2002, 12-03 Study Session Minutes INFORMATION ONLY-NO ACTION REQUIRED City of Spokane Valley City Council Study Session Notes December 3, 2002 Mayor Mike DeVleming opened the Study Session at 8:10 p.m. Councilmembers present: Mayor Mike DeVleming, Deputy Mayor Diana Wilhite, Councilmembers Steve Taylor, Gary Schimmels, Rich Munson, Mike Flanigan, and Dick Denenny. Staff present: Interim City Manager Lee Walton, Interim Finance Director Bob Noack, Interim Public Works Director Dick Warren, Interim Receptionist Karin Bosworth, and Interim City Clerk Ruth Muller Visitors: 24 visitors Interim Manager Walton reviewed information he has obtained from the landlord of the space being used by the City at Redwood Plaza about what the City may be able to do to reconfigure some of the space for better use. The landlord needs to see the scope of proposed changes before a dollar amount per square foot can be determined. Councilmembers discussed options for utilizing all space, need to develop schematic drawing for desired configuration, and need for a lease. Consensus of the Council is to proceed with a schematic drawing for the space needed. Interim Manager Walton suggested that the City of Spokane Valley develop a process for conducting a logo contest for the City. This is a good way to involve the community schools and all residents. There was some discussion as to the possibility of a name change for the City, but Council agreed that this must be citizen driven, and the Council must proceed at this time to order supplies and provide City signs. Consensus of the Council is to begin developing rules for a logo contest for the City logo. Councilmember Schimmels has obtained information about some chairs that can be obtained for use in our meeting room, and will explore more and negotiate for possible purchase. Staff is still working on developing a list of organizations to which the City should appoint staff or Council for participation on behalf of Spokane Valley. Councilmembers agreed that there should be some areas set aside for their use to store documentation and read information at City Hall. Interim Manager Walton also indicated that Council should use staff for any secretarial assistance they may need. An interim letterhead design was selected for use at this time. INFORMATION ONLY-N.,ACTION REQUIRED Following brief discussion of the need for committees, it was agreed that at this time the only committee necessary is a Finance Committee, that the mayor will have appointments for confirmation ready for the Dec. 10, 2002 regular meeting. Mayor DeVleming suggested that the City hold an open house at Interim City Hall, and Council agreed that an event will be planned for sometime after the first of the year. Interim Attorney Schwartz reported that items necessary for Council meetings are in work at his office, so that all ordinances, resolutions, agreements should be submitted to the City in a timely fashion. Questions raised during meetings will be answered at that time, or soon thereafter, and if Councilmembers have questions prior to meetings, he will respond. Mayor DeVleming closed the Study Session at 9:12. p.m. ( Interim ity Clerk NOTE: It is our practice to provide Study Session Notes for information, but these are not included as action items on Council agendas.