permitting limited medical and dental clinic use in the MF-1 and MF-2 zones; this amendment was passed with modifications which would allow existing structures to increase by 10%. New structures would be permitted, but the square footage would be limited to the same amount of the original structure plus 10%. • Section 22.50.020 modifying the vehicle parking requirements; this amendment passed as proposed. • Section 22.50.030 modifying the off-street loading requirements; this amendment was passed with the modifications that no limitations as to where the loading dock could be located, defining the minimum loading space size as 12 feet.x 30 feet, no height restriction. • Section 22.50.040 modifying bicycle parking requirements; this amendment was passed with the modification of changing bicycle racks to bicycle spaces. • Table 22.50-2 modifying the table layout and specific activity parking requirements; this amendment was passed as prososed. When Mr. Palaniuk discussed the language for the amendment to the medical/dental facilities, Commissioner Carlsen said she did not feel the wording in the last condition was stated correctly. It was written: New or remodeled structure may not exceed 10% of the current building footprint. Commissioner Carlsen felt this meant a new building could only be 10% of the size of the building which had been on the property. After discussing the subject the language was changed to read New or remodeled structure may not exceed 110% of the current building footprint. Commissioner Carlsen moved to approve the Planning Commission findings and recommendation as they had been modified with the change in the language to the medical/dental amendment. This motion passed seven to zero. Study Session—Draft Shoreline Master Plan,Formal Adoption Process: Sr. Planner Lori Barlow gave the Commissioners an overview of the Shoreline Master Plan which is now ready for formal adoption by the City. The City began its update in 2009, and now the various components have been complied into the Shoreline Master Plan itself and its appropriate appendices. The Shoreline Master Plan Contains: • The Goals and Policies • The Environmental Designations • The Development Regulations • The Critical Areas Regulations Along with the appendices o Public Participation Plan o Shoreline Inventory o Shoreline Public Access Plan o Restoration Plan o Cumulative Impacts Analysis o No Net Loss Report The draft Plan will ready for a public hearing on October 9, 2014. After the public hearing, the Commission will send a recommendation to the City Council. The City Council will go through its adoption process and then forward the Plan to the Dept. of Ecology (DOE). The DOE will begin its own adoption process. This process will include a review, it could hold its own public hearing, and then either adopt the Plan or send it back to the City requesting changes to the Plan Ms. Barlow said the Plan had already been forwarded to the Technical Review Committee. The Commissioners asked if staff expected any comments at the public hearing. Ms. Barlow said that at this point she did not expect any comments which had not already have been heard and addressed, but 09-25-14 Planning Commission Minutes Page 2 of 3 that the issue of how the City is addressing the docks at Coyote Rock would be one which would likely come up again. Commissioners noted the copies they had had some numbering issues which were not completely in line with the Table of Contents. Ms. Barlow explained staff were still reviewing the documents for consistency, common language, numbering, etc. since some of the items had not been looked at since they were first approved by Council resolution. Some of the documents were approved 2009/2010 and differing terms were used in the documents. The task to bring them all together and make them consistent had not been completed yet. The goal is to have the document polished and refined prior to sending it on to the City Council for review, but it would not likely happen prior to the public hearing. GOOD OF THE ORDER: Ms. Horton asked the Commissioners to return their Comprehensive Plan notebooks to the City for an updated version. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 7:29 p.m. Joe Stoy, Chairperson Date signed Deanna Horton, Secretary 09-25-14 Planning Commission Minutes Page 3 of 3